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Aim In many cases, human colonization drastically modified the ecosystems of remote oceanic islands before scientists arrived to document the changes. Palaeoecological records before and after human colonization provide insights into the original ecosystems and an assessment of subsequent human impact. We used pollen analysis to compare the impact of 15th century colonization of the Azores with that of natural disturbances such as volcanic eruptions and climate changes. Location Azores archipelago, Atlantic Ocean. Methods Sediment records from three highland sites in the Azores (on the islands of Pico and Flores) were dated radiometrically and analysed palynologically. Pollen taxa were classified as native, endemic or introduced based on comparison with flora lists. Data were statistically zoned and temporal trends identified using detrended correspondence analysis. Results Human colonization of the Azores resulted in rapid, widespread, persistent vegetation changes on a scale unprecedented in the last 2700 years, detectable through the decline of dominant trees, the spread of grasses and fire‐tolerant species, the introduction of exotic plants, evidence for grazing and fire, and changes to soils and moisture availability. During the same period, volcanic eruptions appear to have had more localized impacts on the vegetation, lasting 500–1000 years and favouring endemic taxa. The effect of late Holocene climatic changes on the highland vegetation of the Azores seems to have been minor. Palaeoecological data indicate that at least two plant species went extinct on Pico after human colonization and that some plants regarded as introduced were almost certainly part of the original flora of the islands. Despite a consistent signal of human impact, compositional differences between Juniperus brevifolia communities on Pico and Flores remained after colonization. Main conclusions Human colonization had a greater impact on the pristine vegetation of Pico and Flores than climatic changes and volcanic activity during recent millennia. The similarity between post‐colonization changes on the Azores and other oceanic islands suggests a consistent pattern and scale to historical‐era human impact on otherwise pristine ecosystems. These characteristics could be used to further elaborate biogeographical theory and direct conservation efforts towards species that appear most susceptible to human activity.  相似文献   

A recent publication (Pedreschi et al., 2014, Journal of Biogeography, 41 , 548–560) casts doubt over the status of pike (Esox lucius) as a non‐native species in Ireland by reporting two distinct genetic groups of pike present: one a human introduction in the Middle Ages, the other hypothesized to result from natural colonization after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). While the existence of two groups is not disputed, the hypothesized natural colonization scenario conflicts with the sequence in which the islands of Britain and Ireland became isolated from Europe after the LGM. An alternative natural colonization scenario raised herein was rejected, leaving an earlier, two‐phase, human introduction of pike from Britain or Europe to Ireland as a realistic alternative hypothesis explaining the results of Pedreschi et al. (2014). This leaves the debates on human introduction versus natural colonization, introduced versus native species status, and pike management in Ireland wide open.  相似文献   

Morphology‐based studies have suggested a very depauperate bee fauna for islands in the South West Pacific, and recent genetic studies since have indicated an even smaller endemic fauna with many bee species in this region resulting from human‐aided dispersal. These introduced species have the potential to both disrupt native pollinator suites as well as augment crop pollination, but for most species the timings of introduction are unknown. We examined the distribution and nesting biology of the long‐tongued bee Braunsapis puangensis that was first recorded from Fiji in 2007. This bee has now become widespread in Fiji and both its local abundance and geographical range are likely to increase dramatically. The impacts of this invasion are potentially enormous for agriculture and native ecosystems, but they also provide opportunities for understanding how social insect species adapt to new environments. We outline the major issues associated with this recent invasion and argue that a long‐term monitoring study is needed.  相似文献   

Aim Exotic species pose one of the most significant threats to biodiversity, especially on islands. The impacts of exotic species vary in severity among islands, yet little is known about what makes some islands more susceptible than others. Here we determine which characteristics of an island influence how severely exotic species affect its native biota. Location We studied 65 islands and archipelagos from around the world, ranging from latitude 65° N to 54° S. Methods We compiled a global database of 10 island characteristics for 65 islands and determined the relative importance of each characteristic in predicting the impact of exotic species using multivariate modelling and hierarchical partitioning. We defined the impact of exotic species as the number of bird, amphibian and mammal (BAM) species listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as threatened by exotics, relative to the total number of BAM species on that island. Results We found that the impact of exotic species is more severe on islands with more exotic species and a greater proportion of native species that are endemic. Unexpectedly, the level of anthropogenic disturbance did not influence an island's susceptibility to the impacts of exotic species. Main conclusions By coupling our results with studies on the introduction and establishment of exotic species, we conclude that colonization pressure, or invasion opportunities, influences all stages of the invasion process. However, species endemism, the other important factor determining the impact of exotic species, is not known to contribute to introduction and establishment success on islands. This demonstrates that different factors correlate with the initial stages of the invasion process and the subsequent impacts of those invaders, highlighting the importance of studying the impacts of exotic species directly. Our study helps identify islands that are at risk of impact by exotics and where investment should focus on preventing further invasions.  相似文献   

Humans have introduced many species onto remote oceanic islands. The house mouse (Mus musculus) is a human commensal and has consequently been transported to oceanic islands around the globe as an accidental stowaway. The history of these introductions can tell us not only about the mice themselves but also about the people that transported them. Following a phylogeographic approach, we used mitochondrial D‐loop sequence variation (within an 849‐ to 864‐bp fragment) to study house mouse colonization of the Azores. A total of 239 sequences were obtained from all nine islands, and interpretation was helped by previously published Iberian sequences and 66 newly generated Spanish sequences. A Bayesian analysis revealed presence in the Azores of most of the D‐loop clades previously described in the domesticus subspecies of the house mouse, suggesting a complex colonization history of the archipelago as a whole from multiple geographical origins, but much less heterogeneity (often single colonization?) within islands. The expected historical link with mainland Portugal was reflected in the pattern of D‐loop variation of some of the islands but not all. A more unexpected association with a distant North European source area was also detected in three islands, possibly reflecting human contact with the Azores prior to the 15th century discovery by Portuguese mariners. Widening the scope to colonization of the Macaronesian islands as a whole, human linkages between the Azores, Madeira, the Canaries, Portugal and Spain were revealed through the sharing of mouse sequences between these areas. From these and other data, we suggest mouse studies may help resolve historical uncertainties relating to the ‘Age of Discovery’.  相似文献   

Aim To describe the phylogeographic patterns of the black rat, Rattus rattus, from islands in the western Indian Ocean where the species has been introduced (Madagascar and the neighbouring islands of Réunion, Mayotte and Grande Comore), in comparison with the postulated source area (India). Location Western Indian Ocean: India, Arabian Peninsula, East Africa and the islands of Madagascar, Réunion, Grande Comore and Mayotte. Methods Mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome b, tRNA and D‐loop, 1762 bp) was sequenced for 71 individuals from 11 countries in the western Indian Ocean. A partial D‐loop (419 bp) was also sequenced for eight populations from Madagascar (97 individuals), which were analysed in addition to six previously published populations from southern Madagascar. Results Haplotypes from India and the Arabian Peninsula occupied a basal position in the phylogenetic tree, whereas those from islands were distributed in different monophyletic clusters: Madagascar grouped with Mayotte, while Réunion and Grand Comore were present in two other separate groups. The only exception was one individual from Madagascar (out of 190) carrying a haplotype that clustered with those from Réunion and South Africa. ‘Isolation with migration’ simulations favoured a model with no recurrent migration between Oman and Madagascar. Mismatch distribution analyses dated the expansion of Malagasy populations on a time‐scale compatible with human colonization history. Higher haplotype diversity and older expansion times were found on the east coast of Madagascar compared with the central highlands. Main conclusions Phylogeographic patterns supported the hypothesis of human‐mediated colonization of R. rattus from source populations in either the native area (India) or anciently colonized regions (the Arabian Peninsula) to islands of the western Indian Ocean. Despite their proximity, each island has a distinct colonization history. Independent colonization events may have occurred simultaneously in Madagascar and Grande Comore, whereas Mayotte would have been colonized from Madagascar. Réunion was colonized independently, presumably from Europe. Malagasy populations may have originated from a single successful colonization event, followed by rapid expansion, first in coastal zones and then in the central highlands. The congruence of the observed phylogeographic pattern with human colonization events and pathways supports the potential relevance of the black rat in tracing human history.  相似文献   

In addition to rats, nutria (Myocastor coypus) and the North American beaver (Castor canadensis) have certainly caused damage at an ecosystem level when introduced to islands, in both cases primarily by ecosystem engineering. Of other introduced rodents successfully established on islands, the gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) may be in the process of damaging entire forest ecosystems, particularly by bark-stripping. Though introduced muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) have had ecosystem-level impacts in continental Europe, their impact on islands worldwide to which they have been introduced has been very limited. The North American red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) and Barbary ground squirrel (Atlantoxerus getulus) have each had substantial impacts when introduced to particular islands, but for neither species have these impacts yet been demonstrated to spread through an entire ecosystem. Introduced house mice (Mus musculus) may well generate ecosystem impacts on remote islands lacking rats, and it is possible that explosions of house mice on islands after rat eradication, a common occurrence, will lead in some instances to ecosystem impacts.  相似文献   

Islands provide refuges for populations of many species where they find safety from predators, but the introduction of predators frequently results in elimination or dramatic reductions in island‐dwelling organisms. When predators are removed, re‐colonization for some species occurs naturally, and inter‐island phylogeographic relationships and current movement patterns can illuminate processes of colonization. We studied a case of re‐colonization of common eiders Somateria mollissima following removal of introduced arctic foxes Vulpes lagopus in the Aleutian Archipelago, Alaska. We expected common eiders to resume nesting on islands cleared of foxes and to re‐colonize from nearby islets, islands, and island groups. We thus expected common eiders to show limited genetic structure indicative of extensive mixing among island populations. Satellite telemetry was used to record current movement patterns of female common eiders from six islands across three island groups. We collected genetic data from these and other nesting common eiders at 14 microsatellite loci and the mitochondrial DNA control region to examine population genetic structure, historical fluctuations in population demography, and gene flow. Our results suggest recent interchange among islands. Analysis of microsatellite data supports satellite telemetry data of increased dispersal of common eiders to nearby areas and little between island groups. Although evidence from mtDNA is suggestive of female dispersal among island groups, gene flow is insufficient to account for recolonization and rapid population growth. Instead, near‐by remnant populations of common eiders contributed substantially to population expansion, without which re‐colonization would have likely occurred at a much lower rate. Genetic and morphometric data of common eiders within one island group two and three decades after re‐colonization suggests reduced movement of eiders among islands and little movement between island groups after populations were re‐established. We predict that re‐colonization of an island group where all common eiders are extirpated could take decades.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean, the survival of endemic long-lived seabirds despite the long-standing introduction of one of the most damaging alien predator, the ship rat (Rattus rattus), on most islands constitutes an amazing conservation paradox. A database gathering information on approximately 300 Western Mediterranean islands was analyzed through generalized linear models to identify the factors likely to influence ship rat presence and to account for how ship rat presence and island characteristics may have driven the presence and abundance of seabirds. Our review showed that few Mediterranean islands remain rat-free. At the regional scale, rat presence was only a limiting factor in the abundance of the smallest seabird, the storm petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus), while the distribution and abundance of the three shearwaters were more influenced by island characteristics. We hypothesized that the long-term persistence of these seabirds may have been facilitated by the various biogeographical contexts of Mediterranean islands, likely to provide intra-island refuges.  相似文献   

The stepwise colonization of islands within an archipelago is typically punctuated by successive founder effects, with each newly founded population being a subsample of the gene pool of the source island. Thus, the genetic signature of successive bottlenecks should be detected when analysing the genetic structure between islands of an archipelago. To test this prediction, we investigated introduced ship rat populations, Rattus rattus (Linnaeus, 1758), in the Guadeloupe Archipelago. Three different methods, commonly named the heterozygosity excess, the mode-shift indicator and the M ratio method, were used to detect bottlenecks from genetic data obtained with eight microsatellite markers on Guadeloupe and two neighbouring islands, Petite-Terre and Fajou. Moreover, a recent eradication failure on Fajou allowed us to test the accuracy of the methods in an 'experimental-like' situation. The results indicate that rats were introduced on Guadeloupe first, which then became the source population for independent secondary colonization of Fajou and Petite-Terre. Moreover, the heterozygosity excess and the mode-shift indicator only detected bottlenecks for the recent colonization of Petite-Terre and the eradication failure on Fajou. However, bottlenecks were detected for all the populations using the M ratio method. This could be interpreted as the remaining signature of the early introduction of the ship rat in the archipelago.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean islands have a long history of human‐mediated introductions resulting in frequent replacements of their fauna and flora. Although these histories are sometimes well documented or may be inferred from paleontological studies, the use of phylogenetic and population genetic reconstruction methods provides a complementary perspective for answering questions related to the history of insular species. In the present study, we infer the colonization history of Mallorca (Balearic Islands) by the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and the Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis) using sequence variation of the mitochondrial DNA control region from continental and insular specimens (total of 489 sequences). Additionally, the taxonomic identity of Mallorcan L. granatensis was confirmed using a diagnostic nuclear marker. For both Mallorcan rabbits and hares, genetic diversity was comparable to the continental populations, suggesting the introduction of multiple lineages. Two Mallorcan haplogroups were found in hares, which likely correspond to two introduction events. Rabbits from Mallorca were identified as belonging to the subspecies Oryctolagus cuniculus cuniculus, and may have been originated both from Iberian and French populations. The molecular estimates of the timing of the colonization events of the Mallorcan lagomorphs are consistent with human‐mediated introductions by early settlers on the islands. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 748–760.  相似文献   

Research on the impacts of house mice Mus musculus introduced to islands is patchy across most of the species’ global range, except on islands of the Southern Ocean. Here we review mouse impacts on Southern Ocean islands’ plants, invertebrates, land birds and seabirds, and describe the kinds of effects that can be expected elsewhere. A key finding is that where mice occur as part of a complex of invasive mammals, especially other rodents, their densities appear to be suppressed and rat-like impacts have not been reported. Where mice are the only introduced mammal, a greater range of native biota is impacted and the impacts are most severe, and include the only examples of predation on seabird eggs and chicks. Thus mice can have devastating, irreversible and ecosystem-changing effects on islands, impacts typically associated with introduced rats Rattus spp. Island restoration projects should routinely include mouse eradication or manage mouse impacts.  相似文献   

Island endemics are typically differentiated from their mainland progenitors in behavior, morphology, and genetics, often resulting from long-term evolutionary change. To examine mechanisms for the origins of island endemism, we present a phylogeographic analysis of whole mitochondrial genomes from the endangered island fox (Urocyon littoralis), endemic to California’s Channel Islands, and mainland gray foxes (U. cinereoargenteus). Previous genetic studies suggested that foxes first appeared on the islands >16,000 years ago, before human arrival (~13,000 cal BP), while archaeological and paleontological data supported a colonization >7000 cal BP. Our results are consistent with initial fox colonization of the northern islands probably by rafting or human introduction ~9200–7100 years ago, followed quickly by human translocation of foxes from the northern to southern Channel Islands. Mitogenomes indicate that island foxes are monophyletic and most closely related to gray foxes from northern California that likely experienced a Holocene climate-induced range shift. Our data document rapid morphological evolution of island foxes (in ~2000 years or less). Despite evidence for bottlenecks, island foxes have generated and maintained multiple mitochondrial haplotypes. This study highlights the intertwined evolutionary history of island foxes and humans, and illustrates a new approach for investigating the evolutionary histories of other island endemics.  相似文献   

Tollenaere et al. (Journal of Biogeography, 2010, 37 , 398–410) present a phylogeographic analysis of Rattus rattus for the Western Indian Ocean, with particular emphasis on Madagascar, but do not include samples from three island groups centrally located in the Mozambique Channel. Haplotypes from these islands provide additional information on the colonization pathways of R. rattus in the Western Indian Ocean region. For each of the three Îles Éparses groups in the Mozambique Channel, we test the competing hypotheses that colonization by R. rattus was most likely: (1) from the Arabian Peninsula, (2) from East Africa, (3) from Madagascar, or (4) from independent shipping. These results are combined with historical observations of the presence of R. rattus on these islands to give stronger inference on the colonization pathways. Additionally, more accurate colonization dates provide guidance for contemporary conservation management.  相似文献   

Oceanic islands have been a test ground for evolutionary theory, but here, we focus on the possibilities for evolutionary study created by offshore islands. These can be colonized through various means and by a wide range of species, including those with low dispersal capabilities. We use morphology, modern and ancient sequences of cytochrome b (cytb) and microsatellite genotypes to examine colonization history and evolutionary change associated with occupation of the Orkney archipelago by the common vole (Microtus arvalis), a species found in continental Europe but not in Britain. Among possible colonization scenarios, our results are most consistent with human introduction at least 5100 bp (confirmed by radiocarbon dating). We used approximate Bayesian computation of population history to infer the coast of Belgium as the possible source and estimated the evolutionary timescale using a Bayesian coalescent approach. We showed substantial morphological divergence of the island populations, including a size increase presumably driven by selection and reduced microsatellite variation likely reflecting founder events and genetic drift. More surprisingly, our results suggest that a recent and widespread cytb replacement event in the continental source area purged cytb variation there, whereas the ancestral diversity is largely retained in the colonized islands as a genetic ‘ark’. The replacement event in the continental M. arvalis was probably triggered by anthropogenic causes (land‐use change). Our studies illustrate that small offshore islands can act as field laboratories for studying various evolutionary processes over relatively short timescales, informing about the mainland source area as well as the island.  相似文献   

Human impacts can homogenize and simplify ecosystems, favoring communities that are no longer naturally coupled with (or reflective of) the background environmental regimes in which they are found. Such a process of biophysical decoupling has been explored little in the marine environment due to a lack of replication across the intact‐to‐degraded ecosystem spectrum. Coral reefs lacking local human impacts provide critical baseline scenarios in which to explore natural biophysical relationships, and provide a template against which to test for their human‐induced decoupling. Using 39 Pacific islands, 24 unpopulated (relatively free from local human impacts) and 15 populated (with local human impacts present), spanning 45° of latitude and 65° of longitude, we ask, what are ‘natural’ biophysical relationships on coral reefs and do we see evidence for their human‐induced decoupling? Estimates of the percent cover of benthic groups were related to multiple physical environmental drivers (sea surface temperature, irradiance, chlorophyll‐a, and wave energy) using mixed‐effects models and island mean condition as the unit of replication. Models across unpopulated islands had high explanatory power, identifying key physical environmental drivers of variations in benthic cover in the absence of local human impacts. These same models performed poorly and lost explanatory power when fitted anew to populated (human impacted) islands; biophysical decoupling was clearly evident. Furthermore, key biophysical relationships at populated islands (i.e. those relationships driving benthic variation across space in conjunction with chronic human impact) bore little resemblance to the baseline scenarios identified from unpopulated islands. Our results highlight the ability of local human impacts to decouple biophysical relationships in the marine environment and fundamentally restructure the natural rules of nature.  相似文献   

The Corsican red deer (Cervus elaphus corsicanus) is endemic to the Tyrrhenian islands of Corsica and Sardinia. It has been regarded as an introduced species and has allegedly been present on the islands since the beginning of the Neolithic culture some 8,000 years ago. In this review, we present the results of relevant genetic analyses and discuss their implications for the origin of C. e. corsicanus. Different genetic studies hypothesize that the most probable ancestral populations for Sardianian red deer were alternatively, the Near East, North Africa, or mainland Italy. These respective scenarios are evaluated and it is concluded that geneticists have not yet been unable to definitively solve the problem. However, a natural colonization of the Tyrrhenian islands from mainland Italy via the Tuscan archipelago is not only in accordance with palaeontological findings but also with at least some of the genetic data.  相似文献   

Terrestrial ecosystems of southern ocean islands have enjoyed renewed attention recently owing to the discovery that their climates are changing dramatically. This has led to an enhanced understanding of the biogeography of this region, and an increased awareness that these ecosystems provide unrivalled opportunities for investigating the impacts of environmental change on interactions between invasive and indigenous species. Recent studies have revealed increases in the abundance of established alien species and in the strength of their negative impacts on local biota, especially through indirect interactions. Also, increases in island temperature and human visitor frequency are likely to result in increasing numbers of successful alien colonization events.  相似文献   

Although rats have clearly contributed to bird extinctions on islands, their role in plant extinctions is not as clear. Paleoenvironmental studies suggest rats were responsible for the demise of several island palm species. French Polynesia’s islands provide an opportunity to evaluate “modern” impacts of rats on native flora. Our study shows that 15 threatened taxa (nine families) are damaged by rats. All 12 subjected to seed predation are woody plants with large-seeded drupes. Three experience severe predation and recruitment depression (Santalum insulare, Ochrosia tahitensis, Nesoluma nadeaudii). Three-year monitoring of Polynesian sandalwood (Santalum insulare) populations in Tahiti during rat control suggested that over 99% of fruits were eaten before ripening. Seed predation on sandalwood appeared to be lower on islands without black rats Rattus rattus. Studies from Indo-Pacific islands document rat impact on at least 56 taxa (28 families). Certain families (Arecaceae, Elaeocarpaceae, Rubiaceae, Santalaceae, and Sapotaceae) are particularly vulnerable to seed predation. Other soft-barked trees (Araliaceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Malvaceae) suffer from stem or bark damages, especially during dry seasons. Although rats depress seedling recruitment and alter vegetation dynamics, no evidence demonstrates that they are solely responsible for current plant extinctions. Most of French Polynesia’s endangered species impacted by rats occur in severely degraded habitats. We therefore suggest that rats can be viewed more as coup de grace species (i.e., that give the final stroke of death), rather than as main drivers of plant extinctions. More research is needed to clarify the impacts of rat species and their importance in plant population decline or demise.  相似文献   

Points of origin and pathways of spread are often poorly understood for introduced parasites that drive disease emergence in imperiled native species. Co‐introduction of parasites with non‐native hosts is of particular concern in remote areas like the Hawaiian Islands, where the introduced nematode Camallanus cotti has become the most prevalent parasite of at‐risk native stream fishes. In this study, we evaluated the prevailing hypothesis that C. cotti entered the Hawaiian Islands with poeciliid fishes from the Americas, and spread by translocation of poeciliid hosts across the archipelago for mosquito control. We also considered the alternative hypothesis of multiple independent co‐introductions with host fishes originating from Asia. We inferred conduits of introduction and spread of C. cotti across the archipelago from geographic patterns of mtDNA sequence variation and allelic variation across 11 newly developed microsatellite markers. The distribution of haplotypes suggests that C. cotti spread across the archipelago following an initial introduction on O'ahu. Approximate Bayesian Computation modeling and allelic variation also indicate that O'ahu is the most likely location of introduction, from which C. cotti dispersed to Maui followed by spread to the other islands in the archipelago. Evidence of significant genetic structure across islands indicates that contemporary dispersal is limited. Our findings parallel historical records of non‐native poeciliid introductions and suggest that remediating invasion hotspots could reduce the risk of infection in native stream fishes, which illustrates how inferences on parasite co‐introductions can improve conservation efforts by guiding responses to emerging infectious disease in species of concern.  相似文献   

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