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Sex differences in the genetic architecture of behavioral traits can offer critical insight into the processes of sex‐specific selection and sexual conflict dynamics. Here, we assess genetic variances and cross‐sex genetic correlations of two personality traits, aggression and activity, in a sexually size‐dimorphic spider, Nuctenea umbratica. Using a quantitative genetic approach, we show that both traits are heritable. Males have higher heritability estimates for aggressiveness compared to females, whereas the coefficient of additive genetic variation and evolvability did not differ between the sexes. Furthermore, we found sex differences in the coefficient of residual variance in aggressiveness with females exhibiting higher estimates. In contrast, the quantitative genetic estimates for activity suggest no significant differentiation between males and females. We interpret these results with caution as the estimates of additive genetic variances may be inflated by nonadditive genetic effects. The mean cross‐sex genetic correlations for aggression and activity were 0.5 and 0.6, respectively. Nonetheless, credible intervals of both estimates were broad, implying high uncertainty for these estimates. Future work using larger sample sizes would be needed to draw firmer conclusions on how sexual selection shapes sex differences in the genetic architecture of behavioral traits.  相似文献   

Because homologous traits of males and females are likely to have a common genetic basis, sex-specific selection (often resulting from sexual selection on one sex) may generate an evolutionary tug-of-war known as intralocus sexual conflict, which will constrain the adaptive divergence of the sexes. Theory suggests that intralocus sexual conflict can be mitigated through reduction of the intersexual genetic correlation (rMF), predicting negative covariation between rMF and sexual dimorphism. In addition, recent work showed that selection should favor reduced expression of alleles inherited from the opposite-sex parent (intersexual inheritance) in traits subject to intralocus sexual conflict. For traits under sexual selection in males, this should be manifested either in reduced maternal heritability or, when conflict is severe, in reduced heritability through the opposite-sex parent in offspring of both sexes. However, because we do not know how far these hypothesized evolutionary responses can actually proceed, the importance of intralocus sexual conflict as a long-term constraint on adaptive evolution remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the genetic architecture of sexual and nonsexual morphological traits in Prochyliza xanthostoma. The lowest rMF and greatest dimorphism were exhibited by two sexual traits (head length and antenna length) and, among all traits, the degree of sexual dimorphism was correlated negatively with rMF. Moreover, sexual traits exhibited reduced maternal heritabilities, and the most strongly dimorphic sexual trait (antenna length) was heritable only through the same-sex parent in offspring of both sexes. Our results support theory and suggest that intralocus sexual conflict can be resolved substantially by genomic adaptation. Further work is required to identify the proximate mechanisms underlying these patterns.  相似文献   

When selection differs between the sexes for traits that are genetically correlated between the sexes, there is potential for the effect of selection in one sex to be altered by indirect selection in the other sex, a situation commonly referred to as intralocus sexual conflict (ISC). While potentially common, ISC has rarely been studied in wild populations. Here, we studied ISC over a set of morphological traits (wing length, tarsus length, bill depth and bill length) in a wild population of great tits (Parus major) from Wytham Woods, UK. Specifically, we quantified the microevolutionary impacts of ISC by combining intra‐ and intersex additive genetic (co)variances and sex‐specific selection estimates in a multivariate framework. Large genetic correlations between homologous male and female traits combined with evidence for sex‐specific multivariate survival selection suggested that ISC could play an appreciable role in the evolution of this population. Together, multivariate sex‐specific selection and additive genetic (co)variance for the traits considered accounted for additive genetic variance in fitness that was uncorrelated between the sexes (cross‐sex genetic correlation = ?0.003, 95% CI = ?0.83, 0.83). Gender load, defined as the reduction in a population's rate of adaptation due to sex‐specific effects, was estimated at 50% (95% CI = 13%, 86%). This study provides novel insights into the evolution of sexual dimorphism in wild populations and illustrates how quantitative genetics and selection analyses can be combined in a multivariate framework to quantify the microevolutionary impacts of ISC.  相似文献   

A precise method was used for estimating the proportion of heritable variation in two life history parameters of the yellow dung fly, whereby environmental components of variance were minimized. Significant heritable variation for body size was revealed for father to son and mother to daughter relationships. Variation in development time was not significantly heritable. There is a marked sexual dimorphism in body size in this species which is discussed in the light of the observed sex-genotype interaction in heritabilities and low genetic correlation for size between the sexes. It is suggested that opposing pressures of sexual and natural selection and/or genetic pleotropy may be responsible for the maintenance of heritable variation, and the evolution of sexual dimorphism in these two traits.  相似文献   

Abstract The lek paradox, in which female choice erodes genetic variation in male sexually selected traits, is a fundamental issue in sexual selection. If females gain only genetic benefits from preferentially having their ova fertilized by males with particular traits, what maintains variation in these traits? Under strong directional selection mediated through mate choice, the alleles for beneficial male traits are expected to go to fixation and exhibit little variation. A theoretical solution to the lek paradox is the genic capture hypothesis which states that: costly male traits subject to female choice are condition dependent, that male condition is dependent on genes at many loci and exhibits additive genetic variance, and that positive genetic correlations exist between sexually selected traits and condition. Using a captive population of the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata, we tested two key predictions from this model: (1) that genetic variance exists in beak color which is a sexually selected trait, but also in condition and immune function, and (2) that positive genetic correlations exist between condition and beak color, and between beak color, condition, and immune function. Genetic parameters were estimated from a large breeding experiment involving 81 sires, 972 offspring, a pedigree of 1526 individuals, using the animal model. We employed the following index of body condition: residuals from a log‐log plot of body mass on tarsus length following a standardized and extended period of exercise, in which residual mass is known to reflect fat and protein reserves. Our results were broadly consistent with the genic capture hypothesis because we found (1) additive genetic variation in beak color and immune function and condition, and (2) positive genetic correlations between condition and beak color, and between condition, beak color, and several assays of immune responsiveness. However, both of these results need qualification. In the first case we identified an important general problem in estimating the coefficient of additive genetic variance (CVA) in body condition. In the second case, although most of the genetic correlations were positive as predicted, only some were statistically significant, possibly due to our relatively small sample sizes, because genetic correlations typically have large standard errors and therefore require very large samples to be statistically significant. The statistically significant, positive genetic correlations included those between beak color and immune function (response to tetanus), and between immune function (response to tetanus) and condition, both of which indicate that females gain good genes from mating with males in good condition and/or with a redder beak color. We discuss the implications of our results for devising more rigorous but pragmatic tests of the genic capture hypothesis.  相似文献   

Many traits are phenotypically dimorphic but determined by the action of many loci, the phenotype being a result of a threshold of sensitivity. Quantitative genetic analysis has shown that generally there is considerable additive genetic variation for the trait, the average heritability being 0.52. In numerous cases threshold traits have been shown, or are assumed, to be under frequency-dependent selection; examples include satellite-territorial behaviour, sex-determination, wing dimorphism and trophic dimorphism. In this paper I investigate the potential for frequency-dependent selection to maintain both phenotypic and additive genetic variation in threshold traits. The qualitative results are robust to the particular form of the frequency-dependent selection function. The equilibrium proportion is more or less independent of population size but the heritability increases with population size, typically approaching its maximal value at a population size of 5000, when the mutation rate is 10?4. A tenfold decrease in the mutation rate requires an approximate doubling of the population size before an asymptotic value is approached. Thus frequency-dependent selection can account for both the existence of two morphs in a population and the observed levels of heritability. It is also shown, both via simulation and theory, that the quantitative genetic model and a simple phenotypic analysis predict the same equilibrium morph proportion.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict at loci influencing traits shared between the sexes occurs when sex-specific selection pressures are antagonistic relative to the genetic correlation between the sexes. To assess whether there is sexual conflict over shared traits, we estimated heritability and intersexual genetic correlations for highly sexually dimorphic traits (horn volume and body mass) in a wild population of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) and quantified sex-specific selection using estimates of longevity and lifetime reproductive success. Body mass and horn volume showed significant additive genetic variance in both sexes, and intersexual genetic correlations were 0.24+/-0.28 for horn volume and 0.63+/-0.30 for body mass. For horn volume, selection coefficients did not significantly differ from zero in either sex. For body weight, selection coefficients were positive in females but did not differ from zero in males. The absence of detectable sexually antagonistic selection suggests that currently there are no sexual conflicts at loci influencing horn volume and body mass.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism, or sex-specific trait expression, may evolve when selection favours different optima for the same trait between sexes, that is, under antagonistic selection. Intra-locus sexual conflict exists when the sexually dimorphic trait under antagonistic selection is based on genes shared between sexes. A common assumption is that the presence of sexual-size dimorphism (SSD) indicates that sexual conflict has been, at least partly, resolved via decoupling of the trait architecture between sexes. However, whether and how decoupling of the trait architecture between sexes has been realized often remains unknown. We tested for differences in architecture of adult body size between sexes in a species with extreme SSD, the African hermit spider (Nephilingis cruentata), where adult female body size greatly exceeds that of males. Specifically, we estimated the sex-specific importance of genetic and maternal effects on adult body size among individuals that we laboratory-reared for up to eight generations. Quantitative genetic model estimates indicated that size variation in females is to a larger extent explained by direct genetic effects than by maternal effects, but in males to a larger extent by maternal than by genetic effects. We conclude that this sex-specific body-size architecture enables body-size evolution to proceed much more independently than under a common architecture to both sexes.  相似文献   

Behavioural syndromes, that is correlated behaviours, may be a result from adaptive correlational selection, but in a new environmental setting, the trait correlation might act as an evolutionary constraint. However, knowledge about the quantitative genetic basis of behavioural syndromes, and the stability and evolvability of genetic correlations under different ecological conditions, is limited. We investigated the quantitative genetic basis of correlated behaviours in the freshwater isopod Asellus aquaticus. In some Swedish lakes, A. aquaticus has recently colonized a novel habitat and diverged into two ecotypes, presumably due to habitat‐specific selection from predation. Using a common garden approach and animal model analyses, we estimated quantitative genetic parameters for behavioural traits and compared the genetic architecture between the ecotypes. We report that the genetic covariance structure of the behavioural traits has been altered in the novel ecotype, demonstrating divergence in behavioural correlations. Thus, our study confirms that genetic correlations behind behaviours can change rapidly in response to novel selective environments.  相似文献   

The social environment is expected to have substantial effects on behavior, and as a consequence, its heritability and evolvability. We investigated these effects by exposing Australian field crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus) to either silence or recordings of male acoustic sexual signals. We used a combined pedigree and full‐sib/half‐sib breeding design to estimate the repeatability, heritability, and evolvability of behaviors related to boldness, exploration, and activity. All behaviors measured were significantly repeatable in both social environments. Additionally, most behaviors showed significant heritabilities in the two environments. We found no difference in repeatabilities between the silent and the acoustic environment but did find significant differences in the heritabilities and evolvabilities between these environments. There was a high degree of similarity between the phenotypic covariance matrices across the two environments, while the genotypic covariance matrices were highly dissimilar. Reflecting this, we found significant genotype‐by‐environment interactions for most of the behaviors. Lastly, we found that the repeatable aspect of behavior (“personality”) was significantly heritable for most behaviors, but that these heritabilities were higher in the acoustic than in the silent environment. We conclude that the social environment can have a significant impact on the heritability and evolvability of behavior, and argue that evolutionary inferences from phenotypic studies should be made with caution.  相似文献   

Dissecting the genetic architecture of fitness-related traits in wild populations is key to understanding evolution and the mechanisms maintaining adaptive genetic variation. We took advantage of a recently developed genetic linkage map and phenotypic information from wild pedigreed individuals from Ram Mountain, Alberta, Canada, to study the genetic architecture of ecologically important traits (horn volume, length, base circumference and body mass) in bighorn sheep. In addition to estimating sex-specific and cross-sex quantitative genetic parameters, we tested for the presence of quantitative trait loci (QTLs), colocalization of QTLs between bighorn sheep and domestic sheep, and sex × QTL interactions. All traits showed significant additive genetic variance and genetic correlations tended to be positive. Linkage analysis based on 241 microsatellite loci typed in 310 pedigreed animals resulted in no significant and five suggestive QTLs (four for horn dimension on chromosomes 1, 18 and 23, and one for body mass on chromosome 26) using genome-wide significance thresholds (Logarithm of odds (LOD) >3.31 and >1.88, respectively). We also confirmed the presence of a horn dimension QTL in bighorn sheep at the only position known to contain a similar QTL in domestic sheep (on chromosome 10 near the horns locus; nominal P<0.01) and highlighted a number of regions potentially containing weight-related QTLs in both species. As expected for sexually dimorphic traits involved in male-male combat, loci with sex-specific effects were detected. This study lays the foundation for future work on adaptive genetic variation and the evolutionary dynamics of sexually dimorphic traits in bighorn sheep.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments on Drosophila have often demonstrated increased heritability for morphological and life‐history traits under environmental stress. We used parent–offspring comparisons to examine the impact of humidity levels on the heritability of a physiological trait, resistance to heat, measured as knockdown time at constant temperature. Drosophila melanogaster were reared under standard nonstressful conditions and heat‐shocked as adults at extreme high or low humidity. Mean knockdown time was decreased in the stressful dry environment, but there was a significant sex‐by‐treatment interaction: at low humidity, females were more heat resistant than males, whereas at high humidity, the situation was reversed. Phenotypic variability of knockdown time was also lower in the dry environment. The magnitude of genetic correlation between the sexes at high humidity indicated genetic variation for sexual dimorphism in heat resistance. Heritability estimates based on one‐parent–offspring regressions tended to be higher under desiccation stress, and this could be explained by decreased environmental variance of heat resistance at low humidity. There was no indication that the additive genetic variance and evolvability of heat resistance differed between the environments. The pattern of heritability estimates suggests that populations of D. melanogaster may have a greater potential for evolving higher thermal tolerance under arid conditions.  相似文献   

As the number of gestating sows reared in group housing increases, a better understanding of behavioral traits needed to negotiate these more complex social interactions promises to increase animal welfare and productivity. However, little is known about different behavioral strategies or coping styles in sows, and even less is understood about their ontogeny. To study the development of coping styles in adult gestating sows, 36 sows from the same sire line and same commercial maternal genetics were followed from birth through their second parity. Each animal was observed in a battery of stress-related behavioral tests at 5 weeks, and 3 months of age as well as 24 h postpartum as a parity 1 sow, and during introduction to subsequent gestation period in group housing. The tests at different ages included response to handling, open field exploration, human interaction, litter handling and social interactions with conspecifics. Many of the observed behaviors were correlated during the same period of the animal’s life and provided the motivation for a principal component analysis by age. Using principal component analysis, multiple traits were determined at each age point; at 5 weeks old: active, non-exploratory and cautious explained 82.5% of the variance; at 3 months of age: active, non-exploratory and low fear of humans explained 87.7% of the variance; and as primiparous sows: active, aggressive/dominant and submissive explained 82.0% of the variance. Several individual juvenile behaviors were associated with adult behavioral traits. For instance, the response to handling at 5 weeks was significantly predictive (β=0.4; P<0.05) of the aggressive/dominant trait of parity 1 sows. Taken together results presented here suggest that early behavioral responses of prepuberal gilts during specific instances of elevated environmental or social stress can predict future behavioral response as gestating sows.  相似文献   

L Min  R Yang  X Wang  B Wang 《Heredity》2011,106(1):124-133
The dissection of the genetic architecture of quantitative traits, including the number and locations of quantitative trait loci (QTL) and their main and epistatic effects, has been an important topic in current QTL mapping. We extend the Bayesian model selection framework for mapping multiple epistatic QTL affecting continuous traits to dynamic traits in experimental crosses. The extension inherits the efficiency of Bayesian model selection and the flexibility of the Legendre polynomial model fitting to the change in genetic and environmental effects with time. We illustrate the proposed method by simultaneously detecting the main and epistatic QTLs for the growth of leaf age in a doubled-haploid population of rice. The behavior and performance of the method are also shown by computer simulation experiments. The results show that our method can more quickly identify interacting QTLs for dynamic traits in the models with many numbers of genetic effects, enhancing our understanding of genetic architecture for dynamic traits. Our proposed method can be treated as a general form of mapping QTL for continuous quantitative traits, being easier to extend to multiple traits and to a single trait with repeat records.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine allometric and sexual-selection explanations for interspecific differences in the amount of sexual dimorphism among 60 primate species. Based on evidence provided by statistical analyses, we reject Leutenegger and Cheverud’s [(1982). Int. J. Primatol.3:387-402] claim that body size alone is the major factor in the evolution of sexual dimorphism. The alternative proposed here is that sexual selection due to differences in the reproductive potential of males and females is the primary cause of sexual dimorphism. In addition, we propose that the overall size of a species determines whether the dimorphism will be expressed as size dimorphism,rather than in some other form.  相似文献   

The genetic architecture of a female sexual ornament   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding the evolution of sexual ornaments, and particularly that of female sexual ornaments, is an enduring challenge in evolutionary biology. Key to this challenge are establishing the relationship between ornament expression and female reproductive investment, and determining the genetic basis underpinning such relationship. Advances in genomics provide unprecedented opportunities to study the genetic architecture of sexual ornaments in model species. Here, we present a quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of a female sexual ornament, the comb of the fowl, Gallus gallus, using a large-scale intercross between red junglefowl and a domestic line, selected for egg production. First, we demonstrate that female somatic investment in comb reflects female reproductive investment. Despite a trade-off between reproductive and skeletal investment mediated by the mobilization of skeletal minerals for egg production, females with proportionally large combs also had relatively high skeletal investment. Second, we identify a major QTL for bisexual expression of comb mass and several QTL specific to female comb mass. Importantly, QTL for comb mass were nonrandomly clustered with QTL for female reproductive and skeletal investment on chromosomes one and three. Together, these results shed light onto the physiological and genetic architecture of a female ornament.  相似文献   

Male genitalia evolve through sexual selection and, in insects, tend to show negative static allometry, low phenotypic variation, and are usually relatively small. Much less is known about the genetic variation and heritability of male genitalia. Additionally, in instances where the intromittent organ is greatly elongated, it is unclear whether typical patterns of genital scaling and variation also apply. In the present study, we investigated the allometry, variation, and heritability of male genital length in the seedbug, Lygaeus equestris , a species with a greatly elongated intromittent organ (i.e. almost as long as male body size). We found that genital length was negatively allometric, in spite of its great length, and was no more variable than nongenital traits. Additionally, genital length was significantly heritable and had considerable evolvability.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 400–405.  相似文献   

Evans JP 《Heredity》2011,106(5):869-875
Ejaculates comprise multiple and potentially interacting traits that determine male fertility and sperm competitiveness. Consequently, selection on these traits is likely to be intense, but the efficacy of selection will depend critically on patterns of genetic variation and covariation underlying their expression. In this study, I provide a prospective quantitative genetic analysis of ejaculate traits in the guppy Poecilia reticulata, a highly promiscuous live-bearing fish. I used a standard paternal half-sibling breeding design to characterize patterns of genetic (co)variation in components of sperm length and in vitro sperm performance. All traits exhibited high levels of phenotypic and additive genetic variation, and in several cases, patterns of genetic variation was consistent with Y-linkage. There were also highly significant negative genetic correlations between the various measures of sperm length and sperm performance. In particular, the length of the sperm's midpiece was strongly, negatively and genetically correlated with sperm's swimming velocity-an important determinant of sperm competitiveness in this and other species. Other components of sperm length, including the flagellum and head, were independently and negatively genetically correlated with the proportion of live sperm in the ejaculate (sperm viability). Whether these relationships represent evolutionary trade-offs depends on the precise relationships between these traits and competitive fertilization rates, which have yet to be fully resolved in this (and indeed most) species. Nevertheless, these prospective analyses point to potential constraints on ejaculate evolution and may explain the high level of phenotypic variability in ejaculate traits in this species.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the breeding season male Salaria pavo that have eggs in their nests are larger, have more developed anal glands and less intense eye-spots and are located in breeding aggregations. These differences cease to occur from the peak of the breeding season (June—July) onwards. Two scenarios are presented that may explain these results: (1) smaller and younger males may begin to breed later devoting part of the warm season to growth; (2) females may cease to be selective as the nesting space begins to be saturated with eggs. These results raise one methodological and one conceptual question. The search for correlates of male reproductive success must cover different phases of the breeding season to capture the overall dynamics of the processes involved. The operational sex ratio for cavity-spawning fishes should take into account the availability of spawning sites rather than just counting the sexually mature members of each sex.  相似文献   

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