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Susceptibility to protoxin and toxin forms of Cry1Ab and the binding of (125)I-labeled Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac has been examined in three Plodia interpunctella colonies, one susceptible (688(s)) and two resistant (198(r) and Dpl(r)) to Bacillus thuringiensis. Toxicological studies showed that the 198(r) colony was 11-fold more resistant to Cry1Ab protoxin than to Cry1Ab activated toxin, whereas the Dpl(r) colony was 4-fold more resistant to protoxin versus toxin. Binding results with (125)I-labeled toxins indicated the occurrence of two different binding sites for Cry1Ab in the susceptible insects, one of them shared with Cry1Ac. Cry1Ab binding was found to be altered in insects from both resistant colonies, though in different ways. Compared with the susceptible colony, insects from the Dpl(r) colony showed a drastic reduction in binding affinity (60-fold higher K(d)), although they had similar concentrations of binding sites. Insects from the 198(r) colony showed a slight reduction in both binding affinity and binding site concentration (five-fold-higher K(d) and ca. three-fold-lower R(t) compared with the 688(s) colony). No major difference in Cry1Ac binding was found among the three colonies. The fact that the 198(r) colony also has a protease-mediated mechanism of resistance (B. Oppert, R. Hammel, J. E. Throne, and K. J. Kramer, J. Biol. Chem. 272:23473-23476, 1997) is in agreement with our toxicological data in which this colony has a different susceptibility to the protoxin and toxin forms of Cry1Ab. It is noteworthy that the three colonies used in this work derived originally from ca. 100 insects, which reflects the high variability and high frequency of B. thuringiensis resistance genes occurring in natural populations.  相似文献   

Biological control using hymenopteran parasitoids presents an attractive alternative to insecticides for reducing infestations and damage from the Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), in retail and warehouse environments. We examined the potential for using combinations of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma deion Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), and the larval parasitoid Habrobracon hebetor (Say) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) for preventing infestations of P. interpunctella in coarse-ground cornmeal as well as the influence of packaging on parasitoid effectiveness. Treatments included one or both parasitoids and either cornmeal infested with P. interpunctella eggs or eggs deposited on the surface of plastic bags containing cornmeal. H. hebetor had a significant impact on the number of live P. interpunctella, suppressing populations by approximately 71% in both unbagged and bagged cornmeal. In contrast, T. deion did not suppress P. interpunctella in unbagged cornmeal. However, when released on bagged cornmeal, T. deion significantly increased the level of pest suppression (87%) over bagging alone (15%). When H. hebetor was added to bagged cornmeal, there was a significant reduction of live P. interpunctella compared with the control (70.6%), with a further reduction observed when T. deion was added (96.7%). These findings suggest that, in most situations, a combined release of both T. deion and H. hebetor would have the greatest impact; because even though packaging may protect most of the stored products, there are usually areas in the storage landscape where poor sanitation is present.  相似文献   

Densities of 10, 20, and 30 hard red winter wheat kernels, Triticum aestivum L., were infested with different life stages of the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (L.), mixed with 35 g of wheat treated with 300 ppm of the Protect-It (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) formulation of diatomaceous earth (DE), and held at 22, 27, and 32 degrees C. A similar test was conducted by exposing densities of 6, 12, and 18 corn kernels infested with different life stages of the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky, mixed with 30 g of corn, Zea mays L., treated with 300 ppm of DE. Mortality of adults emerging from kernels in wheat treated with DE was always greater than controls, and ranged from 56 to 90% at 22 degrees C and was >90% at 27 and 32 degrees C. In most treatment combinations, exposure to DE suppressed F1 progeny by 60-90% relative to untreated controls. Mortality of adult maize weevils on treated corn held at 22 and 27 degrees C was lower than mortality of rice weevils on wheat, and ranged from 4 to 84%. F1 production was low in corn held at 22 degrees C, and no F1s were produced in either the controls or the treatments at 32 degrees C. In treated corn held at 27 degrees C, exposure to the DE suppressed F1 progeny by approximately 70-80% relative to the untreated controls. Results of this study show that rice weevils and maize weevils emerging from infested kernels as adults are susceptible to DE, and these results are comparable to other studies in which adult weevils were exposed directly on wheat or corn treated with DE. Although adult weevils will be killed by exposure to DE, some oviposition could still occur and progeny suppression may not be complete; however, application of DE to commodities already infested with internal feeders, such as the rice weevil and the maize weevil, could help eliminate or suppress the infestation.  相似文献   

[目的] 明确四川省西南浅丘稻区稻水象甲成虫种群在水稻不同生育期的空间格局及抽样技术,为获取准确稻水象甲虫情调查资料和制定有效的综合防控措施提供理论依据。[方法] 调整水稻播栽时间,错开2组试验田水稻的生育期,用聚集度指标法、回归模型法和频次卡方检验法分析稻水象甲成虫种群的空间格局及水稻生育期对空间聚集特性的影响,并对田间序贯抽样技术和抽样方法进行研究。[结果] 不同田块稻水象甲成虫平均密度为0.48~5.83头·丛-1,分蘖期水稻田虫口密度显著高于抽穗期。稻水象甲成虫在不同水稻生育期稻田间呈负二项聚集分布,基本成分为个体群,个体间相互吸引,聚集强度随种群密度的升高而增加。当种群密度较低时,其聚集由环境因素引起;种群密度较高时,其聚集为其自身的聚集习性与环境因素共同引起。双对角线抽样法是稻水象甲成虫田间抽样的最佳方法,当稻水象甲成虫防治指标为1头·丛-1时,Iwao序贯抽样模型为T1(nT0(n=n±1.96√2.286n,结合Kuno序贯抽样模型建立了用于田间抽样的复序贯抽样图。[结论] 稻水象甲成虫在不同水稻生育期稻田间呈负二项聚集分布,分蘖期水稻田虫口密度显著高于抽穗期,双对角线抽样法是稻水象甲成虫田间抽样的最佳方法。  相似文献   

Summary We conducted experiments in replicated circular streams to measure the effect of intraspecific larval density on growth rates, size at emergence, timing of emergence, and fecundity of two species of predatory stoneflies (Megarcys signata and Kogotus modestus, Perlodidae). Early instars of both species showed no significant effect of intraspecific larval density on mean growth rates, despite the observation that in the absence of competitors stoneflies ate on average, significantly more prey (Baetis bicaudatus, Ephemeroptera, Baetidae) than in the presence of competitors. However, larval size of stoneflies held at higher densities (two per chamber) diverged over time, resulting in a greater size variability (coefficient of variation) among Kogotus than in treatments with low densities of stoneflies (one per chamber). The effect of doubling the density of early-instar Megarcys larvae was also asymmetrical, resulting in one larger and one smaller individual. In contrast, doubling the density of last-instar stoneflies whose feeding rates declined significantly prior to emergence had few measurable consequences, except that male Megarcys, which continued to feed throughout the last instar, had lower average feeding rates in high-density than in low-density chambers, and emerged at a significantly smaller mean size. We conclude that competition between early-instar stonefly larvae results in an asymmetry of body sizes, but that competitive effects are reduced as larvae slow or cease feeding before emergence. Since larger females of both stonefly species produced more eggs, the probable cost to females of early-instar larval competition was a reduction in their potential contribution of offspring to the next generation. The cost of attaining a smaller body size for male stoneflies is unknown; but if, as in many other insects, larger males have greater reproductive success, larval competition may increase the opportunity for sexual selection among males. This hypothesis remains to be tested experimentally.  相似文献   

To determine the process of regulation of Unaspis yanonensis (Kuwana) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) by the two introduced parasitoids, Aphytis yanonensis DeBach et Rosen and Coccobius fulvus (Compere et Annecke) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), the temporal changes in the population density of U. yanonensis as well as the parasitism rates were monitored for eight years before and after the release of the two parasitoids in a Satsuma mandarin orange (Citrus unshiu Marc. (Rutaceae)) orchard. From 2–4 years after the release, the parasitism rate by C. fulvus gradually increased, eventually reaching 70%, while that by A. yanonensis showed a weak increase, remaining under 12%. During this period, the host density decreased to about 1/100 of the initial density. After the drastic decrease, the host density remained under 1/60 of the level previous to the release for at least 2 years with the populations of both parasitoids persisting. To estimate the ability of the two parasitoids to regulate the populations of U. yanonensis, life tables of U. yanonensis under natural conditions and predator/parasitoid-exclusion (bagged) conditions were compared. It was demonstrated that C. fulvus and A. yanonensis impose about 70% mortality rate on the host at mature adult stages and about 30% on the host at immature adult stages. The results have strongly confirmed the high capability of the two parasitoids as biological control agents for U. yanonensis, which was suggested by earlier studies. However, contrary to those studies, the present study did not support the complementarity of the two parasitoids in regulating the host population, suggesting that the effectiveness of C. fulvus alone in regulating the host population at low levels.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of competition pressure on the sequential pattern of adult emergence was studied by using the experimental population of the azuki bean weevil. The density and pattern of emergence curves of the parental adult induced the changes in the shape of emergence curve of the progeny as well as the number of progeny individuals. In order to explain these changes, a simple mathematical model which has two independent variables, the population density and the capacity of environment, was introduced. The model generated basically similar patterns of emergene curves as observed in the present experiments. This means that the model displayed well the competition pressure which differentially acted upon early-born and late-born individuals in the populations being at different densities and which were differentially received by individual progeny according to the sequential distributions of parents. This different severity of competition pressure resulted in the difference of time when the pressure compelled influences on the sequential distribution of adult emergence. Therefore, early developed individuals may have good chance to survive, but the competition pressure works as a factor modifying their fundamental superiority, especially in the scramble type of competition. Intense crowding of the azuki bean weevil gave rise to the scramble type of competition in the relation between the numbers of adults emerged in two successive generations. When parental emergence concentrated in a short term and at high density, the competition becomes intense, resulting in the inferiority of early developed individuals, in the decrease in number at the next generation and in the increase of duration for emergence.  相似文献   

稻水象甲田间种群动态及化学控制技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稻水象甲在福建省霞浦县长春镇田间种群发生动态的调查结果表明:5月中旬是稻水象甲越冬代成虫迁入稻田为害高峰期,5月下旬成虫种群数量迅速降低,并有少量幼虫开始为害水稻根部;6月初是幼虫发生为害高峰期,蛹高峰期出现在6月中旬,并开始有一代成虫羽化。药剂筛选试验结果表明:20%丁硫克百威乳油、48%毒死蜱乳油、40%三唑磷乳油、5%锐劲特悬浮剂对稻水象甲成虫具有良好的田间控制效果,药后7d防效均在92.31%—100%;5%丁硫克百威颗粒剂、15%乐斯本颗粒剂、3%呋喃丹颗粒剂施药后7d对稻水象甲幼虫的防效90.03%—93.56%。化学综合防治示范区水稻分蘖数和株高均显著大于对照区。  相似文献   

The transmission pattern of Zonothrix columbianus (Nematoda: Oxyurida) in its host Tropisternus columbianus (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae), an aquatic beetle, was studied to determine whether parasites were dispersed with their hosts and to examine the possible role of intraspecific competition in limiting population size. Beetles were sampled at regular intervals from fall 1986 through fall 1989 and examined for worms. Worms, absent in larval stages of the host, were uncommon in newly metamorphosed beetles and therefore probably do not infect adult stages until after they have dispersed; worms are not dispersed with the host. Prevalence reached its lowest points in spring and fall when newly metamorphosed beetles were most common, but it was near 100% for most of the year. Worms were uniformly distributed in the host population. Many hosts had exactly 1 male and 1 female worm; the high prevalence suggests that this infrahost population results from interference competition between males on the one hand and females on the other. Only 3 of 285 beetles contained more than 1 male. Females shared the host with members of the same sex more commonly than males, but females from hosts harboring more than 1 female had significantly fewer eggs than lone females in hosts. Numbers of adult stages of beetles were estimated during spring, summer, and fall of 1989 and were lower in early spring and late fall. Because worms do not disperse with hosts, the panmictic unit could be estimated from the number of infected beetles; this probably was about 50 individuals during the winter bottleneck.  相似文献   

为查明塔里木河下游不同水分梯度下胡杨种内竞争以及空间分布格局的变化规律,在塔里木河下游阿拉干断面选取3条样带,每条样带内依照水分梯度布设3个样方,采用Hegyi单木竞争模型与点格局等分析方法,探究了水分梯度下胡杨林种内竞争及空间格局变化特征。结果表明:1)塔里木河下游胡杨的最适竞争范围为10m; 2)胡杨竞争指数与胸径服从幂函数关系(P<0.001),胡杨竞争指数随对象木胸径的增加而逐渐减小,当对象木胸径达到20cm以上时,其竞争指数逐渐稳定,且维持在较低水平;3)随水分梯度的降低,胡杨林分竞争指数呈下降趋势;4)在塔里木河下游,胡杨空间格局主要为聚集分布,随空间尺度的增加,胡杨逐渐趋向于随机分布;5)随水分梯度的降低,胡杨空间格局由聚集分布逐渐转变为随机分布。水分是决定极端干旱区荒漠植被空间分布与结构的主要因子;在胡杨林分管理中,应充分考虑胡杨的种内竞争、空间格局及其与水分梯度之间关系,为塔里木河下游胡杨林的保护与更新提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Classical biological control of insect pests and weeds may lead to potential conflicts, where insect pests are closely related to weed biological control agents. Such a conflict may occur in the classical biological control of the cabbage seedpod weevil, Ceutorhynchus obstrictus (Marsham) in North America, which belongs to the same subfamily, Ceutorhynchinae, as a number of agents introduced or proposed for introduction against non-indigenous invasive weed species. We propose a step-by-step procedure to select non-target species and thereby to develop a non-target species test list for screening candidate entomophagous biological control agents of a herbivore pest insect in a way that would simultaneously evaluate non-target potential on weed biological control agents and other non-target species. Using these recommendations, we developed a non-target test list for host specificity evaluations in the area of origin (Europe) and the area of introduction (North America) for cabbage seedpod weevil parasitoids. Scientifically based predictions on expected host–parasitoid interactions and ecological information about the ecological host range in the area of origin can help avoid conflicts, while still allowing the introduction of safe and effective agents against both insect pests and weeds.  相似文献   

The diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), is one of the most destructive cosmopolitan insect pests of brassicaceous crops. It was the first crop insect reported to be resistant to DDT and now, in many crucifer producing regions, it has shown significant resistance to almost every synthetic insecticide applied in the field. In certain parts of the world, economical production of crucifers has become almost impossible due to insecticidal control failures. Consequently, increased efforts worldwide have been undertaken to develop integrated pest management (IPM) programs, principally based on manipulation of its natural enemies. Although over 130 parasitoid species are known to attack various life stages of DBM, most control worldwide is achieved by relatively few hymenopteran species belonging to the ichneumonid genera Diadegma and Diadromus, the braconid genera Microplitis and Cotesia, and the eulophid genus Oomyzus. DBM populations native to different regions have genetic and biological differences, and specific parasitoid strains may be associated with the specific DBM strains. Therefore, accurate identification based on genetic studies of both host and parasitoid is of crucial importance to attaining successful control of DBM through inoculative or inundative releases. Although parasitoids of DBM larvae and pupae are currently its principal regulators, bacteria-derived products (e.g., crystal toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis) and myco-insecticides principally based on Zoophthora radicans and Beauveria bassiana are increasingly being applied or investigated for biological control. Viruses, nematodes and microsporidia also have potential as biopesticides for DBM. When an insect pest is exposed to more than one mortality factor, there is the possibility of interactions that can enhance, limit, or limit and enhance the various aspects of effectiveness of a particular control tactic. This paper reviews the effectiveness of various parasitoids and entomopathogens against DBM, interactions among them, and their possible integration into modern IPM programs.  相似文献   

Tea is a perennial and evergreen plant. Cultivated tea trees provide a habitat for insect pests and their natural enemies. In Japan, granuloviruses (GVs) have successfully controlled two of the most important pests of tea, Adoxophyes honmai and Homona magnanima (Tortricidae: Lepidoptera). The GVs are produced in vivo and a single application sustains pesticidal efficacy throughout a year, which encompasses 4 to 5 discrete generations of both species. A. honmai and H. magnanima also have various natural enemies, especially hymenopteran parasitoids. Such resident natural enemies also play a role in reducing the pest density in virus-controlled fields, but the effect of virus infection on parasitoids sharing the same host larva has not been well studied. Survival of one of the major parasitoids ofA. honmai, Ascogaster reticulata (Braconidae: Hymenoptera), is reduced by virus infection of the host. Viruses, including GV and entomopoxvirus (EPV), and certain koinobiont endoparasitoids, including A. reticulata, are both known to regulate host endocrinology. However, the GV and EPV have distinct host regulation mechanisms, and consequently have different impacts on the survival of A. retuculata, when A. reticulata parasitizes a host that is infected with either GV or EPV. These additional effects on host regulation displayed by both viruses and parasitoids affect the outcome of virus-parasitoid interactions.  相似文献   

Strains of fluorescent and nonfluorescent bacteria that were isolated from rice rhizospheres of Southern India and showed antagonism towardsRhizoctonia solani were evaluated for biological control of rice sheath-blight (ShB). Efficient strains of bacteria inhibited mycelial growth ofR. solani, affected sclerotial viabilityin vitro and protected IR 20 and TKM 9 rice seedlings from infection byR. solani in greenhouse tests. Pretreatment of sclerotia in bacterial suspensions resulted in reductions in ShB lesion sizes up to 31 to 44% in IR20 and 58 to 74% in TKM 9 rice. In field plots, IR 50 and TKM 9 rice plants raised from bacterized seeds had 65 to 72% less ShB than those plants from untreated seeds.  相似文献   

Habitat management is an important element in sustainable agriculture and can be used to maximize a range of ecosystem services that support crop production. An important example of such ecosystem services is biological control of pests which can be enhanced by providing arthropod natural enemies with suitable floral resources. The potential risk of this approach, however, is that flowering plants may enhance the fitness of the targeted pests as well. We conducted experiments to identify selective plant species that would improve the longevity and parasitization rate of the parasitoid wasp Microplitis mediator without benefiting its host pest, the cabbage moth Mamestra brassicae. Effects on longevity were also assessed for Diadegma fenestrale, a generalist parasitoid wasp attacking lepidopteran pests. Additionally, we compared the effects of floral and extrafloral nectar, the latter being formed in some plant species and can significantly prolong the duration of nectar availability for natural enemies. Longevity of M. mediator and D. fenestrale as well as parasitization rates of M. mediator were significantly increased by the presence of Fagopyrum esculentum (floral nectar), Centaurea cyanus (floral and extrafloral nectar) and non-flowering Vicia sativa (extrafloral nectar). M. mediator parasitized 202.3 ± 29.7 M. brassicae larvae during its lifetime when presented F. esculentum, compared to 14.4 ± 3.4 larvae in the absence of floral resources. Extrafloral nectar of C. cyanus and V. sativa was as suitable for M. mediator as floral nectar and significantly increased longevity and parasitization rates. Longevity and fecundity of M. brassicae were not supported by the plant species tested. These results stress the importance of plant screening to achieve plant selectivity and to maximize biological control. F. esculentum, C. cyanus and V. sativa are recommended as selective plant species to enhance parasitoids of M. brassicae.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to select a candidate strain of Trichogrammatidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) to control the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), an important pest of cabbage in Europe. The parasitic efficiency of Trichogramma chilonis Ishii from Japan and Réunion Island, Trichogramma evanescens Westwood from Egypt, Trichogramma ostriniae Pang & Chen from Japan, and Trichogramma semblidis (Aurivillius) from France was studied with sentinel eggs in greenhouse‐grown cauliflower. The percentage of parasitized eggs was measured 1 m from the release point and 3 days after release. Two factors were studied: host‐egg density (three eggs per stem vs. 50 eggs per stem) and plant size (50–100 cm high plants vs. 100–150 cm high plants). Trichogramma evanescens from Egypt achieved the best parasitism. Parasitism efficiency of T. ostriniae from Japan and T. chilonis from Réunion Island was not influenced by egg density. In contrast, parasitism efficiencies of the three other strains were higher at the lower egg density than at the higher egg density. Parasitism efficiency was lower when the plants were bigger, with the exception of T. chilonis from Réunion Island, for which the level of parasitism was not affected by plant size. Thus, T. chilonis from Réunion Island appeared to be the most suitable Trichogramma strain for use in controlling P. xylostella, regardless of the growth stage of the crop. However, T. ostriniae from Japan may also be more suitable for use on cauliflower crops at the early stage of crop development. If potential problems related to the introduction of exotic species are taken into consideration, it is possible to consider the native T. evanescens.  相似文献   

The sunflower stem weevil, Cylindrocopturus adspersus (LeConte) (Coleoptera:Curculionidae), is apest of cultivated sunflower (Helianthusannuus L) from the southern to the northernGreat Plains. The incidence of weevilinfestation in fields from the six differentstates sampled during 1996 and 1997 ranged from33% (Minnesota) to 100% (Kansas, Colorado,Nebraska). Weevil populations in the fieldssampled were statistically greater in thecentral Plains (Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska)with a mean of 12.3 and 19.5 larvae per stalkcompared with the northern Plains (North andSouth Dakota, Minnesota) of 0.7 and 1.3 larvaeper stalk in 1996 and 1997, respectively.Parasitization of weevils varied from field tofield ranging from 1 to 100%, but was usuallyless than 20%. The nine species oflarval parasitoids recovered were allHymenoptera and included: Nealioluscurculionis (Fitch), N. collaris(Brues), Bracon sp. (Braconidae); Neocatolaccus tylodermae (Ashmead), Chlorocytus sp., Pteromalus sp.(Pteromalidae); Quadrastichus ainslieiGahan (Eulophidae), Eurytoma tylodermatisAshmead (Eurytomidae); and Eupelmus sp.(Eupelmidae). Nealiolus curculionis wasthe most prevalent parasitoid reared from C. adspersus, and it was recovered from allstates sampled. Parasitoid species richness wasgreatest in the central Plains. Thereduced number of parasitoid species foundattacking C. adspersus in the northernPlains may be caused by low host populationlevels, slow migration by parasitoids into theregion, or lack of adaptation to climaticconditions. Additional work to understandthe population dynamics of the parasitoidcomplex associated with C. adspersus mayresult in improved biological control of thesunflower stem weevil in cultivatedsunflower.  相似文献   

1. Both direct and indirect competition can have profound effects on species abundance and expansion rates, especially for a species trying to strengthen a foothold in new areas, such as the winter moth (Operophtera brumata) currently in northernmost Finland. There, winter moths have overlapping outbreak ranges with autumnal moths (Epirrita autumnata), who also share the same host, the mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii). Competitive interactions are also possible, but so far unstudied, are explanations for the observed 1–3 years phase lag between the population cycles of the two moth species. 2. In two field experiments, we studied host plant‐mediated indirect inter‐specific competition and direct interference/exploitation competition between autumnal and winter moths. The experimental larvae were grown either with the competing species or with the same number of conspecifics until pupation. Inter‐specific competition was judged from differences in pupal mass (reflecting lifespan fecundity), larval development time and larval survival. 3. Larval performance measurements suggested that neither direct nor indirect inter‐specific competition with the autumnal moth reduce the growth rate of winter moth populations. Winter moths even had a higher probability of survival when reared together with autumnal moths. 4. Thus, we conclude that neither direct nor indirect inter‐specific competition is capable of suppressing the spread of the winter moth outbreak range and that both are also an unlikely cause for the phase lag between the phase‐locked population cycles of the two moth species.  相似文献   

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