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夜香树提取物体外抗肿瘤作用的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨夜香树(CN)不同提取物体对体外培养的肿瘤细胞的作用,采用系统溶剂法提取CN皂苷和多糖,采用MTT法、细胞集落形成法、生长曲线法观察CN皂苷和多糖对宫颈癌细胞株Hela、人胃癌细胞株SGC7901、人肝癌细胞株Bele7404的生长抑制情况,结果发现CN皂苷和多糖对人胃癌细胞株SGC7901、宫颈癌细胞株Hela、肝癌细胞株Bele7404、等3种肿瘤细胞均有明显的抑制作用:在终浓度为62.5 μg/mL范围,CN皂苷和多糖对上述3种肿瘤细胞的抑制率均大于80%,细胞抑制率均有明显的剂量依赖性,IC50均小于20 μg/mL.CN皂苷和多糖对宫顶癌细胞株Hela、人胃癌细胞株SGC7901、人肝癌细胞株Bele7404细胞有显著的抗增殖作用,其抗增殖作用呈明显的剂量依赖关系.  相似文献   

惊飞距离(FID)是指捕食者(包括人类)接近目标个体并导致其逃避时,捕食者与目标个体之间的距离。惊飞距离能很好地衡量动物个体在特定环境下的恐惧反应和风险权衡,是研究动物逃避行为的常用指标,并为物种保护提供科学依据。鸟类是研究逃避行为的理想对象,本文综述了影响鸟类惊飞距离的各种因素,可分为3类:栖息地因素(距隐蔽处的距离和生境开阔度等)、鸟类自身因素(生活史、体型和群体大小等)以及与捕食者相关的因素(捕食者的接近方向和速度等)。城市化也会影响鸟类的惊飞距离,导致城市中的鸟类通常比乡村生境的同种鸟类拥有更短的惊飞距离。习惯化、适应和生境选择是解释惊飞距离城乡差异的3种假说。研究鸟类的惊飞距离及其影响因素,有助于理解鸟类的逃避行为及其风险权衡机制,为物种保护中设立合理的缓冲区域及制定有效的保护管理措施提供科学依据。目前国内有关鸟类惊飞距离的研究多为行为观察和单一因素的影响,有待从不同因素的交互作用角度探讨鸟类的逃避行为并用于物种保护。  相似文献   

为筛选夜香树(Cestrum nocturnum L.)香气释放、生物钟等相关基因表达研究适用的内参基因,本研究采用夜香树盛花期叶片和花为实验材料,利用同源克隆和RACE技术,获得了夜香树6种经典的内参基因序列,分别为:Actb7、EF-1A、GAPDH、TUA、TUB2、UBQ;采用荧光定量PCR方法对18s rRNA和这6个内参基因的表达模式进行了分析,并通过Bestkeeper、geNorm、NormFinder 3种程序分析了内参基因的稳定性。结果表明,在花中,Actb7表达最稳定;在叶片中,EF-1A和UBQ的表达比较稳定;在2种组织中,EF-1A的表达相对稳定。3组稳定性分析中,geNorm程序确定的最佳内参基因数目均为2,最佳内参基因组合均为Actb7/EF-1A。本研究通过对稳定内参基因的筛选,以期为准确检测夜香树盛花期花瓣节律运动、香气释放、生物钟变化等相关基因的表达研究奠定基础。  相似文献   


The Cestrum genus is karyotypically exceptional in Solanaceae. It is characterised by a basic number x?=?8, a large chromosomal and genomic size, complex heterochromatin patterns, B-chromosomes (Bs) with particular heterochromatin and distribution of 18–5.8–26S and 5S rDNA. Cestrum nocturnum L. has a diploid number of 2n?=?16 plus a variable number of B-chromosomes. The aims of work was to analyse their numerical variation, structure and behaviour of C. nocturnum B-chromosomes by classical and molecular cytogenetics. The individuals analysed had 2n?=?16?+?0?13 B-chromosomes. All B-chromosomes were metacentric and smaller than A-chromosomes. The number of B-chromosomes showed a great variability between and within individuals, thereby denoting the occurrence of events that promote mitotic and meiotic instability. Cytogenetic techniques made it possible to observe that B-chromosomes are rich in heterochromatin, probably with AT- and GC-rich regions. In addition, molecular techniques allowed to detect homologous sequences of transposable element conserved domains of Ty1-Copia and Ty3-Gypsy superfamilies. These sequences were located by FISH in all B-chromosomes and some A-chromosomes. Our results showed that repetitive DNA could play an important role in chromosomal evolution as well as in the stability of B-chromosomes in C. nocturnum.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans involves the conversion of spherical, sessile spermatids into bipolar, crawling spermatozoa. In males, spermiogenesis is induced by mating, while in hermaphrodites, spermiogenesis occurs before the first oocytes are fertilized. Alternatively, spermiogenesis can be induced in vitro by treatment with monensin triethanolamine, or pronase. Treatment with the calmodulin inhibitors, trifluoperazine, chlorpromazine, or W7, also induces spermiogenesis in vitro with a half maximal effect at 20 microM. Upon initial activation, spermatids extend long, thin spikes and undergo extensive cellular movements. Eventually, a single motile pseudopod forms through the restructuring of one or more of these spikes. These transient spikes can be prolonged in vitro by removing triethanolamine as soon as the spermatids first form spikes. Spermatids from spe-8 and spe-12 spermatogenesis-defective (spe) mutants activate in vivo with male but not hermaphrodite sperm activator. In vitro, the mutant spermatids arrest spermiogenesis at the spike stage when activated with pronase, but form normal spermatozoa if subsequently or initially treated with monensin or triethanolamine. We present a model of spermiogenesis in which the mutant defects and the action of the pharmacological agents are ordered relative to one another.  相似文献   

The initial event in plant floral organogenesis is bract specification, followed by floral meristem (FM) initiation in bract axils, but initiation signals and the interplay between both lateral organs remain unelucidated. Floral organs are initiated on the flanks of the outgrowing FM and the enormous diversity in floral morphology throughout the plant kingdom reflects variations in organ position, meristy and ontogeny. Classical models of floral development have focused on Arabidopsis, which has mostly actinomorphic flowers, and Antirrhinum, which exhibits zygomorphy, although neither species is typical or representative of angiosperm flower diversity. Although the ABCE model defines a centripetal model of organ identity establishment in different whorls, the characterization of floral organ initiation in many species has relied on their morphological appearance, due to a lack of founder cell-specific markers. Recent progress in early Arabidopsis floral development using histology, molecular markers and mutants has led to refinements of existing floral organ initiation paradigms. In Arabidopsis, sepals initiate unidirectionally, in a temporal window characterized by the absence of CLAVATA3 and WUSCHEL stem cell markers and are partly dependent on PRESSED FLOWER function, whereas initiation of inner-whorl organs occurs centripetally. Arabidopsis mutants reveal that the FM is highly polarized along an ab-/adaxial axis and a comparison of floral development in Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum suggests that heterochrony of conserved gene functions has been evolutionarily adaptive.

This review discusses current views on FM and organ specification signals, the gene regulatory networks that underlie floral meristem polarity, and analogies between the development of floral and leaf primordia as lateral organs. Alternative stem-cell proliferation mechanisms and the bifurcation of founder cell populations can help to explain the diversity in floral diversity throughout the plant kingdom and underpin comparative evolutionary biology and macroevolution. An analysis of plants with divergent body plans at the level of organ specification is urgently needed.  相似文献   

LYNDON  R. F. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(6):1349-1360
The measured divergence angles between successive primordiain the developing flower were compared with angles expectedon several hypotheses concerning primordial initiation. Theresults lead to the conclusion that the position and sequenceof initiation of the younger sepals is determined by the olderones but that the influence of an older primordium lasts foronly two plastochrons. The petals and carpels are apparentlypositioned by the sepals. The positions of the stamens are consistentwith their king determined by the sepals (antesepalous stamens)or petals (antepctalous stamens), but their sequence of initiationis consistent with its being determined, like the sepals, bythe two youngest primordia. The data indicate that there aretwo sets of factors governing the initiation of the primordiasubsequent to the sepals: one governing the positioning of theprimordia and resembling the factors governing the positionsof axillary buds, and the other governing the sequence of primordiaand resembling the factors which determine the initiation ofleaves. Measurements of the plastochron ratios were used tocalculate the sizes of the sepal, petal and stamen primordiaat initiation. At the moment of initiation the sepal primordiawere about one third, and the petal and stamen primordia aboutone sixth, of the size of the leaf primordia. In its early developmentthe Silene flower therefore resembles a condensed leafy shootwith precocious axillary buds but with primordia which are smallcompared to leaf primordia. Silene coeli-rosa, flower development, primordia, phyllotaxis  相似文献   

LYNDON  R. F. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(6):1343-1348
The initiation and development of the flower of Silene coeli-rosawas followed by examining apices by scanning electron microscopy.The sepals, stamens and carpets are initiated in a spiral sequence,the direction of the spiral king the opposite of the acropetalhelix of unequal axillary buds at the nodes below the flower.The petals are initiated almost simultaneously and at the sametime as the first few stamens. The change in phyllotaxis fromopposite and decussate in the vegetative shoot to spiral inthe flower occurs with the displacement of the first two sepalsaway from the mid-line of the apex and towards the axillarybud at the node below the flower. The sizes of the sepals andstamens are a function of their age since initiation but thepetals grow more slowly. The Silene flower can be interpretedas a shoot bearing primordia with associated axillary primordia,some of the latter being precocious in their development. Silent weli-rosa, flower initiation, flower development, phyllotaxis, primordia  相似文献   

ARNEY  S. E. 《Annals of botany》1953,17(3):477-492
The leaf initiation rate in Fragaria vesca (var. ‘RoyalSovereign’) has been compared with the elongation rateof the leaf primordia at different seasons. Certain conceptionsof growth correlation within the bud are presented. Experimentson the nature of elongation and emergence of primordia are described,and the causes of emergence are discussed.  相似文献   

Vegetative plants of Chenopodium amaranticolor were inducedto flower by exposure to 2, 6 or continuous short days (SDs)and the effect of such treatments on organogenesis at the apexof the main stem followed by means of dissections. The mostoutstanding responses to SD treatment were (I) an immediateelongation of the apex, (2) a stimulation of the rate of initiationof leaf primordia, and (3) a promotion of the rate of initiationof axillary bud primordia. In response to as few as 2 SDs, therate of initiation of leaf primordia increased from 0.47 toa maximum of 3.70 per day and the rate of initiation of axillarybud primordia immediately increased from 0.47 to 1.35 per day. Precocious initiation of axillary bud primordia led to the formationof double ridges. The results indicate double ridges to be homologouswith vegetative axillary buds; although they normally developedinto reproductive tissues, they passed through a period of vegetativegrowth following minimal induction to flowering by exposureto 2 SDs. The rate and degree of flowering were highest in plants whichreceived the longest period of SDs, but the differences in finalflowering response were greater than the differences betweenthe initial responses at the apices. The effect of SDs was thusnot confined to an initial stimulation of organogenesis; a prolongedexposure to SDs must have enhanced the subsequent developmentof double ridges into flower primordia. The results are discussed in relation to previous findings andthe general conclusion drawn that the initiation of double ridgesis very widely accompanied by a stimulation of apical growth.It is suggested that inductive conditions remove a general growthinhibition and that the resultant stimulation of apical growthmight lead to the initiation of double ridges.  相似文献   

The initiation and growth of axillary bud primordia in relationto the growth of their subtending leaves was observed at theapices of three clones (A. B. and C) of white clover grown invarious combinations of photoperiod and temperature. ClonesA, B, and C flower in response to low temperatures, and clonesA and C, but not B, in response to a transfer from short tolong photoperiods at higher temperatures. The rate of growth of buds and leaves from node to node waslittle influenced by the various treatments imposed, but theinitiation of axillary bud primordia relative to the apicaldome was stimulated in conditions conducive to flowering. The number of budless leaf primordia at the apex ranged froma maximum average of 2.25 at 20° C. to approximately o.8oat 10° C. in all three clones. At the higher temperatures,runners possessed 2.06 budless nodes in short days but only1.12 in long days in clones A and C. In clone B, daylength didnot influence bud initiation at the higher temperature. The results provide evidence of the homology between vegetativeand repro-ductive axillary bud primordia. It is suggested thatflowering is brought about by the removal of an inhibition withinthe apex which leads to the precocious initiation of axillarybud primordia. Following the initiation of axillary bud primordia, the resultsshow their growth to be uninhibited for 6-7 plastochrons. Rapidinflorescence development occurs during this phase. Apical dominancehas no apparent influence on vegetative axillary buds untilthe onset of rapid petiole elongation in their subtending leaves.  相似文献   

A series of complex and synthetic media have been developed that are suitable for the production of cephalosporin C and cephalosporin N by a mutant strain of Cephalosporium (C.M.I. 49,137). dl-Methionine increased the yield of both antibiotics, with more effect on cephalosporin N. l-Cystine had a greater enhancing effect on formation of cephalosporin C than on formation of cephalosporin N in synthetic media; serine increased yields of cephalosporin C under certain conditions. Disaccharides or polysaccharides appeared to be the best source for carbohydrates. No evidence was found for precursor action such as is found in penicillin fermentations. The ability of resting cells to produce antibiotic was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Memory and the expression of learned behaviors by an organism are often triggered by contextual cues that resemble those that were present when the initial learning occurred. In state-dependent learning, the cue eliciting a learned behavior is a neuroactive drug; behaviors initially learned during exposure to centrally acting compounds such as ethanol are subsequently recalled better if the drug stimulus is again present during testing. Although state-dependent learning is well documented in many vertebrate systems, the molecular mechanisms underlying state-dependent learning and other forms of contextual learning are not understood. Here we demonstrate and present a genetic analysis of state- dependent adaptation in Caenorhabditis elegans. C. elegans normally exhibits adaptation, or reduced behavioral response, to an olfactory stimulus after prior exposure to the stimulus. If the adaptation to the olfactory stimulus is acquired during ethanol administration, the adaptation is subsequently displayed only if the ethanol stimulus is again present. cat-1 and cat-2 mutant animals are defective in dopaminergic neuron signaling and are impaired in state dependency, indicating that dopamine functions in state-dependent adaptation in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Innexins in C. elegans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Innexins are functionally analogous to the vertebrate connexins, and the innexin family of gap junction proteins has been identified in many invertebrates, including Drosophila and C. elegans. The genome sequencing project has identified 25 innexins in C. elegans. We are particularly interested in the roles that gap junctions may play in embryonic development and in wiring of the nervous system. To identify the particular C. elegans innexins that are involved in these processes, we are examining their expression patterns using specific antibodies and translational GFP fusions. In addition we are investigating mutant, RNAi and overexpression phenotypes for many of these genes. To date, we have generated specific antibodies to the non-conserved carboxyl termini of 5 innexins. We have constructed GFP translational fusions for 17 innexins and observed expression patterns for 13 of these genes. In total we have characterized expression patterns representing 14 innexins. Mutations have been identified in 5 of these genes, and at least 3 others have RNAi mutant phenotypes. Generalities emerging from our studies include: 1) most tissues and many individual cells express more than one innexin, 2) some innexins are expressed widely, while others are expressed in only a few cells, and 3) there is a potential for functional pairing of innexins.  相似文献   

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