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Martin G  Lenormand T 《Genetics》2008,179(2):907-916
The distribution of the selection coefficients of beneficial mutations is pivotal to the study of the adaptive process, both at the organismal level (theories of adaptation) and at the gene level (molecular evolution). A now famous result of extreme value theory states that this distribution is an exponential, at least when considering a well-adapted wild type. However, this prediction could be inaccurate under selection for an optimum (because fitness effect distributions have a finite right tail in this case). In this article, we derive the distribution of beneficial mutation effects under a general model of stabilizing selection, with arbitrary selective and mutational covariance between a finite set of traits. We assume a well-adapted wild type, thus taking advantage of the robustness of tail behaviors, as in extreme value theory. We show that, under these general conditions, both beneficial mutation effects and fixed effects (mutations escaping drift loss) are beta distributed. In both cases, the parameters have explicit biological meaning and are empirically measurable; their variation through time can also be predicted. We retrieve the classic exponential distribution as a subcase of the beta when there are a moderate to large number of weakly correlated traits under selection. In this case too, we provide an explicit biological interpretation of the parameters of the distribution. We show by simulations that these conclusions are fairly robust to a lower adaptation of the wild type and discuss the relevance of our findings in the context of adaptation theories and experimental evolution.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of antagonistic pleiotropy on the most widely used methods of estimation of the average coefficient of dominance of deleterious mutations from segregating populations. A proportion of the deleterious mutations affecting a given studied fitness component are assumed to have an advantageous effect on another one, generating overdominance on global fitness. Using diffusion approximations and transition matrix methods, we obtain the distribution of gene frequencies for nonpleiotropic and pleiotropic mutations in populations at the mutation-selection-drift balance. From these distributions we build homozygous and heterozygous chromosomes and assess the behavior of the estimators of dominance. A very small number of deleterious mutations with antagonistic pleiotropy produces substantial increases on the estimate of the average degree of dominance of mutations affecting the fitness component under study. For example, estimates are increased three- to fivefold when 2% of segregating loci are over-dominant for fitness. In contrast, strengthening pleiotropy, where pleiotropic effects are assumed to be also deleterious, has little effect on the estimates of the average degree of dominance, supporting previous results. The antagonistic pleiotropy model considered, applied under mutational parameters described in the literature, produces patterns for the distribution of chromosomal viabilities, levels of genetic variance, and homozygous mutation load generally consistent with those observed empirically for viability in Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

Unraveling the factors that determine the rate of adaptation is a major question in evolutionary biology. One key parameter is the effect of a new mutation on fitness, which invariably depends on the environment and genetic background. The fate of a mutation also depends on population size, which determines the amount of drift it will experience. Here, we manipulate both population size and genotype composition and follow adaptation of 23 distinct Escherichia coli genotypes. These have previously accumulated mutations under intense genetic drift and encompass a substantial fitness variation. A simple rule is uncovered: the net fitness change is negatively correlated with the fitness of the genotype in which new mutations appear—a signature of epistasis. We find that Fisher's geometrical model can account for the observed patterns of fitness change and infer the parameters of this model that best fit the data, using Approximate Bayesian Computation. We estimate a genomic mutation rate of 0.01 per generation for fitness altering mutations, albeit with a large confidence interval, a mean fitness effect of mutations of ?0.01, and an effective number of traits nine in mutS? E. coli. This framework can be extended to confront a broader range of models with data and test different classes of fitness landscape models.  相似文献   

Stabilizing selection around a fixed phenotypic optimum is expected to disfavor sexual reproduction, since asexually reproducing organisms can maintain a higher fitness at equilibrium, while sex disrupts combinations of compensatory mutations. This conclusion rests on the assumption that mutational effects on phenotypic traits are unbiased, that is, mutation does not tend to push phenotypes in any particular direction. In this article, we consider a model of stabilizing selection acting on an arbitrary number of polygenic traits coded by bialellic loci, and show that mutational bias may greatly reduce the mean fitness of asexual populations compared with sexual ones in regimes where mutations have weak to moderate fitness effects. Indeed, mutation and drift tend to push the population mean phenotype away from the optimum, this effect being enhanced by the low effective population size of asexual populations. In a second part, we present results from individual‐based simulations showing that positive rates of sex are favored when mutational bias is present, while the population evolves toward complete asexuality in the absence of bias. We also present analytical (QLE) approximations for the selective forces acting on sex in terms of the effect of sex on the mean and variance in fitness among offspring.  相似文献   

Sexual selection on males is predicted to increase population fitness, and delay population extinction, when mating success negatively covaries with genetic load across individuals. However, such benefits of sexual selection could be counteracted by simultaneous increases in genome-wide drift resulting from reduced effective population size caused by increased variance in fitness. Resulting fixation of deleterious mutations could be greatest in small populations, and when environmental variation in mating traits partially decouples sexual selection from underlying genetic variation. The net consequences of sexual selection for genetic load and population persistence are therefore likely to be context dependent, but such variation has not been examined. We use a genetically explicit individual-based model to show that weak sexual selection can increase population persistence time compared to random mating. However, for stronger sexual selection such positive effects can be overturned by the detrimental effects of increased genome-wide drift. Furthermore, the relative strengths of mutation-purging and drift critically depend on the environmental variance in the male mating trait. Specifically, increasing environmental variance caused stronger sexual selection to elevate deleterious mutation fixation rate and mean selection coefficient, driving rapid accumulation of drift load and decreasing population persistence times. These results highlight an intricate balance between conflicting positive and negative consequences of sexual selection on genetic load, even in the absence of sexually antagonistic selection. They imply that environmental variances in key mating traits, and intrinsic genetic drift, should be properly factored into future theoretical and empirical studies of the evolution of population fitness under sexual selection.  相似文献   

It is generally thought that random mutations will, on average, reduce an organism's fitness because resulting phenotypic changes are likely to be maladaptive. This relationship leads to the prediction that mutations that alter more phenotypic traits, that is, are more pleiotropic, will impose larger fitness costs than mutations that affect fewer traits. Here we present a systems approach to test this expectation. Previous studies have independently estimated fitness and morphological effects of deleting all nonessential genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using datasets generated by these studies, we examined the relationship between the pleiotropic effect of each deletion mutation, measured as the number of morphological traits differing from the parental strain, and its effect on fitness. Pleiotropy explained approximately 18% of variation in fitness among the mutants even once we controlled for correlations between morphological traits. This relationship was robust to consideration of other explanatory factors, including the number of protein-protein interactions and the network position of the deleted genes. These results are consistent with pleiotropy having a direct role in affecting fitness.  相似文献   

Micromutational models of adaptation have placed considerable weight on antagonistic pleiotropy as a mechanism that prevents mutations of large effect from achieving fixation. However, there are few empirical studies of the distribution of pleiotropic effects, and no studies that have examined this distribution for a large number of adaptive mutations. Here we examine the form and extent of pleiotropy associated with beneficial mutations in Escherichia coli. To do so, we used a collection of independently evolved genotypes, each of which contains a beneficial mutation that confers increased fitness in a glucose-limited environment. To determine the pleiotropic effects of these mutations, we examined the fitnesses of the mutants in five novel resource environments. Our results show that the majority of mutations had significant fitness effects in alternative resources, such that pleiotropy was common. The predominant form of this pleiotropy was positive--that is, most mutations that conferred increased fitness in glucose also conferred increased fitness in novel resources. We did detect some deleterious pleiotropic effects, but they were primarily limited to one of the five resources, and within this resource, to only a subset of mutants. Although pleiotropic effects were generally positive, fitness levels were lower and more variable on resources that differed most in their mechanisms of uptake and catabolism from that of glucose. Positive pleiotropic effects were strongly correlated in magnitude with their direct effects, but no such correlation was found among mutants with deleterious pleiotropic effects. Whereas previous studies of populations evolved on glucose for longer periods of time showed consistent declines on some of the resources used here, our results suggest that deleterious pleiotropic effects were limited to only a subset of the beneficial mutations available.  相似文献   

The evolution of cooperation is thought to be promoted by pleiotropy, whereby cooperative traits are coregulated with traits that are important for personal fitness. However, this hypothesis faces a key challenge: what happens if mutation targets a cooperative trait specifically rather than the pleiotropic regulator? Here, we explore this question with the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which cooperatively digests complex proteins using elastase. We empirically measure and theoretically model the fate of two mutants—one missing the whole regulatory circuit behind elastase production and the other with only the elastase gene mutated—relative to the wild‐type (WT). We first show that, when elastase is needed, neither of the mutants can grow if the WT is absent. And, consistent with previous findings, we show that regulatory gene mutants can grow faster than the WT when there are no pleiotropic costs. However, we find that mutants only lacking elastase production do not outcompete the WT, because the individual cooperative trait has a low cost. We argue that the intrinsic architecture of molecular networks makes pleiotropy an effective way to stabilize cooperative evolution. Although individual cooperative traits experience loss‐of‐function mutations, these mutations may result in weak benefits, and need not undermine the protection from pleiotropy.  相似文献   

Genetic theories of adaptation generally overlook the genes in which beneficial substitutions occur, and the likely variation in their mutational effects. We investigate the consequences of heterogeneous mutational effects among loci on the genetics of adaptation. We use a generalization of Fisher's geometrical model, which assumes multivariate Gaussian stabilizing selection on multiple characters. In our model, mutation has a distinct variance–covariance matrix of phenotypic effects for each locus. Consequently, the distribution of selection coefficients s varies across loci. We assume each locus can only affect a limited number of independent linear combinations of phenotypic traits (restricted pleiotropy), which differ among loci, an effect we term “orientation heterogeneity.” Restricted pleiotropy can sharply reduce the overall proportion of beneficial mutations. Orientation heterogeneity has little impact on the shape of the genomic distribution, but can substantially increase the probability of parallel evolution (the repeated fixation of beneficial mutations at the same gene in independent populations), which is highest with low pleiotropy. We also consider variation in the degree of pleiotropy and in the mean s across loci. The latter impacts the genomic distribution of s, but has a much milder effect on parallel evolution. We discuss these results in the light of evolution experiments.  相似文献   

This work extends the work of Whitlock in examining the critical effective population sizes from the fixation of both deleterious and beneficial mutations under drift and selection to prevent mutation breakdown of the population. The validity of approximations for the probability of fixation depends on the nature of the assumed distribution for the fitness effect of both types of mutations. Using no approximation for the probability of fixation and assuming a heavy tailed fitness effect distribution, the current model indicates that the coefficients of variation for the fitness effect distributions of both types of mutations and the fitness effect distribution mean for the beneficial mutations are important predictors of the critical effective population size. The current model further predicts that very small populations can be sustained if the fitness effect variances for both types of mutations and the mean for beneficial mutations are large.  相似文献   

We analyze the equilibrium behavior of deterministic haploid mutation-selection models. To this end, both the forward and the time-reversed evolution processes are considered. The stationary state of the latter is called the ancestral distribution, which turns out as a key for the study of mutation-selection balance. We find that the ancestral genotype frequencies determine the sensitivity of the equilibrium mean fitness to changes in the corresponding fitness values and discuss implications for the evolution of mutational robustness. We further show that the difference between the ancestral and the population mean fitness, termed mutational loss, provides a measure for the sensitivity of the equilibrium mean fitness to changes in the mutation rate. The interrelation of the loss and the mutation load is discussed. For a class of models in which the number of mutations in an individual is taken as the trait value, and fitness is a function of the trait, we use the ancestor formulation to derive a simple maximum principle, from which the mean and variance of fitness and the trait may be derived; the results are exact for a number of limiting cases, and otherwise yield approximations which are accurate for a wide range of parameters. These results are applied to threshold phenomena caused by the interplay of selection and mutation (known as error thresholds). They lead to a clarification of concepts, as well as criteria for the existence of error thresholds.  相似文献   

The evolution of complex organisms is a puzzle for evolutionary theory because beneficial mutations should be less frequent in complex organisms, an effect termed "cost of complexity." However, little is known about how the distribution of mutation fitness effects (f(s)) varies across genomes. The main theoretical framework to address this issue is Fisher's geometric model and related phenotypic landscape models. However, it suffers from several restrictive assumptions. In this paper, we intend to show how several of these limitations may be overcome. We then propose a model of f(s) that extends Fisher's model to account for arbitrary mutational and selective interactions among n traits. We show that these interactions result in f(s) that would be predicted by a much smaller number of independent traits. We test our predictions by comparing empirical f(s) across species of various gene numbers as a surrogate to complexity. This survey reveals, as predicted, that mutations tend to be more deleterious, less variable, and less skewed in higher organisms. However, only limited difference in the shape of f(s) is observed from Escherichia coli to nematodes or fruit flies, a pattern consistent with a model of random phenotypic interactions across many traits. Overall, these results suggest that there may be a cost to phenotypic complexity although much weaker than previously suggested by earlier theoretical works. More generally, the model seems to qualitatively capture and possibly explain the variation of f(s) from lower to higher organisms, which opens a large array of potential applications in evolutionary genetics.  相似文献   

The nature and extent of mutational pleiotropy remain largely unknown, despite the central role that pleiotropy plays in many areas of biology, including human disease, agricultural production, and evolution. Here, we investigate the variation in 11,604 gene expression traits among 41 mutation accumulation (MA) lines of Drosophila serrata. We first confirmed that these expression phenotypes were heritable, detecting genetic variation in 96% of them in an outbred, natural population of D. serrata. Among the MA lines, 3385 (29%) of expression traits were variable, with a mean mutational heritability of 0.0005. In most traits, variation was generated by mutations of relatively small phenotypic effect; putative mutations with effects of greater than one phenotypic standard deviation were observed for only 8% of traits. With most (71%) traits unaffected by any mutation, our data provide no support for universal pleiotropy. We further characterized mutational pleiotropy in the 3385 variable traits, using sets of 5, randomly assigned, traits. Covariance among traits chosen at random with respect to their biological function is expected only if pleiotropy is extensive. Taking an analytical approach in which the variance unique to each trait in the random 5-trait sets was partitioned from variance shared among traits, we detected significant (at 5% false discovery rate) mutational covariance in 21% of sets. This frequency of statistically supported covariance implied that at least some mutations must pleiotropically affect a substantial number of traits (>70; 0.6% of all measured traits).  相似文献   

Zhang XS  Hill WG 《Genetics》2008,179(2):1135-1141
Empirical evidence indicates that the distribution of the effects of mutations on quantitative traits is not symmetric about zero. Under stabilizing selection in infinite populations with normally distributed mutant effects having a nonzero mean, Waxman and Peck showed that the deviation of the population mean from the optimum is expected to be small. We show by simulation that genetic drift, leptokurtosis of mutational effects, and pleiotropy can increase the mean-optimum deviation greatly, however, and that the apparent directional selection thereby caused can be substantial.  相似文献   

We use computer simulations to investigate the amount of genetic variation for complex traits that can be revealed by single-SNP genome-wide association studies (GWAS) or regional heritability mapping (RHM) analyses based on full genome sequence data or SNP chips. We model a large population subject to mutation, recombination, selection, and drift, assuming a pleiotropic model of mutations sampled from a bivariate distribution of effects of mutations on a quantitative trait and fitness. The pleiotropic model investigated, in contrast to previous models, implies that common mutations of large effect are responsible for most of the genetic variation for quantitative traits, except when the trait is fitness itself. We show that GWAS applied to the full sequence increases the number of QTL detected by as much as 50% compared to the number found with SNP chips but only modestly increases the amount of additive genetic variance explained. Even with full sequence data, the total amount of additive variance explained is generally below 50%. Using RHM on the full sequence data, a slightly larger number of QTL are detected than by GWAS if the same probability threshold is assumed, but these QTL explain a slightly smaller amount of genetic variance. Our results also suggest that most of the missing heritability is due to the inability to detect variants of moderate effect (∼0.03–0.3 phenotypic SDs) segregating at substantial frequencies. Very rare variants, which are more difficult to detect by GWAS, are expected to contribute little genetic variation, so their eventual detection is less relevant for resolving the missing heritability problem.  相似文献   

Gallet R  Cooper TF  Elena SF  Lenormand T 《Genetics》2012,190(1):175-186
Measuring fitness with precision is a key issue in evolutionary biology, particularly in studying mutations of small effects. It is usually thought that sampling error and drift prevent precise measurement of very small fitness effects. We circumvented these limits by using a new combined approach to measuring and analyzing fitness. We estimated the mutational fitness effect (MFE) of three independent mini-Tn10 transposon insertion mutations by conducting competition experiments in large populations of Escherichia coli under controlled laboratory conditions. Using flow cytometry to assess genotype frequencies from very large samples alleviated the problem of sampling error, while the effect of drift was controlled by using large populations and massive replication of fitness measures. Furthermore, with a set of four competition experiments between ancestral and mutant genotypes, we were able to decompose fitness measures into four estimated parameters that account for fitness effects of our fluorescent marker (α), the mutation (β), epistasis between the mutation and the marker (γ), and departure from transitivity (τ). Our method allowed us to estimate mean selection coefficients to a precision of 2 × 10(-4). We also found small, but significant, epistatic interactions between the allelic effects of mutations and markers and confirmed that fitness effects were transitive in most cases. Unexpectedly, we also detected variation in measures of s that were significantly bigger than expected due to drift alone, indicating the existence of cryptic variation, even in fully controlled experiments. Overall our results indicate that selection coefficients are best understood as being distributed, representing a limit on the precision with which selection can be measured, even under controlled laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Healthy males are likely to have higher mating success than unhealthy males because of differential expression of condition‐dependent traits such as mate searching intensity, fighting ability, display vigor, and some types of exaggerated morphological characters. We therefore expect that most new mutations that are deleterious for overall fitness may also be deleterious for male mating success. From this perspective, sexual selection is not limited to influencing those genes directly involved in exaggerated morphological traits but rather affects most, if not all, genes in the genome. If true, sexual selection can be an important force acting to reduce the frequency of deleterious mutations and, as a result, mutation load. We review the literature and find various forms of indirect evidence that sexual selection helps to eliminate deleterious mutations. However, direct evidence is scant, and there are almost no data available to address a key issue: is selection in males stronger than selection in females? In addition, the total effect of sexual selection on mutation load is complicated by possible increases in mutation rate that may be attributable to sexual selection. Finally, sexual selection affects population fitness not only through mutation load but also through sexual conflict, making it difficult to empirically measure how sexual selection affects load. Several lines of enquiry are suggested to better fill large gaps in our understanding of sexual selection and its effect on genetic load.  相似文献   

Understanding how multiple mutations interact to jointly impact multiple ecologically important traits is critical for creating a robust picture of organismal fitness and the process of adaptation. However, this is complicated by both environmental heterogeneity and the complexity of genotype‐to‐phenotype relationships generated by pleiotropy and epistasis. Moreover, little is known about how pleiotropic and epistatic relationships themselves change over evolutionary time. The soil bacterium Myxococcus xanthus employs several distinct social traits across a range of environments. Here, we use an experimental lineage of M. xanthus that evolved a novel form of social motility to address how interactions between epistasis and pleiotropy evolve. Specifically, we test how mutations accumulated during selection on soft agar pleiotropically affect several other social traits (hard agar motility, predation and spore production). Relationships between changes in swarming rate in the selective environment and the four other traits varied greatly over time in both direction and magnitude, both across timescales of the entire evolutionary lineage and individual evolutionary time steps. We also tested how a previously defined epistatic interaction is pleiotropically expressed across these traits. We found that phenotypic effects of this epistatic interaction were highly correlated between soft and hard agar motility, but were uncorrelated between soft agar motility and predation, and inversely correlated between soft agar motility and spore production. Our results show that ‘epistatic pleiotropy’ varied greatly in magnitude, and often even in sign, across traits and over time, highlighting the necessity of simultaneously considering the interacting complexities of pleiotropy and epistasis when studying the process of adaptation.  相似文献   

R. J. Redfield 《Genetics》1988,119(1):213-221
Computer simulations of bacterial transformation are used to show that, under a wide range of biologically reasonable assumptions, transforming populations undergoing deleterious mutation and selection have a higher mean fitness at equilibrium than asexual populations. The source of transforming DNA, the amount of DNA taken up by each transforming cell, and the relationship between number of mutations and cell viability (the fitness function) are important factors. When the DNA source is living cells, transformation resembles meiotic sex. When the DNA source is cells killed by selection against mutations, transformation increases the average number of mutations per genome but can nevertheless increase the mean fitness of the population at equilibrium. In a model of regulated transformation, in which the most fit cells of a transforming population do not transform, transforming populations are always fitter at equilibrium than asexual populations. These results show that transformation can reduce mutation load.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of spatial range expansions on the evolution of fitness when beneficial and deleterious mutations cosegregate. We perform individual‐based simulations of 1D and 2D range expansions and complement them with analytical approximations for the evolution of mean fitness at the edge of the expansion. We find that deleterious mutations accumulate steadily on the wave front during range expansions, thus creating an expansion load. Reduced fitness due to the expansion load is not restricted to the wave front, but occurs over a large proportion of newly colonized habitats. The expansion load can persist and represent a major fraction of the total mutation load for thousands of generations after the expansion. The phenomenon of expansion load may explain growing evidence that populations that have recently expanded, including humans, show an excess of deleterious mutations. To test the predictions of our model, we analyse functional genetic diversity in humans and find patterns that are consistent with our model.  相似文献   

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