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A previous bioinformatics-based search for riboswitches yielded several candidate motifs in eubacteria. One of these motifs commonly resides in the 5' untranslated regions of genes involved in the biosynthesis of queuosine (Q), a hypermodified nucleoside occupying the anticodon wobble position of certain transfer RNAs. Here we show that this structured RNA is part of a riboswitch selective for 7-aminomethyl-7-deazaguanine (preQ(1)), an intermediate in queuosine biosynthesis. Compared with other natural metabolite-binding RNAs, the preQ(1) aptamer appears to have a simple structure, consisting of a single stem-loop and a short tail sequence that together are formed from as few as 34 nucleotides. Despite its small size, this aptamer is highly selective for its cognate ligand in vitro and has an affinity for preQ(1) in the low nanomolar range. Relatively compact RNA structures can therefore serve effectively as metabolite receptors to regulate gene expression.  相似文献   

The glycine riboswitch has a tandem dual aptamer configuration, where each aptamer is a separate ligand-binding domain, but the aptamers function together to bind glycine cooperatively. We sought to understand the molecular basis of glycine riboswitch cooperativity by comparing sites of tertiary contacts in a series of cooperative and noncooperative glycine riboswitch mutants using hydroxyl radical footprinting, in-line probing, and native gel-shift studies. The results illustrate the importance of a direct or indirect interaction between the P3b hairpin of aptamer 2 and the P1 helix of aptamer 1 in cooperative glycine binding. Furthermore, our data support a model in which glycine binding is sequential; where the binding of glycine to the second aptamer allows tertiary interactions to be made that facilitate binding of a second glycine molecule to the first aptamer. These results provide insight into cooperative ligand binding in RNA macromolecules.  相似文献   

Understanding the nature of the free state of riboswitch aptamers is important for illuminating common themes in gene regulation by riboswitches. Prior evidence indicated the flavin mononucleotide (FMN)-binding riboswitch aptamer adopted a ‘bound-like’ structure in absence of FMN, suggesting only local conformational changes upon ligand binding. In the scope of pinpointing the general nature of such changes at the nucleotide level, we performed SHAPE mapping experiments using the aptamer domain of two phylogenetic variants, both in absence and in presence of FMN. We also solved the crystal structures of one of these domains both free (3.3 Å resolution) and bound to FMN (2.95 Å resolution). Our comparative study reveals that structural rearrangements occurring upon binding are restricted to a few of the joining regions that form the binding pocket in both RNAs. This type of binding event with minimal structural perturbations is reminiscent of binding events by conformational selection encountered in other riboswitches and various RNAs.  相似文献   

In Archaea, splicing endonuclease (EndA) recognizes and cleaves precursor RNAs to remove introns. Currently, EndAs are classified into three families according to their subunit structures: homotetramer, homodimer, and heterotetramer. The crenarchaeal heterotetrameric EndAs can be further classified into two subfamilies based on the size of the structural subunit. Subfamily A possesses a structural subunit similar in size to the catalytic subunit, whereas subfamily B possesses a structural subunit significantly smaller than the catalytic subunit. Previously, we solved the crystal structure of an EndA from Pyrobaculum aerophilum. The endonuclease was classified into subfamily B, and the structure revealed that the enzyme lacks an N-terminal subdomain in the structural subunit. However, no structural information is available for crenarchaeal heterotetrameric EndAs that are predicted to belong to subfamily A. Here, we report the crystal structure of the EndA from Aeropyrum pernix, which is predicted to belong to subfamily A. The enzyme possesses the N-terminal subdomain in the structural subunit, revealing that the two subfamilies of heterotetrameric EndAs are structurally distinct. EndA from A. pernix also possesses an extra loop region that is characteristic of crenarchaeal EndAs. Our mutational study revealed that the conserved lysine residue in the loop is important for endonuclease activity. Furthermore, the sequence characteristics of the loops and the positions towards the substrate RNA according to a docking model prompted us to propose that crenarchaea-specific loops and an extra amino acid sequence at the catalytic loop of nanoarchaeal EndA are derived by independent convergent evolution and function for recognizing noncanonical bulge-helix-bulge motif RNAs as substrates.  相似文献   

We have previously described regulation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) by its amino-terminal FERM-like domain through an autoinhibitory interaction with its kinase domain (Cooper, L. A., Shen, T. L., and Guan, J. L. (2003) Mol. Cell. Biol. 23, 8030-8041). Here we show that the first two subdomains of the FERM-like domain are independently capable of inhibiting phosphorylation of FAK in trans. We characterized several point mutations within the first subdomain of the FERM-like domain and find that mutation of Lys-38 to alanine results in a FAK mutant that is strongly hyperphosphorylated when expressed in mammalian cells, and promotes increased phosphorylation of the FAK substrate paxillin. A second mutation of Lys-78 to alanine results in a FAK mutant that is underphosphorylated, but can be activated by extracellular matrix stimuli. Like deletion of the amino terminus itself the K38A mutation is phosphorylated in suspension. The Delta375 truncation mutant of FAK is strongly phosphorylated both when Tyr-397 is mutated to phenylalanine, and in the presence of the Src inhibitor, PP2, suggesting that removal of the amino terminus can render FAK Src independent. This is in contrast to the K38A mutant that is not phosphorylated in the Y397F background, and which shows decreased phosphorylation in the presence of the Src inhibitor PP2, suggesting that regulation of FAK by Src is a secondary step in its activation. The K38A mutation weakens the interaction between the amino terminus of FAK and its own kinase domain, and disrupts the ability of the amino terminus to inhibit the phosphorylation of FAK in trans. The K38A mutation of FAK also increases the ability of FAK to promote cell cycle progression and cell migration, suggesting that hyperphosphorylation of this mutant can positively affect FAK function in cells. Together, these data strongly suggest a role for the first FAK subdomain of the FERM domain in its normal regulation and function in the cell.  相似文献   

The entire chicken lysozyme gene locus including all known cis-regulatory sequences and the 5' and 3' matrix attachment sites defining the borders of the DNase I sensitive chromatin domain, is expressed at a high level and independent of its chromosomal position in macrophages of transgenic mice. It was concluded that the lysozyme gene locus carries a locus control function. We analysed several cis-regulatory deletion mutants to investigate their influence on tissue specificity and level of expression. Position independent expression of the gene is lost whenever one of the upstream tissue specific enhancer regions is deleted, although tissue specific expression is usually retained. Deletion of the domain border fragments has no influence on copy number dependency of expression. However, without these regions an increased incidence of ectopic expression is observed. This suggests that the domain border fragments may help to suppress transgene expression in inappropriate tissues. We conclude, that position independent expression of the lysozyme gene is not controlled by a single specific region of the locus but is the result of the concerted action of several tissue specific upstream regulatory DNA elements with the promoter.  相似文献   

AGAMOUS (AG) is an Arabidopsis MADS box gene required for the normal development of the internal two whorls of the flower. AG RNA accumulates in distinct patterns early and late in flower development, and several genes have been identified as regulators of AG gene expression based on altered AG RNA accumulation in mutants. To understand AG regulatory circuits, we are now identifying cis regulatory domains by characterizing AG::beta-glucuronidase (GUS) gene fusions. These studies show that a normal AG::GUS staining pattern is conferred by a 9.8-kb region encompassing 6 kb of upstream sequences and 3.8 kb of intragenic sequences. Constructs lacking the 3.8-kb intragenic sequences confer a GUS staining pattern that deviates both spatially and temporally from normal AG expression. The GUS staining patterns in the mutants for the three negative regulators of AG, apetala2, leunig, and curly leaf, showed the predicted change of expression for the construct containing the intragenic sequences, but no significant change was observed for the constructs lacking this intragenic region. These results suggest that intragenic sequences are essential for AG regulation and that these intragenic sequences contain the ultimate target sites for at least some of the known regulatory molecules.  相似文献   

BackgroundSterols have been reported to modulate conformation and hence the function of several membrane proteins. One such group is the Chloride Intracellular Ion Channel (CLIC) family of proteins. The CLIC protein family consists of six evolutionarily conserved protein members in vertebrates. These proteins exist as both monomeric soluble proteins and as membrane bound proteins. To date, the structure of their membrane-bound form remains unknown. In addition to several studies indicating cellular redox environment and pH as facilitators of CLIC1 insertion into membranes, we have also demonstrated that the spontaneous membrane insertion of CLIC1 is regulated by membrane cholesterol.MethodWe have performed Langmuir-film, Impedance Spectroscopy and Molecular Docking Simulations to study the role of this GXXXG motif in CLIC1 interaction with cholesterol.ResultsUnlike CLIC1-wild-type protein, the G18A and G22A mutants, that form part of the GXXXG motif, showed much slower initial kinetics and lower ion channel activity compared to the native protein. This difference can be attributed to the significantly reduced membrane interaction and insertion rate of the mutant proteins and/or slower formation of the final membrane configuration of the mutant proteins once in the membrane.Conclusion: In this study, our findings uncover the identification of a GXXXG motif in CLIC1, which likely serves as the cholesterol-binding domain, that facilitates the protein's membrane interaction and insertion. Furthermore, we were able to postulate a model by which CLIC1 can autonomously insert into membranes to form functional ion channels.General significanceMembers of the CLIC family of proteins demonstrate unusual structural and dual functional properties – as ion channels and enzymes. Elucidating how the CLIC proteins' interact with membranes, thus allowing them to switch between their soluble and membrane form, will provide key information as to a mechanism of moonlighting activity and a novel regulatory role for cholesterol in such a process.  相似文献   

ARABIDILLO proteins are F-box-Armadillo (ARM) proteins that regulate root branching in Arabidopsis. Many F-box proteins in plants, yeast and mammals are unstable. In plants, the mechanism for this instability has not been fully investigated. Here, we show that a conserved family of plant ARABIDILLO-related proteins has a unique domain structure consisting of an F-box and leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) followed by ARM-repeats. The LRRs are similar to those found in other plant and animal F-box proteins, including cell cycle proteins and hormone receptors. We demonstrate that the LRRs are required for ARABIDILLO1 function in vivo. ARABIDILLO1 protein is unstable: we show that ARABIDILLO1 protein is associated with ubiquitin and is turned over by the proteasome. Both the F-box and LRR regions of ARABIDILLO1 appear to enable this turnover to occur. Application of known lateral root-regulating signals has no effect on ARABIDILLO1 stability. In addition, plants that lack or overexpress ARABIDILLO proteins respond normally to known lateral root-regulating signals. Thus, we suggest that the signal(s) regulating ARABIDILLO stability in vivo may be either highly specific or novel. The structural conservation between ARABIDILLOs and other plant and animal F-box proteins suggests that the stability of other F-box proteins may be controlled by similar mechanisms.  相似文献   

Dong M  Ding XQ  Thomas SE  Gao F  Lam PC  Abagyan R  Miller LJ 《Biochemistry》2007,46(15):4522-4531
Activation of guanine nucleotide-binding protein (G protein)-coupled receptors is believed to involve conformational change that exposes a domain for G protein coupling at the cytosolic surface of the helical confluence, although the mechanisms for achieving this are not well understood. This conformational change can be achieved by docking a diverse variety of agonist ligands, known to occur by interacting with different regions of these receptors. In this study, we focus on the importance of a specific basic residue (Lys187) within the second extracellular loop of the receptor for the peptide hormone, cholecystokinin. Alanine-replacement and charge-reversal mutagenesis of this residue showed that it had no effect on the binding of natural peptide and nonpeptidyl ligands of this receptor but markedly interfered with agonist-stimulated signaling. It was demonstrated that this negative effect on biological activity could be eliminated with the truncation of the first 30 residues of the amino-terminal tail of this receptor. Complementary charge-reversal mutagenesis of each of the five conserved acidic residues within this region of the receptor in the presence of the charge-reversed Lys187 revealed that only the Asp5 mutant fully reversed the negative functional impact of the Lys187 charge reversal. Thus, we have demonstrated that a basic residue within the second extracellular loop of the cholecystokinin receptor interacts with a specific acidic residue within the amino terminus of this receptor. This residue-residue interaction is nicely accommodated within a new molecular model of the agonist-occupied cholecystokinin receptor.  相似文献   

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