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Oviparae of Megoura viciae Buckton release a sex pheromone from numerous plaques on their hind tibiae. Adult males react to this scent in a variety of ways: inactive males are aroused; males already walking orient to the odour source; and copulatory activity is increased. These responses are only evoked within a few centimetres of the stimulus source and decline rapidly as the stimulus is diluted. Male responsiveness to the pheromone is unchanging throughout the light phase (of LD 12 : 12), although they show a marked circadian locomotor rhythm. Their sensitivity develops early in adult life and thereafter remains high, decreasing only slightly before death. However, although very young adults will orient to a pheromone source, they do not show copulatory responses until they are sexually mature. Larval males neither respond to the pheromone nor possess the antennal receptors (secondary rhinaria) which are essential for the adult reaction. Mating, and attempted copulation with suitable objects (e.g. coloured beads), is dependent upon appropriate visual and tactile stimuli; it can occur in the absence of the pheromone but is enhanced by its presence. Habituation to the scent does not prevent copulation, and conversely, copulation does not affect subsequent responsiveness to the pheromone. Once copulation has begun the pheromone has no effect on the efficiency of insemination. Vigorous intergeneric responses to the pheromones of female M.viciae and Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris were observed.  相似文献   

The consequences of cytoplasmic sex‐ratio distortion and host repression for the evolution of host sex‐determining mechanisms are examined. Analytical models and simulations are developed to investigate whether the interplay between sex‐ratio distorters and host masculinizers or resistance genes can cause heterogamety switching (changes between male and female heterogamety). Switches from female heterogamety to a system analogous to male heterogamety can occur when selection favours the spread of autosomal masculinizers. However, the evolutionary outcome depends on the type of repressor and costs associated with repression, and also on aspects of population structure. Under most conditions, systems evolved to a polymorphic sex‐determining state although many systems were characterized by numerical dominance of male heterogamety.  相似文献   

H-Y antigen was investigated in three amphibian species with different degrees of sex-chromosome differentiation: Bufo bufo, Triturus vulgaris, and Pyxicephalus adspersus. No heteromorphic sex chromosomes were found in B. bufo, but an examination of the progeny of hermaphrodites (Ponse, 1942) indicated that the female of this species was heterogametic (ZW). Sex chromosomes differing only by a very small heterochromatic region at their telomeres were found in the male of T. vulgaris (XY). Pyxicephalus adspersus revealed high differentiated ZW sex chromosomes. The results of the H-Y antigen studies on these three species indicate that H-Y antigen is expressed only in the heterogametic sex, irrespective of differences in morphological differentiation of the sex chromosomes. Therefore, H-Y antigen could be a valuable tool in determining the heterogametic sex, not only in Amphibia but possibly also in other vertebrate species that have either evolved no heteromorphic sex chromosomes or where sex-reversal experiments are not possible.  相似文献   

Although male heterogamety is the generally accepted method of sex determination in Chironomus, female heterogamety has been reported for some strains of Chironomus tentans. Some new data, combined with a reassessment of the published data, indicate that the proposal of female heterogamety rests on inconclusive data, while male heterogamety provides an adequate explanation of sex determination in C. tentans. A cross which would unambiguously discriminate between male and female heterogamety in these strains is proposed, although it is considered unlikely that female heterogamety exists in this species.  相似文献   

Many animals communicate in environments with high levels of background noise. Although it is a fundamental prediction of signal detection theory that noise should reduce both detection and discrimination of signals, little is known about these effects in animal communication. Female treefrogs, Hyla ebraccata, in Costa Rica choose mates in large noisy multispecies choruses. We tested gravid females for preferences between computer-synthesized calls with carrier frequencies of 3240 and 2960 Hz (values near the mode and the fifth percentile of the population, respectively) in four levels of background noise from a natural chorus. In the absence of noise (signal/noise ratio >25 dB), females preferred the lower frequency. With moderate signal/noise ratios (6 and 9 dB), they did not discriminate between these frequencies. With low signal/noise ratios (3 dB), females preferred the frequency near the mode for the population. Similar experiments had previously demonstrated that females can detect the presence of a male's calls with signal/noise ratios of 3 dB or greater. Thus moderate levels of natural background sound reduced a female's ability to discriminate between males' calls even when she could detect them. In high levels of background sound, females abandoned discrimination for low-frequency calls and reverted to the task of detecting signals with modal properties for the population. These results justify recent theoretical analyses of the importance of receivers' errors in the evolution of communication.  相似文献   

The sex determination system of Atlantic herring Clupea harengus L., a commercially important fish, was investigated. Low coverage whole-genome sequencing of 48 females and 55 males and a genome-wide association study revealed two regions on chromosomes 8 and 21 associated with sex. The genotyping data of the single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with sex showed that 99.4% of the available female genotypes were homozygous, whereas 68.6% of the available male genotypes were heterozygous. This is close to the theoretical expectation of homo/heterozygous distribution at low sequencing coverage when the males are factually heterozygous. This suggested a male heterogametic sex determination system in C. harengus, consistent with other species within the Clupeiformes group. There were 76 protein coding genes on the sex regions but none of these genes were previously reported master sex regulation genes, or obviously related to sex determination. However, many of these genes are expressed in testis or ovary in other species, but the exact genes controlling sex determination in C. harengus could not be identified.  相似文献   



The phenomenon of sexual conflict has been well documented, and in populations with biased operational sex ratios the consequences for the rarer sex can be severe. Females are typically a limited resource and males often evolve aggressive mating behaviors, which can improve individual fitness for the male while negatively impacting female condition and fitness. In response, females can adjust their behavior to minimize exposure to aggressive mating tactics or minimize the costs of mating harassment. While male-male competition is common in amphibian mating systems, little is known about the consequences or responses of females. The red-spotted newt (Notophthalmus viridescens) is a common pond-breeding amphibian with a complex, well-studied mating system where males aggressively court females. Breeding populations across much of its range have male-biased sex ratios and we predicted that female newts would have behavioral mechanisms to mitigate mating pressure from males. We conducted four experiments examining the costs and behavioral responses of female N. viridescens exposed to a male-biased environment.


In field enclosures, we found that female newts exposed to a male-biased environment during the five-month breeding season ended with lower body condition compared to those in a female-biased environment. Shorter-term exposure to a male-biased environment for five weeks caused a decrease in circulating total leukocyte and lymphocyte abundance in blood, which suggests females experienced physiological stress. In behavioral experiments, we found that females were more agitated in the presence of male chemical cues and females in a male-biased environment spent more time in refuge than those in a female-biased environment.


Our results indicate that male-biased conditions can incur costs to females of decreased condition and potentially increased risk of infection. However, we found that females can also alter their behavior and microhabitat use under a male-biased sex ratio. Consistent with surveys showing reduced detection probabilities for females, our research suggests that females avoid male encounters using edge and substrate habitat. Our work illustrates the integrated suite of impacts that sexual conflict can have on the structure and ecology of a population.  相似文献   

The aquatic sex pheromone splendipherin (GLVSSIGKALGGLLADVVKSKGQPA-OH) of the male green tree frog Litoria splendida moves across the surface of water to reach the female. Surface pressure and X-ray reflectometry measurements confirm that splendipherin is a surface-active molecule, and are consistent with it having an ordered structure, whereby the hydrophilic portion of the peptide interacts with the underlying water and the hydrophobic region is adjacent to the vapour phase. The movement of splendipherin over the surface of water is caused by a surface pressure gradient. In order to better define the structure of splendipherin at the water/air interface we used 2D NMR studies of the pheromone with the solvent system trifluoroethanol/water (1 : 1 v/v). In this solvent system, splendipherin adopts a bent alpha helix from residues V3 to K21. The bending of the helix occurs in the centre of the peptide in the vicinity of G11 and G12. The region of splendipherin from V3 to G11 has well-defined amphipathicity, whereas the amphipathicity from G12 to A25 is reduced by K19 and P24 intruding into the hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions respectively. A helical structure is consistent with X-ray reflectometry data.  相似文献   

The sex of chick embryos is diagnosed by cyto-karyological methods on skin fragments of 2-7 days' incubation before gonadal sex differentiation. In 44 males and 42 females statistical analyses have been made of the number and dimension of the germ cells, and of the volume of the gonadal primordia. Moreover an ultrastructural study has been made on the germ cells colonizing the genital ridges (70-hours of incubation). Early differences between the sexes have been found regarding: earlier numerical increase of CGs in the left gonadal primordium of the females; larger primordial germ cells in the female; the same cytological characteristics at ultrastructural level.  相似文献   

Three SIVMne-infected female pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) were mated with two SIV-negative males. The females exhibited signs of SAIDS and SIVMne was readily isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Both males became infected with SIVMne, developed SAIDS, and died. This is the first documented case of the transmission of SIVMne between adult macaques housed together. Although transmission through scratching or biting cannot be ruled out, heterosexual transmission appears the most likely mode of SIVMne transmission in this study.  相似文献   

Rana rugosa in Japan is divided into four geographical races on the basis of the karyotype of the sex chromosomes: one in which heteromorphic sex chromosomes occur in the female sex (ZW/ZZ-system), another in which they are present in males (XX/XY-system), and the remaining two in which no heteromorphism is seen in either sex. The last two inherit the XX/XY sex determining system. Y and Z chromosomes in the former two are of the same karyotype as the no. 7 chromosomes seen in one of the latter two, whereas X and W are caused by two inversions that occurred in the original Xs (no. 7). In this study, we first attempted to detect the structural difference between the resulting X and W by examining their chiasma formation. The chiasma distribution between X and W was closely similar to that between two Xs, suggesting that the W and X are identical in structure. Regarding the change from XX/XY- to ZW/ZZ-system, the simplest explanation is that the putative female-determining gene(s) on the W grew functionally stronger by inversions. Next, we examined the sex of triploids having two Xs and one Z. The data showed that the triploids with two original Xs and a Z were all male, whereas most of those with two resulting Xs and a Z developed into females as expected. We speculated that the female-determining gene(s) on the resulting X grew mildly stronger functionally by position effect, whereas those on the W grew much stronger for some other reason (e.g., duplication). J. Exp. Zool. 286:313-319, 2000.  相似文献   

The olfactory discrimination process of male cabbage loopermoths, Trichoplusa ni (Hübner), was assessed by measuringtheir response to one of two emission sources within a windtunnel. The males discriminated between (1) Z7–12:Ac concentrations;(2) Z7–12:Ac alone and the volatile emission from excisedfemale sex pheromone glands; and (3) Z7–12:Ac and theemission from a mixture of six synthetic pheromone componentsthat mimics the volatile emissions of a female gland. Althoughmales could discriminate between a freshly excised female sexpheromone gland and 7.4x 10–11 M Z7–12:Ac, theycould not discriminate between a gland and 78.5x10–11M Z7–12:Ac. Males also could not discriminate betweenthe mixture of six volatile compounds and 28.7x10–11 Mof Z7–12:Ac. The data show that male cabbage looper mothshave difficulty discriminating between Z7–12:Ac aloneand in mixtures with other female-emitted volatile compounds.  相似文献   

Prevention of recombination is needed to preserve both phenotypic differentiation between species and sexual phenotypic differentiation within species. For species differentiation (speciation), isolating barriers preventing recombination may be pre-zygotic (gamete transfer barriers), or post-zygotic (either a developmental barrier resulting in hybrid inviability, or a chromosomal-pairing barrier resulting in hybrid sterility). The sterility barrier is usually the first to appear and, although often initially only manifest in the heterogametic sex (Haldane's rule), is finally manifest in both sexes. For sexual differentiation, the first and only barrier is chromosomal-pairing, and always applies to the heterogametic sex. For regions of sex chromosomes affecting sexual differentiation there must be something analogous to the process generating the hybrid sterility seen when allied species cross. Explanations for Haldane's rule have generally assumed that the chromosomal-pairing barrier initiating evolutionary divergence into species is due to incompatibilities between gene products ("genic), or sets of gene products ("polygenic), rather than between chromosomes per se ("chromosomal"). However, if chromosomal incompatibilities promoting incipient sexual differentiation could also contribute to the process of incipient speciation, then a step towards speciation would have been taken in the heterogametic sex. Thus, incipient speciation, manifest as hybrid sterility when "varieties" are crossed, would appear at the earliest stage in the heterogametic sex, even in genera with homomorphic sex chromosomes (Haldane's rule for hybrid sterility). In contrast, it has been proposed that Haldane's rule for hybrid inviability needs differences in dosage compensation, so could not apply to genera with homomorphic sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

Effects of sex steroids on urine-marking activity were studied in male, female, and neonatally androgenized female mice. Urine marking was estimated by suspending ceramic tubes that were connected in a horizontal row with a steel rod into the home cage of an isolated mouse. Intact males showed high marking activity, which was diminished after castration. Both testosterone propionate (TP) and estradiol benzoate (EB) were effective in restoring the marking activity of castrated males, while 5-alpha-dihydrotesterone (DHT) did not have any stimulative effects. Intact normal females showed quite low marking activity and ovariectomy further depressed it. TP and DHT enhanced the marking of ovariectomized females, but EB restored the activity only to the preovariectomy level. In intact females which were neonatally androgenized, the marking activity was much higher than that of normal females. The pattern of the change induced by gonadectomy and hormone treatment in these females resembled that in males. Thus, ovariectomy reduced the activity and both TP and EB restored the level. These results indicate that the sexual dimorphism in the urine marking in mice is primarily determined by hormonal environment during early postnatal age. Hormonal control of scent marking is discussed in relation to the studies in other rodents.  相似文献   

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