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An identification key to 63 species of Pratylenchus is given. A compendium of the most diagnostic characters to be used directly in identification of species is included as a practical alternative and supplement to the key. P. tenuis, P. similis, P. impar, P. ranjani, and P. neocapitatus are recognized as valid species on the basis of study of type specimens. P. hyderabadensis Singh &Gill, 1986 is synonymized with P. dasi Fortuner, 1985. P. hexincisus Taylor &Jenkins, 1957 is confirmed as occasionally having 4 -6 lines in lateral field (instead of 6 only). Comments on the status of some species and a list of species of the genus are given.  相似文献   

An identification key to 29 valid species of Hoplolaimus is given. A compendium of the most important diagnostic characters for use in identification of species is included as a practical alternative and supplement to the key. Diagnosis of Hoplolaimus is emended and lists of species of the genus, their synonymies, species inquirendae, nomina nuda, and species transferred to other genera are given. Hoplolaimus sheri, H. chambus, H. casparus, and H. capensis are recognized as valid species.  相似文献   

An identification key to 111 species of Tylenchorhynchus is given. Tylenchorhynchus is defined as containing only those species with four incisures in the lateral field. A compendium providing the most important diagnostic characters for use in identification of species is included as a supplement to the key. Some species in a related but unnecessary genus were placed in the genus Tylenchorhynchus, based on morphological structures and logical groupings of the species. Bitylenchus iphilus is transferred to Tylenchorhynchus. The diagnosis of Tylenchorhynchus is emended, and a list of all the valid species of the genus is given. The characters most useful for separating species are the stylet length, shape of lip region, number of lip annules, shape of tail and tail terminus, number of tail annules, and position of vulva (V%). As defined in the paper, the genus currently is composed of 111 valid species.  相似文献   

Heterodera fici is redescribed and illustrated with comparative details and revised measurements and diagnostic characters of the females, males, cysts, and juveniles from Maryland and Pakistan. This species is in the "schachtii group" (cysts lemon shaped, with bullae, and ambifenestrate) but the fenestrae in some cysts, presumab!y young ones, are small and widely spaced, appearing bifenestrate. It is most closely related to H. schachtii, H. glycines, and H. cajani but differs from these species especially in having cysts with small, scattered bullae and weakly developed underbridge; and males with four small nipples on tail tip. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations of the specimens are also presented. The relationship of this species to closely related forms is discussed.  相似文献   

A cyst nematode, Heterodera goldeni n. sp., is photographed and described from Qasabagrass roots (Panicum coloratum L.) in Alexandria, Egypt. It is characterized in having second-stage juveniles with body length of 546 µm (450-612), stylet length of 22.6 µm (22-23.5) with anchor-shaped knobs, lateral field with 3 lines, tail 60-75 µm, hyaline tail terminus 38.4 µm (33-43); cysts are lemon-shaped, dark to light brown with an extensive sub-crystalline layer covering the entire cyst, cuticular midbody pattern zig-zag, cysts ambifenestrate, well-developed underbridge with finger-like projections, bullae present, vulva slit measuring 44-48 µm long. Males are absent, and females have heavy punctations on the cuticle. Its relationship to H. graminophila described from Florida and Louisiana and H. leuceilyma described from Florida are discussed. The present known distribution is restricted to Alexandria, Egypt. Its economic importance in rangeland grasses and cultivated crops such as rice is not known.  相似文献   

Heterodera pakistanensis n. sp., described and illustrated from roots of common wheat (Triticum aestivum) from Sukkur, Sind, Pakistan, belongs to the goettingiana group. It is most closely related to H. cyperi Golden, Rau &Cobb, 1962, H. raskii Basnet & Jayaprakash, 1984, and H. mothi Khan &Husain, 1965. Second-stage juveniles (J2) can be distinguished from H. cyperi J2 by an areolated lateral field with four incisures and shorter stylet, whereas cysts are separated by a more elongated vulva slit and the conspicuous structure of the underbridge. It differs from H. raskii by having four areolated lateral lines in J2, smaller female lemon-shaped cyst, shorter fenestra length and width, conspicuous underbridge, and distinct anus with a high cuticular pattern 40-45 μm from posterior end. It also differs from H. mothi by the presence of four areolated lateral lines in J2 and absence of vulva denticles and bullae.  相似文献   

The effect of Heterodera avenae infestation on early seminal and lateral root growth was examined in four oat genotypes differing in tolerance to H. avenae. Recently emerged seminal roots were inoculated with a range of H. avenae larval densities, then transferred a hydroponic system to remove the effect of later nematode penetration on root development. Intolerance to H. avenae was assessed in terms of impairment of seminal root extension resulting in fewer primary lateral roots emerging from the seminal root below the zone of juvenile penetration. Tolerant plants infested with H. avenae had longer lateral root systems than infested intolerant plants. The decline in lateral root growth below the penetration zone was partly offset by increased growth above. This did not contribute to tolerance, however, as there were no differences between cultivars for this feature. Nematodes induced earlier nodal root emergence in all cultivars. Nodal root development was most advanced on the most tolerant cultivar.  相似文献   

Heterodera achilleae n. sp., a member of the H. rostochiensis group, is described and illustrated from roots of yarrow, Achillea millefolium L. in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia. This new, round-cyst species differs from closely related species especially as follows: (1) from H. leptonepia, by having stouter larvae (a = 21), with longer styler (25 μ), and with outlet of dorsal esophageal gland averaging 5.7 μ from base o f styler; (2) from H. millefolii, in having excretory pore at base of neck and small, straight vulval slit of 5 μ; (3) from H. rostochiensis, in having a B/A ratio (Granek''s ratio) of 1.6 ; (4) from H. tabacum, by longer female stylet, two annules on female head, and males with outlet of dorsal esophageal gland further back (5.7 μ). In addition, H. achilleae n. sp. differs from the latter three species in having prominent longitudinal striae on the anterior half, or more, of cysts and females.  相似文献   

The nematicidal effect of chitin, relative to other pesticides, was evaluated against two plant-parasitic nematodes, Heterodera avenae and Tylenchulus semipenetrans. Wheat seedlings, grown in soils artificially or naturally infested with H. avenae, were treated with 0.4% (w/w) ClandoSan (CLA) prepared from crustacean chitin, aldicarb (Temik 15G), or ethylene dibromide (EDB 90EC). The CLA treatment significantly increased wheat straw, ear, and average grain dry weights of nematode-infected plants, compared with the other two treatments. In an experiment covering two consecutive seasons, all three treatments reduced the number of cysts in the soil by 60%. In a one-season experiment, CLA reduced the number of cysts by 51% and aldicarb or EDB reduced cyst number by about 40%. A reduction of 50-90% in T. semipenetrans population densities on roots of two citrus rootstocks was recorded following an application of 0.2% (w/w) CLA to the soil.  相似文献   

Molecular characterization of the three most common cereal cyst nematode species of the Heterodera avenae group (H. avenae, H. filipjevi, and H. latipons), originating from various locations in major cereal-cultivating areas in Syria and Turkey, showed distinct restriction fragment patterns of the ITS-rDNA following PCR amplification and RFLP digestion with four endonucleases (Hae III, Hinf I, Ita I, and Pst I). Genetic dissimilarity within H. avenae group populations increased in comparison with H. avenae and other species; it was 0.164 with H. filipjevi and 0.354 with H. latipons populations. No intraspecific polymorphism was observed within H. latipons or H. filipjevi populations. Principal component analysis revealed contrasted correlations among 12 morphological parameters of cysts and juveniles of the three Heterodera species that separated them and distinguished differences within populations of H. latipons. Our results showed a clear separation of the three cyst nematode species on cereal using a conventional method for classification and molecular tests, and confirmed the congruence between genetics and morphological traits.  相似文献   

Heterodera graminophila n. sp., a member of the H. goettingiana group, is described and illustrated from roots of barnyard grass, Echinochloa colonum (L.) Link, in Baton Rouge, La. This new abullate species, having second-stage larvae with only three lines in the lateral field, is most closely related to H. cyperi Golden, Rau &Cobb, 1962, and H. graminis Stynes, 1971, but differs particularly in having a small, inconspicuous anus without a circum-anal pattern and located about 20% of the cyst length from the vulval cone terminus, and a longer vulval slit averaging 45 μ in length. A key, based on cyst and larval characters, is presented for identification of the 10 Heterodera species in the H. goettingiana group.  相似文献   

Modified polyacrylamide gel and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic systems using a low molarity tris-HCl buffer and equal pH of homogenizing buffer and stacking gel provided improved stacking for separation of soluble proteins from Heterodera schachtii, H. trifolii, H. lespedezae, and H. glycines races 1, 2, 3, and 4, compared with previous studies with cyst nematodes, The four Heterodera species were easily distinguished using the polyacrylamide gel system, but H. trifolii and H. lespedezae had similar protein patterns. H. glycines races were not separable by that system. The SDS-polyacrylamide gel system produced different protein patterns for all four Heterodera species although H. trifolii and H. lespedezae differed by only a single band, suggesting that these two may be subspecifically related. A protein band unique to H. glycines races 3 and 4 was not detected in SDS-polyacrylamide gel profiles from races 1 and 2. Molecular weight determinations were 55,000 for distinctive proteins in profiles of H. trifolii and 75,000 for H. glycines races 3 and 4.  相似文献   

Seven populations of Heterodera trifolii from Arkansas, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Australia plus 3 or 4 single-cyst isolates (SCI) from each population were tested for reproduction on seven species of plants to compare the host preferences among and within populations. Common lespedeza, Kummerowia striata cv. Kobe, was a good host for all populations and isolates. Therefore, a plant was considered to be a host if the number of females produced on it was 10% or more of the number on Kobe. All seven populations reproduced on Trifolium repens and T. pratense. None reproduced on Beta vulgaris or Glycine max. One single-cyst isolate from the Australian population produced a few females on T. pratense. The Australian population maintained on carnation, Dianthus caryophyllus, produced females on carnation but not on curly dock, Rumex crispus. However, its subpopulation maintained on T. repens produced females on R. crispus but not on carnation. Four of the other six populations produced females on R. crispus, and four produced females on carnation. Differences in host range were observed among seven of the mother populations and their SCI, and among isolates within each population. Five host range patterns were found in populations and SCI of H. trifolii. Significant quantitative differences occurred among populations in the numbers of females on most hosts, between isolates and their original populations, and among isolates from the same population. SCI selected from white clover produced fewer females on a series of test hosts and had host ranges the same as or narrower than those of the original populations. However, SCI selected from Kobe lespedeza had more females on some hosts and had host ranges the same as or wider than those of the original populations. The host ranges of all populations and SCI of H. trifolii were different from those of populations and SCI of race 3 of H. glycines and H. lespedezae.  相似文献   

Lines of wheat with the 6Mv chromosome from Aegilops ventricosa display partial resistance to both pathotypes Hal2 and Ha41 of Heterodera avenae. With either pathotype, the effect of this alien chromosome on cyst production, size, and fecundity was expressed in resistance tests. Partial resistance of five 6Mv(6D) substitution lines varied according to the intrinsic cyst-forming capacity of the nematode pathotypes and the recipient germplasms. Such partial resistance can be utilized in wheat breeding lines for integrated management of the cereal cyst nematode.  相似文献   

Dolichodorus miradvulvus n. sp. from Anubias nana Engler in Florida is described and illustrated. The female is characterized by deep grooves in the cuticle on the ventral surface just anterior and posterior to the vulva, and by transversely elongate pouches anterior and posterior to the vulva. Both sexes have a constricted area of the stylet shaft just anterior to the knobs, and on the male the intersection of the lateral field and bursa appear sclerotized.  相似文献   

In a long-term field experiment, differential population densities of Heterodera avenae were produced by frequent cropping with resistant (cv. Panema) or susceptible (cv. Peniarth) oat. The two oat cultivars were equally good hosts of Pratylenchus neglectus in a glass house experiment with field soil. On wheat crops grown after oats in field experiments, P. neglectus population densities in roots were higher in plots where H. avenae had been controlled than in plots with moderate infestations (40 H. avenae eggs/g soil). The field observations indicated that the reduction in population densities of P. neglectus coincided with the development in roots of sedentary stages of the cyst nematode. Evidence for an indirect effect of H. avenae on P. neglectus was found in vitro in a split-root experiment. In the same field, grain yields of two wheat cultivars susceptible or resistant to H. avenae, but both susceptible to P. neglectus, was not reduced by P. neglectus. Alternation of H. avenae resistant and susceptible cultivars is a possible way of exploiting the inverse relationship between these nematodes, whilst controlling cyst nematode -populations in intensive cereal production systems.  相似文献   

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