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The acidic ribosomal P proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Core particles derived from yeast ribosomes by treatment with 50% ethanol and 0.4 M NH4Cl (P0.4 cores) are derived of the acidic proteins L44/45 functionally equivalent to the bacterial proteins L7 and L12. These bacterial proteins are able to reconstitute the EF-2-dependent GDP binding capacity of the yeast cores but not their GTPase activity. On the other hand, yeast particles prepared in similar conditions but in the presence of 1 M NH4Cl (P1.0 cores) lose proteins L44/45, L15, and S31. These particles are able to reconstitute both activities by the bacterial proteins L7 and L12. Proteins L15 and S31 somehow affect the interaction of bacterial proteins L7 and L12 with the yeast particles. Indeed, in their presence only one dimer of L7 and L12 is bound to the P0.4 cores, while in their absence (P1.0 cores) the amount of bacterial proteins retained by the yeast particles is doubled. Elongation factor EF-2 seems to play an important role in the binding of the bacterial proteins to the yeast cores. Our results suggest that the two dimers of L7 and L12 normally present in the ribosomes might play a different functional role, one of the dimers being related to the binding of the substrate and the other one involved in the GTPase active center.  相似文献   

A simple method of two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is described which affords: (1) high resolution of eukaryotic ribosomal proteins; (2) good recovery of protein in the transfer from first to second dimension; and (3) characterisation of the separated proteins in terms of molecular weights and other electrophoretic properties. Using this method, we have characterised 70 proteins in rabbit reticulocyte ribosomes, 30 from the small subunit and 40 from the large subunit. The molecular weight distribution is compared with those obtained by other authors after fractionation of the proteins in two dimensions.  相似文献   

Structural studies of eukaryotic ribosomes are complicated by the tendency of their constituent proteins to be expressed at very low levels in Escherichia coli. We find that this is mainly due to their exceptionally high content of AGA/AGG arginine codons, which are poorly utilized by the bacterial translational machinery. In fact, we could overcome this limitation by the combined use of a T7 RNA polymerase expression vector and a plasmid carrying the E. coli gene argU, which encodes the minor tRNA(Arg) species that reads AGA/AGG codons. In this system, five cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins from three different eukaryotic lineages (Saccharomyces cerevisiae S8, L13, and L14; Arabidopsis thaliana L13; and Homo sapiens L7) could be overexpressed to up to 50% of total bacterial protein and were purified to homogeneity in tens of milligrams amounts. The purification procedure simply involved metal affinity chromatography followed, in some cases, by an additional heparin chromatography step. Recombinant polypeptides bound RNA with high affinity (K(d) between 50 and 300 nM). This novel overexpression/purification strategy will allow the production of high amounts of most eukaryotic ribosomal proteins in a form suitable for structural and functional studies. Coupled with recently completed and ongoing whole-genome sequencing projects, it will facilitate the molecular characterization of the eukaryotic ribosome.  相似文献   

The proteins of the subunits of rat liver ribosomes were fractionated by stepwise elution from carboxymethylcellulose with LiCl at pH 6.5. The 40 S ribosomal proteins were separated into five groups containing between 3 and 14 proteins; the 60 S proteins, into seven groups of 3 to 15. Only a comparatively small number of proteins occurred in appreciable amounts in more than one group. The number of relatively acidic proteins associated with the ribosomal subunits was larger than had been reported before: it is not known if they are initiation or translation factors or ribosomal structural proteins. The group fractionation procedure has proven valuable as the initial step in the isolation and characterization of rat liver ribosomal proteins.  相似文献   

Acidic ribosomal proteins L7L12 from Escherichia coli, A2 from Bacillus stearothermophilus, and HL20 from Halobacterium cutirubrum are considered analogous based on amino acid composition and are presumed to be involved in similar functions on the ribosome. The conformation of these proteins has been studied by circular dichroic spectroscopy and correlated with their ability to support polyphenylalanine synthesis in vitro. Only proteins L7L12 and A2 showed comparable biological activity and conformational responses to changes in various conditions (salts, denaturing agents, helix-promoting solvents, temperature). L7L12 and A2 have highly ordered secondary structures, 48 ± 5 and 40–65%, respectively. Data for A2 show a wide range because of the established spontaneous partial denaturation of this protein at room temperature. Protein HL20, on the other hand, could not restore protein synthesis activity to L12 depleted E. coli ribosomes and its conformation is characterized by a very low content of α-helices (18.5%).  相似文献   

The extraction of proteins from eukaryotic ribosomes and ribosomal subunits   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Proteins were extracted from rat liver ribosomes and ribosomal subunits: with 67% acetic acid (in the presence of 3.3 mM, 33 mM, or 67 mM Mg) with 2 M LiCL in 4 M urea; with 0.25 N HCI; with 1% SDS; and after RNase digestion. The most efficient extraction and the best recovery were either with acetic acid in the presence of 33 mM or 67 mM Mg, or with LiCI-urea. Protein extracted with acetic acid, LiCi-urea, or with HCI had little or no contamination with RNA. The ribosomal proteins were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis: the proteins extracted with acetic acid were the most soluble in the sample gel solution; their electrophoretograms displayed the maximum number of spots and the smallest number of derivatives or altered proteins. Preparations of protein extracted with SDS or RNase were relatively insoluble in the sample gel solution, and proteins extracted with HCI showed a large number of derivatives. All things considered, the most satisfactory method for the extraction of protein from eukaryotic ribosomes is with 67% acetic acid in the presence of 33 mM MgCl2.  相似文献   

The acidic proteins of eukaryotic ribosomes. A comparative study   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The acidic proteins extracted by 0.4 M NH4Cl and 50% ethanol from ribosomes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, wheat germ, Artemia salina, Drosophila melanogaster, rat liver and rabbit reticulocytes have been studied comparatively in several structural and functional aspects. All the species studied have in the ribosome two strongly acidic proteins with pI values not greater than pH 4.5., which appear to be monophosphorylated in the case of S. cerevisiae, A.Salina, D. melanogaster and wheat germ. Rat liver proteins are multiphosphorylated, as possibly are those from reticulocytes. The molecular weight of these acidic proteins as determined by SDS electrophoresis ranges from around 13,500 to 17,000 and, except in the case of yeast, of which both proteins have the same molecular weight, the size of the two proteins in the other species differs by approx. 1,000-2,000. In general, the size of the proteins increases with the evolutionary position of the organism, as seems to be the case with the degree of phosphorylation. From an immunological point of view the ribosomal acid proteins of eukaryotic cells are partically related, since antisera against yeast protein cross-react with proteins from wheat germ, rat liver and reticulocytes. Bacterial proteins L7 and L12 are very weakly recognized by the anti-yeast sera. Anti-bacterial acidic proteins do not cross-react with any of the protein from the species studied. The proteins from all the species studied are functional equivalents and can reconstitute the activity of particles of S. cerevisiae deprived of their acidic proteins.  相似文献   

Cruciforms are secondary DNA structures, serving as recognition signals at or near eukaryotic (yeast and mammalian) origins of DNA replication. The cruciform-binding protein is a member of the 14-3-3 protein family and binds to origins of DNA replication in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Five 14-3-3 protein isoforms (beta, gamma, epsilon, zeta and sigma) have been identified as having cruciform binding activity.  相似文献   

14-3-3 proteins: regulators of numerous eukaryotic proteins   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
van Heusden GP 《IUBMB life》2005,57(9):623-629
14-3-3 proteins form a family of highly conserved proteins capable of binding to more than 200 different mostly phosphorylated proteins. They are present in all eukaryotic organisms investigated, often in multiple isoforms, up to 13 in some plants. 14-3-3 binding partners are involved in almost every cellular process and 14-3-3 proteins play a key role in these processes. 14-3-3 proteins interact with products encoded by oncogenes, with filament forming proteins involved in Alzheimer'ss disease and many other proteins related to human diseases. Disturbance of the interactions with 14-3-3 proteins may lead to diseases like cancer and the neurological Miller-Dieker disease. The molecular consequences of 14-3-3 binding are diverse and only partly understood. Binding of a protein to a 14-3-3 protein may result in stabilization of the active or inactive phosphorylated form of the protein, to a conformational alteration leading to activation or inhibition, to a different subcellular localization or to the interaction with other proteins. Currently genome- and proteome-wide studies are contributing to a wider knowledge of this important family of proteins.  相似文献   

This report describes the identification of a novel protein named PS1D (Genbank accession number ), which is composed of an S1-like RNA-binding domain, a (cysteine)x3-(histidine) CCCH-zinc finger, and a very basic carboxyl domain. PS1D is expressed as two isoforms, probably resulting from the alternative splicing of mRNA. The long PS1D isoform differs from the short one by the presence of 48 additional amino acids at its amino-terminal extremity. Analysis of PS1D subcellular distribution by cell fractionation reveals that this protein belongs to the core of the eukaryotic 60S ribosomal subunit. Interestingly, PS1D protein is a highly conserved protein among mammalians as murine, human, and simian PS1D homologues share more than 95% identity. In contrast, no homologous protein is found in lower eukaryotes such as yeast and Caenorhabditis elegans. These observations indicate that PS1D is the first eukaryotic ribosomal protein that is specific to higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Precipitation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ribosomes by ethanol under experimental conditions that do not release the ribosomal proteins can affect the activity of the particles. In the presence of 0.4 M NH4Cl and 50% ethanol only the most acidic proteins from yeast and rat liver ribosomes are released. At 1 M NH4Cl two more non-acidic proteins are lost from the ribosomes. The release of the acidic proteins causes a small inactivation of the polymerizing activity of the particles, additional to that caused by the precipitation itself. The elongation-factor-2-dependent GTP hydrolysis of the ribosomes is, however, more affected by the loss of acidic proteins. These proteins can stimulate the GTPase but not the polymerising activity when added back to the treated particles. Eukaryotic proteins cannot be substituted for bacterial acidic proteins L7 and L12. We have not detected immunological cross-reaction between acidic proteins from Escherichia coli and those from yeast, Artemia salina and rat liver or between acidic proteins from these eukaryotic ribosomes among themselves.  相似文献   

Tight control of mRNA expression is required for cell differentiation; imbalanced regulation may lead to developmental disorders and cancer. The activity of the translational machinery (including ribosomes and translation factors) regulates the rate (slow or fast) of translation of encoded proteins, and the quality of these proteins highly depends on which mRNAs are available for translation. Specific RNA-binding and ribosomal proteins seem to play a key role in controlling gene expression to determine the differentiation fate of the cell. This demonstrates the important role of RNA-binding proteins, specific ribosome-binding proteins and microRNAs as key molecules in controlling the specific proteins required for the differentiation or dedifferentiation of cells. This delicate balance between specific proteins (in terms of quality and availability) and post-translational modifications occurring in the cytoplasm is crucial for cell differentiation, dedifferentiation and oncogenic potential. In this review, we report how defects in the regulation of mRNA translation can be dependent on specific proteins and can induce an imbalance between differentiation and dedifferentiation in cell fate determination.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of ribosomal acidic proteins ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae is an important mechanism regulating a number of active ribosomes. The key role in the regulatory mechanism is played by specific phosphoprotein kinases and phosphoprotein phosphatases. Three different cAMP-independent protein kinases phosphorylating acidic ribosomal proteins have been identified and characterized. The protein kinase 60S (PK60S), RAP kinase, and casein kinase type 2 (CK2). All three protein kinases phosphorylate serine residues which are localized in the C-terminal end of phosphoproteins. Synthetic peptides were used to determinate the amino acid sequence of phosphoacceptor site for PK60S. Peptide AAEESDDD derived from phosphoproteins YP1β/β′ and YP2α turned out to be the best substrate for PK60S. A number of halogenated benzimidazoles and 2-azabenzimidazoles were tested as inhibitors of the three protein kinases. 4,5,6,7-Tetrabromo-2-azabenzimidazole inhibits phosphorylation only of these polypeptides phosphorylated by protein kinase 60S, namely YP1β/β′ and YP2α, but not the other, YP1α and YP2β phosphorylated by protein kinases RAP and CK2. RAP kinase has been found in an active form in the soluble fraction ofS. cerevisiae. The enzyme uses ATP as a phosphate donor and is less sensitive to heparin than casein kinase 2. RAP kinase monophosphorylates the four acidic proteins. The ribosome-bound proteins are a better substrate for the enzyme. Multifunctional CK2 kinase phosphorylate all four acidic proteins. The kinase phosphorylates preferentially serine or threonine residues surrounded by cluster of acidic residues. The enzyme activity is stimulatedin vitro by the presence of polylysine and inhibited by heparin. Presented at theSymposium on Regulation of Translation of Genetic Information by Protein Phosphorylation, 21 st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology, Hradec Králové (Czech Republic), September 6–10, 1998.  相似文献   

The acidic proteins B-L13 (homologous to Escherichia coli protein L7/L12) and B-L8, from the 50 S subunit of Bacillus stearothermophilus ribosomes, form a stable complex. Trypsin digestion of ribosomes generates an N-terminal fragment of B-L13 (approximately residues 1 to 47) which can associate with B-L8, displacing intact B-L13, and bind to B-L13-deficient ribosomes. Displacement of B-L13 from the B-L8 · B-L13 complex by the B-L13 N-terminal fragment causes a change in gel electrophoretic mobility of the complex, and titration of the complex with fragment indicates unambiguously that it contains four molecules of B-L13. Evidence is presented that B-L13 forms a dimer in solution, and that the dimer associates intact with B-L8. Reconstituted 50 S subunits in which B-L13 is replaced by its N-terminal fragment have the same functional properties as 50 S subunits missing B-L13 altogether: polypeptide synthesis is reduced but not abolished; ability to bind elongation factor EF-G and GTP is severely reduced; and peptidyl transferase activity and ability to associate with a 30 S subunit · Phe-tRNA · poly(U) complex are unaffected (relative to intact 50 S subunits).  相似文献   

Two members of the UBASH3/STS/TULA family exhibit a unique protein domain structure, which includes a histidine phosphatase domain, and play a key role in regulating cellular signaling. UBASH3A/STS-2/TULA is mostly a lymphoid protein, while UBASH3B/STS-1/TULA-2 is expressed ubiquitously. Dephosphorylation of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins by TULA-2 and, probably to a lesser extent, by TULA critically contribute to the molecular basis of their regulatory effect. The notable differences between the effects of the two family members on cellular signaling and activation are likely to be linked to the difference between their specific enzymatic activities. However, these differences might also be related to the functions of their domains other than the phosphatase domain and independent of their phosphatase activity. The down-regulation of the Syk/Zap-70-mediated signaling, which to-date appears to be the best-studied regulatory effect of TULA family, is discussed in detail in this publication.  相似文献   

The evolution of eukaryotic ribosomal DNA   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
S A Gerbi 《Bio Systems》1986,19(4):247-258
Mutations occur randomly throughout the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequence. Molecular drive (unequal crossing-over, gene conversion, and transposition) spreads these variations through the multiple copies of rDNA. Forces of selection act upon the variants to favor and fix them or disfavor and eliminate them. Selection has not permitted changes in regions within rRNA vital for its function; these sequences are evolutionarily conserved between diverse species. Possible functions for some of these conserved sequences are discussed. The secondary structure of rRNA is also highly conserved during evolution. However, eukaryotic rRNA is larger than prokaryotic rRNA due to blocks of "expansion segments". Arguments are put forward that expansion segments might not play any functional role. Other examples are reviewed of rDNA sequence insertion or deletion, including introns and the internal transcribed spacer 2.  相似文献   

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