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These studies address the hypothesis that Ag-bearing epidermal Langerhans cells migrate to the regional lymph node during contact sensitization and function as APC. Skin from C3H mice was grafted onto BALB/c nude mice, and 7 or 14 days later, the recipients were sensitized with FITC through the grafts. APC from lymph nodes draining the site of sensitization were capable of sensitizing C3H recipients to FITC. Because sensitization is MHC restricted, only cells reaching the lymph node from the grafted skin could have induced contact hypersensitivity in C3H mice. Examination of the FITC+ draining lymph node cells by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated that all were Ia+, most were F4/80+, and some contained Birbeck granules. These studies demonstrate that Ia+, FITC+ cells from the skin, at least some of which are Langerhans cells, leave the skin after epicutaneous sensitization with FITC and participate in the initiation of the contact hypersensitivity response within the regional lymph node.  相似文献   

Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) recognize pathogen-associated molecules, particularly viral, and represent an important mechanism in innate defense. They may however, also have roles in steady-state tolerogenic responses at mucosal sites. pDCs can be isolated from blood, mucosa, and lymph nodes (LNs). Although pDCs can express peripherally derived Ags in LNs and at mucosal sites, it is not clear whether pDCs actually migrate from the periphery in lymph or whether LN pDCs acquire Ags by other mechanisms. To determine whether pDCs migrate in lymph, intestine or liver-draining LNs were removed and thoracic duct leukocytes (TDLs) were collected. TDLs expressing MHC-II and CD45R, but not TCRalphabeta or CD45RA, were then analyzed. These enriched TDLs neither transcribe type I IFNs nor secrete inflammatory cytokines in response to viral stimuli in vitro or after a TLR7/8 stimulus in vivo. In addition, these TDLs do not express CD5, CD90, CD200, or Siglec-H, but do express Ig, and therefore represent B cells, despite their lack of CD45RA expression. Intestinal and hepatic lymph are hence devoid of bona fide pDCs under both steady-state conditions and after TLR7/8 stimulation. This shows that any role for pDCs in Ag-specific T cell activation or tolerance must differ from the roles of classical dendritic cells, because it cannot result from peripheral Ag capture, followed by migration of pDCs via lymph to the LN.  相似文献   

It has been postulated that reactive oxygen species (ROS) may act as second messengers leading to nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB activation. This hypothesis is mainly based on the findings that N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) and pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC), compounds recognized as potential antioxidants, can inhibit NF-kappaB activation in a wide variety of cell types. Here we reveal that both NAC and PDTC inhibit NF-kappaB activation independently of antioxidative function. NAC selectively blocks tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-induced signaling by lowering the affinity of receptor to TNF. PDTC inhibits the IkappaB-ubiquitin ligase activity in the cell-free system where extracellular stimuli-regulated ROS production does not occur. Furthermore, we present evidence that endogenous ROS produced through Rac/NADPH oxidase do not mediate NF-kappaB signaling, but instead lower the magnitude of its activation.  相似文献   

Summary The rat adrenal medulla was fixed by isobaric whole-body perfusion with glutaraldehyde. Specimens treated with anisotropic stains exhibited a diffuse cytoplasmic birefringence. Evidence is presented that birefringence is not only associated with dark cell formation, but may be a normal feature of fixed chromaffin cells. It is suggested that the birefringence is caused by the fixed contents of the chromaffin vesicles and/or the microtrabecular lattice recently described in rat chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

The rat adrenal medulla was fixed by isobaric whole-body perfusion with glutaraldehyde. Specimens treated with anisotropic stains exhibited a diffuse cytoplasmic birefringence. Evidence is presented that birefringence is not only associated with "dark" cell formation, but may be a normal feature of fixed chromaffin cells. It is suggested that the birefringence is caused by the fixed contents of the chromaffin vesicles and/or the microtrabecular lattice recently described in rat chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are cytoplasmic organelles involved in a variety of metabolic pathways. Thus far, the morphological and biochemical features of peroxisomes have been extensively characterized in adult tissues. However, the existence of congenital peroxisomal disorders, primarily affecting tissue differentiation, emphasizes the importance of these organelles in the early stages of organogenesis. We investigated the occurrence and tissue distribution of three peroxisomal enzymes in rat embryos at various developmental stages. By means of a highly sensitive biotinyl-tyramide protocol, catalase, acyl-CoA oxidase, and ketoacyl-CoA thiolase were detected in embryonic tissues where peroxisomes had not thus far been recognized, i.e., adrenal and pancreatic parenchyma, choroid plexus, neuroblasts of cranial and spinal ganglia and myenteric plexus, and chondroblasts of certain skeletal structures. In other tissues, i.e., gut epithelium and neuroblasts of some CNS areas, they were identified earlier than previously. In select CNS areas, ultrastructural catalase cytochemistry allowed identification of actively proliferating organelles at early developmental stages in several cell types. Our data show that in most organs maturation of peroxisomes parallels the acquirement of specific functions, mainly related to lipid metabolism, thus supporting an involvement of the organelles in tissue differentiation.  相似文献   

It is unclear at present whether specific mtDNA point mutations accumulate during normal human aging. In order to address this question, we used quantitative PCR of total DNA isolated from skeletal muscle from normal individuals of various ages to search for the presence and amount of spontaneous mtDNA point mutations in two small regions of the human mitochondrial genome. We observed low levels of somatic mutations above background in both regions, but there was no correlation between the amount of mutation detected and the age of the subject. These results contrasted with our finding of an age-related increase in the amount of the mtDNA "common deletion" in these very samples. Thus, it appears that both somatic mtDNA point mutations and mtDNA deletions can arise at low frequency in normal individuals but that, unlike deletions, there is no preferential amplification or accumulation of specific point mutations in skeletal muscle over the course of the normal human life span.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(6):3053-3062
The organization of the rod photoreceptor cytoskeleton suggests that microtubules (MTs) and F actin are important in outer segment (OS) membrane renewal. We studied the role of the cytoskeleton in this process by first quantifying OS membrane assembly in rods from explanted Xenopus eyecups with a video assay for disc morphogenesis and then determining if the rate of assembly was reduced after drug disassembly of either MTs or F actin. Membrane assembly was quantified by continuously labeling newly forming rod OS membranes with Lucifer Yellow VS (LY) and following the tagged membranes' distal displacement along the OS. LY band displacement displayed a linear increase over 16 h in culture. These cells possessed a longitudinally oriented network of ellipsoid MTs between the sites of OS protein synthesis and OS membrane assembly. Incubation of eyecups in nocodazole, colchicine, vinblastine, or podophyllotoxin disassembled the ellipsoid MTs. Despite their absence, photoreceptors maintained a normal rate of OS assembly. In contrast, photoreceptors displayed a reduced distal displacement of LY-labeled membranes in eyecups treated with cytochalasin D, showing that our technique can detect drug-induced changes in basal rod outer segment assembly. The reduction noted in the cytochalasin-treated cells was due to the abnormal lateral displacement of newly added OS disc membranes that occurs with this drug (Williams, D. S., K. A. Linberg, D. K. Vaughan, R. N. Fariss, and S. K. Fisher. 1988. J. Comp. Neurol. 272:161-176). Together, our results indicate that the vectorial transport of OS membrane constituents through the ellipsoid and their assembly into OS disc membranes are not dependent on elliposid MT integrity.  相似文献   

Summary Introduced populations of many invasive ants exhibit low levels of intraspecific aggression. Argentine ants (Linepithema humile), for example, maintain expansive supercolonies in many parts of their introduced range. Recent studies demonstrate that variation in nestmate recognition in L. humile can derive from both environmental and genetic sources. In some ants, pheromones emitted by queens also influence nestmate-recognition behavior. To test if such a phenomenon occurs in Argentine ants, we examined whether levels of intraspecific aggression vary as a function of queen presence or absence in experimental lab colonies. For each of four known supercolonies from southwestern California, we set up a pair of experimental colonies and randomly assigned replicates within each pair to treatment (queen removal) and control (no queen removal) groups. Using two different behavioral assays, we then measured aggressive behavior for ten days, removed queens from colonies in the treatment group, and continued to monitor aggression in both experimental groups for an additional 65 days. Both assays yielded qualitatively similar results: intraspecific aggression remained high throughout the experiment in both experimental groups. These results suggest that L. humile queens fail to influence levels of intraspecific aggression in introduced populations.Received 2 June 2003; revised 1 September 2003; accepted 18 September 2003.  相似文献   

Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is a recessively transmitted disorder of man characterized by increased sensitivity to ultraviolet light. Homozygous, affected individuals, upon exposure to sunlight, sustain severe damage to the skin; this damage is characteristically followed by multiple basal and squamous cell carcinomas and not uncommonly by other malignant neoplasia. A tissue culture cell line was derived from the skin of a man with XP. Our measurements of ultraviolet-induced pyrimidine dimers in cellular DNA show that normal diploid human skin fibroblasts excise up to 70 per cent of the dimers 24 hours, but that fibroblasts derived from the individual with XP excise less than 20 per cent in 48 hours. Alkaline gradient sedimentation experiments show that during the 24 hours after irradiation of normal cells a large number of single-stranded breaks appear and then disappear. Such changes are not observed in XP cells. XP cells apparently fail to start, the excision process because they lack the required function of an ultraviolet-specific endonuclease. These findings, plus earlier ones of Cleaver on the lack of repair replication in XP cells, raise the possibility that unexcised pyrimidine dimers can be implicated in the oncogenicity of ultraviolet radiation.  相似文献   

When the female housefly retains eggs, vitellogenesis in the penultimate oöcytes is suppressed during continued protein feeding. Allatectomy of gravid females or of females with developing oöcytes did not prevent maturation of a second batch of eggs. This result does not support the claim of Adams (1970) that an oöstatic hormone, produced by ovaries with retained eggs, inactivates the corpus allatum (CA) and thereby prevents development of the next batch of eggs.The report of Adams and Hintz (1969) that the CA regulates egg maturation depends on their removal of ring gland, which they incorrectly refer to as ‘allatectomy’. In the present report, removal of the ring gland from 1 day old females suppressed egg development, whereas removal of the CA alone did not. Therefore, sufficient CA hormone for reproduction was secreted within 24 hr of emergence, and it was the removal of the corpus cardiacum, and not the CA, that had prevented egg development in the experiments of Adams and Hintz.  相似文献   

Using beta-bungarotoxin (beta-BTX) as a tool to eliminate the preganglionic cholinergic nerve supply to the embryonic rat adrenal gland, we have investigated whether or not these nerves affect the differentiation of embryonic chromaffin cells (pheochromoblasts). Rat fetuses received a single injection of 1 or 2 micrograms beta-BTX or an identical volume of saline at embryonic day (E) 17 and were taken for morphological and biochemical analyses at E 21. Administration of beta-BTX caused a 15 to 20% reduction in body weight, crown-rump-length and adrenal weight. Spinal cord development was reduced and acetylcholinesterase-positive cells in ventral and lateral columns were virtually absent in toxin-treated animals. In adrenal glands, a decrease of choline acetyltransferase activity to 13% of control levels and a concomitant decrease of ultrastructurally identifiable nerve fibers and axon terminals revealed that application of 2 micrograms beta-BTX effectively reduced the neuronal input to E 21 adrenal glands. Values for total adrenal catecholamines, relative amounts of adrenaline and noradrenaline, tyrosine hydroxylase and phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase activities were unaltered. All ultrastructural features of pheochromoblasts (except the lack of synapse-like axon terminals) were inconspicuous. Corticosterone levels in adrenals and plasma were identical to controls. These data strongly suggest that normal embryonic development of adrenal chromaffin cells does not require an intact nerve supply.  相似文献   

Neurons of the vertebrate olfactory epithelium (OE) regenerate continuously throughout life. The capacity of these neurons to regenerate and make new and precise synaptic connections in the olfactory bulb provides a useful model to study factors that may control or mediate neuronal regeneration. Expression and in vitro studies have suggested potential roles for the neurotrophins in the olfactory system. To directly examine whether neurotrophins are required for olfactory neuron development, we characterized in vivo the role of the neurotrophins in the primary olfactory system. For this, we generated mutant mice for TrkA, TrkB, TrkC, and also for BDNF and NT3 together with P2-IRES-tau-LacZ trangenic mice. Histochemical staining for beta-galactosidase at birth allowed in vivo analysis of the P2 subpopulation of olfactory neurons as well as their projections to the olfactory bulb. Our data indicate that Trk signaling is not required for normal embryonic development of the olfactory system.  相似文献   

The migration of APCs from sites of infection and their maturation are critical elements in the generation of immune responses. However, the paths by which intraocular Ags migrate to draining lymph nodes are not known because the eye has limited lymphatic vessels. To date, only dendritic cells from the cornea and conjunctiva have been shown to emigrate. We demonstrate that phagocytic APCs in the anterior uveal tissues of the murine eye that ingest fluorescent latex beads do not migrate to regional lymph nodes. The beads are ingested in the uveal tract by cells expressing MHC class II, CD11c, or F4/80. Using intravital time-lapse videomicroscopy to monitor iris APC migration after anterior chamber injection of fluorescent Ag, fluorescently labeled APCs fail to move at multiple observation times, even in the presence of Ag and LPS. Whereas an as yet unidentified ocular nonphagocytic APC subset might migrate from the anterior uveal tissues, it is more probable that immune responses in the draining lymph nodes are engendered by soluble Ag escaping the eye through interstitial spaces. The inability of anterior uveal tissue APCs to migrate to lymph nodes may contribute to deviant immune responses that dominate after Ags are introduced into the anterior chamber.  相似文献   

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