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The exotic ambrosia beetles Xylosandrus crassiusculus (Motschulsky) and Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) are serious pests in ornamental tree nurseries. To optimize bottle-traps as a monitoring system for X. crassiusculus and X. germanus in nurseries, we tested whether increasing the rate of commercial ethanol lures improved captures or early detection of these species. Experiments were conducted in Ohio (2008 and 2009) and Virginia (2008), two states that have experienced significant damage from X. crassiusculus, X. germanus, or both. There were four treatments: no-lure (unbaited control), 1-ethanol lure, 2-ethanol lures and 1 + 1-ethanol lures (one lure in the trap and one suspended 0.5 m above the trap). Captures of X. crassiusculus and X. germanus were higher in all ethanol treatments than unbaited controls, and were generally higher in treatments with two lures versus one. There was no difference in beetle captures between the 2-lure and 1 + 1-lure treatments. First detection of X. crassiusculus and X. germanus occurred more consistently in the treatments with two lures than one lure. Xyleborinus saxesenii (Ratzeburg), Anisandrus sayi Hopkins, Hypothenemus dissimilis Zimmermann, and Hypothenemus eruditus Westwood were also more attracted to traps baited with ethanol than unbaited controls. X. saxesenii was captured in higher numbers in the treatments with two lures than one in Virginia but not in Ohio. There was no difference in captures of the other species among ethanol treatments. The current research shows that ethanol release rates influence sensitivity of traps for detecting emergence of overwintered ambrosia beetles.  相似文献   

We assessed the effect of geographical distance on insect species turnover in a situation where other major environmental factors, including host plant species, altitude, and climate, were constant. We sampled ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera, Curculionidae: Scolytinae and Platypodinae) from four tree species: Artocarpus altilis , Ficus nodosa , Leea indica and Nauclea orientalis , at three sites forming a 1000 km transect in lowland rainforests of northern Papua New Guinea. A standardized volume of wood from trunk, branches and twigs was sampled for ambrosia beetles from three individuals of the four tree species at each site. Each tree was killed standing and left exposed to beetle colonization for 20 days prior to sampling. We obtained 12 751 individuals from 84 morphospecies of ambrosia beetles. We surveyed most of the local species richness at each site, predicted by Chao 2 species richness estimates. The similarity of ambrosia beetle communities, estimated by Chao-Sorensen index, was not correlated with their geographical distance. Likelihood analysis and Q-mode analysis using Monte Carlo-generated null distribution of beetles among sites supported the hypothesis that the assemblages of ambrosia beetles at different sites are drawn from the same species pool, regardless of their geographical distance. Tree part (trunk, branch, or twig) was more important predictor of the composition of ambrosia beetle communities than was the host species or geographical location. All three variables, however, explained only a small portion of variability in ambrosia assemblages. The distribution of ambrosia beetles among tree parts, tree species and study sites was mostly random, suggesting limited importance of host specificity or dispersal limitation.  相似文献   

Ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) pose a significant challenge to producers of ornamental nursery stock. Conventional insecticides are commonly used for management purposes, but plant-derived essential oils also may discourage ambrosia beetles from initiating attacks. To identify promising commercially available products, field-based efficacy trials were conducted in Ohio in 2009 and 2010 with the following products: Armorex (Soil Technologies), Cinnacure (Proguard, Inc.), EcoTrol (EcoSMART Technologies, Inc.), and Veggie Pharm (Pharm Solutions, Inc.). Potted Magnolia virginiana L. were first injected with 75 ml of 5% ethanol to ensure ambrosia beetle pressure on experimental trees. Mixtures of each product (10% in water) and a water control were applied until runoff and attacks occurring under field conditions were quantified at 1, 4, 7, and 14 d after treatment (DAT). Ambrosia beetle attacks generally increased over time but at differing rates depending on the particular treatment. In 2009, Armorex and Veggie Pharm were associated with the lowest cumulative attacks 14 DAT. In 2010, Armorex and Cinnacure were associated with the fewest attacks 14 DAT. Solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to characterize the volatile compounds associated with each product. Allyl isothiocyanate, a compound with known repellent and insecticidal properties, was unique and predominant in Armorex. These experiments identified commercially available botanicals containing plant essential oils with activity against ambrosia beetles, along with demonstrating the usefulness of ethanol-injection to ensure ambrosia beetle pressure under field conditions. Characterizing the constituents of efficacious botanically based products could also lead to the development of improved botanical insecticides.  相似文献   

Abstract Scolytine weevils (bark and ambrosia beetles) have a unique ecological significance in forest ecosystems, which equates to major effects on landscape ecology and to monetary losses. Fossilized galleries of scolytines have been reported in Late Mesozoic wood, but here we describe a well‐preserved body fossil from the Cretaceous, c. 100 Ma, preserved in amber from northern Myanmar. Moreover, the specimen is remarkably similar to Recent species of the genus Microborus, revealing stasis unexpected within scolytines and thus highlighting the antiquity of the group. Stratigraphic dating and comparison of insect palaeofaunas included in other well‐dated ambers from multiple sites support the age estimate of the Burmese amber. A minimum age for one clade of scolytines is thus established, indicating an early divergence of scolytines from other weevils in the Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous and challenging the current perspective of weevil evolution.  相似文献   

Scolytine bark beetles are the most destructive pests of conifers; they sometimes aggregate in such large numbers that they actually kill their hosts. They maintain close relationships with yeasts and fungi, in particular those that are assumed to aid in digestive, detoxification processes and pheromone production. In this study, 403 yeast strains were isolated from the guts, ovaries, eggs and frass of nine bark beetle species in the genus Dendroctonus Erichson. The beetles were collected from 10 conifer species at 34 locations in Mexico, Guatemala and the USA. Yeast identification was based on partial DNA sequences from 18S rDNA, 26S rDNA and internal transcribed spacer (ITS1), as well as morphological and physiological characteristics. A combined phylogenetic analysis delimited 11 clades with sequences similar to Candida arabinofermentans , C. ernobii , C. membranifaciens (including C. lessepsii , Pichia mexicana and P. scolyti ), C. oregonensis , C. piceae , Kuraishia capsulata (including K. capsulata and K. cf. molischiana ), Pichia americana , P. canadensis , P. glucozyma , P. guilliermondii and an undescribed species of Candida . Nucleotide divergences between the major clades were at least 5% while, with the exception of 30 isolates, yeasts within clades differed from named reference species at fewer than 1% of the nucleotide sites. There do not appear to be obligate relationships between particular yeasts and specific anatomical partitions, nor between particular yeasts and bark beetle species. Some yeasts do appear to be preferentially associated with bark beetles feeding on different conifer genera and therefore host plant defences may limit yeast community diversity in Dendroctonus .  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 325–342.  相似文献   

Economic and biological consequences are associated with exotic ambrosia beetles and their fungal associates. Despite this, knowledge of ambrosia beetles and their ecological interactions remain poorly understood, especially in the oak-hickory forest region. We examined how forest stand and site characteristics influenced ambrosia beetle habitat use as evaluated by species richness and abundance of ambrosia beetles, both the native component and individual exotic species. We documented the species composition of the ambrosia beetle community, flight activity, and habitat use over a 2-yr period by placing flight traps in regenerating clearcuts and older oak-hickory forest stands differing in topographic aspect. The ambrosia beetle community consisted of 20 species with exotic ambrosia beetle species dominating the community. Similar percentages of exotic ambrosia beetles occurred among the four forest habitats despite differences in stand age and aspect. Stand characteristics, such as stand age and forest structure, influenced ambrosia beetle richness and the abundances of a few exotic ambrosia beetle species and the native ambrosia beetle component. Topographic aspect had little influence on ambrosia beetle abundance or species richness. Older forests typically have more host material than younger forests and our results may be related to the amount of dead wood present. Different forms of forest management may not alter the percent contribution of exotic ambrosia beetles to the ambrosia beetle community.  相似文献   

The presence and diversity of beetle pathogens associated with different tree species in Bulgaria was investigated. In total, 818 specimens belonging to 22 beetle species were examined. Pathogens occurred in 9 host species. The infections were found in the gut (virus, nematodes, protozoans, microsporidia) and haemolymph (nematodes) of the infected insects. The following pathogen species: ItEPV, Beauveria bassiana, B. brongniartii, Isaria farinosa, Gregarina typographi, Gregarina spp., Chytridiopsis typographi, Chytridiopsis sp., and nematodes were revealed. Insects with mycoses were mummified and filled up with fungal structures, formed pseudosclerotium. Most pathogens were established in bark beetles (Scolytinae). For the first time, the fungus B. bassiana was reported in Tomicus piniperda, Orthotomicus longicollis, O. erosus, X. spinole, Taphrorychus villifrons and Phylobius sp. in Bulgaria. We also present the first records of gregarines in O. longicollis, Acanthocinus aedilis, Rhagium inquisitor, Pyrochroa coccinea, and of the microsporidium Chytridiopsis sp. in O. longicollis.  相似文献   

Bark beetles in the genus Dendroctonus may attack and kill several species of coniferous trees, some of them causing major economic losses in temperate forests throughout North and Central America. For this reason, they have been widely studied. However, various aspects of the taxonomy and evolutionary history of the group remain contentious. The genus has been subdivided in species groups according to morphological, biological, karyological or molecular attributes, but the evolutionary affinities among species and species groups within the genus remain uncertain. In this study, phylogenetic relationships among Dendroctonus species were reassessed through parsimony‐based cladistic analysis of morphological and DNA sequence data. Phylogenetic inference was based on 36 morphological characters and on mitochondrial DNA sequences of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene. Analyses were carried out for each dataset, as well as for the combined data analysed simultaneously, under equal and implied weights. According to the combined analysis, the genus Dendroctonus is a monophyletic group defined by at least three synapomorphic characters and there are four main lineages of varied composition and diversity within the genus. Within these lineages, several monophyletic groups match, to some extent, species groups defined by previous authors, but certain groups proposed by those authors are polyphyletic or paraphyletic.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Bark and ambrosia beetles are crucial for woody biomass decomposition in tropical forests worldwide. Despite that, quantitative data on their host specificity are scarce.
2. Bark and ambrosia beetles (Scolytinae and Platypodinae) were reared from 13 species of tropical trees representing 11 families from all major lineages of dicotyledonous plants. Standardised samples of beetle-infested twigs, branches, trunks, and roots were taken from three individuals of each tree species growing in a lowland tropical rainforest in Papua New Guinea.
3. A total of 81 742 beetles from 74 species were reared, 67 of them identified. Local species richness of bark and ambrosia beetles was estimated at 80–92 species.
4. Ambrosia beetles were broad generalists as 95% of species did not show any preference for a particular host species or clade. Similarity of ambrosia beetle communities from different tree species was not correlated with phylogenetic distances between tree species. Similarity of ambrosia beetle communities from individual conspecific trees was not higher than that from heterospecific trees and different parts of the trees hosted similar ambrosia beetle communities, as only a few species preferred particular tree parts.
5. In contrast, phloeophagous bark beetles showed strict specificity to host plant genus or family. However, this guild was poor in species (12 species) and restricted to only three plant families (Moraceae, Myristicaceae, Sapindaceae).
6. Local diversity of both bark and ambrosia beetles is not driven by the local diversity of trees in tropical forests, since ambrosia beetles display no host specificity and bark beetles are species poor and restricted to a few plant families.  相似文献   

A new genus, Klesovia gen. nov., with the species K. pubescens sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) are described from the Rovno amber. The new genus is closely related to Xylechinus (tribe Hylurgini) and distinguished by the wide flattened ovoid antennal club with rounded apex and the metepisternum covered with long thin sparse setae; it differs from other genera of Hylurgini in having a five-segmented funicle, four-segmented club, and large distance between the procoxa.  相似文献   

The field work of the authors during the last 16 years in both the western and the eastern parts of Leningrad Province, Russia, has resulted in the addition of 7 species to the regional list of bark beetles, namely: Hylurgus ligniperda F., Crypturgus subcribrosus Egg., Pityogenes irkutensis Egg., Scolytus mali Bechst., S. scolytus F., S. pygmaeus F., and Xyleborinus attenuatus Blandf. Of these species, P. irkutensis occurs only in the eastern districts of Leningrad Province, C. subcribrosus, over the whole territory, and the remaining species, only in the western districts. We suggest excluding Polygraphus proximus Blandf. from the regional faunal list. As a result, the updated list of the bark beetle species of Leningrad Province comprises 75 taxa. New data on findings of rare species in the region are considered.  相似文献   

Bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) play an important role as disturbance agents in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex Lawson) forests of Arizona. However, from 2001 to 2003, elevated bark beetle activity caused unprecedented levels of ponderosa pine mortality. A better understanding of the population structure of these species will facilitate analysis of their dispersal patterns and improve management strategies. Here, we use fluorescently labeled amplified fragment length polymorphism (fAFLP) analysis to resolve genetic variation among and within sampling locations in northcentral Arizona of Ips pini (Say), Dendroctonus brevicomis LeConte, and D. frontalis Zimmermann. We generated genetic fingerprints for >500 beetle specimens and analyzed genetic diversity. For all species, gene flow estimates among sampling locations were high, and significant population subdivision was not discernible across a large portion of ponderosa pine forests in Arizona. However, a weak relationship was detected with I. pini population structure and elevation. Because of the lack of genetic differentiation detected throughout the large study area, our findings suggest these insects are capable of long distance dispersal and exhibit a high degree of gene flow across a broad region. We conclude that our results are consistent with strong dispersal patterns and large population sizes of all three species.  相似文献   

  1. The redbay ambrosia beetle, Xyleborus glabratus Eichhoff (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), vectors the mycopathogen that causes laurel wilt, a lethal vascular disease of trees in the Lauraceae. Since being detected in Georgia, USA in 2002, this invasive pest has become established in 11 additional states.
  2. With continued spread, X. glabratus will likely enter Mexico. In advance of this event, this study was initiated to assess the risk posed to eight native laurels and Hass avocados, the predominant cultivar grown in Mexico.
  3. Wood bolts from each species were used in (a) field tests to determine the relative attraction of female X. glabratus, (b) laboratory bioassays to evaluate boring preferences, and (c) GC–MS analyses to identify host kairomones. For comparison, tests included control bolt treatments consisting of silkbay (an attractive U.S. laurel) and Simmonds avocado (a Florida cultivar susceptible to laurel wilt).
  4. Hass avocado and two native laurels (Persea schiedeana and Ocotea heribertoi vel aff.) were highly attractive to females and elicited strong boring responses. These species were high in sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, including α-copaene and α-cubebene.
  5. Results of this study suggest that X. glabratus could become a serious agricultural and forest pest upon incursion into Mexico, with severe economic and ecological impacts.

Determination of temperature requirements for many economically important insects is a cornerstone of pest management. For bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae), this information can facilitate timing of management strategies. Our goals were to determine temperature predictors for flight initiation of three species of Ips bark beetles, five species of Dendroctonus bark beetles, and two genera of bark beetle predators, Enoclerus spp. (Coleoptera: Cleridae) and Temnochila chlorodia (Mannerheim) (Coleoptera: Ostomidae), in ponderosa pine forests of northcentral Arizona. We quantified beetle flight activity using data loggers and pheromone-baited funnel traps at 18 sites over 4 yr. Ambient air temperature was monitored using temperature data loggers located in close proximity to funnel traps. We analyzed degree-day accumulation and differences between minimum, average, and maximum ambient temperature for the week before and week of first beetle capture to calculate flight temperature thresholds. Degree-day accumulation was not a good predictor for initiation of beetle flight. For all species analyzed other than D. adjunctus Blandford, beetles were captured in traps only when springtime temperatures exceeded 15.0 degrees C. D. adjunctus was collected when maximum temperatures reached only 14.5 degrees C. Once initial flights had begun, beetles were often captured when maximum ambient air temperatures were below initial threshold temperatures. Maximum and average air temperatures were a better predictor for beetle flight initiation than minimum temperature. We establish a temperature range for effective monitoring of bark beetles and their predators, and we discuss the implications of our results under climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

DNA条形码试剂盒检测技术在大小蠹属种类鉴定中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]DNA条形码技术已成为生物分类鉴定的有力工具.DNA条形码技术的相关问题,如物种种内和种间的遗传距离出现重叠区域,将直接影响到物种鉴定的准确性.我们应用DNA条形码试剂盒检测技术来快速、准确地鉴定口岸截获的检疫性大小蠹属种类.[方法]针对大小蠹昆虫设计引物以提高PCR扩增效率.运用自主研发的基因条码分析软件找出基因片段上区分每个物种的多态位点规律,作为该物种的鉴定特征并建立数据库,应用于物种鉴定.[结果]使用针对大小蠹属昆虫设计的引物成功扩增出325 bp的COI基因片段.将大小蠹属12种昆虫的COI基因片段上的核苷酸诊断位点的组合作为物种的鉴定特征,可以准确地区分近似种.通过比对植物检疫鉴定系统数据库里的鉴定特征,将6个大小蠹属的未知样品成功鉴定到种(核苷酸序列一致性为100%),与形态鉴定结果一致.[结论]结果表明DNA条形码试剂盒检测技术可以准确鉴定大小蠹属的种类.该检测技术可以应用于其他经济重要性有害生物的检测鉴定.  相似文献   

Insecticides that might protect pine trees from attack by engraver beetles (Ips spp.) have not been rigorously tested in the southwestern United States. We conducted two field experiments to evaluate the efficacy of several currently and potentially labeled preventative insecticides for protecting high-value ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa Dougl ex. Laws., from attack by engraver beetles. Preventative sprays (0.19% permethrin [Permethrin Plus C]; 0.03, 0.06, and 0.12% bifenthrin [Onyx]; and 1.0 and 2.0% carbaryl [Sevin SL] formulations) and systemic implants (0.875 g per capsule acephate [Acecap] and 0.650 g per capsule dinotefuran) were assessed on bolts (sections of logs) as a surrogate for live trees for a period of 13 mo posttreatment. The pine engraver, Ips pini (Say), was the most common bark beetle found attacking control and treated bolts, but sixspined ips, Ips calligraphus (Germar), and Ips lecontei Swain also were present. After approximately 13 mo posttreatment in one experiment, the spray treatments with 2.0% carbaryl, 0.19% permethrin, and 0.06 or 0.12% bifenthrin prevented Ips attack on the bolts at a protection level of > or = 70%. The acephate and dinotefuran systemic insecticides, and the 0.03% bifenthrin spray, provided inadequate (< or = 36%) protection in this experiment. For the other experiment, sprayed applications of 1.0% carbaryl, 0.19% permethrin, and 0.06% bifenthrin prevented beetle attack at protection levels of > or = 90, > or = 80, and > or = 70%, respectively, when bolts were exposed to Ips beetle attack for approximately 9-15 wk posttreatment. The sprays with 0.19% permethrin and 0.06% bifenthrin also provided > or = 90% protection when bolts were exposed for approximately 15-54 wk posttreatment. We concluded that under the conditions tested, 1.0 and 2.0% carbaryl, 0.19% permethrin, and 0.06 and 0.12% binfenthrin were acceptable preventative treatments for protecting ponderosa pine from successful engraver beetle attack for one entire flight season in the U.S. Southwest.  相似文献   

【目的】本文描述了首次在贵州猕猴桃上发生的一种害虫——端齿材小蠹Anisandrus apicalis(Blandford)。【方法】通过对当地修文县谷堡乡平滩村猕猴桃病树上小蠹的观察和形态研究,进行分类和鉴定。【结果】此次发现的端齿材小蠹是贵州省境内第一次报道,也是首次发现在猕猴桃病枝上发生。本文提供了该小蠹的分类和鉴别,附有相关近缘种的形态特征图和检索表,并介绍了其寄主和分布,以及在贵阳修文猕猴桃的危害和发生等情况。【结论】此次发生在猕猴桃上的端齿材小蠹是贵州省境内的首例,本文结果可以为当地植物检疫和猕猴桃种植管理提供参考。虽然此次端齿材小蠹在猕猴桃上发生,但是未发现其会直接为害猕猴桃健康植株,需要在将来进行深入的实验调查。  相似文献   

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