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We determined the effect of 3-methoxybenzamide (3-MB), a competitive inhibitor of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (E.C., on intrachromosomal homologous recombination in mouse Ltk- cells. We used a cell line that contained in its genome two defective Herpes thymidine kinase (tk) genes as closely linked direct repeats. Intrachromosomal homologous recombination events were monitored by selecting for tk-positive segregants that arose during propagation of the cells and recombination rates were determined by fluctuation analysis. We found that growth of cells in the continuous presence of 2mM 3-MB increased intrachromosomal recombination between 3 and 4-fold. Growth of cells in the presence of 2mM m-anisic acid, a non-inhibitory analog of 3-MB, had no effect on intrachromosomal recombination rates. Additionally, we found that 3-MB increased both gene conversions and crossovers to similar extents, adding to the evidence that these two types of intrachromosomal rearrangements share a common pathway. These findings contrast with our previous studies [Waldman, B.C. and Waldman, A.S. (1990) Nucleic Acids Res., 18, 5981-5988] in which we determined that 3-MB inhibits illegitimate recombination and has no effect on extrachromosomal homologous recombination in mouse Ltk- cells. An hypothesis is offered that explains the influence of 3-MB on different recombination pathways in mammalian cells in terms of the role that poly(ADP-ribosylation) plays in DNA break-repair.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are the most serious DNA damage. Due to a great variety of factors causing DSBs, the efficacy of their repair is crucial for the cell's functioning and prevents DNA fragmentation, chromosomal translocation and deletion. In mammalian cells DSBs can be repaired by non-homologous end joining (NHEJ), homologous recombination (HRR) and single strand annealing (SSA). HRR can be divided into the first and second phase. The first phase is initiated by sensor proteins belonging to the MRN complex, that activate the ATM protein which target HRR proteins to obtain the second response phase--repair. HRR is precise because it utilizes a non-damaged homologous DNA fragment as a template. The key players of HRR in mammalian cells are MRN, RPA, Rad51 and its paralogs, Rad52 and Rad54.  相似文献   

A study was made of the influence of inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase, topoisomerase I and topoisomerase II on the frequency of gene targeting of hprt gene as well as on the frequency of random integration of targeting vector pRV9.1 into genome of mouse F9 teratocarcinoma cells. We found that the treatment of cells with the inhibitor of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase 3-aminobenzamide after electroporation resulted in 3-4-times increase of homologous integration of exogenic vector into chromosomal DNA, and did not affect the frequency of random insertion of transfected DNA. The treatment of cells after electroporation with inhibitors of topoisomerases VP-16, ICRF-193 enhanced random integration of transfected DNA but exerted no effect on the frequency of gene targeting in this experimental system.  相似文献   

Ectopic recombination occurs between DNA sequences that are not in equivalent positions on homologous chromosomes and has beneficial as well as potentially deleterious consequences for the eukaryotic genome. In the present study, we have examined ectopic recombination in mammalian somatic (murine hybridoma) cells in which a deletion in the mu gene constant (Cmu) region of the endogenous chromosomal immunoglobulin mu gene is corrected by using as a donor an ectopic wild-type Cmu region. Ectopic recombination restores normal immunoglobulin M production in hybridomas. We show that (i) chromosomal mu gene deletions of 600 bp and 4 kb are corrected less efficiently than a deletion of only 2 bp, (ii) the minimum amount of homology required to mediate ectopic recombination is between 1.9 and 4.3 kb, (iii) the frequency of ectopic recombination does not depend on donor copy number, and (iv) the frequency of ectopic recombination in hybridoma lines in which the donor and recipient Cmu regions are physically connected to each other on the same chromosome can be as much as 4 orders of magnitude higher than it is for the same sequences located on homologous or nonhomologous chromosomes. The results are discussed in terms of a model for ectopic recombination in mammalian somatic cells in which the scanning mechanism that is used to locate a homologous partner operates preferentially in cis.  相似文献   

We studied whether homologous recombination activity in mammalian cells could be induced by thymidylate stress (thymidylate deprivation). In vitro recombination activity in cell extracts was measured with pSV2neo-derived plasmids. When prior to the preparation of extracts, mouse FM3A cells were grown in 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (FdUrd), an inducer of thymidylate stress, the homologous recombination activity was significantly induced, as judged from an increase in the number of neomycin-resistant bacterial colonies. Maximum induction was observed in cells treated with 1 microM FUdR for 16 h. However, 3-8 h of treatment of FM3A cells with the drug followed by an additional 8-16-h incubation in its absence was sufficient to induce the recombination activity while slightly reducing their growth rates. These results indicate that thymidylate stress induces homologous recombination activity in mammalian cells as observed in Escherichia coli and in yeast.  相似文献   

Sequencing studies have shown that in somatic cells alternating runs of purines and pyrimidines are frequently associated with recombination crossover points. To test whether such sequences actually promote recombination, we have examined the effects of poly[d(pGpT).d(pApC)] and poly[d(pCpG).d(pCpG)] repeats on a homologous recombination event. The parental molecule used in this study, pSVLD, is capable of generating wild-type simian virus 40 DNA via recombination across two 751-base-pair regions of homology and has been described previously (Miller et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 81:7534-7538, 1984). Single inserts of either a poly[d(pGpT).d(pApC)] repeat or a poly[d(pCpG).d(pCpG)] repeat were positioned adjacent to one region of homology in such a way that the recombination product, wild-type simian virus 40 DNA, could be formed only by recombination within the homologies and not by recombination across the alternating purine-pyrimidine repeats. We have found that upon transfection of test DNAs into simian cells, a poly[d(pCpG).d(pCpG)] repeat enhanced homologous recombination 10- to 15-fold, whereas a poly[d(pGpT).d(pApC)] repeat had less effect. These results are discussed in terms of the features of these repeats that might be responsible for promoting homologous recombination.  相似文献   

Damages in the DNA template inhibit the progression of replication, which may cause single-stranded gaps. Such situations can be tolerated by translesion DNA synthesis (TLS), or by homology-dependent repair (HDR), which is based on transfer or copying of the missing information from the replicated sister chromatid. Whereas it is well established that TLS plays an important role in DNA damage tolerance in mammalian cells, it is unknown whether HDR operates in this process. Using a newly developed plasmid-based assay that distinguishes between the three mechanisms of DNA damage tolerance, we found that mammalian cells can efficiently utilize HDR to repair DNA gaps opposite an abasic site or benzo[a]pyrene adduct. The majority of these events occurred by a physical strand transfer (homologous recombination repair; HRR), rather than a template switch mechanism. Furthermore, cells deficient in either the human RAD51 recombination protein or NBS1, but not Rad18, exhibited decreased gap repair through HDR, indicating a role for these proteins in DNA damage tolerance. To our knowledge, this is the first direct evidence of gap-lesion repair via HDR in mammalian cells, providing further molecular insight into the potential activity of HDR in overcoming replication obstacles and maintaining genome stability.  相似文献   

M D Baker  L R Read  P Ng  B G Beatty 《Genetics》1999,152(2):685-697
In the present study, we investigated intrachromosomal homologous recombination in a murine hybridoma in which the recipient for recombination, the haploid, endogenous chromosomal immunoglobulin mu-gene bearing a mutation in the constant (Cmu) region, was separated from the integrated single copy wild-type donor Cmu region by approximately 1 Mb along the hybridoma chromosome. Homologous recombination between the donor and recipient Cmu region occurred with high frequency, correcting the mutant chromosomal mu-gene in the hybridoma. This enabled recombinant hybridomas to synthesize normal IgM and to be detected as plaque-forming cells (PFC). Characterization of the recombinants revealed that they could be placed into three distinct classes. The generation of the class I recombinants was consistent with a simple unequal sister chromatid exchange (USCE) between the donor and recipient Cmu region, as they contained the three Cmu-bearing fragments expected from this recombination, the original donor Cmu region along with both products of the single reciprocal crossover. However, a simple mechanism of homologous recombination was not sufficient in explaining the more complex Cmu region structures characterizing the class II and class III recombinants. To explain these recombinants, a model is proposed in which unequal pairing between the donor and recipient Cmu regions located on sister chromatids resulted in two crossover events. One crossover resulted in the deletion of sequences from one chromatid forming a DNA circle, which then integrated into the sister chromatid by a second reciprocal crossover.  相似文献   

Homologous gene targeting is the ultimate tool for reverse genetics, but its use is often limited by low efficiency. In a number of recent studies, site- specific DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) have been used to induce efficient gene targeting. Engineering highly specific, dedicated DNA endonucleases is the key to a wider usage of this technology. In this study, we present two novel, chimeric meganucleases, derived from homing endonucleases. The first one is able to induce recombination in yeast and mammalian cells, whereas the second cleaves a novel (chosen) DNA target site. These results are a first step toward the generation of custom endonucleases for the purpose of targeted genome engineering.  相似文献   

Thompson LH  Schild D 《Biochimie》1999,81(1-2):87-105
Although it is clear that mammalian somatic cells possess the enzymatic machinery to perform homologous recombination of DNA molecules, the importance of this process in mitigating DNA damage has been uncertain. An initial genetic framework for studying homologous recombinational repair (HRR) has come from identifying relevant genes by homology or by their ability to correct mutants whose phenotypes are suggestive of recombinational defects. While yeast has been an invaluable guide, higher eukaryotes diverge in the details and complexity of HRR. For eliminating DSBs, HRR and end-joining pathways share the burden, with HRR contributing critically during S and G2 phases. It is likely that the removal of interstrand cross-links is absolutely dependent on efficient HRR, as suggested by the extraordinary sensitivity of the ercc1, xpf/ercc4, xrcc2, and xrcc3 mutants to cross-linking chemicals. Similarly, chromosome stability in untreated cells requires intact HRR, which may eliminate DSBs arising during DNA replication and thereby prevent chromosome aberrations. Complex regulation of HRR by cell cycle checkpoint and surveillance functions is suggested not only by direct interactions between human Rad51 and p53, c-Abl, and BRCA2, but also by very high recombination rates in p53-deficient cells.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of a cysteine proteinase inhibitor (E-64) and an aspartyl proteinase inhibitor (Pepstatin A) on asexual erythrocytic stages of Plasmodium falciparum in culture. These two protease inhibitors showed different patterns of activity. E-64 acted preferentially against trophozoite and schizont stages. After 48 h incubation at high concentrations of E-64 (28, 140, 280 microM), growth was totally abolished and the parasites presented characteristic enlarged food vacuoles. Morphological alterations were also seen after shorter incubation periods (6 h at 28 microM) or 12 h at the inhibitory concentration 50% (12 microM), but an additional culture period (24 h) in inhibitor-free medium allowed normal parasite development, demonstrating a parasitostatic effect. E-64 acts on parasite multiplication; the normal merozoite maturation was altered and the normal reinvasion process partially impaired. Pepstatin A used at the inhibitory concentration 50% (4 microM) killed the parasites before trophozoite development and had a major effect on schizonts maturation. No altered parasite development occurred during an additional culture period without Pepstatin A, demonstrating a parasiticidal effect. E-64 and Pepstatin A used in combination inhibit the parasite growth with a strong synergistic effect.  相似文献   

To analyze relationships between replication and homologous recombination in mammalian cells, we used replication inhibitors to treat mouse and hamster cell lines containing tandem repeat recombination substrates. In the first step, few double-strand breaks (DSBs) are produced, recombination is slightly increased, but cell lines defective in non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) affected in ku86 (xrs6) or xrcc4 (XR-1) genes show enhanced sensitivity to replication inhibitors. In the second step, replication inhibition leads to coordinated kinetics of DSB accumulation, Rad51 foci formation and RAD51-dependent gene conversion stimulation. In xrs6 as well as XR-1 cell lines, Rad51 foci accumulate more rapidly compared with their respective controls. We propose that replication inhibition produces DSBs, which are first processed by the NHEJ; then, following DSB accumulation, RAD51 recombination can act.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of double-strand breaks on homologous recombination between two plasmids in human cells and in nuclear extracts prepared from human and rodent cells. Two pSV2neo plasmids containing nonreverting, nonoverlapping deletions were cotransfected into cells or incubated with cell extracts. Generation of intact neo genes was monitored by the ability of the DNA to confer G418r to cells or Neor to bacteria. We show that double-strand breaks at the sites of the deletions enhanced recombination frequency, whereas breaks outside the neo gene had no effect. Examination of the plasmids obtained from experiments involving the cell extracts revealed that gene conversion events play an important role in the generation of plasmids containing intact neo genes. Studies with plasmids carrying multiple polymorphic genetic markers revealed that markers located within 1,000 base pairs could be readily coconverted. The frequency of coconversion decreased with increasing distance between the markers. The plasmids we constructed along with the in vitro system should permit a detailed analysis of homologous recombinational events mediated by mammalian enzymes.  相似文献   

Chromosomal double-strand breaks (DSBs) stimulate homologous recombination by several orders of magnitude in mammalian cells, including murine embryonic stem (ES) cells, but the efficiency of recombination decreases as the heterology between the repair substrates increases (B. Elliott, C. Richardson, J. Winderbaum, J. A. Nickoloff, and M. Jasin, Mol. Cell. Biol. 18:93-101, 1998). We have now examined homologous recombination in mismatch repair (MMR)-defective ES cells to investigate both the frequency of recombination and the outcome of events. Using cells with a targeted mutation in the msh2 gene, we found that the barrier to recombination between diverged substrates is relaxed for both gene targeting and intrachromosomal recombination. Thus, substrates with 1.5% divergence are 10-fold more likely to undergo DSB-promoted recombination in Msh2(-/-) cells than in wild-type cells. Although mutant cells can repair DSBs efficiently, examination of gene conversion tracts in recombinants demonstrates that they cannot efficiently correct mismatched heteroduplex DNA (hDNA) that is formed adjacent to the DSB. As a result, >20-fold more of the recombinants derived from mutant cells have uncorrected tracts compared with recombinants from wild-type cells. The results indicate that gene conversion repair of DSBs in mammalian cells frequently involves mismatch correction of hDNA rather than double-strand gap formation. In cells with MMR defects, therefore, aberrant recombinational repair may be an additional mechanism that contributes to genomic instability and possibly tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Homologous DNA recombination levels were measured in normal and spontaneously immortalized murine and human fibroblasts, and in a number of primate and murine established fibroblast cell lines. Immortal cell lines and tumor-derived clones homologously recombined extrachromosomal plasmid substrates at frequencies approximately 100-fold higher than did normal cells. To further explore the mechanism responsible for this phenotype, homologous recombination frequency was measured using nuclear extracts derived from normal and immortalized murine and human fibroblasts. Extracts prepared from immortal cells catalyzed high levels of homologous recombination, whereas very little recombination activity was detected in extracts prepared from normal fibroblasts. Similarly, only extracts derived from immortal cells contained strand-transferase activity as measured by the recently described pairing-on-membrane assay. Mixing experiments indicated that a recombination enhancing factor or factors present in immortal cells, rather than a recombination inhibitor in normal cells, was responsible for the enhanced homologous recombination activity observed using extracts derived from the former.  相似文献   

The pairing of homologous molecules and strand exchange is a key event in homologous recombination promoted by RecA protein in Escherichia coli. Structural homologs of RecA are widely distributed in eukaryotes including mouse and man. As has been shown, human HsRad51 protein is not only structural but also functional homolog of RecA. The question arises whether the bacterial functional homolog of Rad51 can function in mammalian cells and increase the frequency of the homologous recombination. To investigate possible effects of bacterial RecA protein on the frequency of homologous recombination in mammalian cells, the E. coli RecA protein fused with a nuclear location signal from the large T antigen of simian virus 40 was overexpressed in the mouse F9 teratocarcinoma cells. We found that the frequency of gene targeting at the hprt locus was 10-fold increased in the mouse cells expressing the nucleus-targeted RecA protein. Southern blot analysis of individual clones that were generated by targeting recombination revealed predicted type of alterations in hprt gene. The data indicate that the bacterial nucleus-targeted RecA protein can stimulate homologous recombination in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination (HR) is important in repairing errors of replication and other forms of DNA damage. In mammalian cells, potential templates include the homologous chromosome, and after DNA replication, the sister chromatid. Previous work has shown that the mammalian recombination machinery is organized to suppress interchromosomal recombination while preserving intrachromosomal HR. In the present study, we investigated spontaneous intrachromosomal HR in mouse hybridoma cell lines in which variously numbered tandem repeats of the µ heavy chain constant (Cµ) region reside at the haploid, chromosomal immunoglobulin µ heavy chain locus. This organization provides the opportunity to investigate recombination between homologous gene repeats in a well-defined chromosomal locus under conditions in which recombinants are conveniently recovered. This system revealed several features about the mammalian intrachromosomal HR process: (i) the frequency of HR was high (recombinants represented as much as several percent of the total of recombinants and non-recombinants); (ii) the recombination process appeared to be predominantly non-reciprocal, consistent with the possibility of gene conversion; (iii) putative gene conversion tracts were long (up to 13.4 kb); (iv) the recombination process occurred with precision, initiating and terminating within regions of shared homology. The results are discussed with respect to mammalian intrachromosomal HR involving interactions both within and between sister chromatids.  相似文献   

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