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现代人头骨面部几项非测量性状的观察   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
用人类学观察法比较了中国云南、华北和欧洲现代人头骨的犬齿窝、颧骨缘突和梨状孔上外侧部膨隆的出现情况,以探讨其在人种、群体区分上是否有意义。结果:(1)在云南头骨,犬齿窝、颧骨缘突的出现率无性别差异,梨状孔上外侧部骨表面膨隆的出现率男性明显高于女性,而在欧洲头骨,这3项非测量必状的出现率男女间无差异。(2)上述3项性状,在中国云南和华北头骨(男性)的出现率无差异。(3)犬齿窝、梨状孔上外侧部骨表面膨隆的出现率,在现代欧洲人头骨明显高于现代中国人头骨。颧骨缘突的出现率在欧洲与中国现代人头骨上无差异。  相似文献   

本文对11组中国古代人群头骨面部的犬齿窝、颧骨缘突和梨状孔上外侧部膨隆三项非测量特征进行了群体间出现率的差异性检验, 以探讨其在区分群体变异时是否有意义。应用两样本率差异的χ2检验,比较了这三项非测量特征在性别、人群和种族方面的差异。研究结果表明,男性犬齿窝的出现率所反映的种族差异比较明显。颧骨缘突的出现率在进行人群间比较时更具有意义。汉代以来, 梨状孔上外侧部膨隆在中国北方新疆地区的欧罗巴人种男性与华北北部地区及东北地区的蒙古人种男性间存在着显著性差异。笔者发现, 犬齿窝和梨状孔上外侧部膨隆这两项特征可能存在着比较紧密的相关性,即犬齿窝越发育, 梨状孔上外侧部也会较为膨隆。对于犬齿窝和梨状孔上外侧部膨隆的相关性及其产生机制, 笔者提出了两种假说: 其一是鼻部形态的改变引起了梨状孔上外侧部膨隆, 并进而导致了犬齿窝的发育; 其二是因为颌部特别是犬齿的功能减退,造成犬齿后上方的区域凹陷, 进而引起了梨状孔上外侧部膨隆状态。  相似文献   

华北人头骨非测量性状的观察   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
本文报告了一组华北人头骨上63项和另两项多年以前描述过而近年未见研究的非测量性状的出现情况,并作为一项新的性状描述了二分髁管。  相似文献   

太原地区现代人头骨的研究   总被引:15,自引:10,他引:5  
本文报告了太原地区男、女组现代人头骨测量性状的基本统计量和非测量性状的出现情况,记述和讨论了它们的两侧差异和性别差异情况,建立了以多个项目测量值鉴定华北人头骨性别的判别函数。  相似文献   

广西壮族颅骨的非测量性状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文报告广西马山县州圩村一组确知身前状况的壮族成年居民男性80例,女性84例颅骨非测量性状的观察结果,并对结果作了讨论。  相似文献   

Life-history traits such as longevity and fecundity often show low heritability. This is usually interpreted in terms of Fisher's fundamental theorem to mean that populations are near evolutionary equilibrium and genetic variance in total fitness is low. We develop the causal relationship between metric traits and life-history traits to show that a life-history trait is expected to have a low heritability whether or not the population is at equilibrium. This is because it is subject to all the environmental variation in the metric traits that affect it plus additional environmental variation. There is no simple prediction regarding levels of additive genetic variance in life-history traits, which may be high at equilibrium. Several other patterns in the inheritance of life-history traits are readily predicted from the causal model. These include the strength of genetic correlations between life-history traits, levels of nonadditive genetic variance, and the inevitability of genotype-environment interaction.  相似文献   

李法军  朱泓 《人类学学报》2003,22(3):206-217
本文对河北阳原姜家梁新石器时代遗址头骨进行了非测量性状的观察。选择了在时间和空间上与之相关的12个人群作为研究对比组,求出各对比组之间的平均差异度(MMD)值,以MMD值为基础进行了聚类分析和主坐标分析。结果表明,姜家梁新石器时代居民在非测量性状上有着比较明显的特点:既与其它某些人群(特别是与贝加尔人群、华北组)有着某种联系,但现在还没有证据说明这种联系的密切程度以及是何种方式的联系;同时,姜家梁组可能是因为还存在着某些独立的特征(比如其较高的或者较低的非测量性状特征),使之不能完全地归入到某种人群中去。我们期待从这一地区及其周邻地区发现更多的古人骨材料,以期从研究中得出更细致的结论。  相似文献   

The use of regression techniques for estimating the direction and magnitude of selection from measurements on phenotypes has become widespread in field studies. A potential problem with these techniques is that environmental correlations between fitness and the traits examined may produce biased estimates of selection gradients. This report demonstrates that the phenotypic covariance between fitness and a trait, used as an estimate of the selection differential in estimating selection gradients, has two components: a component induced by selection itself and a component due to the effect of environmental factors on fitness. The second component is shown to be responsible for biases in estimates of selection gradients. The use of regressions involving genotypic and breeding values instead of phenotypic values can yield estimates of selection gradients that are not biased by environmental covariances. Statistical methods for estimating the coefficients of such regressions, and for testing for biases in regressions involving phenotypic values, are described.  相似文献   

思茅咖啡天牛种群构成与危害的时空特性研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过室内饲养和野外调查,本文对思茅市咖啡天牛种群的构成,发生时期危害的时空特性及幼虫蛀孔部位的选择性进行了研究。结果表明,危害思茅地区咖啡的天牛种群由旋皮天牛和灭字虎天牛构成 ,在不同时间两个种群的构成比例不同。施皮天牛是优势种心化高峰期为4月18-30日,灭字虎天牛成虫主要在10-12月出现;在咖啡树中天牛幼虫的频数分布具有明显特征,1头虫的分布频数最高;  相似文献   

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