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The evolution of gynodioecy from hermaphroditism involves modifications of floral structure such that male or female fitness is enhanced in hermaphrodites and females, respectively. We present an analysis of structural specialization of flowers of Ocotea tenera, in order to evaluate gender system evolution in this tropical tree species. Significant morphological and anatomical variation was found between high fruiting and low or nonfruiting trees. Female flowers were significantly smaller than hermaphroditic flowers, produced no viable pollen, and made relatively greater allocation to structures that increase female fitness. Hermaphroditic flowers were significantly larger than female flowers, produced copious quantities of pollen, and made relatively greater allocation to male structures. Analyses indicated that changes in allometries between whole-flower growth and growth of reproductive structures may have occurred, which enhance function of the flower and plant as a male or female. Efficiency of nutrient allocation for reproduction is argued to be a factor driving gender system evolution in Ocotea tenera.  相似文献   

The mating system of the tropical rainforest tree Carapa procera was studied for a population located within a sylvicultural trial in French Guiana. We used the mixed-mating model with the genotypes of 47 open-pollinated progenies at ten polymorphic loci, obtained through isozyme analysis. Seeds were collected on both logged and unlogged (control) plots, which were interspersed. A high multilocus outcrossing rate (0.78) was found for the global population. and there was indirect evidence for nonrandom mating for outcrosses. It is argued that this may be due to some kind of positive assortative mating, probably biparental inbreeding. Correlation of selfing between sibs was not significantly different from zero. and the proportion of full-sibs among outcrossed sib-pairs was significant but low (0.16). We found significant differences between outcrossing rates when computing separate estimates for the 14 trees located on logged plots (tm = 0.63) and the 33 trees located on undisturbed plots (tm = 0.85). It is argued that the decrease in density is probably not the only cause of the decrease in outcrossing rate on logged plots. Lastly, several points concerning the reliability of the estimation are outlined. In particular. the downward bias due to ignoring null alleles during genetic interpretations of zymograms is quantified in a few cases by simulating artificial populations.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of avian seed dispersal on the structuring of genetic diversity in a population of a tropical tree, Ocotea tenera (Lauraceae). The seeds of O. tenera are principally dispersed by four, relatively specialized, fruit-eating bird species (emerald toucanets, keel-billed toucans, resplendent quetzals, and three-wattled bellbirds). We found high genetic diversity within the overall population and significant, nonrandom structuring of that diversity among subpopulations. Subpopulations contained members of several sibling groups, and most saplings within subpopulations were shown not to be the progeny of adult trees within the same subpopulation. Our data indicate that O. tenera subpopulations are founded with several seeds from few maternal families, and that this mode of establishment is an important determinant of population genetic architecture.  相似文献   

Ocotea porosa has been extensively exploited over the past few decades because of the quality of its wood. Today, populations are reduced and the species is now included in the Red List of threatened species by the International Union for Nature Conservation. For conservation and management purposes, it is extremely important that we understand its reproductive ecology. Floral morphology was described based on field and scanning electron microscopic examination. The reproductive system was determined through experimentally controlled pollination along with observations of pollen tube growth. Pollinators were identified through field observations. Flowers of O. porosa are small, shallow, inconspicuous, asynchronous and grouped in inflorescences. This species presented self‐compatibility, but did not reproduce through apomixy and spontaneous self‐pollination was very rare (5%). Despite being monoclinal, flowers were protogynic, and the gynoecium was receptive after the first day of anthesis when the anthers were closed. Spontaneous self‐pollination was avoided by the extrorse position of the anthers of the internal stamens. Frankliniella gardeniae (Thysanoptera) was the only pollinating species observed and, after visiting several asynchronous flowers in the same inflorescence, favors geitonogamy. Together the small distance supposedly achieved by thrips in flight and the small population density of O. porosa can reduce the chances of cross‐pollination in this species. If so, conservation measures must include preservation of the current population and possibly planting to increase population density. This would reduce the distance between individuals and increase genetic variability. Thrips as pollinators must be included in conservation planning for O. porosa.  相似文献   

The floral phenology, fruit and seed production, and self-compatibility of Werauhia gladioliflora, an epiphytic bromeliad with a wide distribution, were studied in a premontane forest in the Monteverde area in Costa Rica. The species presents the pollination syndrome of chiropterophily, and it is visited by the small bats Hylonycteris underwoodi and Glossophaga commissarisi (Glossophaginae). The population flowering period extended from October to early December (end of rainy season) and seed dispersal occurred from February to April (dry season). Most plants opened a single flower per night, either every day or at one-day intervals during the flowering period. In natural conditions, the average fruit set amounted to almost half of the potential output, but individual fecundity (number of seeds) remained high. Seed number per fruit and germination capacity after artificial selfing and out-crossing treatments did not differ from natural pollination conditions. Werauhia gladioliflora exhibited high levels of autonomous self-pollination and self-compatibility at the individual and population level, characters associated with the epiphytic habitat. These reproductive traits are also associated with early colonizer species, yet life history traits, such as seed dispersal, seedling establishment success, and growth, are likely to have a major role in determining the presence of this species in the successional vegetation patches scattered over the studied premontane area.  相似文献   

Abstract Levels of selfing and resource allocation patterns were investigated in Schiedea salicaria (Caryophyllaceae), a gynodioecious species with high levels of inbreeding depression and nuclear control of male sterility. Selfing levels were higher in hermaphrodites than females, especially when adjusted for early acting inbreeding depression. The sexes of S. salicaria were similar in most allocation patterns including number of flowers and capsules per inflorescence, seeds per flower, and seed mass. Seeds produced by females had higher levels of germination than seeds of hermaphrodites, a likely result of high selfing levels and the expression of inbreeding depression in the progeny of hermaphrodites. Invasion of females in populations of S. salicaria is probably related to the expression of inbreeding depression at germination and in later life history stages. Comparisons with related species of Schiedea that also have nuclear control of male sterility suggest that reallocation of resources in hermaphrodites to male function occurs as females increase in frequency, but that resource reallocation is not important for the success of females when they first invade populations.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: In dioecious species, selection should favor different leaf sizes in males and females whenever the sexes experience distinct environments or constraints such as different costs of reproduction. We took advantage of a long-term experimental study of Ocotea tenera (Lauraceae), a dioecious understory tree in Monteverde, Costa Rica, to explore leaf size differences between genders and age classes across generations. ? Methods: We measured leaf size in adult trees in a natural population, in their adult F(1) offspring in two experimental populations, and in their F(2) offspring at the seedling stage. Individual trees were measured at various times over 20 yr. ? Results: Leaves of female trees averaged 8% longer and 12% greater in area than those of males. Leaves were sexually dimorphic at reproductive maturity. Leaf size declined during the lifetime of most trees. Heritability estimates for leaf length were positive although not statistically significant (h(2) = 0.63, SE = 0.48, P = 0.095). ? Conclusions: We ruled out the ecological causation hypothesis for sexual dimorphism in leaf size because male and female trees co-occurred in the same habitats. Sexual dimorphism appeared not to result from genetic or phenotypic correlations with other traits such as height or flower size. Rather, females appear to compensate for higher costs of reproduction and diminished photosynthetic capacity by producing larger leaves. Additive genetic variance in leaf size, a prerequisite for an evolutionary response to selection for sexual dimorphism, was suggested by positive (although only marginally significant) heritability estimates.  相似文献   

1. The distribution patterns of sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae) upon tree buttresses were studied in tropical rain forest at Finca la Selva in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica. 2. Four species of sandfly, Lutzomyia shannoni Dyar, L. trapidoi F. & H., L. ylephiletor F. & H. and L. vespertilionis F. & H. comprising 97% of those caught, used tree buttresses as diurnal resting sites. Their distribution on the buttresses was aggregated. 3. During the dry season tree species had no significant effect upon the distribution of the sandflies. However, during the wet season the distributions of two of the species, L. trapidoi and L. ylephiletor, were significantly affected by the species of tree; it is suggested that some species of tree may provide greater protection from rainfall than others. 4. L. vespertilionis was restricted to a single buttress on each positive tree. Distribution of this species is evidently determined by the distribution of its host animal, the bat (Emballonuridae). Female flies feed upon the bat's blood and male flies may be attracted to the bat as it provides a source of female sandflies. It is suggested, therefore, that tree buttresses serve as sandfly swarming sites. 5. Within a large buttress the sandflies are not randomly distributed but are aggregated in particular areas. Within these aggregations, the sandflies are vertically zoned upon the buttress with a shift in species composition with height. Two hypothesis were suggested to account for this distribution pattern: a response to an environmental gradient or an interaction between the four species of fly.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic analysis of progeny arrays was used to determine whether Ardisia escallonioides (Myrsinaceae). a self-compatible tropical understory shrub in south Florida, exhibits a mixed-mating system. Ten seedlings from seven to 16 maternal plants from four populations were analyzed using five polymorphic enzyme systems. Multilocus population out-crossing rates ranged from 0.39 to > 1, with three populations showing high levels of selfing. Both single and multilocus inbreeding coefficients (F) indicated excess homozygosity in seedlings but not adults for three of the four populations. Population outcrossing rate was not positively correlated with increased numbers of flowering plants. The importance of annual variation in population outcrossing rates is discussed with regard to the high temporal variability in seedling recruitment in this species.  相似文献   

We developed eight microsatellite markers for Cryptocarya mackinnoniana to study the spatial genetic structure and ecological correlates of parentage in secondary rainforests in Australia's Wet Tropics. The microsatellite loci were screened in 99 trees, and 623 seedlings < 0.24 m tall, at a site extending from primary rainforest into adjacent 50‐year‐old secondary rainforest. The eight loci were polymorphic, exhibiting between three and 11 alleles, and gene diversity (HE) from 0.25 to 0.84. For the trees, no departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were detected, except at locus Cm03, which had an estimated null allele frequency of 0.0903. No locus combinations exhibited linkage disequilibrium.  相似文献   

1. In tropical rain forest, phlebotomine sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae), such as Lutzomyia vespertilionis and L.ylephiletor, have an aggregated distribution on their tree buttress diurnal resting sites, as studied during 1987-88 at Finca la Selva in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica. 2. Experimental transfer of flies to trees not used as resting sites indicated that many apparently suitable sites remain unoccupied. 3. Observations of sandflies on the buttresses revealed that males and females are juxtaposed more frequently than expected by chance alone. Courtship behaviour by three of the four species of sandfly studied was observed on the buttresses. 4. It is suggested that the use of buttresses as swarming sites for mating behaviour is more likely to account for the observed distribution patterns of sandflies than their use of buttresses simply as diurnal resting sites.  相似文献   

Multi‐year studies comparing changes in litterfall biomass and nutrient inputs in sites under different restoration practices are lacking. We evaluated litterfall dynamics and nutrient inputs at 5 yr and after a decade of recovery in four treatments (natural regeneration—no planting, plantation—entire area planted, tree islands—planting in patches, and reference forest) at multiple sites in an agricultural landscape in southern Costa Rica. We inter‐planted two native species (Terminalia amazonia and Vochysia guatemalensis) and two naturalized N‐fixing species (Inga edulis and Erythrina poeppigiana) in plantation and island treatments. Although litterfall N was higher in plantations in the first sampling period, litter production and overall inputs of C, N, Ca, Mg, P, Cu, Mn, and Fe did not differ between island, plantation, or reference forest after a decade; however, all were greater than in natural regeneration. Potassium inputs were lower in the natural regeneration, intermediate in island and plantation, and greater in reference forest. The percentage of litterfall comprised by the N‐fixing planted species declined by nearly two‐thirds in both plantations and islands between sampling periods, while the percentage of V. guatemalensis more than doubled, and the percentage from naturally regenerated species increased from 27 to 47 percent in islands. Island and plantation treatments were equally effective at restoring litterfall and nutrient inputs to levels similar to the reference system. The nutrient input changed substantially over the 7‐yr interval between measurements, reflecting shifts in vegetation composition and demonstrating how rapidly nutrient cycling dynamics can change in recovering forests.  相似文献   

In order to quantify and characterize the variance in rainforest tree physiology, whole tree sap flow responses to local environmental conditions were investigated in 10 species of trees with diverse traits at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. A simple model was developed to predict tree sap flow responses to a synthetic environmental variable generated by a principle components analysis. The best fit was obtained with a sigmoid function which explained between 74 and 93% of the variation in sap flux of individual trees. Sap flow reached an asymptote where higher light and evaporative demand did not cause sap flux to increase further. Soil moisture had little influence on sap flux. The morphological characteristics of the trees significantly affected sap flow; taller trees responded to changes in environmental variables sooner than shorter trees and high liana cover buffered tree sap flow responses to weather. The effect of species‐specific differences on the model was small; the mean effectiveness of the model was reduced by 6% when parameters were estimated from a single pool of measurements taken from all individuals. The results indicate that sap flow response could be effectively estimated using a simple general model and composite environmental index for these 10 diverse tree species.  相似文献   

We investigated inbreeding depression and selfing in hermaphroditic Schiedea menziesii to assess the stability of the breeding system. A combination of high selfing rates and strong inbreeding depression suggests that the mating system is unstable. The population-level selfing rate measured in three years ranged considerably from 0.425 (SE = 0.138) to 0.704 (0.048); family measures of selfing rate varied from zero to one in all three years. Inbreeding coefficients did not differ from zero, suggesting that inbred plants do not survive to reproduction in the field. Average inbreeding depression measured in two greenhouse experiments was 0.608-0.870, with values for individual plants ranging from -0.170 to 0.940. The magnitude of inbreeding depression expressed at different life-history stages depended on experimental conditions. When plants were grown during the winter, inbreeding depression was expressed at early and late life-history stages. When plants were grown during the summer, inbreeding depression was detected for germination but not for later life-history stages. Inbreeding depression for vegetative and inflorescence biomass was also measured using field-collected seeds where cross status was assigned using genotypes determined electrophoretically. We did not detect a relation between inbreeding depression and the selfing rate at the level of the individual plant. We saw no evidence for intrafloral selfing, suggesting that the evolution of increased selfing through autogamy is unlikely, despite high selfing rates. A more likely outcome of breeding system instability is the evolution of gynodioecy, which occurs in species of Schiedea closely related to S. menziesii. Females have been detected in progeny of S. menziesii that have been raised in the greenhouse. In the absence of biotic pollen vectors, the failure of these females to establish in the natural population may result from the absence of adaptations for wind pollination.  相似文献   

Mating system of Bracon hebetor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 We report on the mating system of a field population of the parasitic wasp, Bracon hebetor, on a corn pile infested by the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella. We demonstrate that the mating system is based upon male scramble competition polygyny with male aggregations on high places on the corn.
  • 2 The sex ratio among adults was greater than 80% males on the surface of the corn, whereas below the surface the sex ratio was less than 45%. Males actively courted females on the surface, but there were no aggressive interactions among males during courtship or mating.
  • 3 Approximately 20% of the females found on the surface of the corn had no sperm in their spermathecae, regardless of age, but the numbers of unmated females decreased later during the day.
  • 4 In laboratory studies we showed that females from this population oviposit a female biassed sex ratio, and that only 14% of females were mated before dispersing from their place of emergence.
  • 5 Thus sib-mating is unlikely in this gregarious parasitoid. This outcrossing mating system probably arose because of severe inbreeding depression that B.hebetor suffers via a sex locus: diploids that are heterozygous at the sex locus develop into females, but homozygous diploids are male and are generally inviable. The female biassed sex ratio may have evolved in B. hebetor in response to males being the more expensive sex, females dispersing more frequently from the population than males, or a fraction of females remaining unmated in the population.

Eight polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed in Dryobalanops aromatica, an emergent tree in tropical rain forests in Southeast Asia, using an enriched library method. For the assessment of microsatellite variation, 36 individuals from a natural population were analysed. The number of alleles per locus ranged from three to 16, with observed heterozygosity of 0.056–0.833 and expected heterozygosity of 0.054–0.882. These microsatellite markers will be useful for studies of population genetics, reproductive ecology and regeneration dynamics of D. aromatica.  相似文献   

Aim We analyse the proximate causes of the large variation in flowering periodicity among four tropical dry forests (TDF) and ask whether climatic periodicity or biotic interactions are the ultimate causes of flowering periodicity. Location The four TDFs in Guanacaste (Costa Rica), Yucatan, Jalisco and Sonora (Mexico) are characterized by a 5–7 month long dry season and are located along a gradient of increasing latitude (10–30°N). Methods To dissect the differences in flowering periodicity observed at the community level, individual tree species were assigned to ‘flowering types’, i.e. groups of species with characteristic flowering periods determined by similar combinations of environmental flowering cues and vegetative phenology. Results Large variation in the fraction of species and flowering types blooming during the dry and wet season, respectively, indicates large differences in the severity of seasonal drought among the four forests. In the dry upland forests of Jalisco, flowering of leafless trees remains suppressed during severe seasonal drought and is triggered by the first rains of the wet season. In the other forests, leaf shedding, exceptional rainfall or increasing daylength cause flowering of many deciduous species at various times during the dry season, well before the summer rains. The fraction of deciduous species leafing out during the summer rains and flowering when leafless during the dry season is largest in the Sonoran TDF. Main conclusions In many wide‐ranging species the phenotypic plasticity of flowering periodicity is large. The distinct temporal separation of spring flowering on leafless shoots and subsequent summer flushing represents a unique adaptation of tree development to climates with a relatively short rainy season and a long dry season. Seasonal variation in rainfall and soil water availability apparently constitutes not only the proximate, but also the ultimate cause of flowering periodicity, which is unlikely to have evolved in response to biotic adaptive pressures.  相似文献   

Assessment of forest responses to climate change is severely hampered by the limited information on tree death on short temporal and broad spatial scales, particularly in tropical forests. We used 1‐m resolution panchromatic IKONOS and 0.7‐m resolution QuickBird satellite data, acquired in 2000 and 2002, respectively, to evaluate tree death rates at the La Selva Biological Station in old‐growth Tropical Wet Forest in Costa Rica, Central America. Using a calibration factor derived from ground inspection of tree deaths predicted from the images, we calculated a landscape‐scale annual exponential death rate of 2.8%. This corresponds closely to data for all canopy‐level trees in 18 forest inventory plots, each of 0.5 ha, for a mostly‐overlapping 2‐year period (2.8% per year). This study shows that high‐spatial‐resolution satellite data can now be used to measure old‐growth tropical rain forest tree death rates, suggesting many new avenues for tropical forest ecology and global change research.  相似文献   

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