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Long chain acylamides of ethanolamine were previously found to increase in the infarcted canine myocardium. Subsequent in vitro experiments established a number of interesting biological and physiological properties of these compounds including alteration of rabbit skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum function and inhibition of permeability dependent calcium release from heart mitochondria. These results suggested an interaction between the N-acylethanolamines and biological membranes. In the present work we show that the most potent species in previous studies, N-oleylethanolamine, forms stable complexes with phospholipid vesicles, lowers diphenylhexatriene polarization ratios in dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine uni- and multilamellar bilayer vesicles, and also produces a concentration dependent decrease in the phase transitions of these lipid structures. In addition studies with parinaric acids also suggested that N-oleylethanolamine partitions preferentially into more fluid areas of the bilayer. The results are discussed in terms of possible effects on biological membranes.  相似文献   

Hasegawa K  Yamaguchi I  Omata S  Gejyo F  Naiki H 《Biochemistry》1999,38(47):15514-15521
We analyzed the interaction of two kinds of amyloid beta-peptides (A beta), i.e., A beta(1-42) and A beta(1-40), in the kinetics of beta-amyloid fibril (fA beta) formation in vitro, based on a nucleation-dependent polymerization model using fluorescence spectroscopy with thioflavin T. When 25 microM A beta(1-42) was incubated with increasing concentrations of amyloidogenic A beta(1-40), the time to proceed to equilibrium was extended dose-dependently. A similar inhibitory effect was observed when 45 microM A beta(1-40) was incubated with increasing concentrations of A beta(1-42). On the other hand, when 50 microM of nonamyloidogenic A beta(1-40) was incubated with A beta(1-42) at a molar ratio of 10:1 or 5:1, A beta(1-42) initiated fA beta formation from A beta(1-40). The lag time of the reaction shortened in a concentration-dependent manner, with A beta(1-42). We next examined the seeding effect of fA beta formed from A beta(1-42) (fA beta(1-42)) on nonamyloidogenic A beta(1-40). When 50 microM of nonamyloidogenic A beta(1-40) was incubated with 10 or 20 microg/mL (2.2 or 4.4 microM) of fA beta(1-42), the fluorescence showed a sigmoidal increase. The lag time of the reaction was shortened by fA beta(1-42) in a concentration-dependent manner. However, the time to proceed to equilibrium was much longer than when an equal concentration of fA beta formed from A beta(1-40) (fA beta(1-40)) was added to A beta(1-40). The fluorescence increased hyperbolically without a lag phase when 25 microM A beta(1-42) was incubated with 10 or 20 microg/mL (2.3 or 4.6 microM) of fA beta(1-40), and proceeded to equilibrium more rapidly than without fA beta(1-40). An electron microscopic study indicated that the morphology of fA beta formed is governed by the major component of fresh A beta peptides in the reaction mixture, not by the morphology of preexisting fibrils. These results may indicate the central role of A beta(1-42) for fA beta deposition in vivo, among the different coexisting A beta species.  相似文献   

The amyloid beta peptide (A beta) is crucial for the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Aggregation of monomeric A beta into insoluble amyloid fibrils proceeds through several soluble A beta intermediates, including protofibrils, which are believed to be central in the disease process. The main reason for this is their implication in familial Alzheimer's disease with the Arctic amyloid precursor protein mutation (E693G). This mutation gives rise to early onset Alzheimer's disease, and synthetic A beta 1-40Arctic displays an enhanced rate of protofibril formation in vitro[Nilsberth C, Westlind-Danielsson A, Eckman CB, Condron MM, Axelman K, Forsell C, Stenh C, Luthman J, Teplow DB, Younkin SG, Naslund J & Lannfelt L. (2001) Nat Neurosci4, 887-893]. To increase our understanding of the mechanisms involved in A beta aggregation, especially A beta monomer oligomerization into protofibrils and protofibril fibrillization into fibrils, the kinetics of A beta 1-42wt and A beta 1-42Arctic aggregation were examined under different physiochemical conditions, such as concentration, temperature, ionic strength and pH. We used size exclusion chromatography for this purpose, where monomers are separated from protofibrils, and fibrils are separated from protofibrils in a centrifugation step. The Arctic mutation significantly accelerated both A beta 1-42wt protofibril formation and protofibril fibrillization. In addition, we demonstrated that two distinct chemical processes - monomer oligomerization and protofibril fibrillization - were affected differently by changes in the micro-environment and that the Arctic mutation alters the peptide response to such changes.  相似文献   

The association of bacterial lipopolysaccharide with artificial membranes was studied in an attempt to understand the mechanism of binding of lipopolysaccharide to cell surfaces and to look for an effect on membrane stability. The membrane models used were phospholipid bilayers and monolayers. As measured by survival time, lipopolysaccharide was found to decrease the stability of bilayers at a concentration of 300 μg/ml. When assayed by dielectric breakdown, an effect of lipopolysaccharide was noticeable at concentrations of 50 μg/ml. In studies involving the penetration of monomolecular films of various phospholipids, native and alkali-treated lipopolysaccharide both caused increases in surface pressure, and therefore penetrated the films. However, alkali-treated lipopolysaccharide was at least ten times more efficient than the native product in penetration. Alkali-treated lipopolysaccharide had a greater degree of surface activity than native lipopolysaccharide, since alkali-treated lipopolysaccharide formed monomolecular films by itself, whereas native lipopolysaccharide did not. The changes in the surface pressure and surface potential of phospholipid films produced by lipopolysaccharide in the subsolution suggested that the interaction of lipopolysaccharide with phospholipid monolayers was by a combination of penetration and adsorption to the undersurface.  相似文献   

The interaction of three vitamin A derivatives or retinoids: all-trans-retinoic acid, 13-cis-retinoic acid and retinol with multilamellar phospholipid bilayers was studied using a combination of 2H- and 31P-NMR measurements. The following model membrane systems were used: (1) dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayers; (2) bilayers composed of a mixture of DPPC and bovine heart phosphatidylcholine (PC); (3) mixed PC/phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) bilayers. Only a weak interaction was observed between 13-cis-retinoic acid and DPPC membranes. Addition of all-trans-retinoic acid at a molar ratio of 1:2 to the lipid causes a small decrease (5 C degrees) in the gel to liquid crystalline phase-transition temperature of DPPC, a small increase in the order parameters of the lipid side-chains of single component bilayers and no measurable effect in the other lipid systems studied. Considerably larger perturbation in the lipid bilayer structure is introduced by addition of retinol which, at a molar ratio of 1:2 to the lipid, lowered the gel to liquid crystalline phase-transition temperature of DPPC by 21 C degrees and caused a decrease of order parameters of the lipid side-chains in all three lipid bilayer systems. These effects are consistent with intercalation of retinol molecules into the bilayer interior. The results for the mixed PC/PE bilayers indicate that the presence of retinol caused lateral separation of PE- and retinol-enriched regions.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) interaction with specific cell lipid domains was suggested to trigger cholesterol and phospholipid efflux. We analyzed here apoA-I interaction with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine/distearoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC/DSPC) bilayers at a temperature showing phase coexistence. Solid and liquid-crystalline domains were visualized by two-photon fluorescence microscopy on giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) labeled with 6-dodecanoyl-2-dimethyl-amino-naphthalene (Laurdan). A decrease of vesicle size was detected as long as they were incubated with lipid-free apoA-I, together with a shape deformation and a relative enrichment in DSPC. Selective lipid removal mediated by apoA-I from different domains was followed in real time by changes in the Laurdan generalized polarization. The data show a selective interaction of apoA-I with liquid-crystalline domains, from which it removes lipids, at a molar ratio similar to the domain compositions. Next, apoA-I was incubated with DMPC/DSPC small unilamellar vesicles, and products were isolated and quantified. Protein solubilized both lipids but formed complexes relatively enriched in the liquid component. We also show changes in the GUV morphology when cooling down. Our results suggest that the most efficient reaction between apoA-I and DMPC/DSPC occurs in particular bilayer conditions, probably when small fluid domains are nucleated within a continuous gel phase and interfacial packing defects are maximal.  相似文献   

Norleucine is a structural analog of methionine with a methylene group replacing the thio ether. Despite the close structural similarity of these two amino acids, norleucine-containing peptides have markedly different behaviour with phospholipids compared with methionine-containing peptides. For example, HCO-L-Ahx-L-Leu-L-Phe-OMe behaves as a hydrophobic peptide when mixed with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine. This peptide lowers the enthalpy of the lipid phase transition. The effect is independent of the rate of heating. With the homologous peptide, HCO-L-Met-L-Leu-L-Phe-OMe, the results are markedly dependent on scan rate with a higher enthalpy observed at faster scan rates. Only at a scan rate of 0.2 K min-1 do the two peptides approach similar behaviour. The higher enthalpy observed for samples with the methionine peptide at higher scan rates can be explained assuming that the peptide aggregates at low temperature. As the phase transition temperature is approached, the more hydrophilic methionine peptide partitions more slowly into the membrane than the norleucine peptide. Partitioning of the peptides between aqueous and lipid phases was measured at 37 degrees by centrifuging down the lipid-bound fraction. At a peptide concentration of 15 microM and a lipid concentration of 1.4 mM, 89% of the HCO-L-Ahx-L-Leu-L-PheOMe and 97% of the HCO-L-Met-L-Leu-L-PheOMe remained in the supernate; indicating a greater tendency of the norleucine-containing peptide to partition into the lipid phase. The peptides Ac-L-Phe-L-Met-L-Arg-L-Phe-NH2 and Ac-L-Phe-L-Ahx-L-Arg-L-Phe-NH2 are readily soluble in water.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We found that the amyloid peptide A(1-42) is capable of interacting with membrane and forming heterogeneous ion channels in the absence of any added Cu2+ or biological redox agents that have been reported to mediate A(1-42) toxicity. The A(1-42)-formed cation channel was inhibited by Cu2+ in cis solution ([Cu2+]cis) in a voltage- and concentration-dependent manner between 0 and 250 µM. The [Cu2+]cis-induced channel inhibition is fully reversible at low concentrations between 50 and 100 µM [Cu2+]cis and partially reversible at 250 µM [Cu2+]cis. The inhibitory effects of [Cu2+]cis between 50 and 250 µM on the channel could not be reversed with addition of Cu2+-chelating agent clioquinol (CQ) at concentrations between 64 and 384 µM applied to the cis chamber. The effects of 200-250 µM [Cu2+]cis on the burst and intraburst kinetic parameters were not fully reversible with either wash or 128 µM [CQ]cis. The kinetic analysis of the data indicate that Cu2+-induced inhibition was mediated via both desensitization and an open channel block mechanism and that Cu2+ binds to the histidine residues located at the mouth of the channel. It is proposed that the Cu2+-binding site of the A(1-42)-formed channels is modulated with Cu2+ in a similar way to those of channels formed with the prion protein fragment PrP(106-126), suggesting a possible common mechanism for Cu2+ modulation of A and PrP channel proteins linked to neurodegenerative diseases. neurodegenerative diseases; transitional metals; ion channel pathologies; membrane injuries; calcium homeostasis  相似文献   

In this study we compare the ability of various amino acids to protect small unilamellar vesicles against damage during freeze/thaw. Liposomes were composed of 75% palmitoyloleoyl phosphatidylcholine and 25% phosphatidylserine. Damage to liposomes frozen in liquid nitrogen and thawed at 20 degrees C was assessed by resonance energy transfer. Cryoprotection by numerous amino acids was compared in the presence and absence of 350 mM NaCl. The majority of amino acids with hydrocarbon side chains increased membrane damage during freeze/thaw regardless of the presence of salt. However, amino acids with hydrocarbon side chains of less than three carbons long, e.g. glycine, alanine, and 2-aminobutyric acid, were cryoprotective only in the presence of salt. We suggest that NaCl selectively increases the solubility of such amino acids, allowing them to act as cryoprotectants. In contrast, amino acids with side chains containing charged amine groups were cryoprotective regardless of the presence of salt. The degree of charge on the second amine group is shown to be important for cryoprotection by these molecules. We present evidence that suggests an interaction between the positively charged, second amine group of the amino acid, and the negatively charged phospholipid headgroup.  相似文献   

The molecular interaction between common polymer chains and the cell membrane is unknown. Molecular dynamics simulations offer an emerging tool to characterise the nature of the interaction between common degradable polymer chains used in biomedical applications, such as polycaprolactone, and model cell membranes. Herein we characterise with all-atomistic and coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations the interaction between single polycaprolactone chains of varying chain lengths with a phospholipid membrane. We find that the length of the polymer chain greatly affects the nature of interaction with the membrane, as well as the membrane properties. Furthermore, we next utilise advanced sampling techniques in molecular dynamics to characterise the two-dimensional free energy surface for the interaction of varying polymer chain lengths (short, intermediate, and long) with model cell membranes. We find that the free energy minimum shifts from the membrane-water interface to the hydrophobic core of the phospholipid membrane as a function of chain length. Finally, we perform coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations of slightly larger membranes with polymers of the same length and characterise the results as compared with all-atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. These results can be used to design polymer chain lengths and chemistries to optimise their interaction with cell membranes at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Multiple factors affect the thrombin-catalyzed conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin, including: fibrinopeptide (FPA and FPB) release leading to exposure of two types of polymerization domains ("A" and "B," respectively) in the central portion of the molecule, and exposure of a noncatalytic "secondary" thrombin-binding site in fibrin. Fibrinogen containing the FPA sequence but lacking the B beta 1-42 sequence ("des-(B beta 1-42)-fibrinogen"), was compared to native fibrinogen (containing both FPA and FPB) to investigate the role played by B beta 1-42 in the polymerization of alpha-fibrin (i.e. fibrin lacking FPA), to compare reptilase and thrombin cleavage of FPA from fibrinogen, and to explore the location and function of the secondary thrombin-binding site. Electron microscopy of evolving polymer structures (mu, 0.14; pH 7.4) plus turbidity measurements, showed that early thin fibril formation as well as subsequent lateral fibril associations were impaired in des-(B beta 1-42)-alpha-fibrin, thus indicating that the B beta 1-42 sequence contributes to the A polymerization site. Reptilase-activated des-(B beta 1-42)-alpha-fibrin polymerized even more slowly than thrombin-activated des-(B beta 1-42)-alpha-fibrin, differences that disappeared when repolymerization of preformed fibrin monomers was carried out. Since existing data indicate that thrombin releases FPA in a concerted manner, resulting in relatively rapid evolution of fully functional divalent alpha-fibrin monomers, it can be inferred that delayed fibrin assembly of reptilase fibrin is due to slower formation of divalent alpha-fibrin monomers. Thrombin-activated des-(B beta 1-42)-alpha-fibrin polymerized more rapidly at low ionic strength (mu, 0.04) than did native alpha,beta-fibrin, a reversal of their behavior at physiological ionic strength (mu, 0.14). Concomitant measurement of FPA release revealed modest slowing of release at low ionic strength from des-(B beta 1-42)-fibrinogen (t1/2, 36.5 versus 21.5 min) and marked slowing from native fibrinogen (t1/2, 138 versus 22.2 min). This behavior correlated with increased thrombin binding to native alpha,beta-fibrin at low ionic strength, coupled with weak thrombin binding to des-(B beta 1-42)-alpha-fibrin, and indicates that secondary thrombin binding plays an important role in regulating thrombin diffusion and catalytic activity. Des-(B beta 1-42)-fibrinogen lacks or has a markedly defective secondary thrombin-binding site, from which we conclude that the B beta 15-42 sequence in fibrin plays a major role in forming or providing this site.  相似文献   

Interaction of lasalocid sodium salt (Las-Na) with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) as a membrane model was investigated by highly-sensitive differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The insertion properties of the antibiotic were studied both in multilamellar suspensions and unilamellar vesicles, for Las-Na/DPPC molar ratios (r) ranging from 0.005 to 0.1. The effect of the antibiotic on the lipid thermotropic behavior is concentration dependent and drastically changes at a critical r of 0.04 in both model membranes. Below this ratio, Las-Na molecules interact with DPPC bilayers without disrupting the global organization of the membrane. In the multilamellar systems only the transition cooperativity is affected whereas for the mixed vesicles, a decrease in the enthalpy change suggests a different mode of insertion. Above this ratio, implantation of the antibiotic give rise to lateral phase separation in multilamellar systems. These structural modifications have repercussions on the formation of mixed LAS-Na/DPPC vesicles which seems limited to an r value of 0.04.  相似文献   

Secondary structure of three amyloid b-peptides [A beta(1-28), A beta(1-40) and A beta(1-42)] in the solid state was respectively determined by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) microspectroscopy. Their thermal-dependent structural transformation were also investigated by FT-IR microspectroscopy equipped with a thermal analyzer. The present result demonstrates that the solid-state A beta(1-28), A beta(1-40) and A beta(1-42) peptides showed a significant IR spectral difference in the amide I and II bands. The secondary conformation of A beta(1-28) peptide was the combination of major beta-sheet and minor alpha-helix with little random coil structures, but A beta(1-40) peptide showed the co-existence of major beta-sheet and minor random coil with little alpha-helix structures. A beta(1-42) peptide mainly consisted of the predominant b-sheet structure. Although the intact A beta(1-28), A beta(1-40) or A beta(1-42) peptide exhibits a different secondary structure, a similar beta-conformation may form after thermal treatment. A thermal-dependent transition was found for solid A beta(1-28) and A beta(1-40) peptides near 40 degrees C and 45 degrees C, respectively. There was no transition temperature for solid A beta(1-42) peptide, however, due to only a very little level of alpha-helix and random coil structure containing in the solid A beta(1-42) peptide. The thermal denaturation plays an important role in the structural transformation from alpha-helix/random coil to beta-sheet.  相似文献   

The interaction of calreticulin with amyloid beta (Abeta) was investigated using solid phase and solution binding assays. Calreticulin bound Abeta 1-42 in a time and concentration dependent fashion. The binding was optimal at pH 5 and was stimulated by Ca2+ and inhibited by Zn2+ at pH 7. Interaction took place through the hydrophobic C-terminus of Abeta 1-42 and the polypeptide binding site of calreticulin. The results are discussed in the light of a reported role of calreticulin as a cell surface scavenger receptor.  相似文献   

Drug-membrane association of daunomycin, adriamycin and three of its derivatives, adriamycin-14-octanoate (AD-14-OCTA), adriamycin-14-acetate (AD-14-ACE) and N-trifluoroacetyladriamycin-14-valerate (AD32), was studied using phospholipid bilayers and human erythrocytes. The various drugs exhibited a differential affinity to membrane-lipid domains.Lipid-incorporated drugs exhibit a marked change in the shape of the emission spectrum which was utilized for the evaluation of the apparent dielectric constant, ?, of the environment surrounding the anthracycline moiety, as well as for the determination of the partitioning constant. By measuring the fluorescence polarization and the fluorescence lifetime of the incorporated drugs, rotational relaxation times of 4–8 ns were derived. These parameters provide a supportive evidence for the association of the fluorophore of the drugs with membrane-lipid domains.The anthracycline derivatives interact to a different degree with dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine as reflected by changes in their thermotropic properties assessed by differential scanning calorimetry. Daunomycin was the most effective in decreasing the temperature of the phase transition and brought about a comparable reduction in the enthalpy of melting as AD32 and AD-14-OCTA. Adriamycin was the least potent of the series.AD-14-ACE and AD32 protected erythrocytes against hypotonic lysis, adriamycin and daunomycin had no significant effect on the susceptibility to hypotonic lysis, whereas AD-14-OCTA proved to be hemolytic even at low concentration (approx. 10?7 M).The interaction of erythrocytes with daunomycin, AD-14-ACE and Ad-14-OCTA resulted in a shape change from biconcave discs to cups. Adriamycin and AD32 did not affect erythrocyte shape.The differential drug-membrane interactions may be an important determinant in the antitumor differential efficiency of the drugs, especially in view of the fact that derivatives that do not intercalate into the DNA (AD32) are at least as potent as those that do.  相似文献   

Iturin A is a lipopeptide extracted from the culture media of Bacillus subtilis which shows a strong antifungal action. The interaction of iturin A with multilamellar vesicles of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) induced structures which did not sediment during centrifugation. Electron microscopy after negative staining showed that, at 30 mol%, iturin A/DMPC vesicles were visible but smaller than those formed by pure DMPC. Thermograms of DMPC/iturinA obtained after differential scanning calorimetry, at low concentrations of iturin A, were interpreted as indicating the presence of two laterally separated phases, one formed by pure phospholipid and the other by lipopeptide-phospholipid complexes, these two separated phases being already detected even at low concentrations such as 2 mol%. Fluorescence quenching experiments showed that the D-Tyr residue of the lipopeptide was fully accessible to the aqueous medium, indicating that the polar part of iturin A is located outside of the membrane hydrophobic palisade. It was concluded that the membrane barrier properties are likely to be damaged in the area where the lipid complexes are accumulated, due to structural fluctuations, and this may be one of the bases of its biological activity. Iturin-A was also able to greatly destabilize dielaidoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DEPE) membranes in the fluid form, producing a new structure which had a poor correlation in X-ray diffraction, and in 31P NMR spectroscopy gave rise to a spectrum containing a double isotropic signal. Iturin A was shown to induce DEPE to adopt phases other than H(II) inverted hexagonal, underlining that this lipopeptide is capable of modifying the curvature of the membrane, which may also be important in explaining the tendency of iturin A to create small vesicles and which may be another of the bases of its biological activity.  相似文献   

A critical event in Alzheimer's disease is the transition of Abeta peptides from their soluble forms into disease-associated beta-sheet-rich conformers. Structural analysis of a complete D-amino acid replacement set of Abeta(1-42) enabled us to localize in the full-length 42-mer peptide the region responsible for the conformational switch into a beta-sheet structure. Although NMR spectroscopy of trifluoroethanol-stabilized monomeric Abeta(1-42) delineated two separated helical domains, only the destabilization of helix I, comprising residues 11-24, caused a transition to a beta-sheet structure. This conformational alpha-to-beta switch was directly accompanied by an aggregation process leading to the formation of amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase kinase-3beta (GSK-3beta) is implicated in regulating apoptosis and tau protein hyperphosphorylation in Alzheimer's disease (AD). We investigated the effects of two key AD molecules, namely apoE (E3 and E4 isoforms) and beta-amyloid (Abeta) 1-42 on GSK-3beta and its major upstream regulators, intracellular calcium and protein kinases C and B (PKC and PKB) in human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. ApoE3 induced a mild, transient, Ca2+-independent and early activation of GSK-3beta. ApoE4 effects were biphasic, with an early strong GSK-3beta activation that was partially dependent on extracellular Ca2+, followed by a GSK-3beta inactivation. ApoE4 also activated PKC-alpha and PKB possibly giving the subsequent GSK-3beta inhibition. Abeta(1-42) effects were also biphasic with a strong activation dependent partially on extracellular Ca2+ followed by an inactivation. Abeta(1-42) induced an early and potent activation of PKC-alpha and a late decrease of PKB activity. ApoE4 and Abeta(1-42) were more toxic than apoE3 as shown by MTT reduction assays and generation of activated caspase-3. ApoE4 and Abeta(1-42)-induced early activation of GSK-3beta could lead to apoptosis and tau hyperphosphorylation. A late inhibition of GSK-3beta through activation of upstream kinases likely compensates the effects of apoE4 and Abeta(1-42) on GSK-3beta, the unbalanced regulation of which may contribute to AD pathology.  相似文献   

The solution structure of cupiennin 1a, a 35 residue, basic antibacterial peptide isolated from the venom of the spider Cupiennius salei, has been determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The peptide was found to adopt a helix-hinge-helix structure in a membrane mimicking solvent. The hinge may play a role in allowing the amphipathic N-terminal helix and polar C-terminal helix to orient independently upon membrane binding, in order to achieve maximal antibacterial efficacy. Solid-state 31P and 2H NMR was used to further study the effects of cupiennin 1a on the dynamic properties of lipid membranes, using zwitterionic chain deuterated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (d54-DMPC) and anionic dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) multilamellar vesicles. In d54-DMPC alone, cupiennin 1a caused a decrease in the 31P chemical shift anisotropy, indicating some interaction with the lipid head groups, and a decrease in order over the entire acyl chain. In contrast, for the mixed (d54-DMPC/DMPG) lipid system cupiennin 1a appeared to induce lateral separation of the two lipids as evidenced by the 31P spectra, in which the peptide preferentially interacted with DMPG. Little effect was observed on the deuterated acyl chain order parameters in the d54-DMPC/DMPG model membranes. Furthermore, 31P NMR relaxation measurements confirmed a differential effect on the lipid motions depending upon the membrane composition. Therefore, subtle differences are likely in the mechanism by which cupiennin 1a causes membrane lysis in either prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells, and may explain the specific spectrum of activity.  相似文献   

The interaction between ubiquinone homologues with polyisoprenoid chain lengths varying from 3 to 10 units and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers has been examined by differential scanning calorimetry and wide angle X-ray diffraction analysis. Decreasing the polyisoprenoid chain lengths of ubiquinone in mixed dispersions with phospholipid in mol ratios of about 10 mol% caused a decrease in the gel-liquid crystalline phase transition temperature of the phospholipid and a broadening of the transition. Enthalpy measurements showed that most of the phospholipid (greater than 92%) was involved in the transition endotherm and the formation of a gel phase was also confirmed by the presence of a sharp X-ray reflection of 0.42 nm. These results are consistent with a model in which all of the ubiquinone homologous ultimately undergo a phase separation from phospholipid molecules entering a gel phase on cooling below the phase transition temperature. Reducing the length of the polyisoprenoid chain alters the amphipathic balance of the ubiquinone molecules and is reflected in the tendency of shorter chain ubiquinones to intercalate between the phospholipid molecules upon reheating through the main phase transition.  相似文献   

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