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Abstract. Population dynamics, mortality factors, growth and dry weight changes in Quercus floribunda seedlings were studied to determine the implication of sun and shade microsites and the role of mast years on regeneration and maintenance of oak forests in Kumaun Himalaya. The number of seedlings was significantly greater at the sun microsites, but seedling survival was not, as ground herbage clearance at sun microsites accounted for 53.5% mortality. Insect herbivores (e.g. acorn worm) were also one of the major mortality factors. At both microsites, most mortality was encountered between June and August. The initial seedling height at sun microsites was significantly lower compared to shade microsites. Seedlings at sun microsites were superior in terms of number of leaves and peak dry weight. Dry mass allocation in seedling components and root:shoot ratio was similar at both microsites. The study shows the importance of sun microsites and of masting in the potential for regeneration and expansion of Q. floribunda forests.  相似文献   

At several heights and times of day within a crop of Zea mays, internal leaf diffusion resistance (ri) and external boundary layer diffusion resistance (ra) were evaluated by measuring the temperature of a transpiring and a non-transpiring leaf (simulated by covering both sides of a normal leaf with strips of poly-ethylene tape), and by measuring the immediate air temperature, humidity and windspeed.

Both ra and ri increased with depth into the crop. However, ra generally was less than 10% of ri.

Profiles of latent-heat flux density and source intensity of transpiration showed that transpiration corresponded roughly to foliage distribution (with an upward shift) and were not similar to the profile of radiation absorption.

The data were compared with heat budget data. The 2 approaches yielded quite similar height distributions of transpiration per unit leaf area and total transpiration resistance.

The total crop resistance to transpiration was computed as 0.027 min cm−1. This compares to Monteith's values of 0.017 to 0.040 min cm−1 for beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), and Linacre's values of 0.015 to 0.020 min cm−1 for turf.


Guozhen Du  Wei Qi 《Plant Ecology》2010,206(2):321-333
Flowering timing is of fundamental biological importance for its tight association with pre-flower growth states and subsequent reproduction success. Here, we selected plant height and seed size to represent plant growth and reproduction states, respectively, and analyzed their associations with flowering time in 11 communities together representing a QingHai-Tibetan flora. Trait associations were examined using Pearson correlation analyses (TIPs) and phylogenetically independent contrasts (PICs) within individual communities and meta-analyses across all communities. The results of TIPs-based and PICs-based analyses were generally congruent, although fewer contrasts were significant with PICs, probably because of low statistical power. Overall, flowering time was negatively correlated with seed size and plant height (i.e., plants with larger seeds and stature started flowering earlier) in various woody communities, but correlations were neutral or positive in herbaceous communities. The seed size–flowering time relationship was negative for woody and herbaceous perennials but not for annual herbs in most communities. The relationship between plant height and flowering time was negative for woody but positive for herbaceous plants. Moreover, the lack of difference in time–size relationships between anemophilous and entomophilous plants suggests that pollination type may only be a secondary force in controlling flowering phenology. Our studies demonstrate that environmental conditions, community structure, and plant life history strategies may affect community flowering time singly or in combination.  相似文献   

In European grassland landscapes, grazing and mowing play a key role for the maintenance of high-quality habitats that host important bird populations. As grasslands are also key resources for cattle feeding, there is a need to develop management strategies that achieve the double objective of production and biodiversity conservation. The objective of this study was to use a modelling approach to generate recognisable patterns of bird dynamics in farms composed of different land use proportions, and to compare their production and ecological dimensions. We developed a dynamic model, which linked grassland management to bird population dynamics at the field and farm levels. The model was parameterised for two types of suckling farms corresponding to contrasting levels of grassland intensification and for two bird species of high conservation value. A viability algorithm was used to define and assess viable management strategies for production and ecological performance so as to draw the shape of the relationship between both types of performances for the two types of farms. Our results indicated that, at the farm level, there was a farming system effect with a negative and non-linear relationship linking performance. Improving bird population maintenance was less costly in extensive farms compared with intensive farms. At the field level, the model predicted the timing and intensity of land use, maximising either production or ecological performance. The results suggested that multi-objective grassland management would benefit from public policies that consider levels of organisation higher than the field level, such as the farm or the landscape.  相似文献   

What factors drive population variability through space and time? Here we assess patterns of abundance of seven species of gall wasps in three genera occurring on the leaves of valley oaks (Quercus lobata) at 10 sites throughout this species' statewide range in California, from 2000 to 2006. Our primary goals were to understand the factors driving variability in gall abundance and to assess the extent of spatial synchrony in gall wasp communities at both large and small geographic scales. On the large, statewide scale, there was significant site-to-site variation in gall abundance, driven in all cases primarily by differences in mean maximum seasonal temperatures, and lesser year-to-year variation. In contrast, on the small, local scale, differences were more pronounced from year to year than from tree to tree, and were to some extent correlated with differences in acorn production, suggesting an interaction with the reproductive effort of hosts. Significant spatial synchrony was detected, particularly at the statewide scale, but in no case did synchrony decline significantly with distance, despite sites being up to 741 km apart. Variation in spatial synchrony was correlated with a number of exogenous factors, including seasonal weather conditions, the acorn crop at the statewide scale and soil phosphorus availability at the local scale; however, most variation in spatial synchrony in our analyses remained unexplained.  相似文献   

The distributions of glucosinolates and sulphur were measured in the vegetative and reproductive tissues in a series of single- and double-low cultivars of oilseed rape (Bienvenu, Ariana, Cobra and Capricorn) grown on a sulphur-sufficient soil at Rothamsted in 1987/88, and in crops of the cv. Libravo grown with none or 40 kg/ha of sulphur on a sulphur-deficient soil at Woburn in 1990/91. The glucosinolate measurements demonstrated large differences in the abilities of single- and double-low cultivars to synthesise glucosinolates, and showed that the biosynthetic differences were associated more with the developing pods than the vegetative tissues. It indicated that potential contribution of intact glucosinolates from vegetative tissues to the seed was likely to be small, but did not preclude the possibility that the vegetative tissues were a source of glucosinolate precursors. The sulphur measurements showed that the glucosinolates contained only a small proportion of the crop's total sulphur and that they were unlikely to be a major source of recyclable sulphur, even under conditions of severe sulphur deficiency.  相似文献   

Variability in primary production and destruction during growth of an experimental population of Scenedesmus quadricauda has been determined. Accumulation of proteins, total lipids, and carbohydrates in algae cells was depending on phases of an algae population lifecycle.  相似文献   

Shoot N concentration in plants decreases as they get bigger, due to the fact that N accumulates less rapidly than dry matter in plants during the plant growth process, leading to an allometric relationship between shoot N content (N(sh)) and shoot mass (W(sh)): N(sh)=a(W(sh))b. The results obtained on lucerne plants growing either under controlled low density conditions or in dense stands under field conditions show that the value of the allometric coefficient b that represents the ratio between the relative N accumulation rate in shoots [dN(sh)/(N(sh)dt)] and the relative growth rate [dW(sh)/(W(sh)dt)], decreases from 0.88 for a low plant density to 0.72 for a dense stand. Therefore, the fractional increase of shoot N per unit of shoot dry matter is lower when plants are in competition for light in dense canopies. This decrease can be entirely explained by the parallel decline in the leaf area per unit of shoot mass. Thus, a remarkably constant linear relationship can be established between N(sh) and leaf area (LA): N(sh)=1.7 g m(-2) LA, regardless of the conditions (low versus high density, controlled versus field conditions). Moreover, in a field dense stand, the comparison of plants with contrasting positions between the top and the bottom of the canopy (dominant, intermediate or suppressed plants), also shows that the difference in N(sh) at similar shoot mass is explained by the proportion of leaf mass to shoot mass. These data support the idea that leaf growth drives the dynamics of shoot N accumulation. These results also indicate that competition for light among individual plants within a dense canopy induces developmental changes in plant morphology (leaf:stem ratio) that explain the differences observed in shoot N concentration. This last observation could be extrapolated to multi-specific plant stands. Therefore, the sharing of N resources among plant species could partially be the result of the sharing of light within the canopy.  相似文献   

Our data, collected in the extreme east of Europe, show that a significant biological effect of climate change has been experienced even in territories where temperature increase has been the lowest. This study documents the climatic response of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) growing near its north-eastern limits in Europe. It demonstrates the potential of oak trees in old-growth forest to act as proxy climate indicators. Many factors may influence the temporal stability of the growth-climate, acorn crop-climate and first leafing-climate relationships. Climate data, climatic fluctuations, reproduction, genetics and tree-age may relate to this instability. Our results stress that an increase in climate variability or climatic warming resulting from warmer winters or summers could affect the oak population in eastern Europe in a similar way to that in western Europe. These findings, from remnants of oak forest in the middle Volga region of Russia, allow a further understanding of how species could be affected by future climates.  相似文献   

Small, cursorial ectotherms like ants often are immersed in the superheated air layers that develop millimeters above exposed, insolated surfaces (i.e., the thermal boundary layer). We quantified the thermal microenvironments around tree branches in the tropical rainforest canopy, and explored the effects of substrate color on the internal body temperature and species composition of arboreal ants. Branch temperatures during the day (09:00–16:00) were hottest (often > 50 °C) and most variable on the upper surface, while the lowest and least variable temperatures occurred on the underside. Temperatures on black substrates declined with increasing distance above the surface in both the field and the laboratory. By contrast, a micro-scale temperature inversion occurred above white substrates. Wind events (ca. 2 m s−1) eliminated these patterns. Internal temperatures of bodies of Cephalotes atratus workers experimentally heated in the laboratory were 6 °C warmer on white vs. black substrates, and 6 °C cooler than ambient in windy conditions. The composition of ant species foraging at baits differed between black-painted and unpainted tree branches, with a tendency for smaller ants to avoid the significantly hotter black surfaces. Collectively, these outcomes show that ants traversing canopy branches experience very heterogeneous thermal microenvironments that are partly influenced in predictable ways by branch surface coloration and breezy conditions.  相似文献   

Summary We conducted a greenhouse study of the effects of initial seed mass on seedling characteristics in a Panamanian population of Virola surinamensis, a canopy tree in which mean seed mass of different individuals ranges from 1.34 to 4.04g. The system is of particular interest because birds preferentially eat fruits of small-seeded plants, leaving seedlings of large-seeded individuals under conditions of potentially severe sibling competition (Howe and Vande Kerckhove 1980).Effects of differences of mean seed mass between trees are explored using an analysis of variance, while effects of seed-mass variation within crops are demonstrated with a regression analysis. A two-way analysis of variance decisively shows effects of parental source and light condition on seedling height, leaf length, and dry shoot mass (all P<0.0001). A posteriori tests show that differences in seedling characteristics reflect differences in initial seed mass, with especially strong differences apparent in shoot mass. Regression of seedling characteristics on initial seed mass shows that variation of seed size within a crop is sufficient to influence shoot mass at 15 weeks (P<0.0001).Effects of size differences of seeds that land adjacent to each other, either under the parent or in monkey droppings, are documented with growth of pairs of seedlings in pots. Differences in shoot height and mass at 15 weeks are evident when seeds of average size differ by only 0.2 g, and dramatic differences are evident when paired seeds differ by an average of 1.5 g. Seedlings grow more when isolated than when planted with conspecifics.These experimental results offer indirect support for the hypothesis that small-seeded Virola parents secure an advantage in reproduction through differential dispersal, while large-seeded plants produce more competitive seedlings under their own crowns — an advantage most likely to be of importance when frugivores are scarce.  相似文献   

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