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Decreasing pH levels in the world’s oceans are widely recognized as a threat to marine life. Bryozoans are among several phyla that produce calcium carbonate skeletons potentially affected by ocean acidification (OA). Depending on species, bryozoan skeletons can consist of calcite, aragonite or have a bimineralic combination of these two minerals. Aragonite is generally more soluble in seawater than calcite, making aragonitic species more vulnerable to OA. Here, for the first time we use Raman spectroscopy to determine the mineral composition of a tropical bryozoan biota. Compared with bryozoan biotas from higher latitudes in which calcite predominates, aragonite was found to occur in a much higher proportion of the 22 cheilostome bryozoan species collected from the shorelines of Penang and Langkawi in Malaysia, where 46% of species are calcitic, 41% aragonitic and 13% bimineralic. All but one of the aragonitic or bimineralic species belong to the ascophorans, whereas calcitic skeletons characterized most of the anascans, many of which are primitive ‘weedy’ malacostegines. These results suggest a relatively high vulnerability of tropical bryozoan faunas to OA, with the weedier taxa likely to be least impacted.  相似文献   

Bryozoans are major carbonate producers in some ancient and Recent benthic environments, including parts of the Arctic Ocean. Seventy-six species of bryozoans from within the Arctic Circle have been studied using XRD to determine their carbonate mineralogies and the Mg content of the calcite. The majority of species were found to be calcitic, only four having bimineralic skeletons that combined calcite and aragonite, and none being entirely aragonitic. In almost all species, the calcite was of the low- (<4 mol% MgCO3) or intermediate-Mg (4–11.99 mol% MgCO3) varieties. Previous regional studies of bryozoan biomineralogy have found higher proportions of bimineralic and/or aragonitic species in New Zealand and the Mediterranean, with a greater number of calcitic species employing intermediate- and high-Mg calcite. The Antarctic bryozoan fauna, however, has a similar mineralogical composition to the Arctic. The lesser solubility of low-Mg calcite compared to both Mg calcite and aragonite in cold polar waters is most likely responsible for this latitudinal pattern. However, it is unknown to what extent environmental factors drive the pattern directly through eliciting an ecophenotypic response from the bryozoans concerned or the pattern reflects genetic adaptations by particular bryozoan clades.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy and electron diffraction were used to investigate mineral crystallites dissociated from the skeletal walls of six species belonging to the Bryozoa, a phylum of predominantly marine colony-forming invertebrate animals. Four cheilostome bryozoans (Flustra foliacea, Membranipora membranacea, Thalamoporella novaehollandiae and Cellarinella foveolata) and two cyclostomes (Fasciculipora ramosa and Hornera robusta) were analysed. In each case, an attempt was made to relate the crystal morphology imaged in situ by scanning electron microscopy with the crystallographic orientation of isolated crystals determined by electron diffraction analysis in the transmission electron microscope. The results showed that the calcitic cheilostome and cyclostome skeletons consisted of closely packed arrays of plate-like Mg-containing calcite crystallites, and that the crystallographic a-axis was preferentially aligned perpendicular to the top and bottom surfaces of the flattened particles. The results suggest that calcite biomineralization occurs under similar crystallographic constraints in the five species studied even though the origins of cheilostomes and cyclostomes are separated by over 300 million years in the fossil record of the bryozoans. Similar studies for the aragonite crystallites in skeletons of M. membranacea indicated that the crystallographic b-axis was preferentially oriented perpendicular to the basal surfaces of irregular plate-like particles.  相似文献   

Many animal phyla have the physiological ability to produce biomineralized skeletons with functional roles that have been shaped by natural selection for more than 500 million years. Among these are bryozoans, a moderately diverse phylum of aquatic invertebrates with a rich fossil record and importance today as bioconstructors in some shallow‐water marine habitats. Biomineralizational patterns and, especially, processes are poorly understood in bryozoans but are conventionally believed to be similar to those of the related lophotrochozoan phyla Brachiopoda and Mollusca. However, bryozoan skeletons are more intricate than those of these two phyla. Calcareous skeletons have been acquired independently in two bryozoan clades – Stenolaemata in the Ordovician and Cheilostomata in the Jurassic – providing an evolutionary replicate. This review aims to highlight the importance of biomineralization in bryozoans and focuses on their skeletal ultrastructures, mineralogy and chemistry, the roles of organic components, the evolutionary history of bimineralization in bryozoans with respect to changes in seawater chemistry, and the impact of contemporary global changes, especially ocean acidification, on bryozoan skeletons. Bryozoan skeletons are constructed from three different wall types (exterior, interior and compound) differing in the presence/absence and location of organic cuticular layers. Skeletal ultrastructures can be classified into wall‐parallel (i.e. laminated) and wall‐perpendicular (i.e. prismatic) fabrics, the latter apparently found in only one of the two biomineralizing clades (Cheilostomata), which is also the only clade to biomineralize aragonite. A plethora of ultrastructural fabrics can be recognized and most occur in combination with other fabrics to constitute a fabric suite. The proportion of aragonitic and bimineralic bryozoans, as well as the Mg content of bryozoan skeletons, show a latitudinal increase into the warmer waters of the tropics. Responses of bryozoan mineralogy and skeletal thickness to oscillations between calcite and aragonite seas through geological time are equivocal. Field and laboratory studies of living bryozoans have shown that predicted future changes in pH (ocean acidification) combined with global warming are likely to have detrimental effects on calcification, growth rate and production of polymorphic zooids for defence and reproduction, although some species exhibit reasonable levels of resilience. Some key questions about bryozoan biomineralization that need to be addressed are identified.  相似文献   

A combination of encrusting calcitic bryozoans and early seafloor dissolution of aragonitic shells recorded in the Cincinnatian Series of the upper Midwest of North America allowed the preservation of abundant moulds of mollusc fossils bioimmured beneath the attachment surfaces of the bryozoans. We here call this preservational process ‘bryoimmuration’, defined as a bryozoan‐mediated subset of bioimmuration. The bryozoans moulded very fine details of the mollusc shells, usually with more accuracy than inorganic sediment moulds. Most of the bryozoans are heterotrypid trepostomes with robust low‐Mg calcite skeletons. The molluscs are primarily bivalves, gastropods, nautiloids and monoplacophorans with their originally aragonitic shells now dissolved. Many of the encrusting bryozoans are so thin and broad that they give the illusion of calcitic mollusc shells clinging to the moulds. Some molluscs in the Cincinnatian, especially monoplacophorans and epifaunal bivalves, would be poorly known if they had not been bryoimmured. Unlike internal and external moulds in sediment, bryoimmured fossils could be transported and thus record aragonitic faunas in taphonomic assemblages (e.g. storm beds) in which they would otherwise be rare or absent. In addition, bryoimmurations of aragonitic shells often reveal the ecological succession of encrustation on the shells by exposing the earliest encrusters and borings that were later overgrown. Bryoimmuration was common during the Late Ordovician because the calcite sea at the time quickly dissolved aragonitic shells on the seafloor before final burial, and large calcitic bryozoans very commonly used molluscs as substrates. Bryoimmuration is an important taphonomic process for preserving aragonitic faunas, and it reveals critical information about sclerobiont palaeoecology. Several Cincinnatian mollusc holotypes are bryoimmured specimens. Bryozoans involved in bryoimmuration enhance the preservation of aragonitic fauna and thus act as taphonomic engineers.  相似文献   

We have studied the tube ultrastructure of 44 recent species from 36 serpulid genera. Twelve distinct ultrastructures are identified. Serpulids possess very diverse tube ultrastructures, in contrast with the traditional point of view. Most species show single‐layered tubes, but 34% of these species have between two and four ultrastructurally different layers. Tubes are mostly bimineralic, and are composed of aragonite and calcite; however, one of the polymorphs is always dominant. All the studied single‐layered tubes with a lamello fibrillar tube ultrastructure are exclusively calcitic; prismatic structures, both in regular or irregular orientation, are either calcitic or aragonitic in composition. There is no correlation between tube mineralogy, and ultrastructure, and marine, brackish, and freshwater environments. We find that 47% of the serpulid species studied possess a unique combination of tube structure characters. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 154 , 633–650.  相似文献   

Some encrusting cheilostome bryozoans etch a pattern of small pits into hard calcareous substrates, especially calcitic and aragonitic shells of molluscs. These patterns, herein described as Leptichnus ichnogen. nov., comprise pits which are sub-circular to elongate in cross section and are found in either uniserial ( L. dromeus isp. nov.) or multiserial arrangements ( L. peristroma isp. nov., the type species). Each pit corresponds to the location of a single zooid in the bryozoan colony. The oldest known Leptichnus is Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian), the trace fossil first becomes common in the Cenozoic, and at least nine modern cheilostome genera produce incipient Leptichnus. Leptichnus can be the only evidence remaining of encrusting cheilostomes following taphonomic or diagenetic loss of their calcareous skeletons. The mechanism by which bryozoans etch into their calcareous substrates is unknown but is almost certain to be chemical and necessitates having windows in the basal walls of the zooids which permit contact with the substratum beneath. Etching may result in better adherence to the substrate, giving protection from abrasion and bioerosion.  相似文献   

Correlation of stratigraphic sections from different continents suggests a worldwide interruption of carbonate sedimentation at the Triassic–Jurassic boundary, which coincided with one of the most catastrophic mass extinctions in the Phanerozoic. Both events are linked by a vulcanogenic maximum of carbon dioxide, which led to a temporary undersaturation of sea water with respect to aragonite and calcite and a corresponding suppression of carbonate sedimentation including non-preservation of calcareous skeletons. Besides the frequently cited climatic effect of enhanced carbon dioxide, lowering the saturation state of sea water with respect to calcium carbonate was an additional driving force of the end-Triassic mass extinction, which chiefly affected organisms with thick aragonitic or high-magnesium calcitic skeletons. Replacement of aragonite by calcite, as found in the shells of epifaunal bivalves, was an evolutionary response to this condition.  相似文献   

An examination of the shell microstructure and mineralogy of species from 30 of the 32 genera and subgenera of the gastropod family Littorinidae shows that most species have a shell consisting of layers of aragonitic crossed-lamellar structure, with minor variations in some taxa. However, Pellilitorina, Risellopsis and most species of Littorina have partly or entirely calcitic shells. In Pellilitorina the shell is made entirely of calcitic crossed-foliated structure, while in the other two genera there is only an outer calcitic layer of irregular-prismatic structure. A cladistic analysis shows that the calcitic layers have been independently evolved in at least three clades. The calcite is found only in the outermost layers of the shell and in species inhabiting cooler waters of both northern and southern hemispheres. Calcium carbonate is more soluble in cold than warm water and, of the two polymorphs, calcite is about 35% less soluble than aragonite. We suggest that calcitic shell layers are an adaptation of high latitude littorinids to resist shell dissolution.  相似文献   

The microstructure of aragonitic and calcitic shells of the genus Palaeomutela Amalitzky, 1891 is examined. The aragonitic shell consists of three main layers, each is distinguished by certain crossed lamellar microstructure: comarginal, radial, and complex. As aragonite is recrystallized into pelitic calcite, microstructural shell features are preserved. Many species of Palaeomutela from localities of different age display the same microstructural pattern, which is possible to regard as a character of generic rank.  相似文献   

Hyoliths were among the earliest biomineralizing metazoans in Palaeozoic marine environments. They have been known for two centuries and widely assigned to lophotrochozoans. However, their origin and relationships with modern lophotrochozoan clades have been a longstanding palaeontological controversy. Here, we provide broad microstructural data from hyolith conchs and opercula from the lower Cambrian Xinji Formation of North China, including two hyolithid genera and four orthothecid genera as well as unidentified opercula. Results show that most hyolith conchs contain a distinct aragonitic lamellar layer that is composed of foliated aragonite, except in the orthothecid New taxon 1 that has a crossed foliated lamellar microstructure. Opercula are mostly composed of foliated aragonite and occasionally foliated calcite. These blade or lath‐like microstructural fabrics coincide well with biomineralization of Cambrian molluscs rather than lophophorates, as exemplified by the Cambrian members of the tommotiid‐brachiopod linage. Accordingly, we propose that hyoliths and molluscs might have inherited their biomineralized skeletons from a non‐mineralized or weakly mineralized common ancestor rather than as a result of convergence. Consequently, from the view of biomineralization, the homologous shell microstructures in Cambrian hyoliths and molluscs strongly strengthen the phylogenetic links between the two groups.  相似文献   

Calcite and aragonite seas are commonly distinguished based on the prevailing primary mineralogy of ooids and carbonate cements over time. Secular oscillations of these seas are usually attributed to changes in ocean chemistry and paleoclimate. While the veracity of such oscillations has been verified by independent data and modeling approaches, the timing of the transition from one ocean state to the other remains poorly resolved. Here, the timing of the last aragonite–calcite sea transition is estimated by assessing the preservation of Early Jurassic ooids from the Trento Platform in northern Italy. Point counting of ooid-bearing limestones from four distinct stratigraphic levels provides a contrasting pattern: Hettangian and Sinemurian ooids are all poorly preserved and were probably predominantly originally aragonitic, whereas Pliensbachian and Toarcian ooids are excellently preserved, suggesting a primary calcitic mineralogy. Although calcitic ooids may have already been common in the Late Triassic, it is proposed that the last aragonite–calcite sea transition occurred in the Early Jurassic between the Sinemurian and Pliensbachian, at least in this subtropical region. Therefore, the selective extinction of aragonite-secreting organisms at the end-Triassic mass extinction cannot be attributed to secular changes in ocean chemistry.  相似文献   

Mollusc shells are composed of two or three layers. The main layers are well‐studied, but the structural and chemical changes at their boundaries are usually neglected. A microstructural, mineralogical, and biochemical study of the boundary between the inner crossed lamellar and outer prismatic layers of the shell of Concholepas concholepas showed that this boundary is not an abrupt transition. Localized structural and chemical analyses showed that patches of the inner aragonitic crossed lamellar layer persist within the outer calcitic prismatic layer. Moreover, a thin aragonitic layer with a fibrous structure is visible between the two main layers. A three‐step biomineralization process is proposed that involves changes in the chemical and biochemical composition of the last growth increments of the calcite prisms. The changes in the secretory process in the mantle cells responsible for the shell layer succession are irregular and discontinuous.  相似文献   

The enigmatic Cambrian animal chancelloriids were discovered in a wide range of taphonomic settings; however, preservation of biomineralized sclerite microstructure was solely known from secondarily phosphatized skeletal remains. Here, we investigate a uniquely pyritized chancelloriid from the lower Cambrian Guojiaba Formation in southern Shaanxi Province, China, using a combination of advanced analytic techniques. Results of the energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), and Raman spectrum show that the sclerites and scleritomes are preserved as pyritized internal moulds with a calcitic outer layer. The outer layer enveloping the internal moulds likely represents the recrystallized counterpart of the original biomineralized sclerite wall. Distinctive fibrous microstructures are discovered in the sclerites, which echo the features seen in the phosphatized fossils of chancelloriids. The typical microstructure, along with the recrystallized calcite, corroborate the interpretation that chancelloriid sclerites were originally constructed by fibrous aragonite. The stability of the microstructure and mineral composition in both carbonate and siliciclastic backgrounds indicate that chancelloriids were adapted to exploit aragonitic fibres to build their skeletons regardless of the change of their living environments.  相似文献   

Summary The growth history of some recentPorites colonies of Mauritius Island (Indian Ocean) was dated by sclerochronological methods. Couples of high-density and low-density bands represent the annual growth rate of the corals and allow the growth pattern of every year in the corallum to be counted. The growth and structure of the skeletons ofPorites solida andPorites lutea were investigated. Older parts of the aragonitic skeleton in these 10 to 20 year old corals show various secondary microstructures resulting from alterations and thickenings of the elements of the skeleton. The primary needle-like aragonite crystals are absent in older parts of the corallum and blocky aragonitic cements can occur. Pores and primary skeletal elements are overgrown by new microstructures. These microstructures are caused by secondary cementation and exhibit frontal zones (Stirnzonen), zigzag-like and pseudolamellar-structures. The lamellar structures can be compared with similar structures in the exoskeleton of some Rugosa. A very short early diagenesis within the recent corals is responsible for the thickening and alteration of skeletal elements. It occurs only 4 to 5 years after the formation of the skeleton and tends to increase in importance in older parts of the corallum. Nevertheless, there is no proof for any alteration of aragonite to calcite.  相似文献   

Based on the aragonite composition of extant and exceptionally preserved fossil cephalopods going back to the early Palaeozoic, it is commonly assumed that all externally shelled cephalopods had an aragonitic shell wall. We demonstrate herein that at least two taxa of Siluro‐Devonian orthoconic nautiloids (Dawsonoceras, Spyroceras) had an original bimineralic shell, which developed convergently with gastropods and bivalves.  相似文献   

Ten suites of 16 common types of invertebrate hard parts were placed in acid baths for 24 hours to determine relative rates and common styles of dissolution. Skeletal mineralogies included aragonite and both high-magnesium and low-magnesium calcite. Hard parts included barnacle cxoskelctons, cchinoid tests, gastropod opercula and gastropod and bivalve shells. Calcitic barnacle plates dissolved most rapidly, aragonitic and high magnesium calcitic hard parts showed intermediate rates, and the calcitic shells of the oyster dissolved at the lowest rate. The surface area to weight ratio of the hard parts correlated ( r =0.650) significantly with the hard part's rate of dissolution. Skeletal remains with a high surface area to weight ratio dissolved faster than those with a low surface area to weight ratio. Skeletal porosity and mineralogy appeared to be responsible for additional variation in the rate of dissolution. The effect of the surface area to weight ratio is sufficient to overcome the effect of mineralogy. Dense, compact aragonitic hard parts can persist longer than porous, thin calcitic remains. Typical features associated with skeletal degradation include development of chalky textures, thinning of distal margins, surface etching and formation of holes in bivalve muscle scars. Such features may aid in the recognition of partial dissolution of skeletal remains in the rock record. □ Taphonomy, paleoecology, fossil-diagenesis.  相似文献   

The outer calcified surface of the turtle egg shell consists primarily of crystalline aggregates of calcium carbonate in its aragonite form, together with a small amount (< 5 %) of calcitic material. The latter is first deposited to be followed by aragonite deposition.In the first instance, calcification occurs on the rims of discrete pits formed by the lateral deflection of the ends of soft shell membrane fibres. As crystal deposition continues these pits become filled in and eventually occluded.Micro- and X-ray diffraction analyses of the calcified layer indicate the presence of phosphorus and sulphur. The effects of these elements on the type of crystal deposited, (i.e., aragonite or calcite) is discussed.  相似文献   

γ-Carboxyglutamic acid, previously identified in the vertebrate mineralized tissues of bone and dentin, is not detectable in the calcified skeletons of six invertabrate species representing five phyla. Its absence in all analyzed invertebrate tissues (including calcitic, aragonitic, and apatitic mineral phases) indicates that matrix protein-bound γ-carboxyglutamic acid is not obligatory for the calcification process in the invertebrates. Further, these data raise the possibility that invertebrates as a group may lack the enzymatic capability for biosynthesizing γ-carboxyglutamic acid. In contrast, the distribution of γ-carboxyglutamic acid in the vertebrates has been further extended by this study to include an aptitic shark tooth and an aragonitic fish otolith. No γ-carnoxyglutamic acid was detected, however, in the organic matrix of the calcitic hen egg shell.  相似文献   

The ascophoran Pentapora foliacea was studied from epoxy sections of skeletal and soft (hard-soft) tissues. The basal wall is double, indicating the colony grew as two independent layers, back to back. The structure of the vertical walls and interzooidal communication organs indicates that zooids were budded in the usual way as in most encrusting cheilostomes. Secondary layers of the frontal wall are of acicular aragonite. The ovicell develops as a flattened cuticular bladder in early ontogeny; the aragonitic layer of the frontal wall later engulfs it. A median vesicle, an evagination of the vestibular wall, is present but the eggs may be supplied with sufficient yolk to nurture the embryo. The overall ovicell structure is similar to that of hyperstomial ovicells in other cheilostomes.  相似文献   

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