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The "fuzzy oil drop" model assuming the structure of the hydrophobic core of the form of 3-D Gauss function appeared to be verified positively. The protein 1NMF belonging to downhill proteins was found to represent the hydrophobic density distribution accordant with the assumed model. The accordance of the protein structure with the assumed model was measured using elements of theory information. This observation opens the possibility to simulate the folding process as influenced by external force field of hydrophobic character.  相似文献   

We purified many kinds of antifreeze proteins with high activity from the leaves of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus by several biochemical techniques. The antifreeze activities of these AFPs were measured by both osmometry and differential scanning calorimetry, and the inhibition of growth of ice crystals by the AFPs was obvious. Additionally, the antifreeze proteins were analyzed by sequencing, glycosylation reaction, mass spectroscopy, and circular dichroism spectroscopy. Both samples have some other unique structures different from those of fishes and of insects. It was suggested that plant AFPs might have a particular antifreeze mechanism in comparison with that of fish and insects.  相似文献   

抗冻蛋白及其在植物抗冻基因工程的应用   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
从应用的角度系统综述了抗冻蛋白(AFPs)的特性、活性、用途、生化特征、在细菌中的表达,在植物抗冻生理中的作用及其基因工程,简洁地讨论了抗冻蛋白的研究现状和最新进展。  相似文献   

Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) are found in cold-adapted organisms and have the unusual ability to bind to and inhibit the growth of ice crystals. However, the underlying molecular basis of their ice-binding activity is unclear because of the difficulty of studying the AFP-ice interaction directly and the lack of a common motif, domain or fold among different AFPs. We have formulated a generic ice-binding model and incorporated it into a physicochemical pattern-recognition algorithm. It successfully recognizes ice-binding surfaces for a diverse range of AFPs, and clearly discriminates AFPs from other structures in the Protein Data Bank. The algorithm was used to identify a novel AFP from winter rye, and the antifreeze activity of this protein was subsequently confirmed. The presence of a common and distinct physicochemical pattern provides a structural basis for unifying AFPs from fish, insects and plants.  相似文献   

To help understand the structure/function relationships in antifreeze proteins (AFP), and to define the motifs required for ice binding, a Type III AFP suitable for two-dimensional (2D) NMR studies was produced in Escherichia coli. A synthetic gene for one of the Type III AFP isoforms was assembled in a T7 polymerase-directed expression vector. The 67-amino acid-long gene product differed from the natural AFP by inclusion of an N-terminal methionine but was indistinguishable in activity. The NMR spectra of this AFP were complicated by cis-trans proline isomerization from the C-terminal sequence YPPA. Substitution of this sequence by YAA eliminated isomer signals without altering the activity or structure of the mutant AFP. This variant (rQAE m1.1) was selected for sequential assignment and the secondary structure determination using 2D 1H NMR spectroscopy. Nine beta-strands are paired to form two triple-stranded antiparallel sheets and one double-stranded antiparallel sheet. Two further proline replacements, P29A and P33A, were made to delineate the role of conserved prolines in Type III AFP. These mutants were valuable in clarifying ambiguous NMR spectral assignments amongst the remaining six prolines of rQAE m1.1. In contrast to the replacement of the C-terminal prolyl residues, the exchange of P29 and P33 caused some structural changes and significantly decreased protein solubility and antifreeze activity.  相似文献   

Evans RP  Fletcher GL 《The FEBS journal》2005,272(20):5327-5336
Type I antifreeze proteins (AFPs) are usually small, Ala-rich alpha-helical polypeptides found in right-eyed flounders and certain species of sculpin. These proteins are divided into two distinct subclasses, liver type and skin type, which are encoded by separate gene families. Blood plasma from Atlantic (Liparis atlanticus) and dusky (Liparis gibbus) snailfish contain type I AFPs that are significantly larger than all previously described type I AFPs. In this study, full-length cDNA clones that encode snailfish type I AFPs expressed in skin tissues were generated using a combination of library screening and PCR-based methods. The skin clones, which lack both signal and pro-sequences, produce proteins that are identical to circulating plasma AFPs. Although all fish examined consistently express antifreeze mRNA in skin tissue, there is extreme individual variation in liver expression - an unusual phenomenon that has never been reported previously. Furthermore, genomic Southern blot analysis revealed that snailfish AFPs are products of multigene families that consist of up to 10 gene copies per genome. The 113-residue snailfish AFPs do not contain any obvious amino acid repeats or continuous hydrophobic face which typify the structure of most other type I AFPs. These structural differences might have implications for their ice-crystal binding properties. These results are the first to demonstrate a dual liver/skin role of identical type I AFP expression which may represent an evolutionary intermediate prior to divergence into distinct gene families.  相似文献   

Different types of ice-growth-inhibiting antifreeze proteins, first recognized in fish, have now been isolated from insects and plants, and the list continues to expand. Their structures are amazingly diverse; how they attain the same function are subjects of intense research. Evolutionary precursors of several members have been identified — divergent proteins of apparently unrelated function. The hybridization of information from structural and molecular evolution studies of these molecules provides a forum in which issues of selection, gene genealogy, adaptive evolution, and invention of a novel function can be coherently addressed.  相似文献   

Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) enable organisms to survive under freezing or sub-freezing conditions. AFPs have a great potential in the low temperature storage of cells, tissues, organs, and foods. This process will require a large number of recombinant AFPs. In the present study, the recombinant carrot AFP was highly expressed in Escherichia coli strain BL21 (DE3). The activity of the purified and refolded recombinant proteins was analyzed by measurement of thermal hysteresis (TH) activity and detection of in vitro antifreeze activity by measuring enhanced cold resistance of bacteria. Two carrot AFP mutants generated by site-directed mutagenesis were also expressed and purified under these conditions for use in parallel experiments. Recombinant DcAFP displayed a TH activity equivalent to that of native DcAFP, while mutants DcAFP-N130Q and rDcAFP-N130V showed 32 and 43% decreases in TH activity, respectively. Both the recombinant DcAFP and its mutants were able to enhance the cold resistance of bacteria, to degrees consistent with their respective TH activities.  相似文献   

Structure and function of antifreeze proteins   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
High-resolution three-dimensional structures are now available for four of seven non-homologous fish and insect antifreeze proteins (AFPs). For each of these structures, the ice-binding site of the AFP has been defined by site-directed mutagenesis, and ice etching has indicated that the ice surface is bound by the AFP. A comparison of these extremely diverse ice-binding proteins shows that they have the following attributes in common. The binding sites are relatively flat and engage a substantial proportion of the protein's surface area in ice binding. They are also somewhat hydrophobic -- more so than that portion of the protein exposed to the solvent. Surface-surface complementarity appears to be the key to tight binding in which the contribution of hydrogen bonding seems to be secondary to van der Waals contacts.  相似文献   

Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) can protect organisms from freezing injury by adsorbing to ice and inhibiting its growth. We describe here a method where ice, grown on a cold finger, is used to selectively adsorb and purify these ice-binding proteins from a crude mixture. Type III recombinant AFP was enriched approximately 50-fold after one round of partitioning into ice and purified to homogeneity by a second round. This method can also be used to purify non-ice-binding proteins by linkage to AFP domains as demonstrated by the recovery of a 50 kDa maltose-binding protein-AFP fusion from a crude lysate of Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Reported here is the 2.3 A resolution crystal structure of spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana) antifreeze protein (CfAFP), solved by single anomalous scattering. The structure reveals an extremely regular left-handed beta-helical platform consisting of 15-amino acid loops with a repetitive Thr-X-Thr motif displayed on one of the helix's three faces. This motif results in a two-dimensional array of threonine residues in an identical orientation to those in the nonhomologous, right-handed beta-helical beetle AFP from Tenebrio molitor (TmAFP). The CfAFP structure led us to reevaluate our ice binding model, and the analysis of three possible modes of docking gives rise to a binding mechanism based on surface complementarity. This general mechanism is applicable to both fish and insect AFPs.  相似文献   

Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) designate a class of proteins that are able to bind to and inhibit the growth of macromolecular ice. These proteins have been characterized from a variety of organisms. Recently, the structures of AFPs from the spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana) and the yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) have been determined by NMR and X-ray crystallography. Despite nonhomologous sequences, both proteins were shown to consist of beta-helices. We review the structures and dynamics data of these two insect AFPs to bring insight into the structure-function relationship and explore their beta-helical architecture. For the spruce budworm protein, the fold is a left-handed beta-helix with 15 residues per coil. The Tenebrio molitor protein consists of a right-handed beta-helix with 12 residues per coil. Mutagenesis and structural studies show that the insect AFPs present a highly rigid array of threonine residues and bound water molecules that can effectively mimic the ice lattice. Comparisons of the newly determined ryegrass and carrot AFP sequences have led to models suggesting that they might also consist of beta-helices, and indicate that the beta-helix might be used as an AFP structural motif in nonfish organisms.  相似文献   

There are no reports on the use of antifreeze proteins (AFP) and antifreeze glycoproteins (AFGP) for the use of bull sperm cryopreservation despite studies in the ram, mouse and chimpanzee. The effect of freezing and thawing on bull sperm viability, osmotic resistance and acrosome integrity were observed following the addition of AFP1, AFPIII and AFGP at four concentrations (0.1, 1, 10 and 100 microg/ml). In a second part of the experiment, fluorescein was conjugated to the AFPs and AFGP and observations were made using fluorescence microscopy to determine whether binding occurred between the sperm cell membranes and the proteins. In the final part of the study the cryopreservation media were cooled in the presence of the AFPs and AFGPs at the four concentrations on a cryomicroscope to mimic similar cooling curves as those used in the presence of sperm. Following freeze-thaw, AFPI resulted in increased osmotic resistant cells at 0.1-10 microg/ml compared to the control (P<0.01). AFPI and AFPIII did bind to the sperm cells. There was no visual difference in ice structure between the control, AFPIII and AFGP but AFPI resulted in parallel crystals at 0.1, 1 and 10 microg/ml. We suggest that the increased osmotic resistance in the spermatozoa cryopreserved in AFPI is due to the cells orientating between the ice crystals, reducing mechanical stress to the cell membrane. Previous research has shown that osmotic resistance correlates with bull fertility, suggesting that bull spermatozoa cryopreserved in the presence of AFPI may have increased fertility in vivo.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new model that enables researchers to conduct protein folding simulations. A two-step in silico process is used in the course of structural analysis of a set of fast-folding proteins. The model assumes an early stage (ES) that depends solely on the backbone conformation, as described by its geometrical properties—specifically, by the V-angle between two sequential peptide bond planes (which determines the radius of curvature, also called R-radius, according to a second-degree polynomial form). The agreement between the structure under consideration and the assumed model is measured in terms of the magnitude of dispersion of both parameters with respect to idealized values. The second step, called late-stage folding (LS), is based on the “fuzzy oil drop” model, which involves an external hydrophobic force field described by a three-dimensional Gauss function. The degree of conformance between the structure under consideration and its idealized model is expressed quantitatively by means of the Kullback-Leibler entropy, which is a measure of disparity between the observed and expected hydrophobicity distributions. A set of proteins, representative of the fast-folding group - specifically, cold shock proteins - is shown to agree with the proposed model.  相似文献   

Antifreeze proteins (AFP) and antifreeze glycoproteins (AFGP) lower the freezing point of marine fish plasma non-colligatively by specifically adsorbing to certain surfaces of ice crystals, modifying their structure and inhibiting further growth. While the freezing point is lowered, the melting point is unaltered and the difference between the two is termed thermal hysteresis (TH). In pure water, the level of TH is directly related to the intrinsic activity of the specific AF(G)P in solution and to their concentration. Results of this study indicate that when AF(G)P are dissolved in salt solutions, such as NaCl, encompassing the range they could encounter in nature, there is a synergistic enhancement of basal TH that is positively related to the salt concentration. This enhancement is likely a result of the hydration shell surrounding the dissolved ions and, as a consequence, reducing freezable water. A secondary reason for the enhancement is that the salt could be influencing the hydration shell surrounding the AF(G)P, increasing their solubility and thus the protein surface area available to adsorb to the ice/water interface. The former hypothesis for the salt enhanced TH has implications for the in vivo function of AF(G)P, particularly at the seawater/external epithelia (gills, skin, stomach) interface. The latter hypothesis is likely only relevant to in vitro situations where freeze dried protein is dissolved in low salt solutions.  相似文献   

Many organisms are able to survive subzero temperatures at which bodily fluids would normally be expected to freeze. These organisms have adapted to these lower temperatures by synthesizing antifreeze proteins (AFPs), capable of binding to ice, which make further growth of ice energetically unfavorable. To date, the structures of five AFPs have been determined, and they show considerable sequence and structural diversity. The type I AFP reveals a single 37-residue alpha-helical structure. We have studied the behavior of wild-type type I AFP and two "inactive" mutants (Ala17Leu and Thr13Ser/Thr24Ser) in normal and supercooled solutions of H(2)O and deuterium oxide (D(2)O) to see if the structure at temperatures below the equilibrium freezing point is different from the structure observed at above freezing temperatures. Analysis of 1D (1)H- and (13)C-NMR spectra illustrate that all three proteins remain folded as the temperature is lowered and even seem to become more alpha-helical as evidenced by (13)C(alpha)-NMR chemical shift changes. Furthermore, (13)C-T(2) NMR relaxation measurements demonstrate that the rotational correlation times of all three proteins behave in a predictable manner under all temperatures and conditions studied. These data have important implications for the structure of the AFP bound to ice as well as the mechanisms for ice-binding and protein oligomerization.  相似文献   

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