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Following skeletal muscle injury, new fibers form from resident satellite cells which reestablish the fiber composition of the original muscle. We have used a cell culture system to analyze satellite cells isolated from adult chicken and quail pectoralis major (PM; a fast muscle) and anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD; a slow muscle) to determine if satellite cells isolated from fast or slow muscles produce one or several types of fibers when they form new fibers in vitro in the absence of innervation or a specific extracellular milieu. The types of fibers formed in satellite cell cultures were determined using immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry with monoclonal antibodies specific for avian fast and slow myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms. We found that satellite cells were of different types and that fast and slow muscles differed in the percentage of each type they contained. Primary satellite cells isolated from the PM formed only fast fibers, while up to 25% of those isolated from ALD formed fibers that were both fast and slow (fast/slow fibers), the remainder being fast only. Fast/slow fibers formed from chicken satellite cells expressed slow MHC1, while slow MHC2 predominated in fast/slow fibers formed from quail satellite cells. Prolonged primary culture did not alter the relative proportions of fast to fast/slow fibers in high density cultures of either chicken or quail satellite cells. No change in commitment was observed in fibers formed from chicken satellite cell progeny repeatedly subcultured at high density, while fibers formed from subcultured quail satellite cell progeny demonstrated increasing commitment to fast/slow fiber type formation. Quail satellite cells cloned from high density cultures formed colonies that demonstrated a similar change in commitment from fast to fast/slow, as did serially subcloned individual satellite cell progeny, indicating that the observed change from fast to fast/slow differentiation resulted from intrinsic changes within a satellite cell. Thus satellite cells freshly isolated from adult chicken and quail are committed to form fibers of at least two types, satellite cells of these two types are found in different proportions in fast and slow muscles, and repeated cell proliferation of quail satellite cell progeny may alter satellite cell progeny to increasingly form fibers of a single type.  相似文献   

Continuous stimulation of a rabbit fast muscle at 10 Hz changes its physiological and biochemical parameters to those of a slow muscle. These transformations include the replacement of myosin of one type by myosin of another type. Two hypotheses could explain the cellular basis of these changes. First, if fibers were permanently programmed to be fast or slow, but not both, a change from one muscle type to another would involve atrophy of one fiber type accompanied by de novo appearance of the other type. Alternatively, preexisting muscle fibers could be changing from the expression of one set of genes to the expression of another. Fluorescein-labeled antibodies against fast (AF) and slow (AS) muscle myosins of rabbits have been prepared by procedures originally applied to chicken muscle. In the unstimulated fast peroneus longus muscle, most fibers stained only with AF; a small percentage stained only with AS; and no fibers stained with both antibodies. In stimulated muscles, most fibers stained with both AF and AS; with increasing time of stimulation, there was a progressive decrease in staining intensity with AF and a progressive increase in staining intensity with AS within the same fibers. These results are consistent with a theory that individual preexisting muscle fibers can actually switch from the synthesis of fast myosin to the synthesis of slow myosin.  相似文献   

Substrate utilization by English sparrow skeletal muscle has been extensively studied in our lab. However, there are few published studies on the muscle fiber composition of English sparrow wing and gastrocnemius muscles. The objective of the present study was to examine the fiber type composition of a variety of muscles in the English sparrow. The classification of a muscle fiber as fast glycolytic, slow oxidative, or fast oxidative glycolytic provides insight into the physiological function of muscles. Therefore, we completed mATPase and NADH stains on four muscles of the sparrow wing, as well as the gastrocnemius muscle, to characterize these muscle fiber types. Results show that the fibers of extensor digitorum communis, extensor metacarpi ulnaris, and extensor metacarpi radialis are homogeneous fast oxidative. The fibers of the supinator are homogeneous fast oxidative in 62.5% of samples, and heterogeneous (45.2% fast oxidative, 54.8% fast nonoxidative) in 37.5% of samples. Whereas the gastrocnemius muscle fibers are heterogeneous (10% fast oxidative, 64% fast nonoxidative, 26% slow oxidative) in all muscles examined.  相似文献   

Contractile protein populations were determined, using gel electrophoresis, during development of the claw closer muscles of the lobster Homarus americanus. In the adult the paired claw closer muscles are asymmetric, consisting of a crusher muscle with all slow fibers and a cutter muscle with a majority of fast and a few slow fibers. The electrophoretic banding pattern of these adult fast and slow fibers shows a similarity in the major proteins including myosin, actin, and tropomyosin which are common to both fiber types. Paramyosin is slightly heavier in fast fibers than in slow. However, fast fibers have three proteins and slow fibers have four proteins which are unique to themselves. Several of these unique proteins belong to the regulatory troponin complexes. In juvenile 4th stage lobster, where the paired closer muscles are undifferentiated, the banding pattern reveals the presence of proteins common to both fiber types including myosin, actin, and tropomysin but the conspicuous absence of all unique fast fiber proteins as well as one unique slow fiber protein. By the juvenile 10th stage most of these unique proteins are present except for one unique slow fiber protein. Thus lobster fast and slow fiber differentiation entails coordinate gene activation to add unique contractile proteins.  相似文献   

Vertebrate muscles are composed of an array of diverse fast and slow fiber types with different contractile properties. Differences among fibers in fast and slow MyHC expression could be due to extrinsic factors that act on the differentiated myofibers. Alternatively, the mononucleate myoblasts that fuse to form multinucleated muscle fibers could differ intrinsically due to lineage. To distinguish between these possibilities, we determined whether the changes in proportion of slow fibers were attributable to inherent differences in myoblasts. The proportion of fibers expressing slow myosin heavy chain (MyHC) was found to change markedly with time during embryonic and fetal human limb development. During the first trimester, a maximum of 75% of fibers expressed slow MyHC. Thereafter, new fibers formed which did not express this MyHC, so that the proportion of fibers expressing slow MyHC dropped to approximately 3% of the total by midgestation. Several weeks later, a subset of the new fibers began to express slow MyHC and from week 30 of gestation through adulthood, approximately 50% of fibers were slow. However, each myoblast clone (n = 2,119) derived from muscle tissues at six stages of human development (weeks 7, 9, 16, and 22 of gestation, 2 mo after birth and adult) expressed slow MyHC upon differentiation. We conclude from these results that the control of slow MyHC expression in vivo during muscle fiber formation in embryonic development is largely extrinsic to the myoblast. By contrast, human myoblast clones from the same samples differed in their expression of embryonic and neonatal MyHCs, in agreement with studies in other species, and this difference was shown to be stably heritable. Even after 25 population doublings in tissue culture, embryonic stage myoblasts did not give rise to myoblasts capable of expressing MyHCs typical of neonatal stages, indicating that stage-specific differences are not under the control of a division dependent mechanism, or intrinsic "clock." Taken together, these results suggest that, unlike embryonic and neonatal MyHCs, the expression of slow MyHC in vivo at different developmental stages during gestation is not the result of commitment to a distinct myoblast lineage, but is largely determined by the environment.  相似文献   

Lobster claw muscles undergo a process of fiber switching during development, where isomorphic muscles containing a mixture of both fast and slow fibers, become specialized into predominantly fast, or exclusively slow, muscles. Although this process has been described using histochemical methods, we lack an understanding of the shifts in gene expression that take place. In this study, we used several complementary techniques to follow changes in the expression of a number of myofibrillar genes in differentiating juvenile lobster claw muscles. RNA probes complementary to fast and slow myosin heavy chain (MHC) mRNA were used to label sections of 7th stage (approximately 3 months old) juvenile claw muscles from different stages of the molt cycle. Recently molted animals (1-5 days postmolt) had muscles with distinct regions of fast and slow gene expression, whereas muscles from later in the molt cycle (7-37 days postmolt) had regions of fast and slow MHC expression that were co-mingled and indistinct. Real-time PCR was used to quantify several myofibrillar genes in 9th and 10th stages (approximately 6 months old) juvenile claws and showed that these genes were expressed at significantly higher levels in the postmolt claws, as compared with the intermolt and premolt claws. Finally, Western blot analyses of muscle fibers from juvenile lobsters approximately 3 to 30 months in age showed a shift in troponin-I (TnI) isoform expression as the fibers differentiated into the adult phenotypes, with expression of the adult fast fiber TnI pattern lagging behind the adult slow fiber TnI pattern. Collectively, these data show that juvenile and adult fibers differ both qualitatively and quantitative in the expression of myofibrillar proteins and it may take as much as 2 years for juvenile fibers to achieve the adult phenotype.  相似文献   

We have identified three sarcolemma-associated antigens, including two antigens that are differentially distributed on skeletal muscle fibers of the fast, fast/slow, and slow types. Monoclonal antibodies were prepared using partially purified membranes of adult chicken skeletal muscles as immunogens and were used to characterize three antigens associated with the sarcolemma of muscle fibers. Immunofluorescence staining of cryosections of adult and embryonic chicken muscles showed that two of the three antigens differed in expression by fibers depending on developmental age and whether the fibers were of the fast, fast/slow, or slow type. Fiber type was assigned by determining the content of fast and slow myosin heavy chain. MSA-55 was expressed equally by fibers of all types. In contrast, MSA-slow and MSA-140 differed in their expression by muscle fibers depending on fiber type. MSA-slow was detected exclusively at the periphery of fast/slow and slow fibers, but was not detected on fast fibers. MSA-140 was detected on all fibers but fast/slow and slow fibers stained more intensely suggesting that these fiber types contain more MSA-140 than fast fibers. These sarcolemma-associated antigens were developmentally regulated in ovo and in vitro. MSA-55 and MSA-140 were detected on all primary muscle fibers by day 8 in ovo of embryonic development, whereas MSA-slow was first detected on muscle fibers just before hatching. Those antigens expressed by fast fibers (MSA-55 and MSA-140) were expressed only after myoblasts differentiated into myotubes, but were not expressed by fibroblasts in cell culture. Each antigen was also detected in one or more nonskeletal muscle cell types: MSA-55 and MSA-slow in cardiac myocytes and smooth muscle of gizzard (but not vascular structures) and MSA-140 in cardiac myocytes and smooth muscle of vascular structures. MSA-55 was identified as an Mr 55,000, nonglycosylated, detergent-soluble protein, and MSA-140 was an Mr 140,000, cell surface protein. The Mr of MSA-slow could not be determined by immunoblotting or immunoprecipitation techniques. These findings indicate that muscle fibers of different physiological function differ in the components associated with the sarcolemma. While the function of these sarcolemma-associated antigens is unknown, their regulated appearance during development in ovo and as myoblasts differentiate in culture suggests that they may be important in the formation, maturation, and function of fast, fast/slow, and slow muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Myosin isozymes and their fiber distribution were studied during regeneration of the soleus muscle of young adult (4-6 week old) rats. Muscle degeneration and regeneration were induced by a single subcutaneous injection of a snake toxin, notexin. If reinnervation of the regenerating muscle was allowed to occur (functional innervation nearly complete by 7 days), then fiber diameters continued to increase and by 28 days after toxin treatment they attained the same values as fibers in the contralateral soleus. If the muscles were denervated at the time of toxin injection, the early phases of regeneration still took place but the fibers failed to continue to increase in size. Electrophoresis of native myosin showed multiple bands between 3 and 21 days of regeneration which could be interpreted as indicating the presence of embryonic, neonatal, fast and slow myosins in the innervated muscles. Adult slow myosin became the exclusive from in innervated regenerates. In contrast, adult fast myosin became the predominant form in denervated regenerating muscles. Immunocytochemical localization of myosin isozymes demonstrated that in innervated muscles the slow form began to appear in a heterogeneous fashion at about 7 days, and became the major form in all fibers by 21-28 days. Thus, the regenerated muscle was almost entirely composed of slow fibers, in clear contrast to the contralateral muscle which was still substantially mixed. In denervated regenerating muscles, slow myosin was not detected biochemically or immunocytochemically whereas fast myosin was detected in all denervated fibers by 21-28 days. The regenerating soleus muscle therefore is clearly different from the developing soleus muscle in that the former is composed of a uniform fiber population with respect to myosin transitions. Moreover the satellite cells which account for the regeneration process in the soleus muscle do not appear to be predetermined with respect to myosin heavy chain expression, since the fibers they form can express either slow or fast isoforms. The induction of the slow myosin phenotype is entirely dependent on a positive, extrinsic influence of the nerve.  相似文献   

The specification and morphogenesis of slow and fast twitch muscle fibers are crucial for muscle development. In zebrafish, Hedgehog is required for slow muscle fiber specification. However, less is known about signals that promote development of fast muscle fibers, which constitute the majority of somitic cells. We show that when Hedgehog signaling is blocked, fast muscle cell elongation is disrupted. Using genetic mosaics, we show that Hedgehog signal perception is required by slow muscle cells but not by fast muscle cells for fast muscle cell elongation. Furthermore, we show that slow muscle cells are sufficient to pattern the medial to lateral wave of fast muscle fiber morphogenesis even when fast muscle cells cannot perceive the Hedgehog signal. Thus, the medial to lateral migration of slow muscle fibers through the somite creates a morphogenetic signal that patterns fast muscle fiber elongation in its wake.  相似文献   

The muscle membrane of slow and fast fibers in cruralis and iliofibularis muscles and of intermediate fibers in submaxillaris muscle of the frog is studied in freeze-fracture replicas. A comparison of membrane folds, number, size and distribution of caveolae and of intramembrane particles (IMP) is given. In slow muscle fibers, the membrane folds are systematically present at the level of the I zone with a transversal continuity, whereas in fast and intermediate types the membrane folds are small and are randomly distributed. In slow muscle the caveolae are more numerous at the I zone than in the part corresponding to the center of the sarcomere. In fast muscle, small groups of caveolae form linear patterns, and in intermediate fibers the distribution is random. The number of caveolae in slow muscle fibers is two times more than in fast and intermediate fibers. The mean area of caveolae opening is largest in fast and smallest in slow muscle fibers. The number of IMP is significantly different in the three types of fibers, being highest in slow and lowest in intermediate fibers. The different pattern of folds in slow fibers may correspond to the different contractile properties of this fiber type. The presence of double the number of caveolae in slow fibers correlated to the less elaborate T system in this fiber type shows the possibility that slow fibers may be the result of an arrest during development for the performance of a different function. The difference in IMP density in the three muscle fiber types may be interpreted as the difference in their electrical properties.  相似文献   

We have utilized a key biochemical determinant of muscle fiber type, myosin isoform expression, to investigate the initial developmental program of future fast and slow skeletal muscle fibers. We examined myosin heavy chain (HC) phenotype from the onset of myogenesis in the limb bud muscle masses of the chick embryo through the differentiation of individual fast and slow muscle masses, as well as in newly formed myotubes generated in adult muscle by weight overload. Myosin HC isoform expression was analyzed by immunofluorescence localization with a battery of anti-myosin antibodies and by electrophoretic separation with SDS-PAGE. Results showed that the initial myosin phenotype in all skeletal muscle cells formed during the embryonic period (until at least 8 days in ovo) consisted of expression of a myosin HC which shares antigenic and electrophoretic migratory properties with ventricular myosin and a distinct myosin HC which shares antigenic and electrophoretic migratory properties with fast skeletal isomyosin. Similar results were observed in newly formed myotubes in adult muscle. Future fast and slow muscle fibers could only be discriminated from each other in developing limb bud muscles by the onset of expression of slow skeletal myosin HC at 6 days in ovo. Slow skeletal myosin HC was expressed only in myotubes which became slow fibers. These findings suggest that the initial commitment of skeletal muscle progenitor cells is to a common skeletal muscle lineage and that commitment to a fiber-specific lineage may not occur until after localization of myogenic cells in appropriate premuscle masses. Thus, the process of localization, or events which occur soon thereafter, may be involved in determining fiber type.  相似文献   

We analyzed the fiber-type composition of the soleus muscle in rats and mice to determine whether the adult proportion of fiber types is fixed soon after birth or whether it changes during postnatal maturation. We examined muscles from animals varying in age from 1 week to 1 year using monoclonal antibodies that distinguish between fast and slow isoforms of myosin heavy chains. In cross sections of unfixed muscle containing profiles of all myofibers in the muscle, we counted the fibers that stained with antibodies to fast myosin, and in adjacent sections, those that stained positive with an antibody to slow myosin. We also counted the total number of fibers in each section. Rat soleus contained about 2500 myofibers, and mouse about 1000 at all ages studied, suggesting that myogenesis ceases in soleus by 1 week after birth or sooner. In mouse soleus, the relative proportions of fibers staining positive with fast and slow myosin antibodies were similar at all ages studied, about 60%–70% being fast and 30%–40% slow. In rat soleus, however, the proportions of fast antibody-positive and slow antibody-positive fibers changed dramatically during postnatal maturation. At 1 week after birth, about 50% of rat soleus fibers stained with fast myosin antibodies, whereas between 1 and 2 months this value fell to about 10%. In mouse, about 10% of fibers at 1 week, but none at 1 year, reacted with both fast and slow antibodies, whereas in rat, fewer than 3% bound both antibodies to a significant degree at 1 week. It is puzzling why, in rat soleus, the majority of apparently fast fibers present at 1 week is converted to a slow phenotype, whereas in mouse soleus the predominant change appears to be the suppression of fast myosin expression in a subset of fibers that expresses both myosin types at 1 week. It is possible that this may be related to differences in size and the amount of body growth between these two species.  相似文献   

We analyzed the fiber-type composition of the soleus muscle in rats and mice to determine whether the adult proportion of fiber types is fixed soon after birth or whether it changes during postnatal maturation. We examined muscles from animals varying in age from 1 week to 1 year using monoclonal antibodies that distinguish between fast and slow isoforms of myosin heavy chains. In cross sections of unfixed muscle containing profiles of all myofibers in the muscle, we counted the fibers that stained with antibodies to fast myosin, and in adjacent sections, those that stained positive with an antibody to slow myosin. We also counted the total number of fibers in each section. Rat soleus contained about 2500 myofibers, and mouse about 1000 at all ages studied, suggesting that myogenesis ceases in soleus by 1 week after birth or sooner. In mouse soleus, the relative proportions of fibers staining positive with fast and slow myosin antibodies were similar at all ages studied, about 60%-70% being fast and 30%-40% slow. In rat soleus, however, the proportions of fast antibody-positive and slow antibody-positive fibers changed dramatically during postnatal maturation. At 1 week after birth, about 50% of rat soleus fibers stained with fast myosin antibodies, whereas between 1 and 2 months this value fell to about 10%. In mouse, about 10% of fibers at 1 week, but none at 1 year, reacted with both fast and slow antibodies, whereas in rat, fewer than 3% bound both antibodies to a significant degree at 1 week. It is puzzling why, in rat soleus, the majority of apparently fast fibers present at 1 week is converted to a slow phenotype, whereas in mouse soleus the predominant change appears to be the suppression of fast myosin expression in a subset of fibers that expresses both myosin types at 1 week. It is possible that this may be related to differences in size and the amount of body growth between these two species.  相似文献   

Distribution of myosin isoenzymes among skeletal muscle fiber types.   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
Using an immunocytochemical approach, we have demonstrated a preferential distribution of myosin isoenzymes with respect to the pattern of fiber types in skeletal muscles of the rat. In an earlier study, we had shown that fluorescein-labeled antibody against "white" myosin from the chicken pectoralis stained all the white, intermediate and about half the red fibers of the rat diaphragm, a fast-twitch muscle (Gauthier and Lowey, 1977). We have now extended this study to include antibodies prepared against the "head" (S1) and "rod" portions of myosin, as well as the alkali- and 5,5'dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB)-light chains. Antibodies capable of distinguishing between alkali 1 and alkali 2 type myosin were also used to localize these isoenzymes in the same fast muscle. We observed, by both direct and indirect immunofluorescence, that the same fibers which had reacted previously with antibodies against white myosin reacted with antibodies to the proteolytic subfragments and to the low molecular-weight subunits of myosin. These results confirm our earlier conclusion that the myosins of the reactive fibers in rat skeletal muscle are sufficiently similar to share antigenic determinants. The homology, furthermore, is not confined to a limited region of the myosin molecule, but includes the head and rod portions and all classes of light chains. Despite the similarities, some differences exist in the protein compositions of these fibers: antibodies to S1 did not stain the reactive (fast) red fiber as strongly as they did the white and intermediate fibers. Non-uniform staining was also observed with antibodies specific for A2 myosin; the fast red fiber again showed weaker fluorescence than did the other reactive fibers. These results could indicate a variable distribution of myosin isoenzymes according to their alkali-light chain composition among fiber types. Alternatively, there may exist yet another myosin isoenzyme which is localized in the fast red fiber. Those red fibers which did not react with any of the antibodies to pectoralis myosin, did react strongly with an antibody against myosin isolated from the anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD), a slow red muscle of the chicken. The myosin in these fibers (slow red fibers) is, therefore, distinct from the other myosin isoenzymes. In the rat soleus, a slow-twitch muscle, the majority of the fibers reacted only with antibody against ALD myosin. A minority, however, reacted with antiboddies to pectoralis as well as ALD myosin, which indicates that both fast and slow myosin can coexist within the same fiber of a normal adult muscle. These immunocytochemical studies have emphasized that a wide range of isoenzymes may contribute to the characteristic physiological properties of individual fiber types in a mixed muscle.  相似文献   

The cDNA sequence of troponin I (TnI), one of the subunits of the skeletal muscle regulatory protein, differs between slow-twitch muscle and fast-twitch muscle. We prepared monoclonal antibodies td the slow and fast isoforms of human TnI for the purpose of differentiating muscle fiber types in human neuromuscular disorders. Slow TnI antibody was labeled with tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate while fast TnI antibody was labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate; then these two antibodies were mixed. This mixture was then used to stain biopsied muscle from patients with neuromuscular disorders. It was possible to differentiate muscle fibers into slow, fast and intermediate fibers having various contents of slow and fast TnI. In tissue composed of small muscle fibers, this method facilitated differentiation of types of muscle fibers by allowing staining of only a single section. The usefulness of our technique using slow and fast TnI antibodies is discussed in comparison with ATPase staining. Because our staining method can distinguish slow and fast fiber components, it is useful for clinical application.  相似文献   

In skeletal muscle, two major types of muscle fibers exist: slow-twitch oxidative (type I) fibers designed for low-intensity long-lasting contractions, and fast-twitch glycolytic (type II) fibers designed for high-intensity short-duration contractions. Such a wide range of capabilities has emerged through the selection across fiber types of a narrow set of molecular characteristics suitable to achieve a specific contractile phenotype. In this article we review evidence supporting the existence of distinct functional phenotypes in mitochondria from slow and fast fibers that may be required to ensure optimal muscle function. This includes differences with respect to energy substrate preferences, regulation of oxidative phosphorylation, dynamics of reactive oxygen species, handling of Ca2+, and regulation of cell death. The potential physiological implications on muscle function and the putative mechanisms responsible for establishing and maintaining distinct mitochondrial phenotype across fiber types are also discussed.  相似文献   

The fiber-type composition of postnatal chicken leg muscle spindles with from one to four intrafusal fibers was examined in sections incubated with monoclonal antibodies against fast and slow myosin heavy chains. In monofibral spindles the lone intrafusal fiber was almost always fast. In duofibral spindles usually one slow and one fast fiber were present. Trifibral spindles most often displayed two fast and one slow fiber, whereas quadrofibral receptors characteristically contained two slow and two fast fibers. Earlier results showed that the primary intrafusal myotube in nascent spindles has almost always a fast myosin heavy chain profile and that the proportion of slow myotubes and fibers increases as intrafusal fiber bundles grow in size. Data from postnatal chicken leg muscles collected here suggest that up to the first four fibers this proportional increase can be largely accounted for if consecutive intrafusal fibers arise in a fast-slow-fast-slow sequence. The late recognition during myogenesis of primary intrafusal myotubes and their fast myosin heavy chain profiles warrant exploring if nascent chicken muscles spindles are first seeded by fast fetal myoblasts. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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