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试论蛇类的饲养技术和管理方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济肉用蛇一直走俏市场 ,价格一再攀高 ,供不应求 ,刺激了养蛇业的发展。目前国内主要养殖的种类有毒蛇中的五步蛇 (尖吻蝮 )、眼镜蛇、银环蛇 (主要是用于孵化仔蛇出售 )。无毒蛇有王锦蛇、滑鼠蛇 (水律蛇 )、黑眉锦蛇 (锦蛇 )、棕黑锦蛇 (虎尾蛇 )、乌梢蛇、榕蛇等。王锦蛇、黑眉锦蛇和滑鼠蛇适于南北各地养殖 ,是国内养殖最多、效益较高、最有发展前途的 3种蛇。但是 ,国内很多蛇场因为不懂饲养技术和管理方法 ,造成蛇类死亡严重 ,消瘦不增重 ,经济效益低。作者从事养蛇多年 ,现将养殖蛇类过程中积累的一些养殖技术和管理方法报道如下 ,…  相似文献   

目的为了解人工饲料养殖蛇蛇肉的营养成分。方法检测由人工饲料"富蛇康"养殖的眼镜蛇和滑鼠蛇成商品蛇蛇肉的营养成分,如蛋白质、脂肪、氨基酸、糖、微量元素的含量,并与传统养殖方法 (用小鸡、小白鼠等小动物喂养)的蛇以及野生蛇蛇肉营养成分进行比较分析。结果 "富蛇康"养殖的眼镜蛇及滑鼠蛇蛇肉的蛋白质、脂肪、氨基酸、糖以及矿物质元素硒、铬、镁、铁、锌等含量与野生及传统养殖眼镜蛇和滑鼠蛇相比,除了脂肪和铁的含量偏高外其余无明显差异。结论 "富蛇康"是价廉、物美、安全的蛇饲料,富蛇康养殖眼镜蛇及滑鼠蛇蛇肉与传统养殖及野生蛇蛇肉的营养价值大致相同。  相似文献   

蛇用人工配合饲料的制备和使用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
李荷超  李有源  李兴翠 《蛇志》2003,15(1):64-65
蛇类养殖成功 ,获得较大效益的关键有四点 :一是选择和驯化适合养殖的优良蛇种 ;二是科学的饲养方法 ;三是要有效防治蛇病虫害的良药 ;四是有较好的人工配合饲料及其科学的使用方法。目前 ,前 3个问题已经有较多的经验报道 ,本文探讨蛇用人工配合饲料的制备和使用。下面以王锦蛇的人工配合饲料为例加以说明。该方法也适合于喂养蟒蛇、滑鼠蛇 (水律蛇 )、虎尾蛇 (棕黑锦蛇 )、黑眉锦蛇、乌梢蛇等。1 王锦蛇的野外食性  王锦蛇适应性强 ,是广温、广食性蛇 ,分布地区广、肉质好、个体大、生长快的无毒蛇 ,最大个体达 6kg以上 ,它的养殖目前…  相似文献   

目的调查江西药用蛇类资源的种类、分布及养殖企业的现状,提出药用蛇类资源保护及利用建议。方法根据江西蛇类资源文献的整理和药材市场的调查,研究江西药用蛇类的种类和分布;通过走访调查以及野生动物管理部门驯养繁殖资料的整理,了解江西养殖药用蛇类企业的养殖现状。结果江西全省分布有蛇类69种,其中31种具有药用价值,养殖较为广泛的有乌梢蛇(Zaocys dhumnades)、银环蛇(Bungarus multicinctus)、尖吻蝮(Deinagkistrodon acutus)、王锦蛇(Elaphe carinata)和滑鼠蛇(Ptyas mucosus)等,药用蛇类养殖企业有38家,养殖的药用蛇类种类达12种。结论江西药用蛇类资源分布广泛,药用蛇类养殖企业驯养繁殖技术滞后,建议加强药用蛇类的野外资源保护、驯养繁殖及综合利用的研究。  相似文献   

冯德进 《蛇志》2013,25(1):4-5,35
灵山县地处广西南部,面向东南亚,背靠大西南,濒临北部湾,总面积3558.6km2,辖18个镇389个行政村,人口约162万,属南亚热带地区,优越的自然地理位置和气候十分适合蛇类的生长繁殖。如滑鼠蛇和眼镜蛇主要生长在我国南方,均为国家三级保护动物。其中滑鼠蛇为蛇目游蛇科鼠蛇属动物,自古以来是著名的大型食用蛇,有较高的营养、药用和经济价值;眼镜蛇属眼镜蛇科动物,是一种剧毒蛇,是主要  相似文献   

<正>眼镜蛇科Elapidae已知349种(Pyron&Burbrink,2012),其中眼镜蛇亚科Elapinae 130多种,分隶18个属(Lawson et al.,2005;赵尔宓,2006)。该亚科蛇类具神经毒,形态各异,身体大小差别很大。某些体形较大的物种或类群,如眼镜王蛇属Ophiophaqus、眼镜蛇属Naja、曼巴蛇属Dendroaspis等,具有较高的经济和观赏价值,因而受到较多的关注和研究。然而,该亚科中体型较小的种类,如中华珊瑚蛇属Sinomicrurus物种,由于它们攻击性弱、生活隐匿、野生数量较少、标本不易获得等原因,却  相似文献   

曾伟才 《蛇志》2002,14(4):77-78
眼镜蛇 ,别名饭铲头 ,吹风蛇、万蛇、扁头风、白颈乌等。国内分布在安徽以南各省区 ,国外分布孟加拉、泰国、越南等国家。眼镜蛇适应能力强 ,生活在山林地带、平原、丘陵坟场、沟谷、石堆和阴暗处的杂物堆中 ,昼行性 ,喜在晴天活动 ,主要取食老鼠 ,是老鼠的天敌。  眼镜蛇全身是宝 ,蛇毒、蛇血、蛇胆、蛇皮都有广泛的用途。然而 ,目前我国野生资源有限 ,人类利用蛇类资源必须走驯养繁殖之路 ,变野生为家养 ,满足人们对蛇类资源的需求。  我场自 1 996年以来在室内模拟自然环境繁养眼镜蛇仔蛇 ,成活率逐年提高。现将我们在养殖过程中总结…  相似文献   

南宁市光环蛇类科技繁育基地目前养殖眼镜蛇及水律蛇20000余条。南宁桂港养殖有限公司陈颢方经理通过录像监视蛇的进食活动。该公司目前养殖眼镜蛇及水律蛇2000余条。武夷山康耀蛇类养殖有限公司利用箱养五步蛇。目前该公司养殖眼镜蛇、大王蛇及五步蛇25000余条。广西横县利东蛇场的水律蛇长势喜人,目前该蛇场养殖眼镜蛇及水律蛇20000余条。  相似文献   

目的了解广东象头山国家级自然保护区蛇类多样性现状,探讨保护区蛇类资源的有效保护对策。方法采用访问调查和野外样带调查相结合的方法。结果该保护区现已纪录蛇类有5科45种,占中国已纪录蛇类物种数的22.0%,占广东省已纪录蛇类物种数的46.4%,区系组成以东洋界华中区和华南区共有种为主,占82.2%。保护区有国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物蚺双带亚种(蟒蛇)(Python molurus bivittatus),以及舟山眼镜蛇(Najaatra)、眼镜王蛇(Ophiophagus hannah)、灰鼠蛇(Ptyas korros)和滑鼠蛇(Ptyas mucosus)等15种重要经济蛇类。结论广东象头山国家级自然保护区蛇类物种多样性十分丰富,但长期过度猎捕和栖息地遭破坏导致保护区一些蛇类种群数量明显减少,需加强保护。本文针对保护区蛇类保护问题提出5点建议。  相似文献   

杨东镇 《蛇志》1998,10(3):77-78
过去人们视治疗蛇伤的人员和蛇类养殖人员为“花子”(即要饭的人),所谓“花子玩蛇”,道出了蛇伤防治工作者和蛇类养殖人员的艰辛。改革开放以来,从事蛇类养殖人员不断增多,都想到这个“金矿”来“淘金”,结果却是:“十个蛇场九个亏”。蛇伤防治工作人员亦无巨富者...  相似文献   

陈金印  张华安  丁志山 《蛇志》2011,23(2):117-121,125
本文对我国蛇类养殖业发展现状进行了较为系统的总结,同时对我国经济蛇类自然资源及市场现状进行了分析,重点论述了经济蛇类的人工养殖技术发展现状及产业化进程中面临的关键问题,并提出了解决这些问题的对策.  相似文献   

We characterised the livestock-farming management strategies of multiple-job holders and identified which variables contributed most to the differentiation of these strategies. We hypothesised that they would mainly be differentiated by the contribution of the farming income to the total household income and the availability of the household members for farming. The multiple-job holding livestock-farmer's motivations, decisions and actions about both multiple-job holding and livestock farming were obtained in semi-directed interviews of 35 sheep farmers who held multiple jobs, on farm and off farm. They were synthesised into six variables characterising the diversity of the livestock-farming objectives and management guidelines. Thanks to a multiple factorial analysis, we showed that the diversity of the sheep-farming management strategies of multiple-job holders was better explained by two factors 'level of motivation of the farmer to get high technical results' and 'more personal fulfilling v. the family business conception of farming', than the factors we hypothesised. Within our sample, the performances ranged from 0.7 to 1.4 weaned lambs per ewe per year. Six sheep-farming management strategies were identified. They illustrated the importance of the level of production objectives and of farming income expectation, which were found to be independent, in explaining diversity. No direct relationship between farm work organisation and sheep-farming management strategy was identified. Explaining the diversity of the livestock-farming management strategies of multiple-job holders appears to require that all the benefits expected from farming and their hierarchy be identified before analysing how they are translated into production objectives and management guidelines.  相似文献   

Wild-caught snakes are a popular and traditional food in China. However, little known to the public, snakes are also intermediate hosts of Spirometra erinaceieuropaei, a food- and water-borne pathogen of sparganosis. Therefore, we investigated the prevalence of S. erinaceieuropaei in 10 popular species of wild-caught snakes in Guangzhou City (Guangdong Province) between July 2009 and July 2010. One hundred and twenty-four specimens of 10 species (including Enhydris plumbea, Zoacys dhumnades, Elaphe radiate, Elaphe taeniura, Elaphe carinata, Ptyas mucosus, Ptyas korros, Naja naja atra, Bungarus fasciatus, and Bungarus multicinctus) were randomly selected from a total of 1,160 wild-caught snakes. They were obtained from food markets in 5 representative districts (Huadou, Panyu, Tianhe, Haizhu, and Conghua). The specimens were killed, necropsied, and examined for parasitic helminths. Of the snakes examined, 29.8% were infected by spargana and the worm burden per infected snake ranged from 1 to 221. Most species were infected except for En. plumbea, B. fasciatus, and B. multicinctus. Prevalence even reached 100% in Zoacys dhumnades. More than half (53.5%) of the spargana were located in muscular tissue, 36.4% in subcutaneous tissue, and 10.1% in the coelomic cavity. The study revealed the potential risk for the zoonotic sparganosis by eating wild-caught snakes and will be helpful in arousing public health concern about the consumption of snake meat.  相似文献   

Species diversity of reptiles is much higher in Sundarban than in other mangrove ecosystems in India. Presently snakes are declining in Sundarban due to habitat loss caused by tremendous population pressure. Besides, irresponsible killing to avoid snakebite both from poisonous and nonpoisonous varieties is another reason for the gradual declining snake population. According to an intensive household survey in 35 villages in Sundarban, about 22 species (five poisonous and 17 non-poisonous) of snakes have been identified and there appears to have been a general decline in densities. On the contrary, a large number of people are bitten and die from snakebite every year with 0.57 and 0.34 vulnerability and mortality rate per 10,000 people, respectively. The two most commonly observed poisonous species are the common krait, Bungarus caeruleus (51 %) and common cobra, Naja naja (40 %), and that of non-poisonous varieties are the Ptyas mucosus (41 %), Typhlina bramina (34 %), Xenochrophis piscator (12 %), and Amphiesma stolata (10 %). Apart from killing of snakes out of fear; habitat loss, unscientific handling of snakes by snake catchers and charmers, and netting by fisherman contributes to snake mortality to a large extent; 72 % killed snakes are of poisonous varieties, 60 % of which are B. caeruleus, the most venomous snake in Sundarban. This paper is an attempt to highlight some of the important conservation efforts like the introduction of snake firms, alternative employment channels for the snake charmers and catchers, and mass awareness campaign through panchayet (village level governing body) and local NGOs.  相似文献   

In regions of intensive pig and dairy farming, nutrient losses to the environment at farm level are a source of concern for water and air quality. Dynamic models are useful tools to evaluate the effects of production strategies on nutrient flows and losses to the environment. This paper presents the development of a new whole-farm model upscaling dynamic models developed at the field or animal scale. The model, called MELODIE, is based on an original structure with interacting biotechnical and decisional modules. Indeed, it is supported by an ontology of production systems and the associated programming platform DIESE. The biotechnical module simulates the nutrient flows in the different animal, soil and crops and manure sub-models. The decision module relies on an annual optimization of cropping and spreading allocation plans, and on the flexible execution of activity plans for each simulated year. These plans are examined every day by an operational management sub-model and their application is context dependent. As a result, MELODIE dynamically simulates the flows of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, copper, zinc and water within the whole farm over the short and long-term considering both the farming system and its adaptation to climatic conditions. Therefore, it is possible to study both the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the environmental risks, and to test changes of practices and innovative scenarios. This is illustrated with one example of simulation plan on dairy farms to interpret the Nitrogen farm-gate budget indicator. It shows that this indicator is able to reflect small differences in Nitrogen losses between different systems, but it can only be interpreted using a mobile average, not on a yearly basis. This example illustrates how MELODIE could be used to study the dynamic behaviour of the system and the dynamic of nutrient flows. Finally, MELODIE can also be used for comprehensive multi-criterion assessments, and it also constitutes a generic and evolving framework for virtual experimentation on animal farming systems.  相似文献   

目前,江苏省医药产业发展位居全国前列,但仍存在诸多不足,极大地影响了其可持续发展。通过资料查询,将江苏省与山东、河南、广东、浙江等医药产业重点省份进行比较,多方位分析江苏省医药产业发展现状,揭示眼下全省医药产业发展中的主要问题所在,为全省医药产业健康发展建言献策。  相似文献   

汪玉如  周正彦  李丕鹏 《蛇志》2010,22(2):104-107,192
目的为了有效保护江西的蛇类资源,对该地区蛇类的多样性、现状及其保护需求进行了总结。方法根据有关报道和我们调查的野外资料从物种多样性、分布、受胁情况等方面进行分析和比较。结果江西现有蛇类64种,占中国蛇类的31.1%,其中特有种18种;井冈山脊蛇(Achalinus jingganggensi)(Zong and Ma ,1983)是江西特有种,目前仅知分布于井冈山。有16种处于极度濒危、濒危和易危状态,占江西蛇类种数的25%;近危蛇类5种,占江西蛇类的7.8%。江西境内的武夷山是蛇类多样性最丰富的地区,其次是井冈山和庐山等。结论江西有近1/3的蛇类处于受胁状态,主要是由于过度利用和栖息地遭破坏所致。由于相当部分县、市缺乏蛇类分布等信息,建议尽快对江西蛇类资源进行全面调查。同时,提出相应的保护策略和措施。并建议建立特有珍稀蛇类繁育基地。  相似文献   

Once prey animals have detected predators, they must make decisions about how to respond based on a cost‐benefit analysis of their risk level. The threat sensitivity hypothesis predicts that prey animals match their response to the level of risk, with high‐risk predator encounters eliciting stronger evasive responses than low‐risk encounters. Primates are known prey of snakes, yet they vary their responses toward snakes. We predicted that primates match their response to the threat level from snakes by assessing posture, with striking postures indicating greater risk than coiled postures and coiled postures indicating greater risk than extended sinusoidal postures. We tested this prediction in a series of experimental trials in which captive rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) were exposed to snake models in those postures. Results supported the predictions: macaques responded more strongly to a snake model in a striking posture than in a coiled posture and more to a snake model in a coiled posture than to an extended sinusoidal snake model. We also examined responses of macaques to a partially exposed snake model to mimic the condition of incomplete information, as snakes are often occluded by vegetation. The occluded snake model evoked a response comparable to that of the striking snake. These findings support the threat sensitivity hypothesis. Rhesus macaques use the posture of snakes as a cue in threat assessment, responding more intensely as threat increases, and they also behave as if risk is elevated when their information about snakes is incomplete.  相似文献   

张亮  肖荣高  遇宝成  罗键 《四川动物》2012,31(4):616-618
2011年10月26日,在广东省始兴县的车八岭国家级自然保护区采得1号雄性白头蝰,并从该保护区博物馆检出另1号雄性同种标本,11月25日又在广东省博罗县的象头山国家级自然保护区采得第3号雄性同种标本,正式报道为广东省蛇类新纪录。  相似文献   

The bright coloured, highly venomous coral snakes, Leptomicrurus, Micrurus and Micruroides (family Elapidae) and a series of harmless or mildly toxic mimics form an important component of the snake fauna of the Americas. Coral snake patterns are defined as any dorsal pattern found in any species of venomous coral snake and/or any dorsal pattern containing a substantial amount of red, pink or orange distributed so as to resemble that of some species of venomous coral snake. The components of coral snake colouration are described and four principal dorsal patterns are recognized: unicolour, bicolour, tricolour and quadricolour. The tricolour patterns may be further clustered based on the number of black bands or rings separating the red ones as: monads, dyads, triads, tetrads or pentads. A detailed classification of all coral snake colour patterns is presented and each pattern is illustrated. The taxonomic distribution of these patterns is surveyed for mimics and the 56 species of highly venomous coral snakes. Among the latter, the most frequent encountered patterns are tricolour monads, tricolour triads and bicolour rings, in that order. No venomous coral snakes have a tricolour dyad, tricolour tetrad or quadricolour pattern. As many as 115 species of harmless or mildly toxic species, c. 18% of all American snakes, are regarded as coral snake mimics. The colouration and behavioural traits of venomous coral snakes combine to form a significant antipredator defence of an aposematic type. The mimics in turn receive protection from predators that innately or through learning avoid coral snake colour patterns. The precise resemblances in colouration between sympatric non-coral snakes and venomous coral snakes and the concordant geographic variation between the two strongly support this view. Batesian mimicry with the highly venomous coral snakes as the models and the other forms as the mimics is the favoured explanation for this situation. It is further concluded that a number of species in the genera Elaphe, Farancia, Nerodia and Thamnophis, although having red in their colouration, should not be included in the coral snake mimic guild.  相似文献   

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