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Somatic hybridization using protoplasts with whole genomes has often resulted in complex hybrids with many unwanted chromosomes or genes. Several researchers have attempted to reduce the number of undesired chromosomes through irradiation of the donor protoplasts, but so far without much success. Alternatively, micropro-toplasts containing one or a few chromosomes can be used for partial genome transfer, as has been demonstrated in human and other mammalian cell systems using microcells. Recently, we have optimized the 'microprotoplast system' for several donor cell lines (potato, Nicotiana , sugar beet) carrying various genetic markers, such as kanamycin resistance, β-glucuronidase, nitrate reductase deficiency, hormone autotrophy, opines, etc. Protocols were developed to obtain higher yields of micro-protoplasts as well as to enrich sub-diploid microprotoplasts containing one or a few chromosomes. These microprotoplasts were fused with whole mesophyll protoplasts of recipient lines using polyethylene glycol. Various requirements for lines used as donor and recipient partners in microprotoplast-protoplast fusions are described. The results are discussed in the context of partial genome transfer.  相似文献   

The tobacco cultivar Nicotiana tabacum is a natural amphidiploid that is thought to be derived from ancestors of Nicotiana sylvestris and Nicotiana tomentosiformis. To compare these chloroplast genomes, DNA was prepared from isolated chloroplasts from green leaves of N. sylvestris and N. tomentosiformis, and subjected to whole-genome shotgun sequencing. The N. sylvestris chloroplast genome comprises of 155,941 bp and shows identical gene organization with that of N. tabacum, except one ORF. Detailed comparison revealed only seven different sites between N. tabacum and N. sylvestris; three in introns, two in spacer regions and two in coding regions. The chloroplast DNA of N. tomentosiformis is 155,745 bp long and possesses also identical gene organization with that of N. tabacum, except four ORFs and one pseudogene. However, 1,194 sites differ between these two species. Compared with N. tabacum, the nucleotide substitution in the inverted repeat was much lower than that in the single-copy region. The present work confirms that the chloroplast genome from N. tabacum was derived from an ancestor of N. sylvestris, and suggests that the rate of nucleotide substitution of the chloroplast genomes from N. tabacum and N. sylvestris is very low. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Amiprophos-methyl (APM) is a potential herbicide which acts at the level of microtubules. By exposure of suspension cells of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia to this agent, a high degree of metaphase arrest was observed and single as well as groups of chromosomes were scattered throughout the cell, offering good prospects for application in cytology and chromosome isolation. After prolonged exposure to the drug, the chromosomes decondensed and micronuclei were formed. Based on their DNA content, the micronuclei were sorted by flow cytometry. Prospects for application of isolated micronuclei for partial genome transfer and gene mapping are discussed.Abbreviation APM amiprophos-methyl  相似文献   

The effects of the spindle toxins colchicine, oryzalin and amiprophos-methyl (APM) on metaphase arrest, chromosome scattering, and on the induction and yield of micronuclei were compared in suspension cells ofNicotiana plumbaginifolia (kanamycin-resistant “Doba” line). The inhibition of spindle formation is stronger with oryzalin and APM than with colchicine, which resulted in a more efficient accumulation of meta-phases with well-scattered chromosomes, allowing the isolation of single chromosomes. Further, APM and oryzalin treatments resulted in a higher frequency of micro-nucleated cells and greater yield of micronuclei than after colchicine treatment. The different actions of the chemicals on the functioning of the spindle, development of nuclear membranes around the chromosomes, formation of micronuclei and fusion of micronuclei, resulting in restitution nuclei, are discussed.  相似文献   

Large scale changes in nuclear DNA amount accompany the evolution of species of higher plants. Much of the nuclear DNA accrued during the evolution of species does not encode genetic information and is selectively neutral. Nonetheless, the pattern of distribution of the excess DNA within and between chromosome complements suggests that there are rigid constraints underlying evolutionary changes in genome organisation. A five-fold increase in the amount of nuclear DNA has occurred in the evolution ofLathyrus species. Not withstanding this massive DNA variation, species show consistently similar patterns in base sequence proliferation, divergence and DNA distribution within and between chromosome complements. Within chromosome complements, the excess DNA is distributed evenly in all chromosomes irrespective of the large differences in chromosome size and, between complements, DNA distribution is discontinuous; species cluster into DNA groups with remarkably regular intervals. Similar constraints govern the frequency and distribution of chiasmata in the chromosome complements. Between species chiasma frequency and nuclear DNA amounts are not correlated but within complements it is positively correlated with the amount of DNA contained in each chromosome.  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of hexoses, sucrose and amino acids among the stromal, cytosolic and vacuolar compartments was analysed by a nonaqueous fractionation technique in leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana tabaccum L.) wild-type and transgenic plants expressing a yeast-derived invertase in the cytosolic, vacuolar or apoplasmic compartment. In the wild-type plants the amino acids were found to be located in the stroma and in the cytosol, sucrose mainly in the cytosol and up to 98% of the hexoses in the vacuole. In the leaves of the various transformants, where the contents of hexoses were greater than in wild-type plants, again 97–98% of these hexoses were found in the vacuoles. It is concluded that leaf vacuoles contain transporters for the active uptake of glucose and fructose against a high concentration gradient. A comparison of estimated metabolite concentrations in the subcellular compartments of wild-type and transformant plants indicated that the decreased photosynthetic capacity of the transformants is not due to an osmotic effect on photosynthesis, as was shown earlier to be the case in transformed potato leaves, but is the result of a long-term dedifferentiation of tobacco leaf cells to heterotrophic cells.Abbreviations apo-inv tobacco plant with yeast invertase in the apoplasm - Chl chlorophyll - cy-inv tobacco plant with yeast invertase in the cytosol - vac-inv tobacco plant with yeast invertase in the vacuole - WT wild-type tobacco plant The authors thank A. Großpietsch for her able technical assistance. This work has been supported by the Bundesminister für Forschung und Technologie.  相似文献   

In higher plants, plastid and mitochondrial genomes occur at high copy numbers per cell. Several recent publications have suggested that, in higher plants like Arabidopsis and maize, chloroplast DNA is virtually absent in mature and old leaves. This conclusion was mainly based on DAPI staining of isolated chloroplasts. If correct, the finding that chloroplasts in mature leaves lack DNA would change dramatically our understanding of gene expression, mRNA stability and protein stability in chloroplasts. In view of the wide implications that the disposal of chloroplast DNA during leaf development would have, we have reinvestigated the age dependency of genome copy numbers in chloroplasts and, in addition, tested for possible changes in mitochondrial genome copy number during plant development. Analyzing chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA amounts in Arabidopsis and tobacco plants, we find that organellar genome copy numbers remain remarkably constant during leaf development and are present in essentially unchanged numbers even in the senescing leaves. We conclude that, during leaf development, organellar gene expression in higher plants is not significantly regulated at the level of genome copy number and we discuss possible explanations for the failure to detect DNA in isolated chloroplasts stained with DAPI.  相似文献   

Tobacco (N. tabacum cv. Xanthi) cell lines contained two forms of anthranilate synthase (AS; EC which could be partially separated by gel-filtration chromatography. One form was resistant to feedback inihibition by 10 M tryptophan (trp) while the other form was almost completely inhibited by trp at the same concentration. Cell lines selected as resistant to 5-methyltryptophan (5MT) had more of the trp-resistant AS form. Only the trp-sensitive form was detected in plants regenerated from both normal and 5MT-resistant cell lines. Overexpression of the trp-resistant form in 5MT-resistant tobacco cells disappeared during plant regeneration but reappeared when callus was initiated from the leaves of these plants. The trp-sensitive form was localized in the particulate fraction and the trp-resistant form in the cytosol of tobacco cultured cell protoplasts. The trp-resistant form of AS from tobacco had an estimated MW of 200 000, determined by Sephacryl S-200 chromatography, compared to an estimated MW of 150 000 for the trp-sensitive form. The estimated molecular weights of AS from carrot and corn were 160 000 and 150 000, respectively. Analysis of AS activity from the diploid Nicotiana species Nicotiana otophora (chromosome number 2n=24) by high-performance liquid chromatography showed two activity peaks identical in elution time and trp inhibition characteristics to the activity from N. tabacum (chromosome No. 48). Thus the two enzyme forms found in tobacco did not appear to have originated individually from the progenitor species genomes which combined to make up the tobacco genome.Abbreviations AS anthranilate synthase - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - 5MT D1-5-methyltryptophan - trp L-tryptophan  相似文献   

Procedures were devised for heterotrophic culture and autotrophic establishment of protoplast-derived cell cultures from the sat mutant of Nicotiana sylvestris Speg. et Comes lacking serine: glyoxylate aminotransferase (SGAT; EC activity. Increasing photon flux rates (dark, 40, 80 mol quanta·m-2·s-1) enhanced the growth rate of autotrophic (no sucrose) wild-type (WT) cultures in air and 1% CO2. Mutant cultures showed a similar response to light under conditions suppressing photorespiration (1% CO2), and maintained 65% of WT chlorophyll levels. In normal air, however, sat cultures developed severe photorespiratory toxicity, displaying a negligible rate of growth and rapid loss of chlorophyll to levels below 1% of WT. Low levels of sucrose (0.3%) completely reversed photorespiratory toxicity of the mutant cells in air. Mutant cultures maintained 75% of WT chlorophyll levels in air, displayed light stimulation of growth, and fixed 14CO2 at rates identical to WT. Autotrophic sat cultures accumulated serine to levels nearly nine-fold above that of WT cultures in air. Serine accumulated to similar levels in mixotrophic (0.3% sucrose) sat cultures in air, but had no deleterious effect on fixation of 14CO2 or growth, indicating that high levels of serine are not toxic, and that toxicity of the sat mutation probably stems from depletion of intermediates of the Calvin cycle. Autotrophic sat cultures were employed in selection experiments designed to identify spontaneous reversions restoring the capacity for growth in air. From a population of 678 000 sat colonies, 23 plantlets were recovered in which sustained growth in air resulted from reacquisition of SGAT activity. Twenty-two had SGAT levels between 25 and 50% of WT, but one had less than 10% of WT SGAT activity, and eventually developed symptoms typical of the sat mutant. The utility of autotrophic sat cultures for selection of chloroplast mutations diminishing the oxygenase activity of ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (EC is discussed.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - DW dry weight - FW fresh weight - SGAT Serine:glyoxylate aminotransferase - WT wild-type  相似文献   

The essential trace element, nickel, is readily taken up by plants. The biochemical properties of the nickel complex in intrinsically labeled potato and alfalfa were compared and contrasted to ionic nickel. Potato and alfalfa exhibit a similar in vivo nickel complex. The approximate mol wt is 2200–2400 daltons. The complex has a lower polarity than thoes ionic nickel. The majority of the complex is a cationic species with a minor anionic species. This is confirmed with electrophoresis, ion exchange chromatography and the two nickel conplexes' affinity for cationic and anionic resins. Protein does not appear to be associated with either complex.  相似文献   

J. Brangeon  A. Nato  A. Forchioni 《Planta》1989,177(2):151-159
In-situ-localization techniques have been adapted to the ultrastructural detection of the holoenzyme ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase) and its composite large- and smallsubunit mRNAs in wild-type and mutant RuBPCase deficient plantlets of Nicotiana tabacum L. Immuno-gold techniques which show the distribution of target proteins have confirmed visually the presence of the holoenzyme in the wild-type plastids and its total absence in the enzyme-less mutant. Using in-situ hybridization coupled with electron microscopy and biotinylated probes for the two subunits, we have directly visualized specific small-subunit mRNAs located in the cytoplasm and large-subunit mRNAs confined to plastids in the enzyme-deficient mutant, and with apparent distributions comparable to those visualized in the wild-type counterpart. These results show that (i) gene products can be visualized in situ by electronmicroscopy techniques under conditions where the respective cellular compartments are readily recognizable and (ii) that an accumulation of mRNAs corresponding to the composite subunits can occur without translation and-or assembly of the protein.Abbreviations RuBPCase ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase - SSU RuBPCase small subunit - LSU RubBPCase large subunit  相似文献   

Summary The combination in the nuclear genome of a dominant resistance marker (to select against unfused wild-type cells) and a recessive deficiency marker (to select against unfused mutant cells) in a cell line should provide a system for selecting fusion hybrids between the mutant line and any wild-type line. To test this idea, we fused protoplasts from a non-morphogenic cell line of Nicotiana tabacum which was kanamycin resistant (by transformation) and deficient in nitrate reductase (NR-K+) with protoplasts from N. tabacum cv. Petit Havana clone SR1, which provided resistance against streptomycin as an additional selectable marker (NR+K-SR+). Putative hybrids were selected using a culture medium containing no available reduced nitrogen source and 50 mg/l kanamycin sulphate. After regeneration into plants, the hybrid character was demonstrated from: (i) the morphological variation of the regenerants; (ii) the chromosome number; (iii) the ability to grow on medium without a reduced nitrogen source and containing kanamycin sulphate at 50 mg/l; (iv) the presence of nitrate reductase activity; (v) the presence of the gene coding for neomycin phosphotransferase, which provides resistance to kanamycin sulphate; (vi) callus formation from leaves on medium containing 1 g/l streptomycin or 50 mg/l kanamycin sulphate; (vii) F1 plants containing nitrate reductase and the gene for neomycin phosphotransferase. Fusions between the mutant cell line (NR-K+) and three wild-type tobacco species and subsequent cultivation on medium containing no available nitrogen source but 50 mg/l kanamycin sulphate resulted in callus formation with all combinations, while hybrid plants were only regenerated when N. sylvestris was the fusion partner.  相似文献   

L. Menczel  G. Lázár  P. Maliga 《Planta》1978,143(1):29-32
Fusion of Nicotiana knightiana Goodsp. and kanamycin resistant Nicotiana sylvestris Speg. et Com. protoplasts was induced by polyethylene glycol treatment. Heterokaryons were isolated by micropipette and transferred to nurse cultures of albino cells. Colonies originating from the heterokaryons could subsequently be distinguished by their green colour. The somatic hybrid nature of four such colonies was confirmed by isoenzyme pattern, kanamycin resistance and restored morphogenic potential. An additional kanamycin resistant line with characteristic Nicotiana knightiana isoenzymes was also found indicating that the drug resistance in the kanamycin resistant parent is under cytoplasmic control.Abbreviations ADH alcohol dehydrogenase - Nk Nicotiana knightiana  相似文献   

Protoplasts from a nitrate reductase-deficient mutant of Nicotiana tabacum L. were fused with protoplasts from a stamen-less, cytoplasmically malesterile cultivar of tobacco containing the cytoplasm from N. suaveolens Lehm. Plants were regenerated from the fused protoplasts and characterized with respect to stamen development, chromosome number, and chloroplast composition. Of 29 regenerated plants, stamen production was restored in 26 plants and pollen production in 22. One plant was male sterile and two plants have never flowered. Analysis of the electrophoretic mobility of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPcase) showed that 19 of the plants contained RuBPcase of the N. suaveolens type, six plants contained enzyme of the N. tabacum type, and four plants contained both types. Analysis of resistance to tentoxin in seedlings from 20 of the plants demonstrated that 14 had N. suaveolens-type chloroplasts, three had N. tabacum type, and three contained both types. Many of the plants which produced stamens and pollen still contained chloroplasts of the N. suaveolens type. Thus, the trait of cytoplasmic male sterility in tobacco is not an expression of the type of chloroplast genetic material.  相似文献   

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