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We studied the production of xyloglucanase enzymes of pea and lettuce roots in the presence of saprobe and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. The AM fungus Glomus mosseae and the saprobe fungi Fusarium graminearum, Fusarium oxysporum-126, Trichoderma harzianum, Penicillium chrysogenum, Pleurotus ostreatus and Aspergillus niger were used. G. mosseae increased the shoot and root dry weight of pea but not of lettuce. Most of the saprobe fungi increased the level of mycorrhization of pea and lettuce, but only P. chrysogenum and T. harzianum inoculated together with G. mosseae increased the dry weight of pea and lettuce respectively. The AM and saprobe fungi increased the production of xyloglucanases by plant roots. The level of xyloglucanase activities and the number of xyloglucanolytic isozymes in plants inoculated with G. mosseae and most of the saprobe fungi tested were higher than when both microorganisms were inoculated separately. The possible relationship between xylogucanase activities and the ability of AM and saprobe fungi to improve the dry weight and AM root colonization of plants was discussed.  相似文献   

On the basis of preliminary experiments, some Crotalaria species from Senegal were investigated to determine (1) their susceptibility to Meloidogyne javanica and M. incognita compared to a sensitive host (tomato), (2) their mycorrhizal and rhizobial responses, and (3) the effect of their cultivation on the mycorrhizal soil infectivity. The nematode invasion rates on Crotalaria spp. ranked from 0.17 to 7.17% and from 0.58 to 5.25%, respectively, for M. incognita and M. javanica, vs. 97% and 77% on tomato. Moreover, the inoculated J2 which invaded tomatoes developed into adult females, while those on Crotalaria spp. rarely developed beyond the third stage, confirming that all Crotalaria spp. evaluated are non hosts or poor hosts. In two other experiments, Crotalaria spp. were inoculated with an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Glomus intraradices). Mycorrhization was generally well developed among Crotalaria species, and mycorrhizal colonization enhanced mainly phosphorus content of shoot tissues and always significant plant growth. Inoculation with both rhizobial isolates and Glomus intraradices enhanced growth and nodule formation on some Crotalaria species. The data recorded in both experiments showed, for the first time, that Crotalaria spp. are highly mycorrhiza dependent, some of them reaching more than 90% mycorrhizal dependency. Among Crotalaria species, twelve were used in two different experiments. A significant correlation was obtained between their mycorrhizal dependencies calculated on the shoot dry mass recorded in each experiment. Crotalaria spp. could be used as pre-crops for providing green manure while at the same time decreasing the level of detrimental nematodes and increasing the level of beneficial mycorrhizal fungi.  相似文献   

A wide range of methods are commonly used for preserving environmental samples prior to molecular analyses. However, the effect of these preservation methods on fungal DNA is not understood. The objective of this study was to test the effect of eight different preservation methods on the quality and yield of DNA extracted from Bromus inermis and Daucus carota roots colonized by the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus, Glomus intraradices. The total DNA concentration in sample extracts was quantified using spectrophotometry. Samples that were frozen (− 80 ºC and − 20 ºC), stored in 95% ethanol, or silica gel dried yielded total (plant and fungal) DNA concentrations that were not significantly different from fresh samples. In contrast, samples stored in CTAB solution or freeze-dried resulted in significantly reduced DNA concentrations compared with fresh samples. The preservation methods had no effect on the purity of the sample extracts for both plant species. However, the DNA of the dried samples (silica gel dried, freeze-dried, heat dried) appeared to be slightly more degraded compared with samples that remained hydrated (frozen, stored in ethanol or CTAB solutions) during storage when visualized on a gel. The concentration of AM fungal DNA in sample extracts was quantified using TaqMan real time PCR. Methods that preserved samples in hydrated form had similar AM fungal DNA concentrations as fresh samples, except D. carota samples stored in ethanol. In contrast, preservation methods that involved drying the samples had very low concentrations of AM fungal DNA for B. inermis, and nearly undetectable for D. carota samples. The drying process appears to be a major factor in the degradation of AM fungal DNA while having less of an impact on plant DNA. Based on these results, samples that need to be preserved prior to molecular analysis of AM fungi should be kept frozen to minimize the degradation of plant and AM fungal DNA.  相似文献   

Yamato M  Ikeda S  Iwase K 《Mycorrhiza》2008,18(5):241-249
Community of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in a coastal vegetation on Okinawa island in Japan was examined. A sampling plot was established in a colony of Ipomoea pes-caprae (Convolvulaceae) on the beach in Tamagusuku, Okinawa Pref, in which eight root samples of I. pes-caprae and three root samples each of Vigna marina (Leguminosae) and Paspalum distichum (Poaceae) were collected. Partial 18S rDNA of AM fungi was amplified from the root samples by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers NS31 and AM1. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis with HinfI and RsaI for cloned PCR products revealed that two types of Glomus sp., type A and type B, were dominant in the colony. Among them, the fungi of type A were especially dominant near the edge of the colony facing the sea. A phylogenetic analysis showed that the AM fungi of type B are closely related to Glomus intraradices and those of type A are nearly related to type B. From the sequence data, it was also found that type A was further divided into two types, type A1 and A2. One representative strain each of the three types, type A1, A2, and B, propagated from single spore each, was examined for the growth of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) at three different salinity levels, 0, 100, and 200 mM NaCl. At the non-salt-treated condition, the type B fungus was the most effective on shoot growth enhancement of the host plant, whereas at the salt-treated conditions, the type A2 fungus was the most effective. An efficient suppression of Na + translocation into the shoot by the examined AM fungi was found. These results suggested that the AM fungi dominant near the sea are adapted to salt-stressed environment to alleviate the salt stress of host plants.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) spore communities were surveyed in a long-term field fertilization experiment in Switzerland, where different amounts of phosphorus (P) were applied to soil. Plots receiving no P as well as plots systematically fertilized in excess to plant needs for 31 years were used to test the hypothesis that application of P fertilizer changes the composition and diversity of AMF communities. AMF spores were isolated from the field soil, identified, and counted so as to quantify the effect of P fertilization on AMF spore density, composition, and diversity. Trap cultures were established from field soil with four host plants (sunflower, leek, maize, and Crotalaria grahamiana), and the spore communities were then analyzed in substrate samples from the pots. Altogether, nine AMF species were detected in the soil. No evidence has been acquired for effect of P fertilization on spore density, composition, and diversity of AMF in both the field soil and in trap cultures. On the other hand, we observed strong effect of crop plant species on spore densities in the soil, the values being lowest under rapeseed and highest under Phacelia tanacetifolia covercrop. The identity of plant species in trap pots also significantly affected composition and diversity of associated AMF communities, probably due to preferential establishment of symbiosis between certain plant and AMF species. AMF spore communities under mycorrhizal host plants (wheat and Phacelia in the fields and four host plant species in trap pots) were dominated by a single AMF species, Glomus intraradices. This resulted in exceptionally low AMF spore diversity that seems to be linked to high clay content of the soil.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

 Plant phosphorus uptake via external hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi has been measured using compartmented systems where a hyphal compartment is separated from a rooting compartment by a fine mesh. By labelling the soil within the hyphal compartment with a radioactive phosphorus (P) isotope, hyphal uptake of P into the plant can be traced. The objective of this growth chamber study was to test two hyphal compartments of different design with respect to their suitabilities for measurement of hyphal P uptake. One hyphal compartment was simply a nylon mesh bag filled with 32P-labelled soil. The labelled soil in the other hyphal compartment was completely surrounded by an 8–10 mm layer of unlabelled soil that served as a buffer zone. Mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal subterranean clover plants were grown in pots with a centrally positioned hyphal compartment. Uptake of radioactive P by non-mycorrhizal control plants was 25% of that by mycorrhizal plants with the mesh bag but only 3% when including the buffer zone. Based on this good control of non-mycorrhizal P uptake from within the hyphal compartment and its greater ease of handling once produced, we judged the hyphal compartment including a buffer zone to be superior to the mesh bag. Accepted: 15 September 1998  相似文献   

The community structure of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in the roots of drought-resistant trees, Moringa spp., was examined in semiarid regions in Madagascar and Uganda. Root samples were collected from 8 individuals of M. hildebrandtii and 2 individuals of M. drouhardii in Madagascar and from 21 individuals of M. oleifera in Uganda. Total DNA was extracted from the root samples, and partial nSSU rDNA of AM fungi was amplified using a universal eukaryotic primer NS31 and an AM fungalspecific primer AM1. The PCR products were cloned and divided by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis with HinfI and RsaI. Some representatives in each RFLP types were sequenced, and a neighbor-joining phylogenetic analysis was conducted for the obtained sequences with analogous sequences of AM fungi. The RFLP and phylogenetic analyses showed that AM fungi closely related to Glomus intraradices or G. sinuosum were detected in many samples. The AM fungal groups frequently detected in the Moringa spp. might be widely distributed species in semiarid environments.  相似文献   

The association between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and Rhynchrelyrum repens was investigated. In six abandoned quarries in the Pearl River Delta area, R. repens was found to be associated with nine AMF species, including Glomus versiforme, G. brohultii, G. microaggregatum, G. clarum and G. claroideum, Acaulospora delicata, A. mellea, A. mollowae and Entrophospora infrequens. The genus Glomus and the species G. brohultii were recorded at the highest frequencies. Three typical arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) structures, i.e. hyphae, vesicles and arbuscules, were found in the roots of the R. repens specimens collected from all the quarries investigated. Vesicles were the most frequently recorded structure. Results of a container-based experiment showed that R. repens had very high mortality (83.3%) in the absence of AMF in soil containing sufficient P (phosphorus); this indicates that R. repens is an obligate mycotroph. The presence of AMF significantly increased the biomass accumulation of R. repens seedlings (p < 0.01). It was also observed that AMF colonization was related to soil P and K (potassium) utilization by R. repens seedlings. It is, therefore, important to inoculate with AMF when using R. repens for the restoration of damaged ecosystems.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate host plant performance relative to different soil arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) communities, Andropogon gerardii seedlings were grown with nine different AMF communities. The communities consisted of 0, 10, or 20 spores of Glomus etunicatum and 0, 10, or 20 spores of Glomus intraradices in all possible combinations. Spores were produced by fungal cultures originating on A. gerardii in a serpentine plant community; seeds of A. gerardii were collected at the same site. The experiment was performed in the greenhouse using a mixture of sterilized serpentine soil and sand to which naturally occurring non-mycorrhizal microbes were added. There was no difference in root AMF colonization rates between single species communities of either G. etunicatum or G. intraradices, but G. intraradices enhanced plant growth and G. etunicatum did not. However, plants grew larger with some combinations of G.␣intraradices plus G. etunicatum than with the same quantity of G. intraradices alone. These results suggest the potential for niche complementarity in the mycorrhizal fungi. That G. etunicatum only increased plant growth in the presence of G. intraradices could be illustrative of why AMF that appear to be parasitic or benign when examined in isolation are maintained within multi-species mycorrhizal communities in nature.  相似文献   

Grain yields of the rice cultivar Prakash were improved upon inoculation with Glomus intraradices and G. fasciculatum, by 11% and 8%, respectively, compared with an uninoculated control. The results indicate that the amount of phosphate fertilizer usually applied to rice may be decreased by 50%, without affecting yield, if G. intraradices is inoculated.The authors are with the Department of Agricultural Microbiology, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bangalore 560 065, India. ing author.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) Glomus deserticola (Trappe, Bloss and Menge) can diminish the negative effect of Verticillium dahliae Kleb. on pepper yield. On the other hand, it is known that AMF can be more beneficial for plant growth and physiology under dry conditions than when soil moisture is plentiful. Therefore, our objective was to assess if a moderate water deficit imposed on pepper plants before their inoculation with V. dahliae could improve the effectiveness of G. deserticola as biocontrol agent. In the present experiment, the delay in disease development in Verticillium-inoculated plants associated with AMF did not occur under well watered conditions. In addition, the establishment of mycorrhizal symbiosis and the development of structures by AMF were delayed when both symbiotic and pathogenic fungi infected the same root. Therefore, it is suggested that the equilibrium between pepper plant, G. deserticola and V. dahliae is so complex that small changes in competition between symbiotic and pathogenic fungi for host resources can modify the efficiency of AMF as a biocontrol agent. On the other hand, water deficit enhanced the deleterious effect of V. dahliae on fruit set and yield only when pepper plants were not associated with G. deserticola, which reinforces the idea that AMF may be more important for host plants subjected to stressful conditions. However, comparing well watered non-mycorrhizal and predroughted mycorrhizal plants, we found that moderate water deficit imposed before inoculation with V. dahliae did not improve the effectiveness of G. deserticola as a biocontrol agent.  相似文献   

【目的】分离收集保藏中国大陆各个地区不同生态环境的丛枝菌根真菌菌种资源,为丛枝菌根的研究提供资源、奠定基础。【方法】以高粱为宿主植物,采用诱导培养、单孢培养和扩繁培养分离土壤样品中的丛枝菌根真菌菌种并鉴定。【结果】从我国大陆的45个地区50余种宿主植物根区土壤中分离到丛枝菌根真菌135株,隶属于23个种;对各个菌株的形态特征进行了描述。【结论】我国蕴藏着丰富的丛枝菌根真菌菌种资源,文中描述的菌种资源是目前从我国大陆地区获得的种类和数量最多、覆盖范围最广的AM真菌菌种资源。  相似文献   

New information on N uptake and transport of inorganic and organic N in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi is reviewed here. Hyphae of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae (Nicol. and Gerd.) Gerd. and Trappe (BEG 107) were shown to transport N supplied as 15N-Gly to wheat plants after a 48 h labelling period in semi-hydroponic (Perlite), non-sterile, compartmentalised pot cultures. Of the 15N supplied to hyphae in pot cultures over 48 h, 0.2 and 6% was transported to plants supplied with insufficient N or sufficient N, respectively. The increased 15N uptake at the higher N supply was related to the higher hyphal length density at the higher N supply. These findings were supported by results from in vitro and monoxenic studies. Excised hyphae from four Glomus isolates (BEG 84, 107, 108 and 110) acquired N from both inorganic (15NH4 15NO3, 15NO3 or 15NH4 +) and organic (15N-Gly and 15N-Glu, except in BEG 84 where amino acid uptake was not tested) sources in vitro during short-term experiments. Confirming these studies under sterile conditions where no bacterial mineralisation of organic N occurred, monoxenic cultures of Glomus intraradices Schenk and Smith were shown to transport N from organic sources (15N-Gly and 15N-Glu) to Ri T-DNA transformed, AM-colonised carrot roots in a long-term experiment. The higher N uptake (also from organic N) by isolates from nutrient poor sites (BEG 108 and 110) compared to that from a conventional agricultural field implied that ecotypic differences occur. Although the arbuscular mycorrhizal isolates used contributed to the acquisition of N from both inorganic and organic sources by the host plants/roots used, this was not enough to increase the N nutritional status of the mycorrhizal compared to non-mycorrhizal hosts. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Gazey C  Abbott LK  Robson AD 《Mycorrhiza》2004,14(6):355-362
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi occur in all agricultural soils but it is not easy to assess the contribution they make to plant growth under field conditions. Several approaches have been used to investigate this, including the comparison of plant growth in the presence or absence of naturally occurring AM fungi following soil fumigation or application of fungicides. However, treatments such as these may change soil characteristics other than factors directly involving AM fungi and lead to difficulties in identifying the reason for changes in plant growth. In a glasshouse experiment, we assessed the contribution of indigenous AM fungi to growth of subterranean clover in undisturbed cores of soil from two agricultural field sites (a cropped agricultural field at South Carrabin and a low input pasture at Westdale). We used the approach of estimating the benefit of AM fungi by comparing the curvature coefficients ( C) of the Mitscherlich equation for subterranean clover grown in untreated field soil, in field soil into which inoculum of Glomus invermaium was added and in soil fumigated with methyl bromide. It was only possible to estimate the benefit of mycorrhizas using this approach for one soil (Westdale) because it was the only soil for which a Mitscherlich response to the application of a range of P levels was obtained. The mycorrhizal benefit ( C of mycorrhizal vs. non-mycorrhizal plants or C of inoculated vs. uninoculated plants) of the indigenous fungi corresponded with a requirement for phosphate by plants that were colonised by AM fungi already present in the soil equivalent to half that required by non-mycorrhizal plants. This benefit was independent of the plant-available P in the soil. There was no additional benefit of inoculation on plant growth other than that due to increased P uptake. Indigenous AM fungi were present in both soils and colonised a high proportion of roots in both soils. There was a higher diversity of morphotypes of mycorrhizal fungi in roots of plants grown in the Westdale soil than in the South Carrabin soil that had a history of high phosphate fertilizer use in the field. Inoculation with G. invermaium did not increase the level of colonisation of roots by mycorrhizal fungi in either soil, but it replaced approximately 20% of the root length colonised by the indigenous fungi in Westdale soil at all levels of applied P. The proportion of colonised root length replaced by G. invermaium in South Carrabin soil varied with the level of application of P to the soil; it was higher at intermediate levels of recently added soil P.  相似文献   

In French subalpine grasslands, cessation of mowing promotes dominance of Festuca paniculata, which alters plant diversity and ecosystem functioning. One of the mechanisms underpinning such effects may be linked to simultaneous changes in the abundance of fungal symbionts such as endophytes and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. In field conditions, mowing reduced the abundance of the endophyte Neotyphodium sp. in leaves of F. paniculata by a factor of 6, and increased mycorrhizal densities by a factor of 15 in the soil. In greenhouse experiments, the mycorrhizal colonization of Trifolium pratense and Allium porrum increased 3- fold and 3.8- fold respectively in mown vs unmown grassland soil. Significantly reduced growth of the two host plants was also observed on soil from the unmown grassland. Such opposite effects of mowing on the two functional groups of fungal symbionts could suggest interactions between these two groups, which in turn could contribute to structuring plant communities in subalpine grasslands.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the interactions between the microbial symbionts, Rhizobium and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on N and P accumulation by broad bean (Vicia faba) and how increased N and P content influence biomass production, leaf area and net photosynthetic rate. METHODS: A multi-factorial experiment consisting of four different legume-microbial symbiotic associations and two nitrogen treatments was used to investigate the influence of the different microbial symbiotic associations on P accumulation, total N accumulation, biomass, leaf area and net photosynthesis in broad bean grown under low P conditions. KEY RESULTS: AMF promoted biomass production and photosynthetic rates by increasing the ratio of P to N accumulation. An increase in P was consistently associated with an increase in N accumulation and N productivity, expressed in terms of biomass and leaf area. Photosynthetic N use efficiency, irrespective of the inorganic source of N (e.g. NO3- or N2), was enhanced by increased P supply due to AMF. The presence of Rhizobium resulted in a significant decline in AMF colonization levels irrespective of N supply. Without Rhizobium, AMF colonization levels were higher in low N treatments. Presence or absence of AMF did not have a significant effect on nodule mass but high N with or without AMF led to a significant decline in nodule biomass. Plants with the Rhizobium and AMF symbiotic associations had higher photosynthetic rates per unit leaf area. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicated that the synergistic or additive interactions among the components of the tripartite symbiotic association (Rhizobium-AMF-broad bean) increased plant productivity.  相似文献   

Members of the Brassicaceae are generally believed to be non-mycorrhizal. Pennycress (Thlaspi) species of this family from diverse locations in Slovenia, Austria, Italy and Germany were examined for their colonisation by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Meadow species (T. praecox, T. caerulescens and T. montanum) were sparsely but distinctly colonised, as indicated by the occurrence of intraradical hyphae, vesicles, coils, and occasionally arbuscules. Species from other locations were poorly colonised, but arbuscules were not discernible. The genus Thlaspi comprises several heavy metal hyperaccumulating species (T. caerulescens, T. goesingense, T. calaminare, T. cepaeifolium). All samples collected from heavy metal soils were at best poorly colonized. Thus the chance is small to find a "hypersystem" in phytoremediation consisting of an AM fungus which prevents the uptake of the major part of the heavy metals and of a Thlaspi species which effectively deposits the residual heavy metals inevitably taken up into its vacuoles. In two different PCR approaches, fungal DNA was amplified from most of the Thlaspi roots examined, even from those with a very low incidence of AMF colonization. Sequencing of the 28S- and 18S-rDNA PCR-products revealed that different Thlaspi field samples were colonized by Glomus intraradices and thus by a common AM fungus. However, none of the sequences obtained was identical to any other found in the present study or deposited in the databanks, which might indicate that a species continuum exists in the G. intraradices clade. An effective colonization of Thlaspi by AMF could not be established in greenhouse experiments. Although the data show that Thlaspi can be colonized by AMF, it is doubtful whether an effective symbiosis with the mutual exchange of metabolites is formed by both partners.  相似文献   

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