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The potential of fish production based on periphyton   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Periphyton is composed of attached plant andanimal organisms embedded in amucopolysaccharide matrix. This reviewsummarizes research on periphyton-based fishproduction and on periphyton productivity andingestion by fish, and explores the potentialof developing periphyton-based aquaculture.Important systems with periphyton arebrush-parks in lagoon areas and freshwaterponds with maximum extrapolated fish productionof 8 t ha–1 y–1 and 7 t ha–1y–1, respectively. Experiments with avariety of substrates and fish species havebeen done, sometimes with supplemental feeding.In most experiments, fish production wasgreater with additional substrates compared tocontrols without substrates. Colonization ofsubstrates starts with the deposition oforganic substances and attraction of bacteria,followed by algae and invertebrates. Afterinitial colonization, biomass density increasesto a maximum when competition for light andnutrients prevents a further increase. Often,more than 50% of the periphyton ash-free drymatter is of non-algal origin. Highest biomass(dm) in natural systems ranges from 0 to 700g m–2 and in aquaculture experiments wasaround 100 g m–2. Highest productivity wasfound on bamboo in brush-parks (7.9 gC m–2 d–1) and on coral reefs (3 gC m–2 d–1). Inorganic and organicnutrients stimulate periphyton production.Grazing is the main factor determiningperiphyton density, while substrate type alsoaffects productivity and biomass. Better growthwas observed on natural (tree branches andbamboo) than on artifical materials (plasticand PVC). Many herbivorous and omnivorous fishcan utilize periphyton. Estimates of periphytoningestion by fish range from 0.24 to 112 mg dm(g fish)–1 d–1. Ingestion rates areinfluenced by temperature, fish size, fishspecies and the nutritional quality of theperiphyton. Periphyton composition is generallysimilar to that of natural feeds in fishponds,with a higher ash content due to the entrapmentof sand particles and formation of carbonates.Protein/Metabolizable Energy (P/ME) ratios ofperiphyton vary from 10 to 40 kJ g–1.Overall assimilation efficiency of fish growingon periphyton was 20–50%. The limited work onfeed conversion ratios resulted in valuesbetween 2 and 3. A simple simulation model ofperiphyton-based fish production estimates fishproduction at approximately 2.8 t ha–1y–1. Together with other food resources infishponds, total fish production with thecurrent technology level is estimated at about5 t ha–1 y–1. Because grazingpressure is determined by fish stocking rates,productivity of periphyton is currently themain factor limiting fish production. Weconclude that periphyton can increase theproductivity and efficiency of aquaculturesystems, but more research is needed foroptimization. Areas for attention include theimplementation and control of periphytonproduction (nutrient levels, substate types andconformations), the ratio of fish to periphytonbiomass, options for utilizing periphyton inintensive aquaculture systems and with marinefish, and possibilities for periphyton-basedshrimp culture.  相似文献   

The increasing occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms in freshwaters is of great concern due to the ability of many cyanobacteria to produce cyanotoxins. In the present work, the eutrophied Vela Lake (Central Portugal), used for recreational purposes and as a water source for agriculture, was monitored every fortnight between 2000 and 2001. Phytoplankton diversity and densities were measured and correlated to environmental parameters. A seasonal phytoplanktonic succession was observed and it was mainly correlated with conductivity, temperature, total suspended solids and nutrients availability (particularly phosphorus). Diatoms were dominant during winter months (inferior temperatures and higher nutrients availability) followed by green algae in early spring and then cyanobacteria from late spring until early autumn (less nutrient availability and higher temperatures). A massive cyanobacterial bloom of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae occurred early in May 2001 and was preceded by the lowest nitrogen levels measured in the water during all the study period. At the time of this bloom senescence, dissolved oxygen was severely depleted and a massive death of ichthyofauna was recorded. A Microcystis aeruginosa bloom was also detected in July 2001 and it occurred following a rapid decrease in abundance of green algae and diatoms. By considering not only the environmental parameters but also the occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms as explanatory variables in a canonical correspondence analysis, the variance explained for the phytoplanktonic assemblage during the study period was increased in about 7% achieving a total of 61.0%, indicating a correlation that may be due to the known competitive advantage and/or allelopathy of the bloom-forming cyanobacteria towards microalgae.  相似文献   

Relationships between phytoplankton and periphyton communities were investigated in a central Iowa stream. Results generally support the hypothesis that the phytoplankton community arises from the epipelic periphyton community. A high correlation existed between the proportion of benthic diatoms composing the epipelon and phytoplankton. One dominant epipelic species (Nitzschia acicularis) showed a greater tendency to become planktonic than the grouped remainder of Nitzschia spp. There was a significant inverse relationship between the proportion of centric diatoms in the plankton and volume of flow. Centric diatoms were important members of the plankton only when volume of flow was less than 60 ft3 / sec (2.1 m3 / sec). Possible mechanisms explaining these phenomena are discussed.This study represents a portion of a dissertation submitted to the Graduate College, Iowa State University in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy.  相似文献   

J. P. Descy  C. Mouvet 《Hydrobiologia》1984,119(2):119-128
A survey was made from 1976 to 1981 of the possible effects of Tihange nuclear power plant on the Meuse river. Phytoplankton and periphyton were affected only during low water flow. Both decreases and increases of biomass were recorded for phytoplankton but, for periphyton, only increases. The structure of diatom communities is affected downstream of the plant during low water flow, because sensitive species are replaced by more tolerant ones. In the reach downstream of the plant, the maximum observed temperature increase is 4.2 °C and the maximum decrease in dissolved oxygen is 15%. Except for these two parameters immediately below the plant, any changes observed cannot be attributed solely to the nuclear power plant, but rather to the combination of thermal effects with effluents from other industries which together contribute to the more significant changes observed further downstream.  相似文献   

The suitability of exotic carps namely Aristichthys nobilis (Bighead carp), Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Silver carp), Ctenopharyngodon idellus (Grass carp), Cyprinus carpio (Common carp) and Labeo rohita (Rohu) in a sub-tropical lake was evaluated. The impact of their introduction on native fishes was also studied. After the introduction and cage culture of exotic carps the total harvest reached 92 kg·ha–1; an increase of 266% within eight years. The planktivorous bighead and silver carps were most successful. The harvest of the other three species was poor. Since the introduction of exotic carp the harvest of indigenous fishes declined by 42%. Considering the food habits of these fish, further stocking should be limited to bighead and silver carps to limit the adverse effects on the indigenous species.  相似文献   

The Waikato River (latitude 38°S, longitude 176°E, North Island, New Zealand) is overwhelming y dominated by diatoms (mainly Melosira species) while blue-green and green algae are of minor importance. Both laboratory and in situ nutrient enrichment experiments showed enhanced growth of natural and index blue-green and green algae by addition of phosphate and nitrate. These algae were also shown to require higher temperature and light intensity than the diatoms. On the other hand, Waikato River with its higher silica content, moderate range of temperature and running water habitat was more favourable an environment for diatoms.  相似文献   

2006年3月至2007年2月, 用活体观察法和直接计数法对刘家峡水库网箱养鱼场纤毛虫群落进行了研究.共鉴定到77种纤毛虫, 其中包括4个未定名种, 隶属于3纲11目34科43属.下毛目为优势类群, 前口目为次优势类群, 异毛目为偶见类群.善变膜袋虫、长圆膜袋虫、珍珠映毛虫、钩刺斜管虫和大口瞬目虫为春季群落优势种; 善变膜袋虫、颗粒膜袋虫和珍珠映毛虫为夏季群落优势种; 颗粒膜袋虫和善变膜袋虫为秋季群落优势种; 冬季无明显优势种.纤毛虫物种数的周年动态呈单峰型, 8、9月份物种数最多, 有52种, 3月份最少, 只有18种; 物种数的季节动态为: 夏季>秋季>春季>冬季.纤毛虫丰度的周年动态呈三峰型, 高峰分别出现在4月、6月和9月份, 5月份采样前夕水库调水导致丰度骤降是造成三峰型的主要原因; 纤毛虫丰度的季节动态为: 夏季>秋季>春季>冬季.纤毛虫物种多样性指数的周年动态为: 8月份最大, 3月份最小.相关性分析结果表明, 对网箱养鱼场纤毛虫物种数影响最大的因子是水温, 其次是透明度和pH值, 投放饲料量的影响最小; 对网箱养鱼场纤毛虫丰度影响最大的是投放饲料量, 其次是水温和pH值, 透明度的影响最小.  相似文献   

A quantitative comparison of the grazing behaviour of young Oreochromis niloticus feeding on the planktonic cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa and a periphytic community dominated by the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria sp., determined that biomass ingestion rates of fish filter-feeding on planktonic cyanobacteria were significantly lower than those surface-grazing on periphyton. Comparisons of published laboratory data on filter-feeding with field data on algal ingestion rates suggest that filter-feeding may be a relatively unimportant method of ingesting algae.  相似文献   

Nutrient limitation of primary production was experimentally assessed using an in situ bioassay technique in the Quebrada Salto, a third-order tropical stream draining the northern foothills of the Cordillera Central in Costa Rica. Bioassays employed artificial substrata enriched with nutrients that slowly diffuse through an agar-sand matrix (Pringle & Bowers, 1984). Multiple comparisons of regression coefficients, describing chlorophyll-a accrual through time for different nutrient treatments, revealed positive micronutrient effect(s). Micronutrient treatment combinations (Fe, B, Mn, Zn, Co, Mo, EDTA), supplemented with and without nitrate and phosphate, exhibited significantly greater chlorophyll-a accrual over all other treatments (P < 0.05), supporting over three times that of the control after 14-d of substratum colonization. Neither of the major nutrients (N or P) produced a significant stimulation, although the N treatment displayed 50% more chlorophyll-a than the control after 14-d. Similarly, Si, EDTA, and Si + N + P treatments did not exhibit chlorophyll-a response curves that were significantly different from the control. During the experiment, mean NH4-N and (NO2 + NO3)-N concentrations in the Salto were 2.0 µM (28.6 µg · l–1) and 7.2 µM (100.2 µg · l –1), respectively. High concentrations of PO4-P ( = 2.0 µM; 60.9 µg · l–1) and TP ( = 3.0 µM; 94.0 µg · l–1) were also found, and consequently low molar N:P ratios = 4.7). Despite the potential for N limitation in the system, both N and P appear to be at growth saturating levels. This may be due to micronutrient limitation and/or light limitation of periphyton growth in densely shaded upstream portions of the stream.  相似文献   

徐立蒲  赵文  熊邦喜  王静波  潘勇  曹欢 《生态学报》2007,27(7):2872-2879
通过顶空固相微萃取-气质联用色谱测定北京市精养鱼池中两种主要土腥异味物质(土臭味素和二甲基异莰醇)含量,同时测定鱼池中浮游藻类和放线菌生物量,研究了土腥异味物质含量与浮游藻类和放线菌生物量之间的关系。结果表明,试验鱼池中土腥异味物质以土臭味素为主,土臭味素在精养鱼池中普遍存在,含量为1.22~35.58ng·L-1,二甲基异莰醇在部分鱼池中被检出,含量1.39~6.00ng·L-1。精养鱼池中共检出浮游藻类6门22属,生物量17.33~178.34mg·L-1,以硅藻和裸藻为主。放线菌共测到4个属,其中链霉菌Streptomyces sp.是主要种类,放线菌总生物量0~76×104ind.L-1。鱼池中浮游藻类总生物量与土臭味素含量正相关。浮游藻类中的颗粒直链藻Melosira granulata和条纹小环藻Cyclotella striata可能是北京地区夏秋季节淡水精养鱼池中能够产生土臭味素的主要藻类,裸藻和其他鞭毛藻类对池中异味化合物的产生可能作用较小。  相似文献   

Two short-term (4–5 week) sets of enclosure experiments were conducted during winter periods (1982, 1983) in Americana Reservoir near Sao Paulo to test effects of fish predation reducing grazing pressure by large cladoceran zooplankton (mainlyDaphnia gessneri) on phytoplankton density, cell size distribution, biomass, species composition and richness. Two enclosures were stocked with the zooplanktivorous characin fishAstyanax whereas two others remained fishless during each set of experiments. Within two weeks or less, phytoplankton cell density and biomass were significantly reduced in the fishless enclosures, particularly in the small cell size (< 15 µm) fraction. Changes also occurred in species composition and richness. These shifts generally were maintained or intensified during the course of the experiments.  相似文献   

Fish powders and fish protein hydrolysates (FPH) from sardinella (Sardinella aurita) were prepared and tested as growth media for alkaline protease production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MN7. Cultivated in fish substrate as carbon source, the strain exhibited a slightly greater protease production (about 7800 U ml–1) than that obtained with commercial peptones (about 7222 U ml–1). Furthermore, P. aeruginosa MN7 produced the same amount of protease when cultivated in medium containing only fish substrate or that containing all ingredients, indicating that the strain can obtain its carbon and nitrogen requirements directly from whole fish proteins. Moreover, it was found that extensive hydrolysis of fish proteins did not increase protease formation. Protease production in media containing only FPH prepared by Alcalase was about 70% of those obtained with MN7 protease digest of fish protein or with meat-fish powder. These results indicate that sardinella substrates are an excellent carbon and nitrogen source for the growth of P. aeruginosa MN7 and the production of protease.  相似文献   

Nowadays, numerous power- or scaling-laws are encountered in many fields of biology: an example is Benford's law. According to this law, the first significant digit of any given series of numbers is figure 1 more often than figure 2, which in turn appears more often than 3, and so on. Here we show that number of cells per colony in the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa (F.T. Kützing) F.T. Kützing, randomly isolated from different reservoirs and lakes from Andalusia (S Spain), was very variable (with figures differing up to five orders of magnitude). However, the distribution of the number of cells per colony satisfies Benford's law. This situation could be much more general in colonial cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Declerck  Steven  Meester  Luc De 《Hydrobiologia》2003,500(1-3):83-94
Fish predation was tested as a factor mediating the coexistence of Daphnia taxa in the shallow, hypertrophic Lake Blankaart. Naturally co-occurring populations of D. galeata and the hybrid D. galeata x cucullata were subjected to different levels of fish predation in in situ enclosures. In control enclosures without fish, the largest taxon D. galeata rapidly became dominant over the intermediate sized D. galeata x cucullata, mainly as a result of higher birth rates. In enclosures with fish, population densities of D. galeata dropped relative to D. galeata x cucullata, due to higher mortality rates. These results are in concordance with the `temporal hybrid superiority hypothesis', and can be explained by a higher vulnerability of the large and more conspicuous D. galeata to the size selective predation exerted by visually hunting planktivorous fishes. After approximately one month, however, population growth rates of D. galeata and D. galeata x cucullata in the enclosures with fish converged, due to a relative reduction in the mortality rate of D. galeata. This suggests that, in the presence of fish, D. galeata may co-exist with hybrids due to a decrease in its relative vulnerability to visual predation with time. Indeed, both D. galeata and the hybrid showed strong reductions in adult body size in the enclosures with fish, but this size reduction tended to be stronger in D. galeata than in D. galeata x cucullata. In addition, turbidity increased in the enclosures with fish and may additionally have reduced the relative advantage of D. galeata x cucullata with regard to mortality caused by visual predation.  相似文献   

章典  李诚  刘璐  张胜娟  张庭廷 《生态学报》2015,35(6):1845-1851
利用植物分泌的化感物质进行藻类控制已成为国内外生态环境领域研究的热点之一。首次探讨了岩兰草油的抑藻效应,建立了岩兰草油对铜绿微囊藻和斜生栅藻两种藻共培养时抑制作用的数学模型,采用GC-MS分析方法对岩兰草油中主要成分进行了鉴定。结果表明:岩兰草油对铜绿微囊藻和斜生栅藻在单独和共培养状态下均有良好的抑制作用,对单独培养的铜绿微囊藻和斜生栅藻抑制作用的EC50分别为0.20和0.30 m L/L,说明岩兰草油对蓝藻(铜绿微囊藻)的抑制效果明显好于对绿藻(斜生栅藻)。岩兰草油的主要成分为具有良好抑藻作用的倍半萜类物质,而所建立的岩兰草油对两藻共培养状态下抑制作用的数学模型可以求出在任何时间节点上铜绿微囊藻和斜生栅藻的种群密度以及要达到抑藻最佳状态的岩兰草油浓度。该研究对水华藻类的控制有较重要的理论与应用价值。  相似文献   

In an attempt to recycle the lignocellulosic wastes like Eichhornia crassipes, Salvinia cucullata and rice (Oryza sativa) straw as manurial inputs in freshwater fish pond ecosystem, a decomposition experiment was carried out in litter bags in an oligotrophic freshwater fish pond environment, with the above mentioned three substrates in unprocessed and microbially processed forms. The loss rates, associated microbial groups, oxygen consumption patterns and other related parameters like carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin were analysed. The mean daily dry matter loss rates (unprocessed: 10.44>6.97>1.97 and processed: 11.03>8.21>3.67) and oxygen uptake rate (unprocessed: 0.675>0.571>0.568 mg O2 g–1 h–1 and processed: 0.592>0.424>0.407 mg O2 g–1 h–1) in raw and processed substrates were in the sequence Eichhornia > rice straw > Salvinia. The oxygen consumption pattern almost covariated with variations in temperature of pond water, daily dry matter loss rates and fungal counts on substrates. During the decay, the percentage of N and P increased whereas that of C decreased, resulting in lowering of C/N and C/P ratios of the substrates. The structural polymeric fractions like cellulose and hemicellulose decreased along with dry matter whereas the lignin content increased after an initial decrease due to loss of other structural carbohydrates resulting in apparent per cent gain of lignin. A higher number of different heterotrophic bacterial groups was observed in the processed substrates as compared to their raw counterparts. However, cellulolytic bacterial numbers were found to fluctuate through the study period. The fungal load was found to be decreasing gradually as the decay progressed. In this study, bacteria were found to be the prominent microbial group responsible for the decay. The nitrogen-fixing, phosphatase-producing and phosphorus-solubilising bacterial groups were observed to play an important role in lowering the C/N and C/P ratios of the decomposing substrates during decay.  相似文献   

The efficiency of pigment extraction forms the crux of the spectrophotometric analysis of chlorophyll a. The alcoholic solvents, methanol and ethanol, proved to be superior to acetone and acetone with DMSO. Homogenisation and sonication did not improve the extraction in the alcoholic solvents. Boiling at 100°C had an adverse effect whereas complete extraction of the pigments was obtained at the solvents boiling point and allowing the samples to stand for 24 h in the dark.  相似文献   

Arsenic pollution and eutrophication are both prominent issues in the aquaculture ponds of Taiwan. It is important to study the effects of arsenic on algal growth and toxin production in order to assess the ecological risk of arsenic pollution, or at least to understand naturally occurring ponds. The sensitivity of algae to arsenate has often been linked to the structural similarities between arsenate and phosphate. Thus, in this study we examined the effects of arsenate (10−8 to 10−4 M) on Microcystis aeruginosa TY-1 isolated from Taiwan, under two phosphate regimes. The present study showed that M. aeruginosa TY-1 was arsenate tolerant up to 10−4 M, and that this tolerance was not affected by extracellular phosphate. However, it seems that extracellular phosphate contributed to microcystin production and leakage by M. aeruginosa in response to arsenate. Under normal phosphate conditions, total toxin yields after arsenate treatment followed a typical inverted U-shape hormesis, with a peak value of 2.25 ± 0.06 mg L−1 in the presence of 10−7 M arsenate, whereas 10−8 to 10−6 M arsenate increased leakage of ∼75% microcystin. Under phosphate starvation, total toxin yields were not affected by arsenate, while 10−6 and 10−5 M arsenate stimulated microcystin leakage. It is suggested that arsenate may play a role in the process of microcystin biosynthesis and excretion. Given the arsenic concentrations in aquaculture ponds in Taiwan, arsenate favors survival of toxic M. aeruginosa in such ponds, and arsenate-stimulated microcystin production and leakage may have an impact on the food chain.  相似文献   

Iron propagation cages were settled on sand and/or rock beds in coastal areas of Hokkaido. The cage was oxidized by dissolved oxygen and the released Fe(II) diffused into the seawater around the cage. Fe(II) concentrations in the range of 10–50 nM were detected within a 20-m distance around the cage. For comparison, in the Japan Sea, the total iron concentration is less than 2 nM.Laminaria japonica was grown in an indoor semi-continuous culture system. The critical Fe level for maintaining maximum growth, and the subsistence Fe level for survival were measured. The concentrations obtained were 14–21 and 8 g Fe g–1 tissue, respectively. Iron found inL. japonica growing on rocks and/or rock beds in the Japan Sea was close to the subsistence level. However, the Fe level inL. japonica on the cage in the Japan Sea was considerably higher. The concentrations of chlorophyll-a and fucoxanthin collected from the cage were significantly higher for sporophytes, demonstrating that iron is a very important element for the growth of seaweeds.  相似文献   

Demersal, non-cryptic, wild fishes were counted in replicate 100 m2 transects beneath a floating sea-cage fish farm and two nearby sandy locations at Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, eastern Atlantic) four times before and after the cessation of farming. Cessation of farming involved the removal of farmed fishes and ceasing of the daily feeding, although farm structures (cages and moorings) remained. A 'beyond-BACI' sampling design provided the framework to detect the effect of the cessation of farming, which produced qualitative and quantitative changes in the composition and structure of the fishes assemblages beneath the sea-cage fish farm compared with two nearby controls. The aggregative effect on wild fishes due to the existence of the farm decreased from c. 50 times compared to nearby controls when the farm was in full operation to less than two times when only the farm structures remained. Abundances of particulate organic matter feeders (large-sized mugilids), large benthic chondrichthyid rays and Pagellus spp. declined markedly at the fish farm after the cessation of farming, suggesting that the removal of daily feeding was responsible for their disappearance. In contrast, abundances of herbivores, benthic macro- and meso-carnivores were similar beneath the fish farm both before and after the cessation of farming. Benthic macro-carnivores, however, were more abundant beneath the sea-cages compared to control locations, supporting the hypothesis that the increase in the physical structure beneath farms plays a role in aggregating these species. Sparids occurred beneath the sea-cages only after the cessation of farming, while the two natural control locations did not show differences from before to after the cessation of farming. Overall, the results show that the wild fish assemblage beneath the farm partially changed after the cessation of farming to a more natural state, approaching the assemblages observed at the control sites.  相似文献   

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