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We observed phenology and insect visitors of chasmogamous flowers of an amphicarpic annual, Polygonum thunbergii (Polygonaceae) in Kyoto, Japan, and clarified limiting factors for fruit set by bagging and hand-pollination experiments. Flowering season was one month from late September. Flowers were visited by various insect groups (total 30 families and 64 species) and effective pollinators were lower bees (Halictidae) and wasps (Vespidae) in the early flowering season, and middle-sized flies (Syrphidae and Calliphoridae) in the later season. Nectar was secreted at a constant rate (0.013mg sugar/hour) throughout a day and >90% of it was consumed by insects. The average number of flowers per ramet was 122, of which 95% were pollinated in the natural conditions. Bagging experiments showed that 47% of flowers were self-pollinated even under no pollinator visits. Despite of a high probability of cross pollination, the probability of fruit set within the ramet was 0.30 due to resource limitation. We discussed possible adaptive significance of cleistogamous flowers under the condition that seeds could be produced by chasmogamous flowers through self-pollination even under pollinator limited conditions.  相似文献   

Background: Global climate change has the potential to shape evolutionary trajectories of invasive species via many routes, including through changes in mating systems. Many cleistogamous (CL) plants adjust investment in CL (selfed) vs. chasmogamous (CH, potentially outcrossed) progeny across environmental gradients. However, the details of such adjustments are lacking for highly invasive plant species.

Aims: We used a highly invasive grass, Microstegium vimineum, as a model for understanding how changes in water-induced stress (including potential associated changes in soil nutrient availability) might affect mating systems and thus evolutionary change in invasive species. We predicted that plants would respond to increased water-induced stress through a relative reduction in investment in CL vs. CH reproduction (i.e., a decrease in the CL:CH ratio).

Methods: Under greenhouse conditions, we measured fecundity (number of inflorescences and florets per plant) as well as relative investment in CL vs. CH florets (CL:CH ratios for number of inflorescences, florets per inflorescence, overall florets) in response to three watering treatments approximating mesic (low) to inundated (high) conditions.

Results: Plant biomass was significantly lower in high-watering treatment relative to intermediate and low treatments, indicating that the high-water condition was stressful. Contrary to expectations, stressed plants significantly increased relative investment in CL reproduction, a pattern associated with decreased inflorescence number and increased numbers of CL florets per inflorescence.

Conclusions: We conclude that changes in water-induced stress could strongly influence realised rates of outcrossing in this invasive plant, leading to mating system evolution, and altered invasiveness.  相似文献   

Gene dispersal and clonality are important aspects of plant evolution affecting the spatial genetic structure (SGS) and the long‐term survival of species. In the tropics these parameters have mostly been investigated in trees and some herbs, but rarely in climbers which frequently: (1) show clonal growth leading to a patchy distribution pattern similar to that of understory herbs; and (2) flower in the canopy where they may have access to long‐distance dispersal like canopy trees. We thus hypothesize for climbers an intermediate genetic structure between herbs and trees. The study aims at assessing breeding system and spatial extent of clonality and gene dispersal in Haumania danckelmaniana (Marantaceae), a common climber in the tropical rain forests from western Central Africa. In eastern Cameroon, 330 ramets were sampled at three spatial scales and genotyped at seven microsatellite loci. Clonality was moderate (clonal extend: 15–25 m, clonal diversity 0.4–0.65) indicating the importance of recruitment from seeds at this locality. The low inbreeding (FIS) suggested predominant outcrossing. The rate of decay of the relatedness between individuals with distance indicated limited gene dispersal distance (σ= 9–50 m, neighborhood sizes Nb = 23–67) in accordance with narrowly gravity dispersed seeds and restricted pollen transfer distance in densely flowering populations. The marked SGS (Sp = 0.011–0.026) was similar to that reported in tropical trees, but might increase with augmented clonality as in many herbs, especially under more severe disturbance regimes.  相似文献   

江谱娟  王东 《生态学报》2015,35(17):5797-5803
作为蚁播植物种子的重要传播者,蚂蚁不但取食种子上附着的油质体,也喜食其它富含蛋白质、脂类、糖和维生素等的食物,因此环境中其它可利用食物的存在可能会影响蚂蚁对种子的搬运进而影响种子散布,但目前对于这种影响是如何发生的仍不清楚。在野外研究了蚂蚁对小花宽瓣黄堇(Corydalis giraldii Fedde)种子、肉、蜂蜜、苹果、馒头等食物的趋性和偏好程度,以及添加食物后蚂蚁对种子的拜访频率和搬运效率,以揭示其它可利用食物如何影响蚂蚁觅食和取食偏好,进而影响小花宽瓣黄堇种子散布。结果显示,在所诱捕的8种蚂蚁中,玉米毛蚁(Lasius alienus(Foerster))和丝光蚁(Formica fusca Linnaeus)是小花宽瓣黄堇种子的主要搬运者,不同食物诱捕的玉米毛蚁数量无显著性差异(P0.05),但蜂蜜和苹果诱捕的丝光蚁数量均显著大于种子(P0.05)。玉米毛蚁和丝光蚁均为杂食性,在觅食中分别行使群体募集和简单协作性募集。在仅有种子的对照处理中,玉米毛蚁和丝光蚁对种子的拜访频率分别为(38.73±4.57)头和(30.8±2.87)头(40min,n=15),两种蚂蚁对种子的拜访频率差异不显著(P0.05);玉米毛蚁和丝光蚁搬运种子的效率分别为(33.87±4.22)粒和(16.27±3.35)粒(40min,n=15),玉米毛蚁的搬运效率显著高于丝光蚁(P0.05)。与对照相比,添加馒头、苹果和蜂蜜后丝光蚁对种子的拜访频率显著降低(P0.05),分别为(15.6±3.61)头、(9.07±1.4)头和(7.67±1.58)头(40min,n=15);添加苹果和蜂蜜后丝光蚁对种子的搬运效率显著降低(P0.05),分别为(3.47±1.17)粒和(2.87±0.9)粒(40min,n=15);添加不同食物后玉米毛蚁对种子的拜访频率和搬运效率均无显著变化(P0.05)。研究结果表明行使群体募集的玉米毛蚁比行使简单协作募集的丝光蚁有更高的种子搬运效率,添加食物后影响丝光蚁对种子的拜访频率和搬运效率,这说明其它可利用食物对小花宽瓣黄堇种子散布的影响与搬运蚂蚁的种类及其觅食的募集方式有关。研究结果可为进一步研究蚂蚁与植物(种子)间的互利共生关系及其影响因素提供资料。  相似文献   

Twelve fungal strains including Lecanicillium muscarium (Petch.) Zare and Gams, Isaria farinosa (Holmsk.) Fr., Fusarium sp., Beauveria bassiana Sensu Lato and Beauveria sp. were isolated from larvae and adults of D. micans. In addition, virulence of these isolates against this pest was determined. Conidia suspensions of 1×106 conidia mL–1 were applied to larvae and adults. The highest mortality and mycosis for larvae were obtained from isolate ARSEF 9271 (Beauveria bassiana) with 90% mortality and mycosis within 10 days. ARSEF 9271 also produced 93% mortality and mycosis in adults. On the other hand, the highest mortality and mycosis for adults were obtained with isolate ARSEF 9272 (Beauveria sp.), with 100% mortality and 80% mycosis within 10 days. These results indicate that isolates ARSEF 9271 and ARSEF 9272 seem to be the most promising potential fungal biocontrol agents against D. micans.  相似文献   

Ant assemblages in South African fynbos invaded by Acacia saligna were compared with ant assemblages in undisturbed fynbos to determine whether ant assemblages change under exotic plants that produce ant‐dispersed seeds. Overall, no differences in the species richness of ants were found between weed‐infested and native sites but there were differences in both ant abundance and the composition of the ant assemblage. Ants were much less abundant in weed‐infested sites. To investigate whether changes in ant assemblages in weed‐infested areas could be due to a preference for native seeds over exotic seeds, seeds of a range of species were offered to ants and ants that handled seeds were identified. Thirteen species of ants handled A. saligna seeds and there was no evidence to suggest that the ant assemblage as a whole preferred native seeds to A. saligna seeds. Hypotheses that may account for this pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Aerobically germinated seedlings of rice and Echinochloa were found to survive when placed in an anaerobic environment for 4 d, whereas pea and maize seedlings did not. Although root and shoot growth were inhibited in rice and Echinochloa under anaerobiosis, growth resumed when the seedlings were returned to aerobic conditions. Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity increased more, and protein synthesis was greater, in the shoots than in the roots under anaerobic conditions. These results suggest that, in anaerobiosis-tolerant species, ADH activity and protein synthesis in the shoots represents or results from metabolic adaptations to low oxygen. These results are discussed in terms of plant establishment and growth in a low-oxygen environment.  相似文献   

1 Great spruce bark beetle Dendroctonus micans (Kug.) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) has been subject to an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) regime in Great Britain since its first discovery in 1982. The elements of the ICM approach are sanitation felling of the initial infestations, restriction on movement of potentially infested conifers to prevent spread to uninfested parts of the country and biological control through rearing and release of the specific predatory beetle Rhizophagus grandis Gyll. (Coleoptera: Rhizophagidae). Such a programme carries costs that have to be evaluated against the benefits to the ICM strategy. 2 This paper presents a cost-effectiveness analysis of three options – (i) continue with the current policy of restriction on movement of infested timber and use of the imported predator R. grandis, (ii) do nothing (i.e. drop all attempts to reduce the spread of D. micans), or, (iii) introduce a new east–west Dendroctonus Micans Control Area (DMCA) to define the management area. Assumptions on rates of mortality and natural spread were based on research into D. micans in Britain’s spruce forests. 3 Appraisal indicated that the current policy was the most cost-effective, even when subject to sensitivity analysis to test the limits of the assumptions included in the models. It is concluded that the current policy should remain in force.  相似文献   

Populations of the Australian freshwater snail Notopala sublineata (Conrad, 1850) have declined rapidly over the last decade, but are still abundant in most river systems of Western Queensland. These rivers are characterized by the unpredictable and highly variable nature of their climatic and hydrological regimes, with episodic periods of very large flow and many periods of little or no flow. We used mitochondrial sequences and allozymes to investigate the genetic structure and infer patterns of dispersal of N. sublineata within this unique environment. We sampled 24 waterholes throughout the four major catchments of the Lake Eyre Basin. Based on a 457-bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene, we identified 55 haplotypes in a sample of 256 individuals. Both nuclear and mitochondrial genetic datasets indicated high levels of genetic subdivision and restricted gene flow among populations within and among catchments. The mitochondrial haplotypes clustered into two main geographical clades, corresponding with two groups of adjacent catchments: Cooper–Bulloo and Diamantina–Georgina, which appear to have diverged 300 000 years ago. Populations of N. sublineata within these adjacent catchments seem to have diverged relatively recently, roughly 130 000 years ago. Contemporary dispersal seems to be absent between catchments but we suggest that climate fluctuations during the Pleistocene resulted in extensive floods that promoted historical movement of aquatic organisms across catchment boundaries.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 1–16.  相似文献   

We investigated aspects of germination and seedling establishment that might influence the distribution and diversity of Carex species growing in the forest understory. We tested the ability of Carex communis and C. platyphylla to germinate and establish at plots where adult individuals of one of these two species, or one of two other Carex species (C. backii and C. plantaginea), occurred in an old-growth forest in southern Québec, Canada. We also tested for effects of leaf litter on germination and establishment of these sedges. From a series of experiments in the field and in a lath house, we found no evidence of home-site advantage with respect to germination or seedling establishment. Leaf litter had a negative effect on germination and establishment. The results emphasize the importance of dispersal and colonization events in determining local diversity and distribution of Carex species in upland forests. High frequency of occurrence of C. communis at our study site may result from relatively wide dispersal provided by ants, and a suite of traits associated with ant dispersal in some understory Carex species.  相似文献   

The effects of light and nutrient availability on chasmogamous and cleistogamous flower and fruit production were investigated in an understory tropical herb, Calathea micans (Marantaceae). I censused chasmogamous and cleistogamous flower and fruit production at five permanently marked demographic study sites in Costa Rica, characterized by different successional stages. Using a transplant experiment, I examined whether an increase in light and/or nutrients would increase chasmogamous and/or cleistogamous flower production. In natural populations as well as in the experiment, chasmogamous reproduction increased with light; nutrient availability significantly increased chasmogamous reproduction in the transplant experiment. Field observations indicated that very few plants reproduced and low investment in reproduction might have been due to poor environmental conditions. Larger plants had a higher probability of reproducing, but plant size did not have an effect on the mode of reproduction, chasmogamy vs. cleistogamy. However, the production of new vegetative shoots increased the probability of producing chasmogamous inflorescences. Cleistogamy may allow the plant to reproduce even in conditions of poor habitat quality and assures some seed set even in conditions unfavorable to plant growth.  相似文献   

In the north Ethiopian highlands, gully erosion is a significant land degradation process. Although the protective role of vegetation has been demonstrated in many studies, efforts previously made in using woody species for erosion control in the research area are limited, and when applied, survival of the planted seedlings was very low. Lack of experience and fundamental knowledge on species autecology and traits are two important bottlenecks. This study therefore aims at better understanding seedling establishment and growth in a context of tree plantings, with the view to further control gully erosion in a semi-arid environment. To this end survival, growth and development of seedlings of Acacia etbaica Schweinf., Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr. and Dodonaea angustifolia L.f. were monitored during 26 months in a field trial under different site conditions and treatments. The experiment was established at two sites characterized by topographic and edaphic conditions (Vertisol and sandy colluvium) representative for the study area. At each site, seedlings were subjected to different treatments of watering, sheltering and planting position (gully floor, sidewall and shoulder), and a large set of plant growth variables was regularly monitored. Height and biomass growth was fastest for Sesbania, even if affected by different pests. Regardless of the species, plants growing in the (nutrient-rich) Vertisol site had a higher survival rate and an overall better development. Shelter protection significantly increased survival and resulted in taller seedlings. Notwithstanding these general trends, treatment effects were often varying over time and strongly influenced by specific edaphic conditions. Generally, Acacia performed best on gully shoulder and wall, Sesbania on the gully floor and Dodonaea on shoulder positions. Recommendations for planting practice and follow-up research are discussed.  相似文献   

Similarity of dispersal behavior among siblings is common invertebrates. However, little is known about the factors (genetic,prenatal, postnatal) generating this similarity. Here we analyzedpotential influences on the dispersal patterns of multiple familiesof hatchling fence lizards, Sceloporus occidentalis. We capturednear-term females from the field, incubated their eggs in thelaboratory, measured various traits of the hatchlings and dams,and then released the hatchlings at a number of sites in nature.We recaptured hatchlings 5–6 weeks later and measuredthe direct distance to the release site. Because we treatedhatchlings (from eggs to release) randomly with respect to sibship,we eliminated the possibility that any observed sibling similarityin dispersal is merely an artifact of common postnatal influences.To analyze dispersal, we developed a new method that does notmake an arbitrary choice of a threshold distance separatingdispersers from nondispersers. We found a significant familyeffect on dispersal. We suspect that this family effect originatesfrom genetic influences rather than from prenatal ones. Indeed,hatchling dispersal was remarkably unrelated to numerous traits(of clutches, mothers, or hatchlings) that might reflect prenataleffects. However, we did find that males were more likely todisperse than females, as predicted for polygynous species.Finally, characteristics of the release site did not appearto influence dispersal.  相似文献   

Smyrnium perfoliatum L. (Apiaceae), an endangered summer forest herb grown in the understory of dominant oak-hornbeam stands in Devinska Kobyla, Little Carpathians region in SW Slovakia, is considered to form at least five leaf types of different physiological and anatomical quality. These observation are based upon the estimated differences of photosynthetic carbon dioxide uptake, chlorophyll content, leaf anatomy, and several quantitative parameters of growth analysis. There is a further attempt to establish, to what extent the daily changing environment, especially the excess of light of fast-moving sun-flecks by the photosynthetic apparatus within any leaf type, according to its dominant shade adaptation could be effectively used.  相似文献   

Bats are responsible for many ecological services, such as seed dispersal of several plant species, contributing to the processes of succession and forest regeneration. A factor that can interfere with this process is the animal digestion, which can affect germination, altering the patterns of seedling distribution. The effects of seed passage through bats’ guts varies with the species, leading to some discrepancies in the literature. In this study, we tested the digestion time of one Phyllostomidae bat species, Sturnira lilium, in two Neotropical plants: Solanum paniculatum and Ficus organensis, and the effects on seed germination. The experiment was conducted in captivity and the germination tests were made in laboratory conditions. The results suggested that most seeds ingested by S. lilium are dispersed within 40 min for both species and the digestion seems not to significantly affect the germination of F. organensis, despite the slight acceleration of germination. In S. paniculatum, germination occurred only in the control (39%), whereas in the treatments, all the seeds remained dormant during the 25 experimental days. In this case, the digestion of S. lilium possibly contributes to the formation of seed banks, randomizing the temporal distribution of seedlings.  相似文献   

Many alpine species are under threat from global climate change, as their geographic ranges become increasingly fragmented and unsuitable. Understanding rates and determinants of gene flow among such fragmented populations, over historical as well as recent timescales, can help to identify populations under threat. It is also important to clarify the degree to which loss of local populations reduces overall genetic diversity within the taxon. The endangered Blue Mountains Water Skink (Eulamprus leuraensis) is restricted to <40 small swamps in montane south‐eastern Australia. Our analyses of seven microsatellite loci of 241 animals from 13 populations show strong geographic structure, with major genetic divergence even between populations separated by <0.5 km. Dispersal between populations is scarce, and appears to involve mostly males. Our analyses suggest potential recent bottleneck events in all the identified populations, and lower genetic diversity and population size parameter at lower‐elevation sites than at higher‐elevation sites. Management of this endangered taxon thus needs to treat most populations separately, because of their genetic distinctiveness and low rates of genetic exchange.  相似文献   

Summary Rapid in vitro propagation of Limonium wrightii (Hance) Ktze. (Plumbaginaceae), an endangered medicinal plant, was achieved by culturing the shoot-tip (primary and lateral), leaf- and influorescence-node explants. MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) medium supplemented with 8.87 μMN6-benyladenine (BA) and 1.07 μM α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) supported induction of adventitious shoots from the shoot-tip, inflorescence-node and middle and basal parts of leaf explants after 60 d of culture. Adventitious shoots were multiplied by subculturing on MS medium supplemented with BA (2,21–17.75 μM) in combination with NAA (1.07 μM). The percentage of explants forming shoots and the average number of adventitious shoot buds produced per explant were stimulated by increasing the strength (1/4x, 1/2x, 1x, 2x) of the MS medium. Shoots were rooted on MS basal medium with 4.92 μM indole-3-butyric acid. Plantlets with a morphologically normal appearance produced from adventitious shoots were transferred to soil and acclimated in the growth chamber for 1 mo.  相似文献   

The fruits of the genus Knautia differ from those of all other Dipsacaceae by the possession of a white, ± hemispherical basal appendage (elaiosome). In a series of field experiments Sernander (1906) demonstrated that, due to this elaiosome, the fruits of Knautia are dispersed by ants. Sernander (1906) assumed that the elaiosome is built from fused bracts (forming the epicalyx) whereas Bresinsky (1963) interpreted it as part of the perianth. In the present study the elaiosome development was investigated in four species of all three subgenera of Knautia: subg. Trichera (K. drymeia, K. dipsacifolia), subg. Tricheranthes (K. integrifolia) and subg. Knautia (K. orientalis). A comparison with early stages of the fruit development in other Dipsacaceae (e.g., Lomelosia graminifolia) indicates that the elaiosome is of epicalyx origin. In all species of Knautia the development of the elaiosome begins prior to anthesis and independently of fertilization. The growth of the elaiosome tissue in K. orientalis is mainly caused by periclinal cell divisions in the subepidermal layers of the epicalyx base. In K. dipsacifolia and K. drymeia a meristem around the base of the central bundle, which supplies epicalyx and flower, becomes active and develops cells in cascade-like rows. The elaiosome cells of ripe fruits are filled with numerous oil droplets. Moreover the central bundle increases by the formation of additional phloem cells. In addition, other important morphological adaptations to ant dispersal are demonstrated: the hair-cover of the fruit and strongly lignified horizontal vascular bundles between elaiosome and seed prevent the seed from being eaten; a lignified cramp anchors the elaiosome to the fruit; and thickened and strongly cutinized walls of the epidermis protect the elaiosome during dispersal. In regard to germination, a correlation between the removal of the elaiosome and germination speed and rate was found; fruits with dissected elaiosomes germinate faster and with a higher germination rate than fruits with elaiosomes.  相似文献   

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