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Despite the early recognition of the strong association between obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and obesity, and OSA and cardiovascular problems, sleep apnoea has been treated as a "local abnormality" of the respiratory track rather than as a "systemic illness". In 1997, we first reported that the pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) were elevated in patients with disorders of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) and proposed that these cytokines were mediators of daytime sleepiness. In subsequent studies, it was shown that IL-6, TNFalpha, and insulin levels were elevated in sleep apnoea independently of obesity and that visceral fat was the primary parameter linked with sleep apnoea. Further studies showed that women with the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) were much more likely than controls to have sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) and daytime sleepiness, suggesting a pathogenetic role of insulin resistance in OSA. Additional accumulated evidence that supports the role of obesity and the associated metabolic aberrations in the pathogenesis of sleep apnoea and related symptoms include: obesity without sleep apnoea is associated with daytime sleepiness; the protective role of gonadal hormones as suggested by the increased prevalence of sleep apnoea in post-menopausal women and the significantly reduced risk for OSA in women on hormonal therapy; partial effects of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in obese patients with apnoea on hypercytokinemia, insulin resistance indices, and visceral fat; and that the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in the U.S. population from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1988-1994) parallels the prevalence of symptomatic sleep apnoea in general random samples. Furthermore, the beneficial effect of a cytokine antagonist on EDS and apnoea in obese, male apnoeics and that of exercise and weight loss on SDB and EDS in general random or clinical samples, supports the hypothesis that cytokines and insulin resistance are mediators of EDS and sleep apnoea in humans. Finally, our recent finding that in obese, hypothalamic CRH neuron is hypoactive, provides additional evidence on the potential central neural mechanisms for depressed ventilation and consequent development of sleep apnoea in obese individuals. In conclusion, accumulating evidence provides support to our thesis that obesity via inflammation, insulin resistance, visceral adiposity, and central neural mechanisms, e.g. hypofunctioning hypothalamic CRH, play a major role in the pathogenesis of sleep apnoea, sleepiness, and the associated cardiovascular co-morbidities.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of snoring, breathing pauses during sleep, and obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome and determine the relation between these events and sociodemographic variables, other health problems, driving accidents, and consumption of healthcare resources. DESIGN: Telephone interview survey directed by a previously validated computerised system (Sleep-Eval). SETTING: United Kingdom. SUBJECTS: 2894 women and 2078 men aged 15-100 years who formed a representative sample of the non-institutionalised population. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Interview responses. RESULTS: Forty per cent of the population reported snoring regularly and 3.8% reported breathing pauses during sleep. Regular snoring was significantly associated with male sex, age 25 or more, obesity, daytime sleepiness or naps, night time awakenings, consuming large amounts of caffeine, and smoking. Breathing pauses during sleep were significantly associated with obstructive airways or thyroid disease, male sex, age 35-44 years, consumption of anxiety reducing drugs, complaints of non-restorative sleep, and consultation with a doctor in the past year. The two breathing symptoms were also significantly associated with drowsiness while driving. Based on minimal criteria of the International classification of Sleep Disorders (1990), 1.9% of the sample had obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome. In the 35-64 year age group 1.5% of women (95% confidence interval 0.8% to 2.2%) and 3.5% of men (2.4% to 4.6%) had obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome. CONCLUSIONS: Disordered breathing during sleep is widely underdiagnosed in the United Kingdom. The condition is linked to increased use of medical resources and a greater risk of daytime sleepiness, which augments the risk of accidents. Doctors should ask patients and bed partners regularly about snoring and breathing pauses during sleep.  相似文献   

R J Kimoff  M G Cosio  M McGregor 《CMAJ》1991,144(6):689-695
OBJECTIVE: To review the clinical features and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). DATA SOURCE AND SELECTION: All articles on OSA published in French and English between 1970 and 1990 and indexed in Index Medicus were reviewed. Studies addressing the epidemiologic features and clinical aspects of OSA were selected, and special emphasis was given to articles reporting the effects of treatment on morbidity and mortality rates. MAIN RESULTS: OSA is characterized by episodes of upper airway obstruction during sleep that result in repetitive hypoxemia and sleep disruption. OSA leads to various neuropsychologic and cardiovascular complications, including daytime hypersomnolence, cognitive impairment, systemic and pulmonary hypertension and cardiac arrhythmias. There is suggestive evidence that the death rate among affected people is increased. The true incidence of OSA is unknown, but estimates have varied from 1% upwards among men. The current treatment with the greatest overall effectiveness and acceptability is nasal continuous positive airway pressure. CONCLUSION: This common, readily treatable disorder is associated with serious complications and therefore must be widely recognized by health professionals.  相似文献   

The National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research, in its report to Congress, concluded that the primary care community generally does not understand sleep disorders. Obstructive sleep apnea carries a risk of substantial morbidity and mortality. Excessive daytime sleepiness results from fragmented sleep and microarousals associated with apneic events. It causes poor work performance and increases the incidence of automobile accidents due to driving while drowsy. The commission estimates that the loss of productivity in the United States from excessive daytime sleepiness is more than $20 billion per year. Obstructive sleep apnea is strongly associated with hypertension, myocardial infarction, and stroke. Risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea include male sex, obesity, older age, craniofacial anomalies, and familial risk. Treatment is based on documenting the disorder by polysomnography. Medical management of the syndrome includes weight loss and nasal continuous positive airway pressure. A network of follow-up and support is necessary to maintain compliance. Surgical treatment is reserved for those for whom nasal airway pressure treatment fails. A surgical protocol is presented that demonstrates efficacy equal to nasal airway pressure treatment. Primary care physicians should assume the responsibility of identifying patients at risk for obstructive sleep apnea and refer them appropriately.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2010.00426.x Perceived sleep quality among edentulous elders Background: Anatomical changes associated with edentulism are thought to disturb seniors’ sleep. Objectives: (1) To determine sleep quality and daytime sleepiness of edentulous elders. (2) To examine the association between oral health‐related quality of life and sleep quality. Methods: Data were collected at a 1‐year follow‐up from 173 healthy edentulous elders who had participated in a randomised controlled trial and randomly received two types of mandibular prosthesis. Subjective sleep quality was assessed using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI, range 0–21), with higher scores indicating poorer sleep quality. The Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) was used to measure the level of perceived daytime sleepiness, and scores ≥10 indicated sleepiness. Results: The mean global PSQI and ESS scores were 4.7 ± 3.5 and 5.3 ± 3.9. There were no differences in sleep quality or sleepiness between those who wore their dentures at night and those who did not. Elders with frequent denture problems were sleepier during the day than those with fewer problems (p = 0.0034). General health (p = 0.02) and oral health‐related quality of life (p = 0.001) are significant predictors of sleep quality. Conclusion: Healthy edentulous elders, independent of nocturnal wearing of their prosthesis, are good sleepers. Maintaining high oral health quality of life could contribute to better sleep.  相似文献   

Day time somnolence or excessive snoring, or both, occurred in five out of 11 patients with acromegaly. All five had episodes of sleep apnoea, and three had the sleep apnoea syndrome. Growth hormone concentrations were higher (p less than 0.025) in these patients than in the six patients without these symptoms. One patient with daytime somnolence and one asymptomatic patient had flow loop evidence of upper airways obstruction. Two of the patients with the sleep apnoea syndrome had cardiomegaly. Sleep apnoea appears to be common and clinically important in acromegaly, and it may be central, obstructive, or mixed. Polygraphic nocturnal monitoring is indicated to assess these patients properly.  相似文献   

The obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is a disorder of sleep and breathing that is being recognized with increasing frequency. The pathophysiologic consequences range from mild sleepiness to life-threatening cardiovascular and respiratory decompensation. The primary forms of treatment are directed at modifying the upper airway with either an operation or continuous positive airway pressure. Aside from tracheostomy, which is virtually always successful, other forms of treatment have met with varying results. Ancillary therapy, including oxygen, weight loss and drugs, is often helpful but seldom curative. Follow-up sleep studies are necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. Selecting therapy for a patient with obstructive sleep apnea requires a comprehensive evaluation including polysomnography, special examinations of the upper airway and assessing the cardiopulmonary status. Therapy is based on the severity of disease and must be tailored to each patient.  相似文献   

Obesity, excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), and self-reported short sleep duration appear to be on the rise, while there is evidence that obesity and these sleep disorders are strongly connected. In this paper, we review data that challenge the common belief that the sleep apnoea and sleep loss, frequently associated with obesity, are the primary determinants of obesity-related objective daytime sleepiness and subjective fatigue (tiredness without increased sleep propensity). Specifically, obesity is associated with objective and subjective EDS regardless of the presence of sleep apnoea. The association between obesity and EDS was confirmed in recent studies of large random samples of the general population or clinical samples, which showed that the primary determinants of subjective EDS were depression, metabolic disturbances, i.e. obesity/diabetes and insulin resistance, and lack of physical activity, and, secondarily, sleep apnoea or sleep loss. Paradoxically, within the obese, with or without sleep apnoea, those who slept objectively better at night are sleepier (objectively) during the day than those who slept worse. The distinguishing factor between those that slept better vs. those that slept worse appears to be level of emotional stress. Furthermore, many studies reported that obesity is associated with self-reported short sleep duration; however, it appears that short sleep duration is a marker of emotional stress rather than a reflection of true sleep loss. Based on these data, we propose that obesity-related deeper sleep and objective EDS are primarily related to metabolic disturbances, whereas obesity-related poorer sleep and subjective fatigue appear to be the result of psychological distress. Furthermore, based on data from studies in normal controls and patients with sleep disorders, it appears that the interaction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and pro-inflammatory cytokines determines the level of sleep/arousal within the 24-hour cycle, i.e. "eucortisolemia" or "hypocortisolemia" plus hypercytokinemia is associated with high sleep efficiency and objective sleepiness, whereas "hypercortisolemia" plus hypercytokinemia is associated with low sleep efficiency and fatigue. In conclusion, we propose that the above-reviewed data provide the basis for a meaningful phenotypic and pathophysiologic sub-typing of obesity. One subtype is associated with emotional distress, poor sleep, fatigue, HPA axis "hyperactivity," and hypercytokinemia while the other is associated with non-distress, better sleep but more sleepiness, HPA axis "normo or hypoactivity," and hypercytokinemia. This proposed sub-typing may lead to novel, preventive and therapeutic strategies for obesity and its associated sleep disturbances.  相似文献   

Auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 14 subjects with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) before and after treatment with nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP). After 2 nights of treatment, there was dramatic improvement in the sleep patterns of the OSA patients, improvements in measures of apnea severity and oxygenation, and decrease in daytime sleepiness. The results of neuropsychological tests of a broad range of cognitive functions failed to confirm the patients' subjective reports of improvement in psychological functioning after treatment. The latencies of the N2 and P3 components were significantly prolonged prior to treatment, and there was a trend towards smaller N2 and P3 amplitude in the apneic subjects. The latency of P3 (but not N2) changed with treatment, decreasing almost to normative values. The results suggest that ERPs may be useful in documenting neural dysfunction in patients with OSA, in evaluating treatment efficacy, and possibly in determining the causes of the daytime symptoms of OSA.  相似文献   

We measured the effects of slow-release caffeine (SRC) and melatonin (Mlt) on sleep and daytime sleepiness after a seven-time zone eastbound flight. In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study, each of three groups of nine subjects was given either 300 mg SRC on recovery day 1 (D1) to D5 (0800) or 5 mg Mlt on preflight D-1 (1700), flight day D0 (1600), and from D1 to D3 (2300), or placebo (Pbo) at the same times. Nighttime sleep was evaluated by polysomnography and daytime sleepiness from measurements of sleep latencies and continuous wrist actigraphy. Compared with baseline, we found a significant rebound of slow-wave sleep on night 1 (N1) to N2 under Pbo and Mlt and a significant decrease in rapid eye movement sleep on N1 (Pbo) and N1-N3 (Mlt). Sleepiness was objectively increased under Pbo (D1-D6) and Mlt (D1-D3). SRC reduced sleepiness but also tended to affect sleep quality until the last drug day. In conclusion, both drugs have positive effects on some jet lag symptoms after an eastbound flight: SRC on daytime sleepiness, and Mlt on sleep.  相似文献   

Sleep apnoea is a very common sleep disorder which is able to cause symptoms such as daytime sleepiness, irritability and poor concentration. This paper presents a combinational feature extraction approach based on some nonlinear features extracted from Electro Cardio Graph (ECG) Reconstructed Phase Space (RPS) and usually used frequency domain features for detection of sleep apnoea. Here 6 nonlinear features extracted from ECG RPS are combined with 3 frequency based features to reconstruct final feature set. The nonlinear features consist of Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA), Correlation Dimensions (CD), 3 Large Lyapunov Exponents (LLEs) and Spectral Entropy (SE). The final proposed feature set show about 94.8% accuracy over the Physionet sleep apnoea dataset using a kernel based SVM classifier. This research also proves that using non-linear analysis to detect sleep apnoea can potentially improve the classification accuracy of apnoea detection system.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate daytime and nighttime sleep, as well as daytime and nighttime sleepiness of professional shift-working bus drivers. Thirty-two licensed bus drivers were assessed by nocturnal and diurnal polysomnography (PSG) recording and multiple sleep latency testing (MSLT) sessions. Sleep length was shorter and sleep efficiency reduced during daytime sleep compared with nighttime sleep. Thirty-eight percent of the drivers had indices of obstructive apnea and hypopnea syndrome (>5/h sleep) during nighttime and daytime sleep; more drivers snored during daytime than nighttime sleep (50% vs. 35%, p < 0.05), and 38% of the drivers evidenced periodic leg movements. The MSLT revealed that 42 and 38% of the bus drivers met the criteria for sleepiness when the test was conducted during the day and night, respectively. The daytime as compared to nighttime sleep of shift-working bus drivers was shorter and more fragmented and was associated in many with evidence of excessive sleepiness. Respiratory disorder was a common finding among the professional shift-working bus drivers. All these sleep deficiencies may adversely affect on the job driving performance.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to propose cutoff points for the Pediatric Daytime Sleepiness Scale (PDSS) through sensitivity and specificity analyses in order to identify excessive daytime sleepiness, considering parameters such as duration and quality of sleep, health perception, stress control and depressive moods (feelings of sadness) in adolescents. A total of 1,132 adolescents, aged 14–19 years old, of both sexes, from the public high school of São José – SC, answered the questionnaire with information on age, daytime sleepiness, sleep duration, health perception, stress management, depressive moods (feelings of sadness) and quality of sleep. The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve was used to estimate cutoff points considering the sensitivity and specificity values ??that best identify adolescents with excessive daytime sleepiness, using independent variables as a reference. The majority of the sample was female (54.2%), aged 14–16 years. The girls presented worse quality of sleep (66.4%), and the boys had a more positive perception of health (74.8%), better stress control (64.8%) and lower depressive moods (feelings of sadness) (63.3%). The largest area in the ROC curve was the one that considered sleep quality as a parameter in both sexes (area of the curve = 0.709 and 0.659, respectively, for boys and girls, p < 0.001). Considering sleep quality as a reference, the cutoff point for excessive daytime sleepiness was 15 points. The other parameters used were also significant (p < 0.005). Poor sleep quality was the parameter most strongly related to daytime sleepiness, and a cutoff of 15 points for the PDSS for both sexes should be used in the definition of excessive daytime sleepiness. For the other parameters, stress management, depressive mood (feelings of sadness) and health perception, different cutoff points are suggested for boys and girls.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate daytime and nighttime sleep, as well as daytime and nighttime sleepiness of professional shift-working bus drivers. Thirty-two licensed bus drivers were assessed by nocturnal and diurnal polysomnography (PSG) recording and multiple sleep latency testing (MSLT) sessions. Sleep length was shorter and sleep efficiency reduced during daytime sleep compared with nighttime sleep. Thirty-eight percent of the drivers had indices of obstructive apnea and hypopnea syndrome (>5/h sleep) during nighttime and daytime sleep; more drivers snored during daytime than nighttime sleep (50% vs. 35%, p < 0.05), and 38% of the drivers evidenced periodic leg movements. The MSLT revealed that 42 and 38% of the bus drivers met the criteria for sleepiness when the test was conducted during the day and night, respectively. The daytime as compared to nighttime sleep of shift-working bus drivers was shorter and more fragmented and was associated in many with evidence of excessive sleepiness. Respiratory disorder was a common finding among the professional shift-working bus drivers. All these sleep deficiencies may adversely affect on the job driving performance.  相似文献   


Social jetlag has recently attracted attention as the circadian misalignment between biological and social clocks. We aimed to examine social jetlag and its effect on daytime sleepiness and daily functions in patients with narcolepsy, behaviorally induced insufficient sleep syndrome (BIISS) and delayed sleep-wake phase disorder (DSPD). The levels of social jetlag (SJLmid) and sleep-corrected social jetlag (SJLsc) were calculated for each patient, and the effect of these social jetlag-related parameters on daytime sleepiness and daily functions were examined. Objective sleepiness measured by the mean sleep latency in the multiple sleep latency test, subjective sleepiness assessed by the Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS), health-related quality of life (HRQoL) assessed by the SF-8 health survey, and incidences of mistakes in daily activities, traffic accidents and near-miss events related to daytime sleepiness were compared among the narcolepsy (n = 39), BIISS (n = 87) and DSPD (n = 28) groups. Both SJLmid and SJLsc showed a negative correlation with physical HRQoL in patients with narcolepsy and a positive correlation with the ESS score in patients with DSPD. In patients with BIISS, SJLsc reflected sleep loss rather than circadian misalignment; moreover, SJLsc was not associated with daytime sleepiness and daily functions. Social jetlag was not associated with incidences of mistakes in daily activities, traffic accidents and near-miss events.

The state of social jetlag and its association with daily functions differed among the narcolepsy, BIISS and DSPD groups. Social jetlag represented sleep debt in BIISS, circadian misalignment in narcolepsy and both in DSPD. Our results thus show that the clinical manifestations and significance of social jetlag differ depending on the underlying sleep disorders.  相似文献   



Sufficient sleep during childhood is essential to ensure a transition into a healthy adulthood. However, chronic sleep loss continues to increase worldwide. In this context, it is imperative to make sleep a high-priority and take action to promote sleep health among children. The present series of studies aimed to shed light on sleep patterns, on the longitudinal association of sleep with school performance, and on practical intervention strategy for Chinese school-aged children.

Methods and Findings

A serial sleep researches, including a national cross-sectional survey, a prospective cohort study, and a school-based sleep intervention, were conducted in China from November 2005 through December 2009. The national cross-sectional survey was conducted in 8 cities and a random sample of 20,778 children aged 9.0±1.61 years participated in the survey. The five-year prospective cohort study included 612 children aged 6.8±0.31 years. The comparative cross-sectional study (baseline: n = 525, aged 10.80±0.41; post-intervention follow-up: n = 553, aged 10.81±0.33) was undertaken in 6 primary schools in Shanghai. A battery of parent and teacher reported questionnaires were used to collect information on children’s sleep behaviors, school performance, and sociodemographic characteristics. The mean sleep duration was 9.35±0.77 hours. The prevalence of daytime sleepiness was 64.4% (sometimes: 37.50%; frequently: 26.94%). Daytime sleepiness was significantly associated with impaired attention, learning motivation, and particularly, academic achievement. By contrast, short sleep duration only related to impaired academic achievement. After delaying school start time 30 minutes and 60 minutes, respectively, sleep duration correspondingly increased by 15.6 minutes and 22.8 minutes, respectively. Moreover, intervention significantly improved the sleep duration and daytime sleepiness.


Insufficient sleep and daytime sleepiness commonly existed and positively associated with the impairment of school performance, especially academic achievement, among Chinese school-aged children. The effectiveness of delaying school staring time emphasized the benefits of optimal school schedule regulation to children’s sleep health.  相似文献   

Considerable evidence is now available of an independent association between obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) and cardiovascular disease. The association is particularly strong for systemic arterial hypertension, but there is growing evidence of an association with ischemic heart disease and stroke. The mechanisms underlying cardiovascular disease in patients with OSAS are still poorly understood. However, the pathogenesis is likely to be a multifactorial process involving a diverse range of mechanisms, including sympathetic overactivity, selective activation of inflammatory molecular pathways, endothelial dysfunction, abnormal coagulation, and metabolic dysregulation, the latter particularly involving insulin resistance and disordered lipid metabolism. Therapy with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) has been associated with significant benefits to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, both in short-term studies addressing specific aspects of morbidity, such as hypertension, and more recently in long-term studies that have evaluated major outcomes of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. However, there is a clear need for further studies evaluating the impact of CPAP therapy on cardiovascular outcomes. Furthermore, studies on the impact of CPAP therapy have provided useful information concerning the role of basic cell and molecular mechanisms in the pathophysiology of OSAS.  相似文献   

A person's well-being and health are greatly affected by disorders of sleep and wakefulness. It is of the utmost importance to diagnose and treat such conditions, since the associated daytime sleepiness is a major risk factor for accidents. Early establishment of the correct diagnosis paves the way to achieving an excellent therapeutic outcome. Health-economic requirements of appropriateness and necessity mandate the specific use of cost- and time-intensive examinations in the sleep laboratory. In accordance with the guidelines for "non-restorative sleep", severe and chronic sleep disorders can be diagnosed outside the sleep lab if the underlying cause can already be identified on the basis of the patient's history. Such is usually the case in sleep disorders caused by external influences, disturbed circadian rhythm or pre-existing neurological, psychiatric or internal disorders. Standardized questionnaires are used to record and evaluate the patient's complaints, and vigilance testing to assess impaired sustained attention during the day. Excessive daytime sleepiness is quantified by the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT). In the case of some disorders such as apnoea, or periodic leg movements, simplified ambulatory methods have been developed to enable their detection at an early stage. The gold standard for the diagnosis of sleep disorders in the sleep lab is cardiorespiratory polysomnography. The relevant biosignals for the assessment of sleep, respiration, heart function, the cardiovascular system and movement are well established. Some of the sensors employed need further improvement. Numerous methods for signal analysis are still undergoing development, and currently available automatic evaluation systems are not yet reliable enough to obviate the need for manual interpretation.  相似文献   

Sleepiness and sleep complaints are common among professional drivers. Sleepiness is a considerable problem not only because it affects the drivers' well-being, but also because of the consequences for performance and safety. Assessment of the (self-reported) prevalence and research into the risk factors are thus an important health issue and are also indispensable to prevent productivity loss and work-related accidents and injuries. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe sleeping, driving, and health characteristics of Belgian truck drivers and to determine occupational and individual factors associated with poor sleep quality and daytime sleepiness. Cross-sectional data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire that included the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), and Berlin Questionnaire (BQ). The mean (SD) age of the 476 studied truck drivers was 42.7 (10.2) yrs and the mean (SD) body mass index was 27.3 (5.1) kg/m(2). Approximately 47% declared that they drove >50 h/wk and found their work schedule unrealistic. The mean (SD) PSQI score was 4.45 (2.7); poor quality of sleep (PSQI >5) was found in 27.2%. The mean (SD) ESS score was 6.79 (4.17); 18% had a score >10. The BQ indicated that 21.5% had a higher risk on obstructive sleep apnea. In multiple logistic regression analysis, low educational level (odds ratio [OR] 1.86), current smoking (OR 1.75), unrealistic work schedule (OR 1.75), and risk for obstructive sleep apnea (OR 2.97) were found to be independent correlates of daytime sleepiness. Poor sleep quality was significantly associated with poor self-perceived health (OR 1.95), unrealistic work schedule (OR 2.85), low job satisfaction (OR 1.91), and less driving experience (OR 1.73). These results show that poor sleep quality and daytime sleepiness were prevalent in Belgian truck drivers. Taking into account that several significant correlates with respect to these sleep problems were identified both at the individual and the occupational level, comprehensive countermeasures to improve working conditions and organization are needed, as well as health promotion interventions, to ensure the safety and well-being of truck drivers.  相似文献   

Sleep disruption strongly influences daytime functioning; resultant sleepiness is recognised as a contributing risk-factor for individuals performing critical and dangerous tasks. While the relationship between sleep and sleepiness has been heavily investigated in the vulnerable sub-populations of shift workers and patients with sleep disorders, postpartum women have been comparatively overlooked. Thirty-three healthy, postpartum women recorded every episode of sleep and wake each day during postpartum weeks 6, 12 and 18. Although repeated measures analysis revealed there was no significant difference in the amount of nocturnal sleep and frequency of night-time wakings, there was a significant reduction in sleep disruption, due to fewer minutes of wake after sleep onset. Subjective sleepiness was measured each day using the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale; at the two earlier time points this was significantly correlated with sleep quality but not to sleep quantity. Epworth Sleepiness Scores significantly reduced over time; however, during week 18 over 50% of participants were still experiencing excessive daytime sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness Score ≥12). Results have implications for health care providers and policy makers. Health care providers designing interventions to address sleepiness in new mothers should take into account the dynamic changes to sleep and sleepiness during this initial postpartum period. Policy makers developing regulations for parental leave entitlements should take into consideration the high prevalence of excessive daytime sleepiness experienced by new mothers, ensuring enough opportunity for daytime sleepiness to diminish to a manageable level prior to reengagement in the workforce.  相似文献   

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