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Synopsis Shoals of 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, and 20 bluntnose minnows,Pimephales notatus, were allowed to forage in the absence and presence of a fish predator, which was separated from the shoal by a clear plexiglass partition. A typical dilution effect was observed in that individual fish in larger shoals were approached less frequently by the predator. In the absence of a predator, foraging latency decreased significantly and the rate of foraging increased with increasing shoal size. Foraging latency for each shoal size tended to increase in the presence of a predator and foraging rate decreased, significantly for shoals of 7, 15, and 20 fish. Members of larger shoals were safer and enjoyed a greater level of food consumption, perhaps due to decreased individual vigilance for predators and social facilitation. However, foraging effort decreased when a predator was present, as more time was allocated to predator avoidance.  相似文献   

Potential community effects of nutrient enhancement are a topic of theoretical interest and increasing management concern in coastal marine systems. While increased nutrient levels may lead to increased microalgal production and biomass, studies have provided variable evidence regarding the existence of upward cascade effects on macrofauna. In benthic marine communities, limitation by predation or factors preventing recruitment response may contribute to weak coupling between resource availability and macrobenthos abundances. We conducted blocked nutrient addition and predator exclusion experiments in the intertidal of two estuaries that varied in background nutrient concentrations (Cape Fear and White Oak, southeastern North Carolina). Benthic community comparisons were also made among these and two other North Carolina estuaries to examine correlations in distribution patterns. Cape Fear, which had the highest background nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations, also had highest ambient benthic microalgal biomass. There was no significant response of microalgal biomass to local nutrient additions in Cape Fear and only one macrofaunal taxon during one season exhibited abundance responses to nutrient additions. White Oak, with lower background nutrient levels, was characterized by significant microalgal responses to nutrient additions and significant macrofauna abundance responses for 50% of the species examined during summer experiments. However, all of these macrofauna declined in abundance with nutrient enhancement while biomass remained constant or significantly increased with nutrient additions. This suggests a complex response of macrofauna to nutrient additions in this estuary with greater biomass per individual but a corresponding decline in abundances. Top-down/bottom-up interactive effects were observed for haustoriid amphipods, which were uncommon or absent when predators had access, but exhibited strong biomass responses to nutrient enhancement when predators were excluded. These results support a growing body of literature that indicates the importance of background conditions in regulating benthic community responses to nutrient enhancement. However, responses may be complex with biomass per individual rather than densities being the primary response variable for some taxa and predator moderation of responses occurring for some taxa but not others.  相似文献   

1. Saproxylic beetles (Coleoptera) have particular requirements for dead wood. Little is known about their larval development, especially within intermediate and late stages of dead wood decay. 2. We studied the natural foraging behaviour of three saproxylic beetles with morphologically similar (i.e. convergent) larvae and similar habitat requirements –Cucujus cinnaberinus Scopoli (Cucujidae), Pyrochroa coccinea L., and Schizotus pectinicornis L. (Pyrochroidae) – examining dietary components using visual gut content analysis. 3. There were few significant differences in diet among the study species, but there were significant differences for the different dietary components in individual species. Guts of all three species included more plant and fungal material than animal. We also observed that with increasing body size larvae foraged significantly less on fungal material. We observed significant differences among species and selection with respect to body size during the overwintering period. Larvae swallowed more animal and less fungal material with increasing body size. 4. The study species seem to be opportunistic foragers, varying their foraging capability according to seasonality and age. They probably generally foraged woody material infested by filamentous fungi (i.e. xylomycetophagy), swallowing other material that is in their way while foraging, including animal parts and small arthropods. 5. We found that morphologically similar larvae do not differ much in their foraging behaviour even when sharing the same habitat. Larval size seems to be a useful predictor for foraging behaviour of saproxylic beetles within the same guild. The study species are probably occasional predators with less ability to forage on other animals than previously suggested.  相似文献   

Many prey species detect chemical cues from predators and modify their behaviours in ways that reduce their risk of predation. Theory predicts that prey should modify their anti-predator responses according to the degree of threat posed by the predator. That is, prey should show the strongest responses to chemicals of highly dangerous prey, but should ignore or respond weakly to chemicals from non-dangerous predators. However, if anti-predator behaviours are not costly, and predators are rarely encountered, prey may exhibit generalised antipredator behaviours to dangerous and non-dangerous predators. In Australia, most elapid snakes eat lizards, and are therefore potentially dangerous to lizard prey. Recently, we found that the nocturnal velvet gecko Oedura lesueurii responds to chemicals from dangerous and non-dangerous elapid snakes, suggesting that it displays gen-eralised anti-predator behaviours to chemicals from elapid snakes. To explore the generality of this result, we videotaped the be-haviour of velvet geckos in the presence of chemical cues from two small elapid snakes that rarely consume geckos: the nocturnal golden-crowned snake Cacophis squamulosus and the diurnal marsh snake Hemiaspis signata. We also videotaped geckos in tri-als involving unsceted cards (controls) and cologne-scented cards (pungency controls). In trials involving Cacophis and Hemi-aspis chemicals, 50% and 63% of geckos spent long time periods (> 3 min) freezing whilst pressed flat against the substrate, re-spectively. Over half the geckos tested exhibited anti-predator behaviours (tail waving, tail vibration, running) in response to Ca-cophis (67%) or Hemiaspis (63%) chemicals. These behaviours were not observed in control or pungency control trials. Our re-sults support the idea that the velvet gecko displays generalised anti-predator responses to chemical cues from elapid snakes. Generalised responses to predator chemicals may be common in prey species that co-occur with multiple, ecologically similar, dangerous predators.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrate communities have been widely used as a tool for assessing the environmental quality of freshwater ecosystems, whereas zooplankton communities have been to some extent neglected. However, the importance of using different indicators to achieve a more comprehensive framework of assessment regarding water quality has been recognized. This study compared estimates of species richness (number of species) and the Shannon–Wiener index for data on macroinvertebrate and zooplankton communities in tropical reservoirs and related them to their trophic state. The trop+hic classification was obtained by applying the Carlson index (1977) modified by Toledo et al. (1983), and the index of the Brazilian Society of the Environmental Technology Agency. The comparative response of the different indicators was analyzed using a series of bivariate correlations (Draftsman’s plot). The results illustrate that diversity measures, namely species richness, responded differently when related to the trophic classification of reservoirs, depending on the community considered. The species richness of zooplankton was positively related to hypereutrophic conditions, due to the higher number of rotifer species, including tolerant generalist species and at the same time, as a result of the exclusion of species from other groups, whereas for macroinvertebrates, species richness was negatively related to hypereutrophic conditions. Melanoides tuberculatus, which exhibits a high tolerance and competitive ability under such conditions, was the dominant species in macroinvertebrate communities, which excluded endemic species and reduced local richness and diversity. The same indicators applied to the zooplankton and macroinvertebrate communities might therefore provide contradictory responses regarding ecological quality assessment in tropical reservoirs, which suggest that zooplankton should be taken into account among the biological quality elements considered in the ecological quality assessment, management, and restoration of water bodies.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Discrete patches of aphids were artificially created in winter wheat fields in 1982 and in 1983 using field cages.
2. Aggregation by polyphagous predators at these patches following cage removal was measured using pitfall traps in patch and control areas.
3. Several species of polyphagous beetle (Carabidae and Staphylinidae) aggregated in these patches while other species did not.
4. The consequences of aggregation by polyphagous predators to a single prey species are discussed.  相似文献   

Synopsis Green razorfish are Caribbean wrasses that live in harems on shallow sand or seagrass beds, which offer little cover for predator avoidance (PA). Field observations showed that non-conspecific fishes that intruded were either attacked, ignored, or actively avoided. Food competitors and small piscivores were attacked by male razorfish. Razorfish PA behaviors varied among three habitats with different substratum compositions, suggesting that these fish possess phenotypic plasticity for PA behavior. In a rocky-rubble habitat, razorfish dove into the coarse sand for PA, but most sand dives observed there were to soften a small site for future PA. In a sandbed habitat, they hid among coral branches and dove into the sand when attacked; few maintenance dives were observed as soft sand was widespread. In a seagrass habitat, they hid among blades of grass for PA, and dove into the sand less frequently than at the other sites. Some female razorfish that were transferred among habitats adopted PA behaviors similar to those of females in the new site, while others did not, suggesting that behavioral plasticity is not universal in this species. Razorfish spawned lower in the water column in the presence of natural predators and a predator model, than when these were absent. When the predator model was introduced into a male's territory during spawning periods, there was a reduction in his courtship rate, but not in the number of spawns he achieved. Predation pressure may reduce males' long-term fitness by causing decreased courtship rates which can facilitate sex change in harem females.  相似文献   

Detection and avoidance of predator cues can be costly, so it is important for prey to balance the benefits of gaining food against the costs of avoiding predators. Balancing these factors becomes more complicated when prey are threatened by more than one type of predator. Hence, the ability to recognize species‐specific predator odours and prioritize behaviours according to the level of risk is essential for survival. We investigated how rock rats, Zyzomys spp. modify their foraging behaviour and giving‐up density (GUD) in the presence of an apex predator, the dingo Canis dingo, a mesopredator, the northern quoll Dasyurus hallucatus, a herbivore, the rock wallaby Petrogale brachyotis as a pungency control and water as a procedural control. Both dingoes and quolls consume rock rats, but because quolls can enter small crevices inhabited by rock rats, they pose a greater threat to rock rats than dingoes. Rock rats demonstrated a stronger avoidance to quoll odour than dingo odour, and no avoidance of the pungency control (rock wallaby) and the procedural control (water). GUD values declined significantly over the duration of the study, but did not differ between odour treatments. Our results support the hypothesis that prey vary behaviour according to perceived predator threat, and show stronger responses to potentially more dangerous predators.  相似文献   

Despite potentially reducing predation mortality, behavioural responses of native species to introduced predators may still have sub-lethal impacts. In video-recorded laboratory trials, we examined the effects of introduced brown trout, Salmo trutta, on the short-term behaviour of a threatened, lake-dwelling galaxiid fish and confirmed a suspected diel pattern in habitat use by this species. We found that Galaxias auratus followed a distinct diel pattern in the use of complex habitats and open water, which was significantly altered by the presence of brown trout. In trials without the introduced predator, G. auratus used complex habitats (rocks or macrophytes) during the day, and open water during the night. In trials with brown trout present, G. auratus spent significantly less time in open water and rarely ventured out of the macrophytes. However, when given the option of using only rocky substrate or open water, which is the more common situation in the lakes to which this galaxiid is endemic, the fish reduced the amount of time they spent in the open water during the night, but still spent more time in open water than when macrophytes were available. Spending the daylight hours amongst the cover of rocks or macrophytes is most likely an adaptation to reduce the risk of predation by visual predators, and the pattern of reduced use of open water habitats in the presence of brown trout is an acute response to the close proximity of the introduced predator. The difference in the nocturnal use of macrophytes and rocks when trout are present may be related to differences in feeding opportunities or success within these habitats.  相似文献   

Todd A. Crowl 《Oecologia》1990,84(2):238-243
Summary Life-history parameters for the freshwater snail Physella virgata virgata were estimated in temporary and permanent streams with and without crayfish (known snail predators). Snails from the permanent stream with crayfish exhibited higher age and size at first reproduction, as well as higher size and age at death, compared to snail populations from both temporary streams and the permanent stream without crayfish. Life-history patterns of snails from the permanent and temporary streams without crayfish were indistinguishable, with small sizes at first reproduction and at death, as well as lower age at first reproduction and at death. The snail population from the temporary stream with crayfish showed an intermediate life-history pattern. The results suggest that snail life-history patterns vary with both predation pressure and habitat stability, exhibiting phenotypically plastic responses to the variables.  相似文献   

Insect communities of mammal dung have been known as excellent model ecosystems for scientific study. Ecological surveys of diversity and seasonal patterns of coprophilous rove beetles in relation to wild mammals have rarely been conducted, although the high potential species diversity and abundance of the rove beetles are known. In order to investigate biodiversity of these beetles, we analyzed species composition, abundance, feeding guild and seasonality of rove beetles that were attracted to sika deer Cervus nippon dung by using dung‐baited pitfall traps for a 1.5‐year study in two plantations (cypress, cedar) and one secondary natural forest (pine) in Fukuoka Prefecture, southwest Japan. Consequently, saprophagous Anotylus sp. (Oxytelinae) was dominant in all forests. Analyses of feeding guild structure showed the number of individuals were dominated by saprophagous beetles, but the number of species were dominated by predatory beetles. Seasonal effects suggested that the species richness and abundance of rove beetles are possibly regulated by scarabaeoid dung beetles. These findings feature one example of a coprophilous rove beetle community.  相似文献   

The effects of dispersal ability, measured as two wing size categories (brachypterous vs. macropterous), on the distribution, abundance and body size, and on the relationships between these variables were examined in eighty-four species of carabid beetles over twenty-two sites in the northern Iberian peninsula. Geographic ranges of species (restricted to the northern Iberian peninsula vs. widespread—European or wider range) were also taken into account in the analyses because macropterous species significantly tended to exhibit wider geographic ranges than did brachypterous species. Regional distributions were wider in brachypterous-restricted and brachypterous-widespread species than in macropterous-widespread species. The three groups did not differ in abundance. Differences in regional distributions between groups may be explained by referring to a trade-off between dispersal ability and establishment ability indicated in the literature. Macropterous species would occupy relatively few sites due to a high frequency of unsuccessful colonizations. The relationships between regional distribution and abundance were positive for all the three groups, brachypterous-restricted, brachypterous-widespread and macropterous-widespread species. The regression line for the last group showed a lower elevation than those for brachypterous-restricted and brachypterous-widespread species. This fact was probably due to differences in regional distributions between groups. No relationship between abundance and body size was significant. Regressions of regional distribution on body size were positive in brachypterous-restricted and brachypterous-widespread carabids, but the relationship was not significant in macropterous-widespread carabids. These results were interpreted in terms of differences in body size–dependency of travelling velocities between flying and running carabids.  相似文献   

设计苜蓿-麦邻作与麦-麦邻作的农田界面捕食性天敌空间分布对比试验,在距离交接界面3、6、9、12、15、18、21、24和27 m处设诱集小区,采用陷阱法诱集调查地表步甲和蜘蛛种类与数量.结果表明: 不同界面麦田边缘地表步甲和蜘蛛物种多样性和多度都表现出一定的边际效应.苜蓿 麦界面15~18 m范围内边际效应明显,超过20 m, 边际效应逐渐消失.麦-麦界面的边缘效应明显弱于苜蓿 麦界面.苜蓿的刈割使苜蓿田中的天敌向邻作麦田迁移,苜蓿刈割后10 d内,邻作小麦田20 m内地表步甲和蜘蛛种类和个体数都有所增加,其中个体数的增长幅度大、速度快.绘制了苜蓿-麦界面地表步甲和蜘蛛的物种多样性和优势种(毛青步甲和星豹蛛)种群数量空间动态分布图,能直观地看出天敌由苜蓿向小麦田的迁移过程.  相似文献   

In the trade-off between food and safety, the role of aggressiveintraspecific interactions has not been extensively examined.Here I present information on this system using a kleptoparasiticspider, Argyrodts antipodiana, and its host spider and potentialpredator, Eriophora pustulosa. A. antipodiana can feed eitherat a potentially dangerous site (the hub of its host's web withthe host), or at a relatively safe site (on food bundles aroundthe edge of the host's web). I found that A. antipodiana cangain food very quickly when feeding with the host, apparentlyby exploiting the host's ability to digest the prey. Thus A.antipodiana follows predictions based on foraging models inthat it accepts a higher predation risk at the hub because ofthe higher food payoff. A. antipodiana also aggressively competesfor access to more food. However, aggressive competition increasesthe predation risk from the host, especially at tile hub wherethe host is very close. Consequently, A. antipodiana modifiesits level of intraspecific aggressiveness in accordance withits position on the web: at the hub, where the cost of aggressionis high (due to predation risk), A. antipodiana reduces itsaggressiveness, but it is aggressive away from the hub whencompeting for food bundles. The ability of A. antipodiana tochange interaction intensity as a function of its position onthe web enables it to exploit a rich, but risky, food sourceand provides a new angle for examining food and safety tradeoffs in light of intraspecific competition for food  相似文献   

Emerging wildlife diseases are taking a heavy toll on animal and plant species worldwide. Mitigation, particularly in the initial epidemic phase, is hindered by uncertainty about the epidemiology and management of emerging diseases, but also by vague or poorly defined objectives. Here, we use a quantitative analysis to assess how the decision context of mitigation objectives, available strategies and practical constraints influences the decision of whether and how to respond to epidemics in wildlife. To illustrate our approach, we parametrized the model for European fire salamanders affected by Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans, and explored different combinations of conservation, containment and budgetary objectives. We found that in approximately half of those scenarios, host removal strategies perform equal to or worse than no management at all during a local outbreak, particularly where removal cannot exclusively target infected individuals. Moreover, the window for intervention shrinks rapidly if an outbreak is detected late or if a response is delayed. Clearly defining the decision context is, therefore, vital to plan meaningful responses to novel outbreaks. Explicitly stating objectives, strategies and constraints, if possible before an outbreak occurs, avoids wasting precious resources and creating false expectations about what can and cannot be achieved during the epidemic phase.  相似文献   

Conservation efforts require an understanding of the basic behavior and ecology of target species. However, limited information exists for a wide range of taxa, including declining species of rockfish (genus Sebastes). First, we observed captive juvenile China rockfish (S. nebulosus) to determine how they interact with their environment and conspecifics. Juveniles exhibited site fidelity and territoriality. These aggressive interactions occurred within the context of size-biased dominance, centered on competition for structurally complex habitat. Given the apparent importance of structure and the absence of structure in typical hatchery environments, we then asked how the absence of structure affects future behavior. When barren-reared and structure-reared juveniles were combined into a structurally complex aquarium, barren-reared fish displayed less structure use and less site fidelity than structure-reared fish. However, after 1 to 2 weeks, barren-reared fish began to use structure and showed site fidelity that eventually equaled that of structure-reared juveniles, showing that those behavioral effects of the rearing environment were not permanent. Though these short-term effects may still impact survival after hatchery release, we were unable to detect significant effects on vulnerability to a predator (lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus) in laboratory trials.  相似文献   

Increased perception of predation risk can cause changes in activity, feeding and reproductive behavior in a wide range of taxa. Many small mammals in the temperate zone exhibit fluctuations in body mass in response to changing photoperiod. Bank voles lose body mass in winter which they regain when photoperiod increases in the spring. To determine if predation risk affects seasonal changes in body mass (BM), bank voles were exposed to two concentrations (low: LC and high: HC) of weasel feces. Food intake (FI) and daily energy expenditure (DEE) were measured to establish if differences in body mass were due to adjustment in energy intake or expenditure. Fecal corticosterone (CORT) was measured to assess whether the voles had detected and responded to predator feces as a physiological stressor. Voles of both sexes had higher levels of fecal CORT in the groups exposed to weasel feces compared to controls. Voles responded to the predator feces in a sex- and concentration-dependent manner. Males responded to LC feces by gaining less mass following the change in photoperiod. This was mediated by reduced FI and higher DEE. Female voles also gained less BM in response to HC feces, but increased both FI and DEE. We hypothesize that males may gain a short-term advantage by lowering BM in response to predation risk, which may be regained without affecting reproductive success. The consequences of mass loss in females may be more significant as this may delay the onset of breeding or reduce the size or number of young, thereby negatively affecting breeding success.  相似文献   

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