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Structure, development and histochemistry of the seed epidermiswere studied inSolanum melongena L. andS. violaceum Ort. usinglight and scanning electron microscopy. The epidermal cellsat the endosperm mother cell stage of ovule development hadthickened outer periclinal walls, consisting of two layers,a thin inner layer, and a thick outer layer. The latter whichstained positively for pectic substances became further thickenedduring the course of seed development; more so inS. melongena.The inner layer of the outer periclinal wall also was thickenedby depositions of cellulose but remained comparatively thin.The development of the inner periclinal and anticlinal wallstook place by the uneven deposition of concentric layers. Thesesecondary wall thickenings which appeared as pyramids in transversesection stained for cellulose, lignin and pectin. Further unevensecondary thickenings near the outer part of the anticlinalwalls resulted in the formation of projections which were hair-or ribbon-like in appearance. InS. melongena, these projectionsprogressed only a short distance from the anticlinal wall. InS.violaceum, on the other hand, they grew much longer formingstriations on the inside of the outer periclinal wall. InS.melongena, partial removal of the outer periclinal wall by enzymeetching exposed to surface view a beaded appearance of the cellboundaries. Complete erosion of the outer periclinal wall revealedthe hair-like projections of the underlying anticlinal walls.InS. violaceum, enzyme treatment exposed the striations whichformed bridge-like structures over the curves in the anticlinalwalls. Solanum melongena ; Solanum violaceum; seed epidermis; seed structure; seed development; cell wall histochemistry; cell wall projections; cell wall striations  相似文献   

WILSON  K. 《Annals of botany》1955,19(3):289-292
Further evidence is presented to show that the systems of orientationof cellulose fibrils in the cell-walls of Valonia and Dictyosphaeriamay be described by reference to two ‘poles’ uponwhich these orientation systems converge. The ‘poles’are real structural features of the wall.  相似文献   

Previous work has demonstrated that isoxaben tolerant mutantsof Arabidopsis thaliana var. Columbia are most likely alteredat the site of isoxaben binding. The salient question becomeswhether or not species selectivity to this herbicide might alsobe a result of differential target site binding. Grasses aregenerally more tolerant to isoxaben than dicots. In this communicationwe show that Agrostis palustris var. Penncross, a grass, is83-fold more tolerant in a soil incorporation test and 170-foldmore tolerant to inhibition of glucose incorporation into cellulosethan is Arabidopsis, a dicot. Cell wall fractionation of Agrostisshows a specific effect on cellulose biosynthesis. At most,5-fold of the 170-fold tolerance exhibited by Agrostis in termsof cellulose biosynthesis can be attributed to decreased isoxabenuptake under the test conditions. Furthermore, Agrostis is unableto metabolize isoxaben to any significant degree. Therefore,we suggest that the major portion of the tolerance in Agrostismight be due to differences in isoxaben binding. Key words: Isoxaben, cellulose, Arabidopsis, Agrostis, herbicide tolerance  相似文献   

The surface region of swarmers of the green alga, Cladophorarupestris, has been studied in both chemically fixed and freeze-etchedmaterial. Swarmers prepared by each of these methods show arraysof granules outside the plasmalemma, covered by a layer of fibrousmaterial of unknown composition which completely surrounds thecell. In the case of freeze-etched swarmers, the granules areformed into a lattice closely similar to that predicted earlierin the ‘ordered granule hypothesis’ of cellulosebiosynthesis. No microfibrils have yet been observed in associationwith the granules, but their location in the region of wallformation, at a time when this process is in its early stages,lends support to the possibility that the granules may be theorganelles responsible for the production and orientation ofthe cellulose microfibrillar component of the cell wall. Noevidence was observed during this work to suggest that any otherorganelle is responsible for cellulose formation.  相似文献   

Paolillo  D. J.  Jr 《Annals of botany》1995,76(6):589-596
Use of the dichroic stain chlor-zinc-iodine revealed that thenet orientation of cellulose wall microfibrils in the outerparadermal wall of the epidermis of seedling wheat leaves isprincipally transverse in the extension zone. The net orientationof microfibrils changes abruptly to principally longitudinalat the end of cell elongation. The net angle of orientationof microfibrils in the extension zone was not a function ofRht-dosage (number of dwarfing alleles), and neither leaf extensionrate nor estimated maximum relative elemental rate of elongationwere functions of microfibril orientation. The results indicatethat elongation rates are not regulated by the net angle oforientation of microfibrils and support the concept that leafextension rate is regulated by the length of the extension zone.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Cellulose wall microfibrils, extension zone, elongation, Rht, wheat, Triticum aestivum L  相似文献   

Lettuce hypocotyl elongation caused by gibberellic acid wasstrongly inhibited by coumarin and dichlobenil, known inhibitorsof cellulose biosyndiesis. Stress-relaxation analysis of thecell wall revealed that gibberellic acid induces a decreasein both minimum relaxation time (To) and relaxation rate (b)and an increase in maximum relaxation time (Tm), when gibberellicacid stimulates hypocotyl elongation. Both coumarin and dichlobenilnullified the effect of gibberellic acid on changes in To, Tmand b values. The content of pectic, hemicellulosic and cellulosic substancesin the cell wall increased per hypocotyl but decreased per unithypocotyl length, in response to gibberellic acid treatment.Particularly, gibberellic acid caused a substantial increasein cellulose content per hypocotyl but a decrease per unit length.A good correlation existed between the decrease in To and thedecrease in hemicellulose content per unit lengdi of the cellwall. The increase in Tm was correlated with the decrease incellulose content per unit length of the cell wall. The decreasein b was correlated with the decrease in the content of bothcellulose and hemicellulose per unit length. Based on these results, we discuss the role of polysaccharidemetabolism of the cell wall in gibberellic acid-induced lettucehypocotyl elongation and the nature of gibberellic acid-inducedbiochemical modifications of the cell wall, which are representedby changes in stress-relaxation properties of the cell wall. 1Present address: Department of Anatomy, Aichi Medical University,Nagakutecho, Aichigun, Aichi 480-11, Japan. (Received September 22, 1975; )  相似文献   

Elongation growth of etiolated hypocotyls of cress (Lepidiumsativum L.) was suppressed when they were exposed to basipetalhypergravity at 35 g and above. Acceleration at 135 g causeda decrease in the mechanical extensibility and an increase inthe minimum stress-relaxation time of the cell wall. Such changesin the mechanical properties of the cell wall were prominentin the lower regions of hypocotyls. The amounts of cell wallpolysaccharides per unit length of hypocotyls increased underthe hypergravity condition and, in particular, the increasein the amount of cellulose in the lower regions was conspicuous.Hypergravity did not influence the neutral sugar compositionof either the pectin or the hemicellulose fraction. The amountof lignin was also increased by hypergravity treatment, althoughthe level was low. The data suggest that hypergravity modifiesthe metabolism of cell wall components and thus makes the cellwall thick and rigid, thereby inhibiting elongation growth ofcress hypocotyls. These changes may contribute to the plants'ability to sustain their structures against hypergravity. Key words: Cell wall extensibility, cellulose, hypergravity, Lepidium sativum L., lignin  相似文献   

The processes occurring in root hairs of Ceratopteris thalictroidesduring recovery after 10 min incubation in cellulose crystallizationinhibitors (Congo Red and Calcofluor White) and in cellulosesynthesis inhibitors (Coumarin and Dichlorobenzonitrile) werestudied using light and electron microscopy. All these drugscause reversible cessation of growth of the root hairs. AfterCR and CW treatment the nuclei proceed in their normal directionof movement, whereas after Cm and DCB treatment the directionof movement is reversed immediately. After CR and CW treatment the organization of the cytoplasmin the root hair tip is temporarily altered. Cell wall synthesiscontinues, although the resulting wall has a different appearance.After Cm and DCB treatment, the cytoplasm in the root hair tiphas disintegrated and cell wall synthesis is stopped. Recoveryof cell wall synthesis results in a new cell wall between thedisintegrated cytoplasm and the remaining cytoplasm. The effects of the drugs on cytoplasmic organization are discussedin relation to their specificity in inhibiting cell wall synthesis. Key words: Ceratopteris thalictroides, root hairs, cellulose synthesis, inhibition of cell wall formation  相似文献   

TIWARI  S. C. 《Annals of botany》1983,51(1):17-26
A histochemical investigation on the cell walls of the hypostasein Torenia fournieri Lind. (Scrophulariaceae) revealed thatthey contain large amounts of callose, cellulose and pectins.Except in the middle lamellae, tests failed to show lignin inthe walls. It is surmised that the callose in the hypostasedevelops in order to regulate the flow of metabolites to theembryo sac. Torenia fournieri Lind., hypostase, cell wall, callose  相似文献   

The rate and composition of cell wall polysaccharide synthesisduring development and growth-inhibiting water deficits wereinvestigated in leaves of grape (Vitis vinifera L.). The rateof leaf expansion was monitored as plant water status was manipulatedby modulating the supply of irrigation water to potted plantsover several days. The corresponding wall synthesis was determinedby incubating leaf tissue with [14C]glucose and quantifyingincorporation into wall components. Samples were obtained fromrapidly expanding and mature leaves before, during, and following(recovery from) moderate water deficits. Uptake was approximately2-fold greater for mature leaf tissue than for rapidly expandingtissue at both high and low water status. In contrast, incorporationinto cell wall polysaccharides was 18 to 41% (under low andhigh water status) of uptake in expanding leaves but less than4% in mature tissue. Incorporation of precursor into wall polysaccharideswas insensitive to plant water status in mature leaves, butwas inhibited to less than 50% of well-watered controls in expandingleaves at low water potential. Incorporation of label into cellulose,uronic acid, and neutral sugar fractions was differentiallyaffected by water deficits, with cellulose synthesis apparentlyexhibiting the greatest sensitivity to low water status. Afterrewatering, growth, as well as uptake and incorporation of labelrecovered, although the latter did not attain prestress rates.The results indicate a high sensitivity of wall polysaccharide(particularly cellulose) synthesis to growth-inhibiting waterdeficits. 1 Supported by United States Department of Agriculture, CompetitiveResearch grant GAM 8502539. (Received November 15, 1989; Accepted January 17, 1990)  相似文献   

WHITE  JULIE 《Annals of botany》1990,65(3):231-239
The development of the microspore mother cell walls in Actinidiadeliciosa (kiwifruit) has been studied using light and electronmicroscopy. The microspore mother cell wall is similar, histochemically,and structurally in anthers from both functionally staminateand functionally pistillate flowers. Deposition, which beginsduring early prophase I, produces an electron-dense multilaminatedwall layer (layer a) and by the end of meiosis I a thick electron-lucentlayer (layer b) to the inside of this multilayered wall. Thereasons for histochemical differences and similarities betweenthese layers are discussed. The original primary wall persistsuntil the late uninucleate microspore stage. Layer (b), whichis probably mainly callose, dissolves at the late tetrad/earlymicrospore stage while layer (a), which probably also containsother polysaccharides, persists and dissolves concurrently withthe primary wall. Actinidia deliciosa, kiwifruit, microspore mother cell wall, callose, histochemistry, light microscopy, electron microscopy, male sterility  相似文献   

LYSHEDE  OLE B. 《Annals of botany》1992,69(4):365-371
The seeds of Cuscuta pedicellata have been investigated by transmissionand scanning electron microscopy. Additional observations havebeen made on seeds of C. campestris by SEM only. The seed coatconsists of an outer single epidermis, two different palisadelayers, and an inner multiparenchyma layer. The outer epidermalwall in C. pedicellata has a thick cuticle and zones rich inpectic substances. The thicker ‘U-shaped’ cell wallsin the outer palisade layer are strengthened by a wall layerof hemicellulose. The inner palisade layer has thick walledcells with a ‘light line’. The inner cell wall ofthe compressed multiparenchyma layer has a thin cuticle. A fairlythick cuticle is positioned directly on the endosperm surface.The aleurone cell walls are different from the remaining endospermwalls. The latter are thick and believed to be of galactomannans.There is a ‘clear’ zone between the plasmalemmaand the cell wall in the aleurone cells. The embryo cells arepacked with lipids and proteins. In Cuscuta campestris mostendosperm has been absorbed during the seed development. Theembryo apex has two minute leaf primordia. The features of theCuscuta seeds are discussed in relation to functional and environmentalconditions. Cuscuta pedicellata, Cuscuta campestris, seed, seed coat, cuticle, cell walls, endosperm, aleurone cells, galactomannan, embryo, TEM, SEM  相似文献   

Cuttings of 6-week-old Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.)seedlings were placed in liquid media containing various concentrationsof Ca2+. Cytoplasmic concentrations of Ca2+ were manipulatedusing the ionophore A 23 187. The effects of Ca2+ concentrationson the deposition of total cell wall material as well as onthe deposition of cellulose, lignin, and non-cellulosic polysaccharidesin the hypocotyls were investigated. At low concentrations ofCa2+ wall deposition was reduced, mainly as a result of theinhibition of lignin and non-cellulosic polysaccharide deposition.High concentrations of Ca2+ stimulated non-cellulosic polysaccharideand lignin deposition, whereas cellulose deposition was almosttotally inhibited. Key words: Conifers, calcium, cell wall, lignin, cellulose  相似文献   

Microfibrillar structure, cortical microtubule orientation andthe effect of amiprophos-methyl (APM) on the arrangement ofthe most recently deposited cellulose microfibrils were investigatedin the marine filamentous green alga, Chamaedoris orientalis.The thallus cells of Chamaedoris showed typical tip growth.The orientation of microfibrils in the thick cell wall showedorderly change in longitudinal, transverse and oblique directionsin a polar dependent manner. Microtubules run parallel to thelongitudinally arranged microfibrils in the innermost layerof the wall but they are never parallel to either transverseor obliquely arranged microfibrils. The ordered change in microfibrilorientation is altered by the disruption of the microtubuleswith APM. The walls, deposited in the absence of the microtubules,showed typical helicoidal pattern. However, the original crossedpolylamellate pattern was restored by the removal of APM. Thissuggests that cortical microtubules in this alga do not controlthe direction of microfibril orientation but control the orderedchange of microfibril orientation. Amiprophos-methyl, Chamaedoris orientalis, coenocytic green alga, cortical microtubule, microfibrillar structure, tip growth  相似文献   

Brassica campestris Male Fertility 2 (BcMF2) is a putative polygalacturonase(PG) gene previously isolated from the flower bud of Chinesecabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis Makino, syn.B. rapa ssp. chinensis). This gene was found to be expressedspecifically in tapetum and pollen after the tetrad stage ofanther development. Antisense RNA technology was used to studythe function of BcMF2 in Chinese cabbage. Scanning and transmissionelectron microscopy revealed that there were deformities inthe transgenic mature pollen grains such as abnormal locationof germinal furrows. In addition, the homogeneous pectic exintinelayer facing the exterior seemed to be overdeveloped and predominantlyoccupied the intine, thus reversing the normal proportionaldistribution of the internal endintine layer and the externalexintine layer. Since it is a continuation of the intine layer,the pollen tube wall could not grow normally. This resultedin the formation of a balloon-like swelling structure in thepollen tube tip in nearly 80% of the transgenic pollen grains.Premature degradation of tapetum was also found in these transgenicplants, which displayed decreased expression of the BcMF2 gene.BcMF2 might therefore encode a new PG with an important rolein pollen wall development, possibly via regulation of pectin'sdynamic metabolism. Key words: Brassica campestris, Brassica rapa, Chinese cabbage, intine, PG, polygalacturonase, pollen wall Received 28 August 2008; Revised 14 October 2008 Accepted 20 October 2008  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the fibre wall in Fraxinus mandshuricaRupr. var. japonica Maxim. was investigated by electron microscopy.The trees had been inclined artificially at an angle of 30°to the vertical at the beginning of the initiation of cambialgrowth in early spring. The secondary walls of tension woodfibres were of the outer (S1) layer and gelatinous (G) layertype. The microfibrils in the gelatinous (G) layer were orientedas a steep Z-helix relative to the fibre axis with a deviationthat ranged from 0° to 25° but was mainly between 5°and 10°. The cross-sectional surface of tension wood fibresrevealed the relatively strong attachment of the G-layer tothe S1 layer. The G-layer stained weakly with potassium permanganate.The S1 layer of tension wood fibres stained less strongly thanthat of the normal and opposite wood fibres. These results indicatethat the tension wood in F. mandshurica var. japonica is nottypical and is somewhat anomalous. The secondary walls of normaland opposite wood fibres were composed of two layers, S1 andS2, and lacked an S3 layer. Microfibrils in the S3 layer ofjuvenile stems were extremely variable in orientation and weresparsely distributed without forming a layer. By contrast, avery thin S3 layer was present in the wood fibres of maturestems. The variations in the formation of the S3 layer in thefibre walls were probably due to the differences in the cambialage of the stems of F. mandshurica Rupr. var. japonica.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. var. japonica Maxim., Japanese ash, tension wood, fibre wall, G-layer, microfibrillar orientation, normal and opposite wood, juvenile stem, field-emission scanning electron microscopy, low accelerating voltage  相似文献   

  1. A method has been developed to measure the hydraulic conductivityof the wall of the internodal cell of Nitella flexilis.
  2. Therate of water penetration through the cell wall varies linearlywith the hydrostatic pressure difference between the two sidesof the wall, showing that water permeability of the cell wallremains independent of the pressure difference applied.
  3. Waterpermeability of the cell wall is inversely proportionalto itsthickness It is 30µµmin–3{dot}atm–3when the thickness of the wall is 10 µ.
  4. Water permeabilityof the cell wall is the same for inward andoutward water flow.The polar water permeability of the entiremembrane system (walland protoplasmic part) of the living celldemonstrated by KAMIYAand TAZAWA (1) is, therefore, due tothe living protoplasmicpart.
  5. The ratio of the inward to outward permeability constantsofthe protoplasmic layer alone is higher than that of the entiremembrane system composed of protoplasmic layer and cell wall.
1 Dedicated to Prof. H. TAMIYA on the occasion of his 60th birthday.The present work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid forFundamental Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education. 2 Present address: Sh?in Women's College, Kobe. (Received July 21, 1962; )  相似文献   

UMEZURIKE  G. M. 《Annals of botany》1969,33(3):451-462
Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat., a ‘stain’ fungusisolated from stained and decaying wood of Bombax buonopozenseP. Beauv., attacked isolated blocks of Bombax wood. In theseit perforated the cell walls and formed elongated cavities withpointed ends, usually in chains, in the secondary wall. Thefungus attacked cellulose in a similar manner to soft rot fungi.It used starch and other saccharides present in the wood ofBombax buonopozense as initial substrates before degrading thecellulose and hemicellulose components of the wood. It did notdegrade the lignin component of the wood. Cellulase, ß-glucosidase, and amylase activities weredetected in culture filtrates of Botryodiplodia theobromae.Cellulase synthesis was delayed when the wood powder in themedium contained starch and saccharides. Amylase, too, behavedlike an inducible enzyme and disappeared from the cultures onexhaustion of starch. Electron microscopy showed that cellulose extracted from thewood of Bombax buonopozense was fragmented into small particleson treatment with the culture filtrates of Botryodiplodia theobromae.Cellobiose, glucose, and another saccharide, probably cellotriose,were identified as the products of enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose. These results are discussed in relation to the attack and degradationof the wood of Bombax buonopozense by Botryodiplodia theobromaein nature.  相似文献   

PETTITT  J. M. 《Annals of botany》1980,45(3):257-271
This paper describes the characteristics of the pollen and thereceptive surfaces of the stigmas in the three marine angiospermsincluded in the Hydrocharitaceae. The pollen in Enhalus acoroidesand Thalassia hemprichii is spherical and has an ornamentedexine. An exine layer is not found in Halophila stipulacea wherereniform pollen grains are contained within transparent moniliformtubes. Cytochemical tests show that the pollen wall in the threespecies contains acidic and neutral polysaccharides and acidhydrolase acitivity is detected in the intine of H. stipulaceaand T. hemprichii. In Thalassia, one of the intine enzymes,acid phosphatase, is unambiguously associated with cytoplasmicinclusions. Flowering in Thalassia is coincident with the spring tides andthe pollen is released as a mass suspended in a thecal slimewhich contains approximately 5 per cent by weight carbohydrate,the principal mono-saccharide being mannose. Electrophoreticanalysis of the pollen-free slime shows a single glycoproteincomponent. The stigmas of the three seagrasses are papillate and of the‘dry’ type possessing a continuous protein-aceouspellicle subtended by a cuticle. The stigma pellicle exhibitscytochemically detectable esterase activity and binds the lectinconcanavalin A. Acid phosphatase activity is localized beneaththe cuticle at the tips of the stigma papillae. The discoveries show that the characteristics of the pollenand stigmas in the seagrasses are comparable with those foundin terrestrial flowering plants. The similarity in enzymaticproperites of the pollen wall and stigma pellicle suggests that,intriguingly, a similar mechanism of cuticle erosion might wellfollow compatible pollination both on land and in the sea. Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Halophila stipulacea, Halophila decipiens, seagrasses pollen wall, stigma surface, hydrolytic enzymes  相似文献   

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