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Ala-1 (activated lymphocyte antigen-1) is a murine alloantigen expressed on mitogen-stimulated peripheral T and B cells. C3H/An mice were immunized with PHA-stimulated C58 lymphocytes; reciprocal immunizations were also performed. After multiple absorptions to remove unwanted antibody specificities, the antiserum did not lyse thymocytes, lymph node, or spleen cells, but killed more than 90% of Con A-stimulated T cells and more than 90% of LPS-stimulated B cells in cytotoxicity tests. Quantitative absorption studies confirmed that thymocytes are Ala-1, but revealed the presence of some Ala-1 antigen in normal lymph node and spleen populations. The strain distribution of Ala-1 was determined for 23 inbred strains. The reactions of the two reciprocal antisera (C3H anti-C58, and C58 anti-C3H) were mutually exclusive on all strains tested, indicating that the antisera probably recognize antithetical forms of Ala-1. Since thymocytes cultured with Con A do not express Ala-1, whereas peripheral mitogen-stimulated cells do, we propose that Ala-1 is a differentiation antigen, the expression of which is restricted to the late stages of development of T and B cells.Abbreviations used in this paper are Con A concanavalin A - PHA phytohemagglutinin - LPS lipopolysaccharide - C complement - BSA bovine serum albumin - B6 C57BL/6 mice - FBS fetal bovine serum  相似文献   

Feeney AJ 《Immunogenetics》1978,7(1):537-543
The antigens Ala-1 and Ly-6 were first thought to be different on the grounds that Ala-1 was present only on activated T and B lymphocytes while Ly-6 was present only on post-thymic T lymphocytes. In this paper, it is shown that Ly-6 is expressed on activated B cells, including PFC and LPS blasts, and that after typing of several recombinant inbred lines,Ala-1 andLy-6 remain genetically inseparable. Based on available data, it is most likely that Ly-6 is in fact Ala-1, although further testing is required to confirm the absence of Ly-6 from nonactivated lymphocytes.Abbreviations used in this paper Con A concavalin A - LPS lipopolysaccharide - SRBC sheep red blood cells - PFC plaque-forming cells - RI recombinant inbred strains - B6 C57BL/6 mice  相似文献   

The alloantigenic specificity Ly-4.2 is present on a restricted population of murine lymphocytes which have previously been shown to have some of the properties generally ascribed to B lymphocytes, both with regard to distribution and function. In the study reported herein, the effect of anti-Ly-4.2 and anti-Thy-1.2 (θ) antisera have been examined in various in vitro systems. (a) T cell-mediated lysis of 51Cr-labeled P815-X2 target cells by immune allogeneic peritoneal exudate cells is inhibited by anti-Thy-1.2, but not affected by the anti-B (Ly-4.2) reagent. (b) Antibody-dependent lymphocyte-mediated lysis of 51Cr-labeled sheep red cells was only slightly inhibited by anti-Ly-4.2 and anti-Ig antisera, and not at all by anti-Thy-1.2 antisera, indicating that this type of cell lysis is mediated by neither T (Thy-l+) nor B (Ly-4.2+,Ig+) cells. (c) The response of lymph node lymphocytes to various mitogens was affected thus: PHA, completely inhibited by anti-Thy-1.2 but not by anti-Ly-4.2; Con A, largely inhibited by anti-Thy-1.2, and slightly by anti-Ly-4.2; PWM (pokeweed mitogen), partially inhibited by both antisera; E. coli endotoxin lipopolysaccharide, greatly inhibited by anti-Ly-4.2 but only slightly by anti-Thy-1.2. The findings demonstrate that anti-Thy-1.2 reacts predominantly with T cells and anti-Ly-4.2 with B cells.  相似文献   

T11: a new protein marker on activated murine T lymphocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Murine lymphocytes were activated in vitro in mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC) or by the addition of the mitogens concanavalin A (Con A), phytohemagglutinin (PHA), or E. coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Activated lymphocytes were internally labeled with 35S-methionine and then disrupted by hypotonic lysis. A plasma membrane-enriched fraction was isolated from each cell population, and the 35S-labeled proteins in this fraction were examined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). An intensely labeled band, the position of which indicated an apparent m.w. of 11,000, was observed when plasma membrane-enriched fractions from MLC- and Con A-activated cells were subjected to SDS-PAGE. In contrast, plasma membrane-enriched fractions from normal spleen cells, LPS-activated cells, PHA-activated cells, and EL4, RDM4, and P815 tumor cells possessed little or none of this protein, which we have designated T11. T11 was not found in the soluble cytoplasmic protein from MLC-activated cells. Hence the presence of T11 in the plasma membrane-enriched fraction from these cells cannot be attributed to contamination by cytoplasmic protein. Removal of T cells from populations of MLC-activated cells by treatment with monoclonal anti-Thy 1 and complement removed T11. These results suggest that T11 may represent a new protein marker on a subclass of activated T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The Ly-4.2 alloantigenic specificity has been described as a possible marker for B cells in the mouse, as, on testing by the lymphocytotoxicity method, there was a restricted distribution of this specificity on lymphocytes. Using the highly sensitive method of immunoelectron microscopy with a hybrid antibody, it was found that only 5.5% of cells in the thymus carried the Ly-4.2 specificity, compared with 55.7% in the spleen and 20.9% in lymph nodes. This distribution suggests that Ly-4.2 is present on B cells, and confirms other functional and population studies. However, by immunoelectron microscopy Ly-4.2 was also detected on a few macrophages in the thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes. As with other alloantigens, the location of Ly-4.2 was found in restricted areas of various sizes on the cells bearing this specificity.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) may play a role in lymphocyte responses. The nature of this role is yet unclear since it has been reported that increases in intracellular cyclic AMP can both inhibit and enhance immune functions. In an attempt to determine how lymphocyte cyclic AMP metabolism is regulated we have measured cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase in populations of murine T and B lymphocytes. Results indicate that the enzyme activity in B cells was over fourfold higher than that found in thymocytes. Further analyses by preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that these cell populations contained different multiple forms of the enzyme.  相似文献   

This report describes studies characterizing the virus-specific cytotoxic effector cells which are present in the spleens of mice 7 days after infection with Coxsackievirus B-3. An in vitro 51Cr assay employing eyngeneic virus-infected neonatal fibroblasts was used to measure cytotoxic activity. Treatment of immune cells with (anti-thy-1.2) and complement abolished dtheir cytotoxic activity, but no reduction occurred when B cells were removed by incubation with anti-Ig and complement or macrophages eliminated by adherence depletion. The findings therefore imply that the cytotoxic reaction was mediated by sensitized T cells and that B cells and macrophages did not play an important role. Reciprocal assays performed with BALB/c and CBA/J cells showed that Coxsackievirus-immune spleen cells lysed infected syngeneic targets but not allogeneic targets, providing further evidence that cytotoxicity was mediated by effector T cells. In addition and in vitro assay system employing neonatal myocardial cells was developed and used to demonstrate that Coxsackievirus-infected myofibers were susceptible to destruction by immune spleen cells. The evidence suggests that mice infected with Coxsackie B viruses are able to mount a cell-mediated immune response with production of cytotoxic T cells which have the capacity to damage tissues infected with these agents.  相似文献   

Mouse B lymphocytes were stimulated at high cell concentrations with goat anti-IgM antibodies, which leads to the induction of B cell proliferation without the addition of any growth factors. After 48 hr, blast cells were purified and cultured at low cell concentrations. Proliferation and differentiation of purified B lymphocyte blasts is then dependent on the addition of either mitogens (e.g., LPS) or certain lymphokines derived from activated T cells or macrophages. One such lymphokine was isolated from supernatants of various activated T cells and characterized by gel filtration as a material with an apparent m.w. of 40,000 to 50,000, similar to BCGF II. It supports the proliferation of the B cell blasts and induces their differentiation into plaque-forming cells. Lymphokines such as BCGF I, interleukin 2, and BCDF gamma could neither maintain growth nor induce differentiation of B lymphocytes preactivated by goat anti-IgM.  相似文献   

Immature dendritic cells are among the first cells infected by retroviruses after mucosal exposure. We explored the effects of human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) and its Tat transactivator on these primary antigen-presenting cells using DNA microarray analysis and functional assays. We found that HIV-1 infection or Tat expression induces interferon (IFN)-responsive gene expression in immature human dendritic cells without inducing maturation. Among the induced gene products are chemokines that recruit activated T cells and macrophages, the ultimate target cells for the virus. Dendritic cells in the lymph nodes of macaques infected with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) have elevated levels of monocyte chemoattractant protein 2 (MCP-2), demonstrating that chemokine induction also occurs during retroviral infection in vivo. These results show that HIV-1 Tat reprograms host dendritic cell gene expression to facilitate expansion of HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic activity in peritoneal exudates harvested from C57BL/6 mice 4 to 6 days after they had received viable Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) organisms i.p. was associatee with a nonadherent, nonphagocytic cell. The cytotoxic cell lacked demonstrable surface immunoglobulin and Thy 1 antigen and bore no readily detectable Fc receptors. Lytic activity was labile at 37 degrees C and was diminished after trypsinization of the effector cells. Preincubating effector cells with immune complexes was without effect on lytic expression. These features make it likely that the cytolytic activity was associated with "natural killer" (NK) cells, previously described in unimmunized mouse spleens and mesenteric lymph nodes. Whether BCG induced "activation" of resident NK cells, the de novo production of NK cells, or "homing" into the peritoneum of cells normally resident in other lymphoid tissue is not known.  相似文献   

Circulating T and B lymphocytes of the mouse. II. Lifespan   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The average lifespan of circulating lymphocytes was investigated by determining the percentage of labeling of thoracic duct lymphocytes (TDL5) from mice injected with tritiated thymidine (3HT) for various periods. Percentage of labeling of TDL from normal CBA mice, which consist of approximately 85% T cells and 15% B cells, was found to be directly proportional to the time of 3HT administration. This technique thus failed to demonstrate the presence of more than one population of lymphocytes. Less than 50% of TDL were labeled after 3HT injection for 8 weeks.Percentage of labeling of TDL from nude mice (which consist solely of B cells) was likewise found to be directly proportional to the duration of 3HT injection but occurred at a rate three to four times faster than in non-T cell-depleted CBA mice. Further experiments, in which a marker for B cells was used, allowed the rate of 3HT labeling of B cells to be studied in normal CBA mice. These data corroborated the findings in nude mice and indicated that, with regard to lifespan, thoracic duct B cells consisted of a single population with an average lifespan of 5–7 weeks. Similarly it was calculated that the average lifespan of thoracic duct T cells was in the order of 4–6 months.Studies on the rate of formation of TDL during prolonged thoracic duct drainage of normal CBA mice indicated that the percentage of newly formed cells increased rapidly after 24-hr drainage. The total numbers of newly formed cells, however, were found to remain relatively constant throughout the period of drainage investigated (up to 9 days) except for a transient increase during the second and third day. Newly formed small lymphocytes were found to consist of approximately equal proportions of T cells, B cells, and other “mononuclear” cells which lacked surface markers for either T or B cells. The great majority of large lymphocytes, in contrast, were found to be neither T cells nor B cells and probably belonged to the plasma cell line. In nude mice, production of newly formed lymphocytes during prolonged thoracic duct drainage was found to be very low in comparison with normal CBA mice.  相似文献   

A B lymphoblastoid cell line can provide a comitogenic, accessory signal for mitogen-treated T cells. In a study evaluating the antigenic determinant of such cells that mediate this effect, a monoclonal antibody (I57) was raised against the Daudi cell line. This antibody was found to interact with a 30-kDa protein on these cells and had agonistic properties. It enhanced the B lymphoblastoid accessory cell and interleukin 1 (IL-1)-dependent stimulation of PHA-treated murine thymocytes. The stimulatory effect of I57 on PHA-treated thymocytes was more pronounced at high, supraoptimal concentrations of the lectin. This was in contrast with the effect of IL-1 that failed to stimulate these cells treated with PHA at high concentrations. I57 also enhanced stimulation of thymocytes treated with IL-2 alone or with both PHA and IL-2. I57 exhibited by itself mitogenic activity for human T cells. These cells, treated with IL-2, were further stimulated by I57. I57 seems to be different from other agonistic antibodies that have been described so far.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the efficacy of mitogen (LPS/DxSO4)-activated B cells (B lymphoblasts) to function as antigen-presenting cells (APC) for vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). Our studies revealed that B lymphoblasts induced potent cytotoxic thymus (T)-derived lymphocyte (CTL) activity in VSV-immune splenic T cells depleted of adherent accessory cells. Dose-response curves indicated that B lymphoblasts were approximately 15-20 times more efficient APC than spleen cells for CTL induction against VSV. There was little evidence of reprocessing of viral antigens by the responder population because only CTL activity restricted to the parental haplotype of the B lymphoblast was generated following stimulation of VSV-immune F1 T cells. B lymphoblasts activated VSV-specific memory CTL which expressed the Lyt-1-23+, AsGM1+ phenotype without activating natural killer and/or lymphokine-activated killer cells. The ability of B lymphoblasts to function as efficient APC was not related to enhanced viral replication in these cells because potent VSV-specific proliferative and class I-restricted CTL responses were induced by B lymphoblasts infected with VSV rendered noninfectious by exposure to ultraviolet (uv) light. This indicates that activated B cells can efficiently process and present input virion protein. Purified splenic B cells that were not activated by mitogen stimulation did not function as APC for VSV even at high multiplicities of infection. The failure of B cells to function as APC for VSV was related to inefficient uptake of VSV and their inability to provide accessory cell signals required for T-cell proliferation; both these functions developed following mitogen stimulation. These data suggest that activated B cells may function as a potent APC population for virus independent of the specificity of their immunoglobulin antigen receptor.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that resting and previously activated B lymphocytes differ in their proliferative and differentiative responses to various Th cell-derived stimuli, we have examined the interactions of purified small (resting) and large (activated) murine B cells with rabbit Ig-specific Th1 and Th2 clones in the presence of the Ag analogue, rabbit anti-mouse Ig antibody. Small numbers of Th2 cells induce strong Ag-dependent proliferation of and Ig secretion by both resting and activated B lymphocytes. In contrast, Th1 clones stimulate lower responses of activated B cells and fail to stimulate small resting B cells. An interaction with Th1 clones does make small B cells responsive to the Th2-derived cytokine, IL-4, indicating that Th1 clones are capable of delivering some but not all the stimuli necessary for the induction of humoral immunity. Finally, in order to compare the responses of small and large B cells to cognate interactions and secreted cytokines, we used an autoreactive I-Ak-specific Th2 line. This line induces proliferation of and Ig secretion by I-Ak expressing but not H-2d resting and activated B cells as a result of cognate interactions. However, when the H-2d B cells are bystanders in the presence of cytokine secretion by this Th2 line, or are directly exposed to Th2-derived cytokines, both small and large B cells are induced to proliferate but only the large B cells secrete antibody. These results indicate that the magnitude and nature of antibody responses depend on three principal factors: the cytokines produced by Th cells, the state of activation of the responding B lymphocytes, and whether the B cells are recipients of cognate help or are bystanders at the site of T cell stimulation. Our findings also confirm the view that cognate T-B interactions are most efficient for initiating B cell responses and may allow B cells to subsequently respond to a variety of T cell-derived cytokines.  相似文献   

The properties of three distinct rat monoclonal antibodies, designated 3C7, 7D4, and 2E4, to the murine IL 2 receptor have been compared in binding, biochemical, and functional assays. 3C7 appears to define an epitope near or identical to the IL 2-binding site of the receptor, because 3C7 inhibited the binding of radiolabeled IL 2 to CTL-L cells and because unlabeled IL 2 inhibited the binding of FITC-3C7 to CTL-L cells. 7D4 and 2E4 had no effect on IL 2 binding. Competitive antibody-binding studies confirmed that the epitope seen by 3C7 was distinct from the epitope(s) seen by 7D4 and 2E4. Sequential immunoprecipitation studies demonstrated that all three antibodies were reactive with the same molecular species, and that each precipitated identical components of 20,000 to 25,000 daltons, 50,000 to 60,000 daltons, and 100,000 to 120,000 daltons from the surface of CTL-L. FACS studies demonstrated a quantitatively and qualitatively identical cell distribution for the antigen defined by each antibody. They failed to stain more than 95% of resting lymphocytes, but were strongly reactive with Con A T blasts and substantially less reactive with LPS B blasts. Unlabeled IL 2 was also able to inhibit the binding of FITC-3C7 to LPS B cell blasts, suggesting the presence of IL 2-binding sites on activated B cells. Each antibody inhibited IL 2-driven proliferation of HT2 or CTL-L cells. 3C7 and 7D4 were more potent inhibitors of proliferation than was 2E4, and the combined use of 3C7 and 7D4 resulted in greater levels of inhibition of proliferation than that shown from the use of either antibody alone. Collectively, the results support the hypothesis that these antibodies detect two distinct functional regions of the IL 2 receptor.  相似文献   

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