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Two ruthenium(II) complexes with polypyridyl, Ru(bipy)2(phen)](ClO4)2·H2O (1) and [Ru(bipy)2(Me-phen)](ClO4)2 (2), (phen = 1,10-phenanthroline, bipy = 2,2′-bipyridine, Me-phen = 5-methyl-1,10-phenanthroline), were synthesized and characterized by IR, MS and NMR spectra. Their structures were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction techniques. The strong steric interaction between the polypyridyl ligands was relieved neither by the elongation of the Ru---N bonds nor increase of the N---Ru---N bite angles. The coordination sphere was distorted to relieve the ligand interaction by forming specific angles (δ) between the polypyridyl ligand planes and coordination planes (N---Ru---N), and forming larger twisted angles between the two pyridine rings for each bipy. The bond distances of Ru---N(bipy) and Ru---N(phen) were virtually identical with experimental error, as expected of π back-bonding interactions which statistically involve each of the ligands present in the coordination sphere.  相似文献   

The reaction of the neutral Tc(V) phenylimido complex [TcCl3(NPh)(PPh3)2] with excess PMe2Ph in refluxing MeOH gives the cationic, tris-dimethylphenylphosphine complex [TcCl2(NPh)(PMe2Ph)3]+, which is isolated as the tetraphenylborate salt. The IR spectrum of the crystalline product shows a medium intensity band at 1102 cm−1 which is assigned to ν(TcN) from the phenylimido core. The 1H NMR spectrum of the diamagnetic complex shows a series of multiplets in the aryl region and three distinct signals near 2 ppm from the phosphine methyl groups. The X-ray crystal structure, which is the first for a cationic technetium organoimido complex, shows a meridional arrangement of phosphine ligands with a chloride ligand coordinated trans to the phenylimido unit. The TcN bond length of 1.711(2) Å is consistent with the dianionic nature of the organonitrogen core. The Tc---N---C bond angle of 178.8(2)° reflects the sp hybridization of the phenylimido nitrogen atom. The coordination geometry is best described as a distorted octahedron. Crystal data for C54H58BCl2NP3Tc: triclinic space group . Structure solution based on 9986 observed reflections converged at R = 3.65%, Rw = 5.43%, GOF = 1.82.  相似文献   

The ruthenium(II) hexaaqua complex [Ru(H2O)6]2+ reacts with dihydrogen under pressure to give the η2-dihydrogen ruthenium(II) pentaaqua complex [Ru(H2)(H2O)5]2+.The complex was characterized by 1H, 2H and 17O NMR: δH = −7.65 ppm, JHD = 31.2 Hz, δO = −80.4 ppm (trans to H2) and δO = −177.4 ppm (cis to H2).The H-H distance in coordinated dihydrogen was estimated to 0.889 Å from JHD, which is close to the value obtained from DFT calculations (0.940 Å).Kinetic studies were performed by 1H and 2H NMR as well as by UV-Vis spectroscopy, yielding the complex formation rate and equilibrium constants: kf = (1.7 ± 0.2) × 10−3 kg mol−1 s−1 and Keq = 4.0 ± 0.5 mol kg−1.The complex formation rate with dihydrogen is close to values reported for other ligands and thus it is assumed that the reaction with dihydrogen follows the same mechanisn (Id).In deuterated water, one can observe that [Ru(H2)(H2O)5]2+ catalyses the hydrogen exchange between the solvent and the dissolved dihydrogen.A hydride is proposed as the intermediate for this exchange.Using isotope labeling, the rate constant for the hydrogen exchange on the η2-dihydrogen ligand was determined as k1 = (0.24 ± 0.04) × 10−3 s−1.The upper and lower limits of the pKa of the coordinated dihydrogen ligand have been estimated:3 < pKa < 14.  相似文献   

The reaction of RuCl3(H2O), with C5Me4CF3J in refluxing EtOH gives [Ru25-C5Me1CF2)2 (μ-Cl2] (20 in 44% yield. Dimer 2 antiferromagnetic (−2J=200 cm1). The crystal structures of 2 (rhombohedral system, R3 space group, Z=9, R=0.0589) and [Rh25-C5Me4CF3(2Cl2(μ-Cl)2] (3) (rhombohedral system. space group, Z = 9, R = 0.0641) were solved; both complexes have dimeric structures with a trans arrangement of the η5-C5Me4CF4 rings. Comparison of the geometry of 2 and 3 with those of the corresponding η5-C5Me5 complexes shows that lowering the ring symmetry causes significant distortion of the M2(μ-Cl)2 moiety. The analysis of the MCl3 fragment conformations in 2 and 3 and in the η5-C5ME5 analogues shows that they are correlated with the M---M distances. The Cl atoms are displaced by Br on reaction of 2 with KBr in MeOH to give the diamagnetic dimer [Ru25-C5Me4CF3)2Br2 (μ-Br2] (4). Complex 2 reacts with O2 in CH2Cl2 solution at ambient temperature to form a mixture of isomeric η6-fulvene dimers [Ru26-C5Me3CF3 = CH2)2Cl2(μ-Cl)2] (5). Reactions of 5 with CO and allyl chloride give Ru(η5-C5Me3CF3CH2Cl)(CO)2Cl (6) and Ru(η5-C5Me3CF3CF3CH2Cl)(η3-C3H5)Cl2 (7) respectively.  相似文献   

Complexes of Ru(II) containing the pincer ligand [N(2-PPh2-4-Me-C6H3)2] (PNPPh) were prepared. The complex (PNPPhH)RuCl2 (1) was treated with 2 equiv AgOTf to produce the triflate complex (PNPPhH)Ru(OTf)2 (2). Complex 1 was also treated with an excess of NaBH4 to give a bimetallic complex [(PNPPh)RuH3]2 (3). A number of methods, including X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, and computational studies, were used to probe the structure of 3. Addition of Lewis bases to 3 resulted in octahedral complexes containing a hydride ligand trans to a dihydrogen ligand.  相似文献   

The first crystal and molecular structure of a transition metal complex containing 1,2-dithiocroconate (1,2-dtcr, dianion of 1,2-dimercaptocylopent-1-ene-3,4,5-trione), [Cu(bpca)(H2O)]2[Cu(1,2-dtcr)2]·2H2O (where bpca is the bis(2-pyrdidylcarbonyl)amide anion), has been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction methods. The compound crystallizesin the monoclinic syste, space group P21/c, with a = 11.661(3), b = 20.255(6), c = 8.265(3) Å, ß = 107.26(2)° and Z = 2. The structure is formally built of [Cu(1,2-dtcr)2]2− and [Cu(bpca)(H2O)]+ ions and water of hydration. The copper atom of the anion is situated at a crystallographic inversion centre, bonded to four sulfur atoms in a planar, approximately square arrangement. In the cation the copper equatorial plane is formed by the three nitrogen atoms of the bpca ligand and a water oxygen atom. In addition there is a very weak axial bond to one of the sulfur atoms of a 1,2-dtcr ligand in the anion. Through these latter weak bonds each anion is connected to, and sandwiched between, two cations, resulting in neutral, trinuclear, centrosymmetric formula units. The triple-decker molecules are arranged in stacks along the crystallographic a-axis creating close contacts between the terminal copper atoms and bpca groups of the neighbouring molecules. This intermolecular interaction is, however, too weak to define the structure as a chain compound. The distance between adjacent copper atoms within the trinuclear unit is 4.189(1) Å, while the shortest intra-stack metal-metal separation between terminal copper atoms is 5.281(1) Å. Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements in the temperature r.2–140 K reveal that a Curie law is followed; with three non-interacting copper(II) ions in the formula unit.  相似文献   

Reaction of LaCl3·7H2O containing small amounts of La(NO3)3·7H2O as an impurity with 12-crown-4 or 18-crown-6 in 3:1 CH3CN:CH3OH resulted in the isolation of the mixed anion complexes [LaCl2(NO3)(12-crown-4)]2, [La(NO3)(OH2)4(12-crown-4)]Cl2·CH3CN and [LaCl2(NO3)(18-crown-6)]. The nine-coordinate dimer, [LaCl2(NO3)(12-crown-4)]2, has all of the anions in the inner coordination sphere and La3+ has a capped square antiprismatic geometry. It crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pbca with (at −150 °C) a = 12.938(6), B = 15.704(3), C = 13.962(2) Å, and Dcalc = 2.08 g cm−3 for Z = 4. The second complex isolated from the same reaction, [La(NO3)(OH2)4(12-crown-4)]Cl2·CH3CN, has the bidentate nitrate anion in the inner coordination sphere but the two chloride anions are in a hydrogen bonded outer sphere. This complex is ten-coordinate 4A,6B-expanded dodecahedral and crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21 with (at 20 °C) A = 7.651(2), B = 11.704(7), C = 11.608(4) Å, β = 95.11(2)°, and Dcalc = 1.80 g cm−3 for Z = 2. The 18-crown-6 complex, [LaCl2(NO3)(18-crown-6)], has all inner sphere anions and has ten-coordinate 4A,6B-expanded dodecahedral La3+ centers. It crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pbca with (at 20 °C) a = 14.122(7), B = 13.563(5), C = 19.311(9) Å, and Dcalc = 1.89 g cm−3 for Z = 8.  相似文献   

The photoirradiation reactions of two geometrical isomers (cis-1 and cis-2) of [Ru(OAc)(2cqn)2NO] (H2cqn=2-chloro-8-quinolinol) were studied. Cis-2 [Ru(OAc)(2cqn)2NO] (2) photochemically isomerized to cis-1 [Ru(OAc)(2cqn)2NO] (1) in CH2Cl2 or DMSO using an Xe lamp as a light source and the reaction was irreversible. The 2 to 1 isomerization coexisting with 15NO gas and its evolution of the 1H NMR spectra showed that the dissociation and recombination of both the NO and the acetate ion involve in the isomerization. On the other hand, 1 did not isomerize but the NO ligand exchanged with 15NO. The crystal structures of 1 and 2 were determined by X-ray diffraction.  相似文献   

The novel ferromagnetic coupling one-dimensional complex {Cu(NIT3Py)2[N(CN)2]2(H2O)2} (NIT3Py=2-(3-pyridyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide) was synthesized and characterized structurally and magnetically. It crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c. The Cu(II) ion is in a distorted octahedral environment. The units of {Cu(NIT3Py)2[N(CN)2]2(H2O)2} were connected as one-dimensional structure by the intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Magnetic measurements show that there are intramolecular ferromagnetic interactions and intermolecular antiferromagnetic interactions within the chain.  相似文献   

Two novel tetracopper(I) and tetrasilver(I) complexes [Cu4(atdz)6](ClO4)4·2CH3OH (1) and [Ag4(atdz)6](ClO4)4 (2), have been prepared using 2-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole (atdz), and their crystal structures and properties have been determined. On each tetranuclear complex, two Cu or Ag atoms (M) are bridged by two atdz ligands to form a six-membered N2M2N2 framework. The two N2M2N2 frameworks are in parallel linked by another atdz ligand to provide the tetranuclear structure with a rectangular M4 core. The four Cu or Ag atoms possess a trigonal-square geometry. The two adjacent MM separations are (3.096(1) and 3.412(1) Å) and (3.316(2) and 3.658(2) Å) for 1 and 2, respectively. On both tetranuclear complexes there are two species of hydrogen bonds between the ClO4 − anions and the NH2 group of atdz ligands. It is proposed that the hydrogen bonds are related to the stabilization of the tetranuclear structure during the crystallization process.  相似文献   

The labile cations [Cu(F-BF3)(PCy3)2] and [Cu(OTf)(PCy3)2] are versatile precursors for the formation of [Cu(X)(PCy3)2] (X = Br, I, SCN, N3) complexes by metathesis with NaX. The azide [Cu(N3)(PCy3)2] is triclinic, space group , a = 9.755(4), B = 22.78(1), C = 9.284(6) Å, = 96.76(3), β = 115.36(3), γ = 94.20(5)°, Z = 2.  相似文献   

Reaction of RuCl(η5-C5H5(pTol-DAB) with AgOTf (OTf = CF3SO3) in CH2Cl2 or THF and subsequent addition of L′ (L′ = ethene (a), dimethyl fumarate (b), fumaronitrile (c) or CO (d) led to the ionic complexes [Ru(η5-C5H5)(pTol-DAB)(L′)][OTf] 2a, 2b and 2d and [Ru(η5-C5H5)(pTol-DAB)(fumarontrile-N)][OTf] 5c. With the use of resonance Raman spectroscopy, the intense absorption bands of the complexes have been assigned to MLCT transitions to the iPr-DAB ligand. The X-ray structure determination of [Ru(η5-C5H5)(pTol-DAB)(η2-ethene)][CF3SO3] (2a) has been carried out. Crystal data for 2a: monoclinic, space group P21/n with A = 10.840(1), b = 16.639(1), C = 14.463(2) Å, β = 109.6(1)°, V = 2465.6(5) Å3, Z = 4. Complex 2a has a piano stool structure, with the Cp ring η5-bonded, the pTol-DAB ligand σN, σN′ bonded (Ru-N distances 2.052(4) and 2.055(4) Å), and the ethene η2-bonded to the ruthenium center (Ru-C distances 2.217(9) and 2.206(8) Å). The C = C bond of the ethene is almost coplanar with the plane of the Cp ring, and the angle between the plane of the Cp ring and the double of the ethene is 1.8(0.2)°. The reaction of [RuCl(η5-C5H5)(PPh)3 with AgOTf and ligands L′ = a and d led to [Ru(η5-C5H5)(PPh3)2(L′)]OTf] (3a) and (3d), respectively. By variable temperature NMR spectroscopy the rottional barrier of ethene (a), dimethyl fumarate (b and fumaronitrile (c) in complexes [Ru(η5-C5H5)(L2)(η2-alkene][OTf] with L2 = iPr-DAB (a, 1b, 1c), pTol-DAB (2a, 2b) and L = PPh3 (3a) was determined. For 1a, 1b and 2b the barrier is 41.5±0.5, 62±1 and 59±1 kJ mol−1, respectively. The intermediate exchange could not be reached for 1c, and the ΔG# was estimated to be at least 61 kJ mol. For 2a and 3a the slow exchange could not be reached. The rotational barrier for 2a was estimated to be 40 kJ mol. The rotational barier for methyl propiolate (HC≡CC(O)OCH3) (k) in complex [Ru(η5-C5H5)(iPr-DAB) η2-HC≡CC(O)OCH3)][OTf] (1k) is 45.3±0.2 kJ mol−1. The collected data show that the barrier of rotational of the alkene in complexes 1a, 2a, 1b, 2b and 1c does not correlate with the strength of the metal-alkene interaction in the ground state.  相似文献   

Crystal and molecular structure of silver magnesium mellitate, Ag2Mg2[C6(COO)6] · 8H2O, was synthesized hydrothermally and characterized by X-ray structure analysis. The complex crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group P2/n, with unit cell dimensions of a=7.4347(2), b=9.9858(2), c=14.4248(3) Å, β=99.2429(5)°, V=1055.01(4) Å3, and Z=2. The structure was solved and refined to R=0.036 (Rw=0.045) for 1707 independent reflections [Io>2σ(Io)]. The Ag cations are coordinated by six carboxylic oxygen atoms of mellitate anions with composition of [C6(COO)6]6− on the (1 0 1) plane; each mellitate anion linking three neighboring Ag distorted trigonal prisms produces a two-dimensional layered structure parallel to (1 0 1). The Mg cations, which are coordinated by four water molecules and two carboxylic oxygen atoms, are intercalated between the two-dimensional layer stacks. The carboxylate group coordinated to Mg and Ag cations serve as a tridentate ligand in that structure. The number of water molecules incorporated into the mellitate compound is controlled mainly by ionic radii of metal cation in the structure. Furthermore, the ionic radii of metal cations in the mellitate compound play an essential role in arrangement of mellitate anions in the structure, whether as a one-dimensional infinite chain, a two-dimensional layered structure, or a three-dimensional framework structure.  相似文献   

We wish to report the synthesis of the Ru(II) crown thioether complex, (1,4,7,10,13-pentathiacyclopentadecane)chlororuthenium(II) hexafluorophosphate, [Ru([15]aneS5)Cl](PF6), and a study of its properties utilizing single crystal X-ray diffraction, electronic spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, density functional theory calculations and cyclic voltammetry. The crystal structure shows a single [15]aneS5 macrocycle and a chloro ligand coordinated in a distorted octahedral fashion around the ruthenium(II) center. A significant shortening (0.15 Å) of the trans Ru-S bond length occurs in this complex compared to the related PPh3 complex (2.4458(10) to 2.283(1) Å) due to the differences in the trans influence of the two ligands. 13C NMR spectroscopy demonstrates that the structure of [Ru([15]aneS5)Cl]+ is retained in solution. As expected for a Ru(II) complex, the electronic absorption spectrum shows two d-d transitions at 402 and 331 nm. These are red-shifted compared to hexakis(thioether)ruthenium(II) complexes and consistent with the weaker ligand field effect of the chloro ligand. The electrochemical behavior of the complex in acetonitrile shows a single one-electron reversible oxidation-reduction at +0.722 V versus Fc/Fc+ which is assigned as the Ru(II)/Ru(III) couple. DFT calculations for [Ru([15]aneS5)Cl]+ show a HOMO with orbital contributions from a t2g type orbital of the Ru ion, a π component from a p orbital of the axial S atom of [15]aneS5, and a p orbital of the chloro ligand while the LUMO consists of orbital contributions of dx2-y2 orbital of the Ru center and p orbitals of the four equatorial S donors.  相似文献   

Copper(II) complexes were synthesized and characterized by means of elemental analysis, IR and visible spectroscopies, EPR and electrochemistry, as well as X-ray structure crystallography. The group consists of discrete mononuclear units with the general formula [Cu(II)(Hbpa)2](A)2·nH2O, where Hbpa=(2-hydroxybenzyl-2-pyridylmethyl)amine and A=ClO4 −, n=2 (1), CH3COO, n=3 (2), NO3 −, n=2 (3) and SO4 2−, n=3 (4). The structures of the ligand Hbpa and complex 1 have been determined by X-ray crystallography. Complexes 1–4 have had their UV–Vis spectra measured in both MeCN and DMF. It was observed that the compounds interact with basic solvents, such that molecules coordinate to the metal in axial positions in which phenol oxygen atoms are coordinated in the protonated forms. The values were all less than 1000 M−1 cm−1. EPR measurements on powdered samples of 1–3 gave g/A values between 105 and 135 cm−1, typical for square planar coordination environments. Complex 4·3H2O exhibits a behaviour typical for tetrahedral coordination. The electrochemical behaviour for complexes 1 and 2 was studied showing irreversible redox waves for both compounds.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》2004,357(15):4568-4576
The synthesis of palladacyclic derivatives with the hybrid pyridylphosphine ligands Py(CH2)OPPh2 (a) and PyNHPPh2 (b) in a neutral P,N-chelating coordination mode has been achieved. Treatment of selected chloride-bridged cyclometallated precursors [Pd(CN)(μ-Cl)]2 [CN = 2-pyridinin-phenyl Phpy, I-compounds; 7,8-benzoquinolyl Bzq, II-compounds; phenylazophenyl Azb, III-compounds or 2-(2-oxazolinyl)phenyl Phox, IV-compounds] with a or b in the presence of stoichiometric KPF6 gave the mononuclear derivatives Ia-IVa and Ib-IVb. The crystal structures of compounds [Pd(Azb)(Ph2POCH2Py-P,N)][PF6] (IIIa) and [Pd(Phpy)(Ph2PNHPy-P,N)][PF6] (Ib) have been determined. The new palladacyclopentadiene precursor [Pd{C4COOMe4}(CH3CN)2] (V) has been prepared starting from the polymeric complex [Pd{C4COOMe4}]n. Its usefulness in the preparation of new derivatives has been tested by means of the straightforward reaction with ligands (a) or (b) to give mononuclear compounds [Pd{C4(COOMe)4}(Ph2POCH2Py-P,N)] (Va) and [Pd{C4(COOMe)4}(Ph2PNHPy-P,N)] (Vb). The reactions of hydroxo-bridged precursors [Pd(CN)(μ-OH)]2 or [Pd2{C4(COOMe)4}2 (μ-OH)2][NBu4]2 with PyNHPPh2 afforded mononuclear complexes Ic-Vc in which a less common anionic P,N-binding mode is forced as a result of ligand deprotonation. The new complexes were characterised by partial elemental analyses and spectroscopic methods (IR, FAB, 1H and 31P{1H} NMR).  相似文献   

Despite many years of intensive study, the natures of turnover-limiting and enantio-determining steps in catalytic asymmetric hydrogenation of prochiral enamides are poorly understood. An intriguing set of studies involving isotopic labeling distributions in catalytic enamide hydrogenation reactions were reported by Brown and Parker (Organometallics, 1 (1982) 950–956) more than a decade ago. In this paper we report the results of studies re-examining the application of isotopic probes to the catalytic hydrogenation enamides. These results provide some insights into the nature of the H2 activation step in enamide hydrogenation.  相似文献   

Me3Si-X reagents react to completion at 25°C in a short time to convert Ir(H)2FL2 (L=PtBu2Ph) to Ir(H)2XL2. This involves formation of Ir-O, Ir-N, Ir-I, Ir-S and Ir-C(sp) bonds. Products include some η2-X ligands such as carboxylate and acetamide, NHC(O)CH3. The acetamide is shown to be η2 in the solid state and in solution, but readily rearranges, by a transition state with Ir-O bond cleavage, to effect site exchange of the two inequivalent hydrides. The same synthetic approach succeeds for the more crowded metallated species and these reactions arc shown to fail when F is replaced by Cl in the iridium reagent. Unsaturation at Ir is suggested to be central to the mechanism of these F/X transposition reactions.  相似文献   

Two new heterometallic complexes, [Cu(en)(H2O)]2[Fe(CN)6]·4H2O (1) and [Cu(en)2][KFe(CN)6] (2), have been isolated from the reactions of CuCl2 and en with K3[Fe(CN)6] in different molar ratios. Both complexes have been characterized by X-ray analyses, IR spectra and elemental analyses. Complex 1 is a cyanide bridged bimetallic assembly, its crystal structure consists of a two-dimensional polymeric sheet with two different rings, one a four-membered square ring and another a 12-membered hexagonal ring. The Fe(II) ion of 1 has two terminal, two linear bridging and two 1,1 en-on bridging cyanide groups. In the crystal structure of 2, the neighboring [Fe(CN)6]3− units are bridged by the K+ and the [K[Fe(CN)6]]2− units forming a three-dimensional network structure. The [Cu(en)2]2+ units fill in the holes of the network acting as counter cations and charge compensations. Variable temperature magnetic susceptibility studies of 1 indicate that the complex exhibits ferromagnetic interaction between the Cu(II) ions.  相似文献   

The reactions of the polysulfur and selenium cationic clusters S82+ and Se82+ with various iron carbonyls were investigated. Several new chalcogen containing iron carbonyl cluster cations were isolated, depending on the nature of the counteranion. In the presence of SbF6 as a counterion, the cluster [Fe3(E2)2(CO)10] [SbF6]2·SO2 (E = S, Se) could be isolated from the reaction of E82+ and excess iron carbonyl. The cluster is a picnic-basket shaped molecule of two iron centers linked by two Se2 groups, with the whole fragment capped by an Fe(CO)4 group. Crystallographic data for C10O12Fe3Se4Sb2F12S (I): space group monoclinic P21/c, A = 11.810(9), b = 24.023(6), c = 10.853(7) Å, β = 107.15(5)°, V = 2942(3) Å3, Z = 4, R = 0.0426, Rw = 0.0503. When Sb2F11 is present as the counterion, or Se4[Sb2F11]2 is used as the cluster cation source, a different cluster can be isolated, which has the formula [Fe4(Se2)3(CO)12] [SbF6]2·3SO2. The dication contains two Fe2Se2 fragments bridged by an Se2 group. Crystallographic data for C12O18Fe4Se6Sb2F12S3 (III): space group triclinic , b = 18.400(9), C = 10.253(4) Å, = 93.10(4), β = 103.74(3), γ = 93.98(3)°, V = 1995(1) Å3, Z = 2, R = 0.0328, Rw = 0.0325. The CO stretches in the IR spectrum all show a large shift to higher wavenumbers, suggesting almost no τ backbonding from the metals. This also correlates with the observed bond distances. All the compounds are extremely sensitive to air and water, and readily lose SO2 when removed from the solvent. Thus all the crystals were handled at −100°C. The clusters seem to be either insoluble or unstable in all solvents investigated.  相似文献   

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