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The bacterial phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent carbohydrate phosphotransferase system (PTS) consists of several proteins whose primary functions are to transport and phosphorylate their substrates. The complexity of the PTS undoubtedly reflects its additional roles in chemotaxis to PTS substrates and in regulation of other metabolic processes in the cell. The PTS permeases (Enzymes II) are the membrane-associated proteins of the PTS that sequentially recognize, transport, and phosphorylate their specific substrates in separate steps, and theEscherichia coli mannitol permease is one of the best studied of these proteins. It consists of two cytoplasmic domains (EIIA and EIIB) involved in mannitol phosphorylation and an integral membrane domain (EIIC) which is sufficient to bind mannitol, but which transports mannitol at a rate that is dependent on phosphorylation of the EIIA and EIIB domains. Recent results show that several residues in a hydrophilic, 85-residue segment of the EIIC domain are important for the binding, transport, and phosphorylation of mannitol. This segment may be at least partially exposed to the cytoplasm of the cell. A model is proposed in which this region of the EIIC domain is crucial in coupling phosphorylation of the EIIB domain to transport through the EIIC domain of the mannitol permease.  相似文献   

Enzyme IIA and HPr are central regulatory proteins of the bacterial phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase (PTS) system. Three-dimensional structures of the glucose enzyme IIA domain (IIAglc) and HPr of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli have been studied by both X-ray crystallography and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy. Phosphorylation of HPr of B. subtilis and IIAglc of E. coli have also been characterized by NMR spectroscopy. In addition, the binding interfaces of B. subtilis HPr and IIAglc have been identified from backbone chemical shift changes. This paper reviews these recent advances in the understanding of the three-dimensional structures of HPr and IIAglc and their interaction with each other. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria are able to respond chemotactically to carbohydrates which are substrates of the bacterial phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS). The mechanism of signal transduction in PTS-mediated chemotaxis is different from the well-studied mechanism involving methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs). In PTS-mediated chemotaxis, carbohydrate transport is required, and phosphorylation seems to be involved in both excitation and adaptation. In this review the roles of the components of the PTS in chemotactic signal transduction are discussed. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Enzyme I (EI), the first component of the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP):sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS), consists of an N-terminal protein-binding domain (EIN) and a C-terminal PEP-binding domain (EIC). EI transfers phosphate from PEP by double displacement via a histidine residue on EIN to the general phosphoryl carrier protein HPr. Here, we report the 1.82A crystal structure of the homodimeric EIC domain from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis, a saccharolytic eubacterium that grows optimally at 75 degrees C. EIC folds into a (betaalpha)(8) barrel with three large helical insertions between beta2/alpha2, beta3/alpha3 and beta6/alpha6. The large amphipathic dimer interface buries 3750A(2) of accessible surface area per monomer. A comparison with pyruvate phosphate dikinase (PPDK) reveals that the active-site residues in the empty PEP-binding site of EIC and in the liganded PEP-binding site of PPDK have almost identical conformations, pointing to a rigid structure of the active site. In silico models of EIC in complex with the Z and E-isomers of chloro-PEP provide a rational explanation for their difference as substrates and inhibitors of EI. The EIC domain exhibits 54% amino acid sequence identity with Escherichia coli and 60% with Bacillus subtilis EIC, has the same amino acid composition but contains additional salt-bridges and a more complex salt-bridge network than the homology model of E.coli EIC. The easy crystallization of EIC suggests that T.tengcongensis can serve as source for stable homologs of mesophilic proteins that are too labile for crystallization.  相似文献   

The phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) found in enteric bacteria is a complex enzyme system consisting of a non-sugar-specific phosphotransfer protein called Enzyme I, two small non-sugar-specific phosphocarrier substrates of Enzyme I, designated HPr and FPr, and at least 11 sugar-specific Enzymes II or Enzyme II-III pairs which are phosphorylated at the expense of phospho-HPr or phospho-FPr. In this communication, evidence is presented which suggests that these proteins share a common evolutionary origin and that a fructose-specific phosphotransferase may have been the primordial ancestor of them all. The evidence results from an evaluation of 1) PTS protein sequence data; 2) structural analysis of operons encoding proteins of the PTS; 3) genetic regulatory mechanisms controlling expression of these operons; 4) enzymatic characteristics of the PTS systems; 5) immunological cross reactivities of these proteins; 6) comparative studies of phosphotransferase systems from evolutionarily divergent bacteria; 7) the nature of the phosphorylated protein intermediates; 8) molecular weight comparisons among the different Enzymes II and Enzyme II-III pairs; and 9) interaction studies involving different PTS protein constituents. The evidence leads to a unifying theory concerning the evolutionary origin of the system, explains many structural, functional, and regulatory properties of the phosphotransferase system, and leads to specific predictions which should guide future research concerned with genetic, biochemical, and physiological aspects of the system.  相似文献   

The membrane-bound component of the phosphotransferase system of Escherichia coli, responsible for the phosphorylative uptake of methyl-α-d-glucoside has an essential thiol group which becomes available to inactivation by thiol reagents in the presents of the phosphate-accepting sugar or when phosphoenolpyruvate synthesis is inhibited. The form resistant to the thiol reagent requires not only the absence of sugar and an intact phosphoenol-pyruvate generating system, but also an intact system generating phosphorylated Hpr which is impaired by heating of a thermosensitive enzyme I mutant.  相似文献   

The phosphotransferase system (PTS) is the sugar transportation machinery that is widely distributed in prokaryotes and is critical for enhanced production of useful metabolites. To increase the glucose uptake rate, we propose a rational strategy for designing the molecular architecture of the Escherichia coli glucose PTS by using a computer‐aided design (CAD) system and verified the simulated results with biological experiments. CAD supports construction of a biochemical map, mathematical modeling, simulation, and system analysis. Assuming that the PTS aims at controlling the glucose uptake rate, the PTS was decomposed into hierarchical modules, functional and flux modules, and the effect of changes in gene expression on the glucose uptake rate was simulated to make a rational strategy of how the gene regulatory network is engineered. Such design and analysis predicted that the mlc knockout mutant with ptsI gene overexpression would greatly increase the specific glucose uptake rate. By using biological experiments, we validated the prediction and the presented strategy, thereby enhancing the specific glucose uptake rate.  相似文献   

The effect of inactivation of the glucose phosphotransferase transport system (PTS) on 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate (DAHP) productivity and yield from glucose in Escherichia coli is reported. Strains used in this study were the PTS(+) PB103 and its PTS(-) glucose(+) derivative NF9. Their aroB(-) derivatives PB103B and NF9B were constructed to allow accurate measurement of total carbon flow into the aromatic pathway. The measured specific rates of DAHP synthesis were 0.55 and 0.94 mmol/g-dcw. h and the DAHP molar yields from glucose were 0.43 and 0.71 mol/mol for the PTS(+) aroB(-)and the PTS(-) glucose(+) aroB(-)strains, respectively. For the latter strain, this value represents 83% of the maximum theoretical yield for DAHP synthesis from glucose.  相似文献   

Regulatory aspects of the bacterial phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP):sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) are reviewed. The structure and conformational stability of the first protein (enzyme I) of the PTS, as well as the requirement for enzyme I to dimerize for autophosphorylation by PEP in the presence of MgCl2 are discussed.  相似文献   

Sugar uptake and phosphoenolpyruvate phosphorylation assays have shown that the heterofermentative strain Lactobacillus reuteri CRL 1098, of likely probiotic value, can transport D-fructose through an inducible fructose-specific phosphotransferase system (K(m) 95 microM) and D-glucose mainly through a proton motive force-driven permease. These data open new perspectives for metabolic and regulatory studies in this bacterium.  相似文献   

The kinetic parameters in vitro of the components of the phosphoenolpyruvate:glycose phosphotransferase system (PTS) in enteric bacteria were collected. To address the issue of whether the behavior in vivo of the PTS can be understood in terms of these enzyme kinetics, a detailed kinetic model was constructed. Each overall phosphotransfer reaction was separated into two elementary reactions, the first entailing association of the phosphoryl donor and acceptor into a complex and the second entailing dissociation of the complex into dephosphorylated donor and phosphorylated acceptor. Literature data on the K(m) values and association constants of PTS proteins for their substrates, as well as equilibrium and rate constants for the overall phosphotransfer reactions, were related to the rate constants of the elementary steps in a set of equations; the rate constants could be calculated by solving these equations simultaneously. No kinetic parameters were fitted. As calculated by the model, the kinetic parameter values in vitro could describe experimental results in vivo when varying each of the PTS protein concentrations individually while keeping the other protein concentrations constant. Using the same kinetic constants, but adjusting the protein concentrations in the model to those present in cell-free extracts, the model could reproduce experiments in vitro analyzing the dependence of the flux on the total PTS protein concentration. For modeling conditions in vivo it was crucial that the PTS protein concentrations be implemented at their high in vivo values. The model suggests a new interpretation of results hitherto not understood; in vivo, the major fraction of the PTS proteins may exist as complexes with other PTS proteins or boundary metabolites, whereas in vitro, the fraction of complexed proteins is much smaller.  相似文献   

The glucose and N-acetylglucosamine-specific transporters (IIGlc/IIIGlc and IIGlcNAc) of the bacterial phosphotransferase system mediate carbohydrate uptake across the cytoplasmic membrane concomitant with substrate phosphorylation. The two transporters have 40% amino acid sequence identity. Eight chimeric proteins between the two transporters were made by gene reconstruction. All hybrid proteins could be expressed, some inhibited cell growth, and one was active. The active hybrid transporter consists of the transmembrane domain (residues 1-386) of the IIGlc subunit and the two hydrophilic domains (residues 370-648) of IIGlcNAc. The N-terminal hydrophilic domain of IIGlcNAc contains the transiently phosphorylated cysteine-412. The hybrid protein is specific for glucose, which indicates that the sugar specificity determinant is in the transmembrane domain and that the cysteine from which the phosphoryl group is transferred to the substrate is not part of the binding site. The protein sequence (LKTPGRED) at which the successful fusion occurred has the characteristic properties of an interdomain oligopeptide linker (Argos, P., 1990, J. Mol. Biol. 211, 943-958).  相似文献   

HPr of the Gram-positive bacterial phosphotransferase system (PTS) can be phosphorylated by an ATP-dependent protein kinase on a serine residue or by PEP-dependent Enzyme I on a histidyl residue. Both phosphorylation events appear to influence the metabolism of non-PTS carbon sources. Catabolite repression of the gluconate (gnt) operon of B. subtilis appears to be regulated by the former phosphorylation event, while glycerol kinase appears to be regulated by the latter phosphorylation reaction. The extent of our understanding of these processes will be described. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent carbohydrate transport system (PTS) couples uptake with phosphorylation of a variety of carbohydrates in prokaryotes. In this multienzyme complex, the enzyme II (EII), a carbohydrate-specific permease, is constituted of two cytoplasmic domains, IIA and IIB, and a transmembrane channel IIC domain. Among the five families of EIIs identified in Escherichia coli, the galactitol-specific transporter (II(gat)) belongs to the glucitol family and is structurally the least well-characterized. Here, we used nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to solve the three-dimensional structure of the IIB subunit (GatB). GatB consists of a central four-stranded parallel beta-sheet flanked by alpha-helices on both sides; the active site cysteine of GatB is located at the beginning of an unstructured loop between beta1 and alpha1 that folds into a P-loop-like structure. This structural arrangement shows similarities with other IIB subunits but also with mammalian low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatases (LMW PTPase) and arsenate reductase (ArsC). An NMR titration was performed to identify the GatA-interacting residues.  相似文献   

We analyzed the role of diffusion and cell size on the flux control properties of the glucose-PTS of Escherichia coli, in silicon cells under various metabolic conditions. To our surprise, the influence of the concentration of phosphoryl-donor PEP on the distribution of control was small. We found for cells of bacterial size that PTS-flux control was mainly located in processes taking place in the membrane and that diffusion hardly controlled the flux (< 2.8 %). Enlargement of the cells shifted the control from membrane to cytoplasm and from process rates to diffusion rates, the latter now having a total control of about 38 %. In the presence of glucose, nearly all diffusion flux control resided in the component that links the cytoplasmic processes to those in the membrane.  相似文献   

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