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Preliminary evidence is presented that indicates that the dihydrofolate reductase activity of amethopterin-sensitive Streptococcus faecium var. durans ATCC 8043 is separable into two dihydrofolate reductases, one of which also reduces folate.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Rotalia beccarii var. flevensis nov. var. zeigt eine typische Trimorphie (Formen a1, A2 und B). Diese Trimorphie ist der Ausdruck eines Generationswechsels, der mit den Jahreszeiten gleichen Tritt hält. Die B-Form ist die Dauerform im Winter und bildet im Frühjahr durch asexuelle Vermehrung Plasmodiosporen, welche zur A1-Form heranwachsen. Die A1-Form bildet ihrerseits im Sommer die A2-Form, welche gekennzeichnet ist durch den Besitz eines Chromidiums. In dieser Form entwickeln sich die Mikrosporen durch mitotische Teilungen der aus dem Chromidium entstandenen kleinen Kerne, nachdem die Individuen sich enzystiert haben. Die Kopulation der Mikrosporen liefert im Herbst wieder die mikrosphärische B-Form.Ich habe eine ausführliche Studie publiziert über die Fortpflanzung der Foraminiferen in: Siboga-Reports 4, Part II, S. 79–104. Daselbst ist diese Rotalia noch als Pulvinulina repanda angeführt. Für Figuren verweise ich auf diese Arbeit.Mitteilung der Kommission zur biologischen Untersuchung der Zuidersee während der Trockenlegung.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Oscillatoria agardhii var. suspensa n. var. ist ein Süßwasser-Planktont, der O. agardhii nahe steht, sich aber durch geringere Abmessungen und den Bau der Trichom-Enden unterscheidet. Sie wurde durch Waschen von anderen Organismen befreit, was bisher noch bei keiner Cyanophycee gelungen war.Die Art lebt im Wasser schwebend. Nur in alten Kulturen sammelt sie sich an der Oberfläche an.O. agardhii var. suspensa ist streng photo-autotroph und macht von organischen Nährstoffen keinen Gebrauch. Sie ist sogar sehr empfindlich gegen manche von ihnen, besonders gegen Glucose (aber nicht gegen andere Zucker), die schon in geringen Konzentrationen die Vermehrung unterdrückt.Die weißlich-grüne Farbe der Art wird durch die Pseudovacuolen bewirkt; der Chlorophyllgehalt ist aber nicht geringer als der von anderen Cyanophyceen, die tief blaugrün aussehen.
Summary Oscillatoria agardhii var. suspensa n. var. is a freshwater planktont allied to O. agardhii but differing in smaller dimensions and the shape of the trichome-ends. It was freed from other organisms by the washing procedure, a technique that had not yet been successful in any member of the Cyanophyceae.The organism lives suspended in the water except in old cultures when it tends to accumulate near the surface.O. agardhii var. suspensa is strictly photo-autotrophic not utilizing any organic nutrients and even to some of them very sensitive, particularly to glucose (though not to other sugars) which prevents growth at minute concentrations.The whitish green hue of the species is due to pseudovacuoles while the content of chlorophyll is not lower than that of Cyanophycean species appearing deep blue-green to the eye.

Sandra Ricci 《Hydrobiologia》1990,194(2):115-118
The new varietyStaurastrum dilatatum Ehr. var.thomassonii is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Resistance to the antifolates methasquin and amethopterin has been studied in new strains of Streptococcus faecium var. durans. Two methasquin-resistant strains (SF/MQ, SF/MQ(T)) and an amethopterin-resistant strain (SF/AM) were selected independently from the wild-type S. faecium var. durans (SF/O). SF/MQ(T) is a thymine auxotroph. Total dihydrofolate reductase activity was elevated in each of the resistant strains. The greatest increase (36-fold) was observed in extracts of SF/AM. The methasquin-resistant strains, SF/MQ and SF/MQ(T), had 29-fold and 8-fold, respectively, more dihydrofolate reductase activity than the parental strain. Total dihydrofolate reductase activity of SF/O was separable by gel filtration into two components: a folate reductase (11%) and a specific dihydrofolate reductase (89%). Folate reductase activity was associated with 88% of the total dihydrofolate reductase activity of SF/MQ(T), with specific dihydrofolate reductase activity accounting for the remaining 12%. In SF/MQ and SF/AM, folate reductase activity was associated with 97% of the total dihydrofolate reductase activity. Studies of the inhibition by methasquin and amethopterin of partially purified folate reductase and specific dihydrofolate reductase of the mutant strains suggested that resistance was not accompanied by changes in the affinities of these enzymes for either antifolate.  相似文献   

The methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase of the amethopterin-resistant strain Streptococcus faecium var. durans A(k) was purified 100-fold. Because it is extremely labile, this enzyme required protection by 1 mm nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP(+)) during purification; 0.01 mm EADP(+) with 0.1% bovine plasma albumin stabilized the purified enzyme during storage at -20 C. Although the enzyme has properties of sulfhydryl enzymes, thiol compounds were not stabilizers. Oxidation of methylenetetrahydrofolate, catalyzed by the purified enzyme preparation, is NADP(+)-specific and yields methenyltetrahydrofolate and the reduced pyridine nucleotide. K(m) values for NADP(+) and for 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate (prepared as the formaldehyde adduct of biologically synthesized l,l-tetrahydrofolate) were calculated to be 0.021 and 0.026 mm, respectively. Neither purine bases and their derivatives nor serine inhibited the reaction. In growing cultures, the differential rate of synthesis of the methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase was dependent upon the composition of the medium. A medium which contained acid-hydrolyzed casein, and thus an exogenous source of serine, was repressive for this enzyme. In a serine-free, completely defined medium, the amount of folate added (for serine synthesis de novo) affected the duration of the initial exponential growth phase. At the termination of this phase, which primarily reflected the onset of a decreased rate of serine biosynthesis, synthesis of the methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase was derepressed. Exogenous serine in the completely defined medium prevented the derepression. Furthermore, physiological concentrations of l-serine were repressive not only for the dehydrogenase but also for the methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase and the serine hydroxymethyl-transferase. Concomitantly, the differential rate of synthesis of the formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase of S. faecium var. durans A(k) was increased. Apparently, serine regulates the differential rates of syntheses of these enzymes.  相似文献   

The new variety Eugenia terpnophylla Thw. viz. var. keralensis S. M. Shareef, E. S. Santhosh Kumar et Roy is described and illustrated from Kerala, India. It differs from the typical variety by its narrowly or broadly elliptic leaves with more numerous lateral nerves, sub‐orbicular petals and ellipsoidal fruits.  相似文献   

Tremacron aurantiacum var. weiningense (Gesneriaceaea), a new variety of Tremacron aurantiacum found in northwest Guizhou, China, is described and illustrated. This new variety differs from T. aurantiacum K. Y. Pan var. aurantiacum in the following respects: it has appressed pubescence and tomentum on the lower surface of its leaves, inflorescence is 4–8‐flowered, 5–10 cymes, peduncles and pedicels are covered with glandular pubescence, the corolla is thin with tube‐like upper lips indistinct and cut‐like, the stigma is 1, capitate.  相似文献   

Magnolia denudata var. glabrata Y. L. Wang et S. Z. Zhang var. nov. is described and illustrated from Hunan, China. The variety occurs mainly in semi‐evergreen forest of south Hunan at altitudes between 700 and 1260 m a.s.l. It differs from M. denudata var. denudata by its green and glabrous twigs and leaves which are glabrous above and have some white pubescence underneath. With its white flowers consisting of mostly 9 tepals, it differs from M. sprengeri Pamp. which mainly has 12 tepals in various shades of red/pink to white. The new variety is rare and considered endangered due to habitat destruction.  相似文献   

An actinomycetous culture LIA-0734 was isolated from a soil sample. By its morphologo-cultural properties it was close to Act. flavus and differed from the latter in the sporophores, colour of the substrate mycelium on synthetic media amd markedly pronounced antagonism with respect to yeasts and yeast-like fungi. The culture was classified as Act. flavus var. geptinicus var. nov. The actinomycete produced new aromatic heptaens: flavomycins A and B. Their physico-chemical and biological characteristics and singularity are presented.  相似文献   

One new species, Rhododendron subroseum Xiang Chen & Jiayong Huang, and one new variety, R. denudatum var. glabriovarium Xiang Chen & Xun Chen (Ericaceae), from the Guizhou Province, China are described and illustrated. Rhododendron subroseum is most similar to R. morii from which it differs mainly by having glandular branchlets, a subcordate leaf blade base and a mucronate leaf blade apex, a less floriferous inflorescence, a campanulate to broadly‐campanulate corolla, and a glandular‐hairy style. Rhododendron denudatum var. glabriovarium differs from R. denudatum var. denudatum mainly by having a glabrous ovary. Both of the new taxa are quite rare and therefore their protection is highly desired.  相似文献   

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