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Arboreal arthropod communities were censused by insecticidal knockdown in a plantation of Japanese cedar,Cryptomeria japonica, in central Japan from April 1983 to February 1985 at intervals of two months. All arthropods sampled were allocated to higher taxonomic groups or guilds and the composition of the communities was analyzed with respect to abundance, biomass and their seasonal trends. The total densities fluctuated seasonally from 200 to 3500 m−2; corresponding biomass values ranged from 7 to 600 mg fresh weight m−2. Maximum density and biomass generally occurred in summer and were minimum in winter. The consistently dominant guild in terms of abundance were the detritivores, mostly comprising Collembola and oribatid mites, accounting for 36–93% of all arthropods; phytophages, predators and detritivores were major guilds in terms of biomass, showing average proportions of 27%, 23% and 20%, respectively. Biomass ratios of predators to prey were generally high in some canopy communities, suggesting the importance of predation pressure in regulating the population levels of arthropods in forests. Average individual size of predators was approximately proportional to that of prey, irrespective of tree locality. Soil arthropod communities maintained densities approximately 102–103 times as large as the corresponding canopy communities throughout the year. The seasonal variations in abundance were much greater in canopy than in soil communities.  相似文献   

Site-specific foraging can enhance the ability of generalist predators to provide effective and sustainable levels of pest control in agroecosystems. This can result from increased growth rates, higher population densities, and improved capture frequencies of pests at high prey density microsites. We tested the hypothesis that linyphiid spiders would exhibit microhabitat-specific web-site selection strategies in alfalfa. This was predicted to result in high prey densities at web-sites compared to paired non-web-sites through direct, or indirect, selection of prey-rich habitats. A total of 22,242 potential prey items were collected from mini-sticky traps located at 896 microsites. Web-centered mini-sticky traps on the ground, representative of Erigone autumnalis Emerton (Araneae: Linyphiidae) webs, captured similar numbers of potential prey as paired non-web-centered traps nearby. However, aerial sticky traps at web-sites of Bathyphantes pallidus (Banks) (Araneae: Linyphiidae) contained significantly more Diptera and Empoasca fabae (Harris) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) than paired non-web-centered sticky-traps. Prey activity-densities also varied between web-sites of E. autumnalis and B. pallidus. Diptera were dominant at aerial microsites of B. pallidus whilst Collembola were abundant on ground-based traps of E. autumnalis. These results suggest that in alfalfa, the pressure for selecting prey-rich web-sites by erigonine spiders is low, but B. pallidus exhibits a selective web-location strategy targeted towards high quality dipteran prey. These sites also captured large numbers of E. fabae, a major pest of alfalfa, thus implicating aerial-based linyphiines as valuable predators in biological control.  相似文献   

Natural enemies that control pests usually allow farmers to avoid, or reduce, the use of pesticides. However, modern farming practices, that maximize yields, are resulting in loss of biodiversity, particularly prey diversity. Does this matter? Pests continue to thrive, and without alternative prey the predators should, perforce, concentrate their attentions upon the pests.We showed that a diverse diet significantly enhances predator fecundity and survival. Experiments were conducted using common generalist predators found in arable fields in Europe, the carabid beetle Pterostichus melanarius (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and the linyphiid spider Erigone atra (Araneae: Linyphiidae). We tested the hypothesis that mixed species diets were optimal, compared with restricted diets, with respect to parameters such as predator weights, egg weights, numbers of eggs laid, egg development times, egg hatching rates and predator survival. In carabids, an exclusive earthworm diet was as good as mixed diets containing earthworms for egg production and hatching, but less good than such mixed diets for increase in beetle mass and sustained egg laying. For spiders, aphids alone (Sitobion avenae) or with the Collembola Folsomia candida, drastically reduced survival. Aphids plus the Collembola Isotoma anglicana improved survival but only aphids with a mixed Collembola diet maximized numbers of hatching eggs.Predators offered only pests (slugs or aphids) had lowest growth rates and fecundity. We therefore demonstrated that conservation of a diversity of prey species within farmland, allowing predators to exploit a diverse diet, is essential if predators are to continue to thrive in crops and regulate agricultural pests.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in abundance and distribution pattern of soil micro-arthropods were studied in connection with a few environmental factors in a Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantation. The soil arthropods were sampled from three different depths at intervals of two months for two years. Of the collected animals (total 51000–155000 m−2), Collembola (20000–76000 m−2), oribatid mites (19000–55000 m−2) and carnivorous mites (6200–21000 m−2) were the numerically dominant animal groups. Low seasonal variations in abundance indicated their seasonal stability in population levels. The trends in seasonal fluctuation were similar among these groups and between the two years, showing bimodal pattern with little peaks in early summer and winter. The pattern of seasonal fluctuation in abundance of carnivorous mites (P d) was significantly synchronized with that in the total abundance of Collembola and oribatid mites (P τ). Thus, the number-ratios (P d/P τ) were fairly constant, ranging from 0.10 to 0.25. Seasonal changes in vertical distribution of the three animal groups showed a similar pattern for both years. The downward migrations were shown to be more affected by low temperatures in winter accompanied by snow coverage rather than by the desiccation of the surface soil in summer. All the three groups demonstrated as a whole slightly aggregated patterns of horizontal distribution throughout the two years. Temporal increases in the patchiness indices were observed from summer to autumn when the moisture content of the surface soil was low.  相似文献   

Aquatic carnivorous plants usually grow in shallow dystrophic waters poor in inorganic N and P. Utricularia australis was chosen as a model plant for its prolific distribution and great ecological plasticity. The photosynthetic CO2 compensation point and factors associated with investment in carnivory and capture of prey were measured in 17 U. australis micropopulations in Třeboň basin, Czech Republic, together with water chemistry factors at these sites differing greatly in their trophic level, water hardness, and prey availability. Apical shoot growth rate was estimated at some oligotrophic sites. The micropopulations differed greatly in the proportion of traps with animal prey (2.7–70%, mean 26%), trap proportion to total biomass (1.4–42%, mean 26%), mean trap biomass (0.7–63 μg trap−1, mean 19 μg), and maximum trap size (1–3 mm, mean 2.0 mm). CO2 compensation points ranged from 0.7 to 6.1 μM (mean 2.6 μM). A weak HCO3 use (compensation point 0.51 mM) was found in plants growing in alkaline water. Trap biomass proportion did not correlate significantly with prey capture and CO2 compensation points with ambient [CO2]. A very rapid apical growth (2.5–4.2 new nodes day−1) occurred in sand pits. Thus, HCO3 use in U. australis can be induced by growing at very high pH. CO2 compensation points resembled those known in other aquatic non-carnivorous plants. They did not reflect carnivory. In spite of very rapid apical shoot growth, the relative growth rate of U. australis can be zero in oligotrophic habitats without prey.  相似文献   

We evaluated the D-vac suction machine for sampling predatory arthropods in Oklahoma winter wheat fields. The efficiency of D-vac sampling was low for adult Coccinellidae and Carabidae. Sampling efficiency was greater for coccinellid larvae. Sampling efficiency was high for adult and immature Nabidae and Chrysopidae, for Araneae, and for adult Staphylinidae. For most predators, there were significant correlations between the number of individuals in D-vac samples and the number of individuals per m2 in the field. The highest correlation was 0.82 for adult Staphylinidae. Correlations for most predators were <0.60. Significant partial correlations between D-vac sample estimates and ancillary abiotic and biotic variables occurred for most predators, indicating that D-vac sampling efficiency was affected environmental variables. Multiple regression models were constructed to relate population estimates from D-vac sampling to absolute density by adjusting estimates for influential abiotic and biotic environmental variables. Significant regression models were not achieved for adult Coccinellidae or adult Carabidae, and the coefficient of determination was low (0.18) for the model for adult Nabidae. Higher values of R2 were achieved for larval Coccinellidae, Chrysopidae adults and larvae, Nabidae nymphs, Araneae, and adult Staphylinidae. Among abiotic variables, air temperature and wind velocity most frequently entered into step-wise regression models. Among biotic variables, wheat plant growth stage and wheat tiller density frequently entered into models.  相似文献   

A new method for post-mortem quantification of predation on prey items marked with protein antigens is described. First, short-term protein marking retention tests were conducted on the targeted prey, immature Lygus hesperus Knight (Heteroptera: Miridae). Chicken IgG, rabbit IgG, or soy milk proteins were readily detectable by a suite of protein specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) on the L. hesperus. Then, predator gut content assays were conducted on chewing and piercing–sucking type predators that consumed a 3rd instar L. hesperus marked with rabbit IgG. The rabbit IgG gut content ELISA detected the marked prey in the vast majority of both types of predators for up to 24 h after feeding. Finally, field cage studies were conducted to quantify predation rates of the natural cotton predator assemblage on protein marked L. hesperus nymphs. Each 4th instar L. hesperus marked with rabbit IgG, chicken IgG, and soy milk was released into one of 360 field cages containing a cotton plant and the natural population of predators. After 7 h, each caged plant was pulled from the field, the number of predaceous arthropods in each cage were tallied, and each individual predator was assayed for the presence of marked prey by a suite of protein-specific ELISAs. A procedural error with the soy mark application negated the anti-soy ELISA data, but the anti-rabbit IgG and anti-chicken IgG ELISAs pinpointed exactly which predators preyed on the IgG marked nymphs. The protein-specific gut ELISAs revealed that various members of Araneae, Heteroptera, and Coleoptera were the most common predators of the marked prey items. In all, 74 predation events were recorded in the guts of the 556 predators encountered in the field cages. Of these 26, 23, and 14 marked individuals were eaten by various members of Araneae, Heteroptera, and Coleoptera, respectively. This study verifies that prey immunomarking is a simple, versatile, and effective method for quantifying predation rates on L. hesperus.  相似文献   

Abstract: As top predators, birds may have significant effects on arthropod abundances and affect the trophic structure of arthropod communities through predation of lower order predators (e.g. spiders) and by competition for prey. We investigated the effects of bird predation on canopy arthropods in south‐western Australia by using plastic bird mesh to exclude insectivorous birds from the foliage of wandoo Eucalyptus wandoo saplings. Exclosure resulted in an increase in the number of herbivorous and predatory arthropods. Total arthropods (with and without ants), spiders, adult Coleoptera, and larval Lepidoptera were significantly more abundant on meshed than unmeshed saplings. All size‐classes of arthropods, taxa grouped, were more abundant on meshed than unmeshed saplings, but with no evidence of a disproportionate increase of the largest arthropods on meshed saplings. All size‐classes of spiders increased in abundance on saplings from which birds were excluded. There were significant differences in the total abundance of arthropods (with and without ants), spiders (Araneae), sucking bugs (Homoptera), adult beetles (Coleoptera), larval moths (Lepidoptera), and wasps and ants (Hymenoptera) for both unmeshed and meshed saplings between sample periods. These seasonal patterns of abundance and differences between sample periods appeared to be determined by seasonal weather patterns, with the lowest numbers associated with drier and hotter conditions in summer and autumn than in winter and spring. The conclusion reached is that eucalypt forest birds have limited effects on temporal variation in canopy arthropod abundances, but depress abundances, and affect the size and trophic composition of the fauna. Given the cascading effects of birds as predators on arthropods, successful conservation management of eucalypt ecosystems, including plantations and revegetation, should be planned to maximize bird numbers and diversity.  相似文献   

I evaluated soil application of nitrogen fertilizer to 1‐year‐old, flood‐irrigated Salix exigua willows and Populus fremontii cottonwoods as a method for increasing arthropod abundances and biomasses (wet masses) available to insectivorous birds. Shrubs and trees, planted near the lower Colorado River in southeast California for wildlife habitat, were fertilized during April 2008. I collected spiders and insects monthly during the following May–August from unfertilized and fertilized plants by fumigating branches with insecticide. Percentages of N in leaves, and to a lesser extent percentages of water in branches, were greater on fertilized plants (averaging 2.5% N of dry mass) compared with unfertilized plants (1.6% N) in both species. Most arthropods collected were predaceous Araneae (44% of abundance, 52% of biomass) followed by phytophagous Homoptera (34%, 11%) and predaceous or phytophagous Heteroptera (10%, 11%). Abundances and biomasses of Araneae, Heteroptera, and all Arthropoda across months did not differ between unfertilized and fertilized plants in either species controlling for masses of sampled branches. In contrast, biomasses of Homoptera, mostly Cicadellidae followed by Aphididae, were 197% greater on fertilized willows and 228% greater on fertilized cottonwoods. Greater biomasses on fertilized plants were consistent across months. Biomasses of homopterans on branches of each species also increased as leaf N‐concentrations increased. Applying N‐fertilizer to willows and cottonwoods can increase leaf N‐contents and abundances and biomasses of Homoptera. Increased homopteran biomass on N‐fertilized plants may in turn diversify prey available to insectivorous birds.  相似文献   

As an alternative to methods currently used to study predation under field conditions, we propose to mark prey with 15N, and to subsequently trace this label in the food chain. Preliminary laboratory work to develop this method is presented. The 15N‐content of polyphagous predators that have ingested 15N‐marked aphids was analysed with respect to: time after ingestion, the number of ingested 15N‐aphids, ingestion of additional non‐marked prey, and predator size. Increased 15N‐contents were detected in solid feeders [Platynus dorsalis (Pontopiddan), Coleoptera: Carabidae], as well as in fluid feeders [Erigone atra (Blackwall), Araneae: Linyphiidae] up to 11 days after ingestion. The increased 15N‐levels were constant over time from a few days after 15N‐ingestion onwards, and correlated with the number of ingested 15N‐aphids. The ingestion of additional non‐marked prey had no statistically significant influence on the predators’15N‐contents. The 15N‐contents of carabid species with varying biomasses could be compared directly. Our results are compared with literature data of other methods (e.g., ELISA).  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2010,52(3):499-506
Natural enemies that control pests usually allow farmers to avoid, or reduce, the use of pesticides. However, modern farming practices, that maximize yields, are resulting in loss of biodiversity, particularly prey diversity. Does this matter? Pests continue to thrive, and without alternative prey the predators should, perforce, concentrate their attentions upon the pests.We showed that a diverse diet significantly enhances predator fecundity and survival. Experiments were conducted using common generalist predators found in arable fields in Europe, the carabid beetle Pterostichus melanarius (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and the linyphiid spider Erigone atra (Araneae: Linyphiidae). We tested the hypothesis that mixed species diets were optimal, compared with restricted diets, with respect to parameters such as predator weights, egg weights, numbers of eggs laid, egg development times, egg hatching rates and predator survival. In carabids, an exclusive earthworm diet was as good as mixed diets containing earthworms for egg production and hatching, but less good than such mixed diets for increase in beetle mass and sustained egg laying. For spiders, aphids alone (Sitobion avenae) or with the Collembola Folsomia candida, drastically reduced survival. Aphids plus the Collembola Isotoma anglicana improved survival but only aphids with a mixed Collembola diet maximized numbers of hatching eggs.Predators offered only pests (slugs or aphids) had lowest growth rates and fecundity. We therefore demonstrated that conservation of a diversity of prey species within farmland, allowing predators to exploit a diverse diet, is essential if predators are to continue to thrive in crops and regulate agricultural pests.  相似文献   

Availability of aphid prey in habitat is often heterogeneous in space and time and its deprivation causes severe effects on life attributes of ladybird predators. Sometimes ladybirds locate high prey biomass while on certain occasions prey biomass may be either medium/low or altogether absent. Present study has been designed in view of three prey biomass conditions in nature, viz. low, medium and high, selecting Coccinella septempunctata and Coccinella transversalis as experimental ladybirds. Results revealed that consumption, developmental and reproductive attributes of both ladybirds changed in response to prey availability. On high prey biomass larvae had higher consumption and growth rates, developed faster and had low mortality, while emerging adults were large in size, had high consumption rates and utilized prey biomass maximally on production of eggs, self maintenance and survival. In contrast low prey biomass reduced chances of larval survival and emerging adults were small in size, had poor prey consumption rates, low fecundity, egg fertility and short life span. Females exhibited triangular fecundity and egg fertility functions and plateau shaped prey consumption rate function with age, indicating towards their highest reproductive performance during middle age on three prey biomasses; being highest on high prey biomass. On three prey biomasses, females had higher body biomass conversion efficiency during pre- and post-oviposition periods and higher egg biomass conversion efficiency during oviposition period; being highest on high prey biomass. Thus middle aged ladybirds reared on high prey biomass may suppress pest populations better than those reared on low/medium prey biomass.  相似文献   

Clerid beetles are common natural enemies of bark beetles, and could potentially be used as biological control agents if they could be reared in sufficient numbers. We developed an artificial diet devoid of insect components for rearing Thanasimus dubius (Fabricius), a clerid that attacks several economically important bark beetles in eastern North America. We reared larvae of this predator using the artificial diet, and then used either natural or factitious prey to feed the adults so produced. Two different methods of presenting the diet were also examined. We then compared the performance of T. dubius reared on the artificial diet with newly-emerged wild individuals collected from the field. Our results suggest that adult predators reared on the diet are near in quality to wild ones, and high R0 values can be obtained. No difference in prey preference was found between wild and diet-reared individuals after five generations in the laboratory. Sufficient numbers of predators could be generated using these techniques to permit limited field trials of augmentative biological control.  相似文献   

Effects of mowing frequency on ground cover composition and on numbers of predators, parasitoids, and select phytophagous arthropods in the ground cover of three reduced‐insecticide pear orchards were determined. Concurrent samples taken in the tree canopy (with beating trays) and in the herbicide strips on the orchard floor (with pitfall traps) tested whether counts of natural enemies in these two habitats were also affected by mowing regime. A reduction in frequency of mowing from two to three times per month (= control) to once per month or once per growing season led to increased cover of grasses, broadleaf plants, and broadleaf plants in flower. Sweep net samples of natural enemies in the ground cover were dominated numerically by spiders (Araneae), parasitic Hymenoptera, and predatory Heteroptera, with lesser numbers of other taxa (Syrphidae, Neuroptera, Coccinellidae). Predators and parasitoids showed substantial increases in numbers associated with decreased mowing frequency. Sweep net counts of aphids, Lygus spp. (Heteroptera: Miridae), and leafhoppers/planthoppers, all potential prey of predators, also increased significantly with decreased mowing frequency. In the pitfall samples, only the European earwig (Forficula auricularia L.) (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) exhibited a change in counts associated with mowing treatment; numbers of earwigs in pitfall traps declined as mowing frequency decreased. For the beat tray samples, mean tray counts for most natural enemy taxa were higher in the less frequently mowed plots, but significantly (P < 0.05) so only for two taxa: spiders and a predatory mirid, Deraeocoris brevis (Uhler) (Heteroptera: Miridae). It remains to be determined whether biological control of pests in the tree canopy can be enhanced by manipulating mowing frequency. Questions raised by this study include whether there is extensive movement by natural enemies between the ground cover and tree canopy, and whether plot size affects the likelihood of showing that mowing frequency influences predator densities in the tree canopy.  相似文献   

A dramatic increase in the breeding population of geese has occurred over the past few decades at Svalbard. This may strongly impact the fragile ecosystems of the Arctic tundra because many of the ultra-oligotrophic freshwater systems experience enrichment from goose feces. We surveyed 21 shallow tundra ponds along a gradient of nutrient enrichment based on exposure to geese. Concentrations of total phosphorus (P) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in the tundra ponds ranged from 2–76 to 2–23 μg l−1 respectively, yet there was no significant increase in phytoplankton biomass (measured as chlorophyll a; range: 0.6–7.3 μg l−1) along the nutrient gradient. This lack of response may be the result of the trophic structure of these ecosystems, which consists of only a two-trophic level food chain with high biomasses of the efficient zooplankton grazer Daphnia in the absence of fish and scarcity of invertebrate predators. Our results indicate that this may cause a highly efficient grazing control of phytoplankton in all ponds, supported by the fact that large fractions of the nutrient pools were bound in zooplankton biomass. The median percentage of Daphnia–N and Daphnia–P content to particulate (sestonic) N and P was 338 and 3009%, respectively, which is extremely high compared to temperate lakes. Our data suggest that Daphnia in shallow arctic ponds is heavily subsidized by major inputs of energy from other food sources (bacteria, benthic biofilm), which may be crucial to the persistence of strong top–down control of pelagic algae by Daphnia.  相似文献   

Sanders D  Platner C 《Oecologia》2007,150(4):611-624
In most terrestrial ecosystems ants (Formicidae) as eusocial insects and spiders (Araneida) as solitary trappers and hunters are key predators. To study the role of predation by these generalist predators in a dry grassland, we manipulated densities of ants and spiders (natural and low density) in a two-factorial field experiment using fenced plots. The experiment revealed strong intraguild interactions between ants and spiders. Higher densities of ants negatively affected the abundance and biomass of web-building spiders. The density of Linyphiidae was threefold higher in plots without ant colonies. The abundance of Formica cunicularia workers was significantly higher in spider-removal plots. Also, population size of springtails (Collembola) was negatively affected by the presence of wandering spiders. Ants reduced the density of Lepidoptera larvae. In contrast, the abundance of coccids (Ortheziidae) was positively correlated with densities of ants. To gain a better understanding of the position of spiders, ants and other dominant invertebrate groups in the studied food web and important trophic links, we used a stable isotope analysis (15N and 13C). Adult wandering spiders were more enriched in 15N relative to 14N than juveniles, indicating a shift to predatory prey groups. Juvenile wandering and web-building spiders showed δ15N ratios just one trophic level above those of Collembola, and they had similar δ13C values, indicating that Collembola are an important prey group for ground living spiders. The effects of spiders demonstrated in the field experiment support this result. We conclude that the food resource of spiders in our study system is largely based on the detrital food web and that their effects on herbivores are weak. The effects of ants are not clear-cut and include predation as well as mutualism with herbivores. Within this diverse predator guild, intraguild interactions are important structuring forces.  相似文献   

Predation by naturally occurring predatory arthropods was investigated to explain variations in population numbers of twospotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) between first and second season strawberry crops. Araneomorph spiders. European harvestman [Phalangium opilio (L.)], Tasmanian lacewing [Micromus tasmaniae (Walker)] and Pacific damsel bug [Nabis kinbergii Reuter] were the only predators found in high numbers. However, spiders and harvestment were more prevalent than lacewings and nabids. Laboratory feedings trials indicated spiders build horizontal webs in the plants and prey predominantly on small flying insects that shelter in the crops. Similar feeding trials cofirmed the palatability of TSSM to spiders and harvestmen. Immunological testing for proteins of TSSM, aphids, Collembola and leafrollers in the intestines of field collected European harvestman, spiders, Tasmanian lacewing and Pacific damsel bug confirmed European harvestman includes TSSM in its diet, but not in large enough quantities to exert a significant regulating pressure on TSSM populations. Lacewings and nabids include TSSM in their diets but only in very small quantities (2% and 1% respectively). Spiders do not take TSSM unless they drop or spin down onto the spider webbing. The immunological testing also showed European harvestman to be a polyphagous and opportunistic feeder. Prey residues were detected more frequently in harvestmen intestines at times of prey abundance which indicated a seasonality to harvestmen diet.   相似文献   

Understanding food‐web dynamics requires knowing whether species assemblages are compartmentalized into distinct energy channels, and, if so, how these channels are structured in space. We used isotopic analyses to reconstruct the food web of a Kenyan wooded grassland. Insect prey were relatively specialized consumers of either C3 (trees and shrubs) or C4 (grasses) plants. Arboreal predators (arthropods and geckos) were also specialized, deriving c. 90% of their diet from C3‐feeding prey. In contrast, ground‐dwelling predators preyed considerably upon both C3‐ and C4‐feeding prey. This asymmetry suggests a gravity‐driven subsidy of the terrestrial predator community, whereby tree‐dwelling prey fall and are consumed by ground‐dwelling predators. Thus, predators in general couple the C3 and C4 components of this food web, but ground‐dwelling predators perform this ecosystem function more effectively than tree‐dwelling ones. Although prey subsidies in vertically structured terrestrial habitats have received little attention, they are likely to be common and important to food‐web organization.  相似文献   

To ascertain the feeding habits of benthic juvenile yellowfin goby Acanthogobius flavimanus, the gut contents of 599 specimens (15–41 mm in standard length, SL), collected on a tidal mudflat in the Tama River estuary throughout the diel cycle, were examined. The major prey items changed from harpacticoid copepods to errant and sedentary polychaetes at ca. 20 mm SL. Prey width increased with fish size. Fish of 26–28 mm SL fed mainly from sunset to morning, with highest feeding intensity during twilight hours and/or high tide. Based on the gut evacuation rate estimated from a forced feeding experiment in the laboratory and data for the diel change of mean gut-content volume in the field, the daily ration of juvenile yellowfin goby (26–28 mm SL) was calculated to be 13.8 mm3 fish−1 day−1. This volume is approximately equivalent to 3.9 individuals of the errant polychaete Ceratonereis erythraeensis (9.7 mm in body length, BL) or 8.1 individuals of the sedentary polychaete Prionospio japonica (14.8 mm BL), both species occurring abundantly on the mudflat during the study.  相似文献   

The winter diet of great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus) was studied in the major lakes of Insubria region, N Italy, in 2000–2003 by analysing stomach and oesophagus contents of birds found dead. Winter diet of cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) was studied using pellet analysis. Diet was expressed in terms of numerical abundance, frequency and biomass of prey. A detailed methodology is described of how to prepare a reference collection of otoliths, pharyngeal bones and chewing pads (key-elements), essential for species-specific identification of fish remains in stomachs and pellets, and to estimate ingested fish biomass. Correlations between mass (mg) of key-elements and mass of corresponding fish were significant, and exponential regression models were used to calculate biomass of each single prey item directly from the mass of its key-elements. Advantages of this method are compared with the more traditional two step approach in which size of elements is used to estimate fish length, followed by calculating fresh mass from fish length. Cyprinids formed the largest part of the diet for both predators. Great crested grebes selected small prey, feeding mainly on bleak (Alburnus alburnus alborella), while diet composition of cormorants varied significantly in relation to prey availability. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

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