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The pressure-induced denaturation of rabbit skeletal myosin and its subfragments under hydrostatic pressure were investigated. Four nanometer of red shift of the intrinsic fluorescence spectrum was observed in myosin under a pressure of 400 MPa. The ANS fluorescence of myosin increased with elevating pressure. Changes in the intrinsic fluorescence spectra of myosin and its subfragments were quantified and expressed as the center of spectral mass. The center of spectral mass of myosin and its subfragments linearly decreased with elevating pressure, and increased with lowering pressure. The fluorescence intensity of the ANS-labeled rod did not change during pressure treatment. The present results indicate that the most pressure-sensitive portion of myosin molecule is the head. Hysteresis of the center of spectral mass of S1 appeared under pressures above 300 MPa. Changes in the center of spectral mass of S1 above 350 MPa showed stronger hysteresis. The center of spectral mass did not decrease above 350 MPa during the compression process, indicating that S1 was stable in a partially denatured state at 350 MPa under pressure. The changes in the relative intensities of ANS fluorescence of S1 were measured under pressures up to 400 MPa, and the ANS fluorescence intensity increased with elevating pressure but it did not change after pressure release. The ANS fluorescence intensity increased under constant pressure suggesting that the pressure-induced denaturation of myosin was accelerated during pressurization.  相似文献   

Ruthenium-red staining of skeletal and cardiac muscles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The effects of ruthenium red (RR) on amphibian and mammalian skeletal muscles and mammalian myocardium were examined. In skeletal muscle cells, a discrete pattern of staining can be brought about within the lumina of the terminal cisternae (junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum [SR]) by sequential exposure to RR and OsO4. After prolonged immersion in RR solution, formation of pentalaminar segments (zippering) occurs at various points along the longitudinal (network) SR tubules. Zippering can be elicited in skeletal SR at any stage of preparation prior to postfixation with OsO4. By means of dispersive X-ray analysis, both ruthenium and osmium were seen to be deposited in skeletal muscle junctional SR, and ruthenium was detected in the myoplasm as well. In skeletal muscles whose T tubules were ruptured by exposure to glycerol, the pattern of SR staining and zippering resulting from ruthenium-osmium treatment was not affected. These findings indicate that RR is capable of passage across the sarcolemma of skeletal muscle and that this passage does not occur solely under conditions in which the plasma membrane is damaged. In contrast, RR does not opacify or modify any region of the SR of cardiac muscle. However, after this treatment, randomly distributed opaque bodies, composed of parallel lamellar structures, appear throughout the myocardial cells. A few of these bodies are associated with lipid droplets, but the rest are of unknown origin. The failure of the SR of cardiac muscle to stain after exposure to ruthenium dye (even though this material enters these cells) suggests that the chemical composition of cardiac SR is significantly different from that of skeletal muscle SR.Supported in part by PHS grant HL-11155 (to N.S.) and American Heart Grant-in-Aid 78-753 (to M.S.F.). The authors are grateful to Drs. David Harder and Lawrence Sellin for their assistance with the preparation of frog skeletal muscle, to Dr. S.K. Jirge for his helpful suggestions and discussions, and particularly to Dr. Kenneth R. Lawless and Ms. Ann Marshall of the Department of Materials Sciences, University of Virginia School of Engineering, and Col. John M. Brady of the United States Army Institute of Dental Research, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, for their help with, and for the use of, the X-ray analysis equipment  相似文献   

Dynamic fluorescence spectroscopy brings new insight into the functional and structural changes of biological molecules under moderate and high hydrostatic pressure. The principles of time-resolved fluorescence methods are briefly described and the resulting type of information is summarized. A first set of selected applications of the use of dynamic fluorescence on pressure effects on proteins in terms of denaturation, ternary and quaternary structure, aggregation and also interaction with DNA are presented. A second set of applications is devoted to the effect of pressure and of cholesterol on lateral heterogeneity of lipidic membranes.  相似文献   

The initial rate of entry of 3-O-methyl-D-glucose into isolated frog sartorius muscles was measured at various concentrations of substrate, at 0, 9, 19, or 29 degrees C, after prior incubation at 19 degrees C with a maximally stimulating concentration of insulin. Control muscles were treated similarly, except for the omission of insulin. A saturable transport system provided for most of the entry of 3-O-methylglucose into muscle cells, but a small amount of penetration occurred by a nonsaturable route. The major effect of insulin was to produce a large increase in activity of the suturable system. The Vmax of entry increased, but there was no significant change in the apparent Km. The ratio of insulin-stimulated to basal Vmax was 10 when transport was measured at 29 degrees C but was 22 at 0 degrees C. These findings support the hypothesis that, although a large part of the effect of insulin on sugar transport can be accounted for by an increase in the number of functional transporters in the plasma membrane, there is a separate hormonal effect that permits a relatively greater activity of transporters at lower temperatures, compared with control rates. An additional effect of insulin was to produce a small but definite increase in the entry of sugar by the nonsaturable transport system.  相似文献   

Summary The kinetics of water replacement with heavy water (deuterium oxide) in the gastrocnemius and sartorius muscles of the frog under isotonic conditions, studied both gravimetrically and by infrared photometry, reveals three water compartments: (i) non-exchangeable ( 80 ml/kg fresh weight), (ii) slowly exchanging ( 500 ml/kg fresh weight), (iii) rapid exchanging — extracellular ( 200 ml/kg fresh weight). Exposure to both glycerol and glutaraldehyde increases the permeability coefficients and the amount of rapid exchanging water; glutaraldehyde also increases the amount of nonexchangeable water. Approximately 90% of the water is kept in the tissue only by weak intermolecular forces, the energies of which amount to 1 kcal/mol. The amount of non-exchangeable water is equivalent to about six continuous adsorption layers covering the myofilaments. Approximately 70 % of the tissue water appears to be replaced by glutaraldehyde during standard fixation.  相似文献   

Histochemical profiles of muscles were identified based on staining for myosin ATPase activity. They reveal typical arrangement of muscular fibres with a zoned pattern. Tonic fibres have a unique histochemical profile and are mixed with the most oxydative fast fibres to form toxic zones. Muscles show fast profiles in thigh and tonic or mixed profiles in fore-arm.  相似文献   

单核增生李斯特菌(Listeriamonocytogenes)NCTC11994和大肠杆菌(Escherichiacoli)ATCC80739经高压处理,其生理特性发生了深刻的变化,主要表现是400MPa以上的压力处理10min,微生物数量下降7个对数单位,压力处理还会导致细胞内pH值的变化,使膜电位下降,细胞内钾流失,ATP浓度降低。  相似文献   

Spores of Clostridium sporogenes were found to be resistant to ultra high pressure, with treatments of 600 MPa for 30 min at 20 °C causing no significant inactivation. Combination treatments including heat and pressure applied simultaneously (e.g. 400 MPa at 60 °C for 30 min) or sequentially (e.g. 80 °C for 10 min followed by 400 MPa for 30 min) proved more effective at inactivating spores. Pressure cycling (e.g. 60 MPa followed by 400 MPa at 60 °C) also reduced spore numbers. Overall, these pressure treatments resulted in less than a 3 log reduction, and it was concluded that the spores could not be inactivated by pressure alone. This could indicate that for the effective inactivation of bacterial spores, high pressure technology may have to be used in combination with other preservation methods.  相似文献   

Applying hydrostatic pressure to biological systems and processes can alter their characteristics. In addition to its use as a basic research tool for investigating the kinetics and thermodynamics of biological systems at the molecular level, the application of pressure is also being used to modify the properties of biological materials to preserve or improve their qualities. This article reviews the principles underlying the observed effects of applied pressure on biological systems, and discusses current and potential application of pressure in biotechnological processes.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of high hydrostatic pressure on MscS, the bacterial mechanosensitive channel of small conductance. Pressure affected channel kinetics but not conductance. At negative pipette voltages (corresponding to membrane depolarization in the inside-out patch configuration used in our experiments) the channel exhibited a reversible reduction in activity with increasing hydrostatic pressure between 0 and 900 atm (90 MPa) at 23°C. The reduced activity was characterized by a significant reduction in the channel opening probability resulting from a shortening of the channel openings with increasing pressure. Thus high hydrostatic pressure generally favoured channel closing. Cooling the patch by approximately 10°C, intended to order the bilayer component of the patch by an amount similar to that caused by 50 MPa at 23°C, had relatively little effect. This implies that pressure does not affect channel kinetics via bilayer order. Accordingly we postulate that lateral compression of the bilayer, under high hydrostatic pressure, is responsible. These observations also have implications for our understanding of the adaptation of mechanosensitive channels in deep-sea bacteria.A Proceeding of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Australian Society for Biophysics.  相似文献   

Formation and stabilization of RNA structure in the cell depends on its interaction with solvent and metal ions. High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) is a convenient tool in an analysis of the role of small molecules in the structure stabilization of biological macromolecules. Analysis of HHP effect and various concentrations of ions showed that water induce formation of the active ribozyme structure. So, it is clear that water is the driving force of conformational changes of nucleic acid.  相似文献   

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