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The disappearance of Acropora palmata from reefs in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) represents a significant loss in the amount of structurally complex habitat available for reef-associated species. The consequences of such a widespread loss of complex structure on ecosystem processes are still unclear. We sought to determine whether the disappearance of complex structure has adversely affected grazing and invertebrate predation rates on a shallow reef in the FKNMS. Surprisingly, we found grazing rates and invertebrate predation rates were lower in the structurally complex A. palmata branches than on the topographically simple degraded reefs. We attribute these results to high densities of aggressively territorial damselfish, Stegastes planifrons, living within A. palmata. Our study suggests the presence of agonistic damselfish can cause the realized spatial patterns of ecosystem processes to deviate from the expected patterns. Reef ecologists must therefore carefully consider the assemblage of associate fish communities when assessing how the mortality of A. palmata has affected coral reef ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Thirty-one samples of transported Holocene Acropora cervicornis "sticks" sampled from carbonate sand tempestite accumulations at 19 sites along a 180-km-long stretch of the Florida reef tract were dated using the radiocarbon (14C) method. The "modern fossils" collected from just a few centimeters below the surface ranged in age from 0.5 to 6.4 ka. The majority lived between 3.5 and 5.5 ka. The time of transport and deposition is not known. There were no A. cervicornis samples centered around 4.5 ka. Acropora cervicornis is living on many Florida reefs, but the youngest tempestite sample was 500 years old. Two 500-year-long gaps in dated staghorn suggest that the documented decline in living A. cervicornis over the past 25 years may not be without precedent.  相似文献   

This study examines scleractinian zooxanthellate coral recruitment patterns in the Florida Keys to determine if differences in density or community composition exist between regions. From July to September 2002, nine patch reefs, three in each of the upper, middle and lower Keys, were surveyed for coral recruits (colonies <5 cm in diameter) using randomly placed quadrats and transects. Coral recruits were enumerated, measured, and identified to genus. Fourteen genera of corals were observed across all sites and ranged from five to 13 per site. Densities ranged from 6.29 +/- 1.92 (mean +/- SE) to 39.08 +/- 4.53 recruits m(-2), and there were significant site and regional differences in recruit densities. The density of recruits in the upper Keys was significantly lower than in the middle and lower Keys. In addition, the upper Keys were less diverse and had a different recruit size-frequency distribution. The majority of recruits were non-massive scleractinian species that contribute relatively little to overall reef-building processes, a finding that is similar to previous studies. Fewer recruits of massive species were found in the upper Keys compared to the middle and lower Keys. The recruitment patterns of the reefs in the upper Keys could potentially hinder their ability to recover from stress and disturbances.  相似文献   

Land-based nutrient pollution represents a significant human threat to coral reefs globally. We examined this phenomenon in shallow seagrass and coral reef communities between the Content Keys (southern Florida Bay) and Looe Key (south of Big Pine Key) in the Lower Florida Keys by quantifying the role of physical forcing (rainfall, wind, tides) and water management on mainland South Florida to nutrient enrichment and blooms of phytoplankton, macroalgae, and seagrass epiphytes. Initial studies (Phase I) in 1996 involved daily water quality sampling (prior to, during, and following physical forcing events) at three stations (AJ, an inshore area directly impacted by sewage discharges; PR, a nearshore patch reef located inshore of Hawk Channel; and LK, an offshore bank reef at Looe Key) to assess the spatial and temporal patterns in advection of land-based nutrients to the offshore reefs. Concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN=NH4++NO3+NO2), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), and chlorophyll a increased at PR and LK following a wind event (∼15 knots, northeast) in mid-February. The highest DIN (mostly NH4+) and SRP concentrations of the entire study occurred at the inshore AJ during an extreme low tide in March. Following the onset of the wet season in May, mean NH4+ and chlorophyll a concentrations increased significantly to maximum seasonal values at PR and LK during summer; relatively low concentrations of NO3 and a low f-ratio (NO3/NH4++NO3) at all stations during summer do not support the hypothesis that the seasonal phytoplankton blooms resulted from upwelling of NO3. A bloom of the seagrass epiphyte Cladosiphon occidentalis (phaeophyta) followed the onset of the rainy season and increased NH4+ concentrations at LK, resulting in very high epiphyte:blade ratios (∼3:1) on Thalassia testudinum. Biomass of macroalgae increased at all three stations from relatively low values (<50 g dry wt m−2) in winter and early spring to higher values (∼100-300 g dry wt m−2) typical of eutrophic seagrass meadows and coral reefs following the onset of the rainy season. The mean δ15N value of Laurencia intricata (rhodophyta) during 1996 at AJ (+4.7‰) was within the range reported for macroalgae growing on sewage nitrogen; lower values at the more offshore PR (+3.1‰) and LK (+2.9‰) were at the low end of the sewage range, indicating an offshore dilution of the sewage signal during the 1996 study. However, transient increases in δ15N of Cladophora catanata (chlorophtyta) from ~+2% to +5% at LK concurrent with elevated NH4+ concentrations following rain and/or wind events in May and July suggest episodic advection of sewage nitrogen to the offshore LK station. The Phase II study involved sampling of macroalgae for δ15N along a gradient from the Content Keys through Big Pine Key and offshore to LK in the summer wet season of 2000 and again in the drought of spring 2001. During the July 2000 sampling, macroalgae in nearshore waters around Big Pine Key had elevated δ15N values (~+4‰) characteristic of sewage enrichment; lower values (~+2‰) at LK were similar to values reported for macroalgae in upstream waters of western Florida Bay influenced by nitrogen-rich Everglades runoff. That pattern contrasted with the drought sampling in March 2001, when δ15N values of macroalgae were elevated (+6‰) to levels characteristic of sewage enrichment over a broad spatial scale from the Content Keys to LK. These results suggest that regional-scale agricultural runoff from the mainland Everglades watersheds as well as local sewage discharges from the Florida Keys are both significant nitrogen sources supporting eutrophication and algal blooms in seagrass and coral reef communities in the Lower Florida Keys. Hydrological and physical forcing mechanisms, including rainfall, water management on the South Florida mainland, wind, and tides, regulate the relative importance and variability of these anthropogenic nitrogen inputs over gradients extending to the offshore waters of the Florida Reef Tract.  相似文献   

Patterns of spread of coral disease in the Florida Keys   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
Reefs in the Florida Keys are experiencing a dramatic increase in the number of localities and number of species with coral disease. In extensive surveys from Key Largo to Key West in 160 stations at 40 randomly chosen sites, there has been a dramatic increase in (1) the number of locations exhibiting disease (82% of all stations are now affected, a 404% increase over 1996 values), (2) the number of species affected (85% of all species are now affected, a 218% increase over 1996 values), and (3) the rate of coral mortality (the deep fore-reef at Carysfort experienced a 60% reduction of living coral cover during the survey). Two null hypotheses (1) that the incidence of disease has remained constant through time and (2) that the apparent increase in disease is due to a lack of comparable earlier data, are both falsified. Different diseases exhibit different patterns of spread: some diseases (e.g. black band) exhibit low incidence and jump rapidly between sites; other diseases (e.g. white pox) exhibit patchy distributions and increase in frequency at affected sites from one year to the next. The central question of why so many corals are becoming simultaneously susceptible to a host of marine pathogens remains unanswered.  相似文献   

Ocean acidification refugia of the Florida reef tract   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ocean acidification (OA) is expected to reduce the calcification rates of marine organisms, yet we have little understanding of how OA will manifest within dynamic, real-world systems. Natural CO2, alkalinity, and salinity gradients can significantly alter local carbonate chemistry, and thereby create a range of susceptibility for different ecosystems to OA. As such, there is a need to characterize this natural variability of seawater carbonate chemistry, especially within coastal ecosystems. Since 2009, carbonate chemistry data have been collected on the Florida Reef Tract (FRT). During periods of heightened productivity, there is a net uptake of total CO2 (TCO2) which increases aragonite saturation state (Ωarag) values on inshore patch reefs of the upper FRT. These waters can exhibit greater Ωarag than what has been modeled for the tropical surface ocean during preindustrial times, with mean (± std. error) Ωarag-values in spring = 4.69 (±0.101). Conversely, Ωarag-values on offshore reefs generally represent oceanic carbonate chemistries consistent with present day tropical surface ocean conditions. This gradient is opposite from what has been reported for other reef environments. We hypothesize this pattern is caused by the photosynthetic uptake of TCO2 mainly by seagrasses and, to a lesser extent, macroalgae in the inshore waters of the FRT. These inshore reef habitats are therefore potential acidification refugia that are defined not only in a spatial sense, but also in time; coinciding with seasonal productivity dynamics. Coral reefs located within or immediately downstream of seagrass beds may find refuge from OA.  相似文献   

Johne's disease, a fatal and contagious gastrointestinal infection caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map), was first diagnosed in an endangered Florida Key deer (Odocoileus virginianus clavium) in 1996 and later in six additional Key deer deaths from 1998 to 2004. We investigated the geographic distribution of Map in the Lower Florida Keys from February 2005 through May 2006 via collection of blood and fecal pellets from 51 live-captured deer, collection of 550 fecal samples from the ground, and by necropsies of 90 carcasses. Tissue and fecal samples also were submitted from 30 raccoons (Procyon lotor), three feral cats (Felis catus), an opossum (Didelphis virginiana), and a Lower Keys marsh rabbit (Sylvilagus palustris hefneri). Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis was identified in 23 Key deer fecal samples collected from the ground, tissue samples from two clinically ill Key deer, and from the mesenteric lymph node of a raccoon. The results of this study indicate that Map persists in the Key deer population and environment at a low prevalence, but its distribution currently is limited to a relatively small geographic area within the range of Key deer.  相似文献   

Macrofaunal biomass of the Lucero reef flat in the northwestern Philippines accounted for 9 to 52% of total sediment organic matter, and did not exhibit any significant temporal trend. The polychaetes and crustaceans consistently alternated as biomass dominants; the latter group showed monthly and seasonal variations along with the chaetognaths, molluscs, chordates, and chelicerates, among the major groups (p<0.05). Faunal abundance correlated significantly with biomass. Salinity, mean sediment grain size, sediment heterogeneity, and total organic matter were found to significantly influence faunal biomass.The sandy substrate community was characteristically heterotrophic throughout the monitoring period, i.e., P/R<1. Hourly rates of net primary production (p n ) did not exhibit any significant diurnal pattern. Monthly comparisons yielded significant differences for estimates of daily gross primary production, P, and respiration, R. Values of P were relatively low, and ranged from 2240 (± 1526 S.D.) to 4890 (± 1377) mg O2 m–2 d–1 while R ranged from 3744 (± 1504) to 6879 (± 903) mg O2 m–2 d–1. R was lower during the dry warm months than the wet months. Multiple regression analyses indicate that primary production was a positive function of light intensity and temperature, and a negative correlate of salinity (adjusted R 2 = 0.2444, p< 0.05). Respiration (r) did not appear to relate with any environmental variable, with total macroinfaunal abundance nor with biomass.Results of the study suggest that other heterotrophic components of the sand community were probably responsible for most of the energy consumption, and that these may be dependent on external sources of organic matter.  相似文献   

Natural incidences of disease among scleractinian corals are unknown, since most studies have been initiated in response to specific disease outbreaks. Our ability to distinguish elevated disease incidences influenced by anthropogenic and climatic factors is limited since current estimates are probably inflated for extrapolation to larger areas. In our study, we used quantitative assessment methods to characterize the distribution and frequency of scleractinian and gorgonian coral diseases in the south Florida region. This paper is the first in a series that will detail different aspects of our studies. In this paper, we examined the strategy and methodology developed over 2 years to optimize the experimental design of our study. Pilot surveys were conducted in 1997 to develop and test methods, select and determine suitability of sites, and obtain preliminary data to assess the variance and efficiency of the sampling design. Survey periods targeted late spring, the time when coral diseases are believed to emerge, and late summer, the time when coral diseases are believed to be most prevalent. Two strata were chosen to evaluate patterns of coral disease: the first, geographic area, consisted of reefs in the vicinity of Key West, New Grounds and the Dry Tortugas; and the second, reef type, consisted of back, fore and transitional reefs. Random radial arc transects (10 m diameter) were used to quantify 10 diseases affecting 18 species of stony corals and gorgonian sea fans over a large geographical region. During the pilot survey, we demonstrated that the outer 8–10 m segment (113 m2) was an adequate sampling area. The survey implemented important quality assurance measures for data quality control. Power analysis determined that future studies should adopt =0.10, =0.0383, and 1-=0.9617 in our experimental design. The highest prevalence of disease in our study was during the 1997 summer survey, with a mean percent coral disease (MPCD) of 28% occurring at Key West area reefs, or 55% of all back reef stations. Our results do not show a clear pattern of seasonality in coral diseases within either stratum, although differences in disease distribution between reef types and geographic areas were apparent in some of the spring and summer surveys.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Since 2014, stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD) has rapidly spread throughout the Florida reef tract infecting and killing dozens of coral species. Previous studies have found...  相似文献   

Synopsis The influence of habitat on the size distribution of groupers was examined at sites in the middle and upper Florida Keys. Transects were used to quantify the size distribution of groupers at study sites. There were significant differences in the size distribution of groupers within and among reef community types related to differences in species composition and patch reef size. Groupers with a giant life-history style (Sullivan & de Garine 1994) were more abundant, but smaller, on inshore patch reefs than offshore reef community types. However, grouper species with a dwarf life-history style (Sullivan & de Garine 1994) showed an opposite pattern with a lower abundance, but larger size, inshore than offshore. The length category of groupers constituting the majority of individuals observed on patch reefs was inversely related to reef size. Graysby Epinephelus cruentatus were shown to recruit to deeper (15–20 m), low-relief habitats offshore. Several factors influenced the size distribution of groupers in the study sites including habitat type, spear-fishing, competition, predation, and recruitment.  相似文献   

 Annual and lunar patterns of larval release by the coral Porites astreoides in the Florida Keys were investigated. Corals were collected monthly and maintained in outdoor, flow-through systems to quantify nightly release of larvae. Planulae were released during a period from 10 days prior to the new moon through 11 days after the new moon, with a peak in release centered on the new moon. The average duration of larval release by a single colony was 9 nights. Although the correlation was low (r=0.292), there was a positive relationship between colony size and number of larvae released. The majority of larval release occurred in April and May, although smaller numbers of larvae were observed from June through as late as September. Larval release appeared to be correlated with the average water temperatures over the 30 days prior to the new moon, peaking when water temperatures were 24.5–27.5 °C. Accepted: 3 August 1998  相似文献   

Water utilization of tropical hardwood hammocks of the Lower Florida Keys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Predawn water potential of representative plant species, together with stable isotope composition of stem water and potential water sources were investigated in four low-elevation tropical hardwood hammocks in the Lower Florida Keys, during a one year period. Hammock species had the lowest water potentials when soil water content was low and/or soil salinity was high, but differences in groundwater salinity had no effect on the water potential. Comparison of D/H ratio of plant stem water with soil and ground water corroborates the conclusion that they are primarily utilizing soil water and not groundwater. Thus, tropical hardwood hammocks are buffered from saline groundwater, and are able to thrive in areas where groundwater salinity is as high as 25. The effect of sea level rise on these forests may depend more on changes in the frequency of tidal inundation of the soil surface than on changes in groundwater salinity.  相似文献   

The Key Largo woodrat (Neotoma floridana smalli) and Key Largo cotton mouse (Peromyscus gossypinus allapaticola) are federally endangered subspecies endemic to the tropical hardwood hammocks of Key Largo, Florida. Woodrats are considered generalists in habitat and diet, yet a steady decline in natural stick nests and capture rates over the past several decades suggests that they are limited by the availability of nesting habitat due to habitat loss and fragmentation. The more specialized Key Largo cotton mouse appears to rely on old growth hammock, a habitat type that is rare following past land clearing. In 2004, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service started building supplemental nest structures to restore habitat quality and connectivity for these endangered rodents, but nest use requires evaluation. We used camera traps and occupancy models to evaluate the factors influencing woodrat and cotton mouse use of the supplemental nests. We detected woodrats at 65 and cotton mice at 175 of 284 sampled nest structures, with co‐occurrence at 38 nests. Woodrat nest use followed a gradient from low nest use in the north to high nest use in the south, which might relate to the proximity of free‐ranging domestic cat (Felis catus) colonies in residential developments. Cotton mouse nest use, however, was related positively to mature hammock and related negatively to disturbed areas (e.g. scarified lands). The two species occurred independently of each other. Stick‐stacking behavior was observed at supplemental nests and, although it was correlated with detection of woodrats, it was not a strong predictor of their occurrence. We suggest that nest supplementation can be an important tool for species recovery as habitat quality continues to improve with succession.  相似文献   

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