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An acoustic plethysmograph to measure total infant body volume   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An acoustic plethysmograph intended to measure the body volume of premature infants has been developed using the principle of the Helmholtz resonator, in which the resonance frequency is dependent on the volume of the resonating cavity. A prototype system was built and used to measure the volume of inanimate objects and newborn miniature pigs. Results for inanimate objects agree within 1 percent with comparable measurements by water displacement. Results of the animal body volume measurements compare favorably (within an average of 1.1 percent) with those obtained using hydrostatic weighing.  相似文献   

A nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) method is described for quantitatively measuring total body water (TBW) and for estimating the fat content of baboons. The hydrogen associated with water was measured as the amplitude of the free-induction decay voltage following a series of 90 degree radio frequency pulses at the Lamour frequency for hydrogen with a pulse length of 14 microseconds and a peak measuring time of 50 microseconds. TBW was calculated by multiplying the peak amplitude (volts) by the experimentally determined constant for a water standard (g water/V). This NMR method yielded TBW contents similar to those obtained in the same baboons by direct gravimetric procedures. In contrast, the widely used 3H2O-dilution method usually and variably overestimated body water. By providing an accurate measure of body water, this NMR procedure provides a rapid, noninvasive, reasonably accurate way of estimating body fat content.  相似文献   

Following the general procedure of Bernal &; Finney (1967) using Voronoi polyhedra, volumes occupied by all the atoms, or groups of atoms, in lysozyme and ribonuclease S have been estimated from the atomic co-ordinates provided by crystal structure studies. The average packing density for the interior of both proteins is close to 0.75, which is in the middle of the range found for crystals of most small organic molecules. For all atom types the mean packing densities fall between 0.7 and 0.8 with standard deviations between ± 0.1 and ± 0.2. It is suggested that simple geometrical packing considerations may provide useful criteria in guiding and evaluating trial structures in theoretical studies of protein folding, especially the association of distant parts of a peptide chain.Packing densities averaged over a relatively small number of atoms (5 to 15) appear to vary substantially in different parts of the same protein. Low densities representing packing defects may permit relatively easy motions, for example in an active site. Surrounding areas of high density may serve as relatively incompressible regions which transmit or correlate motions over considerable distances.The total volume of each of these two proteins as derived from the co-ordinate list appears to be larger than that estimated from the partial specific volume by 7 to 10%. If this volume difference is attributed to a change in the packing of water in a monolayer surrounding the protein, it would correspond to an average decrease, relative to bulk water, of 1 to 2 Å3 per water molecule in this monolayer. Such a change is about half of the decrease that occurs on the melting of ice.  相似文献   

The selective pressure exerted by parasites on their hosts will to a large extent be influenced by the abundance or biomass of parasites supported by the hosts. Predicting how much parasite biomass can be supported by host individuals or populations should be straightforward: ultimately, parasite biomass must be controlled by resource supply, which is a direct function of host metabolism. Using comparative data sets on the biomass of metazoan parasites in vertebrate hosts, we determined how parasite biomass scales with host body mass. If the rate at which host resources are converted into parasite biomass is the same as that at which host resources are channelled toward host growth, then on a log-log plot parasite biomass should increase with host mass with a slope of 0.75 when corrected for operating temperature. Average parasite biomass per host scaled with host body mass at a lower rate than expected (across 131 vertebrate species, slope=0.54); this was true independently of phylogenetic influences and also within the major vertebrate groups separately. Since most host individuals in a population harbour a parasite load well below that allowed by their metabolic rate, because of the stochastic nature of infection, it is maximum parasite biomass, and not average biomass, that is predicted to scale with metabolic rate among host species. We found that maximum parasite biomass scaled isometrically (i.e., slope=1) with host body mass. Thus, larger host species can potentially support the same parasite biomass per gram of host tissues as small host species. The relationship found between maximum parasite biomass and host body mass, with its slope greater than 0.75, suggests that parasites are not like host tissues: they are able to appropriate more host resources than expected from metabolically derived host growth rates.  相似文献   

According to the published data, endemic goiter was until recently, still present in some regions in Croatia. In this study the thyroid volume in grown-up, student population was measured. It was also analyzed which of the several traditional physiological attributes (body weight, body height, and body surface area (BSA)) were best correlated with the thyroid volume. Fifty one randomly selected female students from University of Zagreb Medical School were studied. Mean age of our subjects was 22 (range 20-38). All of them were healthy and with normal thyroid hormonal status. The mean thyroid volume was 10.68+/-2.83 mL (range 5.71-17.09 mL). The results show that thyroid volume was best correlated with body height (r=0.37; p=0.001), followed with body surface area (r=0.28; p=0.017). The thyroid volume was found normal in all our subjects.  相似文献   

Mean values and standard deviations of total body volume, body density, arm volume, height, weight and a battery of 15 measurements of arm comprising different lengths, girths, diameters and skinfolds of 200 Punjabi girls aged 10–19 years are presented. Relationship between arm volume and total body volume in different age groups are also studied. Highly significant and positive correlations existed between arm volume and total body volume and the values of correlation coefficients r ranged between 0.78 to 0.92 in different age groups. Body volume was estimated also from arm measurements by using selective stepwise multiple linear regression analysis for each age group. Highly significant multiple correlation coefficients R were obtained for predicting total body volume from arm measurements and the values of multiple R ranged between 0.92 to 0.97 in different age groups even with a combination of just three or four arm measurements. The most commonly selected measurements up to fourth step in most of the age groups were upper arm girth and maximum forearm girth.  相似文献   

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