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Considerable interest has been focused on inducing RNA interference (RNAi) in neurons to study gene function and identify new targets for disease intervention. Although small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) have been used to silence genes in neurons, in vivo delivery of RNAi remains a major challenge limiting its applications. We have developed a highly efficient method for in vivo gene silencing in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) using replication-defective herpes simplex viral (HSV-1) vectors. HSV-mediated delivery of short-hairpin RNA (shRNA) targeting reporter genes resulted in highly effective and specific silencing in neuronal and non-neuronal cells in culture and in the DRG of mice in vivo including in a transgenic mouse model. We further establish proof of concept by demonstrating in vivo silencing of the endogenous trpv1 gene. These data are the first to show silencing in DRG neurons in vivo by vector-mediated delivery of shRNA. Our results support the utility of HSV vectors for gene silencing in peripheral neurons and the potential application of this technology to the study of nociceptive processes and in pain gene target validation studies.  相似文献   

N Sun  M D Cassell    S Perlman 《Journal of virology》1996,70(8):5405-5413
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) undergoes retrograde and anterograde axonal transport as it establishes latency and later intermittently reactivates. Most strains of HSV show preferential retrograde transport within the central nervous system (CNS), however. Previous experiments suggest that an exception to this is HSV type 1 (HSV-1) strain H129, since this virus appears to spread primarily in the CNS via anterograde, transneuronal movement. The objective of the present study was to test how specifically this virus spreads in the visual system, a system with well-described neuronal connections. In the present study, the pattern of viral spread was examined following inoculation into the murine vitreous body. Virus was initially detected in the retina and optic tract. Virus then appeared in all known primary targets of the retina, including those in the thalamus (e.g., lateral geniculate complex), hypothalamus (suprachiasmatic nucleus), and superior colliculus (superficial layers). In previous studies, many strains of HSV were shown to infect these structures, even though they spread predominantly in a retrograde direction. However, the H129 strain was unique in then spreading, via anterograde transport, to the primary visual cortex (layer 4 of area 17) via thalamocortical connections. At later times after infection, specific labeling was also detected in other cortical and subcortical areas known to receive projections from the visual cortex. No labeling was ever detected in the contralateral retina, which is consistent with a lack of retrograde spread of HSV-1 strain H129. These results demonstrate the specific anterograde movement of this virus from the retina to subcortical and cortical regions, with no clear evidence for retrograde spread. HSV-1 strain H129 should be generally useful for tracing sensory pathways and may provide the basis for designing a virus vector capable of delivering genetic material via anterograde pathways within the CNS.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) capsids were found to assemble spontaneously in a cell-free system consisting of extracts prepared from insect cells that had been infected with recombinant baculoviruses coding for HSV-1 capsid proteins. The capsids formed in this system resembled native HSV-1 capsids in morphology as judged by electron microscopy, in sedimentation rate on sucrose density gradients, in protein composition, and in their ability to react with antibodies specific for the HSV-1 major capsid protein, VP5. Optimal capsid assembly required the presence of extracts containing capsid proteins VP5, VP19, VP23, VP22a, and the maturational protease (product of the UL26 gene). Assembly was more efficient at 27 degrees C than at 4 degrees C. The availability of a cell-free assay for HSV-1 capsid formation will be of help in identifying the morphogenetic steps that occur during capsid assembly in vivo and in evaluating candidate antiherpes therapeutics directed at capsid assembly.  相似文献   

R L Fawl  B Roizman 《Journal of virology》1993,67(12):7025-7031
Herpes simplex viruses maintained in a latent state in sensory neurons in mice do not reactivate spontaneously, and therefore the factors or procedures which cause the virus to reactivate serve as a clue to the mechanisms by which the virus is maintained in a latent state. We report that cadmium sulfate induces latent virus to reactivate in 75 to 100% of mice tested. The following specific findings are reported. (i) The highest frequency of induction was observed after two to four daily administrations of 100 micrograms of cadmium sulfate. (ii) Zinc, copper, manganese, or nickel sulfate administered in equimolar amounts under the same regimen did not induce viral reactivation; however, zinc sulfate in molar ratios 25-fold greater than those of cadmium induced viral replication in 2 of 16 ganglia tested. (iii) Administration of zinc, nickel, or manganese prior to the cadmium sulfate reduced the incidence of ganglia containing infectious virus. (iv) Administration of cadmium daily during the first week after infection and at 2-day intervals to 13 days after infection resulted in the recovery from ganglia of infectious virus in titers 10- to 100-fold higher than those obtained from animals given saline. Moreover, infectious virus was recovered as late as 11 days after infection compared with 6 days in mice administered saline. (v) Administration of cadmium immediately after infection or repeatedly after establishment of latency did not exhaust the latent virus harbored by sensory neurons, inasmuch as the fraction of ganglia of mice administered cadmium and yielding infectious virus was similar to that observed in mice treated with saline. We conclude that induction of cadmium tolerance precludes reactivation of latent virus. If the induction of metallothionein genes was the sole factor required to cause reactivation of latent virus, it would have been expected that all metals which induce metallothioneins would also induce reactivation, which was not observed. The results therefore raise the possibility that in addition to inducing the metallothionein genes, cadmium inactivates the factors which maintain the virus in latent state.  相似文献   

《Seminars in Virology》1994,5(4):261-271
The key features of herpes simplex viruses are cell destruction with considerable pathology, particularly in productive infections of the central nervous system, and ability to remain latent in sensory and autonomic neurons of the peripheral nervous system. In cells in culture, approximately half of the 74 known different genes of the virus are not essential for viral replication. For the most part, these genes are required for efficient viral replication in experimental animal models. Mutations in a small number of viral genes have been shown to decrease the ability of the virus to access the central nervous system or in ability to multiply efficiently. These genes play a key role in defining the pathogenic properties of the virus. Current evidence suggests that viral gene expression is not required for initiation and maintenance of the latent state. Latency reflects the capacity of the cell to specifically and transiently repress viral gene expression.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein C (gC-1) elicits a largely serotype-specific immune response directed against previously described determinants designated antigenic sites I and II. To more precisely define these two immunodominant antigenic regions of gC-1 and to determine whether the homologous HSV-2 glycoprotein (gC-2) has similarly situated antigenic determinants, viral recombinants containing gC chimeric genes which join site I and site II of the two serotypes were constructed. The antigenic structure of the hybrid proteins encoded by these chimeric genes was studied by using gC-1- and gC-2-specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) in radioimmunoprecipitation, neutralization, and flow cytometry assays. The results of these analyses showed that the reactivity patterns of the MAbs were consistent among the three assays, and on this basis, they could be categorized as recognizing type-specific epitopes within the C-terminal or N-terminal half of gC-1 or gC-2. All MAbs were able to bind to only one or the other of the two hybrid proteins, demonstrating that gC-2, like gC-1, contains at least two antigenic sites located in the two halves of the molecule and that the structures of the antigenic sites in both molecules are independent and rely on limited type-specific regions of the molecule to maintain epitope structure. To fine map amino acid residues which are recognized by site I type-specific MAbs, point mutations were introduced into site I of the gC-1 or gC-2 gene, which resulted in recombinant mutant glycoproteins containing one or several residues from the heterotypic serotype in an otherwise homotypic site I background. The recognition patterns of the MAbs for these mutant molecules demonstrated that (i) single amino acids are responsible for the type-specific nature of individual epitopes and (ii) epitopes are localized to regions of the molecule which contain both shared and unshared amino acids. Taken together, the data described herein established the existence of at least two distinct and structurally independent antigenic sites in gC-1 and gC-2 and identified subtle amino acid sequence differences which contribute to type specificity in antigenic site I of gC.  相似文献   

Heparan sulfate (HS) and its highly modified form, 3-O-sulfated heparan sulfate (3-OS HS), contribute strongly to herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1) infection in vitro. Here we report results from a random M13-phage display library screening to isolate 12-mer peptides that bind specifically to HS, 3-OS HS, and block HSV-1 entry. The screening identified representative candidates from two-different groups of anti-HS peptides with high positive charge densities. Group 1, represented by G1 peptide (LRSRTKIIRIRH), belongs to a class with alternating charges (XRXRXKXXRXRX), and group 2, represented by G2 peptide (MPRRRRIRRRQK), shows repetitive charges (XXRRRRXRRRXK). Viral entry and glycoprotein D binding assays together with fluorescent microscopy data indicated that both G1 and G2 were potent in blocking HSV-1 entry into primary cultures of human corneal fibroblasts and CHO-K1 cells transiently expressing different glycoprotein D receptors. Interestingly, G2 peptide isolated against 3-OS HS displayed wider ability to inhibit entry of clinically relevant strains of HSV-1 and some divergent members of herpesvirus family including cytomegalovirus and human herpesvirus-8. To identify functional residues within G1 and G2, we performed point mutations and alanine-scanning mutagenesis. Several arginine and a lysine residues were needed for anti-HSV-1 activity, suggesting the importance of the positively charged residues in virus-cell binding and virus-induced membrane fusion. In vivo administration of G1 or G2 peptide as a prophylactic eye drop completely blocked HSV-1 spread in the mouse cornea as evident by immunohistochemistry. This result also highlights an in vivo significance of HS and 3-OS HS during ocular herpes infection.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) encodes a helicase-primase that consists of three polypeptides encoded by the UL5, UL8, and UL52 genes (Crute, J.J., Tsurumi, T., Zhu, L., Weller, S.K., Olivo, P.D., Challberg, M.D., Mocarski, E.S., and Lehman, I.R. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad, Sci, U.S.A. 86, 2186-2189). To obtain sufficient quantities of the enzyme for study, we have overexpressed the three genes using the baculovirus expression system. We find that the fully active enzyme can be assembled in vivo by triply infecting Spodoptera frugiperda SF9 cells with a baculovirus recombinant for each gene. The recombinant enzyme which we have purified to near homogeneity from the insect cells has a molecular weight of 270,000 and is composed of the three polypeptides encoded by the UL5, UL8, and UL52 genes. The enzyme possesses DNA-dependent ATPase, DNA-dependent GTPase, DNA helicase, and DNA primase activities that are essentially identical to the enzyme isolated from HSV-1-infected cells.  相似文献   

Nine temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1 selected for their inability to render cells susceptible to immune cytolysis after infection at the nonpermissive temperature have been characterized genetically and phenotypically. The mutations in four mutants were mapped physically by marker rescue and assigned to functional groups by complementation analysis. In an effort to determine the molecular basis for cytolysis resistance, cells infected with each of the nine mutants were monitored for the synthesis of viral glycoprotein in total cell extracts and for the presence of these glycoproteins in plasma membranes. The four mutants whose ts mutations were mapped were selected with polypeptide-specific antiserum to glycoproteins gA and gB; however, three of the four mutations mapped to DNA sequences outside the limits of the structural gene specifying these glycoproteins. Combined complementation and phenotypic analysis indicates that the fourth mutation also lies elsewhere. The ts mutations in five additional cytolysis-resistant mutants could not be rescued with single cloned DNA fragments representing the entire herpes simplex virus type 1 genome, suggesting that these mutants may possess multiple mutations. Complementation tests with the four mutants whose ts lesions had been mapped physically demonstrated that each represents a new viral gene. Examination of mutant-infected cells at the nonpermissive temperature for the presence of viral glycoproteins in total cell extracts and in membranes at the cell surface demonstrated that (i) none of the five major viral glycoproteins was detected in extracts of cells infected with one mutant, suggesting that this mutant is defective in a very early function; (ii) cells infected with six of the nine mutants exhibited greatly reduced levels of all the major viral glycoproteins at the infected cell surface, indicating that these mutants possess defects in the synthesis or processing of viral glycoproteins; and (iii) in cells infected with one mutant, all viral glycoproteins were precipitable at the surface of the infected cell, despite the resistance of these cells to cytolysis. This mutant is most likely mutated in a gene affecting a late stage in glycoprotein processing, leading to altered presentation of glycoproteins at the plasma membrane. The finding that the synthesis of both gB and gC was affected coordinately in cells infected with six of the nine mutants suggests that synthesis of these two glycoproteins, their transport to the cell surface, or their insertion into plasma membranes is coordinately regulated.  相似文献   

After primary replication at the site of entry into the host, alphaherpesviruses infect and establish latency in neurons. To this end, they are transported within axons retrograde from the periphery to the cell body for replication and in an anterograde direction to synapses for infection of higher-order neurons or back to the periphery. Retrograde transport of incoming nucleocapsids is well documented. In contrast, there is still significant controversy on the mode of anterograde transport. By high-resolution transmission electron microscopy of primary neuronal cultures from embryonic rat superior cervical ganglia infected by pseudorabies virus (PrV), we observed the presence of enveloped virions in axons within vesicles supporting the "married model" of anterograde transport of complete virus particles within vesicles (C. Maresch, H. Granzow, A. Negatsch, B.G. Klupp, W. Fuchs, J.P. Teifke, and T.C. Mettenleiter, J. Virol. 84:5528-5539, 2010). We have now extended these analyses to the related human herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). We have demonstrated that in neurons infected by HSV-1 strains HFEM, 17+ or SC16, approximately 75% of virus particles observed intraaxonally or in growth cones late after infection constitute enveloped virions within vesicles, whereas approximately 25% present as naked capsids. In general, the number of HSV-1 particles in the axons was significantly less than that observed after PrV infection.  相似文献   

The expression of herpes simplex virus (HSV) genomes in the absence of viral regulatory proteins in sensory neurons is poorly understood. Previously, our group reported an HSV immediate early (IE) mutant (d109) unable to express any of the five IE genes and encoding a model human cytomegalovirus immediate early promoter-green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgene. In cultured cells, GFP expressed from this mutant was observed in only a subset of infected cells. The subset exhibited cell type dependence, as the fractions of GFP-expressing cells varied widely among the cell types examined. Herein, we characterize this mutant in murine embryonic trigeminal ganglion (TG) cultures. We found that d109 was nontoxic to neural cultures and persisted in the cultures throughout their life spans. Unlike with some of the cultured cell lines and strains, expression of the GFP transgene was observed in a surprisingly large subset of neurons. However, very few nonneuronal cells expressed GFP. The abilities of ICP0 and an inhibitor of histone deacetylase, trichostatin A (TSA), to activate GFP expression from nonexpressing cells were also compared. The provision of ICP0 by infection with d105 reactivated quiescent genomes in nearly every cell, whereas reactivation by TSA was much more limited and restricted to the previously nonexpressing neurons. Moreover, we found that d109, which does not express ICP0, consistently reactivated HSV type 1 (KOS) in latently infected adult TG cultures. These results suggest that the state of persisting HSV genomes in some TG neurons may be more dynamic and more easily activated than has been observed with nonneuronal cells.  相似文献   

Production of an infectious herpes simplex virus (HSV) particle requires sequential progression of maturing virions through a series of complex assembly events. Capsids must be constructed in the nucleus, packaged with the viral genome, and transported to the nuclear periphery. They then bud into the nuclear membrane to acquire an envelope, traffic through the cytoplasm, and are released from the cell. Most of these phenomena are very poorly defined, and no suitable model system has previously been available to facilitate molecular analyses of genomic DNA packaging, capsid envelopment, and intracellular virion trafficking. We report the development of such an assay system for HSV type 1 (HSV-1). Using a reversible temperature-sensitive mutation in capsid assembly, we have developed conditions in which an accumulated population of immature capsids can be rapidly, efficiently, and synchronously chased to maturity. By assaying synchronized scaffold cleavage, DNA packaging, and acquisition of infectivity, we have demonstrated the kinetics with which these events occur. Kinetic and morphological features of intranuclear and extranuclear virion trafficking have similarly been examined by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy. This system should prove a generally useful tool for the molecular dissection of many late events in HSV-1 biogenesis.  相似文献   

Mice which were infected with the herpesvirus murine cytomegalovirus or herpes simplex virus type 1 on the day of birth exhibited mouse strain-dependent differences in the development of lethal disease. The pattern of resistance among the strains was distinct for each virus and closely resembled that reported in adult mice. However, much lower doses of the viruses were required in newborn mice to reveal these resistance patterns. For murine cytomegalovirus, both H-2-associated and non-H-2 genes conferred resistance, and, as has been shown for adults, there was a 25-fold difference in the dose required to kill 50% of the animals belonging to the most resistant and susceptible strains. The resistance of newborn mice to herpes simplex virus type 1 was conferred by non-H-2 genes in C57BL/6 mice, as has been reported for adults, and newborn C57BL/6 mice were considerably more resistant than mice of susceptible strains. Resistance was also reflected in the titer of these viruses in the spleen or liver early in infection and, with murine cytomegalovirus, in the survival time of infected mice. The resistance of newborn mice to lethal disease was not conferred postnatally by the mother. This appears to be the first report of genetically determined resistance to herpesviruses in newborn mice. Such autonomous virus-specific resistance may provide a significant barrier to naturally acquired infection in genetically resistant strains. Similar genetically regulated mechanisms may protect the newborns of many species, including humans, against infection with herpesviruses.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) is a human pathogen that leads to recurrent facial-oral lesions. Its 152-kb genome is organized in two covalently linked segments, each composed of a unique sequence flanked by inverted repeats. Replication of the HSV-1 genome produces concatemeric molecules in which homologous recombination events occur between the inverted repeats. This mechanism leads to four genome isomers (termed P, IS, IL, and ILS) that differ in the relative orientations of their unique fragments. Molecular combing analysis was performed on DNA extracted from viral particles and BSR, Vero, COS-7, and Neuro-2a cells infected with either strain SC16 or KOS of HSV-1, as well as from tissues of experimentally infected mice. Using fluorescence hybridization, isomers were repeatedly detected and distinguished and were accompanied by a large proportion of noncanonical forms (40%). In both cell and viral-particle extracts, the distributions of the four isomers were statistically equivalent, except for strain KOS grown in Vero and Neuro-2a cells, in which P and IS isomers were significantly overrepresented. In infected cell extracts, concatemeric molecules as long as 10 genome equivalents were detected, among which, strikingly, the isomer distributions were equivalent, suggesting that any such imbalance may occur during encapsidation. In vivo, for strain KOS-infected trigeminal ganglia, an unbalanced distribution distinct from the one in vitro was observed, along with a considerable proportion of noncanonical assortment.  相似文献   

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