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The nonreceptor tyrosine kinase encoded by the c-Abl gene has the unique feature of an F-actin binding domain (FABD). Purified c-Abl tyrosine kinase is inhibited by F-actin, and this inhibition can be relieved through mutation of its FABD. The c-Abl kinase is activated by physiological signals that also regulate the actin cytoskeleton. We show here that c-Abl stimulated the formation of actin microspikes in fibroblasts spreading on fibronectin. This function of c-Abl is dependent on kinase activity and is not shared by c-Src tyrosine kinase. The Abl-dependent F-actin microspikes occurred under conditions where the Rho-family GTPases were inhibited. The FABD-mutated c-Abl, which is active in detached fibroblasts, stimulated F-actin microspikes independent of cell attachment. Moreover, FABD-mutated c-Abl stimulated the formation of F-actin branches in neurites of rat embryonic cortical neurons. The reciprocal regulation between F-actin and the c-Abl tyrosine kinase may provide a self-limiting mechanism in the control of actin cytoskeleton dynamics.  相似文献   



Cortactin is a classical Src kinase substrate that participates in actin cytoskeletal dynamics by activating the Arp2/3 complex and interacting with other regulatory proteins, including FAK. Cortactin has various domains that may contribute to the assembly of different protein platforms to achieve process specificity. Though the protein is known to be regulated by post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation and acetylation, how tyrosine phosphorylation regulates cortactin activity is poorly understood. Since the basal level of tyrosine phosphorylation is low, this question must be studied using stimulated cell cultures, which are physiologically relevant but unreliable and difficult to work with. In fact, their unreliability may be the cause of some contradictory findings about the dynamics of tyrosine phosphorylation of cortactin in different processes.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In the present study, we try to overcome these problems by using a Functional Interaction Trap (FIT) system, which involves cotransfecting cells with a kinase (Src) and a target protein (cortactin), both of which are fused to complementary leucine-zipper domains. The FIT system allowed us to control precisely the tyrosine phosphorylation of cortactin and explore its relationship with cortactin acetylation.


Using this system, we provide definitive evidence that a competition exists between acetylation and tyrosine phosphorylation of cortactin and that phosphorylation inhibits cell spreading. We confirmed the results from the FIT system by examining endogenous cortactin in different cell types. Furthermore, we demonstrate that cell spreading promotes the association of cortactin and FAK and that tyrosine phosphorylation of cortactin disrupts this interaction, which may explain how it inhibits cell spreading.  相似文献   

Cultured fibroblasts form focal contacts (FCs) associated with actin microfilament bundles (MFBs) during attachment and spreading on serum- or fibronectin (FN)-coated substrates. To determine if the minimum cellular adhesion receptor recognition signal Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (RGDS) is sufficient to promote FC and MFB formation, rat (NRK), hamster (Nil 8), and mouse (Balb/c 3T3) fibroblasts in serum-free media were plated on substrates derivatized with small synthetic peptides containing RGDS. These cultures were studied with interference reflection microscopy to detect FCs, Normarski optics to identify MFBs, and immunofluorescence microscopy to observe endogenous FN fiber formation. By 1 h, 72-78% of the NRK and Nil 8 cells plated on RGDS-containing peptide had focal contacts without accompanying FN fibers, while these fibroblasts lacked FCs on control peptide. This early FC formation was followed by the appearance of coincident MFBs and colinear FN fibers forming fibronexuses at 4 h. NRK and Nil 8 cultures on substrates coated with native FN or 75,000-D FN-cell binding fragment showed similar kinetics of FC and MFB formation. In contrast, the Balb/c 3T3 mouse fibroblasts plated on Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser peptide-derivatized substrates, or on coverslips coated with 75,000-D FN cell-binding fragment, were defective in FC formation. These results demonstrate that the apparent binding of substrate-linked RGDS sequences to cell surface adhesion receptors is sufficient to promote early focal contact formation followed by the appearance of fibronexuses in some, but not all, fibroblast lines.  相似文献   

During cell migration, integrins are redistributed from focal adhesions undergoing disassembly at the cell's trailing edges to new focal adhesions assembling at leading edges. The initial step of integrin redistribution is thought to require clathrin-mediated endocytosis. However, whether clathrin-mediated endocytosis functions in different contexts, such as basal versus stimulated migration, has not been determined. In this paper, we examine the spatial and temporal redistribution of integrins from focal adhesions upon stimulation by growth factors. Four-dimensional confocal live-cell imaging along with functional analysis reveals that surface integrins do not undergo significant endocytosis at ventral focal adhesions upon cell stimulation with the platelet-derived growth factor. Rather, they abruptly redistribute to dorsal circular ruffles, where they are internalized through macropinocytosis. The internalized integrins then transit through recycling endosomal compartments to repopulate newly formed focal adhesions on the ventral surface. These findings explain why integrins have long been observed to redistribute through both surface-based and internal routes and identify a new function for macropinocytosis during growth factor-induced cell migration.  相似文献   

Mammalian Enabled (Mena) is a mammalian homologue of Drosophila Enabled (Ena), which genetically interacts with Drosophila Abl tyrosine kinase. The signaling pathway involving c-Abl and Mena (Ena) is not fully understood. To find molecules that participate in the c-Abl/Mena pathway, we searched for Mena-binding proteins using a yeast two-hybrid system. We identified Abl interactor 1 (Abi-1), which is known to interact with c-Abl, as a binding protein for Mena. Binding analysis revealed that the Ena/Vasp homology 1 domain of Mena and the polyproline structure of Abi-1 are necessary for the interaction. The interaction between Mena and Abi-1 was also observed in a mammalian expression system. Importantly, Abi-1 dramatically promoted c-Abl-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of Mena but not other substrates such as c-Cbl. Mutational analysis demonstrated that the phosphorylation site of Mena is Tyr-296. Our results suggest that Abi-1 regulates c-Abl-mediated phosphorylation of Mena by interacting with both proteins.  相似文献   

Ramakrishnan Kannan 《Fly》2017,11(4):260-270
The Abelson tyrosine kinase (Abl) lies at the heart of one of the small set of ubiquitous, conserved signal transduction pathways that do much of the work of development and physiology. Abl signaling is essential to epithelial integrity, motility of autonomous cells such as blood cells, and axon growth and guidance in the nervous system. However, though Abl was one of the first of these conserved signaling machines to be identified, it has been among the last to have its essential architecture elucidated. Here we will first discuss some of the challenges that long delayed the dissection of this pathway, and what they tell us about the special problems of investigating dynamic processes like motility. We will then describe our recent experiments that revealed the functional organization of the Abl pathway in Drosophila neurons. Finally, in the second part of the review we will introduce a different kind of complexity in the role of Abl in motility: the discovery of a previously unappreciated function in protein secretion and trafficking. We will provide evidence that the secretory function of Abl also contributes to its role in axon growth and guidance, and finally end with a discussion of the challenges that Abl pleiotropy provide for the investigator, but the opportunities that it provides for coordinating biological regulation.  相似文献   

The integrin alpha 8 subunit, isolated by low stringency hybridization, is a novel integrin subunit that associates with beta 1. To identify ligands, we have prepared a function-blocking antiserum to the extracellular domain of alpha 8, and we have established by transfection K562 cell lines that stably express alpha 8 beta 1 heterodimers on the cell surface. We demonstrate here by cell adhesion and neurite outgrowth assays that alpha 8 beta 1 is a fibronectin receptor. Studies on fibronectin fragments using RGD peptides as inhibitors show that alpha 8 beta 1 binds to the RGD site of fibronectin. In contrast to the endogenous alpha 5 beta 1 fibronectin receptor in K562 cells, alpha 8 beta 1 not only promotes cell attachment but also extensive cell spreading, suggesting functional differences between the two receptors. In chick embryo fibroblasts, alpha 8 beta 1 is localized to focal adhesions. We conclude that alpha 8 beta 1 is a receptor for fibronectin and can promote attachment, cell spreading, and neurite outgrowth on fibronectin.  相似文献   

Previously, we reported that knockdown of Abl protein tyrosine kinase by shRNA or pharmacological inhibition suppresses particle assembly of J6/JFH1 strain–derived hepatitis C virus (HCV) in Huh-7.5 cells. However, the detailed mechanism by which Abl regulates HCV replication remained unclear. In this study, we established Abl-deficient (Abl) cells through genome editing and compared HCV production between Abl cells expressing WT or kinase-dead Abl and parental Huh-7.5 cells. Our findings revealed that Abl expression was not required from the stages of virus attachment and entry to viral gene expression; however, the kinase activity of Abl was necessary for the assembly of HCV particles. Reconstitution experiments using human embryonic kidney 293T cells revealed that phosphorylation of Tyr412 in the activation loop of Abl was enhanced by coexpression with the viral nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) and was abrogated by the substitution of NS5A Tyr330 with Phe (Y330F), suggesting that NS5A functions as a substrate activator of Abl. Abl–NS5A association was also attenuated by the Y330F mutation of NS5A or the kinase-dead Abl, and Abl Tyr412 phosphorylation was not enhanced by NS5A bearing a mutation disabling homodimerization, although the association of Abl with NS5A was still observed. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Abl forms a phosphorylation-dependent complex with dimeric NS5A necessary for viral particle assembly, but that Abl is capable of complex formation with monomeric NS5A regardless of tyrosine phosphorylation. Our findings provide the foundation of a molecular basis for a new hepatitis C treatment strategy using Abl inhibitors.  相似文献   

The effect of concanavalin A (Con A) on the adhesion of 8-day-old chick embryo fibroblasts (CEFs) to fibronectin (FN) and laminin (LM) was studied. Con A was shown to inhibit the spreading of CEF on a LM substrate. In contrast, no inhibition of CEF spreading on the FN substrate could be detected when the quantity of FN coated varied from 0.5 to 4 pmoles. The effect induced by Con A was specific, since it was abolished by 100 mM alpha-methylmannopyranoside. The inhibition of CEF spreading was only observed when the lectin was added during the 20 min following cell plating. In addition, the effect of Con A on CEF spreading on the LM substrate was shown to be dependent upon its presence at the cell surface, since under conditions which accelerate the uptake of the lectin, the effect on cell spreading is no longer detectable. Furthermore, the number of CEFs attached to LM was not modified by the lectin. The molecular weight of the isolated Con A binding sites revealed glycoproteins ranging from 30,000 to 72,000. On the other hand, these Con A binding sites did not interact with LM-Sepharose. Only a protein with a molecular weight of 68,000 which did not express affinity for Con A bound tightly to the LM-Sepharose. These data suggested that cell surface Con A binding sites do not interfere with the initial step of CEF adhesion to LM but play a key role during their spreading on this glycoprotein.  相似文献   

Chronic myeloid leukemia is characterized by the Philadelphia chromosome translocation that causes expression of Bcr-Abl, a deregulated tyrosine kinase. Imatinib mesylate (STI571, Gleevec), a therapeutically used inhibitor of Bcr-Abl, causes apoptosis of Bcr-Abl-positive cells. In the leukemia cell line K562, we observed spontaneous resistance to imatinib at very low frequencies when cells were exposed to the drug (1 micro M) for more than 4 weeks. Surprisingly, in the presence of erythropoietin (Epo), K562 cells were temporarily able to sustain proliferation in the presence of imatinib, and imatinib-resistant clones could be isolated with high frequencies. From such imatinib-resistant, Epo-dependent clones, sublines could be established that were resistant to imatinib in the absence of Epo. Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase activity was inhibited by imatinib treatment but could be partially restored by Epo. Inhibition of MAP kinase or phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase blocked the protective effect of Epo. The data suggest that K562 cells acquire factor dependency under imatinib/Epo treatment, allowing them to escape from imatinib-induced, immediate cell death. This pool of cells provides the basis for the outgrowth of imatinib-resistant clones of unlimited proliferative capacity. Thus, Epo, an endogenous regulator of hematopoiesis, promotes the development of resistance to imatinib.  相似文献   

The focal adhesion protein actopaxin contributes to integrin-actin associations and is involved in cell adhesion, spreading, and motility. Herein, we identify and characterize an association between actopaxin and the serine/threonine kinase testicular protein kinase 1 (TESK1), a ubiquitously expressed protein previously reported to regulate cellular spreading and focal adhesion formation via phosphorylation of cofilin. The interaction between actopaxin and TESK1 is direct and the binding sites were mapped to the carboxyl terminus of both proteins. The association between actopaxin and TESK1 is negatively regulated by adhesion to fibronectin, and a phosphomimetic actopaxin mutant that promotes cell spreading also exhibits impaired binding to TESK1. Binding of actopaxin to TESK1 inhibits TESK1 kinase activity in vitro. Expression of the carboxyl terminus of actopaxin has previously been reported to retard cell spreading. This effect was reversed following overexpression of TESK1 and was found to be dependent on an inability of actopaxin carboxyl terminus expressing cells to promote cofilin phosphorylation upon matrix adhesion and caused by retention of TESK1 by this actopaxin mutant. Thus, the association between actopaxin and TESK1, which is likely regulated by phosphorylation of actopaxin, regulates TESK1 activity and subsequent cellular spreading on fibronectin.  相似文献   

Src family kinases (SFKs) are crucial for signaling through a variety of cell surface receptors, including integrins. There is evidence that integrin activation induces focal adhesion kinase (FAK) autophosphorylation at Y397 and that Src binds to and is activated by FAK to carry out subsequent phosphorylation events. However, it has also been suggested that Src functions as a scaffolding molecule through its SH2 and SH3 domains and that its kinase activity is not necessary. To examine the role of SFKs in integrin signaling, we have expressed various Src molecules in fibroblasts lacking other SFKs. In cells plated on fibronectin, FAK could indeed autophosphorylate at Y397 independently of Src but with lower efficiency than when Src was present. This step was promoted by kinase-inactive Src, but Src kinase activity was required for full rescue. Src kinase activity was also required for phosphorylation of additional sites on FAK and for other integrin-directed functions, including cell migration and spreading on fibronectin. In contrast, Src mutations in the SH2 or SH3 domain greatly reduced binding to FAK, Cas, and paxillin but had little effect on tyrosine phosphorylation or biological assays. Furthermore, our indirect evidence indicates that Src kinase activity does not need to be regulated to promote cell migration and FAK phosphorylation. Although Src clearly plays important roles in integrin signaling, it was not concentrated in focal adhesions. These results indicate that the primary role of Src in integrin signaling is as a kinase. Indirect models for Src function are proposed.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis involves the interplay of different cytoskeletal regulators. Investigating how they interact during a given morphogenetic event will help us understand animal development. Studies of ventral furrow formation, a morphogenetic event during Drosophila gastrulation, have identified a signaling pathway involving the G-protein Concertina (Cta) and the Rho activator RhoGEF2. Although these regulators act to promote stable myosin accumulation and apical cell constriction, loss-of-function phenotypes for each of these pathway members is not equivalent, suggesting the existence of additional ventral furrow regulators. Here, we report the identification of Abelson kinase (Abl) as a novel ventral furrow regulator. We find that Abl acts apically to suppress the accumulation of both Enabled (Ena) and actin in mesodermal cells during ventral furrow formation. Further, RhoGEF2 also regulates ordered actin localization during ventral furrow formation, whereas its activator, Cta, does not. Taken together, our data suggest that there are two crucial preconditions for apical constriction in the ventral furrow: myosin stabilization/activation, regulated by Cta and RhoGEF2; and the organization of apical actin, regulated by Abl and RhoGEF2. These observations identify an important morphogenetic role for Abl and suggest a conserved mechanism for this kinase during apical cell constriction.  相似文献   

During animal development, organs grow to a fixed size and shape. Organ development typically begins with a rapid growth phase followed by a gradual decline in growth rate as the organ matures, but the regulation of either stage of growth remains unclear. The Wnt/Wingless (Wg) proteins are critical for patterning most animal organs, have diverse effects on development and have been proposed to promote organ growth. Here we report that contrary to this view, Wg activity actually constrains wing growth during Drosophila melanogaster wing development. In addition, we demonstrate that Wg is required for wing cell survival, particularly during the rapid growth phase of wing development. We propose that the cell-survival- and growth-constraining activities of Wg function to sculpt and delimit final wing size as part of its overall patterning programme.  相似文献   

DNA damage activates the DNA damage checkpoint and the DNA repair machinery. After initial activation of DNA damage responses, cells recover to their original states through completion of DNA repair and termination of checkpoint signaling. Currently, little is known about the process by which cells recover from the DNA damage checkpoint, a process called checkpoint recovery. Here, we show that Src family kinases promote inactivation of ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM)-dependent checkpoint signaling during recovery from DNA double-strand breaks. Inhibition of Src activity increased ATM-dependent phosphorylation of Chk2 and Kap1. Src inhibition increased ATM signaling both in G2 phase and during asynchronous growth. shRNA knockdown of Lyn increased ATM signaling. Src-dependent nuclear tyrosine phosphorylation suppressed ATM-mediated Kap1 phosphorylation. These results suggest that Src family kinases are involved in upstream signaling that leads to inactivation of the ATM-dependent DNA damage checkpoint.  相似文献   

Xiong Y  Cao C  Makarova A  Hyman B  Zhang L 《Biochemistry》2006,45(29):8721-8731
The integrin Mac-1 plays a critical role in Fc receptor (FcR)-mediated antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). However, the mechanism by which Mac-1 facilitates the functions of FcgammaRIIA, a major FcR expressed on human leukocytes, is not fully understood. We report here that Mac-1 sustains cell adhesion, enhances cell spreading, and accelerates cell migration on preformed immune complexes (ICs) by directly interacting with FcgammaRIIA but not with the IC substrate. Coupling Mac-1 to FcgammaRIIA allows FcgammaRIIA to reside in the leading front of actin polymerization at the filopodial extension and thus could potentially enhance FcgammaRIIA-mediated cell spreading and migration. The direct interaction between Mac-1 and FcgammaRIIA is demonstrated by co-immunoprecipitation, by cell surface co-localization, and by solid-phase binding assays using recombinant alpha(M)I-domain and soluble FcgammaRIIA. Further mutational analysis identifies the E(253)-R(261) sequence within the alpha(M)I-domain as part of the FcgammaRIIA binding interface within Mac-1. Altogether, these results demonstrate that FcgammaRIIA recognizes Mac-1 via the alpha(M)I-domain but not the lectin domain, a distinct feature from other FcRs, and that Mac-1 binding confers FcgammaRIIA with the ability to prolong cell adhesion as well as to spread and migrate on the ICs, leading to effective cell killing by ADCC.  相似文献   

The ADAMs (a disintegrin and metalloprotease) comprise a large family of multidomain proteins with cell-binding and metalloprotease activities. The ADAM12 cysteine-rich domain (rADAM12-cys) supports cell attachment using syndecan-4 as a primary cell surface receptor that subsequently triggers beta(1) integrin-dependent cell spreading, stress fiber assembly, and focal adhesion formation. This process contrasts with cell adhesion on fibronectin, which is integrin-initiated but syndecan-4-dependent. In the present study, we investigated ADAM12/syndecan-4 signaling leading to cell spreading and stress fiber formation. We demonstrate that syndecan-4, when present in significant amounts, promotes beta(1) integrin-dependent cell spreading and stress fiber formation in response to rADAM12-cys. A mutant form of syndecan-4 deficient in protein kinase C (PKC)alpha activation or a different member of the syndecan family, syndecan-2, was unable to promote cell spreading. GF109203X and G?6976, inhibitors of PKC, completely inhibited ADAM12/syndecan-4-induced cell spreading. Expression of syndecan-4, but not syn4DeltaI, resulted in the accumulation of activated beta(1) integrins at the cell periphery in Chinese hamster ovary beta1 cells as revealed by 12G10 staining. Further, expression of myristoylated, constitutively active PKCalpha resulted in beta(1) integrin-dependent cell spreading, but additional activation of RhoA was required to induce stress fiber formation. In summary, these data provide novel insights into syndecan-4 signaling. Syndecan-4 can promote cell spreading in a beta(1) integrin-dependent fashion through PKCalpha and RhoA, and PKCalpha and RhoA likely function in separate pathways.  相似文献   

Src tyrosine kinases are central components of adhesive responses and are required for cell spreading onto the extracellular matrix. Among other intracellular messengers elicited by integrin ligation are reactive oxygen species, which act as synergistic mediators of cytoskeleton rearrangement and cell spreading. We report that after integrin ligation, the tyrosine kinase Src is oxidized and activated. Src displays an early activation phase, concurrent with focal adhesion formation and driven mainly by Tyr527 dephosphorylation, and a late phase, concomitant with reactive oxygen species production, cell spreading, and integrin-elicited kinase oxidation. In addition, our results suggest that reactive oxygen species are key mediators of in vitro and in vivo v-Src tumorigenic properties, as both antioxidant treatments and the oxidant-insensitive C245A and C487A Src mutants greatly decrease invasivity, serum-independent and anchorage-independent growth, and tumor onset. Therefore we propose that, in addition to the known phosphorylation/dephosphorylation circuitry, redox regulation of Src activity is required during both cell attachment to the extracellular matrix and tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

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