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Heat shock proteins (Hsps) and other molecular chaperones perform diverse cellular roles (e.g., inducible thermotolerance) whose functional consequences are concentration dependent. We manipulated Hsp70 concentration quantitatively in intact larvae of Drosophila melanogaster to examine its effect on survival, developmental time and tissue damage after heat shock. Larvae of an extra-copy strain, which has 22 hsp70 copies, produced Hsp70 more rapidly and to higher concentrations than larvae of a control strain, which has the wild-type 10 copies of the gene. Increasing the magnitude and duration of pretreatment increased Hsp70 concentrations, improved tolerance of more severe stress, and reduced delays in development. Pretreatment, however, did not protect against acute tissue damage. For larvae provided a brief or mild intensity pretreatment, faster expression of Hsp70 in the extra-copy strain improved survival to adult and reduced tissue damage 21h after heat shock. Negative effects on survival ensued in extra-copy larvae pretreated most intensely, but their overexpression of Hsp70 did not increase tissue damage. Because rapid expression to yield a low Hsp70 concentration benefits larvae but overexpression harms them, natural selection may balance benefits and costs of high and low expression levels in natural populations.  相似文献   

For many organisms the ability to cold acclimate with the onset of seasonal cold has major implications for their fitness. In insects, where this ability is widespread, the physiological changes associated with increased cold tolerance have been well studied. Despite this, little work has been done to trace changes in gene expression during cold acclimation that lead to an increase in cold tolerance. We used an RNA-Seq approach to investigate this in two species of the Drosophila virilis group. We found that the majority of genes that are differentially expressed during cold acclimation differ between the two species. Despite this, the biological processes associated with the differentially expressed genes were broadly similar in the two species. These included: metabolism, cell membrane composition, and circadian rhythms, which are largely consistent with previous work on cold acclimation/cold tolerance. In addition, we also found evidence of the involvement of the rhodopsin pathway in cold acclimation, a pathway that has been recently linked to thermotaxis. Interestingly, we found no evidence of differential expression of stress genes implying that long-term cold acclimation and short-term stress response may have a different physiological basis.  相似文献   

Modern human children take about twice as long as their closest biological relative, the chimpanzee, to mature. One standard explanation for the evolution of “delayed maturation” at an early stage of human evolution is that it provided the time necessary for immature individuals to learn complex skills, most notably those relating to tool-making abilities. However, after comparing dental maturational profiles of early hominids from South Africa (who apparently did make and use stone tools) (Susman [1994] Science 265:1570–1573) to those of extant humans and chimpanzees, we find no evidence to document an association between “delayed maturation” and tool-making abilities in the early stages of human evolution. This also suggests that the assumed association between prolonged childhood dependency and other behaviors often associated with the advent of tool-making such as cooperative hunting, food sharing, home bases, sexual division of labor, etc., is also suspect. Instead, we must look for other, or additional, selective pressures for the evolution of “delayed maturation,” which may postdate the australopithecine radiation. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The invasion of aquatic ecosystems by introduced invasive alien species (IAS) has become a worldwide phenomenon, and often leads to competitive interactions with native species. At high-nutrient levels, native species mostly are outcompeted by the introduced species. We performed an outdoor competition experiment between IAS free-floating Lemna minuta and native Lemna minor in a eutrophicated pond to examine whether the invasive species is the better competitor. We additionally performed an indoor experiment resembling mesotrophic phosphorus (P) conditions to investigate both species’ competitiveness in low P availability and compared with previous experiments at high-nutrient levels. Our results showed that in field conditions, the alien L. minuta was the better competitor. In the mesotrophic indoor condition, however, the native L. minor was the better competitor. Both species produced longer roots in the indoor experiment compared to field conditions. The species’ relative growth rates were also lower in the indoor experiment. A P reduction to mesotrophic condition in the water column thus might reduce invasive L. minuta growth and competitive performance. Additionally, introduction and recovery of L. minor could reduce L. minuta cover, but only following P reduction. Field experiments in mesotrophic ponds are needed to confirm these indoor findings.  相似文献   

Whole genome shotgun assemblies have proven remarkably successful in reconstructing the bulk of euchromatic genes, with the only limit appearing to be determined by the sequencing depth. For genes imbedded in heterochromatin, however, the low cloning efficiency of repetitive sequences, combined with the computational challenges, demand that additional clues be used to annotate the sequences. One approach that has proven very successful in identifying protein coding genes in Y-linked heterochromatin of Drosophila melanogaster has been to make a BLASTable database of the small, unmapped contigs and fragments leftover at the end of a shotgun assembly, and to attempt to capture these by blasting with an appropriate query sequence. This approach often yields a staggered alignment of contigs from the unmapped set to the query sequence, as though the disjoint contigs represent small portions of the gene. Further inspection frequently shows that the contigs are broken by very large, heterochromatic introns. Methods of this sort are being expanded to make best use of all available clues to determine which unmapped contigs are associated with genes. These include use of EST libraries, and, in the case of the Y chromosome, testing of male specific genes and reduced shotgun depth of relevant contigs. It appears much more hopeful than anyone would have imagined that whole genome shotgun assemblies can recover the great bulk of even heterochromatic genes.  相似文献   

To evaluate and assess the ontogenetic background for paedomorphosis in phocoenids, samples of 144 harbour porpoises, 81 white‐beaked dolphins, and 130 Commerson's dolphins were compared in terms of the development of epiphyseal fusion, cranial suture fusion, and ontogeny of cranial shape. Harbour porpoises and Commerson's dolphins terminated growth and development of all investigated traits sooner than white‐beaked dolphins, leading to lesser degrees of fusion of skeletal elements and less postnatal allometric development. The latter occurred even though shape in the two paedomorphic species developed at twice the rate relative to the size of white‐beaked dolphins. These observations imply that progenetic evolution has occurred convergently in phocoenid and Cephalorhynchus ancestors. The truncated ontogenies allow sexual maturity to be attained earlier and provide a greater reproductive potential. Both species inhabit similar temperate productive habitats and, hence, ecological factors are proposed to have supplied the selection pressures leading to progenesis. Constant prey availability must be a prerequisite for the observed phenomena because frequent food‐intake is necessitated by the limited capacity for energy storage and high heat‐loss entailed by the resulting small body sizes. Progenesis has rarely been proposed in mammal species. This may reflect rarity or that mammalian expressions of progenesis are less obvious. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 278–295.  相似文献   

The basement membrane (BM), a specialized network of extracellular matrix macromolecules, surrounds epithelial, endothelial, muscle, fat and nerve cells. During development, immune surveillance and disease states ranging from cancer to fibrosis, host cells penetrate the BM by engaging tissue-invasive programs, the identity of which remain largely undefined. Although it is commonly assumed that all cells employ similar mechanisms to cross BM barriers, accumulating evidence indicates that cells might selectively mobilize protease-dependent or -independent invasion programs. New data indicate that protease-dependent transmigration is largely reliant on a group of membrane-anchored metalloenzymes, termed the membrane-type matrix metalloproteinases, which irreversibly remodel BM structure. By contrast, mechanisms that enable protease-independent transmigration remain undefined and potentially involve the reversible disassembly of the BM network. Further characterization of the molecular mechanisms underlying BM transmigration should provide important insights into pathophysiologic tissue remodeling events and also enable the development of novel therapeutics.  相似文献   

Apoptosis in the heart: when and why?   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Since mammalian cardiac myocytes essentially rely on aerobic energy metabolism, it has been assumed that cardiocytes die in a catastrophic breakdown of cellular homeostasis (i.e. necrosis), if oxygen supply remains below a critical limit. Recent observations, however, indicate that a process of gene-directed cellular suicide (i.e. apoptosis) is activated in terminally differentiated cardiocytes of the adult mammalian heart by ischemia and reperfusion, and by cardiac overload as well. Apoptosis or programmed cell death is an actively regulated process of cellular self destruction, which requires energy and de novo gene expression, and which is directed by an inborn genetic program. The final result of this program is the fragmentation of nuclear DNA into typical nucleosomal ladders, while the functional integrity of the cell membrane and of other cellular organelles is still maintained. The critical step in this regulated apoptotic DNA fragmentation is the proteolytic inactivation of poly-[ADPribose]-polymerase (PARP) by a group of cysteine proteases with some structural homologies to interleukin-1-converting enzyme (ICE-related proteases [IRPs] such as apopain, yama and others). PARP catalyzes the ADP-ribosylation of nuclear proteins at the sites of spontaneous DNA strand breaks and thereby facilitates the repair of this DNA damage. IRP-mediated destruction of PARP, the supervisor of the genome, can be induced by activation of membrane receptors (e.g. FAS or APOI) and other signals, and is inhibited by activation of anti-death genes (e.g. bcl-2). Overload-triggered myocyte apoptosis appears to contribute to the transition to cardiac failure, which can be prevented by therapeutic hemodynamic unloading. In myocardial ischemia, the activation of the apoptotic program in cardiocytes does not exclude their final destiny to catastrophic necrosis with release of cytosolic enzymes, but might be considered as an adaptive process in hypoperfused ventricular zones, sacrificing some jeopardized myocytes to regulated apoptosis, which may by less arrhythmogenic than necrosis with the primary disturbance of membrane function.  相似文献   

Biofeedback is a mind-body technique in which individuals learn how to modify their physiology for the purpose of improving physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Much like physical therapy, biofeedback training requires active participation on the part of patients and often regular practice between training sessions. Clinical biofeedback may be used to manage disease symptoms as well as to improve overall health and wellness through stress management training. Research has shown that biofeedback interventions are efficacious in treating a variety of medical conditions, and many Americans are turning to biofeedback and other less traditional therapies for their routine healthcare.Clinical biofeedback training is growing increasingly popular in the USA, as many people are seeking out relatively new approaches to healthcare. This article provides an overview of clinical biofeedback training, outlines two models of training, details research which has established how effective biofeedback is in patients with a given disease, and describes who should be referred for biofeedback training.  相似文献   

The X-linked subunit of larval serum protein 1 (LSP1-) is shown to lack dosage compensation in six members of the melanogaster species subgroup, viz., Drosophila melanogaster, D. simulans, D. mauritiana, D. erecta, D. yakuba, and D. teissieri, by quantitative filter hybridization and by electrophoretic and autoradiographic analyses of fat body proteins. These results support the hypothesis that there is little selection pressure on the LSP1- gene to acquire dosage compensation.H.W.B. acknowledges a Commonwealth Scholarship. This work was supported by an SRC grant to D.B.R.  相似文献   

Dietrich B  Wehner R 《Oecologia》2003,136(1):63-72
Two extremely morphologically similar sister species of desert ants, Cataglyphis bicolor and C. savignyi, exhibit broadly overlapping distributional ranges within Tunisia. In order to analyse the microhabitats of C. bicolor and C. savignyi within the sympatric and allopatric areas of both ant species, the plant species located at 113 different nest sites of the two ant species were determined. In the sympatric area, the two species exhibit a clear-cut nest site segregation. This is not the case in the allopatric areas. Hence the two species differentiate their microhabitat only when they are sympatric. The plant species associated mainly with the nest sites of C. bicolor indicate that this species prefers a type of vegetation that needs irrigation. This is in contrast to the nest sites of C. savignyi, which are usually found around plants that characterize typical dry steppe areas. As the ants' foraging paths recorded in the sympatric area reveal, C. bicolor performs significantly shorter foraging runs with respect to both length and time, and covers a much smaller foraging range than C. savignyi does. This result reflects the fact that the microhabitat occupied by the colonies of C. bicolor is richer in food abundance. When direct interspecific interactions were investigated by placing a bait midway between two heterospecific nests, C. bicolor foragers dominated over those of C. savignyi. The same dominance of C. bicolor over C. savignyi occurred in laboratory experiments. These results suggest that the dominant species drives the subordinate one out of the high quality microhabitats, and that the subordinate species is forced to survive in the less lucrative habitats. In conclusion, coexistence seems to be maintained by the asymmetric competitive relationship between the two species and the fact that the subordinate species has the ability to endure in the less favourable microhabitat.  相似文献   

We examine the pattern of molecular evolution of the β-esterase gene cluster, including the Est-6 and ψEst-6 genes, in eight species of the Drosophila melanogaster subgroup. Using maximum likelihood estimates of nonsynonymous/synonymous rate ratios, we show that the majority of Est-6 sites evolves under strong (48% of sites) or moderate (50% of sites) negative selection and a minority of sites (1.5%) is under significant positive selection. Est-6 sites likely to be under positive selection are associated with increased intraspecific variability. One positively selected site is responsible for the EST-6 F/S allozyme polymorphism; the same site is responsible for the EST-6 functional divergence between species of the melanogaster subgroup. For ψEst-6 83.7% sites evolve under negative selection, 16% sites evolve neutrally, and 0.3% sites are under positive selection. The positively selected sites of ψEst-6 are located at the beginning and at the end of the gene, where there is reduced divergence between D. melanogaster and D. simulans; these regions of ψEst-6 could be involved in regulation or some other function. Branch-site-specific analysis shows that the evolution of the melanogaster subgroup underwent episodic positive selection. Collating the present data with previous results for the β-esterase genes, we propose that positive and negative selection are involved in a complex relationship that may be typical of the divergence of duplicate genes as one or both duplicates evolve a new function. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Martin Kreitman]  相似文献   

When two individuals are unwilling to fight over a valuable resource, then they may obtain it with equal probability, or they may choose to divide the resource in some way. Although both strategies have been observed in nature, modelers have so far implicitly assumed that their long-term payoffs are the same. First we show that increasing returns to size in the value of a resource favor random allocation over sharing, whereas diminishing returns favor the reverse. Next we extend our approach to understand the conditions under which sharing will evolve when contestants vary in their resource-holding potential. We show that although closely matched individuals are more likely to share, it is by no means a prerequisite when contestants have limited information about one another’s abilities. Collectively, our models support recent observations of physical sharing as a solution to conflict resolution, and elucidate the conditions under which sharing will arise.  相似文献   

Tuber aestivum and Tuber uncinatum: two morphotypes or two species?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tuber spp. are ectomycorrhizal fungi that establish symbioses with shrubs and trees. Because of their different smell and taste, Tuber uncinatum and Tuber aestivum are two truffle morphotypes with a different market value, but whether or not T. uncinatum and T. aestivum are different taxa is still an open debate among mycologists. In order to identify molecular keys characterizing both T. aestivum and T. uncinatum morphotypes, ITS/RFLPs analyses were carried out on a large collection of samples from all over Italy and from other European countries, followed by a study of the phylogenesis of ITS, beta-tubulin and EF 1-alpha genes, on representative samples. The present study provides compelling evidence that: (i) T. uncinatum and T. aestivum belong to the same species, (ii) neither morphotype presents a specific molecular fingerprint, but they may even share identical alleles at any of the loci analysed; (iii) T. aestivum is most likely under a selfing reproductive mode. Our findings suggest that ecological, rather than genetic causes may account for differences in sporal morphology, taste and smell between T. aestivum and T. uncinatum truffles.  相似文献   

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