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The greenbug aphid, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) has developed resistance to organophosphorus insecticides by the over-production of esterases that have been classified as Type I and Type II. The first twenty N-terminal amino acids of the Type I esterase were determined and used to design an oligonucleotide, which in conjunction with an active site primer derived from conserved sequences of other insect esterases and two internal primers specific for esterases from another aphid species resulted in a 0.85 kb genomic DNA fragment from resistant greenbugs. This was extended by 5′ RACE which provided approximately 1.2 kb of the 5′ end of the esterase gene. The 5′ DNA sequence corresponded to 19 of the 20 known amino acids of the Type I esterase, with the last needing only a one base change (probably resulting from a PCR artifact). Furthermore, the sequence showed very close similarity to the amplified E4/FE4 esterase genes of Myzus persicae (Sulzer). A comparison of sequences suggested that the S. graminum gene has introns in the same positions as the first two introns of E4/FE4, with the second intron being considerably larger in S. graminum. Probing of Southern blots with the 0.85 kb esterase fragment showed that the gene encoding the Type I esterase is amplified 4- to 8-fold in resistant S. graminum and that the amplified sequences contain 5-methylcytosine at MspI/HpaII sites, again in agreement with previous findings for M. persicae genes.  相似文献   

The probing behavior of greenbugs, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), and oat-bird cherry aphids, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), was electronically monitored on healthy oats, Avena sativa (L.), and on oats infected with the RPV-NY isolate of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV). S. graminum fed better on infected oats than on healthy oats. This was manifested by a shorter time before initiation of committed phloem ingestion, and by increased duration of ingestion from phloem of infected compared to healthy plants. In addition, on infected oats S. graminum made fewer interruptions in their probing once their stylets were inserted into tissues, including phloem. R. padi fed similarly on infected and healthy oats, except that these aphids made fewer short probes to the phloem (lasting <15 min) on infected compared to healthy oats. BYDV infection of oats increased the rate of population growth of S. graminum relative to that on healthy oats but had no effect on the population growth of R. padi. The proportion of aphids of R. padi which developed into alatae on BYDV-infected oats was significantly greater than on healthy oats, but S. graminum showed no such response.
Résumé Le comportement de sondage de S. graminum (Rond.) et de R. padi (L.) a été suivi électroniquement sur avoine (Avena sativa L.) saine ou contaminée par l'extrait RPV-NY du virus jaune du nanisme de l'orge (BYDV). S. graminum s'est mieux alimenté sur avoine contaminée que saine; ceci se traduisait par un temps de latence inférieur avant l'ingestion de phloème et par une prolongation de la période d'ingestion. De plus, sur avoine contaminée, S. graminum a moins souvent interrompu le sondage, une fois que les stylets avaient étè insérés dans les tissus, y compris le phloème. Les résultats avec R. padi présentaient les mêmes tendances, mais les améliorations des performances alimentaires de cette espèce sur avoine contaminée ont été moins nettes que pour S. graminum. La contamination de l'avoine par BYDV a accru le taux de croissance de la population de S. graminum par rapport à ce qui a été observé sur avoine saine; l'effet était moins prononcé pour R. padi. La proportion de pucerons devenant aliés était plus élevée sur avoine contaminée que saine, rien de tel n'a été observé avec S. graminum.

The feeding behavior of two sympatric species of lemurs, Lemur cattaand Lemur fulvus,was studied in an enclosure simulating a natural habitat at the Duke University Primate Center. L. fulvusspent less time feeding during the day than L. catta.But the former species ate more fruit and had longer feeding bouts on preferred food items than L. catta.They also had a shorter food passage time than L. cattaand their choice of resting places was more influenced by food distribution. Furthermore, the two lemur species ate parts of different plant species and showed different reactions to chemical plant components. According to these results, L. fulvusis a more conservative feeder than L. catta.These interspecific differences in feeding behavior may be one of a number of differences that allow the two species to coexist. In allopatry, however, L. fulvusmay also adopt feeding patterns similar to those of L. catta.But L. cattawas never found to change its feeding strategies in different areas. It may be this option of L. fulvusto adopt different feeding strategies in different situations that allows this species to have the widest range of all Malagasy lemurs. Duke University Primate Center Publication No. 259.  相似文献   

Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) (Homoptera: Aphididae), when feeding on a sucrose solution, secreted primarily three proteins of 154, 69, and 66 kilodaltons (kDa). The sequence of the first nine amino acids at the N-terminus of the 66 and 69 kDa proteins was identical suggesting that they differ only in processing at the C-terminus. The N-terminus of the 154 kDa protein was different, yet had some similarity to the N-terminus of the 66 and 69 kDa proteins. There was an immunological cross-reaction between the 154 kDa and the 66 and 69 kDa proteins indicating some amino acid sequence similarity. The probable relationships of these proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

Feeding behavior of Sitobion avenae F. (Homoptera: Aphididae) on oats (Avena sativa cv. Clintland 64) was electronically monitored, and waveforms corresponding to salivation, ingestion, and sieve element penetration described.During 90 min plant access, aphids ingested from phloem for 0–43 min (mean: 8.1 min) and non-phloem for 0–60 min (mean: 19 min). Only 65% of the aphids tested made phloem contact within 90 min, contacting phloem after 18–85 min (mean: 32 min). No significant difference was observed in the feeding behavior of aphids carrying barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) from that of non-viruliferous aphids.Penetration of a sieve element was a prerequisite for BYDV transmission but did not insure transmission. Penetration of one sieve element resulted in a 65% chance of transmission independent of the duration of phloem contact. The chance of transmission increased with increasing number of sieve element penetrations.Inoculation of oat seedlings with single, viruliferous aphids for 90 min is estimated to cause 54% of the plants to be infected. Also, it is estimated that no transmission can occur with plant access periods shorter than 17 min.
Zusammenfassung Das Probeverhalten von Sitobion avenae F. (Homoptera: Aphididae) auf Hafer (Sorte Clintland 64) wurden elektronisch verfolgt. Drei Wellenformen (S=Speichelfluss, X-das Eindringen in ein Siebelement, I=Nahrungsaufname) wurden registriert. In histologischen Untersuchungen wurden diese Wellenformen mit der Position der Stechborsten korreliert. Wenn X-Wellen oder eine X-I-Folge registriert wurden, war die Stechborste immer im Phloëm; bei S-Wellen oder bei einer S-I-Folge, war die Stechborste nie im Phloëm.Die Blattläuse wurden auf gesunden, fünf Tage alten Pflanzen während 90 Min beobachtet. 65% der Blattläuse erreichten nach 18–85 Min (Durchschnitt 32 Min) das Phloëm. Innerhalb 90 Min nahmen die Blattläuse während 0–43 Min (Durchschnitt 8.1 Min) Saft aus dem Phloem und während 0–60 Min (Durchschnitt 19 Min) Saft aus dem Mesophyll auf. Keine signifikanten Unterschiede im Probeverhalten wurden bei Blattläusen mit und ohne Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV) festgestellt.Blattläuse, die innerhalb 24 Stunden BYDV übermitteln können, wurden für Übertragungsversuche verwendet. Das Probeverhalten dieser Blattläuser wurde manipuliert, und die Leistungsfähigkeit der Übertragung mit einer immunologischen Technik (ELISA) untersucht. Um BYDV zu übertragen mussten die Blattläuse mit einem Siebelement in Kontakt kommen. Nach der Stechborstenpenetration in ein Siebelement wurden 65% der Pflanzen mit BYDV infiziert. Der Prozentsatz infizierter Pflanzen und der Virusiter in den infizierten Pflanzen waren mit der Dauer der Siebelement-penetration (Anzahl von X-Wellen) nicht proportional. Wenn die Blattläuse mit zwei oder drei Siebelementen in Kontakt kamen, wurde der Prozentsatz infizierter Pflanzen signifikant erhöht, während der Virustiter nich verändert wurde. Infektionsprozente niedriger als 100% nach Siebelement-penetration sind möglicherweise das Resultat von Unterschieden in den Siebelementen.Es wird geschätzt dass 50% Infektion eintritt, wenn Pflanzen während ungefähr 83 Min von einer einzelnen infizierten Blattlaus besogen werden. Keine Übertragung von BYDV kann eintreten, wenn die Probezeit weniger als 17 Minuten beträgt.

转Bt基因抗虫玉米对亚洲玉米螟幼虫取食行为的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
室内研究了转cry1Ab杀虫蛋白基因的Bt抗虫玉米MON81 0和Bt1 1对亚洲玉米螟Ostriniafurnacalis初孵幼虫和3龄幼虫的取食行为、取食选择性和存活率的影响。在48h的非选择性试验中玉米螟初孵幼虫在MON81 0和Bt1 1玉米心叶组织上的幼虫取食率随时间的增加而下降,在对照玉米上的幼虫取食率随时间的增加而上升,两者间差异极显著。初孵幼虫接虫到MON81 0和Bt1 1玉米叶片48h的累计死亡率分别为67 .5 %和47 .5 % ,而在对照玉米上死亡率均为0. 3龄幼虫在Bt和非Bt玉米穗轴组织上的幼虫取食率随时间的增加呈上升趋势,第48h时在Bt和非Bt玉米上的幼虫取食率分别达到77 5 %和1 0 0 % ,差异极显著。选择性试验中,第4~48h内,初孵幼虫在Bt玉米上的幼虫取食率呈下降趋势,第48h时MON81 0和Bt1 1与各自非Bt对照的组合中初孵幼虫的累计死亡率分别为2 5 .0 %和1 7. 5 % ,二者差异不显著。3龄幼虫在Bt玉米和非Bt玉米上的幼虫取食率均随时间的延长而增加,但在非Bt玉米的幼虫取食率增加速度快,与Bt玉米差异极显著。Bt玉米对玉米螟幼虫取食有抑制和忌避作用。  相似文献   

In laboratory feeding trials, we analyzed the feeding behavior and selectivity of the cichlid, Sarotherodon galilaeum, for zooplankton prey from Lake Kinneret, Israel. The feeding behavior was dependent on fish size. Fish less than 20 mm SL fed on zooplankton as obligate particulate feeders. Fish from 20 to 42 mm SL fed either as particulate feeders or as filter feeders. Fish larger than 62 mm SL fed as obligate filter feeders. Particulate-feeding fish were size selective and had highest feeding electivities for large-sized zooplankton species. Filter-feeding fish had highest feeding electivities for zooplankton species with poor escape ability. In general, S. galilaeum predation pressure would be greatest on Ceriodaphnia reticulata, a large-bodied and easily captured species which is selected by both particulate-feeding and filter-feeding fish.  相似文献   

Feeding deterrent activities of ellagic acid, two ellagitannins, gallic acid, pyrogallol, and several gallic acid derivatives towards three species of aphids were determined. The most sensitive species tested was Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), the least sensitive was Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris). Myzus persicae (Sulzer) was of intermediate sensitivity. Ellagic acid (ED50=15 ppm) and n-decyl gallate (ED50=16 ppm) were particularly potent against S. graminum, while n-octyl gallate was the most active compound tested against A. pisum (ED50=182 ppm) and M. persicae (ED50=56 ppm). The ellagitannins, geraniin and pedunculagin, were active against S. graminum and M. persicae, but not against A. pisum. Methylation of the free hydroxyl groups of gallic acid resulted in a large decrease in activity, while esterification of its carboxyl group with alkyl chains of increasing length resulted in increasing activity against S. graminum. Against A. pisum and M. persicae, ellagic acid, gallic acid and 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoic acid were inactive, whereas pyrogallol and the gallate esters were at least moderately active as feeding deterrents.
Résumé L'examen a porté sur l'action répulsive, lors de l'alimentation de trois espèces de pucerons, de l'acide ellgique, de deux ellagitanins, de l'acide gallique, du pyrogallol et de plusieurs dérivés de l'acide gallique. Schizaphis graminum Rondani a été l'espèce la plus sensible, tandis que Acyrthosiphon pisum. Harris a été la moins sensible; la sensibilité de Myzus persicae Sulzer était intermédiaire. L'acide ellagic (ED50=15 ppm) et le n-décyl gallate (ED50=16 ppm) ont été particulièrement actifs contre S. graminum, tandis que le n-octyl gallate a été le produit le plus actif contre A. pisum (ED50=182 ppm) et M. persicae (ED50=56 ppm). Les ellagitanins, géraniine et pédunculagine ont été actifs contre S. graminum et M. persicae, mais pas contre A. pisum. La méthylation des groupes hydroxyl libres de l'acide gallique a réduit fortement l'activité, tandis qu l'estérification de son groupe carboxyl avec des chaînes alkyl de longuers croissantes a augmenté l'activité contre S. graminum. Les acides ellagique, gallique et 3,4,5-triméthoxybenzoïque ont été inactifs contre A. pisum et M. persicae, tandis que le pyrogallol et les esters de gallate on été pour le moins des répulsifs modérément actifs au cours de l'alimentation.

Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilizers have differing effects on southwestern corn borer (SWCB). Diatraea grandiosella Dyar, densities and damage to field corn, Zea mays L. Nitrogen fertilization of corn is associated with an increase in number of stalks infested and girdled by corn borers, while addition of P has the opposite effect. When combinations of N and P were applied, there were no significant differences in SWCB infestation or damage from plots receiving no fertilizer. The effect of combinations of N and P on SWCB were intermediate to either element alone.
Résumé Nous avons étudié les corrélations entre l'utilisation d'engrais azotés et phosphatés d'une part, l'infestation et l'alimentation de D. grandiosella sur maïs en champs d'autre part. Les formules d'engrais comparées étaient: pas d'engrais, 90 et 179 kg N/ha sans P, 45 et 90 kg P/ha sans N, et les combinaisons de ces deux teneurs en N et P.La contamination était plus élevée dans les lots ayant reçu de l'azote que dans ceux traités sans N, mais la présence d'azote n'a pas réduit le décapage des tiges et la verse dus à l'alimentatin larvaire. A l'inverse, les lots n'ayant reçu que du phosphore avaient des pourcentages plus faibles de tiges contaminées par D. grandiosella et ainsi décapées et versées, que ceux qui n'avaient pas reçu P. Il n'a pas eu de différences significatives dans les contaminations ou les dégats entre les lots ayant reçu différentes combinaisons de N et P, et les effets de ces combinaisons sur l'insecte étaient intermédiaires à ceux de N et P seuls.

Adults of the rice stink bug, Oebalus pugnax (F.), preferred panicles of vasey grass, Paspalum urvillei Steud., over those of 11 species of other grasses and one species of sedge (Cyperus) associated with cultivated rice, Oryza sativa (L.). The number of feeding adults increased approximately 2 times from 1 h post-infestation (PI) to 6 h PI. The number of feeding females was greater than males at 1 h PI but no different at 6 h PI. Both sexes fed significantly (P<0.05) more on O. sativa panicles than on P. urvillei panicles at 6 h PI. Both sexes also fed significantly (P<0.05) more on 28 and 21 cm long O. sativa panicles than on 7 cm long panicles, but no such differences existed in feeding among P. urvillei panicles.
Résumé Les adultes d'Oebalus pugnax F. ont préféré les panicules de Paspalum urivillei Stend à celles de 11 autres Graminées et 1 Cypéracée associées au riz cultivé, Oryza sativa L. Le nombre d'adultes s'alimentant a cru environ 2 fois de la lère (1P1) à la 6ème (6P1) heure ayant suivi l'infestation. Le nombre de femelles s'alimentant était supérieur à celui des mâles 1 heure après (1P1), mais ne présentait pas de différence 6 h après l'infestation (6P1). Les 2 sexes s'alimentaient significativement plus (P< 0.05) sur les panicules d'O. sativa que sur celles de P. urvillei 6 heures après l'infestation (6P1). Les 2 sexes se sont alimentés significativement plus (P< 0,05) sur des panicules d'O. sativa de 28 et 21 cm que sur ceux de 7 cm, mais aucune différence n'était observée dans l'alimentation sur les panicules de P. urvillei.

The relationship between fecundity and adult body weight in Homeotherms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Bythotrephes cederstroemii Schoedler, a predatory freshwater zooplankter (Crustacea: Cladocera), was first found in the Laurentian Great Lakes in December 1984. The first individuals were from Lake Huron, followed in 1985 with records from Lakes Erie and Ontario. By late August, 1986 the species had spread to southern Lake Michigan (43°N). Bythotrephes has not previously been reported from North America, but has been restricted to a northern and central Palearctic distribution. Its dramatic and widespread rise in abundance in Lake Michigan was greatest in offshore regions. Bythotrephes appears to be invading aggressively, but avoiding habitats presently occupied by glacio-marine relict species that became established in deep oligotrophic North American lakes after the Wisconsin glaciation. Because it is a voracious predator its invasion may lead to alterations in the native zooplankton fauna of the Great Lakes. It offers the chance to study how invading plankton species join an existing community. Judging from its persistence and success in deep European lakes, Bythotrephes may now become a permanent member of zooplankton communities in the Nearctic.  相似文献   

The introduction, colonization, and establishment ofLysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) for the biological control ofSchizaphis graminum (Rondani). in Argentina is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A study has been carried out in Argentina on samples of corn genotypes from a breeding station as well as in commercially available corn meal. All samples were analyzed for fungal infection and aflatoxin B1.Mycological analysis of corn genotypes showed the presence of three principal genera of filamentous fungi Fusarium (100%), Penicillium (67%) and Aspergillus (60%). In the genus Fusarium three species were identified, F. moniliforme (42%), F. nygamai (56%) andF. proliferatum (1.8%). Eight species ofPenicillium were identified, the predominant species isolated were P. minioluteum, P. funiculosum and P. variabile. In the genus ranked third in isolation frequency, two species were identified, A. flavus and A. parasiticus, the percentage of infection was 78% and 21%, respectively. Only one corn genotype was contaminated with aflatoxin B1 at a level of 5 ppb. The cornmeal samples showed great differences in fungal contamination, the values ranging from 1 × 101 to 7 × 105 cfu g–1. Fusarium (68%), Aspergillus (35%) and Penicillium (21%) were the most frequent genera isolated. Among the genus, Aspergillus, A. parasiticus (38%) was the most frequent species isolated. All the samples of corn meal were negative to aflatoxin B1. These results indicate a low degree of human exposure to aflatoxins in Argentina through the ingestion of maize or corn meal.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Asian Corn Borer Ostrinia furnacalis is a major agricultural pest. In this study, a full‐length neuropeptide Y (npy) gene in O. furnacalis was sequenced and cloned from cDNA library, which contains an ORF of 273 bp by encoding 90 amino acid residues. The mature OfurNPY is composed of 29 amino acids with amidation in C‐terminal. The spatiotemporal expression analysis showed that npy highest expression level was in the midgut of the fifth instar larvae (the gluttony period). When the expression of npy was knocked down by feeding or injecting dsNPY, larval food consumption, body size, and body weight were significantly inhibited compared to controls. These results indicate that NPY is an important regulator in the control of feeding of O. furnacalis.  相似文献   

We assessed feeding and masticatory function in western tarsiers, Tarsius bancanus,from field study, from videotaped recordings of the feeding and chewing behavior of wild-caught animals in temporary captivity, from dissections of the muscles of mastication, and from scanning electron microscopic (SEM) examination of wear features of the teeth. Ingestion of large items of animal prey is made possible by the animal’s extremely wide gape. Anterior translation of the knob-like mandibular condyle in the anteroposteriorly elongated mandibular fossa makes possible a gape angle of 60–70‡. We observed two means of ingestion of grasshopper prey: ingestion by mastication, in which the postcanine teeth sever and reduce bites of the food as it is thrust into the mouth cavity, and repeated gape-shove sequences, during which the tarsier pushed grasshoppers of large diameter into the anterior part of its mouth and attempted to sever a bite with its anterior teeth. Morsels were successfully severed after three to five such sequences, and reduced quickly,with relatively few powerful, crushing chews. The insect cuticle was not evenly comminuted during mastication. We observed a marked side-to-side grinding component in the normal chewing cycle of T. bancanuson videotape and confirmed it by SEM. The main jaw adductors are bulky, long-fibered muscles that can accommodate wide grapes and still generate, at wide degrees of gape,the high occlusal pressures necessary to fracture thick chitinous exoskeletons of the scarabid beetles that form a substantial element of the western tarsier’s diet.  相似文献   

Intraplant epizootics of entomopathogens,Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin, andNosema pyrausta (Paillot) were studied in a corn,Zea mays L., agroecosystem. Egg masses of the European corn borer,Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), infected withN. pyrausta were placed on midwhorl-stage corn plants. Conidia ofB. bassiana were applied in an aqueous suspension. Frass from the initial insects remaining within the plants was contaminated with sufficientN. pyrausta spores to infest 80% of the filial generation in each year of a 2-yr study. Viability ofN. pyrausta within the frass was monitored throughout the winter. Potential for impact of this inoculum on the filial generation is discussed. Conidia from cadavers of the European corn borer that were killed by the initial inoculum ofB. bassiana and/or conidia from the initial inoculum ofB. bassiana significantly reduced tunneling by the filial generation of the European corn borer. However, neither the concentration ofB. bassiana nor the age of the larvae exposed toB. bassiana, had any significant (P<.05) effect on tunneling by the 2nd-generation larvae. This paper reports the results of research only. Mention of a pesticide in this paper does not constitute a recommendation for use by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or cooperators, nor does it imply registration under FIFRA as amended.  相似文献   

The feeding activity of Aphis craccivora (Koch) was monitored on cowpea plants of aphid-susceptible (Vita 7) and aphid-resistant (TVu 801) cultivars, using an AC electronic feeding monitoring system. Waveforms corresponding to salivation, phloem ingestion and non-phloem ingestion were observed. Aphids probing on the resistant cultivar showed a significantly reduced ingestion of phloem sap compared with those aphids which fed on the susceptible cultivar. The insect also made more brief and repeated probes on TVu 801. In addition, the duration of non-probing activities and non-phloem ingestion was shorter on the susceptible than on the resistant cultivar.  相似文献   

The toxicity and anticholinesterase activity of tremorgenic fungal metabolites, territrems, to the corn earworm, Helioverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) were examined. In oral toxicity studies, territrem A significantly inhibited growth by 40% at 25 ppm and by 89% at 250 ppm. Territrem B and an epoxy-derivative significantly inhibited growth by ca. 45% at 250 ppm. Piperonyl butoxide administered orally synergized the toxicity of the territrems tested. In topical toxicity studies, the epoxy-derivative caused 26% mortality and 25% growth retardation at 10 mg/gm insects. Territrem A and B were not significantly lethal, but did reduce growth by 15–20% at 10 mg/gm insect. Paraoxon tested in the same way caused 100% mortality at 25 ppm orally and 10 mg/gm topically. However, all territrems tested in vitro as inhibitors of H. zea head acetylcholinesterase were at least comparable to or were more active than paraoxon. Topically administered epoxy-territrem B also inhibited H. zea head acetylcholinesterase. The potential for development of new insecticides from a territrem lead structure is discussed.  相似文献   

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