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The exploration of seven physiologically different white rot fungi potential to produce cellulase, xylanase, laccase, and manganese peroxidase (MnP) showed that the enzyme yield and their ratio in enzyme preparations significantly depends on the fungus species, lignocellulosic growth substrate, and cultivation method. The fruit residues were appropriate growth substrates for the production of hydrolytic enzymes and laccase. The highest endoglucanase (111 U ml−1) and xylanase (135 U ml−1) activities were revealed in submerged fermentation (SF) of banana peels by Pycnoporus coccineus. In the same cultivation conditions Cerrena maxima accumulated the highest level of laccase activity (7,620 U l−1). The lignified materials (wheat straw and tree leaves) appeared to be appropriate for the MnP secretion by majority basidiomycetes. With few exceptions, SF favored to hydrolases and laccase production by fungi tested whereas SSF was appropriate for the MnP accumulation. Thus, the Coriolopsis polyzona hydrolases activity increased more than threefold, while laccase yield increased 15-fold when tree leaves were undergone to SF instead SSF. The supplementation of nitrogen to the control medium seemed to have a negative effect on all enzyme production in SSF of wheat straw and tree leaves by Pleurotus ostreatus. In SF peptone and ammonium containing salts significantly increased C. polyzona and Trametes versicolor hydrolases and laccase yields. However, in most cases the supplementation of media with additional nitrogen lowered the fungi specific enzyme activities. Especially strong repression of T. versicolor MnP production was revealed.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of various carbon and nitrogen sources on laccase, manganese-dependent peroxidase (MnP), and peroxidase production by two strains of Pleurotus ostreatus was investigated. The maximal laccase yield of P. ostreatus 98 and P. ostreatus 108 varied depending upon the carbon source from 5 to 62 U l−1 and from 55 to 390 U l−1, respectively. The highest MnP and peroxidase activities were revealed in medium supplemented by xylan. Laccase, MnP, and peroxidase activities of mushrooms decreased with supplementation of defined medium by inorganic nitrogen sources. Peptone followed by casein hydrolysate appeared to be the best nitrogen sources for laccase accumulation by both fungi. However, their positive effects on enzyme accumulation were due to a higher biomass production. The secretion of MnP and peroxidase by P. ostreatus 108 was stimulated with supplementation of casein hydrolysate to the control medium since the specific MnP and peroxidase activities increased 15-fold and 3.5-fold, respectively.  相似文献   

白腐真菌分泌的锰过氧化物酶是木质素降解酶系统的主要组分,对木质素解聚,纸浆和染料的脱色均有重要作用.利用裂褶菌F17在自行设计的通气托盘式反应器中,以松木屑、稻草及黄豆粉为混合营养基质进行固态发酵生产锰过氧化物酶.在自制通气托盘式反应器中,裂褶菌F17能够产生锰过氧化物酶,发酵96 h时,最高酶活力达到13.51 U/...  相似文献   

Two strains of Pleurotus ostreatus (IE-8 and CP-50) were grown on defined medium added with wheat straw extract (WSE). Mycelia from these cultures were used as an inoculum for solid fermentation using sugar cane bagasse (C:N=142). This substrate was used separately either as a mixture of heterogeneous particle sizes (average size 2.9 mm) or as batches with two different particle sizes (0.92 mm and 1.68 mm). Protein enrichment and production of lignocellulolytic enzymes on each particle size was compared. The effect of ammonium sulphate (AS) addition was also analyzed (modified C:N=20), this compound favored higher levels of protein content. Strain CP-50 showed the highest increase of protein content (48% on particle size of 1.68 mm) when compared to media with no additional N source. However, strain IE-8 produced the highest levels of all enzymes: xylanases (5.79 IU/g dry wt on heterogeneous particles) and cellulases (0.18 IU/g dry wt on smallest particles), both without the addition of AS. The highest laccase activity (0.040 IU/g dry wt) was obtained on particles of 1.68 mm in the presence of AS. Since effect of particle size and addition AS was different for each strain, these criteria should be considered for diverse biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Bacillus pumilus ASH produced a high level of an extracellular and thermostable xylanase enzyme when grown using solid-state fermentation (SSF). Among a few easily available lignocellulosics tested, wheat bran was found to be the best substrate (5,300 U/g of dry bacterial bran). Maximum xylanase production was achieved in 72 h (5,824 U/g). Higher xylanase activity was obtained when wheat bran was moistened with deionized water (6,378 U/g) at a substrate-to-moisture ratio of 1:2.5 (w/v). The optimum temperature for xylanase production was found to be 37°C. The inoculum level of 15% was found to be the most suitable for maximum xylanase production (7,087 U/g). Addition of peptone stimulated enzyme production followed by yeast extract and mustard oil cake, whereas glucose, xylose and malt extract greatly repressed the enzyme activity. Repression by glucose was concentration-dependent, repressing more than 60% of the maximum xylanase production at a concentration of 10% (w/v). Cultivation in large enamel trays yielded a xylanase titre that was slightly lower to that in flasks. The enzyme activity was slightly lower in SSF than in SmF but the ability of the organism to produce such a high level of xylanase at room temperature and with deionized water without addition of any mineral salts in SSF, could lead to substantial reduction in the overall cost of enzyme production. This is the first report on production of such a high level of xylanase under SSF conditions by bacteria.  相似文献   

The production of lignocellulolytic enzymes by eleven basidiomycetes species isolated from two ecosystems of Georgia was investigated for the first time under submerged (SF) and solid-state fermentation (SSF) of lignocellulosic by-products. Notable intergeneric and intrageneric differences were revealed with regard to the extent of hydrolase and oxidase activity. Several fungi produced laccase along with hydrolases in parallel with growth during the trophophase, showing that the synthesis of this enzyme is not connected with secondary metabolism. The lignocellulosic substrate type had the greatest impact on enzyme secretion. Some of the substrates significantly stimulated lignocellulolytic enzyme synthesis without supplementation of the culture medium with specific inducers. Exceptionally high carboxymethyl cellulase (CMCase, 122 U ml−1) and xylanase (195 U ml−1) activities were revealed in SF of mandarin peelings by Pseudotremella gibbosa IBB 22 and of residue after ethanol production (REP) by Fomes fomentarius IBB 38, respectively. The SSF of REP by T. pubescens IBB 11 ensured the highest level of laccase activity (24,690 U l−1), whereas the SSF of wheat bran and SF of mandarin peels provided the highest manganese peroxidase activity (570–620 U l−1) of Trichaptum biforme IBB 117. Moreover, the variation of lignocellulosic growth substrate provides an opportunity to obtain enzyme preparations containing different ratios of individual enzymes.  相似文献   

Summary A locally isolated strain of Aspergillus foetidus MTCC 4898 was studied for xylanase (EC production using lignocellulosic substrates under solid state fermentation. Corncobs were found as the best substrates for high yield of xylanases with poor cellulase production. The influence of various parameters such as temperature, pH, moistening agents, moisture level, nitrogen sources and pretreatment of substrates were evaluated with respect to xylanase yield, specific activity and cellulase production. Influence of nitrogen sources on protease secretion was also examined. Maximum xylanase production (3065 U/g) was obtained on untreated corncobs moistened with modified Mandels and Strenberg medium, pH 5.0 at 1 5 moisture levels at 30 °C in 4 days of cultivation. Submerged fermentation under the same conditions gave higher yield (3300 U/g) in 5 days of cultivation, but productivity was less. Ammonium sulphate fractionation yielded 3.56-fold purified xylanase with 76% recovery. Optimum pH and temperature for xylanase activity were found to be 5.3 and 50 °C respectively. Kinetic parameters like Km and Vmax were found to be 3.58 mg/ml and 570 μmol/mg/min. Activity of the enzyme was found to be enhanced by cystiene hydrochloride, CoCl2, xylose and Tween 80, while significantly inhibited by Hg++, Cu++ and glucose. The enzyme was found to be stable at 40 °C. The half life at 50 °C was 57.53 min. However thermostability was enhanced by glycerol, trehalose and Ca++. The crude enzyme was stable during lyophilization and could be stored at less than 0 °C.  相似文献   

Lignocellulolytic enzymes from conventional and non-conventional yeasts are not commonly studied, and they have never been described for Candida utilis species. After solid-substrate cultivation of C. utilis (CCT 3469) on apple pomace, degradation of cellulose, pectin and lignin fragments was observed. Production of the main lignocellulolytic enzymes by C. utilis was investigated and high activity for pectinase (239 U ml–1) as well as a significant manganese-dependent peroxidase (19.1 U ml–1) activity was found. Low cellulase (3.0 U ml–1) and xylanase (1.2 U ml–1) activities were also observed suggesting that C. utilis may have lignocellulose degradation ability.  相似文献   

Among carbon sources studied, cellobiose and mannitol provided the highest laccase (Lac) activity (648 and 742 U1-1, respectively) of Trametes versicolor 775 while glucose gave maximum manganese peroxidase (MnP) and peroxidase activities (44 and 114U1-1, respectively). Citrus fruit peel as growth substrate enhanced Lac activity 7-fold when compared to the medium with cellobiose, whereas grape vine sawdust increased MnP and peroxidase activity up to 148 and 677U1-1, respectively.  相似文献   

Maximum xylanase activity, of 380 IU ml–1, with negligible protease activity, occurred when Bacillus SSP-34 was grown for 96 h with yeast extract and peptone each at 0.25%. Other concentrations of the combination gave xylanase activities less than 66% of that with the optimum nitrogen source concentration and protease activities in the range of 0.01–0.045 IU ml–1.  相似文献   

Corn-cob was used as a substrate in the production of oxytetracycline by Streptomyces rimosus TM-55 in a solidstate fermentation. Oxytetracycline was detected on day 4, and reached its maximum on day 8. Optimal conditions for oxytetracycline production were an initial pH of 5.2 to 6.3, an initial moisture content of 64% to 67%, supplementation with 20% (w/w) rice bran or 1.5% to 2.5% (w/w) (NH4)2SO4 as sole N source, 1.0% (w/w) CaCO3, 2% (w/w) MgSO4.7H2O, and 0.5% (w/w) KH2PO4, with incubation for 8 days at 25 to 30°C. Each g substrate produced 7 to 8 mg oxytetracycline.  相似文献   

Fruiting body production for one strain of Pleurotus ostreatus and three strains of P. pulmonarius was evaluated on coffee pulp pasteurized at 80 °C for 1 h. Based upon three harvests per strain, the single P. ostreatus line was found to display a 40-day culture cycle, whereas the three P. pulmonarius strains completed their cycles after more than 50 days of incubation. These time periods were notably shorter than those observed in previous studies using other growth substrates. Nevertheless, yields expressed as biological efficiencies were not significantly different among strains, fluctuating between 125 and 138%. Extracellular enzymatic activity was also monitored for P. ostreatus and P. pulmonarius (one strain only). To do this, samples of mycelium-bearing substrate were taken every 4 days throughout the incubation period. Care was taken to represent all developmental stages, including primordial and fruiting bodies. Samples were either lyophilized and then analysed or, in some cases, analysed immediately without lyophilization. Hydrolase activity (i.e. endoglucanase (CMC) and cellobiohydrolase (CBH)) was found to depend on developmental stage, showing peak production during fruiting body formation. On the other hand, oxidase activity-(i.e. laccase (LAC) and Mn-peroxidase (MnP)) was associated with phenol degradation. Nevertheless, in the case of oxidases developmental timing differences were also observed. Specifically, LAC activity was detected as early as 8 days after inoculation in non-lyophilized samples, whereas MnP appeared near the end of the incubation period. No LAC activity was observed in lyophilized samples. This study concludes that coffee pulp might be successfully employed in the cultivation of mushrooms, not only because important extracellular enzymes are produced by mushrooms when grown upon this substrate, but also because the abbreviated cultivation cycle associated with this medium favours commercial processes. Commercialization might be further improved if strains specifically adapted to this novel substrate are selected.  相似文献   

Three Aspergillus nigerstrains were grown in submerged and solid state fermentation systems with sucrose at 100 g l–1. Average measurements of all strains, liquid vs solid were: final biomass (g l–1), 11 ± 0.3 vs 34 ± 5; maximal enzyme titres (U l–1) 1180 ± 138 vs 3663 ± 732; enzyme productivity (U l–1h–1) 20 ± 2 vs 87 ± 33 and enzyme yields (U/gX) 128 ± 24 vs 138 ± 72. Hence, better productivity in solid-state was due to a better mould growth.  相似文献   

The oxidative degradation of syringic acid by the extracellular peroxidase ofPleurotus ostreatus was studied. Three products formed in the oxidation of syringic acid by the peroxidase in the presence of O2 and H2O2 were identified as 2,6-dimethoxyphenol, 2,6-dimethoxy-1,4-dihydroxybenzene, and 2,6-dimethoxy-1,4-benzoquinone. A free radical was detected as the reaction intermediate of the extracellular peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of acetosyringone. These results can be explained by mechanisms involving the production of a phenoxy radical and subsequent decarboxylation. This is the first time that 2,6-dimethoxyphenol has been identified in extracellular peroxidase-catalyzed reactions.  相似文献   

Sugarcane-pressmud, a by-product of cane-sugar manufacture, was used as a substrate for production of citric acid by Aspergillus niger CFTRI 30, in a solid-state fermentation system. Of the 170 g of sugar supplied, 131 g were consumed, with a 79% yield of citric acid over 120 h. Potassium ferrocyanide improved the conversion to about 88% and lowered the fermentation time by 24 h. Enrichment with sugar and NH4NO3 was essential to improve productivity. About 174 g citric acid/kg dry sugarcane-pressmud were produced after 120 h in ferrocyanid-treated medium which initially contained 12.5% (w/w) effective sugar and 0.1% (w/w) NH4NO3. About 3% (w/w) of the original sugar present in the sugarcane-pressmud was non-utilizable. This is the first report on the potential of sugarcane-pressmud for citric acid production.V.S. Shankaranand and B.K. Lonsane are with the Fermentation Technology and Bioengineering Discipline, Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore-570 013, India  相似文献   

Growth of Aspergillus niger and glucoamylase production correlated well with the water activity of the substrate (wheat bran plus corn flour) in a solid-state fermentation. Both were maximal at an initial water activity of 0.936. Glycoamylase reached 550 units/g dry substrate after 96 h.The authors are with the Biotechnology Unit, Regional Research Laboratory, CSIR, Trivandrum-695 019, India  相似文献   

Amyloglucosidase (AMG) was produced by Aspergillus niger in solid-state fermentation (SSF), submerged fermentation (SmF) and an aqueous, two-phase system of polyethyleneglycol (PEG) and salt. In SSF, a fed-batch mode of operation gave a yield of 64 U/ml compared with 44 U/ml in batch mode. Similar trends were observed for SmF, where fed-batch cultivation gave a yield of 102 U/ml compared with 66 U/ml in batch. Shorter cultivation times (66 h) were required for SmF than for SSF (96 h). In the aqueous, two-phase cultivation, the productivity and yield of AMG were both twice those in the control fermentation.M. Ramadas is with the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna, Kokuvil, Sri Lanka. O. Holst and B. Mattiasson are with the Department of Biotechnology, Chemical Center, Lund University, Box 124, S-221 00 Lund, Sweden  相似文献   

在锁掷酵母(Sporidioboluspararoseus)发酵产类胡萝卜紊的过程中,发酵产物中类胡萝卜紊种类繁多,而且性质相似,加大了不同色素分离纯化的难度。为定向积累不同种类的类胡萝卜素,以本实验室保藏锁挪酵母JD-2为出发菌,研究了氮源种类和浓度及溶氧对锁掷酵母产类胡萝卜素的影响,并在7L发酵罐中进行了补料分批发酵试验。发现培养基中同时添加有机氮源和无机氮源且溶氧控制较低(5%)时有利于β-胡萝卜素的大量积累,最佳有机氮源和无机氮源分别为玉米浆(20g/L)、硫酸铵(5g/L)。补料分批发酵时β-胡萝卜素产量达到31.28mg/L,红酵母烯12.38mg/L。培养基中只添加有机氮源且相对溶氧控制相对较高(30%)时有利于红酵母烯的大量积累,最佳有机氮源为酵母膏(20g/L)。补料分批发酵时红酵母烯产量达到38.96mg/L,8.胡萝卜素12.36mg/L。  相似文献   

A low molecular weight, alkaline-stable endoxylanase (XylB) was purified to homogeneity from solid-state culture of Aspergillus fischeri Fxn1. XylB had a molecular mass of 13 kDa which is the lowest of reported xylanases. Optimal activity was at pH 6 and 55 degrees C. XylB was stable from pH 4.5 to 10 and up to 60 degrees C. It was non-glycosylated. The apparent K(m) and V(max) values of XylB on birch wood xylan were 0.53 mg ml(-1) and 0.2 mmol min-1 mg-1, respectively. The activity of XylB was not inhibited by Cd2+, Zn2+, Co2+, EDTA, iodoacetamide, beta-mercaptoethanol and acetic anhydride but strongly inhibited by 10 mm of N-bromosuccinimide, Hg2+, Pb2+ and p-hydroxymercuric benzoate. XylB is an endoxylanase since it hydrolysed xylan resulting the formation of xylo-oligomers but not of xylose residues.  相似文献   

郭良昊  陈海秀  李松  张威  魏胜华 《菌物学报》2020,39(10):1948-1959
漆酶是一种绿色高效的多酚氧化酶,在降解双酚A方面具有巨大潜力。为降低发酵产漆酶的成本及考察漆酶在双酚A降解中的能力,本研究以麸皮和柚皮为主要基质,优化了栓菌固态发酵产漆酶条件,对优化后获得的漆酶在双酚A降解中的应用进行了研究。结果表明,在培养基组分为:麸皮和柚皮粉比例为6:4(W/W)、固液比1:2.5(W/V)、铜离子2%(W/W)、蔗糖3%(W/W)、硝酸钾2%(W/W)、稻壳20%(W/W)的条件下,栓菌发酵产漆酶的酶活最高,发酵11d后,酶活可达到38.4U/gds。当双酚A初始浓度为10μg/mL时,在55℃条件下酶解140min后,双酚A基本降解完全。  相似文献   

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