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Climate variability is a major structuring factor in grassland ecosystems, yet there is great uncertainty in how changes in precipitation affect grazing herbivores. We determined how interannual variation in the timing and magnitude of precipitation affected the weight gain of free-roaming bison in their first and second year. Bison weights were analyzed for 14 years for Konza Prairie, Kansas, and 12 years for Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, Oklahoma. Greater late-summer precipitation increased bison weight gain. For every 100 mm precipitation, weight gain increased 6.4–15.3 kg depending on age classes and site. In contrast, greater midsummer precipitation decreased weight gain. For every additional 100 mm precipitation, weight decreased 9.7–17.3 kg depending on age class and site. The decreased weight gain of bison with greater midsummer precipitation was associated with increased grass stem production during the period for each of three dominant grasses at Konza Prairie. Although greater stem production increases the quantity of aboveground biomass, it should decrease the overall nutritional quality of biomass to grazers, which would reduce weight gain. With offsetting effects of mid- and late-summer precipitation on weight gain, these results show that predicting the effects of climate change on grazers must incorporate both the timing and magnitude of changes in precipitation and their effects on both the quantity and quality of biomass.  相似文献   

Jonas JL  Joern A 《Oecologia》2007,153(3):699-711
Because both intrinsic and extrinsic factors influence insect population dynamics, operating at a range of temporal and spatial scales, it is difficult to assess their contributions. Long-term studies are ideal for assessing the relative contributions of multiple factors to abundance and community dynamics. Using data spanning 25 years, we investigate the contributions of weather at annual and decadal scales, fire return interval, and grazing by bison to understand the dynamics of abundance and community composition in grasshopper assemblages from North American continental grassland. Each of these three primary drivers of grassland ecosystem dynamics affects grasshopper population and community dynamics. Negative feedbacks in abundances, as expected for regulated populations, were observed for all feeding guilds of grasshoppers. Abundance of grasshoppers did not vary in response to frequency of prescribed burns at the site. Among watersheds that varied with respect to controlled spring burns and grazing by bison, species composition of grasshopper assemblages responded significantly to both after 25 years. However, after more than 20 years of fire and grazing treatments, the number of years since the last fire was more important than the managed long-term fire frequency per se. Yearly shifts in species composition (1983–2005), examined using non-metric multidimensional scaling and fourth-corner analysis, were best explained by local weather events occurring early in grasshopper life cycles. Large-scale patterns were represented by the Palmer Drought Severity Index and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The NAO was significantly correlated with annual mean frequencies of grasshoppers, especially for forb- and mixed-feeding species. Primary grassland drivers—fire, grazing and weather—contributing both intrinsic and extrinsic influences modulate long-term fluctuations in grasshopper abundances and community taxonomic composition. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Periodic fire, grazing, and a variable climate are considered the most important drivers of tallgrass prairie ecosystems, having large impacts on the component species and on ecosystem structure and function. We used long-term experiments at Konza Prairie Biological Station to explore the underlying demographic mechanisms responsible for tallgrass prairie responses to two key ecological drivers: fire and grazing. Our data indicate that belowground bud banks (populations of meristems associated with rhizomes or other perennating organs) mediate tallgrass prairie plant response. Fire and grazing altered rates of belowground bud natality, tiller emergence from the bud bank, and both short-term (fire cycle) and long-term (>15 year) changes in bud bank density. Annual burning increased grass bud banks by 25% and decreased forb bud banks by 125% compared to burning every 4 years. Grazing increased the rate of emergence from the grass bud bank resulting in increased grass stem densities while decreasing grass bud banks compared to ungrazed prairie. By contrast, grazing increased both bud and stem density of forbs in annually burned prairie but grazing had no effect on forb bud or stem density in the 4-year burn frequency treatment. Lastly, the size of the reserve grass bud bank is an excellent predictor of long-term ANPP in tallgrass prairie and also of short-term interannual variation in ANPP associated with fire cycles, supporting our hypothesis that ANPP is strongly regulated by belowground demographic processes. Meristem limitation due to management practices such as different fire frequencies or grazing regimes may constrain tallgrass prairie responses to interannual changes in resource availability. An important consequence is that grasslands with a large bud bank may be the most responsive to future climatic change or other global change phenomena such as nutrient enrichment, and may be most resistant to exotic species invasions.  相似文献   

Forb populations were sampled on Kansas tallgrass prairie to examine the effects of native (bison) and domestic (cattle) ungulates on plant growth, reproduction, and species abundances. Five locally and regionally abundant native tallgrass prairie perennials, Baptisia bracteata, Oenothera speciosa, Vernonia baldwinii, Solidago missouriensis, and Salvia azurea, were selected for study. Replicate watershed-level treatments included three grazing regimes (ungrazed, grazed by cattle, and grazed by bison), and two spring fire frequencies (annually burned and burned at 4-yr intervals). The results show that forb responses to ungulates in tallgrass prairie are complex and vary significantly among plant species, ungulate species, fire regimes, and plant life history stages. Some forbs (e.g., B. bracteata, O. speciosa, and V. baldwinii) increased in growth and reproduction in grazed sites, indicating competitive release in response to selective grazing of the dominant warm-season matrix grasses. Forbs that reduced performance in grazed sites are likely negatively affected by disturbances generated by ungulate nongrazing activities, because none of the forbs studied were directly consumed by bison or cattle. Large grazers had no detectable effect on the frequency of plant damage by other herbivores or pathogens. Significant effects of grazers on patterns of flowering and seed production were not congruent with their effects on population densities, indicating that variation in sexual reproduction plays a minor role in regulating local population abundances. Furthermore, the native and domestic ungulates differ significantly in their effects on forb growth and reproduction.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   No other group of North American birds has declined as precipitously and over so large an area as has the grassland assemblage. In the Flint Hills of Kansas, the largest extant region of tallgrass prairie, annual spring burning of rangeland has largely replaced traditional regimes and natural patterns with longer intervals between burns. I examined effects of burning and low-intensity cattle grazing on abundances of seven bird species at Konza Prairie Research Natural Area in June 2002 and 2003. Every species was affected by fire, with Upland Sandpipers ( Bartramia longicauda ) more abundant, and six species—Grasshopper Sparrow ( Ammodramus savannarum ), Henslow's Sparrow ( A. henslowii ), Dickcissel ( Spiza americana ), Eastern Meadowlark ( Sturnella magna ), Brown-headed Cowbird ( Molothrus ater ), and Bell's Vireo ( Vireo bellii )—either less abundant or absent at sites in the breeding season following a fire. These results demonstrate that annual burning limits the potential of much of the Flint Hills prairie to harbor high breeding densities of many grassland birds. On the other hand, I found a trade-off between immediate and longer-term effects of burning for several grass-dependent species. Grasshopper Sparrows, Henslow's Sparrows, and Eastern Meadowlarks, although more numerous in areas that were not burned the preceding spring, were less abundant at sites burned every 4 yrs than those burned at shorter intervals. In contrast, shrub-dependent Bell's Vireos were more abundant at sites burned every 4 yrs. Upland Sandpipers, Grasshopper Sparrows, and Eastern Meadowlarks were more abundant in grazed areas. Use of alternatives to annual burning could increase habitat heterogeneity by transforming the Flint Hills into a mosaic of regularly, but asynchronously, burned pastures that would better meet the diverse habitat needs of the region's grassland birds.  相似文献   

Grazing lawns are a distinct grassland community type, characterised by short‐stature and with their persistence and spread promoted by grazing. In Africa, they reveal a long co‐evolutionary history of grasses and large mammal grazers. The attractiveness to grazers of a low‐biomass sward lies in the relatively high quality of forage, largely due to the low proportion of stem material in the sward; this encourages repeat grazing that concomitantly suppresses tall‐grass growth forms that would otherwise outcompete lawn species for light. Regular grazing that prevents shading and maintains sward quality is thus the cornerstone of grazing lawn dynamics. The strong interplay between abiotic conditions and disturbance factors, which are central to grazing lawn existence, can also cause these systems to be highly dynamic. Here we identify differences in growth form among grazing lawn grass species, and assess how compositional differences among lawn types, as well as environmental variables, influence their maintenance requirements (i.e. grazing frequency) and vulnerability to degradation. We also make a clear distinction between the processes of lawn establishment and lawn maintenance. Rainfall, soil nutrient status, grazer community composition and fire regime have strong and interactive influences on both processes. However, factors that concentrate grazing pressure (e.g. nutrient hotspots and sodic sites) have more bearing on where lawns establish. Similarly, we discuss the relevance of enhanced rates of nitrogen cycling and of sodium levels to lawn maintenance. Grazer community composition and density has considerable significance to grazing lawn dynamics; not all grazers are adapted to foraging on short‐grass swards, and differences in body size and relative mouth dimensions determine which species are able to convert tall‐grass swards into grazing lawns under different conditions. Hence, we evaluate the roles of different grazers in lawn dynamics, as well as the benefits that grazer populations derive from having access to grazing lawns. The effects of grazing lawns can extend well beyond their borders, due to their influence on grazer densities, behaviour and movements as well as fire spread, intensity and frequency. Variation in the area and proportion of a landscape that is grazing lawn can thus have a profound impact on system dynamics. We provide a conceptual model that summarises grazing lawn dynamics, and identify a rainfall range where we predict grazing lawns to be most prevalent. We also examine the biodiversity associated with grazing lawn systems, and consider their functional contribution to the conservation of this biodiversity. Finally, we assess the utility of grazing lawns as a resource in a rangeland context.  相似文献   

Summary Grasshopper densities were compared between grazed and ungrazed semidesert grassland sites in southeastern Arizona. Bouteloua-dominated perennial grass cover was about 1.5 times greater on the livestock exclosure. Grasshoppers were 3.7 times more abundant on the protected area in the summers of 1983 and 1984, when dominant species were grass-feeding members of the subfamily Gomphocerinae. In fall 1984, grasshoppers were 3.8 times more common on the grazed site, when dominants were mainly herb-feeders in the subfamily Melanoplinae. These results indicate important seasonal and taxonomic differences in the responses of grasshoppers to the activities of vertebrate grazers.  相似文献   

Climate change elevates conservation concerns worldwide because it is likely to exacerbate many identified threats to animal populations. In recent decades, grassland birds have declined faster than other North American bird species, a loss thought to be due to habitat loss and fragmentation and changing agricultural practices. Climate change poses additional threats of unknown magnitude to these already declining populations. We examined how seasonal and daily weather conditions over 10 years influenced nest survival of five species of insectivorous passerines native to the shortgrass prairie and evaluate our findings relative to future climate predictions for this region. Daily nest survival (= 870) was best predicted by a combination of daily and seasonal weather variables, age of nest, time in season and bird habitat guild. Within a season, survival rates were lower on very hot days (temperatures ≥ 35 °C), on dry days (with a lag of 1 day) and on stormy days (especially for those species nesting in shorter vegetation). Across years, survival rates were also lower during warmer and drier breeding seasons. Clutch sizes were larger when early spring temperatures were cool and the week prior to egg‐laying was wetter and warming. Climate change is likely to exacerbate grassland bird population declines because projected climate conditions include rising temperatures, more prolonged drought and more intense storms as the hydrological cycle is altered. Under varying realistic scenarios, nest success estimates were halved compared to their current average value when models both increased the temperature (3 °C) and decreased precipitation (two additional dry days during a nesting period), thus underscoring a sense of urgency in identifying and addressing the current causes of range‐wide declines.  相似文献   

Restoring historical disturbance regimes to enhance habitat for grassland birds can conflict with livestock production goals and has been controversial because of uncertainty in the frequency and pattern of different disturbances prior to European settlement. We studied nesting habitat for the mountain plover (Charadrius montanus) in relation to prescribed fire, grazing by large herbivores (cattle), and grazing by black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) in the shortgrass steppe of northeastern Colorado. Breeding mountain plovers primarily occurred on black-tailed prairie dog colonies or areas burned during the previous dormant season. Vegetation surrounding mountain plover nests and foraging locations was characterized by a fine-scale mosaic of prostrate (<4 cm tall) vegetated patches interspersed with >35% bare soil in a given square meter, with this fine-scale pattern distributed over a broad (>100-m radius) area. Mountain plovers rarely occupied grassland lacking prairie dogs or recent fire, but those that did selected sites with similar vegetation height and bare soil exposure as sites on burns and prairie dog colonies. Vegetation structure at mountain plover-occupied sites was also similar to random sites on burns and prairie dog colonies, but differed substantially from sites managed only with cattle. Intensive cattle grazing at twice the recommended stocking rate during spring (Mar–May) or summer (May–Oct) for 6 years produced significantly less bare soil than burns and prairie dog colonies, particularly following years with average or above-average precipitation. Thus, intensive cattle grazing did not substitute for prairie dog grazing or fire in terms of effects on vegetation structure and mountain plover habitat. Both prescribed burning and increased size and distribution of black-tailed prairie dog colonies appear to be effective and complementary means to manage for mountain plover breeding habitat in shortgrass steppe. Provision of mountain plover habitat has tradeoffs with traditional management for livestock production. Thus, managers need to clearly define desired outcomes for management to provide multiple ecosystem goods and services. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Traits are important for understanding how plant communities assemble and function, providing a common currency for studying ecological processes across species, locations, and habitat types. However, the majority of studies relating species traits to community assembly rely upon vegetative traits of mature plants. Seed traits, which are understudied relative to whole‐plant traits, are key to understanding assembly of plant communities. This is particularly true for restored communities, which are typically started de novo from seed, making seed germination a critical first step in community assembly and an early filter for plant establishment. We experimentally tested the effects of seed traits (mass, shape, and embryo to seed size ratio) and phylogeny on germination response in 32 species commonly used in prairie grassland restoration in the Midwestern USA, analyzing data using time‐to‐event (survival) analysis. As germination is also influenced by seed dormancy, and dormancy break treatments are commonly employed in restoration, we also tested the effects of two pretreatments (cold stratification and gibberellic acid application) on time to germination. Seed traits, phylogeny, and seed pretreatments all affected time to germination. Of all traits tested, variables related to seed shape (height and shape variance) best predicted germination response, with high‐variance (i.e., pointier and narrower) seeds germinating faster. Phylogenetic position (the location of species on the phylogenetic tree relative to other tested species) was also an important predictor of germination response, that is, closely related species showed similar patterns in time to germination. This was true despite the fact that all measured seed traits showed phylogenetic signal, therefore phylogeny provided residual information that was not already captured by measured seed traits. Seed traits, phylogenetic position, and germination pretreatments were important predictors of germination response for a suite of species commonly used in grassland restoration. Shape traits were especially important, while mass, often the only seed trait used in studies of community assembly, was not a strong predictor of germination timing. These findings illustrate the ecological importance of seed traits that are rarely incorporated into functional studies of plant communities. This information can also be used to advance restoration practice by guiding restoration planning and seed mix design.  相似文献   

Summary Prescribed burning is a major control over element cycles in Tallgrass prairie (Eastern Kansas, USA). In this paper we report potential effects of fire on nonsymbiotic nitrogen fixation. Fire resulted in additions of available P in ash, which may stimulate nitrogen fixation by terrestrial cyanobacteria. Cyanobacterial nitrogenase activity and biomass responded positively to additions of ash or P in laboratory assays using soil. Further assays in soil showed that cyanobacteria responded to changes in available N:available P ratio (aN:P) across a range of concentrations. Nitrogen fixation rate could be related empirically to aN:P via a log-linear relationship. Extrapolation of laboratory results to the field yielded a maximal estimate of 21 kg N ha-1 y-1. Results support arguments from the marine and terrestrial literature that P availability is central to regulation of ecosystem N budgets.  相似文献   

Werker  A. Rik  Jaggard  Keith W.  Allison  Marc F. 《Plant and Soil》1999,207(1):97-106
In the UK sugar beet is grown on contrasting soils that vary both in their nutritional status and water-holding capacities. Water shortage and low nitrogen reduce canopy growth and dry matter production, which is compensated in part by an increase in the fraction of assimilates partitioned to storage. Conversely, high nitrogen and ample water encourage growth of the canopy, increase assimilation of carbon dioxide but reduce the proportion of assimilates stored as sugar. This paper sets out to examine simple relationships between sugar yield, total dry matter and soil nitrogen in rain-fed and irrigated sugar beet crops (Beta vulgaris L.) from 46 field experiments spanning 12 years and a range of soil types, in order to improve prediction of sugar yields. Two partitioning functions were fitted to the data. The first represents a useful alternative formulation of the allometric growth function that overcomes some of the difficulties in the interpretation of the parameters. This model adequately described the seasonal progress of sugar yield (Y) in relation to total dry matter (W), but it was difficult to postulate biological mechanisms as to how the parameters should vary in relation to varying soil nitrogen or to drought. The second partitioning function, given by Y = W − (1/k) log(1 + kW), also described the data well, but had the more useful parameter, k, the decay rate of the fraction of assimilates partitioned to structural matter. This was shown to be greater in crops which had experienced significant drought and was inversely proportional to the amount of nitrogen taken up by the crops. Relationships between k and amounts of nitrogen fertilizer applied and/or amounts of residual nitrogen in the soil at sowing, however, were more variable. These could be improved by additionally taking account of soil type and rainfall following nitrogen fertilizer application in late spring. The models are a useful extension to yield forecasting models because they provide a simple means of estimating sugar yield from total dry matter in relation to factors that affect partitioning of assimilates such as drought and soil nitrogen availability. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

种子大小和种子数量变异是植物适合度研究的核心问题, 探究不同大型草食动物对嵩草(Kobresia spp.)草地优势种种子大小与数量的影响, 有助于了解其繁殖策略和种群更新机制。该研究依托青藏高原高寒草地-家畜系统适应性管理技术平台, 对不放牧(对照)、牦牛单牧、藏羊单牧、牦牛藏羊1:2混牧、牦牛藏羊1:4混牧、牦牛藏羊1:6混牧6个放牧处理下矮生嵩草(K. humilis)的种子大小和数量特征, 种子大小和数量与生殖性状的关系, 种子大小和数量的权衡关系进行研究。结果显示: 1)放牧处理增加矮生嵩草种子大小15%以上, 增加种子数量30%以上; 除了牦牛藏羊1:2混牧处理, 其他放牧处理与对照相比种子大小变异系数降低15%以上, 种子数量变异系数降低25%以上。2) Pearson相关分析结果显示, 放牧处理下矮生嵩草种子数量、种子大小与生殖相关性状均呈正相关关系。3)放牧处理增加了矮生嵩草种子大小与数量的权衡, 单条生殖枝质量是影响种子大小与数量权衡的重要性状。研究表明, 即使是中度放牧, 家畜依旧是矮生嵩草资源获取的限制性因子; 长期的放牧改变了矮生嵩草性状间的潜在联系和权衡关系, 稳定了种子大小和种子数量特征, 并通过提高种子大小和种子数量的方式优化繁殖策略, 提高了子代的竞争力和适合度。  相似文献   

This study examines seasonal (winter v. summer) differences in space-time budgets, food intake and growth of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr in a controlled, large-scale stream environment, to examine the direction and magnitude of shifts in behaviour patterns as influenced by the availability of overhead cover and food supply. Salmo salar parr tested in the presence of overhead cover were significantly more nocturnal and occupied more peripheral positions than those tested in the absence of overhead cover. This increase in nocturnal activity was driven primarily by increased activity at night, accompanied by a reduction in daytime activity during winter. The presence of overhead cover had no effect on rates of food intake or growth for a given food supply in a given season. Growth rates were significantly higher for fish subjected to a high food supply than those subjected to a low food supply. Food supply did not affect the extent to which S. salar parr were nocturnal. These results were consistent between winter and summer. The use of riparian shading as a management technique to mitigate the effects of warming allows the adoption of more risk-averse foraging behaviour and may be particularly beneficial in circumstances where it serves also to increase the availability of food.  相似文献   

Wetlands across the Canadian prairies are typically shallow (<1.0 m) and exhibit high dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations (>10 mg l–1). Studies have shown that DOC in such shallow wetlands is not as reliable an indicator of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) attenuation as it is in clearwater. Changes in DOC character and composition as a result of sunlight exposure might provide a reasonable explanation for this observation. To test this, we investigated seasonal changes in DOC optical and chemical properties in a shallow prairie wetland over a 2-year period. Although DOC concentration increased at least two-fold from spring until fall, DOC specific absorption (at 350 nm) and fluorescence decreased by 30 and 32%, respectively, for the same period. In both years, seasonal decreases in DOC molecular weight and size (from measurements of tangential filtration and mass electrospray mass spectrometry) were reflected in concomitant increases in spectral slope. 13C NMR analysis of DOC isolated on XAD-8 resins revealed a 49% decrease in aromatic moieties when spring values were compared to those in the fall. As well, 13C signatures of this isolated DOC became heavier seasonally. In a short term photodegradation experiment (6 days) we noted a 47% decline in DOC specific absorption coefficients at 350 nm and a 15% increase in spectral slope when water exposed to the total light spectrum was compared to that of a dark control. Taken together, all of these observations were consistent with the occurrence of seasonal DOC photodegradation in shallow prairie wetlands and underlined the importance of this process in shaping DOC character and composition in these hydrologically dynamic systems. Our data also indicates that constant mixing and shallow depths in these wetlands were factors which enhanced DOC photodegradation. Although the high DOC concentrations of prairie wetlands should theoretically offer protection for their biota, seasonal photodegradation of DOC means that these systems may not be as protected as their high DOC concentrations suggest.  相似文献   

Britton  Andrea  Marrs  Rob  Pakeman  Robin  Carey  Pete 《Plant Ecology》2003,166(1):93-105
Increasing dominance of grass species such as Deschampsia flexuosa on lowland dry heathlands is a major problem for land managers. This problem is especially acute in north-west Europe where replacement of dwarf-shrubs by grasses has been linked to high levels of nitrogen deposition. Interactions between Calluna vulgaris and D. flexuosa were examined using pot experiments under a variety of watering (drought vs. no drought), nitrogen addition (10 vs. 50 kg N ha–1 yr–1) and soil type (peaty vs. sandy) regimes. Two experiments using identical replacement series designs were used to investigate interactions between these two species at the seedling and young plant stage. Response of the two species to the environmental variables was different for seedlings and young plants. In the seedling experiment D. flexuosa responded significantly to soil type only, with greater cover on peaty soil than on sandy soil after 6 months. C. vulgaris germination showed a significant response to watering regime, with fewer seedlings in plots that had a drought treatment imposed. When the experiment was repeated using young plants of C. vulgaris and D. flexuosa both species responded significantly to soil type only. Height, % cover and shoot biomass of both species were greater when grown in peaty soil than when grown in sandy soil. Watering and nitrogen addition had few significant effects. Species interactions were mainly one-way. C. vulgaris biomass yield was reduced when grown in mixture with D. flexuosa, whilst D. flexuosa yield was unaffected by the presence of C. vulgaris. The yield density curve for D. flexuosa indicated that intra-specific competition was occurring at planting densities above 29 plants m–2 whilst this was not seen for C. vulgaris. The effect of soil type on species interactions was also investigated. C. vulgaris was best able to compete with D. flexuosa on sandy soils where the shoot biomass ratio was greatest (C. vulgaris:D. flexuosa= 1:4.4). Differences in the responses of these species to the environmental variables investigated may help to explain heathland vegetation changes seen under field conditions.  相似文献   

The response of plants to elevated CO2 is dependent on the availability of nutrients, especially nitrogen. It is generally accepted that an increase in the atmospheric CO2 concentration increases the C:N ratio of plant residues and exudates. This promotes temporary N-immobilization which might, in turn, reduce the availability of soil nitrogen. In addition, both a CO2 stimulated increase in plant growth (thus requiring more nitrogen) and an increased N demand for the decomposition of soil residues with a large C:N will result under elevated CO2 in a larger N-sink of the whole grassland ecosystem. One way to maintain the balance between the C and N cycles in elevated CO2 would be to increase N-import to the grassland ecosystem through symbiotic N2 fixation. Whether this might happen in the context of temperate ecosystems is discussed, by assessing the following hypothesis: i) symbiotic N2 fixation in legumes will be enhanced under elevated CO2, ii) this enhancement of N2 fixation will result in a larger N-input to the grassland ecosystem, and iii) a larger N-input will allow the sequestration of additional carbon, either above or below-ground, into the ecosystem. Data from long-term experiments with model grassland ecosystems, consisting of monocultures or mixtures of perennial ryegrass and white clover, grown under elevated CO2 under free-air or field-like conditions, supports the first two hypothesis, since: i) both the percentage and the amount of fixed N increases in white clover grown under elevated CO2, ii) the contribution of fixed N to the nitrogen nutrition of the mixed grass also increases in elevated CO2. Concerning the third hypothesis, an increased nitrogen input to the grassland ecosystem from N2 fixation usually promotes shoot growth (above-ground C storage) in elevated CO2. However, the consequences of this larger N input under elevated CO2 on the below-ground carbon fluxes are not fully understood. On one hand, the positive effect of elevated CO2 on the quantity of plant residues might be overwhelming and lead to an increased long-term below-ground C storage; on the other hand, the enhancement of the decomposition process by the N-rich legume material might favour carbon turn-over and, hence, limit the storage of below-ground carbon.  相似文献   

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