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The photochemical reactions of Arabidopsis phototropin 2 light- oxygen-voltage domain 2 (LOV2) with the linker region (LOV2-linker), without the linker (LOV2), and LOV1 were studied using the time-resolved transient grating (TG) and transient lens (TrL) methods. Although the absorption spectra did not change after the formation of the adduct species, a small volume expansion process with a time constant of 9 ms was observed for LOV2. For the LOV2-linker, at 293 K, a volume contraction process with a time constant of 140 mus was observed in addition to a volume expansion process with 9 ms and the diffusion coefficient change with 2 ms. The reaction intermediate species were characterized on the basis of their thermodynamic properties, such as changes in enthalpy, thermal expansion, and heat capacity. For the first intermediate (S(390)), the values of these properties were similar to those of the ground state for both LOV2 and LOV2-linker. A relatively large thermal expansion volume (0.09 cm(3)mol(-1)K(-1)) and a positive heat capacity change (4.7 kJ mol(-1)K(-1)) were detected for the intermediates of LOV2-linker. These characteristic features were interpreted in terms of structural fluctuation and exposure of hydrophobic residues in the linker domain, respectively. The enthalpy change of S(390) of the LOV1 domain was significantly greater than changes for the LOV2 or LOV2-linker samples. Data from this study support a major conformational change of the linker region in the photochemical reaction of phototropin.  相似文献   

The plant photoreceptor phototropin is an autophosphorylating serine-threonine protein kinase activated by UV-A/blue light. Two domains, LOV1 and LOV2, members of the PAS domain superfamily, mediate light sensing by phototropin. Heterologous expression studies have shown that both domains function as FMN-binding sites. Although three plant blue light photoreceptors, cry1, cry2, and phototropin, have been identified to date, the photochemical reactions underlying photoactivation of these light sensors have not been described so far. Herein, we demonstrate that the LOV domains of Avena sativa phototropin undergo a self-contained photocycle characterized by a loss of blue light absorbance in response to light and a spontaneous recovery of the blue light-absorbing form in the dark. Rate constants and quantum efficiencies for the photoreactions indicate that LOV1 exhibits a lower photosensitivity than LOV2. The spectral properties of the photoproduct produced for both LOV domains are unrelated to those found for photoreduced flavins and flavoproteins, but are consistent with those of a flavin-cysteinyl adduct. Flavin-thiol adducts are generally short-lifetime reaction intermediates formed during the flavoprotein-catalyzed reduction of protein disulfides. By site-directed mutagenesis, we have identified several amino acid residues within the putative chromophore binding site of LOV1 and LOV2 that appear to be important for FMN binding and/or the photochemical reactivity. Among those is Cys39, which plays an important role in the photochemical reaction of the LOV domains. Replacement of Cys39 with Ala abolished the photochemical reactions of both LOV domains. We therefore propose that light sensing by the phototropin LOV domains occurs via the formation of a stable adduct between the FMN chromophore and Cys39.  相似文献   

Phototropins (phot1 and phot2) are autophosphorylating blue-light receptor kinases that mediate blue-light responses such as phototropism, chloroplast accumulation, and stomatal opening in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Only phot2 induces the chloroplast avoidance response under strong blue light. The serine (Ser) residues of the kinase activation loop in phot1 are autophosphorylated by blue light, and autophosphorylation is essential for the phot1-mediated responses. However, the role of autophosphorylation in phot2 remains to be determined. In this study, we substituted the conserved residues of Ser-761 and Ser-763 with alanine (S761A S763A) in the phot2 activation loop and analyzed their function by investigating the phot2-mediated responses after the transformation of phot1 phot2 double mutant with this mutant phot2 gene. Transgenic plants expressing the mutant phot2 protein exhibited impaired responses in chloroplast movement, stomatal opening, phototropic bending, leaf flattening, and plant growth; and those expressing phot2 with S761D S763D mutations showed the normal responses. Substitution of both Ser-761 and Ser-763 with alanine in phot2 did not significantly affect the kinase activity in planta. From these results, we conclude that phosphorylation of Ser-761 and Ser-763 in the activation loop may be a common primary step for phot2-mediated responses.  相似文献   

Conformational changes of Arabidopsis phot1-LOV2 with the linker (phot1-LOV2-linker) were investigated from the viewpoint of the changes in molecular volume and molecular diffusion coefficient (D) by time-resolved transient grating (TG) and transient lens (TrL) methods. Although the absorption spectrum change completes within a few microseconds, the D-value detected by the TG method decreased drastically with a time constant of 1.0 ms from 9.2(+/-0.4)x10(-11) m(2)/s to 5.0(+/-0.3)x10(-11) m(2)/s. This time-dependent D was interpreted in terms of the unfolding of alpha-helices in the linker region. The change of the alpha-helices was confirmed by observing the recovery of the circular dichroism intensity. The TrL signal showed that the molecular volume decreases with two time constants; 300 micros and 1.0 ms. The former time constant is close to the previously observed photo-dissociation reaction rate of the phot1-LOV2 (without the linker) dimer, and the latter one agrees well with the rate of the D-change. Considering a similar time constant of the dissociation reaction of the LOV2 dimer, we interpreted these kinetics in terms of the dissociation step of the linker region from the LOV2 domain (T(390)(pre) state). After this step, the protein volume and D are decreased significantly with the lifetime of 1.0 ms. The D decrease indicates the increase of the intermolecular interaction between the protein and water molecules. On the basis of these observations, a two-step mechanism of the linker unfolding is proposed.  相似文献   

Light is an important environmental information source that plants use to modify their growth and development. Palisade parenchyma cells in leaves develop cylindrical shapes in response to blue light; however, the photosensory mechanism for this response has not been elucidated. In this study, we analyzed the palisade cell response in phototropin-deficient mutants. First, we found that two different light-sensing mechanisms contributed to the response in different proportions depending on the light intensity. One response observed under lower intensities of blue light was mediated exclusively by a blue light photoreceptor, phototropin 2 (PHOT2). Another response was elicited under higher intensities of light in a phototropin-independent manner. To determine the tissue in which PHOT2 perceives the light stimulus to regulate the response, green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged PHOT2 (P2G) was expressed under the control of tissue-specific promoters in the phot1 phot2 mutant background. The results revealed that the expression of P2G in the mesophyll, but not in the epidermis, promoted palisade cell development. Furthermore, a constitutively active C-terminal kinase fragment of PHOT2 fused to GFP (P2CG) promoted the development of cylindrical palisade cells in the proper direction without the directional cue provided by light. Hence, in response to blue light, PHOT2 promotes the development of cylindrical palisade cells along a predetermined axis in a tissue-autonomous manner.  相似文献   

Photochemical reaction of a plant blue-light photoreceptor, Arabidopsis phototropin 1-LOV (light-oxygen-voltage sensing) domain 2, was studied with a view to the diffusion coefficients (D) using the pulsed-laser-induced transient grating method. Although the reaction dynamics completes at a rate of several microseconds as long as it is monitored by the absorption change, the diffusion coefficient was found to be time-dependent in a time range of submilliseconds to seconds. The observed signal can be analyzed by the two-state model, which includes the D-value decrease from D of the reactant (9.8 +/- 0.4) x 10(-11) m2/s to D of the product (8.0 +/- 0.4) x 10(-11) m2/s. The D-value of the reactant implies that the dominant form in the ground state of phototropin 1 LOV2 is the monomeric form in a concentration range of 50-200 microM. According to the Stokes-Einstein relationship, the D-change can be explained by a volume increase of 1.8 times. Furthermore, the rate of the D-change was roughly proportional to the concentration of the sample. These two observations indicate that the LOV2 domain transiently forms a dimer upon photoexcitation. When the sample concentration is increased (>180 microM), a new signal component appears within a few milliseconds. This signal represents a D increase from 8.0 x 10(-11) m2/s to 9.8 x 10(-11) m2/s with a time constant of 300 micros. The completely opposite D-change from that observed in a lower concentration, as well as the concentration dependence, implies that a dimer is formed in the ground state in a higher concentration range, even though the fraction of the dimer is still minor in this range. This dimer is photodissociated, with a time constant of 300 micros. This research clearly shows that the time-resolved diffusion measurement is a very powerful tool for detecting spectrally silent association/dissociation processes during chemical reactions. The photoreaction of the LOV2 domain is discussed.  相似文献   

Okajima K  Matsuoka D  Tokutomi S 《FEBS letters》2011,585(21):3391-3395
Phototropin is a blue light receptor in plants and is thought to be a light-regulated protein kinase. Previously, we defined the role of the photoreceptive domains, LOV1 and 2, in the light activation of the kinase in Arabidopsis phototropin2 (phot2). In this study, photoregulation of the kinase in phototropin1 (phot1) was studied using LOV2-linker-kinase polypeptide. We designed a new substrate consisting of the N-terminal part of the phot1 with autophosphorylation sites. The LOV2-linker-kinase had the same spectroscopic properties as those of the LOV2 core and phosphorylated the substrate in a light-dependent manner. Amino acid substitution experiments proved that the phosphorylation comes from the activation of the kinase via photoreaction of LOV2.  相似文献   

Flavin-binding Kelch repeat F-box (FKF1) protein plays important roles in the photoregulation of flowering in Arabidopsis. FKF1 has a light, oxygen, and voltage (LOV) sensing domain binding a flavin mononucleotide (FMN) as a chromophore noncovalently. Photoreaction of the FKF1-LOV polypeptide was studied by low-temperature absorption spectroscopy. Upon blue light irradiation, a ground state, D(450), is converted to S(390) known as a cysteinyl-flavin adduct intermediate in the photoreaction of phototropin. Below 150 K, bleaching of D(450) was much reduced and a new photoproduct, Z(370), appeared as well as S(390) formation. The calculated absorption spectrum for Z(370) is very similar to those of flavoproteins in an anion radical state. On the basis of the results that S(390) formation proceeds to Z(370) formation and that Z(370) formed at low temperatures reverts to D(450) upon temperature increase, Z(370) is concluded to be not an intermediate from D(450) to S(390). Z(370) is suggested to be formed from the biradical triplet-excited state after relaxing to the ground state with the FMN anion radical trapped at the low temperature, in which the SH of the cysteine is in the wrong position that is able to produce a radical pair but unable to form the cysteinyl-flavin adduct. The counter SH in the cationic radical state may revert to the ground state by extracting an electron from the unidentified amino acid residue. Interestingly, S(390) that has been thought to be irreversible to D(450) was revealed to revert to D(450) very slowly with a half-life time of 62.5 h in solution at 298 K. The photoreaction mechanism is discussed in reference to the calculated activation energy of the reaction processes.  相似文献   

The beta-substituted alanine (Ala) synthase (Bsas) family in the large superfamily of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent enzymes comprises cysteine (Cys) synthase (CSase) [O-acetyl-serine (thiol) lyase] and beta-cyano-Ala synthase (CASase) in plants. Nine genomic sequences encode putative Bsas proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana. The physiological roles of these Bsas isoforms in vivo were investigated by the characterization of T-DNA insertion mutants. Analyses of gene expression, activities of CSase and CASase, and levels of Cys and glutathione in the bsas mutants indicated that cytosolic Bsas1;1, plastidic Bsas2;1, and mitochondrial Bsas2;2 play major roles in Cys biosynthesis. Cytosolic Bsas1;1 has the most dominant contribution both in leaf and root, and mitochondrial Bsas2;2 plays a significant role in root. Mitochondrial Bsas3;1 is a genuine CASase. Nontargeted metabolome analyses of knockout mutants were carried out by a combination of gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry and capillary electrophoresis time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The level of gamma-glutamyl-beta-cyano-Ala decreased in the mutant bsas3;1, indicating the crucial role of Bsas3;1 in beta-cyano-Ala metabolism in vivo.  相似文献   

Han IS  Tseng TS  Eisinger W  Briggs WR 《The Plant cell》2008,20(10):2835-2847
It has been known for decades that red light pretreatment has complex effects on subsequent phototropic sensitivity of etiolated seedlings. Here, we demonstrate that brief pulses of red light given 2 h prior to phototropic induction by low fluence rates of blue light prevent the blue light-induced loss of green fluorescent protein-tagged phototropin 1 (PHOT1-GFP) from the plasma membrane of cortical cells of transgenic seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana expressing PHOT1-GFP in a phot1-5 null mutant background. This red light effect is mediated by phytochrome A and requires approximately 2 h in the dark at room temperature to go to completion. It is fully far red reversible and shows escape from photoreversibility following 30 min of subsequent darkness. Red light-induced inhibition of blue light-inducible changes in the subcellular distribution of PHOT1-GFP is only observed in rapidly elongating regions of the hypocotyl. It is absent in hook tissues and in mature cells below the elongation zone. We hypothesize that red light-induced retention of the PHOT1-GFP on the plasma membrane may account for the red light-induced increase in phototropic sensitivity to low fluence rates of blue light.  相似文献   

Nakasako M  Iwata T  Matsuoka D  Tokutomi S 《Biochemistry》2004,43(47):14881-14890
Phototropin is a blue-light receptor of plants and comprises two light-receptive domains, LOV1 and LOV2, Ser/Thr kinase domain and one linker region connecting the LOV2 and the kinase domains. The LOV2 domain is thought to regulate predominantly the light-dependent autophosphorylation of the kinase domain, leading to cellular signaling cascades. In this study, we constructed recombinant LOV1, LOV2, and LOV2-linker polypeptides from phototropin 1 and phototropin 2 of Arabidopsis thaliana and studied their quaternary structures and light-dependent conformational changes by small-angle X-ray scattering. The molecular weights of the polypeptides determined from scattering intensities demonstrated the dimeric associations of LOV1 polypeptides of both isoforms. In contrast, while LOV2 and LOV2-linker polypeptides of phototropin 1 were homodimers, corresponding polypeptides of phototropin 2 existed as monomeric forms. Under blue-light irradiation, the LOV2-linker polypeptide of phototropin 1 displayed small but definite changes of the scattering profile. Through simulation of low-resolution molecular structures, the changes were likely explained as structural changes of the linker region and/or a movement of the region relative to the LOV2 domain. Light-induced profile changes were not observed in the Cys(512)Ala mutated LOV2-linker polypeptide of phototropin 1 losing the phototransformation capability. Thus, it was indicated that the photoreaction in the LOV2 domain probably caused the structural changes in the LOV2-linker polypeptide of phototropin 1. On the basis of the results, the interdomain interactions in phototropin are discussed.  相似文献   

PAS domains: internal sensors of oxygen, redox potential, and light.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
PAS domains are newly recognized signaling domains that are widely distributed in proteins from members of the Archaea and Bacteria and from fungi, plants, insects, and vertebrates. They function as input modules in proteins that sense oxygen, redox potential, light, and some other stimuli. Specificity in sensing arises, in part, from different cofactors that may be associated with the PAS fold. Transduction of redox signals may be a common mechanistic theme in many different PAS domains. PAS proteins are always located intracellularly but may monitor the external as well as the internal environment. One way in which prokaryotic PAS proteins sense the environment is by detecting changes in the electron transport system. This serves as an early warning system for any reduction in cellular energy levels. Human PAS proteins include hypoxia-inducible factors and voltage-sensitive ion channels; other PAS proteins are integral components of circadian clocks. Although PAS domains were only recently identified, the signaling functions with which they are associated have long been recognized as fundamental properties of living cells.  相似文献   

Hitomi Katsura 《FEBS letters》2009,583(3):526-3395
Oligomeric structures of the four LOV domains in Arabidopsis phototropin1 (phot1) and 2 (phot2) were studied using crosslinking. Both LOV1 domains of phot1 and phot2 form a dimer independently on the light conditions, suggesting that the LOV1 domain can be a stable dimerization site of phot in vivo. In contrast, phot1-LOV2 is in a monomer-dimer equilibrium and phot2-LOV2 exists as a monomer in the dark. Blue light-induced a slight increase in the monomer population in phot1-LOV2, suggesting a possible blue light-inducible dissociation of dimers. Furthermore, blue light caused a band shift of the phot2-LOV2 monomer. CD spectra revealed the unfolding of helices and the formation of strand structures. Both light-induced changes were reversible in the dark.

Structured summary

MINT-6823377, MINT-6823391:PHOT1 (uniprotkb:O48963) and PHOT1 (uniprotkb: O48963) bind (MI:0407) by cross-linking studies (MI:0030)MINT-6823495, MINT-6823508:PHOT2 (uniprotkb:P93025) and PHOT2 (uniprotkb:P93025) bind (MI:0407) by cross-linking studies (MI:0030)  相似文献   

Phototropin 1 (phot1) and phot2, which are blue light receptor kinases, function in blue light-induced hypocotyl phototropism, chloroplast relocation, and stomatal opening in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Previous studies have shown that the proteins RPT2 (for ROOT PHOTOTROPISM2) and NPH3 (for NONPHOTOTROPIC HYPOCOTYL3) transduce signals downstream of phototropins to induce the phototropic response. However, the involvement of RPT2 and NPH3 in stomatal opening and in chloroplast relocation mediated by phot1 and phot2 was unknown. Genetic analysis of the rpt2 mutant and of a series of double mutants indicates that RPT2 is involved in the phot1-induced phototropic response and stomatal opening but not in chloroplast relocation or phot2-induced movements. Biochemical analyses indicate that RPT2 is purified in the crude microsomal fraction, as well as phot1 and NPH3, and that RPT2 makes a complex with phot1 in vivo. On the other hand, NPH3 is not necessary for stomatal opening or chloroplast relocation. Thus, these results suggest that phot1 and phot2 choose different signal transducers to induce three responses: phototropic response of hypocotyl, stomatal opening, and chloroplast relocation.  相似文献   

Under blue light (BL) illumination, Arabidopsis thaliana roots grow away from the light source, showing a negative phototropic response. However, the mechanism of root phototropism is still unclear. Using a noninvasive microelectrode system, we showed that the BL sensor phototropin1 (phot1), the signal transducer NONPHOTOTROPIC HYPOCOTYL3 (NPH3), and the auxin efflux transporter PIN2 were essential for BL-induced auxin flux in the root apex transition zone. We also found that PIN2-green fluorescent protein (GFP) localized to vacuole-like compartments (VLCs) in dark-grown root epidermal and cortical cells, and phot1/NPH3 mediated a BL-initiated pathway that caused PIN2 redistribution to the plasma membrane. When dark-grown roots were exposed to brefeldin A (BFA), PIN2-GFP remained in VLCs in darkness, and BL caused PIN2-GFP disappearance from VLCs and induced PIN2-GFP-FM4-64 colocalization within enlarged compartments. In the nph3 mutant, both dark and BL BFA treatments caused the disappearance of PIN2-GFP from VLCs. However, in the phot1 mutant, PIN2-GFP remained within VLCs under both dark and BL BFA treatments, suggesting that phot1 and NPH3 play different roles in PIN2 localization. In conclusion, BL-induced root phototropism is based on the phot1/NPH3 signaling pathway, which stimulates the shootward auxin flux by modifying the subcellular targeting of PIN2 in the root apex transition zone.  相似文献   

We have compared the biochemical properties of two different Arabidopsis ammonium transporters, AtAMT1;1 and AtAMT1;2, expressed in yeast, with the biophysical properties of ammonium transport in planta. Expression of the AtAMT1;1 gene in Arabidopsis roots increased approximately four-fold in response to nitrogen deprivation. This coincided with a similar increase in high-affinity ammonium uptake by these plants. The biophysical characteristics of this high-affinity system (Km for ammonium and methylammonium of 8 M and 31 M, respectively) matched those of AtAMT1;1 expressed in yeast (Km for methylammonium of 32 M and Ki for ammonium of 1–10 M). The same transport system was present, although less active, in nitrate-fed roots. Ammonium-fed plants exhibited the lowest rates of ammonium uptake and appeared to deploy a different transporter (Km for ammonium of 46 M). Expression of AtAMT1;2 in roots was insensitive to changes in nitrogen nutrition. In contrast to AtAMT1;1, AtAMT1;2 expressed in yeast exhibited biphasic kinetics for methylammonium uptake: in addition to a high-affinity phase with a Km of 36 M, a low-affinity phase with a Km for methylammonium of 3.0 mM was measured. Despite the presence of a putative chloroplast transit peptide in AtAMT1;2, the protein was not imported into chloroplasts in vitro. The electrophysiological data for roots, together with the biochemical properties of AtAMT1;1 and Northern blot analysis indicate a pre-eminent role for AtAMT1;1 in ammonium uptake across the plasma membrane of nitrate-fed and nitrogen-deprived root cells.  相似文献   

Sulfurtransferases (STRs) catalyze the transfer of a sulfur atom from a donor to a suitable acceptor molecule. The Arabidopsis thaliana genome encodes 20 putative STR proteins. The biological functions of most are unclear. We found that STR1 and STR2 play important roles in embryo/seed development. Mutation of STR1 alone resulted in a shrunken seed phenotype, although growth and development of vegetative and reproductive organs were not affected. The shrunken seed phenotype was associated with the delayed/arrested embryo development, in most cases, at the heart stage. The embryo defect of str1 mutant is not fully penetrant. Approximately 12.5% of embryos developed further and formed normal looking seeds. In severely shrunken seeds, no embryo could be identified after seed collection. Partially shrunken seeds that contained viable embryos could still germinate. However, cotyledons of the seedlings from such seeds were abnormal. An STR1-GUS fusion reporter revealed that the STR1 gene was universally expressed, with high levels of expression in specific tissues/organs including embryos. The incomplete penetrance of str1 embryo/seed phenotype is a result of functional STR2. Single str2 mutant had no phenotype. However, no str1(-/-)/str2(-/-) double mutant embryos were able to develop past the heart stage. Furthermore, STR2 is haplo-insufficient in str1 mutant background, and str1(-/-)/str2(+/-) embryos were 100% lethal. These data provide new insights into the biological functions of the ubiquitous sulfurtransferase in Arabidopsis embryogenesis and seed development.  相似文献   

Phototropin, a blue-light receptor protein of plants, triggers phototropic responses, chloroplast relocation, and opening of stomata to maximize the efficiency of photosynthesis. Phototropin is composed of two light-oxygen-voltage sensing domains (LOV1 and LOV2) that absorb blue light and a serine/theroine kinase domain responsible for light-dependent autophosphorylation leading to cellular signaling cascades. Although the light-activated LOV2 domain is primarily responsible for subsequent activation of the kinase domain, it is unclear how conformational changes in the former transmit to the latter. To understand this molecular mechanism in Arabidopsis phototropin 2, we performed small-angle X-ray scattering analysis on a fragment composed of the LOV2 and kinase domains, which contained an Asp720Asn mutation that led to an absence of ATP binding activity. The scattering data were collected up to a resolution of 25 ?. The apparent molecular weight of the fragment estimated from scattering intensities demonstrated that the fragment existed in a monomeric form in solution. The fragment exhibited photoreversible changes in the scattering profiles, and the radii of gyration under dark and blue-light irradiation conditions were 32.4 and 34.8 ?, respectively. In the dark, the molecular shape restored from the scattering profile appeared as an elongated shape of 110 ? in length and 45 ? in width. The homology modeled LOV2 and kinase domains could be fitted to the molecular shape and appeared to make slight contact. However, under blue-light irradiation, a more extended molecular shape was observed. The changes in the molecular shape and radius of gyration were interpreted as a light-dependent positional shift of the LOV2 domain of approximately 13 ? from the kinase domain. Because the region connecting the LOV2 and kinase domains was categorized as a naturally unfolded polypeptide, we propose that the light-activated LOV2 domain triggers conformational changes in the linker region to separate the LOV2 and kinase domains.  相似文献   

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