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  • 1.1. We measured standard, resting and exercise metabolism of 28 Chaicides ocellatus (Scincidae). Individual lizards consistently showed statistically significant differences in mass-independent rates of standard and exercise metabolism during three replicates of the experiments at weekly intervals.
  • 2.2. Metabolic differences were also detected among groups of siblings.
  • 3.3. Mass-independent resting metabolic rates were closely correlated with standard rates, but there was no correlation of metabolic rates during forced activity with either standard or resting rates.
  • 4.4. These data suggest a heritable component of metabolism for lizards, but they do not support the “aerobic capacity model” of the origin of endothermy, which proposes that initial selection for high resting metabolic rates operated via selection for high rates of aerobic metabolism during exercise.

Muscles, bones, and tendons in the adult tetrapod limb are intimately integrated, both spatially and functionally. However, muscle and bone evolution do not always occur hand in hand. We asked, how does the loss of limb bones affect limb muscle anatomy, and do these effects vary among different lineages? To answer these questions, we compared limb muscular and skeletal anatomy among gymnophthalmid lizards, which exhibit a remarkable variation in limb morphology and different grades of digit and limb reduction. We mapped the characters onto a phylogeny of the group to assess the likelihood that they were acquired independently. Our results reveal patterns of reduction of muscle and bone elements that did not always coincide and examples of both, convergent and lineage‐specific non‐pentadactyl musculoskeletal morphologies. Among lineages in which non‐pentadactyly evolved independently, the degree of convergence seems to depend on the number of digits still present. Most tetradactyl and tridactyl limbs exhibited profound differences in pattern and degree of muscle loss/reduction, and recognizable morphological convergence occurred only in extremely reduced morphologies (e.g., spike‐like appendix). We also found examples of muscles that persisted although the bones to which they plesiomorphically attach had been lost, and examples of muscles that had been lost although their normal bony attachments persisted. Our results demonstrate that muscle anatomy in reduced limbs cannot be predicted from bone anatomy alone, meaning that filling the gap between osteological and myological data is an important step toward understanding this recurrent phenomenon in the evolution of tetrapods. J. Morphol. 276:1290–1310, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Rhodopsinlike opsins constitute a distinct phylogenetic group (Yokoyama 1994, Mol. Biol. Evol. 11:32–39). This RH2 group includes the green-sensitive opsins in chicken and goldfish and the blue-sensitive opsin in a nocturnal lizard gecko. In the present study, we isolated and sequenced the genomic DNA clones for the RH2 opsin gene, rh2 Ac , of the diurnal lizard Anolis carolinensis. This single-copy gene spans 18.3 kb from start to stop codons, making it the longest opsin gene known in vertebrates. Phylogenetic analysis strongly suggests that rh2 Ac is more closely related to the chicken green opsin gene than to the gecko blue opsin gene. This gene tree differs from the organismal tree, where the two lizard species should be most closely related, implying that rh2 Ac and the gecko blue-sensitive opsin genes have been derived from duplicate ancestral genes.Correspondence to: S. Yukiyama  相似文献   

Squamates often follow an inverse Bergmann's rule, with larger-bodied animals occurring in warmer areas or at lower latitudes. The size of dorsal scales in lizards has also been proposed to vary along climatic gradients, with species in warmer areas exhibiting larger scales, putatively to reduce heat load. We tested for these patterns in the diverse and widespread lizard genus Sceloporus. Among 106 species or populations, body size was associated positively with maximum temperature (consistent with the inverse of Bergmann's rule) and aridity, but did not covary with latitude. Scale size (inferred from the inverse relation with numbers of scales) was positively related to body size. Controlling for body size via multiple regression, scale size was associated negatively with latitude (best predictor), positively with minimum temperature, and negatively with aridity (similar results were obtained using scores from a principal components analysis of latitude and climatic indicators). Thus, lizards with larger scales are not necessarily found in areas with higher temperatures. Univariate analyses indicated phylogenetic signal for body size, scale counts, latitude, and all climate indicators. In all cases, phylogenetic regression models fit the data significantly better than nonphylogenetic models; thus, residuals for log(10) number of dorsal scale rows exhibited phylogenetic signal.  相似文献   

Age-dependent allozymic variation in a natural population of lizards   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An analysis of allozymic variation at 17 loci in a population of the sagebrush lizard (Sceloporus graciosus) in southern Utah yielded an estimate of genic heterozygosity of 0.028. Seven of the loci were variable, but only one, Est-1, was strongly polymorphic. The observation that the frequency of the common genotype (MM) at the Est-1 locus declined monotonically in successive age classes from 0.74 in hatchlings to 0.58 in adults 4 years old or older suggests that allele frequencies at this locus are not independent of selective influences.This research was supported by NSF grant GB-29141 to D.W.T. and NIH grant GM-15769 to R.K.S.  相似文献   

Huss M  Persson L  Byström P 《Oecologia》2007,153(1):57-67
Size variation among individuals born at the same time in a common environment (within cohorts) is a common phenomenon in natural populations. Still, the mechanisms behind the development of such variation and its consequences for population processes are far from clear. We experimentally investigated the development of early within-cohort size variation in larval perch (Perca fluviatilis). Specifically we tested the influence of initial variation, resulting from variation in egg strand size, and intraspecific density for the development of size variation. Variation in egg strand size translated into variation in initial larval size and time of hatching, which, in turn, had effects on growth and development. Perch from the smallest egg strands performed on average equally well independent of density, whereas larvae originating from larger egg strands performed less well under high densities. We related this difference in density dependence to size asymmetries in competitive abilities leading to higher growth rates of groups consisting of initially small individuals under high resource limitation. In contrast, within a single group of larvae, smaller individuals grew substantially slower under high densities whereas large individuals performed equally well independent of density. As a result, size variation among individuals within groups (i.e. originating from the same clutch) increased under high densities. This result may be explained by social interactions or differential timing of diet shifts and a depressed resource base for the initially smaller individuals. It is concluded that to fully appreciate the effects of density-dependent processes on individual size variation and size-dependent growth, consumer feedbacks on resources need to be considered.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism (SD) is the evolutionary outcome of selection acting differently on males and females. Several studies describe sexual differences in body size, although other morphological traits might be allometric between sexes and imply functional consequences. Here we test whether morphological differences between sexes in size and shape in the lizard Tropidurus catalanensis explain variation in performance of four locomotor traits. Our results show that males are larger than females and also exhibit longer limbs, longer muscles and larger muscle cross‐sectional areas, while females have longer trunks and more sharped anterior claws; males outperform females in all locomotor performances measured. Sexual differences in sprinting and climbing is related with body size, and climbing performance is also explained by limb lengths, by differences in lengths and cross‐sectional areas of specific muscles, and by interlimb distances. Between‐sex differences in exertion are also related to SD, despite associations with sharper posterior claws that are independent of sex. Grasping performance, however, is associated with some muscle and morphological parameters that are not sexually dimorphic. Together our results suggest that morphology might be under sexual selection in T. catalanensis, given that better locomotor performance likely favours male lizards in typical activities of this polygenic species, such as territory defence and female acquisition. Moreover, the longer trunks that characterize females may confer more space to accommodate eggs. On the other hand, territory defence by males probably increases their exposure to predators, resulting in a synergistic effect of sexual and natural selection in the evolution of SD in T. catalanensis.  相似文献   

As more data have become available on lizard diets in the past few decades, researchers have stressed the importance of lizards as pollinators and seed dispersers. Whereas large body size has been traditionally put forward as a major biological factor allowing herbivory and frugivory in lizards, a recent review of frugivory and seed dispersal by lizards showed that frugivory might be considered to be a typical island phenomenon, independent of body size. Here we show that frugivory is correlated with lizard body size among a group of syntopic Anolis species in Jamaica, with larger species eating more fruit. Additionally, the size of the fruits consumed is significantly related to lizard body size. Multiple regression analyses show that this is largely a pure body size effect as head shape or residual bite force are uncorrelated to overall fruit size. Moreover, we demonstrate that among polychrotid (Anolis-like) lizards in general, those that consume fruit are on average larger than those that do not. Lizards from the mainland were not significantly different in body size from island species. We thus suggest that fruit consumption in polychrotid lizards is mediated by large body size whether living on islands or not.  相似文献   

Relations between microhabitat use and limb shape in phrynosomatid lizards   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
With the exception of the well-documented case for anoline lizards, recent studies have found few evolutionary relationships between morphology and habitat use in lizards despite clear-cut biomechanical predictions. One of the factors typically hampering these analyses is the clustering of habitat use within evolutionary lineages. In the present study, body shape was quantified for male and female lizards of 30 species of phrynosomatid lizards. This group was selected as little clustering of ecological variables seemed to be present. The results of traditional analyses indicate that evolutionary correlates of habitat use were prominent in the hindlimbs of both sexes. Species living in open habitats are characterized by longer femurs, and longer hindlimbs relative to the forelimb. Moreover, males from ground-dwelling species utilizing open habitats have longer toes on the hind foot than males from climbing species. Phylogenetic analyses indicated strong evolutionary associations between habitat use and the relative length of front and hindlimbs, with species from open terrestrial habitats having significantly shorter frontlimbs relative to their hindlimb than rock or tree climbing species. Evolutionary associations between morphology and habitat use were generally stronger for male lizards, indicating a potentially important contribution of sexual selection to the evolution of differences in limb proportions.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 77 , 149–163.  相似文献   

Body size is one of the most influential traits affecting many ecological and physiological processes across animal and plant taxa. Studies of the environmental factors shaping body size patterns may evaluate either temporal or spatial dimensions. Here, we analyzed body size evolution in the radiation of Anolis lizards across both geographical and temporal dimensions. We used a set of macroecological and macroevolutionary methods to test current and past environmental effects on geographical gradients of body size and its evolutionary rates. First, we test whether a set of current ecological/physiological hypotheses (heat balance, productivity and seasonality) explains spatial body size gradients. Second, we evaluate how tempo (i.e. evolutionary rates) and mode (i.e. evolutionary process) of body size evolution changed through time and the role of paleo-temperatures on rates of body size evolution during the Cenozoic. We did not find a signature of current environmental variables driving spatial body size gradients. By contrast, we found strong support for a correlation between temperature changes (i.e. climate cooling) during the Cenozoic and rates of body size evolution (i.e. body size diversification). We suggest that patterns of body size evolution in Anolis lizards might be influenced by thermoregulatory behavior across clades and regions.  相似文献   

Developmental variation in salmonid populations   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Salmonid life-history patterns vary within and between species, and within and between populations. Two major developmental conversions ( sensu Smith-Gill) occur in the life of salmonids: smolting, in which freshwater adaptations are exchanged for marine ones; and sexual maturation. Each process is circannual, endogenously rhythmic but synchronized by photoperiod. Each involves a choice of developmental route, whose direction depends on the individual's responses to prior feeding opportunity, and its current metabolic performance. Data are presented from laboratory and farm experiments on Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., designed to test this developmental model. The findings are used to interpret variation in these developmental characteristics, and their consequences for life-history patterns, evident over the geographical range of Atlantic salmon and other salmonids.  相似文献   

The independent evolution of similar morphologies has long been a subject of considerable interest to biologists. Does phenotypic convergence reflect the primacy of natural selection, or does development set the course of evolution by channelling variation in certain directions? Here, we examine the ontogenetic origins of relative limb length variation among Anolis lizard habitat specialists to address whether convergent phenotypes have arisen through convergent developmental trajectories. Despite the numerous developmental processes that could potentially contribute to variation in adult limb length, our analyses reveal that, in Anolis lizards, such variation is repeatedly the result of changes occurring very early in development, prior to formation of the cartilaginous long bone anlagen.  相似文献   

Island/mainland body size differences in Australian varanid lizards   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Island varanids seem to be an exception to the rule that territorial vertebrate taxa often become gigantic relative to mainland relatives when on islands, whereas non-territorial species become dwarfed (Case 1978). However, no systematic island/mainland studies have examined the empirical size trends in this group of carnivorous lizards. We perform such an analysis for the Australian region and critically evaluate various selective agents that might be responsible for size changes in several island populations. Insular gigantism occurs at least four times among the island populations examined. The magnitude of size change is positively correlated to prey abundance on the islands (as indirectly measured through a condition index of the lizards, essentially a measure of how fat they arc) and the size of prey: islands with large prey have large varanids and vice versa. Since the island population with the largest size change, the Reevesby Varanus rosenbergi, was introduced less than 100 years ago, these size changes can be quite rapid. This might indicate that selective coefficients are strong; however, we can not exclude the possibility that these size differences have no genetic component and simply reflect environmental differences in growth rate and shifts in age structure between island and mainland locations.  相似文献   

The existence of multipotent cells in the adult tissues and organs of those vertebrates that are capable of regeneration has been accepted for decades. Although studies of vertebrate limb regeneration have yet to identify many of the specific molecules involved in regeneration, numerous tissue grafting experiments and studies of cell lineage have contributed significantly to an understanding of the origin, activation, proliferation and cell-cell interactions of these progenitor cells. This has allowed the development of ideas about the regulation of pattern formation to restore the structure and function of lost tissues and organs. An understanding of the molecular mechanisms controlling these processes has lagged behind the dramatic advances achieved with other model organisms. However, given the intense, new research interest in stem cells over the past few years, there is good reason to be encouraged that insights about the biology of mammalian stem cells will accelerate progress in understanding the biology of regeneration in organisms that can regenerate. Advances in regeneration research will then feed back in terms of devising new strategies for therapies to induce regeneration in organisms such as humans that have traditionally been viewed as incapable of regeneration.  相似文献   

While ecogeographic variation in adult human body proportions has been extensively explored, relatively less attention has been paid to the effect of Bergmann's and Allen's rules on human body shape during growth. The relationship between climate and immature body form is particularly important, as immature mortality is high, mechanisms of thermoregulation differ between young and mature humans, and immature body proportions fluctuate due to basic parameters of growth. This study explores changes in immature ecogeographic body proportions via analyses of anthropometric data from children included in Eveleth and Tanner's (1976) Worldwide Variation in Human Growth, as well as limb proportion measurements in eight different skeletal samples. Moderate to strong correlations exist between climatic data and immature stature, weight, BMI, and bi-iliac breadth; these relationships are as strong, if not stronger, in immature individuals as they are in adults. Correlations between climate and trunk height relative to stature are weak or nonexistent. Altitude also has significant effects on immature body form, with children from higher altitudes displaying smaller statures and lower body weights. Brachial and crural indices remain constant over the course of growth and display consistent, moderate correlations with latitude across ontogeny that are just as high as those detected in adults. The results of this study suggest that while some features of immature body form, such as bi-iliac breadth and intralimb indices, are strongly dictated by ecogeographic principles, other characteristics of immature body proportions are influenced by intrinsic and extrinsic factors such as nutrition and basic constraints of growth.  相似文献   

Parthenogenesis often evolves in association with hybridization, but the associated ecological consequences are poorly understood. The Australian gecko Heteronotia binoei is unusual because triploid parthenogenesis evolved through reciprocal crosses between two sexual lineages, resulting in four possible cytonuclear genotypes. In this species complex, we compared the performance of these parthenogenetic genotypes with their sexual progenitors for a suite of physiological traits (metabolic rate, thermal tolerance, locomotor performance, and in vitro activity and gene sequence divergence of a cytonuclear metabolic pathway, cytochrome C oxidase). Mass‐specific metabolic rate scaled differently with body mass for parthenogens and sexuals, while heat tolerance provided the only evidence for cytonuclear incompatibility in hybrid parthenogens. The most prominent phenotypic effects were attributable to nuclear genome dosage. Overall, our results suggest that the hybrid/polyploidy origin of parthenogenetic H. binoei has had surprisingly few negative fitness consequences and may have produced a broader overall niche for the species.  相似文献   

Elsa Etilé  Emma Despland 《Oikos》2008,117(1):135-143
In insects, size and age at adult emergence depend on larval growth that occurs in discrete steps or instars. Understanding the mechanisms controlling stepwise larval growth and the onset of metamorphosis is essential to the study of insect life history. We examined the patterns of growth of forest tent caterpillars Malacosoma disstria to quantify variation in the number of instars that larvae undergo before pupation, to identify the mechanisms underlying variation in larval development, and to evaluate the life history consequences of this variation. All caterpillars were reared under the same conditions; at each molt, the date, the head capsule width and the mass of the freshly molted insect were recorded. Logistic regression analysis showed that a threshold size (measured either as mass or head capsule width) must be reached at the beginning of a stadium for pupation to occur at the next molt. This threshold size was higher for females than for males, and as a result, females attained a higher pupal mass than males. To achieve this larger size, females often required more instars than males, despite a higher growth ratio (size increase within an instar). Within each sex, slow growing individuals exhibited more larval instars and longer larval development time, but attained the same pupal mass as faster growing individuals. The combination of a threshold size for pupation, discrete growth steps and variation in the number of these steps can thus complicate relationships between growth rate, pupal mass and larval development time. In our study, growth ratio and number of instars were correlated with development time but not with pupal mass, and no relationship was observed between development time and pupal mass. These findings imply that, in species with variable instar number, one cannot extrapolate overall larval growth from growth during a single instar. Given the constraints of discrete larval growth, variation in instar number provides greater flexibility for insects to compensate for poor growing conditions. In this case, inferior larval growth conditions don't necessarily lead to smaller adult size.  相似文献   

1. Using data from the literature, I assessed how broad climatic patterns affected field body temperatures (Tb’s) of lizards in the genus Sceloporus.

2. Sceloporus at temperate latitudes had mean Tb’s of 35°C throughout their elevational range. This pattern is associated with “tropical” temperatures that extend into high north latitudes during the summer and the relatively low elevations occupied by the lizards.

3. At tropical latitudes, mean Tb declined from 35°C at low elevations to 31°C at high elevations. This pattern is associated with low seasonal variation in temperature at tropical latitudes and the relatively high elevations occupied by the lizards.  相似文献   

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