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Multivariate structural data describing Trachypogon savanna relationships were used to characterize the sources of variation among savannas as a function of the environmental characteristics of the Orinoco Llanos. Twenty-six savannas including major physiognomic types of the Orinoco Llanos ranging from herbaceous to bush island savannas were ordinated on a regional scale. Results of Detrented Canonical Correspondence Analysis (DCCA) using floristics variables indicated that savannas were ordinated along two complex gradients. A soil physical and chemical gradient as expressed by changes in bulk density and magnesium concentration were evident after the analysis of the first DCCA axis. The second axis was a climatic gradient of decreasing annual precipitation and incresing monthly precipitation during the dry season. The impact of human disturbance on the savanna composition was also an explanatory variable of the second DCCA axis. Savanna sites overlapped considerably in composition and most species were widely distributed, with aboveground phytomass abundance depending upon the site.  相似文献   

The crocodilia have multiple interesting characteristics that affect their population dynamics. They are among several reptile species which exhibit temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) in which the temperature of egg incubation determines the sex of the hatchlings. Their life parameters, specifically birth and death rates, exhibit strong age-dependence. We develop delay-differential equation (DDE) models describing the evolution of a crocodilian population. In using the delay formulation, we are able to account for both the TSD and the age-dependence of the life parameters while maintaining some analytical tractability. In our single-delay model we also find an equilibrium point and prove its local asymptotic stability. We numerically solve the different models and investigate the effects of multiple delays on the age structure of the population as well as the sex ratio of the population. For all models we obtain very strong agreement with the age structure of crocodilian population data as reported in Smith and Webb (Aust. Wild. Res. 12, 541-554, 1985). We also obtain reasonable values for the sex ratio of the simulated population.  相似文献   

The establishment pattern of monocultures of 61 species common to Central European semi-natural grasslands was analysed in a field experiment. The objectives were to identify key traits for successful establishment, defined in terms of above-ground biomass production, and to characterize the degree of niche overlap with respect to the use of above-ground resources, such as light and space. Four months after sowing, 15 species reached an above-ground biomass of more than 400 g m−2. Highly productive monocultures adopted extremely different strategies of space filling in terms of canopy height, biomass density and centre of gravity of vertical biomass distribution. Regression tree analysis identified (1) the number of seedlings and (2) a trade-off between the development of a large number of small-sized shoots of species with intensive clonal growth in contrast to the establishment of fewer large-sized shoots as the two most important traits for successful establishment. Further variables associated with high above-ground biomass production by individual species were traits known to be relevant to the relative growth rate of herbaceous species, such as specific leaf area, leaf nitrogen or allocation between shoots and roots. The principle finding of this study is that the success of the 15 most productive species was not based on a single pathway but on a variable combination of traits. There are clearly many possible combinations of morphological and physiological features that will result in a species becoming productive, and these combinations differ among species in a local species pool.  相似文献   

To examine the time-dependent effects of exposure histories on disease, we estimate a weight function within a generalized linear model. The shape of the weight function, which is modeled as a cubic B-spline, gives information about the impact of exposure increments at different times on disease risk. The method is evaluated in a simulation study and is applied to data on smoking histories and lung cancer from a recent case-control study in Germany.  相似文献   

The impact of interspecific competition is usually measured by its effect upon plant growth, neglecting impacts upon other stages of the life cycle such as fecundity which have a direct influence upon individual fitness and the asymptotic population growth rate of a population (λ). We used parameterized matrix models for three perennial plant species grown with and without interspecific competition to illustrate how the methodology of Life Table Response Experiments (LTRE) can be used to link any change in population dynamics to changes in any part of the life cycle. Plants were herbaceous grassland species grown for two years in a field experiment at Rothamsted Experimental Station, England. Interspecific competition reduced λ by over 90% in all species. Survival and growth were slightly affected by competition whereas plant fecundity was greatly reduced. Nearly all of the observed difference in λ between the competition treatments was explained by the fecundity terms, and more precisely by a large difference in the number of seeds, and a high sensitivity of λ to the germination rate. Whereas most competition studies focus on the measurement of change in individual fitness, our study illustrates how informative it is to take account not only of the effect of competition upon vital rates but also of how different vital rates affect population growth rate.  相似文献   

A bootstrap based on the estimating equations of the linear model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
HU  FEIFANG; ZIDEK  JAMES V. 《Biometrika》1995,82(2):263-275

天山中段山地植被的生态梯度分析及环境解释   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
 本文通过对天山中段植物群落的DCA排序和TWINSPAN等级制分类及其与3个土壤变量的CCA典范对应分析,定量地研究了该区域植被分布与环境之间的相互关系。结果表明:天山山脉中段植物群落沿着温度和湿度两个梯度方向呈现以天山中段内部湿润植被为中心向北坡干冷荒漠植被和南坡干热砾石荒漠植被两个极点方向发展的分布格局。进一步研究发现,天山山脉中段南北坡植物群落,从大的宏观尺度上看,其类型与分布主要由降水量和温度所决定,而在中小尺度范围上,植物群落的分布与类型却与土壤湿度和土壤养分密切相关。该结果较好地解释了天山山脉中段内部,在地形地貌基本一致的情况下,植物群落类型分异很大的原因。建立了天山山脉中段植物群落梯度环境解释的数学模型和植物群落地理分布的数学模型。  相似文献   

Most kleptoparasitic Argyrodes spiders rely exclusively on host spider webs for obtaining their food. Because their densities occasionally reach high levels within a restricted area, competitive interactions may be important for determining the density of these unique spiders. Here I used two Argyrodes species commonly found on webs of the large orb-web spider Nephila clavata to clarify whether inter- and intraspecific competition influences abundance and within-web distribution by using observational data and field experiment. Removing Argyrodes flavescens from the host webs induced a remarkably high immigration of that species while density on control webs remained almost at the same level, which is evidence for strong intraspecific competition. Larger individuals of A. flavescens were located more frequently at the capture area of the host webs where it is easy to access prey ignored by the host spider, and spiders immigrating into webs from which that species had been removed were smaller in body size, suggesting interference competition for space among conspecific kleptoparasites. Argyrodes bonadea increased in number on webs from which A. flavescens had been removed, and the increase was correlated with the number of A. flavescens removed. This finding is evidence for interspecific competition that is rarely reported in spiders. A multiple regression model including numbers of a conspecific parasite as well as web and body sizes of the host spider could not detect competitive interactions between species, suggesting the importance of experimental approaches. Received: May 22, 2000 / Accepted: December 1, 2000  相似文献   

The system of interaction-diffusion equations describing competition between two species is investigated. By using a version of the Perron-Frobenius theorem of positive matrices generalized to function spaces, it is proved that any non-constant equilibrium solution of the system is unstable both under Neumann boundary conditions (for the rectangular parallelepiped domain) and under periodic conditions. It is conjectured that this result extends to convex domains, and that the simple interaction-diffusion model cannot explain spatially segregated distributions of two competing species in such domains.  相似文献   

Zdravko Baruch   《Flora》2005,200(1):49-64
The seasonal savannas dominated by the C4 grasses of the genus Trachypogon, are widespread in northern South America. In Venezuela, they extend from the central lowland Llanos to intermediate elevations in the Coastal and Andean Mountains and to the Guiana Plateau (Gran Sabana) in the south. This study aims to classify these savannas and to understand the environmental factors that determine their composition and structure. Thirty-seven sites were sampled, plant cover and density were measured in 376 one square meter quadrats and the importance value index (IVI) was calculated. Climate data were obtained from climatological stations and soil properties were analyzed. The results were classified by clustering and TWINSPAN. Floristic and environmental data were ordered with the canonical correspondence analysis (CCA).Trachypogon savannas are heterogeneous, both floristically and environmentally. An altitudinal gradient of 2000 m separates the intermediate elevation Coastal Mountains (Type I) and the Guiana savannas (Type II) from the lowland Llanos. In the lowlands, sparsely covered and treeless communities on extremely oligotrophic and sandy soils (Type IV) differ structurally and floristically from woody savannas (Type III). The floristics and structure of the savannas respond directly or indirectly to elevation and water and nutrient availability. These responses were evidenced by: (a) floristic composition, as Neotropical lowland savanna species merged with those of the Andean sub-páramo in Type I savannas or with those from the Guianan flora in Type II savannas. (b) Species richness, which ranged from an average of 13.8 per site in sandy Type IV savannas to 38.9 per site in Type I intermediate elevation savannas. (c) Community physiognomy, which changes from an homogeneous herbaceous matrix with dispersed trees in Type III savannas to a shrubby Type I savannas to “treeless” Types II and IV savannas. (d) Plant cover which varied from 93.8% in the fertile Type I savannas to around 80% in the sandy oligotrophic savannas of Types II and IV. Each savanna type is related to one of the major geomorphological regions of Venezuela.  相似文献   

The relationship of desert vegetation to topographic and edaphic factors in Makhtesh Ramon, an erosional cirque in the Negev Desert of Israel, was analyzed using redundancy analysis ordination. Altitude and geological substrate had the most significant correlations with vegetation patterns. In particular, significant and monotonic increases in both total species richness and the percentage of annual species were found with increasing altitude. A comparison was made of the effectiveness of Whittaker's diversity sampling plots (Shmida 1984) versus the log-series survey method of McAuliffe (1990). We concluded that at small sample sizes, the Mc Auliffe plots were more likely to yield interpretable ordination results, even though they included only the perennial flora.  相似文献   

Ordination on the basis of fuzzy set theory   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Fuzzy set theory is an extension of classical set theory where elements of a set have grades of membership ranging from zero for non-membership to one for full membership. Exactly as for classical sets, there exist operators, relations, and mappings appropriate for these fuzzy sets. This paper presents the concepts of fuzzy sets, operations, relations, and mappings in an ecological context. Fuzzy set theory is then established as a theoretical basis for ordination, and is employed in a sequence of examples in an analysis of forest vegetation of western Montana, U.S.A. The example ordinations show how site characteristics can be analyzed for their effect on vegetation composition, and how different site factors can be synthesized into complex environmental factors using the calculus of fuzzy set theory.In contrast to current ordination methods, ordinations based on fuzzy set theory require the investigator to hypothesize an ecological relationship between vegetation and environment, or between different vegatation compositions, before constructing the ordination. The plotted ordination is then viewed as evidence to corroborate or discredit the hypothesis.I am grateful to Dr R. D. Pfister (formerly USDA Forest Service) for kind permission to publish data from a Forest Service study.I would like to gratefully acknowledge the helpful comments and criticisms of Drs. G. Cottam, J. D. Aber, T. F. H. Allen, E. W. Beals, I. C. Prentice, C. G. Lorimer, and two anonymous reviewers.Taxonomic nomenclature follows Hitchcock & Cronquist (1973).I would like to thank the Dean of the College of Letters and Sciences, University of Wisconsin—Madison, for a fellowship which supported this research, and the Department of Botany for computer funds to perform the analyses.  相似文献   

排序法在植物群落与环境关系研究中的应用述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自然环境对植物的影响主要表现在气候、水文、土壤及地形方面。大尺度上,气候类型明显影响植物的带状分布与物种空间格局;中小尺度上,土壤、水文、地形以及三者的交互作用影响植物生长必需的环境与资源条件,并对植物群落物种多样性起决定性作用。多元数量分析是研究植物群落生态关系的重要方法,在揭示植物群落与环境关系方面起到关键作用。排序法作为数量分析的重要手段,经常在植物生态学研究中扮演重要角色,尤其是在植物群落分布以及群落结构方面的应用已形成一种趋势。主要从植物群落分布以及群落结构的角度综述了当今排序法的应用,分析了面临的主要问题,并提出了未来可能发展方向,以期为今后排序方法的选择应用提供参考。  相似文献   

滇西北云南红豆杉群落物种生态位与种间联结   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在对滇西北云南红豆杉(Taxus yunnanensis)群落的野外调查基础上,采用生态位宽度、生态位重叠和基于2× 2联列表的χ2检验、联结系数(AC)的方法,分析了群落种群间的相互关系。结果表明:物种的重要值与相对应的生态位宽度存在着极显著正相关;云南红豆杉、丽江铁杉(Tsuga forrestii)与青荚叶(Helwingia japonica)的生态位宽度大于其它种群;在1225个种对中有48.16%的生态位重叠值为0,同时χ2统计量中有4%为中性联结,说明群落中木本植物种群间资源利用性竞争较强。生态位宽度较大的种群间往往生态位重叠也较大;云南红豆杉与丽江铁杉之间的生态位重叠值要明显高于与其它种群的,Schoener指数为0.875。χ2检验表明云南红豆杉与其它种群之间表现为无联结。联结系数中显著负联结的种对要多于显著正联结,群落物种受到较大的外来干扰。联结系数与生态位重叠值之间存在极显著正相关,并能用Cubic指数建立回归方程模型。  相似文献   

Forest compositional patterns in Yosemite National Park, California, were related to environmental factors through numerical classification of forest types, arrangement of forest types along elevational and topographic gradients, and development of regression models relating basal area of common tree species to environmental variables. The eight forest types are differentiated primarily by elevation zone and secondarily by topographic setting. Lower montane forests (1200–1900 m) were divided into the Abies concolor/Calocedrus type occurring primarily on mesic sites and the Pinus ponderosa/Calocedrus type predominantly on xeric sites. Upper montane forests (1900–2500 m) included the Abies concolor/Abies magnifica type on mesic sites, the Abies magnifica/Pinus type on somewhat more xeric sites, and Juniperus occidentalis/Pinus jeffreyi woodlands on granitic domes. Subalpine forests (2500–3300 m) embraced three types: Tsuga mertensiana/Pinus forests on mesic sites, monotypic Pinus contorta forests on drier sites, and Pinus albicaulis/Pinus contorta groves at treeline. Regression models consistently included elevation and soil magnesium content as explanatory variables of species basal area totals. The two Abies spp. were negatively correlated with soil magnesium levels, whereas other montane species (e.g. Calocedrus decurrens, Pinus lambertiana, and Pinus ponderosa) exhibited positive correlation with soil magnesium. Topography and soil physical properties were only infrequently incorporated into species regression models.Abbreviations DBH= diameter at breast height (1.4 m) - DCA= detrended correspondence analysis - TWINSPAN= two-way indicator species analysis  相似文献   

The dental and cranial morphologies of all species ofSaguinus, S. oedipus, S. geoffroyi, S. leucopus, S. nigricollis, S. fuscicollis, S. labiatus, S. mystax, S. imperator, S. bicolor, andS. midas are examined. The following hypotheses are developed by cladistic methodology, using only synapomorphic characters to assess the interspecific relationships ofSaguinus.Saguinus are divided into two main groups; one consists ofS. oedipus, S. geoffroyi, andS. leucopus, and the other includesS. inustus, S. nigricollis, S. fuscicollis, S. labiatus, S. mystax, S. imperator, S. bicolor, andS. midas. In the former group,S. oedipus is more closely related toS. geoffroyi than either is toS. leucopus. In the latter group,S. labiatus, S. mystax, andS. imperator are classified into one group, andS. bicolor andS. midas form one monophyletic group.  相似文献   

Question: Are there spatial structures in the composition of plant communities? Methods: Identification and measurement of spatial structures is a topic of great interest in plant ecology. Univariate measurements of spatial autocorrelation such as Moran's I and Geary's c are widely used, but extensions to the multivariate case (i.e. multi‐species) are rare. Here, we propose a multivariate spatial analysis based on Moran's I (MULTISPATI) by introducing a row‐sum standardized spatial weight matrix in the statistical triplet notation. This analysis, which is a generalization of Wartenberg's approach to multivariate spatial correlation, would imply a compromise between the relations among many variables (multivariate analysis) and their spatial structure (autocorrelation). MULTISPATI approach is very flexible and can handle various kinds of data (quantitative and/or qualitative data, contingency tables). A study is presented to illustrate the method using a spatial version of Correspondence Analysis. Location: Territoire d'Etude et d'Expérimentation de Trois‐Fontaines (eastern France). Results: Ordination of vegetation plots by this spatial analysis is quite robust with reference to rare species and highlights spatial patterns related to soil properties.  相似文献   

Studies in modern ecology indicate that most species are distributed independently along environmental gradients according to their individual requirements. Steep gradients often produce species associations separated by discontinuities; gradual gradients produce broadly-overlapping distributions. Approaching the distribution of species populations as a continuum, using gradient analysis, avoids artificial subdivision of totally intergrading distributions, yet permits discontinuities to emerge where present. Faunas of the Martinsburg Formation (Ordovician) in southwestern Virginia offer an excellent opportunity to test the applicability of gradient analysis in a paleoecological setting. A broad spectrum of environments, from nearshore to open-marine, clastic to carbonate-dominated facies, provide both temporal and geographic variation against which to evaluate changes in species distributions. Variations of five classical, Petersen-type communities were recognized in the Martinsburg using cluster analysis: (1) Lingula, (2) bivalve, (3) Rafinesquina, (4) Onniella, and (5) Sowerbyella-dominated communities. Two gradient analysis techniques, ordination and Markov analysis, revealed the same basic associations. However, ordination and Markov analysis permit arrangement of these associations along one or more interpreted environmental gradients. Factors related to water depth and distance from clastic source areas, particularly bottom stability and disturbance frequency, appear to have been the most important of a complex of interrelated physical parameters. The high-stress, nearshore end of the Martinsburg gradient complex was occupied by a Lingula association, followed seaward by an association of bivalves adapted to less-stressed environments. Low-stress, open-shelf environments were occupied by Rafines-quina, Onniella, or Sowerbyella-dominated associations. Broad overlaps among these articulate brachio-pod associations reflect variations in the open-shelf habitat.  相似文献   

This study is based on a phytosociological table and a matrix of species and morphological characters. The relevés were taken along a transect in a Myrica faya-Erica arborea formation on Tenerife (Canary Islands). The analysis of the phytosociological table reveals a vegetational succession and a corresponding ecological gradient. The study of correlations between morphological and ecological data leads to the creation of groups of species with different combinations of characters, and to a discussion of the adaptive values of each character combination. The species of each group occupy similar niches.Abbreviations AOC= Analysis of Concentration - P/C= index ratio between the perimeter of a leaf and the circumference of a circle having the same area as the leaf  相似文献   

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