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男性巨颅一例报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本例颅骨F31的颅容量为2330毫升,其长宽高诸径、颅围与全颅重量也特别大。为此,进行了全面观察与测量、对比与分析,见表l—3。经鉴定为中国人,男性,年龄约40岁。经用颅骨(男颅G39、女颅E15)拍照对比(图版I)与放射线摄影分析,排除脑积水、脑肿瘤以及巨人症等病理因素。  相似文献   

颅容积的测量与推算的改进   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
颅容积对鉴别颅骨的性别具有一定的意义。国内外至今仍沿用传统的测量方法,即堵塞孔缝、灌注介质(菜子或砂等),再间接用量具测出其容积。此法烦琐费时,如不严格统一标准重复误差一般达几十毫升。1964年Uspenskii改用颅内放一橡皮球,球内注水加压法,大大地提高了测量速度,并使重复误差降低到7ml,缺点是必须有加压设备,另外橡皮球易破裂。本测量法采用厚度适中的乳胶囊放入颅腔,囊内灌注汞,取其净重和测时室温,用计算机换算成颅容积。经不同时间对112个颅骨测量两次,结果相差平均为2.27±0.17(0—7.9)ml。乳胶囊使用寿命一般可达20次。本法主要优点是:精确度高和测量速度快;不够理想之处:由于汞重,在密闭箱内操作不便,尽管汞蒸气远低于允许浓度,仍需注意其安全防护问题。此外,求出用颅周长、颅顶正中弧、耳上颅高、颅高等项推算颅容积的回归方程式和关系图,便于实际应用。  相似文献   

南京现代人颅骨的测量   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
对南京出土成年颅骨273个(男157,女116)进行了9个项目的测量。结果表明,除1项性差不显著外,其余8项的性差均有高度的显著性。按颅指数,颅长高指数及颅宽高指数分级,南京人颅骨多分别属于圆颅、高颅及中颅型。  相似文献   

颅骨某些角度的测量计算法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
丁士海 《人类学学报》1983,2(4):390-395
本文根据余弦定理对颅骨20项与法兰克福平面无关的角度,采用测量计算法,即用直脚规或弯脚规测量各角三个测点间的三边直线距离,将余弦定理公式输入袖珍电子计算器内,再由计算器算出角度。经实践我们认为此法具有操作简单易行、无需投影描绘仪和定颅器等设备、节约时间、精确度高和误差小等优点。  相似文献   

邵象清 《人类学学报》1983,2(2):116-208
同时,也运用Moire法,系统地观察颅侧点(euryon)位置在人类进化过程中的变化顺序。  相似文献   

中国水域江豚颅骨的地理变异   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
高安利  周开亚 《兽类学报》1995,15(3):161-169
本文根据144号江豚骨骼标本(其中长江种群标本40号,黄海种群标本59号,南海种群标本45号),选用42项颅骨测量变量,研究了颅骨在各地理种群之间的差异。t-检验和协方差分析表明:长江江豚成体的颅基长比较小。南海种群吻长小于其它两个种群,而吻宽则最大,长江种群次之,黄海种群最小。黄海种群的前颌骨宽、颧宽、眶前突最大宽和眶后突最大宽比其它两个种群的小。黄海种群的上颌齿较多,而南海种群则下颌齿较多,长  相似文献   

西安现代人脑颅的性差   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
本文对西安现代人成年颅骨一百例(男50,女50)进行了廿个项目的测量。对其中性差非常显著的八项,进行了性差鉴别。 中颅、高颅和狭颅型的出现,两性均占多数,与湖南、长春男性的资料作了比较,高颅型的出现率在三个地区之间无差异,似乎可作为国人之代表型。  相似文献   

林奇  牛映斗 《人类学学报》1989,8(3):245-247
本文系用原子吸收光谱法测定了西安地区10例成人尸体和15例新生儿尸体的颅盖骨内Cu和zn的含量。结果求得成人颅骨中Cu正常含量(均数±标准差)为4.48±3.78mg/kg(干组织重);zn为597.05±472.54mg/kg。新生儿颅骨中Cu和zn的含量分别为1.96±0.76mg/kg;1160.38±859.71mg/kg。结果表明,成人颅骨内Cu含量高于新生儿,而成人颅骨内Zn含量显著低于新生儿。  相似文献   

太行山猕猴颅容量与颅骨其他变量的相关性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在现生哺乳动物中,灵长类不仅因为其行为机制的复杂性,更因其与人类的近缘性,而受到诸多研究领域的重视。其生存的第一需要就是取食,不同的食物特性总是与头颅的形状变化有关系(Shea,1983),而颅形的变化必然会与颅容量或脑的体积变化相联系。有关的研究在太行山猕猴尚属空白。太行山猕猴目前仅分布于太行山南段和中条山部分地区,是目前我国分布最北的野生猕猴种群。初步研究表明,太行山猕猴在形态生态行为和遗传等方面与其他亚种均有明显差异(宋朝枢等,1996;薛德明等,1998)。基于保护其生物多样性的考虑,本文对太行山猕猴颅容量与颅骨其…  相似文献   

内蒙古察右前旗庙子沟新石器时代颅骨的人类学特征   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
朱泓 《人类学学报》1994,13(2):126-133
本文所报道的17例新石器时代人类颅骨出土于内蒙古自治区右前旗的庙子沟遗址,其年年代相当于仰韶文化晚期阶段。对该组颅骨的观察和测量结果表明,庙子沟新石器时代居民的体质特征与现代东亚蒙古人种最为接近。  相似文献   

中国穿山甲和马来穿山甲头骨量度的测定及比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴诗宝   《兽类学报》2004,24(3):211-214
全球共有7种穿山甲。本文报道的是中国穿山甲和马来穿山甲的头骨形态学资料,涉及头骨特征描述和一些形态学指标测定。被测定的指标主要有颅全长、基底长、腭长、眶间宽、后头宽、鼻骨长、鼻骨宽、脑颅高、听泡长和下颌长,并且在这两个物种之间进行了比较。结果表明,(1)这两个物种头骨形态十分相似,但马来穿山甲头骨细长,听泡长小于10mm(n=12),鼻骨狭长,前后部宽窄相似,两鼻骨外侧缘内凹或平行,鼻骨宽长之比值小于0 3000(0 2025~0 2811,n=12);而中国穿山甲头骨较粗短,听泡长大于11mm(n=46),鼻骨宽短,后部较前端宽,外侧缘外凸,鼻骨宽长之比值大于0 3000(0 3154~0 5325,n=33)。这些异同之处,可以作为区分这两个物种的依据。(2)中国穿山甲华南亚种与海南亚种头骨各变量之间的差异不显著(P>0 05),用颅全长是否大于83mm来区分这两个亚种不能成立,但海南亚种头骨上颌骨的颧突和鳞骨的颧突通常越过眶颞窝完全相接触,如果不是这样,则在它们之间有一个小的骨质棒状结构将它们连接起来。  相似文献   

中国新疆马鹿亚种头骨形态的地理变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
新疆马鹿(Cervus elaphus)有3个亚种(塔里木亚种C.e.yarkandensis、天山亚种C.e.songarieus和阿勒泰亚种C.e.sibirieus)。本文报道新疆马鹿3个亚种头骨形态学特征描述和14项形态学指标测定。被测定的指标主要有颅全长(GLC)、颜面长(FL)、鼻骨全长(GLN)、前头长(MFL)、眼窝长(OFW)、基底全长(CBL)、口盖最大幅(GPB)、前臼齿间距离(Pm—P)、眼间最小幅(ZB)、筋突起高(CH)、关筋突起高(LH)、牙齿间隙裂高(DH)、前下颚骨高(HMP2)、后下颚骨高(HMM,),采用主成分分析并在这3个亚种之间进行了比较。结果表明:1)阿勒泰亚种的头骨长度和高度值比塔里木亚种大,宽度值比塔里木亚种小;2)天山亚种的头骨大小一般处在塔里木亚种和阿勒泰亚种的中间,但三者之间没有显著性差异;3)阿勒泰亚种和天山亚种的头骨形态测量数据比较接近,塔里木亚种的头骨形态比较特殊(塔里木亚种的头骨短而宽,明显区别于其他两亚种的特征)。在新疆导致马鹿3个亚种头骨形态差异的主要因素有栖息地环境和气候因素的差异。阿勒泰亚种和天山亚种栖息在大陆性气候寒冷区的针叶林中,冬天气候比较寒冷;塔里木亚种栖息在大陆性气候温热区的塔里木河流域胡杨林中,气候干旱炎热。因此,阿勒泰和天山亚种在适应寒冷的气候并适应生软食物的食性过程中头骨变成长细,而塔里木亚种长期适应干旱炎热并适应生硬食物的食性使头骨变的短而宽。  相似文献   

Skull base height increases significantly with better nutrition and health conditions, as seen in comparing 163 nineteenth to twentieth century dissecting-room skeletons (Terry Collection) with 237 modern American middle-class adults (forensic and willed skeletons). The increase parallels the change in pelvic inlet depth index, known to respond sensitively to nutrition, and in stature, and is over six times greater than the general skull size change. Skull base height (porion-basion) is easy to measure with depth gauge and sliding caliper, or by subtraction, and is in adults a sensitive indicator of childhood growth stress.  相似文献   

Disagreement is current over the question of whether relatively large teeth in some large primates are a natural outcome of growth trends instead of an indication of intrinsic differences. A cross-primate survey of dental scaling relative to skull (and inferred body) size is given in this study, using a principal component technique to measure the multivariate growth relation between two sets of data: dental size and cranial size. Cheek teeth are strongly positively allometric in restriced taxonomic groups, especially in cercopithecoids. Conversely, the allometry drops to an almost linear proportional growth relation when variation in diet is controlled.  相似文献   

Variation in guenon skulls (II): sexual dimorphism   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Patterns of size and shape sexual dimorphism in adult guenons were examined using a large sample of skulls from almost all living species. Within species, sexual dimorphism in skull shape follows the direction of size-related shape variation of adults, is proportional to differences in size, and tends to be larger in large-bodied species. Interspecific divergence among shape trajectories, which explain within species sex differences, are small (i.e., trajectories of most species are nearly parallel). Thus, changes in relative proportions of skull regions that account for the distinctive shape of females and males are relatively conserved across species, and their magnitude largely depends on differences in size between sexes. A conservative pattern of size-related sexual dimorphism and a model of interspecific divergence in shape which strongly reflects size differences suggest a major role of size and size-related shape variation in the guenon radiation. It is possible that in the guenons, as in the neotropical primates (with whom they have obvious parallels), size has helped to determine morphological change along lines of least evolutionary resistance, influencing sexual dimorphism. In Miopithecus and Erythrocebus, the smallest and largest guenon genera, it is likely that the interaction of ecology and size contributes significantly to patterns of sexual dimorphism. The results of this study thus emphasise the need to consider allometry and size alongside ecology and behaviour when examining primate sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

本文采用几何形态测量法对中国大蹄蝠9个不同地理种群头骨形态变化进行研究。结果表明,不同地理种群的头骨大小及形状存在显著差异,其中云南思茅种群与海南陵水种群差异最大。回归分析表明头骨形态的地理变化与气候因素相关。随着年均温度、年均湿度的升高以及年均降水量的增多,大蹄蝠头骨变小,上颌、齿、咬肌附着部分以及耳蜗部分的形状发生变化。此外,头骨大小与海拔高度呈正相关,头骨形状变化与纬度显著相关。本研究表明对栖息地生态条件的适应是中国大蹄蝠头骨形态地理变化的重要原因。  相似文献   

Normal skull thickness has been measured in a general hospital population of 300 blacks and 200 whites in America. In both groups, there is a rapid increase in skull thickness during the first two decades of life, followed by a small uniform increase reaching a peak in the fifth and sixth decades. The sex differences are variable, but in certain age groups the females in both races have significatly thicker parietal and occipital bones than their male counterpart. The frontal bone is thicker in the white male than in the black, and the parietooccipital thicker in the blacks than in the whites. Some suggestions are offered to explain the sex and racial difference noted.  相似文献   

Dinocrocuta gigantea头骨的发现   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
本文记述了甘肃和政县晚中新世地层中发现的一个完整的巨鬣狗头骨;讨论了它的分类地位,修正了 Schlosser 1903年建种时的一些鉴定错误.巨鬣狗是鬣狗科中一个十分特化的成员,应代表一个独立的属.根据命名规则,我们采用 N. schmidt-Kittler 1976年所创的 Dinocrocuta. 因此,这个种应订正为 Dinocrocuta gigantea (schlosser, 1903).  相似文献   

现代中国人颅骨测量特征及其地区性差异的初步研究   总被引:21,自引:10,他引:11  
刘武  杨茂有 《人类学学报》1991,10(2):96-106

One of the most complete skulls of the early primate Adapis parisiensis is in the collection of the Department of Zoology, Cambridge University. This exceptionally well-preserved male skull, from Quercy in southern France, is important in showing relatively small orbits that are highly convergent, a distinct ethmoid component in the medial orbital wall, very small infraorbital foramina, a well-preserved auditory region with the stapedial canal about twice the diameter of the canal for the promontory artery, and a well-preserved braincase 8.8 cm3 in endocranial volume. The frontal lobe of the brain in the Cambridge skull described here is less expanded than that reported previously in a British Museum skull. The average body weight of Adapis parisiensis is estimated to have been about 2.0 kg, and that of Adapis magnus is estimated to have been about 8.4 to 9.0 kg. The encephalization quotient (EQ) of Adapis parisiensis is estimated to have been 0.45, which is well below the range found in modern prosimians. There is some indication that the size of the foramen magnum has increased with increasing brain size during primate evolution. Adapis parisiensis appears to have been a medium-sized, visually oriented, diurnal, sexually dimorphic arboreal folivore.  相似文献   

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