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The morphology of somatic embryos of Norway spruce ( Picea abies ) varies among different cell lines, from less developed somatic embryos with small embryonic regions (group B) to well developed embryos with large embryonic regions (group A). Only well developed somatic embryos will undergo a maturation process after a treatment with ABA and develop into mature somatic embryos, which is required for plant regeneration. We have previously shown that the presence of specific extracellular proteins can be correlated with the morphology of the somatic embryos. In the present study we show that extracellular proteins concentrated from group A cell lines can stimulate group B embryos to develop further and that seed extract can stably convert B embryos into A embryos. The arabinogalactan protein (AGP) fraction of the extracellular proteins and of the seed extract was shown to be an active component for stimulating B embryos to develop further. Furthermore, the amount and type of extracellular AGPs, as detected with β-glucosyl Yariv reagent and monoclonal antibodies, varied among different types of tissues and cell lines. The data show that development of somatic embryos in Norway spruce is associated with particular extracellular AGPs, which have a regulatory function.  相似文献   

Using a functional genomics approach, four candidate genes (PtGT34A, PtGT34B, PtGT34C and PtGT34D) were identified in Pinus taeda. These genes encode CAZy family GT34 glycosyltransferases that are involved in the synthesis of cell‐wall xyloglucans and heteromannans. The full‐length coding sequences of three orthologs (PrGT34A, B and C) were isolated from a xylem‐specific cDNA library from the closely related Pinus radiata. PrGT34B is the ortholog of XXT1 and XXT2, the two main xyloglucan (1→6)‐α‐xylosyltransferases in Arabidopsis thaliana. PrGT34C is the ortholog of XXT5 in A. thaliana, which is also involved in the xylosylation of xyloglucans. PrGT34A is an ortholog of a galactosyltransferase from fenugreek (Trigonella foenum‐graecum) that is involved in galactomannan synthesis. Truncated coding sequences of the genes were cloned into plasmid vectors and expressed in a Sf9 insect cell‐culture system. The heterologous proteins were purified, and in vitro assays showed that, when incubated with UDP‐xylose and cellotetraose, cellopentaose or cellohexaose, PrGT34B showed xylosyltransferase activity, and, when incubated with UDP‐galactose and the same cello‐oligosaccharides, PrGT34B showed some galactosyltransferase activity. The ratio of xylosyltransferase to galactosyltransferase activity was 434:1. Hydrolysis of the galactosyltransferase reaction products using galactosidases showed the linkages formed were α‐linkages. Analysis of the products of PrGT34B by MALDI‐TOF MS showed that up to three xylosyl residues were transferred from UDP‐xylose to cellohexaose. The heterologous proteins PrGT34A and PrGT34C showed no detectable enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Uptake of benzyladenine in explants of Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Primary explants of Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Pinus sylvestris L. were incubated for various periods in solutions containing different concentrations of [14C]-benzyladenine. Time course analysis showed that uptake was linear for the initial 60 min; after this time linear uptake continued but at a much reduced rate. The amount of benzyladenine taken up by the explants saturated at a concentration about one third of that of the medium, Concentration dependence experiments showed that BA uptake was directly proportional to the external concentration. These results and those from experiments in which uptake was examined at different temperatures are consistent with a passive mode of BA uptake. The results are discussed with respect to in vitro micropropagation.  相似文献   

Bioindication can be carried out at different hierarchical levels, eg. cell, organism, and ecosystem. While the monitoring of damage by visible criteria (e.g. loss of needles) is connected with the organism as a whole, the monitoring of damage by biochemical indicators is above all connected with cell metabolism.
The degree of vitality of a tree can be ascertained through the integration of a number of biochemical parameters. Furthermore, a differential diagnosis of a particular stress pattern can be carried out because of the feedback pattern of several biochemical indicators. In order to describe and interpret biochemical or physiological changes that have been caused by a number of factors, multivariate statistical methods are being used more frequently. Apart from cluster and discriminant analysis, it is especially factor analysis which provides a helpful tool when dealing with problems in the field of environmental analysis. Factor analysis can be used for an integrating as well as a differentiating assessment.
Within the framework of forest damage research, numerous changes at the level of cell metabolism have been detected to which a bioindicative character can be attached. A number of physiological and biochemical parameters with bioindicative character concerning Norway spruce are presented.  相似文献   

Embryogenic cell lines of Norway spruce ( Picea abies ) varying in growth habit and morphology were compared as regards profiles of extracellular proteins. Similar proteins were detected in the culture medium by SDS PAGE and in vivo labeling experiments, indicating that the proteins were secreted. Approximately 20 protein bands could be detected in the medium of each cell line. Three of the bands represented glycosylated proteins, as revealed by Concanavalin A staining. Some of the secreted proteins were similar for all tested embryogenic lines of Norway spruce, others were either specific for a group of cell lines or for individual cell lines. A correlation was observed between the morphology of the somatic embryos in a cell line and the presence of secreted proteins. The embryogenic cell lines of Norway spruce can be divided into two main groups. A and B, where A is characterized by somatic embryos with dense embryoheads and B by somatic embryos with loosely aggregated cells in their embryoheads. When proteins secreted from a cell line belonging to group A were added to cell lines belonging to group B, the somatic embryos of the B type developed further and became more similar in morphology to A-type embryos. These observations indicate that cell lines belonging to group A secrete certain proteins to the culture medium that are essential for the development of somatic embryos of Norway spruce.  相似文献   

In northern boreal forests, the diversity of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) species is much greater than that of their host trees. This field study investigated the role of individual trees in shaping the ECM community. We compared ECM communities of eight Norway spruce (Picea abies) clones planted in a clear-cut area in 1994 with a randomized block design. In 2003, the ECM fungi were identified from randomly sampled root tips using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence similarity. ECM diversity varied among clone groups, showing twofold growth differences. Moreover, according to detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), ECM community structure varied not only among but also within slow-growing or fast-growing clones. Results suggest that ECM diversity and community structure are related to the growth rate or size of the host. A direct or indirect influence of host genotype was also observed, and we therefore suggest that individual trees are partly responsible for the high diversity and patchy distribution of ECM communities in boreal forests.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate metabolism of the needles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) has been examined in trees that were exposed to SO2, and O3, in an open-air fumigation experiment located in the Liphook forest in southern England. Two-year-old seedlings were planted in 1985 in seven experimental plots. Five plots received fumigation treatments of SO2, O3 or a combination of these gases to give a 2 × 3 factorial design with one additional ambient plot Fumigation with SO2, occurred from May 1987 to December 1990 and O3, fumigation occurred from March to December 1988, May to December 1989 and February to December 1990. Five samples of needles for investigation of carbohydrate metabolism were taken between February and July 1989. The concentrations of soluble carbohydrates (including sucrose and hexoses) were greatly reduced in the needles taken from Scots pine growing in the treated plots, and were also reduced, but to a lesser extent, in the needles taken from Norway spruce. Little variation in the concentration of starch in the needles of either species was detected. The activities of the two final enzymes of sucrose synthesis, sucrose phosphate synthase and sucrose 6-phos-phate phosphatase, were greatly reduced in the needles of Scots pine and were also reduced, but to a lesser extent, in the needles of Norway spruce in the fumigated plots. These reductions could be correlated with decreases in rates of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation determined by independent groups of researchers working on the Liphook site.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypotheses that (1) the above-ground structure of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L] Karst.) is derivable from the functional balance theory, and that (2) crown ratio is a key source of structural variation in trees of different age and social position. Twenty-nine trees were measured in three stands (young, middle-aged, and mature), with three thinning treatments (unthinned, normal, and intensive) in the two older stands. There was a strong linear relationship between the total cross-sectional area of branches and that of stem at crown base. Foliage mass was linearly related with stem basal area at crown base. Also an allometric relationship was found between foliage mass and crown length. The mean length (weighted by basal area) of branches obeyed an exponential function of crown length. The parameters of most of these relationships were independent of slenderness (tree height/breast height diameter) and tree age However, total branch cross-sectional area per stem cross-sectional area in the young trees was greater than in the older trees. The young trees also had slightly shorter branches than predicted by the mean branch length equation. This was probably caused by branch senescence which had not yet started in the young stand. The older trees had a relatively long lower crown segment which was growing slowly and senescing. It was proposed that a segmented crown structure is characteristic of shade tolerant tree species, and that the structural model could be further developed by making the two segments explicit.  相似文献   

Highly purified chloroplasts were isolated from spruce ( Picea abies [L.] Karst.) needles by free-flow electrophoresis. The chloroplast crude suspension was separated into two structurally different populations. The two populations could not be distinguished according to their protein/chlorophyll ratios and protein patterns from two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The O2 evolution, however, showed differences: the chloroplast population deflected towards the cathode contained a major part of structurally intact chloroplasts in contrast to the population deflected towards the anode. The two populations were not contaminated by endoplasmatic membranes or mitochondria.  相似文献   

Schleppi  Patrick  Tobler  Leonhard  Bucher  Jürg B.  Wyttenbach  Armin 《Plant and Soil》2000,219(1-2):251-262
Twenty-four chemical elements were analysed by INAA, ICP-AES and CN in needles of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Branches were sampled from 54 trees on eight sites in Switzerland and South Germany. From each tree, twigs were sorted into the most recent four or five age classes and their needles analysed separately. All measured concentrations could be considered as log-normally distributed and statistical analyses were, therefore, performed on logarithms. Variance components were estimated by maximum likelihood and compared between elements. Non-essential elements varied more than essential nutrients (Mn was an exception). The sites and the age of the needles were the most important sources of variance. The interaction between site and age, the individual tree, the sampled branch and the residual variance were usually much smaller sources of variance. The effects of the most significant factors – site and age – were further described by principal components and cluster analyses. Mineral elements either increased or decreased with the age of the needles according to their mobility in the phloem. Two different components were identified in the effect of the sites: a geochemical component linked to soil pH and a climate component linked to altitude, temperature and precipitation. Multivariate statistics are discussed as a tool for the interpretation of complex interaction patterns between element concentrations in plants.  相似文献   

As part of a long-term study of the chemical defenses of Norway spruce (Picea abies) against herbivores and pathogens, a phytochemical survey of the phenolics in the bark was carried out. Eight stilbene glucoside dimers, designated as piceasides A-H (1a-4b), were isolated as four 1:1 mixtures of inseparable diastereomers. Their structures were determined by extensive spectroscopic means including 1D (1H and 13C) and 2D NMR (1H-1H COSY, HSQC, HMBC, ROESY) spectra, and were supported by enzymatic hydrolysis and computational analysis.  相似文献   

Nilsen  Petter  Børja  Isabella  Knutsen  Heidi  Brean  Roald 《Plant and Soil》1998,198(2):179-184
Effects of N addition and drought on ectomycorrhizae of Norway spruce trees were investigated in an outdoor pot lysimeter study. Three levels of N were applied as ammonium nitrate in irrigation water for five years; ambient rainwater (N0) and 5 (N5) and 15 (N15) times this N concentration. Mean annual N addition during the five years corresponded to 5, 27 and 82 kg·ha-1·y-1 for the N0, N5 and N15 treatments, respectively. During the third and fifth growth seasons two levels (lengths) of drought were artificially induced in addition to a watered control. Soil cores taken from each pot lysimeter were analyzed for mycorrhizal colonization and ectomycorrhizae were categorized according to macroscopic morphology. Drought decreased mycorrhizal colonization significantly. There was a significant interaction of drought and N effects on reduction of the mycorrhizal colonization. Although all of the mycorrhiza types were influenced by drought, only Cenococcum geophilum showed a significant change. N treatment alone did not show any significant effect either on mycorrhizal colonization or mycorrhizal types.  相似文献   

Total protein was extracted from zygotic embryos and from somatic embryos of Picea abies (L.) Karst. (Norway spruce) cultured in vitro at different times during their development. An analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis of the protein extracts showed that protein composition and the temporal changes in protein abundance were very similar in the two embryo types. Both zygotic and somatic embryos accumulated storage proteins in abundance during their maturation phase of growth; the somatic embryos when cultured on medium containing 90 m M sucrose and 7.6 μ M ABA. The major storage proteins are composed of polypeptides with molecular masses of about 22, 28, 33 and 42 kDa and they are identical in both embryo types according to their molecular mass and average isoelectric points. These proteins are also the most abundant proteins in the female gametophytic tissue of the mature seed.  相似文献   

Short photoperiod induces growth cessation in seedlings of Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.] Karst.). Application of different gibberellins (GAS) to seedlings growing under a short photoperiod show that GA9 and GA20 can not induce growth. In contrast application of GA, and GA4 induced shoot elongation. The results indicate that 3β-hydroxylation of GA9 to GA4 and of GA20 to GA1 is under photoperiodic control. To confirm that conclusion, both qualitative and quantitative analyses of endogenous GAs were performed. GA1, GA3, GA4, GA7, GA9, GA12, GA15, GA15, GA20, GA29, GA34 and GA51 were identified by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in shoots of Norway spruce seedlings. The effect of photoperiod on GA levels was determined by using deuterated and 14C-labelled GAs as intermal standards. In short days, the amounts of GA9, GA4 and GA1 are less than in plants grown in continuous light. There is no significant difference in the amounts of GA3, GA12, and GA20 between the different photoperiods. The lack of accumulation of GA9 and GA20 under short days is discussed.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis is the only method with the potential for industrial scale clonal propagation of conifers. Implementation of the method has so far been hampered by the extensive manual labor required for development of the somatic embryos into plants. The utilization of bioreactors is limited since the somatic embryos will not mature and germinate under liquid culture conditions. The negative effect on mature embryo yields from liquid culture conditions has been previously described. We have described the negative effects of shear stress on the development of early stage somatic embryos (proembryogenic masses; PEMs) at shear stresses of 0.086 and 0.14 N/m2. In the present study, additional flow rates were studied to determine the effects of shear stress at lower rates resembling shear stress in a suspension culture flask. The results showed that shear stress at 0.009, 0.014, and 0.029 N/m2 inhibited the PEM expansions comparing with the control group without shear stress. This study also provides validation for the cross‐correlation method previously developed to show the effect of shear stress on early stage embryo suspensor cell formation and polarization. Furthermore, shear stress was shown to positively affect the uptake of water into the cells. The results indicate that the plasmolyzing effect from macromolecules added to liquid culture medium to stimulate maturation of the embryos are affected by liquid culture conditions and thus can affect the conversion of PEMs into mature somatic embryos. Bioeng. 2011; 108:1089–1099. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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