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Behm C. A. and Bryant C. 1982. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase from Fasciola hepatica. International Journal for Parasitology12: 271–278. The kinetic properties of a partially purified preparation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) from F. hepatica were examined. The pH optimum for the carboxylation reaction is 5.8–6.2. The enzyme is more active with Mn2+ than Mg2+ and the Mn2+ saturation curve was sigmoid. Apparent Km values for the substrates GDP, IDP, PEP and HCO3? were determined and found to be in the same range as those reported for other helminths except that the enzyme is less sensitive to low PEP concentrations. GTP and ATP at 0.5 and 1.0 mM inhibit the enzyme; the GTP inhibition was greater in the presence of Mg2+ than Mn2+ and was competitive with GDP. It was concluded that the activity of PEPCK from F. hepatica is controlled by the concentration of reactants and the ambient pH, that the accumulation of GTP is a sensitive mechanism for inhibiting the carboxylation reaction and that PEPCK activity in the cytosol is likely to be favoured over that of pyruvate kinase except when pH is high and PEP concentration low.  相似文献   

Pyruvate kinase was extracted from Me2CO-dried tissue of various parts of tomato plants. Recovery of the enzyme was improved by the inclusion of thiols in the extraction medium, and its stability was increased considerably in the presence of glycerol and to a lesser extent tetramethylammonium chloride. A phosphatase was present in the tissue extracts which hydrolyses phosphoenolpyruvate in the absence of added ADP. ATP inhibited pyruvate kinase but stimulated the phosphatase, while Mg2+ stimulated both enzymes. Data obtained suggest that tomato leaf pyruvate kinase has an absolute dependence on monovalent cations for activity, K+ being the principal activator. The phosphatase was inhibited non-selectively by monovalent cations. The total activity of pyruvate kinase and its concentration on a tissue fresh weight basis was greatest in the leaves, activity increasing with the maturity of the tissue. Less enzyme was present in roots, and least in the fruit.  相似文献   

Mercaptopicolinic acid inhibited 14CO2 uptake and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity in intact fluke. Studies with enzyme preparations showed that the inhibition was mixed-competitive with phosphoenolpyruvate and non-competitive with GTP. Inhibition was not reversed by Mn2+. Pyruvate kinase was not inhibited by mercaptopicolinic acid, although under certain circumstances, mercaptopicolinic acid interfered with the pyruvate kinase assay system. Intact flukes incubated with mercaptopicolinic acid showed depressed adenylate energy charge, increased lactic acid production and reduced flow of carbon from phosphoenolpyruvate to the mitochondrial substrate, malate. Additions of glutamate, alanine or aspartate did not reverse these effects even though, in each case, the amino acid was metabolised and considerably more acid end products were formed than in the absence of mercaptopicolinic acid. The changes in the concentrations of metabolites and end products are consistent with the view that, in flukes whose energy metabolism is impaired by mercaptopicolinic acid, pyruvate enters the mitochondrion and is converted to acetic and propionic acids.  相似文献   

The effects of low temperature assay (5 °C) on the properties of the aerobic (low phosphate) vs. anoxic (high phosphate) forms of pyruvate kinase (PK) from foot muscle and gill of the whelk Busycon canaliculatum (L.) were assessed at two pH values, pH 7.00 and 7.25, and compared to control conditions of 20 °C and pH 7.00 (all assayed in imidazole buffer). When pH was held constant at 7.00, the decrease in assay temperature to 5 °C had large effects on the measured kinetic parameters of all PK forms, as compared to 20 °C and pH 7.00. However, when assay pH was allowed to rise, from 7.00 to 7.25, with the temperature decrease to 5 °C there were fewer alterations of kinetic parameters and quantitatively smaller changes to enzyme properties. It appears, then, that when pH rises with decreasing temperature following alphastat predictions, kinetic properties of PK are largely conserved. Low temperature, at either pH value, had several significant effects on PK properties. For example, low temperature raised the S0.5 for phosphoenolpyruvate of PK-anoxic from gill by 3–6 fold and decreased the I50 Mg · ATP for PK-anoxic from foot by the same amount. Arrhenius plots of PK activity for the gill PK forms showed a distinct break at 10 °C; > 10 °C Q10 was 2.5 whereas < 10 °C Q10 was 8.4. Temperature-dependent changes in all cases affected enzyme properties in a manner that would restrict enzyme function at low temperature.  相似文献   

Attempts were made to culture the metacercariae of Fasciola hepatica under a wide variety of conditions. Of the media tested, the most successful was NCTC 135 plus 50% heat inactivated chick serum and sheep red blood cells at 37°–38°C. In this medium, somatic development of newly excysted juveniles was similar to that of flukes recovered from the liver of a mouse 11 days post-infection. There was, however, no corresponding development of the genital rudiment. Various supplements, such as liver extract, bile, yeast extract, embryo extract, egg products, monolayer cells and diphasic media were tested, but none enhanced development. The effects of various physical parameters on growth and development in vitro were examined. Cultured metacercariae appeared to be in a state of ‘suspended animation’; when injected intraperitoneally into mice they developed into egg-producing adults. Flukes recovered from the abdomen and liver of mice continued their somatic growth in vitro but their genitalia failed to develop further.  相似文献   

Santiago de Weil N., Hillyer G. V. and Pacheco E. 1984. Isolation of Fasciola hepatica genus-specific antigens. International Journal for Parasitology14: 197–206. The Fasciola hepatica antigens which induce antibody formation in acute fascioliasis were isolated by acid elution after reacting an F. hepatica tegument antigen extract with a CNBr-Sepharose 4B column coupled with IgG obtained from the serum of rabbits infected with fascioliasis for 6–10 weeks. These isolated antigens were further separated by gel filtration using a column packed with Sephacryl S-200. In this manner three major peaks were obtained. The best serologic antigens were found in peak 2 which had a mol. wt range of 14,000–43,000. This peak contains genus-specific F. hepatica antigens which are highly reactive with fascioliasis serum. These antigens do not cross-react with either Schistosoma mansoni or with bovine serum albumin by gel diffusion. Monitoring by ELISA and gel diffusion with heterologous and homologous antisera showed that as purification by antibody affinity chromatography proceeded, cross reactivity with S. mansoni was eliminated. The rabbit antiserum obtained against peak 2, when tested by immunoelectrophoresis with a crude F. hepatica extract shows one main band identical to the main band observed with serum from acutely infected rabbits. Up to two other minor bands can be detected using concentrated homologous antisera. Fractions obtained from preparative iso-electric focusing of the F. hepatica tegument extract were reacted with sera from rabbits with acute fascioliasis. Two main bands were observed in immunodiffusion with antigens eluting in a pH range of 7.4–8.7. When these fractions were monitored with anti peak 2 antisera, two precipitin bands appeared with antigens eluting in a pH range of 7.4–7.9. The F. hepatica genus-specific antigen pool was applied to ELISA to evaluate its ability to detect antibody in a primary F. hepatica infection in rabbits. A rise in absorbance values could be detected by 2 weeks of infection, reached high levels by 6 weeks and remained high through 28 weeks of infection.  相似文献   

Cytosolic pyruvate kinase (EC from leaves of the C4 plant Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. was purified 56-fold to apparent homogeneity by polyethylene glycol fractionation and column chromatography including Q-Sepharose anion exchanger, ADP-Agarose and gel filtration. Nondenaturing PAGE of the final preparation resulted in a single protein band that co-migrated with the pyruvate kinase activity. Gel filtration and SDS-PAGE (± DTT) showed that this enzyme has a molecular mass of 200 kDa and is a homotetramer with a subunit molecular mass of 50 kDa. The subunits are not associated to each other with S-S bonds. The enzyme has a pH optimum of 6.2 and is heat stable. Typical Michaelis-Menten kinetics was obtained for both substrates, PEP and ADP, with Km values of 64 and 235 μ M , respectively. Initial velocity studies indicated a sequential binding of the substrates to the enzyme.  相似文献   

Köhler P. B.,Ryant C. and Behm Carolyn A. 1978. ATP synthesis in a succinate decarboxylase system from Fasciola hepatica mitochondria. International Journal for Parasitology8: 399–404. Succinate decarboxylation was measured by the formation of 14CO2 from 1,4-14C-succinate in a particle free, dialysed mitochondrial extract from liver fluke. It has an absolute requirement for Mg2+ and CoA. ATP, ADP and inorganic phosphate are essential for optimal activity. Ap5A, an inhibitor of adenylate kinase, and glutathione are also necessary. GTP supports decarboxylation as well as ATP, provided ADP is also present. The formation of CO2 and propionate greatly exceeds the amount of ATP and CoA initially present in the reaction mixture. A net, substrate-level phosphorylation of ADP occurs, the amount of ATP formed being equivalent to the production of CO2 or propionate. This system is inhibited in flukes incubated in vitro with mebendazole.It is concluded that ATP is required to spark the fermentation system when succinate is the initial substrate and intermediate substrates are absent; that the terminal step in propionate formation is catalysed by a transferase which transfers CoA from propionyl CoA to succinate; and that ATP formation is coupled to the decarboxylation of methylmalonyl-CoA. A reaction scheme is presented.  相似文献   

Some of the properties of a partially purified preparation of phosphofructokinase (PFK) from Moniezia expansa are described. PFK has a pH optimum between 7·4 and 8·0, and is activated by magnesium and divalent manganese ions. It exhibits sigmoid kinetics with fructose-6-phosphate, and ATP decreases the affinity of the enzyme for F6P. This inhibition is partially relieved by F6P, AMP and ammonium ions. GTP and ITP act as substrates for the PFK reaction but do not exert the same inhibitory effects. The effect of ATP on pyruvate kinase was also examined, and was found to inhibit both the activated and inactivated enzyme. Apparent Km's for both enzymes are presented.Generally, PFK and pyruvate kinase from M. expansa show properties similar to the enzymes from mammalian sources. The presence of sigmoid kinetics for F6P and ATP at pH8 is, however, a significant departure from what is observed in PFK from mammalian sources. Possibilities exist in M. expansa for controls of metabolism similar to those found in mammalian tissues.  相似文献   

Levels of metabolic intermediates and end products in F. hepatica after 24 and 48 h in Hédon-Fleig salt solution with added glucose were compared with levels obtained immediately on removal from the host. Glycogen levels dropped initially, probably due to the expulsion of eggs; thereafter they remained constant. Internal glucose concentrations increased as the parasites equilibrated with the medium. Other changes in internal pool sizes were consistent with regulation to the in vitro conditions. ATP levels increased; ATP/ADP ratios were maintained. Comparisons of mass action ratios and equilibrium constants suggest that hexokinase, pyruvate kinase and phosphofructokinase are regulatory. Output of excretory products approached linearity; from the calculated regressions the proportions of lactate, acetate and propionate were 1: 2: 4. The implications for metabolic regulation in F. hepatica are briefly discussed, and it is concluded that, for at least 48 h in vitro, energy metabolism is not adversely affected.  相似文献   

Understanding how each residue position contributes to protein function has been a long-standing goal in protein science. Substitution studies have historically focused on conserved protein positions. However, substitutions of nonconserved positions can also modify function. Indeed, we recently identified nonconserved positions that have large substitution effects in human liver pyruvate kinase (hLPYK), including altered allosteric coupling. To facilitate a comparison of which characteristics determine when a nonconserved position does vs does not contribute to function, the goal of the current work was to identify neutral positions in hLPYK. However, existing hLPYK data showed that three features commonly associated with neutral positions—high sequence entropy, high surface exposure, and alanine scanning—lacked the sensitivity needed to guide experimental studies. We used multiple evolutionary patterns identified in a sequence alignment of the PYK family to identify which positions were least patterned, reasoning that these were most likely to be neutral. Nine positions were tested with a total of 117 amino acid substitutions. Although exploring all potential functions is not feasible for any protein, five parameters associated with substrate/effector affinities and allosteric coupling were measured for hLPYK variants. For each position, the aggregate functional outcomes of all variants were used to quantify a “neutrality” score. Three positions showed perfect neutral scores for all five parameters. Furthermore, the nine positions showed larger neutral scores than 17 positions located near allosteric binding sites. Thus, our strategy successfully enriched the dataset for positions with neutral and modest substitutions.  相似文献   

Accurate morphological differentiation between the liver fluke species Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica is difficult. We evaluated PCR-restriction enzyme profiles of internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) that could aid in their identification. Fifty F. hepatica and 30 F. gigantica specimens were collected from different hosts in three provinces of Iran. For DNA extraction, we crushed fragments of the worms between two glass slides as a new method to break down the cells. DNA from the crushed materials was then extracted with a conventional phenol-chloroform method and with the newly developed technique, commercial FTA cards. A primer pair was selected to amplify a 463-bp region of the ITS1 sequence. After sequencing 14 samples and in silico analysis, cutting sites of all known enzymes were predicted and TasI was selected as the enzyme that yielded the most informative profile. Crushing produced enough DNA for PCR amplification with both the phenol-chloroform and commercial FTA card method. The DNA extracted from all samples was successfully amplified and yielded a single sharp band of the expected size. Digestion of PCR products with TasI allowed us to distinguish the two species. In all samples, molecular identification was consistent with morphological identification. Our PCR-restriction enzyme profile is a simple, rapid and reliable method for differentiating F. hepatica and F. gigantica, and can be used for diagnostic and epidemiological purposes.  相似文献   

The experimental data show that the horse exhibits a pronounced resistance to the establishment of a liver fluke infection. With oral doses of up to 800 metacercariae a patent infection was established in only one out of ten horses.Histological, hematological, and immunological results provided evidence to suggest that the majority of parasites were eliminated or immobilized at an early stage of the infection, presumably before reaching the liver. This hypothesis was supported by the finding that about 15% of excysted larvae implanted intraperitoneally in two horses, succeeded in reaching maturity in the bile ducts.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte responses in the blood, peritoneal fluid and both mesenteric and hepatic lymph nodes of cDNA-FhPGK/pCMV vaccinated and/or Fasciola hepatica infected rats of both sexes were investigated to provide an insight into the immune responses that develop in different body compartments. The immune response that developed in cDNA-FhPGK/pCMV vaccinated females contributed to partial protection against F. hepatica infection (54% reduction in fluke recovery), while more liver flukes were found in the livers and bile ducts of cDNA-FhPGK/pCMV vaccinated male rats than in unvaccinated animals (increase of 13%). Rat sex not only affected the ultimate effectiveness of vaccination but also lymphocyte responses following vaccination and/or infection. Different CD4 + and CD8 + T cell profiles were noted in peritoneal fluid and lymph nodes, but not in blood, during acute and chronic fasciolosis. Moreover, independent lymphocyte responses developed in distinct body compartments. Immune responses of rats were polarized towards Th2/Treg with lymphocytes isolated from male rats showing higher IL-4 and IL-10 production than females. Lymphocyte proliferative capacities in response to mitogen (PHA) or vaccine antigen (FhPGK) were impaired in both sexes with a considerably higher reduction observed for males and restored lymphocyte proliferative capacities reported for females vaccinated with cDNA-FhPGK/pCMV during chronic fasciolosis.  相似文献   

Pyruvate kinase catalyzes the conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to pyruvate. A direct radioassay for this enzyme using [14C]PEP as substrate has been developed. The product, [14C]pyruvate, can be separated from the substrate rapidly and easily by applying the mixture to a hydroxyapatite column, and eluting the [14C]pyruvate directly into a scintillation vial. The [14C]PEP is bound to the column which can be regenerated and used indefinitely. The assay is sensitive, rapid, and particularly well suited for the simultaneous assay of large numbers of samples.  相似文献   

Clones encoding two different forms of plastid pyruvate kinase (PKp; EC have been isolated from both castor and tobacco seed cDNA libraries. One form, designated PKpA, from castor was described in a previous report, and the tobacco homologue of PKpA has now been isolated. In addition, a second cDNA, designated PKpG, has been identified and sequenced in both species. Western blot analysis, using antibodies raised against protein overexpressed from these clones, indicates that they encode the two predominant polypeptides of plastid pyruvate kinase from developing castor endosperm. In castor, both PKpA and PKpG are encoded by single genes. In the allotetraploid Nicotiana tabacum, there are two copies of each, one derived from each of the progenitors of this species. The expression of the genes for PKpA and PKpG was examined in various tissues from both castor and tobacco. In castor, both forms are expressed in developing and germinating endosperm and in the root but neither is expressed in the leaf. In tobacco, both forms are expressed in developing seeds but in mature tissues, PKpA is most abundant in roots and PKpG in leaves.  相似文献   

Five separate methods, paper chromatography, ethanol solubility, pH dependence, enzymatic activity, and NMR saturation transfer, were used to study the coupling of pyruvate kinase (PK) and creatine kinase (CK). Each method demonstrated specific coupling of the two proteins. The coupling with CK showed that PK had increased ethanol solubility, enzymatic activity, pH-dependent aqueous solubility, and ability to receive ATP directly from CK even at very high (1.2 M) ionic strength at equilibrium conditions. The robustness of the coupling between two enzymes with highin vivo concentrations indicates the necessity for considering kinetic schemes utilizing high enzyme concentrations, as opposed to the dilute properties of Michaelis — Menten kinetics. The direct transfer of ATP from PK to CK constitutes a net transfer of the glycolytically produced high-energy phosphate onto creatine, maintaining a high ADP and low ATP concentration in the vicinity of the glycolytic complex, conditions suited to maintaining a high glycolytic flux. The demonstration of the physical and functional coupling of two soluble enzymes, termed diazymes, suggests that glycolysis may be regulated by diazymatic coupling and that other cellular processes could be regulated similarly.  相似文献   

An 18.2 kDa protein from the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica has been identified and characterised. The protein shows strongest sequence similarity to egg antigen proteins from Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma japonicum and Clonorchis sinensis. The protein is predicted to adopt a calmodulin-like fold; it thus represents the third calmodulin-like protein to be characterised in F. hepatica and has been named FhCaM3. Compared to the classical calmodulin structure there are some variations. Most noticeably, the central, linker helix is disrupted by a cysteine residue. Alkaline native gel electrophoresis showed that FhCaM3 binds calcium ions. This binding event increases the ability of the protein to bind the hydrophobic fluorescent probe 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulphonate, consistent with an increase in surface hydrophobicity as seen in other calmodulins. FhCaM3 binds to the calmodulin antagonists trifluoperazine and W7, but not to the myosin regulatory light chain binding compound praziquantel. Immunolocalisation demonstrated that the protein is found in eggs and vitelline cells. Given the critical role of calcium ions in egg formation and hatching this suggests that FhCaM3 may play a role in calcium signalling in these processes. Consequently the antagonism of FhCaM3 may, potentially, offer a method for inhibiting egg production and thus reducing the spread of infection.  相似文献   

Pyruvate kinase from rabbit muscle has been crystallized in a form suitable for high resolution X-ray analysis. Complexes of the enzyme with Mn2+ and either pyruvate or oxalate crystallize from solutions of polyethyl-eneglycol 8000 at pH 6.0. Crystals obtained from solutions of the complexes with pyruvate or oxalate appear isomorphous and belong to the triclinic space group P1. The crystals have unit cell dimensions a = 83.3(4) A, b = 109.4(6) A, c = 145.7 (7) A, alpha = 94.9 degrees, beta = 93.6 degrees, gamma = 112.2 degrees. These crystals diffract to better than 2.4 A resolution and are stable in the X-ray beam for at least 20 hr. Electron paramagnetic resonance measurements on a single crystal show that Mn2+ is bound to the crystalline protein.  相似文献   

In adult F. hepatica pyruvate is decarboxylated via pyruvate dehydrogenase to acetyl-CoA; acetyl-CoA is then cleaved to acetate via three possible mechanisms (1) carnitine dependent hydrolysis, (2) CoA transferase, (3) reversal of a GTP dependent acyl-CoA synthetase. Of these three systems, CoA transferase has by far the greatest activity. Propionate production by F. hepatica is similar to the mammalian system, succinate being metabolized via succinic thiokinase, methylmalonyl-CoA isomerase, methyl-malonyl-CoA racemase and propionyl-CoA carboxylase to propionyl-CoA. Propionyl-CoA is then cleaved to propionate by the same three pathways as acetyl-CoA. No ATP or GTP production could be demonstrated when acetyl- or propionyl-CoA were incubated with homogenates of F. hepatica. This indicates that carnitine dependent hydrolysis or CoA transferase are the major pathways of acetyl- or propionyl-CoA breakdown. The CoA transferase reaction would result in the conservation of the bond energy although there is no net ATP synthesis.  相似文献   

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