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The two principal high-density lipoprotein apolipoproteins A-I and A-II are both initially synthesized as preproproteins. The prosegment of apo-A-I is unusual: it ends with paired glutamine residues and is removed extracellularly. The apo-A-II prosegment resembles the propeptides of prohormones and proalbumin: it ends with paired basic amino acids. We have studied the processing of proapo-A-II in a human hepatoma cell line (Hep G2) which is known to accurately and efficiently remove the prosegment from proalbumin prior to secretion. Pulse-chase experiments were performed in order to determine if the apo-A-II prosegment is removed prior to or after secretion. Apo-A-II was purified from cell lysates and media at various times during the chase and subjected to automated sequential Edman degradation. The results indicate that proteolytic processing of proapo-A-II is largely an extracellular event. These cells secrete the protease responsible for prosegment removal. The converting activity present in media is not blocked by serine protease inhibitors (phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride, aprotinin, and furoyl saccharin) or by a metalloprotease inhibitor (o-phenanthroline). It is inhibited by the thiol protease reagents p-chloromercuribenezene-sulfonic acid and leupeptin. Prosegment removal changes the pI of the dominant apo-A-II isoform from 6.61 to 4.95. The presence of the propeptide does not prevent specific in vitro recombination of apo-A-II with high-density lipoprotein3 particles present in normolipemic serum. Extracellular processing after a single basic amino acid has been described for a variety of precursor proteins. Extracellular cleavage of the apo-A-II propeptide after paired COOH-terminal basic residues represents a novel processing pathway.  相似文献   

Characterization of the carboxypeptidase N secreted by Hep G2 cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human hepatoma (Hep G2) cells secrete nanogram quantities of carboxypeptidase enzymes which are capable of hydrolyzing COOH-terminal lysine and arginine residues. A carboxypeptidase with a neutral pH optimum (greater than pH 7.0) was partially purified from the conditioned medium and compared with pure plasma carboxypeptidase N. The two enzymes behaved in a similar manner on gel filtration (apparent Mr = 280,000), DE52 ion exchange chromatography, and concanavalin A-affinity chromatography and were indistinguishable enzymatically and immunologically. Immunoblots of the Hep G2 and plasma carboxypeptidase N before and following deglycosylation with peptide-N4-[N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminyl]asparagine amidase F revealed a similar, if not identical, multimeric structure. A second carboxypeptidase with a lower molecular weight and a pH optimum of 5.0 was also detected in the Hep G2 medium.  相似文献   

Treatment for 2 h with 200 microM cadmium chloride, followed by recovery, caused apoptosis and induced heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) expression in U-937 promonocytic cells. However, pre-incubation with the GSH depleting agent L-buthionine-[S,R]-sulfoximine (BSO, 1 mM for 24 h) caused necrosis instead of apoptosis and failed to induce HSP70 expression. This failure was a consequence of necrosis instead of GSH depletion, since BSO allowed or even potentiated HSP70 induction when used in combination with heat shock (2 h at 42.5 degrees C) or with 50 microM cadmium, which caused apoptosis. The administration of N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) at the beginning of recovery after BSO/200 microM cadmium treatment prevented the execution of necrosis and restored the execution of apoptosis, but did not restore HSP70 induction, indicating that the inhibition by BSO of HSP70 expression is an early regulated event. This contrasted with the capacity of NAC to prevent the alterations caused by BSO/200 microM cadmium in other proteins, namely the suppression of Bax expression and the increase in Bcl-2 and HSP-60 expression. Finally, it was observed that treatment with 200 microM cadmium rapidly increased the HSP70 mRNA level and stimulated heat-shock factor 1 (HSF1) trimerization and binding, and that these effects were prevented by pre-incubation with BSO. Taken together, these results indicate that the stress response is compatible with apoptosis but not with necrosis in cadmium-treated promonocytic cells. The suppression of the stress response is specifically due to the early inhibition of HSF1 activation.  相似文献   

We have reported in the preceding paper that human hepatoma (Hep G2) cells synthesize thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG). In this paper, we evaluated the kinetics of secretion of the protein and the effects produced by the ionophore monensin and the glycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin. Cells were pulse labeled with [35S]methionine and then chased after addition of excess unlabeled methionine. TBG appeared in the medium after 10 min, and 50% of the protein was secreted after 45 min. After 2 h, more than 85% of TBG had been released. The rate of secretion of TBG was much slower than that of albumin, 50% of which was secreted after 20 min. Monensin, 1 microM, caused a marked delay in TBG secretion, with 50% released after 80 min. After 2 h, less than 60% had been released and a plateau was approached. Endoglycosidase H (endo H) treatment of intracellular and secreted TBG showed no alteration in the rate of conversion of TBG oligosaccharide units from high-mannose type (endo H-sensitive) to complex type (endo H-resistant), thus suggesting that monensin impeded the exit of TBG from the Golgi apparatus without affecting the terminal glycosylation of the protein. Tunicamycin, 5 micrograms/ml, completely blocked glycosylation and markedly affected TBG secretion, almost doubling the time required for the secretion of 50% of the protein. The effect was specific for TBG, since it was not observed in the case of albumin. After 2 h, only 56% of the protein had been released. Analysis of intracellular and extracellular immunoprecipitated products revealed the presence of aggregates (Mr greater than 100,000). The lack of carbohydrates, although not preventing TBG secretion, had marked quantitative effects, and increased the susceptibility to aggregation.  相似文献   

Hep G2 cells were used to study the relationship between apolipoprotein synthesis and secretion, as revealed by their interaction with agents modulating these processes. Cycloheximide inhibited the secretion of both apolipoproteins (apo) AI and B, but the reduction in apo AI secretion was evident at earlier times. Monensin also inhibited secretion of apo AI and apo B, but only apo AI accumulated intracellularly. Pulse-chase studies showed that, at concentrations of monensin that had no effect on total protein synthesis, apo B synthesis was specifically inhibited. Triacylglycerol synthesis was inhibited to the same extent as apo B synthesis, but this preceded the latter inhibition and unlike apo B there was an accumulation of intracellular triglyceride. These results suggest that distinctive mechanisms modulate the synthesis and secretion of apo AI and apo B, and that apo B synthesis can be specifically inhibited by mechanisms that initially block triglyceride production.  相似文献   

Koo HN  Hong SH  Song BK  Kim CH  Yoo YH  Kim HM 《Life sciences》2004,74(9):1149-1157
Taraxacum officinale (TO) has been frequently used as a remedy for women's disease (e.g. breast and uterus cancer) and disorders of the liver and gallbladder. Several earlier studies have indicated that TO exhibits anti-tumor properties, but its mechanism remains to be elucidated. In this study, we investigated the effect of TO on the cytotoxicity and production of cytokines in human hepatoma cell line, Hep G2. Our results show that TO decreased the cell viability by 26%, and significantly increased the tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and interleukin (IL)-1alpha production compared with media control (about 1.6-fold for TNF-alpha, and 2.4-fold for IL-1alpha, P < 0.05). Also, TO strongly induced apoptosis of Hep G2 cells as determined by flow cytometry. Increased amounts of TNF-alpha and IL-1alpha contributed to TO-induced apoptosis. Anti-TNF-alpha and IL-1alpha antibodies almost abolished it. These results suggest that TO induces cytotoxicity through TNF-alpha and IL-1alpha secretion in Hep G2 cells.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein B synthesized by Hep G2 cells undergoes fatty acid acylation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Apolipoprotein B is the principal protein associated with cholesterol transport in the blood and has been proposed to play a central role in human atherogenesis. The unique hydrophobic nature of this large (512 kDa), glycosylated apolipoprotein differs from that of the other apolipoproteins. Since another apolipoprotein, apolipoprotein A-I, has been recently shown to have covalently bound fatty acids, potential fatty acid acylation of apolipoprotein B was investigated. The human hepatoma cell line, Hep G2, synthesizes apoB-100 and secretes the apolipoprotein into the culture medium. After a 24-hr incubation with [14C]palmitate and [14C]stearate, the label was incorporated into apoB-100 when assessed by a sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, autoradiography, immunoblot analysis, and immunoprecipitation. Hydroxylamine treatment, which hydrolyzes ester and thioester bonds, removed the radiolabel. ApoB-100 isolated from Hep G2 cells by ultracentrifugation and preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis was hydrolyzed and analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. In contrast to circulating apoB in low density lipoproteins, both palmitate and stearate were present in newly synthesized apoB-100. These results establish that newly synthesized apoB-100 undergoes covalent acylation with palmitate and stearate. The acylation of apoB may play an important role in lipoprotein particle secretion. In addition, derangements in apoB fatty acid acylation may lead to dyslipoproteinemia.  相似文献   

Lipid and lipoprotein metabolism in Hep G2 cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Lipid composition, lipid synthesis and lipoprotein secretion by the Hep G2 cell line have been studied with substrate and insulin supplied under different conditions. The lipid composition of Hep G2 cells was close to that of normal human liver, except for a higher content in sphingomyelin (P less than 0.005) and a lower phosphatidylcholine/sphingomyelin ratio. Most of the [14C]triacylglycerols secreted into the medium were recovered by ultracentrifugation at densities of 1.006 to 1.020 g/ml. The main apolipoproteins secreted were apo B-100 and apo A-I. Hep G2 mRNA synthesized in vitro the pro-apolipoproteins A-I and E. Triacylglycerol secretion was 7.38 +/- 1.04 micrograms/mg cell protein per 20 h with 5.5 mM glucose in the medium and increased linearly with glucose concentration. Oleic acid (1 mM) increased the incorporation of [3H]glycerol into the medium and cell triacylglycerols by 251 and 899%, with a concomitant increment in cell triacylglycerols and cholesterol ester. Insulin (1 mU or 7 pmol/ml) inhibited triacylglycerol secretion and [35S]methionine incorporation into secreted protein by 47 and 28%, respectively, with a corresponding increase in the cells. Preincubation of cells with 2.5-10 mM mevalonolactone decreased the incorporation of [14C]acetate into cholesterol 6.2-fold, indicating an inhibitory effect on HMG-CoA reductase. It is concluded that in spite of some differences between Hep G2 and normal human hepatocytes, this line offers an alternative and reliable model for studies on liver lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

The site of synthesis of protein C inhibitor, a recently identified human plasma inhibitor against activated protein C, is not known. We have studied the production and secretion of protein C inhibitor by an established human liver cell line derived from hepatocellular carcinoma (Hep G2). The concentration of protein C inhibitor, as measured by a specific radioimmunoassay, increased in the medium of Hep G2 cells with time. There was no evidence for a significant intracellular pool of this protein. Protein C inhibitor secreted from Hep G2 cells (G2 protein C inhibitor) inhibited the activity of purified activated protein C in a functional assay. De novo synthesis of protein C inhibitor was demonstrated by the presence of specific immunoprecipitable radioactivity in the medium after 5 h of labeling of the cells with [35S]methionine. Analysis of the immunoprecipitates by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed a peak of radioactivity corresponding to Mr 57 000. These results indicate that the liver is a site of protein C inhibitor production.  相似文献   

The water-soluble vitamin riboflavin (RF) plays a critical role in many metabolic reactions, and thus, is essential for normal cellular functions and growth. The liver plays a central role in normal RF metabolism and is the site of maximal utilization of the vitamin. The mechanism of liver uptake of RF has been studied in animals, but no information is available describing the mechanism of the vitamin uptake in the human situation and its cellular regulation. In this study, we used the human-derived liver cells Hep G2 as an in vitro model system to address these issues. Uptake of RF by Hep G2 cells was found to be temperature- and energy-dependent but Na+-independent in nature. Uptake seemed to involve a carrier-mediated process as indicated by the saturation as a function of substrate concentration (apparent Km 0.41 ± 0.08 μM), and by the ability of the structural analogs lumiflavin and lumichrome to inhibit the uptake process [inhibition constant (Ki) of 1.84 and 6.32 μM, respectively]. RF uptake was energy dependent, and was inhibited by the -SH group blocker p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonate (p-CMPS) (Ki of 0.10 mM). Specific modulators of intracellular protein kinase A (PKA)-, protein kinase C (PKC)-, and protein tyrosine kinase (PTK)-mediated pathways did not affect RF uptake by Hep G2 cells. On the other hand, specific inhibitors of Ca2+/calmodulin-mediated pathway significantly inhibited the uptake process; this effect seemed to be mediated through a decrease in the Vmax of the substrate uptake process. Maintaining Hep G2 cells in a RF-deficient growth medium was associated with a significant up-regulation in the substrate uptake; this effect was specific for RF and was mediated mainly by means of an increase in the Vmax of the uptake process. These results describe, for the first time, the mechanism and cellular regulation of RF uptake by a human-derived liver cellular preparation, and shows the involvement of a carrier-mediated system in the uptake process. Furthermore, the uptake process seems to be regulated by an intracellular Ca2+/calmodulin-mediated pathway and by extracellular substrate levels. J. Cell. Physiol. 176:588–594, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to explore the effects of oleate addition on the secretion of apolipoprotein B (apoB)-containing lipoproteins from Hep G2 cells. Whether oleate was added simultaneously with [3H]-leucine or added to prelabeled cells, the rate of secretion of apoB was stimulated more than 100% within 40 min. When oleate was withdrawn from the cells, the rate of secretion returned to the prestimulated rate within 40 min. These observations suggested that oleate affects apoB secretion early in the secretory pathway. When the effects of oleate on apoB secretion were studied in pulse-chase experiments, it was observed that although apoB synthesis was not affected, apoB intracellular degradation was significant inhibited by oleate. In the absence of oleate, 58% of apoB synthesized during the labeling period was degraded within 20 min, before secretion of apoB into the media had begun, whereas only 29% of labeled apoB was degraded intracellularly during this same time period when oleate was present. Thus, it appears that oleate rapidly stimulates the secretion of apoB by protecting nascent apoB from degradation early in the secretory pathway. Furthermore, stimulation of apoB secretion was observed over a range that includes physiological concentrations of oleate, from 0.1 mM (oleate: bovine serum albumin ratio = 0.45) to 0.8 mM (oleate: ratio = 3.6), suggesting that exogenous oleate could be a physiological modulator of apoB secretion.  相似文献   

The cholesteryl oleate-POPC dispersions (1:3, mol/mol, mean particle size 110+/-20 nm) were taken up by the human hepatoma line Hep G2 cells via endocytosis. Internalization of the cholesteryl oleate-POPC dispersions by Hep G2 cells was dependent on the incubation time and dispersion concentration. At the cholesteryl oleate concentration 100 microM, its total uptake and internalization were found to be 1.5 nmol and 0.8 nmol per 1 mg of cell protein/24 h, respectively. Intracellular cleavage of the cholesteryl oleate incorporated in dispersions resulted in accumulation of free cholesterol capable of being released into the medium and metabolized to water-soluble polar products, presumably bile acids; oleic acid released is, apparently, involved in biosynthesis of triacylglycerides. The low-density lipoprotein receptor is not involved in internalization of lipid dispersions, and the presence of the cholesteryl oleate-POPC dispersions has no effect on the receptor-dependent internalization of cholesteryl esters of the low-density lipoproteins. The obtained data allow us to consider nonspecific internalization of cholesteryl esters by hepatocytes as a substantial part of the nonpolar lipid clearance.  相似文献   

Hyperestrogenemia in humans increases both the concentration of serum T4-binding globulin (TBG) by 2- to 3-fold and the proportion having anodal mobility on isoelectric focusing (IEF). As TBG is synthesized in the liver, we studied the effect of estrogen on TBG synthesis, secretion, and degradation by cultured human hepatocarcinoma cells (Hep G2). beta-Estradiol in concentrations in the range found in pregnancy (10(-7) M) had no effect on the accumulation of immunoreactive TBG in medium over 4 days. The absence of fetal calf serum or phenol red did not alter these findings. The amount of [35S]TBG accumulated 6 h after addition of [35S]methionine was not influenced by exposure to estrogen or to serum obtained from pregnant women. However, 10(-5) M beta-estradiol suppressed TBG more severely than albumin synthesis (34% vs. 9%). The lack of an estrogen effect on TBG synthesis and secretion was supported by experiments showing no effect of estrogen on the disappearance of TBG added to the medium or the accumulation of cytoplasmic TBG mRNA. The same cultures responded to estrogen by a 10-fold increase in nuclear estrogen receptor binding sites and a 2-fold increase in apolipoprotein CII. As TBG in serum, the rate of heat denaturation was not altered in TBG synthesized by Hep G2 cells in the presence of estrogen. In contrast to the effect on TBG in serum, in Hep G2 cells estrogen did not produce an anodal shift on IEF, or increased its proportion not bound to Concanavalin A, nor reduced its clearance rate when injected into rats. However, even untreated Hep G2 cells synthesized TBG with a larger number of anodal IEF bands and proportion of Concanavalin A excluded material than TBG in pregnancy serum. Results support our hypothesis, based on analysis of TBG in pregnancy, that estrogen-induced serum TBG elevation may not be mediated through an increase in synthesis. The failure to observe estrogen induced changes in oligosaccharide structure does not exclude estrogen responsivity of Hep G2 cells. Such effect could be masked by the marked constitutive increase in number of oligosaccharide chain antennae typical in this and other neoplastic tissues.  相似文献   

Tetrandrine-induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in Hep G2 cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Kuo PL  Lin CC 《Life sciences》2003,73(2):243-252
The effects of tetrandrine in the human hepatoblastoma G2 (Hep G2) cell line were investigated in this study. The results showed that tetrandrine not only inhibited Hep G2 growth but also induced apoptosis and blocked cell cycle progression in the G1 phase. ELISA assay demonstrated that tetrandrine significantly increased the expression of p53 and p21/WAF1 protein, which caused cell cycle arrest. An enhancement in Fas/APO-1 and its two form ligands, membrane-bound Fas ligand (mFasL) and soluble Fas ligand (sFasL), might be responsible for the apoptotic effect induced by tetrandrine. Taken together, p53 and Fas/FasL apoptotic system possibly participated in the antiproliferative activity of tetrandrine in Hep G2 cells.  相似文献   

We have studied the variations in the number of insulin receptor and insulin receptor mRNA levels in (Hep G2) cells in response to growth and insulin treatment. The levels of insulin receptors are relatively low in growing cells. After approximately 5 days in culture, if cells are not refed they cease to divide and the number of receptors/cell increases, reaching 4 times the initial values by the 9th day. Refeeding the cells completely prevented both growth arrest and the increase in insulin receptor number. Insulin added daily to cells at 0.33 microM caused receptor down-regulation but did not prevent a 3-fold increase in binding with growth arrest. Pulse-chase studies of metabolically labeled ([35S]methionine) cells showed that the receptor degradation rate (apparent t 1/2, 18-20 h) was comparable in rapidly growing versus growth-arrested cells. The increased receptor level in non-refed cells is not due to generation of a soluble factor by confluent cells, nor is it caused by depletion of insulin, glucose, or insulin-like growth factor I from the culture medium. The levels of insulin receptor mRNA measured on Northern blots increased in growth-arrested cells in parallel to the increase in receptor number. The mRNA value begins to increase from the 3rd day in culture and by the 9th day reaches a level 6.0 times that on the 3rd day. Chronic insulin-induced receptor down-regulation did not alter insulin receptor mRNA levels at any time point studied. These data demonstrate that the increase in insulin receptor number/cell in growth-arrested cells is paralleled by an increase in insulin receptor mRNA content with no change in the receptor degradation rates. This suggests that the increase in the number of insulin receptors is due to enhanced receptor synthesis due to increased receptor mRNA content. Conversely, down-regulation of the insulin receptor does not affect the level of insulin receptor mRNA and thus must be due to increased receptor degradation.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the fatty acid metabolism of the human-hepatoma cell line Hep G2. The cultured cells were incubated with either a saturated (palmitic, stearic) or a polyunsaturated (linoleic, -linolenic, eicosatrienoic n-6) radioactive fatty acid. The fatty acids were incorporated into all the basic lipid classes as well as into the main phospholipid subclasses in the cellular membranes. All the fatty acids tested provided a source of carbon for lower members of the saturated fatty-acid family or for cholesterol through -oxidation and a new cycle ofde novo synthesis. Moreover, all radioactive fatty-acid precursors, whether saturated or unsaturated, were anabolized to higher derivatives within their own family. In the case of saturated fatty acids, palmitic and stearic, they were readily monodesaturated to their corresponding products, thus demonstrating the presence of a 9 desaturase. Linoleate and -linolenate were both desaturated and elongated to all the subsequent members of their respective n-6 and n-3 families. These latter observations provide evidence for the incidence of desaturation at the 6 and 5 positions along with the existence of an elongating capacity for fatty acids of all families and chain lengths. In addition, the cellular steady-state fatty-acid profile was seen to be significantly different from the spectrum of exogenous fatty acids available in the growth medium. We conclude that the Hep G2 human-hepatoma line represents an appropriate and relevant experimental model system for investigating the fatty-acid metabolism of adult human liverin vivo.  相似文献   

Poly(2-(diethylamino)ethyl methacrylate) coated magnetic nanoparticles (PDEA-MNPs) were synthesized as a new gene nanocarrier to delivery plasmids (pEGFPN1 and pRL-TK) into human hepatoma (Hep G2) cells. The PDEA-MNPs shows the pH-sensitive property. These nanoparticles are positively charged at acidic pH and negatively charged at neutral or alkaline pH. The PDEAMNPs exhibited a low cytotoxicity in Hep G2 cells. PDEA-MNPs could bind and protect DNA from DNase I degradation. The transfection study demonstrated that the PDEA-MNPs could carry plasmid into Hep G2 cells and exhibited a high gene transfection efficiency. These results indicated that the novel magnetic nanoparticles could enhance gene transfection in vitro and hold the potential to be a promising non-viral nanodevice.  相似文献   

We have used a model system consisting of two human hepatoma cell lines, Hep G2, representing well differentiated normal hepatocytes, and PLC/PRF/5, representing poorly differentiated malignant hepatocytes, to demonstrate that the differential presence of asialoglycoprotein receptor activity in these cell lines can be used to influence transferrin-mediated iron uptake. We based our experiments on the following facts: Hep G2 cells possess receptors that bind, internalize, and degrade galactose-terminal (asialo-)glycoproteins; PLC/PRF/5 cells have barely detectable asialoglycoprotein receptor activity; both cell lines possess active transferrin-mediated iron uptake; transferrin releases iron during acidification of intracellular vesicular compartments; primary amines, e.g. primaquine, inhibit acidification and iron release from transferrin. When added to culture medium, [55Fe]transferrin delivered 55Fe well to both cell lines. As expected, in the presence of [55Fe]transferrin, free primaquine caused a concentration-dependent decrease in 55Fe uptake in both cell lines. To create a targetable conjugate, primaquine was covalently coupled to asialofetuin to form asialofetuin-primaquine. When PLC/PRF/5 (asialoglycoprotein receptor (-)) cells were preincubated with this conjugate, transferrin-mediated 55Fe uptake was unaffected. However, transferrin-mediated 55Fe uptake by Hep G2 (asialoglycoprotein receptor (+)) cells under identical conditions was specifically decreased by 55% compared to control cells incubated without the conjugate.  相似文献   

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