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High-resolution x-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy was used to characterize the metal sites in three different cobalt-substituted derivatives of Carcinus maenas hemocyanin (Hc), including a mononuclear cobalt, a dinuclear cobalt and a copper-cobalt hybrid derivative. Co(II) model complexes with structures exemplifying octahedral, trigonal bipyramidal, pseudo-tetrahedral, and square planar geometries were also studied. The results provide structural information about the metal binding site(s) in the Co-Hcs that extend earlier results from EPR and optical spectroscopy (Bubacco et al. 1992. Biochemistry. 31: 9294-9303). Experimental spectra were compared to those calculated for atomic clusters of idealized geometry, generated using a multiple scattering approach. The energy of the dipole forbidden 1s-->3d transition and of the absorption edge in the spectra for all cobalt Hc derivatives confirmed the cobaltous oxidation state which rules out the presence of an oxygenated site. Comparisons between data and simulations showed that the mononuclear and dinuclear Co(II) derivatives, as well as the hybrid derivative, contain four-coordinate Co(II) in distorted tetrahedral sites. Although the spectra for Co(II) in dinuclear metal sites more closely resemble the simulated spectrum for a tetrahedral complex than do spectra for the mononuclear derivative, the Co(II) sites in all derivatives are very similar. The Cu K-edge high resolution x-ray absorption near edge structure spectrum of the hybrid Cu-Co-Hc resembles that of deoxy-Hc demonstrating the presence of three-coordinate Cu(I).  相似文献   

We have studied, using x-ray absorption spectroscopy by synchrotron radiation, the native state of the horse heart cytochrome c (N), the HCl denatured state (U(1) at pH 2), the NaOH denatured state (U(2) at pH 12), the intermediate HCl induced state (A(1) at pH 0.5), and the intermediate NaCl induced state (A(2) at pH 2). Although many results concerning the native and denatured states of this protein have been published, a site-specific structure analysis of the denatured and intermediate solvent induced states has never been attempted before. Model systems and myoglobin in different states of coordination are compared with cytochrome c spectra to have insight into the protein site structure in our experimental conditions. New features are evidenced by our results: 1) x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) of the HCl intermediate state (A(1)) presents typical structures of a pentacoordinate Fe(III) system, and 2) local site structures of the two intermediate states (A(1) and A(2)) are different.  相似文献   

Calcium in cow's milk is mainly in the form of calcium phosphate-phosphoprotein complexes known as casein micelles. These micelles, in contrast to other phosphoprotein complexes in bone and other tissues, can be readily isolated and studied, but conventional techniques have given ambiguous and conflicting evidence on the structure of milk calcium phosphate. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure and near-edge structure measurements at the newly commissioned Synchrotron Radiation Source at Daresbury indicate that it closely resembles brushite, CaHPO4·2H2O. This result, and chemical analysis, requires that phosphate groups from the matrix phosphoproteins be incorporated in the brushite lattice, probably in the surface, suggesting that these organic phosphate groups act as heterogeneous nucleation sites for phase separation of the calcium phosphate from solution.  相似文献   

The changes in body weight of 12 octopuses, fed on fish or crabs, were followed under laboratory conditions for periods of 1 to 7 1/2 months. The food intake was estimated and compared with the changes in body weight of the octopuses; 25 to 55% of the total intake of food appeared to be incorporated. The range of the average increase in weight over the whole observation period of each of the animals was 1.9 to 7.7g per day (1 to 7 1/2 months); the mean value was 4.8g per day. The effect of changing the diet of small octopuses (fish or crab)was followed for four weeks but there was no evidence that alteration of the diet affected the rate of changes in body weight of animals of more than 47g initial body weight.  相似文献   

The two copper ions bound in the active site of Octopus vulgaris haemocyanin can be removed by cyanide. The two metal ions react with the ligand sequentially. In this paper the preparation of Octopus half-apo-haemocyanin, containing at the active site a single copper ion, is described. Moreover, the conditions to obtain Octopus apo-haemocyanin, containing less than 3% of copper still bound, are given.  相似文献   

The role of the chitinous beaks and the radula of the cephalopod Octopus vulgaris Lamarck, when feeding on either live shore crabs or whole dead fish, has been examined. One or more of these mouthparts was removed surgically and the effect on the quantity of food eaten and the method of cleaning the prey followed. The condition of the digestivetract was observed at post-mortem.  相似文献   

Helix pomatia α-hemocyanin can dissociate stepwise into 12-size, 110-size and 120-size molecules. Both 110-size and 120-size molecules can occur in two isomeric forms, differing considerably in sedimentation behaviour.The effects of pH, ionic strength, temperature, Ca2+ concentration and oxygen pressure on these dissociation and isomerization steps were investigated systematically by sedimentation analysis.Dissociation and isomerization are favoured by increasing pH or temperature. Changes in ionic strength affect each step differently. Calcium ions are extremely effective in preventing dissociation and isomerization at low ionic strength, but this stabilizing ability diminishes at higher ionic strengths. Oxygen binding shifts the pH-dependent dissociation of whole into 12-size molecules to higher pH. Oxygen has no effect on the other dissociation steps. Intermolecular interactions appear to be predominantly electrostatic.  相似文献   

The near-IR absorption spectrum indicated that methionine is the sixth axial heme iron ligand in Prosthecochloris aestuarii cytochrome c-555. The heme environment has been investigated by the technique of solvent perturbation difference spectroscopy. The heme octapeptide from cytochrome c plus added imidazole was used as a model compound for the fully exposed chromophore. The heme was found to be minimally exposed to solvent. A comparison was made with cytochrome c, as to the possible causes of the difference in redox potentials betweeen these two cytochromes.  相似文献   

The electronic environment of nitrogen in nucleic acid bases, nucleotides, polynucleotides and DNA has been studied, for the first time using X-Ray Absorption Near-Edge Spectroscopy (XANES). Generally, the spectra of these complex molecules consist of low energy bands corresponding to 1s-->pi* transitions and high energy bands corresponding to 1s-->sigma* transition, as illustrated using several nitrogen model compounds. The 1s-->pi* transitions show particular sensitivity to the chemical environment of the nitrogen. Oxygen substitution on ring carbon atoms generally results in a significant blue shift of the lowest 1s-->pi* bands while halogen substitution results in a small blue shift. These observations illustrate the significance of the disturbance of the aromatic ring system produced by exocyclic carbonyl groups. Direct substitution on the nitrogen frequently results in significant spectral perturbations. Differences between the spectra of the polynucleotides and the sums of spectra of the individual nucleotides point to the effects of hydrogen-bonding in complementary double-helix structures. The XANES spectrum of a DNA sample with a known ratio of the polynucleotides is equivalent to the weighted sum of the spectra of individual polynucleotides, indicating that the difference in base stacking interactions produces negligible spectral effects. The variability of nitrogen K-edge spectra in these samples and in protein may be useful for chemically specific imaging using X-ray microscopes.  相似文献   

The carbon monoxide complex of ascorbate-reduced dopamine beta-hydroxylase has been prepared and characterized by Fourier transform infrared, fluorescence, and x-ray absorption spectroscopies. CO has previously been shown to be a competitive inhibitor with respect to O2, and binds to only one of the two copper atoms/active site (Blackburn, N. J., Pettingill, T. M., Seagraves, K. S., and Shigeta, R. T. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 15383-15386). Thus, it acts as an excellent probe of the O2-binding site. A single C-O infrared absorption band is observed at 2089 cm-1, shifting by 46 cm-1 to lower energy on substitution with either 13C16O or 12C18O. The 13C isotope shift is reversed to the position expected for 12CO upon vacuum flushing with 12CO gas, indicating that formation of the CO adduct is a fully reversible process. Binding of the substrate tyramine does not eliminate the infrared peak but causes a 3-cm-1 shift to lower energy. On the other hand, binding of a bifunctional inhibitor which cross-links the substrate and O2-binding site does eliminate the CO peak. These data, in conjunction with the competitive nature of CO binding with respect to O2, identify the CO-binding site as the O2-binding site, and place it in close proximity to the substrate-binding site. CO-dopamine beta-hydroxylase exhibits no luminescence in the visible region, suggesting a structure different from carbonmonoxy hemocyanin, and in all probability mononuclear. Analysis of extended x-ray absorption spectroscopy data is most consistent with an average coordination per Cu of 2-3 histidines, 0.5 CO, and 0.5 S atoms as ligands, and absorption edge comparisons indicates pseudo-4 coordination as the most likely geometry at each Cu(I) center. The results can be interpreted by a model involving inequivalent 4-coordination at each Cu(I) center in the CO adduct with CuAHis3S...CuBHis2CO-X as the coordination most consistent with all of the data.  相似文献   

We report on the structure and dynamics of the Fe ligand cluster of reduced horse heart cytochrome c in solution, in a dried polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) film, and in two trehalose matrices characterized by different contents of residual water. The effect of the solvent/matrix environment was studied at room temperature using Fe K-edge x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy. XAFS data were analyzed by combining ab initio simulations and multi-parameter fitting in an attempt to disentangle structural from disorder parameters. Essentially the same structural and disorder parameters account adequately for the XAFS spectra measured in solution, both in the absence and in the presence of glycerol, and in the PVA film, showing that this polymer interacts weakly with the embedded protein. Instead, incorporation in trehalose leads to severe structural changes, more prominent in the more dried matrix, consisting of 1), an increase up to 0.2 A of the distance between Fe and the imidazole N atom of the coordinating histidine residue and 2), an elongation up to 0.16 A of the distance between Fe and the fourth-shell C atoms of the heme pyrrolic units. These structural distortions are accompanied by a substantial decrease of the relative mean-square displacements of the first ligands. In the extensively dried trehalose matrix, extremely low values of the Debye Waller factors are obtained for the pyrrolic and for the imidazole N atoms. This finding is interpreted as reflecting a drastic hindering in the relative motions of the Fe ligand cluster atoms and an impressive decrease in the static disorder of the local Fe structure. It appears, therefore, that the dried trehalose matrix dramatically perturbs the energy landscape of cytochrome c, giving rise, at the level of local structure, to well-resolved structural distortions and restricting the ensemble of accessible conformational substates.  相似文献   

Abstract The 3D solution structure of α-cobratoxin, a neurotoxin purified from the Naja naja siamensis snake venom, has been determined by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy, in conjunction with distance geometry and restrained molecular dynamics, at pH 7.5. A total of 490 distance restraints were obtained from NOE intensities and 25 φ dihedral angle restraints deduced from J- coupling data. The generated structures are well defined with root mean square deviations from a geometrical mean structure of 0.107 ± 0.036 nm for the backbone atoms and 0.128 ±0.073 nm for the side-chain atoms (considering residues 1 to 66 minus 26 to 35). A comparison between the generated structures at pH 7.5 and the mean NMR solution structure at pH 3.2 revealed that the 3D structure of α-cobratoxin is more compact at neutral pH. This major difference is mainly due to the pH-dependant conformational variations of three residues His(18), Thr(44) and Thr(59).  相似文献   

Marion  Nixon 《Journal of Zoology》1969,158(4):475-483
An automatic food dispenser was designed for use with Octopus vulgaris Lamarck. One live crab was delivered each time the octopus pulled a white shape attached to the dispenser. The apparatus provided a continuous record of the time and frequency of feeding over periods of up to 15 days.  相似文献   

We have measured the extended X-ray absorption fine-structure spectra of Zn-concanavalin A and of Zn,Ca-concanavalin A on the high-energy side of the K absorption edge of Zn. Analysis of the spectra shows that, in Zn-concanavalin A, the Zn is hexaco-ordinate with a mean metal-to-ligand distance of 2.06 ± 0.l Å. Formation of Zn,Ca-concanavalin A by binding of Ca2+ at the calcium-specific site is accompanied by a decrease of the co-ordination number of the Zn from six to five with virtually no change in metal-to-ligand distance (2.02 ± 0.1 Å). The geometry of the hexaco-ordinate and pentaco-ordinate complexes and the mechanism of their interconversion are discussed.  相似文献   

Stabilization of iron in a bioavailable form is the function of ferritin, a protein of 24 subunits forming a coat around a core of less than or equal to 4500 hydrated iron atoms. The core of ferritin isolated from tissues contains Fe3+, but Fe2+ is required for experimental core formation in protein coats; reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ facilitates iron removal from protein coats. Using the differences in x-ray absorption spectra (x-ray absorption near edge structure) between Fe2+ and Fe3+ to monitor reconstitution of ferritin from Fe2+ and protein coats, we observed stabilization of Fe2+, apparently inside the coat. Mixtures of Fe2+ and Fe3+ persisted for greater than or equal to 16 h in air indicating that, in vivo, some iron in ferritin could be stored as Fe2+ and with Fe3+ could yield magnetite.  相似文献   

X-ray absorption edge spectroscopy has been used to study the copper of 1--2 mM cytochrome c oxidase in the resting oxidized, mixed-valence, and fully reduced states. A comparison was made of this protein with copper complexes and with natural and artificial copper proteins. Spectra were obtained with synchrotron radiation from the SPEAR storage ring using highly sensitive fluorescence detectors. Temperatures of -80 to -120 degrees C were employed further to improve the stability of the samples and to avoid the possibility of either auto- or photon-induced reduction of the materials, which might have occurred in previous studies. In order to characterize the valence states of the Cu and Fe components, the samples were monitored by infrared and visible spectroscopy before and after irradiation by the X-ray beam. The combination of the optical and X-ray absorption techniques has afforded a deconvolution of the four species of copper in the various states of cytochrome c oxidase and the tentative assignment of Cu alpha, the copper redox coupled to the heme alpha of cytochrome alpha, as a highly covalent type of copper and Cu alpha 3, the copper of cytochrome alpha 3, as a more ionic 'blue' type I copper. The implications of these findings upon the mechanism of action of cytochrome oxidase are briefly outlined.  相似文献   

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