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Identifying communities or clusters in networked systems has received much attention across the physical and social sciences. Most of this work focuses on single layer or one-mode networks, including social networks between people or hyperlinks between websites. Multilayer or multi-mode networks, such as affiliation networks linking people to organizations, receive much less attention in this literature. Common strategies for discovering the community structure of multi-mode networks identify the communities of each mode simultaneously. Here I show that this combined approach is ineffective at discovering community structures when there are an unequal number of communities between the modes of a multi-mode network. I propose a dual-projection alternative for detecting communities in multi-mode networks that overcomes this shortcoming. The evaluation of synthetic networks with known community structures reveals that the dual-projection approach outperforms the combined approach when there are a different number of communities in the various modes. At the same time, results show that the dual-projection approach is as effective as the combined strategy when the number of communities is the same between the modes.  相似文献   

Replication is an essential requirement for scientific discovery. The current study aims to generalize and replicate 10 propositions made in previous Twitter studies using a representative dataset. Our findings suggest 6 out of 10 propositions could not be replicated due to the variations of data collection, analytic strategies employed, and inconsistent measurements. The study’s contributions are twofold: First, it systematically summarized and assessed some important claims in the field, which can inform future studies. Second, it proposed a feasible approach to generating a random sample of Twitter users and its associated ego networks, which might serve as a solution for answering social-scientific questions at the individual level without accessing the complete data archive.  相似文献   

Evolutionary game theory provides an appropriate tool for investigating the competition and diffusion of behavioral traits in biological or social populations. A core challenge in evolutionary game theory is the strategy selection problem: Given two strategies, which one is favored by the population? Recent studies suggest that the answer depends not only on the payoff functions of strategies but also on the interaction structure of the population. Group interactions are one of the fundamental interactive modes within populations. This work aims to investigate the strategy selection problem in evolutionary game dynamics on group interaction networks. In detail, the strategy selection conditions are obtained for some typical networks with group interactions. Furthermore, the obtained conditions are applied to investigate selection between cooperation and defection in populations. The conditions for evolution of cooperation are derived for both the public goods game and volunteer’s dilemma game. Numerical experiments validate the above analytical results.  相似文献   

时间认知功能的增龄性衰退表现得较晚,主要在高龄老年人中表现出时间认知功能的衰退.随着年龄的增长,老年人内部时钟的速率变慢,变异增大.注意及记忆功能随年龄增长而衰退,这些一般认知功能的改变影响老年人的时间认知功能.正常的时间认知功能依赖于"核心-背景"时间加工脑网络结构和功能的完好,这些脑区或功能通路的障碍会导致时间认知功能的损伤.老年人在一定的年龄范围内,可以通过认知补偿策略保持相对完好的时间认知功能.  相似文献   

新医院财务制度、会计制度的实施,医改的深入以及医院经济绩效考评工作的开展,对公立医院财务部门提出了更高的要求,公立医院财务部门必须适应新的形势,实现从传统的记账职能到财务管理职能的转变。要加强财务信息系统一体化建设并注重系统的安全;通过预算、成本核算及绩效管理工作,加强财务分析职能;改变原有的工作方式,加强与临床科室的沟通;财务人员需及时更新现有知识,不仅要有专业的财务知识,还要有经济管理的知识和概念,才能胜任现有的财务工作。  相似文献   

The microarray technology allows the high-throughput quantification of the mRNA level of thousands of genes under dozens of conditions, generating a wealth of data which must be analyzed using some form of computational means. A popular framework for such analysis is Matlab, a powerful computing language for which many functions have been written. However, although complex topics like neural networks or principal component analysis are freely available in Matlab, functions to perform more basic tasks like data normalization or hierarchical clustering in an efficient manner are not. The MatArray toolbox aims at filling this gap by offering efficient implementations of the most needed functions for microarray analysis. The functions in the toolbox are command-line only, since it is geared toward seasoned Matlab users.  相似文献   

In a social network, users hold and express positive and negative attitudes (e.g. support/opposition) towards other users. Those attitudes exhibit some kind of binary relationships among the users, which play an important role in social network analysis. However, some of those binary relationships are likely to be latent as the scale of social network increases. The essence of predicting latent binary relationships have recently began to draw researchers'' attention. In this paper, we propose a machine learning algorithm for predicting positive and negative relationships in social networks inspired by structural balance theory and social status theory. More specifically, we show that when two users in the network have fewer common neighbors, the prediction accuracy of the relationship between them deteriorates. Accordingly, in the training phase, we propose a segment-based training framework to divide the training data into two subsets according to the number of common neighbors between users, and build a prediction model for each subset based on support vector machine (SVM). Moreover, to deal with large-scale social network data, we employ a sampling strategy that selects small amount of training data while maintaining high accuracy of prediction. We compare our algorithm with traditional algorithms and adaptive boosting of them. Experimental results of typical data sets show that our algorithm can deal with large social networks and consistently outperforms other methods.  相似文献   

Dominant growth strategies of soil microbial communities of mown and unmown meadows were assessed with respect to the constants of saturation and maximal specific growth rate of microorganisms. The microbial community of mown-meadow soil was characterized by a greater biomass and activity due to prevalence of microorganisms with the r strategy, compared to the microbial community of unmown-meadow soil. In contrast to nonrhizosphere soil, rhizosphere soil was dominated by rapidly growing microorganisms with the r strategy. The dependence of the dominant ecological strategy of the rhizosphere microbial community on the vegetation stage of plants has been traced. Study of the effect of plant species on the growth strategies of rhizosphere microorganisms showed that the features of the K strategy are more pronounced in the following rhizosphere microbial communities of grasses at the same growth stage: r strategy–Bromopsis inermis L.–Poa pratensis L., P. compressa L.–Dactylis glomerata L.–Festuca pratensisL.–K strategy. In the absence of limitation by climatic factors, the growth strategies of rhizosphere microorganisms are determined by the competition between microorganisms and plants for nutrients.  相似文献   

With the blooming of online social media applications, Community Question Answering (CQA) services have become one of the most important online resources for information and knowledge seekers. A large number of high quality question and answer pairs have been accumulated, which allow users to not only share their knowledge with others, but also interact with each other. Accordingly, volumes of efforts have been taken to explore the questions and answers retrieval in CQA services so as to help users to finding the similar questions or the right answers. However, to our knowledge, less attention has been paid so far to question popularity in CQA. Question popularity can reflect the attention and interest of users. Hence, predicting question popularity can better capture the users’ interest so as to improve the users’ experience. Meanwhile, it can also promote the development of the community. In this paper, we investigate the problem of predicting question popularity in CQA. We first explore the factors that have impact on question popularity by employing statistical analysis. We then propose a supervised machine learning approach to model these factors for question popularity prediction. The experimental results show that our proposed approach can effectively distinguish the popular questions from unpopular ones in the Yahoo! Answers question and answer repository.  相似文献   

Economic development introduces opportunities for subsistence households to diversify income sources. Timor-Leste is undergoing this transition; however, little is known about the patterns of household strategies and the effects of rural development on child wellbeing. We derive strategies from 190 households in two rural Timor-Leste communities and examine the links between resource strategies and child growth using linear mixed modeling. Children’s z-height, z-weight, and z-BMI are well below international standards. We find agriculture remains predominantly subsistence-based, with some reliance on cash flow from government pensions and salaries. Households with stable income sources are better able to accumulate wealth, and children living in salaried households have better z-height. However, child growth is best predicted by individual-level factors rather than household ecology. Substantial variation in household strategy and little association of strategy with growth indicates there is no ‘best’ strategy in this transitioning environment.  相似文献   

In social insects it is often observed that young workers perform tasks inside the nest and later switch to tasks outside the nest. By doing this the workers maximize their expected longevity, because tasks inside the nest are safe and tasks outside the nest are risky. The optimal strategy of workers should be expected to depend not only on their age but also on their health status if it is associated with reduction of longevity. Here a mathematical model is used to calculate the optimal time of switching between safe and risky tasks in a colony consisting of both healthy and unhealthy workers. The model predicts that unhealthy workers, with shorter longevity, should perform more risky tasks at an earlier age than their healthy nest mates should. The optimal time to switch between safe and risky tasks depends on the proportion of healthy and unhealthy workers in the colony, but the workers need not perceive the health status of their nest mates in order to adopt the optimal strategy. The workers need only perceive their own life expectancy, because the life expectancy of healthy and unhealthy workers should be the same at the time of switching from safe to risky tasks. The model predictions agree with a wide range of empirical data presented in this paper. Workers that are infected, poisoned, injured or affected by other harmful factors start to forage and perform other risky tasks at an earlier age than their healthy nest mates.  相似文献   

Malaria is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among children in Ghana. As part of the effort to inform local and national decision-making in preparation for possible malaria vaccine introduction, this qualitative study explored community-level factors that could affect vaccine acceptance in Ghana and provides recommendations for a health communications strategy. The study was conducted in two purposively selected districts: the Ashanti and Upper East Regions. A total of 25 focus group discussions, 107 in-depth interviews, and 21 semi-structured observations at Child Welfare Clinics were conducted. Malaria was acknowledged to be one of the most common health problems among children. While mosquitoes were linked to the cause and bed nets were considered to be the main preventive method, participants acknowledged that no single measure prevented malaria. The communities highly valued vaccines and cited vaccination as the main motivation for taking children to Child Welfare Clinics. Nevertheless, knowledge of specific vaccines and what they do was limited. While communities accepted the idea of minor vaccine side effects, other side effects perceived to be more serious could deter families from taking children for vaccination, especially during vaccination campaigns. Attendance at Child Welfare Clinics after age nine months was limited. Observations at clinics revealed that while two different opportunities for counseling were offered, little attention was given to addressing mothers’ specific concerns and to answering questions related to child immunization. Positive community attitudes toward vaccines and the understanding that malaria prevention requires a comprehensive approach would support the introduction of a malaria vaccine. These attitudes are bolstered by a well-established child welfare program and the availability in Ghana of active, flexible structures for conveying health information to communities. At the same time, it would be important to improve the quality of Child Welfare Clinic services, particularly in relation to communication around vaccination.  相似文献   

Grounds for the necessity of the formation of effective approaches to the prevention of HIV epidemic with a view to counteract the rapid spread of infection in East European countries are presented. Attention is specially drawn to fact that the epidemic will not be limited by drug users, but will quickly cross the boundaries of this group. The development of preventive measures must be based on the use of the world experience. New effective approaches to work with vulnerable groups (the strategy of harm reduction, work in communities, consultations, etc.) must be widely used. The program of actions of the UNAIDS European Section, stipulating the strengthening and extension of the potential of the countries in the region for the effective counteraction to the epidemic, is formulated. As priority areas, activities covering vulnerable groups and with young people have been determined. The strategy of UNAIDS is realized through 20 UN theme groups on HIV/AIDS in the countries of Eastern Europe. Special attention is drawn to the creation of methodological networks. The creation of a unified strategic plan for counteraction the epidemic of HIV/AIDS is regarded by UNAIDS as its perspective for the future.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Plants proliferate roots in order to acquire nutrients, typically contending with heterogeneous resources and competing neighbours. A mathematical model was developed to identify optimal root proliferation strategies in patchy nutrient environments. The impact of joining mycorrhizal networks was also assessed. Methods A simple model of growth and competition in one spatial dimension was implemented within a genetic algorithm to obtain optimal proliferation strategies under different scenarios of resource distribution, and in the presence or absence of local competition and large-scale mycorrhizal networks. Results A strong proliferation response emerged for isolated plants in heterogeneous environments with low resources, and also for plants growing in competition. Even in statistically homogeneous environments, the presence of competition conferred a selective advantage to plants proliferating in the direction of the most recently acquired patch. In the presence of mycorrhizal networks, the optimal strategy switched from symbiosis to proliferation driven growth as the relative cost of acquiring resources through the networks increased. Conclusions The optimal proliferation response in a given scenario was governed by a hierarchy of factors: resource levels and distribution; the presence or absence of competition; and the marginal benefit of obtaining resources via symbiotic relationships with mycorrhizas.  相似文献   

Few studies have focused on vegetation characteristics of importance to feeding domestic herbivores, mainly the seasonal pattern of herbage growth at spring. Our objective is to establish and to evaluate a simple method of ranking grassland communities for these characteristics. We combined approaches at plant species level (comparison of grass species growing in a pure stand) and plant community level (comparison of grasslands differing mainly in their nutrient availability). Firstly, we ask if the ranking of species by leaf dry matter content (LDMC), a functional parameter used to assess the plant strategy for resource acquisition and use, is consistent with a classification of the species using three plant features that determine plant growth pattern at spring (beginning and ending of stem elongation, leaf lifespan). Secondly, for three networks of natural grasslands, we test whether there is consistency when ranking them by their dominant plant functional type (PFT A, B or C) established previously at species level, and by the three agronomic characteristics. For species growing in pure stands, there was a significant effect of PFT for the three plant features. For species having a low LDMC (A and B PFT), there were earlier stem elongation in the season, earlier flowering and shorter leaf lifespan. The opposite was observed for species having a high LDMC (C and D PFT). For grassland communities dominated by A-PFT, the ceiling yield for leaves and stems occurred earlier in spring than for those dominated by C-PFT. Results were consistent at plant and community levels. Scaling up from plant to community was well mediated by PFT. Plant features which characterize species for resource acquisition and use are consistent with herbage growth patterns at plant community level. These results show that herbage growth pattern and composition depend on PFTs and that knowing the PFT dominance is of great importance to plan the use of grasslands. We can expect to use the PFT approach to perform vegetation diagnosis at field level when the objective is to rank grassland communities for their agronomic characteristics. Fernando L. F. de Quadros was supported by CAPES and CNPq (BP-2).  相似文献   

Yang  Pengshuo  Yu  Shaojun  Cheng  Lin  Ning  Kang 《BMC genomics》2019,20(2):143-151

The explosive growth of microbiome data provides ample opportunities to gain a better understanding of the microbes and their interactions in microbial communities. Given these massive data, optimized data mining methods become important and necessary to perform deep and comprehensive analysis. Among the various priorities for microbiome data mining, the examination of species-species co-occurrence patterns becomes one of the key themes in urgent need.


Hence, in this work, we propose the Meta-Network framework to lucubrate the microbial communities. Rooted in loose definitions of network (two species co-exist in a certain samples rather than all samples) as well as association rule mining (mining more complex forms of correlations like indirect correlation and mutual information), this framework outperforms other methods in restoring the microbial communities, based on two cohorts of microbial communities: (a) the loose definition strategy is capable to generate more reasonable relationships among species in the species-species co-occurrence network; (b) important species-species co-occurrence patterns could not be identified by other existing approaches, but could successfully generated by association rule mining.


Results have shown that the species-species co-occurrence network we generated are much more informative than those based on traditional methods. Meta-Network has consistently constructed more meaningful networks with biologically important clusters, hubs, and provides a general approach towards deciphering the species-species co-occurrence networks.


Introduction of nonselectable mutations into the genome of embryonic stem cells by homologous recombination allows to investigate the function of genes at the molecular level and has been achieved, however, at very low efficiencies by the Hit and Run, Tag and Exchange, and Double Replacement strategies. Comparing those strategies at a single locus with vectors derived from a single fragment of the desmin gene led to the improvement of two strategies by employing a new selection cassette and modified selection procedures. Modified strategies resulted in the introduction of nonselectable point-mutations in 53% of the Hit and Run derived embryonic stem cell clones and in 0.7% of the Tag and Exchange clones. Efficiency of intrachromosomal recombination at Hit alleles outscored replacement-type recombination at the tagged alleles making the modified Hit and Run strategy the method of choice for the efficient introduction of nonselectable point mutations into the genome of embryonic stem cells.  相似文献   

Eight questions about invasions and ecosystem functioning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I pose eight questions central to understanding how biological invasions affect ecosystems, assess progress towards answering those questions and suggest ways in which progress might be made. The questions concern the frequency with which invasions affect ecosystems; the circumstances under which ecosystem change is most likely; the functions that are most often affected by invaders; the relationships between changes to ecosystems, communities, and populations; the long-term responses of ecosystems to invasions; interactions between biological invasions and other anthropogenic activities and the difficulty of managing undesirable impacts of non-native species. Some questions have been answered satisfactorily, others require more data and thought, and others might benefit from being reformulated or abandoned. Actions that might speed progress include careful development of trait-based approaches; strategic collection and publication of new data, including more frequent publication of negative results; replacement of expert opinion with hard data where needed; careful consideration of whether questions really need to be answered, especially in cases where answers are being provided for managers and policy-makers; explicit attention to and testing of the domains of theories; integrating invasions better into an ecosystem context; and remembering that our predictive ability is limited and will remain so for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

Consciousness has many aspects. These include awareness of the world, feelings of control over one''s behaviour and mental state (volition), and the notion of continuing self. Focal (executive) attention is used to control details of our awareness and is thus closely related to volition. Experiments suggest an integrated network of neural areas involved in executive attention. This network is associated with our voluntary ability to select among competing items, to correct error and to regulate our emotions. Recent neuroimaging studies suggest that these various functions involve separate areas of the anterior cingulate. We have adopted a strategy of using marker tasks, shown to activate the brain area by imaging studies, as a means of tracing the development of attentional networks. Executive attention appears to develop first to regulate distress during the first year of life. During later childhood the ability to regulate conflict among competing stimuli builds upon the earlier cingulate anatomy to provide a means of cognitive control. During childhood the activation of cingulate structures relates both to the child''s success on laboratory tasks involving conflict and to parental reports of self-regulation and emotional control. These studies indicate a start in understanding the anatomy, circuitry and development of executive attention networks that serve to regulate both cognition and emotion.  相似文献   

In this paper, we conduct a study about differences between female and male discursive strategies when posting in the microblogging service Twitter, with a particular focus on the hashtag designation process during political debate. The fact that men and women use language in distinct ways, reverberating practices linked to their expected roles in the social groups, is a linguistic phenomenon known to happen in several cultures and that can now be studied on the Web and on online social networks in a large scale enabled by computing power. Here, for instance, after analyzing tweets with political content posted during Brazilian presidential campaign,we found out that male Twitter users, when expressing their attitude toward a given candidate, are more prone to use imperative verbal forms in hashtags, while female users tend to employ declarative forms. This difference can be interpreted as a sign of distinct approaches in relation to other network members: for example, if political hashtags are seen as strategies of persuasion in Twitter, imperative tags could be understood as more overt ways of persuading and declarative tags as more indirect ones. Our findings help to understand human gendered behavior in social networks and contribute to research on the new fields of computer-enabled Internet linguistics and social computing, besides being useful for several computational tasks such as developing tag recommendation systems based on users'' collective preferences and tailoring targeted advertising strategies, among others.  相似文献   

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